HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-09-21, Page 441'inft, 000.1,1e1k Matta -Star, Thursday, September -.21st, 1961 - Articles For Sale - 1. Articles For Sale MATTUSS, by Seita, with 837 for' enly $44.88. Lodge iftraiture. -35 _ cur flowers, gladiolus, snap- 4inligOns, zinnias,. etc. Arrange - Meats, baskets for any occasion. Pears, tomatoes and potatoes. B. Hohnan, 187 earaeron St. 114103,. 4:81152:_•Thw'Tir " used refrigerators, ''§'Itiattel; washing machines, dry- ers, home arr conditioning, Best prices, low terms, good trade idowances. See Lumbys, 39 St. David Street, Goderich. -19tf lliSED bookcase bed, in first - ass condition at Lodge- Furni- PREWAY oil heater, triedium size. JA 49687. 37x USED bedroom suite, in good condition. Enquire at, Lodge Furniture. -36 WE HAVE 20 sizes in TV pic- ture tubes -10" 14", 17" and 3r, factory ,p.se:led carton!ft,1 completely installed for $29.95 with exehange. Huron Tower TV, P.O. Box 602. ,Phone 7182. -37 01-/NrD* SERVICE. 3. Real Estate For Sate 3. 'Real Estate For Sale PERCTROLUX Sales and Ser - rice, cleaners and polishers. - Also reconditioned units and =pairs. Bert Harris, Goderich, Phone 7917. -37tf • VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service. Repairs and bags for makes of vacuums and polish- ers. Reconditioned machines of all makes for sale. Bob Peck, Varna. Tel. Hensall 696 r 2. 1951 PONTIAC sedan, cheap. •-,..28ta Phone JA 4-7164. -37 1950 PONTIAC, $125. Phone A48467.-- -3 1954 MONARCH hardtop, auto- matic, radio, in good condition, easy terms. Phone 8897. -36 1956 MERCURY sedan, excellent conditioa. Phone JA 4-8629 even- ings. -36 1960 CHEV. ia-ton panel, very good condition. Phone JA,4-7410. 37x 1951 STUDEBAKER, new tires, 3FILIER QUEEN Sales and Ser- good radio, in good running vice. Bob Peck, Varna. Phone intif condition - $85 cash. Phone II/easel], 696 r 2. • .`''f- Dungannon 11 r 8. 37-38x • The former residence of Mike ,,FOR SALE 4.112a45 pn,St.. ,1)-alyjd Akui table YNkfiLc*.04-Vaa-jv". i*wropNrimInVeartatage.‘ati west end -Terms. Large instd-brick, near schools, on large lot, garage, 4 bedrooms, new furnace, in good repair. Ideal family home. 'Terms ar- ranged. Two -apartment house in A-1 condition, Income $500 month. Price $12,500, Terms. Wartime, 3 -bedroom, greatly improved, and kept "up-to-the- minute." Good location. Terms. This house is in beautiful shape, inside and out. ATTENTION PLEASE First time offered for sale, a very desirable duplex residence in good location. Each home entirely self-contained. Separate entrances, separate furnaces, separate garages. One with 3 bedrooms, one with 2. Entirely modern, and in exc.eptional con- dition, inside and out. Rent from one part would enable the owner to live in the other one 14 IN4ERNATIONAL combine 1954 FORD convertible, stand- for free. 80 -Acre farm. located a few -with pick-up and engine drive; M.M. combine with pick-up -alrivet 1VIodel--6.5-14.F, gas - tractor; Model- H Interna- tional tractor; Model W.C. Allis- Chalmers; three -furrow Interna- tional plow, like new; two -fur - maw International plow; ,68 New Holland baler. Massey. Fe rgu- Ma machinery; Purina feeds. George Wraith, Montreal St., Goderich. Phone JA 4z9934. • -35tf workshop with stock and ma- chinery, full - price $12,750. Down payment, $2,500. Two-bedroom one-noor home, living room, bath, kitchen, pantry, sun porch, garage, close to Square -$5,000 -or nearest offer. Alortgage arranged. ° --Just-ii few miles-fronr- Gode- rich-three-bedroom home, liv- ing room, dining room, three- piece bath, basement, furnace, garage, barn, henhouse, 2y2 acres land. Only $8,000 • Two very good country homes, one for $3,400, the other $1,700, down paynient .$1,000. Mod- ern conveniences, town water. On Highway 21, 10 acres land, $3,500. 13'0 -Acre farm of choice clay loam, located on Lake Huron, very good four-bedroom 'home, all conveniences, barn. driving shed. Price $12,000. Mortgage available. ard shift, radio, backarp lights, , . - miles south of Goderich, house in good condition. Reason for ALEXANDER and CHAPMAN and barn, full price only $5,000.1 selling -going to university. _37 -Goderich--Phornr-JA 4-966V' - Summer cottages completel0 Plipne-7159. - ° „ with • furnished as low as $3,600; lake - E. E. Cranston front lots. sandy beach, wooded, , Realtor Manager Only $1,000 each. 87 -acre farm, Phone JA 4-8801 large house and barn with 600 feet lake frontage. 1955 FORD Customline sedan, automatic transmission, custom radio, turn signals. Easy pay- ments. Phone Clinton HU 2-7739." • 37x 3. Real Estate For Sale MATTRESS --This ad is good for $p.00 on the PurchaSe of any mattress at Lodge Furniture. HAROLD W. SHORE Bring ad with you. Good for REAL ESTATE BROKER len.e week only. • -36 General Insurance SEE the new SeaTy-'837" pocket spring mattress at this low,low price, only $48.88. Matching box spring only $48.88. Blackstone rtiraiture. -35 WE specialize and carry a con. W. J. iitiGHEg . Real Estate Broker Classified Ad Rates REGULAIr1CLASSIFIEDS isaut4e,egt-teMtktr: -or less (extra- worth and figures .02 Cents,. *ear per insertion). iftayable in ad- vance pr rlo later. than Wednesday noon of week following publication of Advt. If biIh.d after afore- mentioned time. 25c extra for bookkeeping expenses. 25c extra for office box -number - COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES „. (for business firms, trades- , men, etc.) 75c per issue -15 words or less (extra words and figures -.03 each. Classified, display 51.40 per inch. NOTICE RE SIGNAL -STAR BOX NUMBERS When an' advertisement car- ries a box number, inform- ation concerning the identity of the advertiser cannot 46 divulged tc) anyone. Wednesday noon is deadline for receipt of classified ads. Display- advortising rates on request- Doadliirie for dis- play _is. 5 pm. Monday of week of publication. 6. Wanted To Rent We have a large listing' of WANTED IMMEDIATELY farms in Huron County. By responsible family of three, who will be permanent resi: dents, two or three-bedroom house in Goderich. Phone to- day JA 4-8331. -37tf JOHN BOSVELD General Insurance Real Estate Broker 50 Elgin Ave., E. 40 Wellesley St., Goderich - Phone JA 4-8526 Phone JA 4-8762- Saiesman: • HoMES FOR SALE • C. Buruma, Clinton. Modern- home Large living 38 Hamilton, Street Phone JA 4-7272 :room, dining room, kitchen with semeememiewammanmaiamagauseemewa Hots of cupboards, 3 bedrooms, . Your agent in the 'Goderich[attached garage. Good terms. 14. Real Estate Wanted One -floor 3 -bedroom home on REAL ESTATE FOR SALE (quiet street. Living room, din- . LISTINGS of farms ,and • two, ing roorn and large kitchen with it b d li e District for Kernohan Homes I three and fo r e room om sl lots of cuppoards full basement 'loll furnace, garage and 2 acres! ing results list to -day with) . ,plete stock fot all Spart-on TV's, Deer Park Lodge .-- Bayfield ' ' urgently needed. For fast se - 1 Harold Rea sta e _ Broker, 38 Ham' ton . ,la,e sary. Write J. Gautluer, 350 St. All wire, transformer TV and completely equipped and furn- I CLEARING Auction Sale of used TV's or good used radios, ished, th,e proprietor's five -room -bedroom home on Wilson 7272. • -"Li 1 Roch St., Montreal! 15, Que. -35-38' household effects in the town phone or all B R Munday, 127 home more than 330 feet of1"' $2i000 down, ‘good terms.• LISTINGS WANTED - Farrns,ir Wicider St. JA 4-7961. -49tfi private, sandy beach, excellent! 8. Help Wanted WAITRESS and a ear hop want- ed by Meadow Brook restaurant. Apply in person after 2 pm. .„35 11 -36 1 N. Wanted (General) 13. Auction Sales --- WILL buy broken-down and Th avAriaat !paler inewgke.politIlone 4-7667 'after five.' 3/x HOME for kittens wanted. Phone 7768. 124 lyitannia Rd. E. -37 BOARDERS' for one yoom with two single beds. JA 4-8224. -37 ROOM an board available Oc- bet- 1, -girls-preferred. - -186A: St. David St. -37 11111111110.111 11. Employment Wanted CH1LDEN minded in my own hOme. Please call JA 4-9737. -37 REGISTERED X -Ray Technician, female, desires employment in hospital or doctor's office. Has typing and clerical experience. Please write Box 2, Signal - Star. - 37-38x 12. Tenders Wanted oNTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS OF STRAW FOR SEEDING. Separate sealed bids marked "Bid for Supply of Straw, Strat- ford District" will be received by the District Engineer, Mr. L. D. Barrett, 581 Huron St., Strat- ford, until 5.00 o'clock, p.m., E.D:S.T., Wednesday, September 27th, 1961. Specification, Bid Forms and Bid Envelopes may be obtained at the above mentioned address. The lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted CLEARING Ailaction Sale of live - :stock . anct-tniPolaumeF 044111,1-', held fbi Stanley JM'n, lot 27 concession. 9, Colbern Township, one mile south of. Nile, on, „ MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 at 2 p.m, See bills for particulars. Donald Blue, Auctioneer. • -37-38 It- Services Available and all tubes and most parts Ontario for other makes of TV. For a This popular resort park con - !of land. -Priced at $10,000 with; W. Shore,1 E t , • . good trade in a new '61 Sparton- sists of nine "rental cottages,' g • MEN or WOMEN, start your oWn Watkins Business, • Full or part-time. No experience neces- 13. Auction Sales rf Goderic,h, 104 West St. on Summer Cottages and town Pro- LARGE C di SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER '23rd ana an manufacturer. i site for a motel or trailer camp' Three-bedroom honle, nerty Alexander and Chapman of electrical products will train! USED dining room suite, in good and amI td p e ou oor games area. room, large bright modern kit -1. ' ' 'Realtors, Bank of Commercel at 1 p.m. a married man, with car, foil Nine -piece solid walnut dining condition. Enquire at Lodge The preSent owner finds this Furniture . -36 a profitable seasonal business and his only reasons for selling are personal. As this excellent property is being offered at the end of the summer season the usual asking QUAKER,oil space heater, 35000 B.T.U., appearance like new, con- dition excellent with' several links of pipp, elbow, and flutter valve„ Pho e 7214. 36-37x price has been reduced by more USED electric cook .stove and than 20 per cent. used oil cook stove, priced for For complete information or quick sale at Lodge Furniture. appointment to inspect call this -36 broker. SIX inside doors, ,different size' Phone 9344. -3 A NUMBER of odd beds and chests; also a dresser. All priced for quick sale at Lodge Furni- ture. -36 Four -Bedroom Brick Located within two blocks of the public and high schools and the uptown area, this immacul- ately kept home has all the charm and space found in houses built in the '20's. A. double living room, den, dining room, modernized kitchen and two-piece powder room oc- cupy the first floor, whilq there P re four spacious bedrooms and three piece bathroom on the sec- ; ond flo'or. An oil -fired, hot I water furnace heats_this home ;efficiently from the foil. ,base- • ment. Interior and exterior dee- , orating is in first-class corldition. I A single car garage is also situ- '-ated. on the large lot which is -acces,sible from two streets. Terms are available on the mod- erate asking price. Be sure to sec this home soon. 3 -Bedroom Bungalow -Just Com- pleted This new home has large, bright living room, three spac- ioty bedrooms, completely, mod - !ern kitchen, tiled 4 -piece bath- room. There is a full basement and heating is supplied by forc- ed air gas furnace. This house IS complete with carport. Be sure to see it today.. Neat Frame Bungalow, Two -Bedroom'i HYGIENIC supplies (r ubber _ goods.) mailed .postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list., Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00., Mail Order Dept. T-53.1 • Nov-,K-ubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton, Ont. V LARGE size crib, grey Roxatone, complete with waterproof spring -filled mattress. bumper pads, and adjustable spring. . Week -end special, $36.50. Black- stone Furniture. • ' -36 -COLLIE pups, started to heeli George McBride, R.R. 5, Gode- • .rich. 37x 30" McCLARY electric, range, three years old. JA 4-828t. 37x 12 FOOT Munro fiberglass boat; :also 71., hp. Johnson motor and gas tank, reasonable. Phone .9521. -37 DOUBLE bed, springs and mat - fres; HooN7er apartment washer. Apply 50A the Square. LARGE size Coleman oil heater. Phone 7729. 37x Ideal for a small family, this ' -- - - home has a bright, moditrn kit - CONTINENTAL bed special chen, spacious liiiing-room, two 31r smooth -top style, reg. $79.95. comfortable bedrooms, 3 -piece . Week -end, $59.95. Other Contin- „ rental beds complete with head- boards fromt$39.95. Blackstone Furniture. -37 chen with lots of cupboards, bunching, csoderich. Phone I sales and service. For further room suite chesterfield 2 wick - hasement, oil furnace. Priced at $6.500. Good terms. JA 4-9662. -18 1,scr.rs 1-66 x V2-Widder St. 1-62 x 1 4 -Keays St. 2-62 x 14 -Cameron St. 1-7(1 x 1 5-Hincks St. 1-50 x 1 4-Breck St. x 66-Caley St. 1-62 x 134 -South St. Salesman, D. J. Wolterbeek • 115 Britannia„ West. JA 4-8730 LISTINGS AND -INOUIRIES INVITED 4 LADY'S Wink coat, brown, size 14; new. Phone 9676, after 6 -37 • 5 ' couch 9 anti tie chairs Bab . To Rent information • write • Box „ arm chairs; 2 settees; 2 up - Signal -Star. -"-"°1holstered chairs (old); davenport LOCAL MAN REQUIRED ; y I need a representative fer my Grand piano; sideboard; several small tables; • 3 large tables; firm in ' this area. -The opening in this area .may be orth up vanity -dresser and stool; antique w PRIVATE office, heated, at 46 to $8,000 yearly for the right dresser; good dresser; wash- • stand; kitchen range, coal or West St. Malcolm Mathers, man. , Can you make short auto wood, with waterfront; hot wat- ' Real Estate Broker. Phone trips? Ftill or part time work. er tank (new); Quebec heater, dA 4-9442. . -24 Can you call on Rural, Town and rangette with oven; sewing ma - City dwellers? Are you pre - di h antique; TYPEWRITERS - Portable and • standards. Skeoeh Office Sup - Plies, phone JA 4-8652, Goderich. -36tt KEN CROFT Real --Estate and -13usines.' 83 Victoria St., Gorierich, Ont. General Insiirence Phone JA 4-7253 .IVE for LESS in Halliday Home Your Goderich. Agent, $100 DOWN and on one of the following lots we will build you a Halliday Home: 1-68 x -104 Nelson St. 1-66 x 104-Caley St. 2-66 x 104 -Warren St. - 2-66 x 104 -Palmerston St. 1-66 x 104-Iiineks St. 1-100 x 289 - St, George's Crescent bathrobm, utility room and sun - room. Well situated in a gond west location. tt is reasonably priced, with low down payment. FARMS We have a lengthy list of 'ex- cellent farms from 100 to 250 OAT straw. Don ' Bruinsmac .acres throughout Huron. Com - phone SA. 4-8033. plete information on request. Farm and Rural Salesmen: HarVigY Lassoline. R.R. 2, Goderich Roy Lamont, Zurich Frank Mackenzie, R.R.1, Ripley COAL and wood heater; china George Ashton, Fordwich cabinet; evening dress (new), LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES size 14; pears. - Phone 9684. INVITED. -37 UNFINISHED chests, 3-4-5 and . 0T -drawer si es. High quality at : low prices. See our large selee- lion. Blao stone Furniture. • 7. -37 ONE used oil furnace, complete with 200 gal. tank. Priced for 'w[tittiek see. E. C. Breckenridge Hardware. • -37 P THREE storm windows, 28% x 441,41, with screens. Also large screen, 33 x 32%. Phone 9580. -37 SEE our, selectiorn of baby car - age s from $2838/8 Blackstone rttriattire. -26 LADY -'S black wiitter coat, site 16. ?belie 8815, . toot BOAT and' trailer. Can ietn at 68 St. David gt:, or johOite, 3A 44429 eifenings. Alt Pot% Po and ittaii;. ilindnuirstip phone 9200. • TWO-BEDROOM, otii-ad'ilt. stuc- co home, living room, kitchen, pantry, bath, garage, close to Square. $4,200 cash. Phone 8817. , -37-38 A NCE new summer cottage it Menesetung Park. , Three bed- rooms, bathroom, insulated, pill- ed water, septic tank and other features. Malcolm Mathers, General Insurance Agent, Real Estate Broker, 48 West St., 4ode- rieh, JA 49442. .1.0tf 756 SQUARE feet storage spade, suitable for cars, furniture, etc. Phone, JA 4-7801. 3tf chine; s es, some pared to start at once? Write cooking ware; pictures; lawn Sales Manager, Box 817, -London, . .34_37 mower; garden tools; Congoleum Canada. CAPABLE lady to care for four children, three school-age, while mother ill. Phone. JA 4-7041. , rugs; pair of matched Axminster rugs, 6 x 41,'1, and 2 x 4; green rug, 9 x12: rug, 8 x10; scatter mats; walnut coffee table; 2 36Xyanti ue clocks; kitchen clocks - 2 elbd 2 t WHITEWASHING -Barns and poultry houses cleaned, disin- fected and whitewashed, Car - bola spraying for flies if desired. For prices contact J. M. Baeker, Box 138,' Brussels, or phone col- lect, 95. -30-39 SID BULLEN'S Cabinet Shop custom furniture, kitchen cup- boargs, furniture repairs. 184 Gibbolis St. Phone 9631. -31tf DEAD ,STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down or Disabled Cows and Horses, also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value. GORDON TAYLOR Phone collect 44 r 24. Lucknow Licence No. 68C61. -8tf RENTAL service on cribs, baby strollers, and high chairs at Lodge Furniture. JA 4-7521. 15. Notice To Creditors ALL persons hiving claims against the estate of FRED TOOLE, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Barber, who died,on or about the 30th day of August, 1961, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 30th day of September, _1961, as after that date the assets of the estate 474t.V.Vistri,agtiKkw, a. • . Vital at uoderich, Ontario, HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. -35-37 thisAtik4as..4.4-4StelOW 'HAYS PREST ALL persons having claims Against the estate of ALE KNEESHAW, late of the Town tlerielt, the--Gounty--e Huron, cooper, who died on or about the 2nd day of September, 1961, are required to,file the same With full particulars with the undersigoed by the 7th day of October, 1961, as after that date the. assets of the Estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 7th day of September, 1961. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario, -36-38 ALL persons having claims against the estate of ARTHUR SAMUEL STURDY, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 5th day of July, 1961, are required to file the same with full particul: ars with the undersigned by the 14th day of October, 1961, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 13th day of September, 1961. -34ff HAYS. PREST & HAYS, STAN BLOWES TRAVEL SER- . Barristers, etc, VICE, 32 Wellington, Stratford.' Goderich, Ontario. For all airlines, steamships, rail, -37-39 hotel reservations, tours." Low bank rates, on time payments. Prepaids arranged for relatives visiting from overseas Call 271-5710. -37 WELL DRILLING Don't put off drilling that need- ed well any longer -do it now. For fast efficient service and ex- perience contact Durham Drill- , 8 299, Durham,phone collect 6 r 5, Allan Park. -28-37 TIRED of shopping? Fed up -with high food prices? We can supply food and freezer for less than your present food budget. For. information contact David E. Colclough, R:R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone Clinton collect HU 2-3275. Representative for Good House- keeping Food & Freezer Plan. 36-37x SHARPENING -Saws: hand and electric. Want them expertly filed by hand? Also skates, cut- lery, etc. Part-time farm work,' digging, etc. C. H. Homar, Huron Rd., opposite Undercoat- ing Shop. 1 -36tf 16. Public Notice 15. Notice To Creditors THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM BENJAMIN, LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, DECEASED. - All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars to the undersigned by the 30th 'day ptember, 1961, atter which date' tlie-aSS-ets-v-v 111-6i di s tifb- uted. DONNELLY, DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, , Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. -35-37 rass, bed; st s; _aria - lv located, large parking facil- small children with light house- erous to mention. -EPAIR-s-hbPT-40-by-54, -central-ILADY wanted to -care fir two tresses. Other artiCles too num- ities. Phone 7855. -35-38 , keeping duties while mother ..., !works, five day week, commenc-. CONSTRUC.TION men -fall and ing 'January 1. Apply stating winter accommodation; large wages expected to Box 102, Sig - self -contained Units, showers, nal -Star. 36x fridge and gas range;. rooms. . 7_r_s. Ken All in, Maple • Leaf \ LADY to come daily and pre - Motel 54 Victoria St., Goderich.. pare dinner and supper for 3 .,: , I adults and do general house - TERMS -CASH,. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. George Powell, Clerk. -36-37 CLEARING Auction Sale of farm stock and 0 machinery at lot 28, concession 1, East Wawa - nosh Township, mile east of TWO-BEDROOM, heated apart- I work (1., froor). East end of Auburn on County Rd., , ment above the Police Office, 1 town. If interested write Box 1, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd at 1 p.m. CATTLE -2 red cows, bred July 15th; red roan cow; • red cow, bred July 6th; Hereford cow, bred July; part Ayrshire cow; -roan cow, bred July: white - corn r• West and Waterloo Sts., .375 1Preference given to family of I I lat least three adults. Available j . SALESLADY ibetween September 115 and 30th. t . - for ” Apply Town Clerk, 57 West St. I CHILDREN'S WEAR STORE -35 ve- ay . . ! Permanent position for reliable face heifer, 2 years old; red MODERN bright office, ground floor. Adaptable for office pse person willing to take heifer, 18 months old; 5 year - responsibility. ling cattle; 7 calves, but fully equipped. for Beauty I Good working conditions. Salon or Barber Shop. Ideal pply Box 105, Signal -Star. MACHINERY -Case Model S. tractor; Fleury Bissel Z -furrow HOMES $2.00() Down on Widder St„ frame, 3 -bedroom. $5,000 Down on Widder St., new brick 3 -bedroom. (2)-$6,500 on Waterloo St., 2 - bedroom. $3,500 on Wilson St., new, 3- IN brie of the new areas Of Gode- rich, a new rug -brick bungalow. *Mit is a Wifely modern homer has a large living room, bed- robms, all modern appointments; nicely landitcaped. This will be -,sold quickly. Contact. Mal- ...d...Mathers- Reid Mate Brek. Fi d week location on West St. Telepho JA 4-8845, Goderich. -36t bedroorri. ONE -'BEDR(TO1V1 unfurnished . 37 tractor plow; McCormick -Deer- ing manure spreader; lculVyator AN wilted for general leaning: one day er week, by disc; 6 -ft. McCormick _mower; roller; k • h 1 d • $4,000 Full price -4 -bedroom, apartment, vate entrance, ctober 1. New anadian preciump - Saltford, white brick. utilities pal.. AvaiTable im-I ferred. Apply Box 104, Signal- 16 -ft. hayrack; walking plow; $6,000 ',Full prite-Insul brick, Star. . -37tf milk cart; .set 'sleighs; harrows; mediately. 98 Artbur St. Huron Rd.,, 3 -bedroom. $7,000 Full price-Insul brick, Britannia Rd., 4 -bedroom. $7,000 Full price-Insul brick, Cameron St., 4 -bedroom. $8,500 Full price -Stucco, Jones St., 2 -bedroom. $15,000 Full price -Red brick, Nelsbn St. $15,500 Full price -In new sub-, division, 3 -bedroom. I $18,000 Full price -New hew, i Mary.St. Terms. , $19,000 Full price -New home, Mary St. Terms. Numerous other 2, 3, 4 and 5 - bedroom homes with ex- - ceptionally easy terms. WE HAVE one of the largest lisibings of farms in Huron County from $3,300.00 to $75,000.00. 0 NUMEROUS local business op- portunities. No information • given over phone on these. LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES • INVITED KEN CROFT Farm Salesman: John 1. Ranson 152 South St. -JA 4-8559 • FOUR-BEDROOM house with liv- ing room. dining room, extra large kitchen, 3 -piece bathroom and glassed -in sunporch. Pro- oerty includes Vivo garages .and 2% lots. .This property should qualify for a V.L.A. loan. Pre - Mises may be seen at 240 Bri- tannia ltd. East.' For itiform- 14:4-8150. nth. pro- nertv mitst be sold in order to wind it an estate. 1 Immediate possession.. Stephen' Trelestc. 41 Cr, 46 West gt. $A4,0442. Administrator. t chicken fountains and feeder; • WAITRESS wanted, top wages, electric brooder and bulbs; 140- FURNISHED six -room home' in every Sunday free. Contact, ft. extension cord; 32 -ft. exten- • ' central focation. Available im-, manager, Cosy Grill, -Mitchell,; sion ladder; chicken -crate; 2 - mediately. Harold W, Shored or phone 348 - 8741. 37,x' wheel trailer with stbck rack: Real'Estate Broker, 38 Hamilton 1 • i quantity of loose hay. Other -37tf WANTED: Reliable man as Deat-lartieles too numerous to men- ' St. Dial JA 4-7272. er in part of Huron County and TWO apartments on East St- I Goderich. Experience not neces- For information phone 8244 or sary. A fine opportunity to step -37 into old pratable business 7858. where Rawleigh Products have SIX -ROOM house, $75 per ;been sold for years. Big profits. month. Write Box 100, Signal - 37x Products furnished on credit. Star. Write Rawleig 's, Dept. 1-218- 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. APARTMENT, furnished, living1163' -37 room, kitchen, bedroom and bath, laundry room, private en- rimpirisrmierrow.parasara trance. Ridgewood Park, phone JA 4-8891. • -36tf 9. Agents Wanted TWO d - mo ern motelrooms ava - able for steady boarder,s, ladies or gentlemen. Reasonable rates() to responsible persons. Meals' optional. Blue Water Motel, Bavfield Rd., Goderich. JA 4- 8374. -36 HEATED, furnished apartnt, Phone 8720. -37 above Tots and Teens store. 'HEATED, two-bedroom apart- ment, available. November 1. Write Box 106, Signal -Star. ' 37x WARTIME house and garage, close to schools, rent $70. John Bosveld; 40 Wellesley St. Phone JA 4,8762. ' -37 LARGE' comfortable two -room apartinent, furnislie , ft* and mg& 3 -piece bat . balcony, view of lake, available immedi- ately. Agent_ miss Mary /I Hewett, 12 St. Vincent St„ phone JA 4-8842. -37tf • JOIN a progressive firm 'provid- ing a real future. If you are not now employed or wish to better., yourself, serve now con- sumers with -a large and guaran- teed line of. household neces- sities, also farm products. High eommission. Familex, Dept. 15, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. -37 • 10. Wanted' (General) $ $ $ $ $ -= -WILL, pay $7.00 for 100 large Canadian pennies, good condition. !Other coins also considered. Alf`ROY,- Hotel Clin- ton. Tel. HU 2-7011, Clinton, Ont. 38-3/X ROOMERS or boarders wanted. NPPlY at 26 Bruce St, east, or phone 7990. -38 -GOOD home wanted for two kittens. Phone '9546. 31x tion. TERMS -CASH. • Wilfred Sanderson, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. George Powell, Clerk. No reserve as farm is sold -37,38 • AUCTION SALE of, Jersey and Guernsey cows and heifers at lot No. 31, concession 6, Gode- rich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th at 2 p.m., the following: 40 Jersey and Guernsey „COWS and heifers, 10 recently fresh- ened, some springing and- bal- ance guaranteed to be in calf; 2 Holstein cows, freshened; 3 Holstein cows,' milking and re - bred; a mimber of young calves. This is a nice lot of cattle, of good quality and condition and sold to satisfy. TERMS -CASH. A. E. Townshend & Son, PrOprietors. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. T • • -37 16. Public Notice TREASURER'S SALE QF TAXES. —"'INiairAixrpt or COUNTY OF HURPN PROVINCE OF ONTARIO TO WIT: NOTICE is hereby given that the list of lands to be sold for rrears_of taxes_in_ lb.e-County- of Huron has been prepared and, was published in an advertise - meet in The Ontario Gazette Upon the 2nd day of September, 1961. Copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes may be had in the County Treasurer's office. In default a payment of taxes as shown on such list on or be- fore Tuesday, December 5, 1961, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, 1 shall at the said time, in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands to pay such arrears, to- gether with the charges thereon. NOTICE is also hereby given that if any of the said lands re- main. unsold, an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday, Decem- ber 12, 1961, at the same hour and place and at which. munici- palities may reserve the right to purchase any of the said lands. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer. Gocierich, September 4, 3961. ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION • Advertisement of Intention to Construct a Water Treatment Plant Intake and Outfall Sewer in Lake Huron at Goderich, Ontario. In Accordance with Navigable Waters Protection Act R.S.C. 1952, Chapter 193 The Ontario Water Resources Commission hereby gives notice that it has, under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of the County of Huron, a description of the site and the plans of the Gode- rich Water Treatment Plant Water Intake- and Sewer Outfall proposed to --be laid in Lake Huron at Goderich, Oqtario, in front of Lot Number 1 at the foot of Britannia Rd. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the publication of this notice, the Ontario Water Resources Commission will, un- der aection_7_of the said only to the. Minister of P-tiblic Works for approval of the said site ano pians. Dated this 15th day of Sep- tember, 1961. W. S. MacDonnell, Commission Secretary, Additional Olassified Ads -35-47 NOW finance your new or late model used ear purchase at Bank, Rates through Harold W. Shore, 38 Hamilton Sit. Dial 7272. -7tf NEED, FILL for an' purpose? How about broken portions of solid cement wall? It's yours for the carting away from lot on Lighthouse St. Apply Signal - Star, Goderich. , 321:f 4/MONINOWS. 17. Business Notice LEARN WELDING NO TIME LIMIT Also Certificate Courses In 'Supervision Inspection Quality Control • A.R.C. SCHOOL OF WELDING 92 John St. N., Hamilton JA 9-7427 ' JA 7-9681 ' 36-39x FOR LEASE SUPERTEST PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED Two service stations in Goderich 1 Single bay 1 Three bay. Immediate possession. Apply to Ted Elliott, Wingham, Ont. Phone 679W., -37-40 18: Personal -V., Find- a friend thru- us. "Ville .Tor folder. 'riend1y Folks, Box 7, Mactier, Ont. 34 -7x - Ontario Water Resources Commission, -37 AUCTION Sale of household furniture and antique articles, at the residence of Mrs. S. J. Eilpatrick, in the village of Dungannoh, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 at 1.30 p.m. Terms -Cash. , Allan MacIntyre, Auctioneer. Articles subject to 3% Sales Toy I 471 Page 5 1 , OUR BIG ANNUAL WALLPAPER SALE CONTINUES!! SPECIAL Weakly tT1 Discounts liVA ILIBPA PE RS -a-- STARTMIG AT 19c PER ROLL Borders Start at 2c Per Foot ' ROOM LOTS AT SPECIAL LOW-LOW.PRICE$ FREE PASTE WITH EVERY PURCHASE 1 FREE WATER TROUGH WITH PRE-PASTEDS EE DRAW for An OVAL ,BRAIDED MAT * A -REAL MONEYSAVING 'FEATURE * ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS and WINDOWS "Town & Country" — by WINTERSEAL. 4ecially Priced - Install Them Yourself - DOORS $32.95 REILLY Ltd. McARTHUR 86 WEirt ST. - GObtRICII -3A4.8532 1