HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-09-21, Page 7-nett mat .. in Canada Moto than half a billion widows, but less than 200,000 wldowera. In Prince Edward Island there are 45 persons per square mile but in,' the whole of •Canada, ex - eluding the Territories,. there are less than eight persons per square mile. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Vic;" ? }.c.t x ■10 N. �en�tle � y PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT `' P.O. Box 478. Phone JA 4.9521." GODERICH - ONTARIO A ITT fl fir-.T`Ii�-Lf Mechanical and body repairs, glass, steering and wheel bal- lance. 'Undaspray for rust prevention. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No.8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 Stiles Ambulance Roomy - Comfortable - Anywhere -- Anytime PHONE JA 4-8142 ry 77 Montreal St, Goderich P. W. BELL. OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square , JA 4.7661 Albert Shore, 'Sr. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT OFFICE RESIDENCE 98 HAMILTON ST. 99 VICTORIA ST.. GODERICH GODERICH PHONE - PHONE JA 4-9452 JA 4-7888 A. M. Harper &'. Co. .Chartered Accountants Office House JA 4-7562 JA 4-7642 33 Hamilton St. Goderich JIM THORNELOE'S BARBER SHOP 170 The Square FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE JA 4-9271 INSURANCE; FIRE "and AUTO REAL ESTATE W. J. HUGHES 50 ELGIN AVE. -E. Phone JA 4-8526. Butler, Dooley, Clarke & Starke Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal• Auditor 44 North Street JA 4-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO 32tf THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE _8 INSURANCE CO. Head Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, R. 2, Auburn; Vice -Pres., Herson Ir- win, Belgrave; Directors, Paul Caesar, R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross Mc- Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald MacKay, Ripley; John F. Mac- Lennan, R. 3, Goderich; )'rank Thompson, R.1, Holyrood; vein. Wiggins. R. 3, Auburn. Fpr information on your in- surance, call your nearest direc- tor who is also an agent, or the secretary, Durnin Phillips, Dun gaiincin, phone Dungannon 48. 27tf ometinies • I wish life 'would stop `being so interesting:. There' are moments when' I'd like to relax, fall into a pattern of gracious living, and coast quiet- ly downhill to the gravt , like a Christian gentleman, secure in the knowledge ,that St. Peter was chewing his nails with im- 'enee as he -waited -t me to a quiet. corner of the place. * * 9 But it doesn't seem to work out that way. There's always some gigantic foofawraw in pro- gress, either in the 'world at large, or around our house, to keep me upset, confused, excit- ed, roaring * or -exhausted. pal!, SUGAR and EPICS 4y Bill Smiley •7.:RatAtn,C:?ki r. . r a1:74- .,r .1. -; Take the Berlin crisis,' for example. By the time this ap- pears in print, you, gentle read- er, may have been blown sky- high by a nuclear missile. If this happens, feel free to cancel your subscription. And ' please accept my heartiest congratul- ations for being out of it all, and give my regards to God, eh? - - 'I' * * Personally., while I'm not a pacifist, 1 would not go to war withha four-year-old pygmy over Berlin. 1 am about as concern- ed over the rights of tthe Ber- liners as they were over the rights of the people of Warsave in 1939.. 1 know, I know, there aro many wonderful German people. And I've met quite a few of them. Call me intoler- ant, prejudiced, or what you like, but I've felt a slight cool- ness toward the race since half a dozen of them tried to kick my -brains out, in a station yard in Utrecht, seventeen years ago this month. * 4; :e That reminds me. I had a letter this week from 'old friend Gene Macdonald, editor of the Glengarry News. It seems that the 22nd chieftain of the Mac- donell clan was out from Scot- land this summer,--, visiting among his ' kinsmen in Glen- garry, Ontario. There are more George Turton INSURANCE Co-operators insurance A Complete Line of Casualty And Life Insurance. Prompt, Efficient Claims Ser- vice by Goderich Adjuster of CIA. 351 Huron Road Phone JA 4-7411 tf ALEXANDER &. CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce Bldg. Godei ich. Phone JA' 4-9662 A: J. Alexander, Res. JA 4=7836. C. F. Chapman, Res. , JA 44915. 25% OFF POPULAR TUBES Bring in your radioand TV Tubes - have them testes FREE on an ACCURATE TUBE TESTER, one that isn't made to sell tubes, and SAVE 25% on all popular tubes you actually require. SAVE MONEY on all your small appliances etc., at HUTCHINSON RADIO & TV 308 "Huron Rd., Goderich Everything Guaranteed TF V1/HEN YOU CAN'T FIND THE CASH, FIND, HFC It's easy VO find HFC --thanks to our 257 offic s located. where they can best `serve Canadian families. Crime In and arrange a special HFC loan for shopping ..'. paying bilis .. e reducing monthly instalment payments ...taking a trip .:. redecorating, re- modeling or re- furnishing your home. Get the cash you need, yet have only one low monthly payment to HFC. Life Insurance available at low'group' rate. AMOUNT OF LOAN MONTHLY months PAYMENT 20 months PLANS m onths 36 montbr° $100 500 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 .$ 9.46 46.73 69.21 91.56 146.52 201.46 228.93 $ 6.12 30.01 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 147.05 $..... 31.65 41.45 68.81 94.62 107.52 $... ..... ..... 83.71 95.12 Any. payments Include prInctpal end Interest end are based on prompt repayment. but do not Include the cost of life Insurance: HOUSEHOLD F111ANCE' G. N. Crawford, Manager SSA West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 coDERIcH Mel onaids'and''1Viacdonet1s alid ,Maedonaldi in-leogarry than the Campbells wiped but at the Massacre of Glencoe. * 9, * Anyway, Gene was talking with The Macdonell, and learn- ed that the latter was an old Spitfire pilot and an ex -prisoner. f-walr- * * * He asked thechief if he'd known me there, remembering that I was in the jug. "Sure I knew Smiley," exclaimed His Chieftainship. "He bunked right across the hall from me in Stalag Luft." * * * It turns out that he was call- ed "Mac" in prison camp. There were approximately 800,charac- ters called "Mac" in our camp, so I can't place him, but it just goes to show you. *.' * , Speaking of prisoners, I learned Sunday morning, at a fairly unholy hour, that it was my ,fifteenth wedding annivers- ary. First I knew of it was when the lady who was lying beside me, eyes shut tight, push- ed zine .toward --the far edge of the bed with one foot, and mumbled, "Leesha can dooz gemeezum brekfus nour an- nvrsry." And ifgyou think that isn't a shocking way to be awak- ened on a warm September Sun- day morn, wait till» it happens to you.. ;r 4' * Well, I got her some bP6ak- fast. The blasted kids, who are always up with the birds, were already gathered around the table, justlike young robins, gaily.discussing the swim I was, going to take them for, as I stumbled and groaned _ _mound._ the kitchen iri bare feet -and shorts: They scoffed three sliced peaches each, and four of my special Runny Scrambled Eggs, before ) could get a bite to the Old. Girl. * •:•l• And she couldn't swallow a morsel. Nerves. Our annivers- ary coincided with her debut as organist in the church. She, hadn't slept a wink all night, but had dozed off, after four tranquilizers, at dawn. What a day! It was about 280 degrees in the shade, but her hands were as cold as a- coroner's kiss, and she had a faraway look in her - eyes that I'd 'never ,seen before except on the faces of people who -were wetting their pants while in swimming. Briefly, she got through the ordeal' without • even fainting once. But she couldn't miss,, with the rest of the family pray- ing ,a_ s they'd never prayed be- fore; that Mum wot,iidn't make a bollix of it. I thought I heard a sardonic snort from away up in the sky, as she was graciously accepting congratulations after the service. • ' •:' To round' out the *week, I went back to school on Monday, and there, was Joe,' sitting in, a -;front seats his -ape-like count- enance ount enance `wreathed in a satanic smile. Joe .is a fiend in human form, as, I found out last year. He was ' so disturbing that he almost made me break a life= long rule never to hit anybody bigger than myself. :r 4; * He hadn't showed up in the first two weeks , of school, I figured he wasn't coming back this year, and life looked like a bowl of borscht, compared to the flagon of hemlock it re- sembled last year, with him in the class. :� :r• 4 And there he sat, leering" at, me, as cute as 'a baby gorilla. Do you know what that charac- ter said to me, as I fumbled for my blackjack? He said, "Sure glad I got you for English again. sir- I allus like to get a good teacher. We wuz lucky to get each other again, wuzn't we?" It was like having your legs cut off at the knees by a scythe: You want to run, but all you can do is groan. As I said. sometimes I wish life would stop being so interesting. [NUCLEAR POWER STATION W�N'T AFFECT DIKE WATER • e e (By G.J.) (This is a continuation of the story in last week's Signal -Star headed "Candu Station Will Cut Import of Coat." It deals with a press tour of the Douglas Point Nuclear Power Station.) Most reiterated query among the news en seemed to be, "What is e, danger of radio- active wat r polluting the lake?" With man factured -heavy water costing 00.00 per gallon, we were as red that none of this commodity will be allowed to escape from its circulatory sys- ter. Further assurance was given that no water whatever will be returned to Lake Huron until it has been tested to below the tolerance of ordinary drink- ing water. Asked why the manu- factured heavy water is root pro- duced in Canada our engineer stated that } would require a plant costing $300,000,000 to supply the stuff. Yet "heavy' water" looks, tastes, smells and IS the same as drinking water, except for a pronounced differ- ence in its density. In Britain experimentation is under way to use graphite instead of the more expensive heavy water. For those whose minds run to 'physics, the further explan- ation was giyen: -"The ordinary hydrogen atom's nucleus con- tains a single • proton. The heavy hydrogen isotope contains a pro- ton AND a neutron. This hydro- gen isotope has been given the name Deuterium. So, since oiir� dinary water is noted as H 2 O, heavy water cap be indicated with the symbol 2 0." 'S true. Leaving the reactor building we were led over the rough ter- rain for a view of the other construction areas. We were shown the coffer dam, nearly completed, the water barrier,:or "gate," the intake duct and were shown lc here the surrounding bed -rock had been grouted with concrete to fill any unseen fis- sures that might release or ad- mit unwanted water. The safety precautions engineered into the Douglas Point project are im- pressive because of the extreme eventualities that were consid- ered. One could say, literally, that no stone has been left un- turned to assure maximum saf- ety. As a further' instance, the lake end of the 1300 foot coffer dam has been widely flared to reduce the velocity of flow. . Why was Douglas Point chosen as the site for Canada's first operative station in the nuclear- * * * electric field? The abundant supply of cooling lake water, the isolation of the area, the proximity of transmission lines and , the solid bedrock of the area were given as the main assets in choosing the location.. While the site is quite accessible, via highway 21, it is far enough away to avoid any traffic hind- rance for the heavy vehicles necessary to its construction. Many Visitors The nicely appointed tourist information center, opened June 28 of this year, reports a total of 34,278 visitors to date and expects the daily quota to ac- celerate as construction pro - Tobacco Lath $35.00? Per M at McEachern's PHONE 1076 STRATH ROY greases. Viiiting days are now limited to Saturdays and Sun days. A bailey -bridge lookout stands .near the ..information building, plus a spacious feuded parking lot, , and chief guide Ivan Lloyd and Ms assistants are Over ready to explain all the points of interest. The pub - lie is. cordially , invited to visit the spot and you will'find your turnoff exactly two miles north of Tiverton, on Highway 21, ,marked by a small sign' indicat- - n las i `y• f00 uu; it Povedd:road ta#ss Zia -. #1 et,,t they, construction site. As a windup to Official Press' Day the visitors from the fourth estate were entertained at the Canadian Legion 'Hall • in Kin, cardine. Hosting the tour and nner were the O.H.E.P:C. and a. .L. Amongst the head Vtable...guests were -Mr. Macaulay, moss-••Strike;-ehairman- tario Hydro, and John Foster, A.E.C.L. manager of the Douglas Point project. Three brief speeches concluded the dinner, Mr. Foster telling of his recent month's visit to India withsome amazing details on the' nature of c4 -operation found in that country, concerning India's -par- ticipation in the development of nuclear energy. The attractive dinner menu, featuring a cover of authentic MacKenzie tartan cloth, came with the compli- ments of The Bruce Inn, Kin- cardine. Each guest received a documentary kit on the Douglas Point development plus a de- parture gift of Pine River Cheese from the manufacturers of that product. Last year the average hourly wage in manufacturing was $1.78 in Canada, 72 cents in the Un- ited Kingdom, 66 cents in Ger- many, 43 cents in France and 37 cents in Italy. "RURAL WOMEN" Christmas selling starts early with AVON Turn your spare ..hours into profitable ones. Immediate openings, in Ashfield, Colborne, Stanley Townships. Must have a car. Write Mrs. E. Bell, 84B Albert St., Waterloo, or phone collect, SH 5-0751, before 8.30 a.m. - -37,-40-43 k••••••••o••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a• • • ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN • • Our Specialty • • + CHINESEDFOOD ♦ • • ALSO TAKE-OUT Ti1DERS •ca • •• N OPEDAILY from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M. o IThe E RESTAURANT ••• • • •, 'The • Square - Goderich - JA` 44941 • • tf • ••••••••••••i••••v•••••••••••••••••••••••• the versatile new Milk -the one perfect food - delivered to your door by your district's most' reputable dairy. For prompt delivery phone 7951. 0.4'7951 GODERICH SUPER FLOOI' HEAT OUTLETS oPels/deal NEW HEATING COMFORT NEW TRIM STYLIN}; PIN IT pP-BUILD IT IN OR PIPE IT TO. ADJOINING ROOMS SES IT TODAY! fon display -now at Worsell Bros. Hardware, PI uniting, Heating 122 THEI�. DARE GODERIC1ONT. -Phone J1 44452 LAWN j SERVICE The (aoderich' ,I l LIONS HOLD With bowed heads, the Lions stoodin res tf i u � l tr bute. Then the silence was broken by' the president's announcement as to what the °silence was. tor; it was in memory of "Dimples,,, an ancient vehicle belonging to George Buchanan which, -after many years service and bearing many scars frombumps, had been withdrawn from service to be replaced by a new car. 4]�� a�k7S. rte of 'col raine, `• rY land, who were guests. with Mr. ;and Mrs. W. G. Moorhead last week, left on Friday for Calgary and Victoria. OPENING MEET First Lions Club meeting of the season was held at Harbour lite Inn Thursday evening under the -chairmanship, of the ew president, John Stringer. Guest speaker was Ward'Bol- ton, St. Marys, who stated that the Lions .organization . in ,O 4 services of tile late Internation- al: Councillor -Nelson --1111 ,, of Goderich. In an intpirational address, Mr. Bolton said that the 'Lions' Club wanted men with the same requisites needed to fill import- ant post§ in any walk of life, namely: 1. Healthy men to stand up to the strain of modern deer manes; '2. Hungry men, anxious to achieve; 3. Men "on. fire" with an eagerness to be of ser- vice. He• added that men who were just "dinner fellowship" Lions- are not wanted. A vote of thanks for Lthe address was moved by Cayley Hill. Bill Lumby told of the annt}al. peanut drive. Garnet Mathie- son is chairman and the drive will be held on October 3rd. Bing chairman Alvin McGee `aiino need the rosters of the various bingo teams for the sea- son. Lion president John Stringer called for a minute's silence. COMV MRRCIAL ART LAY -OUTS * DESIGNS SHO -CARDS and SIGNS H. A. Sandy Welland Graphic Artist 63 Britannia Road West Goderich, Ontario PHONE JA 4-9143 (After 6 p.m.) 34 - 37 21st, 1! FIND RING LOST ON. HURON BEACH IN 1960 A rig% belonging to Rev. Clements, of Palmerston, loot on a Lake Huron beach ' has been .found.-:. Whf n - minister and his family were, their 1960 vacation, he lost the ring given to him.. by his WO just 'prior to their coin ng :to Canada in 1957. Another oR» i ..k.-'041,040440 :lei inspecting t o';Cletnents minnow trap.. near the- beaeh-and found the ring. The inside of the ring bore the engraved date of the gift. COLLATERAL TRUST NOTES • PER ANNUM 5,_ 360 DA`s-TERM Interest Payable Monthly by Cheque Notes can be redeemed at anytime on 30 day written notice to company., THE INDEPENDENT BUSINESSMAN'S CREDIT • CORPORATION LIMITED . Suite 212, 195 Dundas St., London, Tel.' GE 9.6141 J. ALEX WILKINS, G,ODERI011, JA 4-7984 Suite 1100, Royal Bank Bldg. 2 King Street, E., Toronto, Ont. EM 2-6192 TF 4.0 IT DOESN'T SEEM POSSIBLE _ but the. SPEED QUEEN Automatic Washer GETS BETTER EVERY YEAR! n„ cEE THE A-28 S? A-RKLING-AMODEL NEW WITH SPEED QUEEN'S STAINLESS STEEL TUB - Rust -proof, chip -proof Guarantee -I For ..LIFE. " 1 o.$pecial Cycle for silks, woolens. _ z Spin Switch for Drip-dry wash. \Y F SVICE ELECTRIC . ((aoderich) Limited Victoia St. at Newgate - JA 4-8581 SODDING -• SEEDING -' FERTILIZING POWER ROLLING. or "GENERAL CLEANUP - tANDSCAPING and k'OUNDATION PLANTING CALL .$1' ''TOP OF DUNLOP HILL JA 4-7171 - WE DELIVER IVAN'S NURSERIES FOR GENERAL INSURANCE See KEN- CROFT FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY -- CASUALTY -Phone JA4-7253 ••••••••o••••••••••••o••••••••i••••••••••••., BAND- C • •• •• FEATURING w I The Clinton Community Band • • JN'DAY, SERTEMBER 24 • I • IN COURTHOUSE PARK .AT 8' O'CLOCK PARADE ON THE SQUARE AT 7.30 i•••••••NN••e••••••••••••••••••••f'•••••• Heather Beauty Salon announces Lynne Comrie Giaduate of RV School of Hairdressing is now assisting M a e K e t c h e la. a w and Harry Colklough in Hair Styling and Beauty Aids New Credtions Latest' Equipment 108 LIGHTHOUSE ST. --- GODERICH - JA 4-7461 Build your bank balance '..•. Build your pea e of mind THAT BANK t UILDS CANADIAN, I M PERIAL BANK o " --t MM R Ovet 1$60 branches 0 hem you: kt