HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-09-21, Page 9QUICit CANADIAN QUIZ 3. 1. What three provinces have their own flags? 2. What Canadian girl in one 4. month in 1948 won the Europ- $'an, Olympic and World figure skating championships? • What proportion of Canadian business firms operate at a loss? In 1951 the Canadian labor force totalled 5.2 million per- sons. What is the 1961 fig- ure? , , g 5. The average annual cost per employee - for, the so•ealled "fringe benefits" provided by Canadian industry is $103, $518 or $1,036. S: 5. $1,036 a year. 3. Oitile-third. 1, Nova Quebec and British . Columbia. 4. About 0.5 million persons. 2. Barham Scettp--'b A classified ad brings quick results. w The Ontario town of Brock- ville was once called Snarling - town by outsiders because of the .)fitter argument of villages over hether it should have the name ,f Williamstown or Elizabeth - •o mok PORK L RIB PORTION 3 -31/2 -Ib Average Ib c TENDERLOIN PORTION --3-3' -Ib Av. 1,49, CHECK cind COMPARE- CENTRE CUTS ; Nobody has as many low OP CHOPS meat prices as ALP! RIB HALF LOIN Ib47c TENDERLOIN HALF LOIN 1b5 7c GROUND CHUCK :FUIIILDER CORNISH ROCK- HENS.'�. PRIME RIB ROAST SHORT CUT COTTAGE ROLLS MILDCURE, VAC PAC SWEET PICKLED , Ib 49c each 79c ib 59c Ib 5 7c Save on Canned Foods at AQP A&P'"New Pack" Fancy Quality Reg. tin 29c -SAVE 17c TOMATO JUICE 448-f-0ztn99 CASE OF 12 TINS $2.97 - SAVE S1c c. "New Pack" Choice Quality _ - Reg. tin 3&c--SAVE.-6e. -_ A&P PEACHES 3 28 -f1 -oz tins 99c CASE OF 24 TINS'$7.92 -- SAVE 48c • "New Pack" Fancy Whole AQP KERNEL CORN CASE OF 24 TINS $3.96 • SPECIAL! 6 14 -fl -oz tins 99c Clark's (in Tomato Sauce) .PORK & BEANS CASE OF 24 TINS $3,96 SPECIAL! 620 • .....--- , fl ortinsc Super Bight, An Meat, Brown 'A Serve ,r SAUSAGE PATTIES Fancy'Quality, Sliced PORK LIVER Thinly Sliced, Vac Pac COOKED HAM 8-ozpkg 39c lb 29c. 6-oz-pkg 49, Jellied Pork HEAD CHEESE 12 -oz plastic cont. 3 9c Sliced Beef BOLOGNA ab pkg3 7c Pure Pork SAUSAGE MEAT Ib 39c CHICKEN GIBLETS Ib25c • More. Savings at A&P. Skim'Milk Powder MIL -KO Iona tj olour & Pectin Added) GRAPE JAM i-i'qultt�Wax; 8aif.Poitstifng• iia. pkg-$1.07-SAVE,`8c 3 -ib pkg 9c Reg. jar 39c -SAVE 4c 24 -ii -oz jar 35c Reg.',tin $1.09 -SAVE 10c JOHNSON'S KLEAR 32-fl-oztin 99c Calow'- Quick (2c Off Deal) Reg, 2Ibs 65c -Save an Extra 40 MARGARINE BLUE BONNET Bravo Mr.caruri; and Reg 'SPAGHETTI 2 1 -Ib pkgs 61c . 2 Ibs 37c -SAVE 70 3 1 -Ib pkgs 49c Blue Lab.l. vitarniniiad, "Clear - Reg. tip 35c --SAVE 11c APPLE JUICE SUN RYPE, 48 -fl -oz tins 5 9c Betty cr.. . ka, Reg. pkg 39c -SAVE 17c PIE CRUST MIX 318 -oz pkgs 1,00 COME SEE... YOU'LL SAVE on FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES at A& Golden Ripe, ANAS Wealthy, Excellent Eating HES PLUMS NIAGARA GROWN, YELLOW FREESTONE, 1 "V'' VARIETIES AND ELBERTAS, NO. 1 GRADE No. 1 Grade APPLES Cee Grade ILBSI NATIVE, GENUINE FREESTONE, -NO. 1 GRADE Bradford Marsh, Washed c • 31.3 CELLO BAG 2.5 e. Ontario Grown, No.' Grade, Guaranteed to Cook White and Fluffy' 50-PbUND BAG 99c r, TOES 6 -qt basket 6 -qt basket CAR OTS No.1 Grade Bradford, -Marsh, Pascal, Jumbo Size, No. 1 Grade CELERY STALKS Native, Fresh„ Green, No. 1 Grade BRUSSELS SPROUTS 5 -LB CELLO BAG 19c - 2.F0R19C 1 -LB CELLO BAG 2,ie•, • VISIT OUR GARDEN DEPARTMENT, -- Now In Full Soppy., Peat Moss, Vigoro, Etc. PERSONAL SIZE 27c ...OAF PACK CHEER WASHES WWI fbT • KING SIZE --BOX - Ivory Snap "ONE •BAR FREE WITH FOUR 5 BARS. 3' DISHWASHING MAGIC JOY 8c OFP GIANT `SIZE 83c SAVE Ibc Just 6rrived From Holland, Tulip Bulbs, All Varieties, Daffodils, KRAFT FOODS + PRICED LOW AT AMP 4. EE,Z 16-0= IZ- jar 8o Off Pack Giant Simi 46 off Pai011' Large Rottl.y SPICK & SPAN 77c MR. CLEAN +lsc Armour NO. tin 53o --SAVE 170 CORNED. 'BEEP 2-12. cry i-Irts 89C Kraft Ragulor PARKA' MARGARINE 2 1-1b pkgs 59e Harry Horne • 1� r t1��C � V . 41/2414n LIQUID GRAM NINE DAY PICKLES (Dyson's) 164t -oz tar 33e n _ _ JANE PARKER CHERRY PIE each REGULAR PRICE 600 JANE PARKER LARGE ANGEL _- CAKE faqir RRbCILAR PRICK We SAVE 16r Kraft SANDWICH SPREAD 16 -oz jar 43 c Kraft ;Phliadalphia _ - CREAM CHEESE . 8 -oz jar 3 5( Kraft -- Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING 16 -oz Po 4 3 c Krait DINNER 794 -oz ,7'h -oz pkgs 31 c "-40141' Ct`' NIIiMtiat8 MIk ALL PRICI$ IN THIS AD QUA*Aifl'Ub THROUGH ° SATURDAY,, $*P IAM.RIk OM, Ott Two More Join Legion Ladie� Two applications to become members of the Ladies' Auxil- iory ,tA; Branch. 9, ni. the pat- from Mrs. Phyllis Lamb and Mrs. Susan McDonald -aT 'ineet- ing held last week. Mrs. Har- old Young presided for the mmeetingentand Mrs. Ralph Kings- well gave the financial state- . The members voted to raise the cost of the dinners they ewe--te--$1:75- per ate: -i frs: Robert Good was, appointed to be in charge of the check -room. Plans were made to sell tickets on a blanket and Mrs. Paul Hill was chosen convener of this project. The president thanked Mrs. Chas. Anstay for conducting the successful Tag Day. Mrs. Dave McMillan was voted $10 to con- tinue to send gifts to the adopt- ed veteran in Westminster Hos- pital.' Samples of little jackets and pinafores for the children in the War Memorial Sick Child- ren's Hospital, London, were on display and members were ask- ed to assist in this sewing pro- ject to make these articles of clothing used there. Mrs. Harold Young and Mrs. Chas. Aistay were appointed to decorate the graves for ' the memorial service-- at -Maitland cemetery. Mrs. Ralph Kingswell will act as convener for the district sports bowling tourna- ment to be held at Wingham on October 4. Ten dollars was voted to the appeal sent from the Unitarian Service Commit• - The Goderich Signal -Star. Thursday,. Se$einbe r 21st, 1161 9 imitarop tee. Mrs. - W. Tucker was the winner of the mystery prize. Lunch was served by Mrs. Roy Bone, Mrs. Lillian Summers, Mrs. Chas. Anstay and Mrs. Mamie Sutcliffe. Of the outlays of all govern- ments in Canada one dollar in four goes to transfer payments to persons-i.e., welfare and social security spending. Here's what you would look like if your picture were taken - with a camera unit which photographs all sides ,of an ob- -jest on one negative. Arid such a camera unit has now been perfected in. England. Lt is in three separate parts: a rotating turntable upon which the,object to ,be phnto'-- ' graphed is placed; a traversing plate holder fitted to a ' conventional plate camera; and an electrical control unit. The first rules for ice hockey, and still the game's basic rales, were laid out by students ,,at McGill University, Montreal, in 1875. In the most disastrous Great Lakes storm, in 1913, a dozen ships were sunk and two dozen more driven ashore, and 251 sailors drowned. • Port Albert Native,To Celebrate 94th Birthday On September 25 Mrs. Margaret 'Gray will cele- brate her. 94th birthday on Sep tember 25 at the Earnshaw Nursing Home, where she has resided for the past few months. A native of Port Albert. she was fufinerly Margaret Elizabeth Hawkins, daughter of the late Thomas R. Hawkins and Chris- tine Bennett. She is the last surviving member of a family of twelve and attended Port Albert school and the G'oderich High School,: Following graduation, shh be- came telegraph operator in the .office located in her father's gen- eral • store and 'Post Office. She tells about making her own bat- teries ,out of blue vitriol and other ingredients to run the telegraph machine. She was the telegraph operator for 15 years. In 1899 she was married to William 0. Gray and took up residence in Port Albert. He passed away in 1932. Follow- ing his death,. she resided for many -years -with - her -sister, -Miss Christine Hawkins, at the home of her parents in "The Port;" In recalling early days at Port Albert, Mrs. Gray said that at one time it was a very busy village with two stores, two hotels, a lumber mill, a flour mill, a chopping mill and a dock where there was great activity in the shipping business. A member of the Anglican Church, she stated that for years Archdeacon Ellwood, of Goderich, came to Port Albert to conduct church services be- fore there was any church. He baptized the children in, "their own homes. Mrs. Gray has al- ways been very active in all phases of church work until the last few years. Before coming o Goderich she had lived with er niece, Mrs. Reg. Dunham, of sorest, for nine years. Enjoying good health despite h 94 years, she is able to be u every day, enjoying the ra o programs and the many visi s who- calf to see her. MR. AND MRS. PE' 5OTH WEDDING Bouquets of summer flowers decorated the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mellwain, 200 'Gib- bons street, when they •held open, house Wednesday, of last week for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter •Pettman, on the occasion of their golden wedding ann iversary. The attractive tea table --fea- tured a unique centrepiece in \%'hich a golden4 chariot, filled with yellow mums, was the centre of interest. A three- ;ayer wedding cake decorated in golden colors and lighted' tapers completed this lovely setting.' The guests were welcomed by members of their family and the register was signed by more than 109 friends and neighbors who called to congratulate the bride and groom of fifty years ago. Pouri'n tea (lifting the after- noon and evening were Mrs. .Michael Ohler, Mrs. Ilarold Alli' and Mrs. J. E. Spragee, Toronto, sisters-in-law of the MAN'S ANNIVERSARY honored ouple. Serving the guests we •e Mrs. Frank Allin, Mrs. Arthur Grange, • Atr rn, Mrs. J. A. iSmitlr 'WaT aceburg and Mrs. Ron Alton, - Luckn•ow. TTrese `ladies, were assisted by Mrs. Sid' Bullen and Mrs. Art. Stewart, Dungannon. The wed ding cake was served, by • the three grandclatrghters, Mrs. Gary Byrd, Port Dalhousie, Miss Carol Pettman, Goderich, and Miss Linda Wilson, Auburn. Many cards, 'long distance tele- phone calls arid telegrams were received during the day and friends who called were from, Toronto, London, Sarnia, Wal laceburg and the surrounding towns and district. 'Prior to • this occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Pettman -ere guests', of honor at a family' dinner at the Town and 'Country restaur- ant, Exeter, on Sunday after- noon, and were "presented with an inscribed 400 -day 4-rniver:mr, clock. 711111., BINGO at LEGION HALL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 . AT 8.30 P.M. 15 GAMES* - $1.00. The prize for each regular game will be $12.00. 4 „ SHARE -THE -WEALTH Jackpot Combined. JACKPOT OF $85.00 IN 57 CALLS. Sponsored by Canadian Legion Branch 109. No person under 16 admitted tolprLeolon Hall mss•-.. ;. • Embossed maps Bring the World to the Fingertips of the •n3:'rr�d, 1 his ectur ment and special training are - made possible by yovrAdonation to TRI -COUNTY CAMPAIGN FOR • THE' BLIND' HURON COUNTY OBJECTIVE $6,000.00 Send your donation today to: , Mr. .1. H. Kinkead; Goderich, Ont. 13 TO 5 VOTE Favors Forrriati�n 'Mait Maitland Authority 4 , Municipalities `affected by the three branches of the river' in the Maitland Valley Watershed, voted 13 to 5 at Wingham on, Thursday to form The Maitland River Conservation Authority. This was done despite the ob- jections of five other municipal- ities. ° Opposing the formation of the new authority were the towns, of Goderich and Clinton and the townships of Colborne, Goderich and Hullett. Municipalities in favor were the townships of Elma, McKil- lop, cTurnberry, Minto, Wallace, East Wawanosh, Morris, Grey, .Howick and Arthur, and the 'towns of Palmerston, Wingham and Harriston. The village of Blyth, the town of Seaforth, and the townships of -'West Wawanosh, Mary - borough, and Kinloss, did not attend the meeting although they were eligible to• vote. . Mtwo-thirds • majority, under provincial law was needed to pass the motion. Five other municipalities eligible t� vote were not represented at the'. meetipgw .� Extension of the Maitland area was requested by tl'i'e Mid• I die Maitland Conservation4tith* ority, a body formed 10 years ago by Municipalities of the middle branch of the river. The r'neeting, was called by the OMitario iiepa-itment of com- lert~e and developin nt. A. S. `L. Barnes, assistant director of the contervation and parks branch of the department; was 'chairman. to be officially irecognized a beginning of 1962. It first to be passed by provincial ord d in -council. Bach ` representative at t three-hour meeting gave reasor for and against the new author- ity. The main reason cited against the formation was high assessment. All municipalities in the watershed area will be subject to assessment when 'the authority is officially recognized. Chairman of the Middle Malt, land Authority is Harold Cons - ens, of Elma Township. Secre- tary is Cy Bamford, of Listowel. ST. HELENS ST. HELENS, Sept. 18. -Mrs. Lorne Woods spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Hawleyoi. sand Mr. Hawley, of Oshawa. , Mrs. Verna Myers, of Kitch- ener, visited during the week- end with her cousin, 1V1iss Beat - Tice McQuillin. Born, on September 10, in Newmarket hospital, to Mr. anfi Mrs. Dan Rose, (Ruth Webb), a son. Miss W. D. Rutherford is spending a two-week vacation with Miss Florence Stewart in Evanston, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart and Mr. Joe Stuart movect.tWsx past week to Ltt+vknnow. 'The are residing with Mrs. Stuart's sister, Miss Catherine McGregor. Miss Norma'Forester, of Lon. don, spent a week's vacation, at The anew authority is expected I her home here.., • is the quickest and easiest way to feIItrees. Caoada!'s professional chain SaW: s4 Argyle-RepairMShopism 0.4 whfetwo tiattit �44201