HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-09-21, Page 3ONTARIO HOG MARKETING BOARD TO TAKE OVER. Delegates at the annual meet- ing of the Ontario Hog Produc- ers' Co-operative last week de- cided to abolish the co-operative and hand over the selling of its hogs to -.the Ontario Hog Market- ing' lioard. ° H. E. Harris, solicitor for the co-operative, said a single board to organize hog marketing and sales in Ontario would end con- fusion and clarify the job of cl it ;` et :,:• minds -of farmeA.- • " h' The co-operative has been the selluig-agent fo,tlieoard since 1957. Members of each group frequently have expressed diffi- culty in knowing where their re- spective powers begin and end, immansimimmor rlrro :BROWNIES • DRIVE-IN THEATRE Ltd. CLINTON THURSDAY, FRIDAY — Sept. 21, 22 -- Double Feature --- "FLAMING STAR" (Color) (Scope) _.-.-r1vtJ.rl':R. ESLEY Delores Del Rio, Barbara Eden "12 HOURS TO KILL" (Scope) Nico Minardos, Barbara Eden (One Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY— Sept. 23, 25 Double Feature =- "TESS OF THE STORM COUNTRY" (Color) (Scope) - Diane Baker, Wallace Ford "THE SEVEN THIEVES" (Scope) Edward G. Robinson, Joan Collins (One Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY-- Scpt, 26, 27 THE LEAGUE of GENTLEMEN Jack Hawkins (One Cartoon) First Show at Dusk. 110 Children under 12, -din cars, Free astern Star Cookin chool Draws Qv r Mrs. Brian Hallam, 42 Britan- nia road E., was -the winner of the door prize, a Moffat gas range, at the Blue Flame Cook- ing School held Friday evening in the G.D.C.I. Auditorium. More ,:than -.26X) ,.ladiga Atte.paed: Blue Water Chapter of - the East- ern Star:.. Mr. Lloyd Bamiforth, manager of the Goderich office • of the Union Gas Company of Canada, welcomed all to the school. He spoke about the equipment played on the platform and in- troduced Miss Patricia Wright, o Paltne'trston;the HomevSezyvice representative of Union Gas for this district. She is • a graduate of MacDonald Institute, Guelph. Miss Wright was assisted in cooking by Miss Isabelle Gil- christ, home economist for Hur- on County. Mr. Bamforth also introduced Worthy Matron Mrs. J. Robin, who welcomed all the THEN. YOU ARE IIKELYTO BE the athletic typel Strong, self-confident, loving -outdoor sports -writing from an African safari you would naturally include; ■ 'Your correspondent's full and correct postal ad- dress ■ 'Your own name and return address in upper left co3rne.r ■ AND THE C _RRECTPOSTALZONE NU,MBER IF YOU ARE. WRITING TO QUEBEC, MONTREAL, OTTAWA, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, OR VANCOUVER. Helpustospeedyourmail-- check the yellow pages of _ -you* Telephone Directory ,for full postal information. MEMBER INS G4 0 MacEWAN 7. INSURANCE AGENCY YOUR AGENT OF PERSONAL r SERVICE A ss 44 North St. Phone JA 4-9531 AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT mainiamimmegarem THE AIR- CONDITIONED PARK &t• ive thFOR rtiFORT Now Playing --"MISTY"., a picture for the entire amily. In Technicolor with David Ladd and Pam Smith. Mon., Tues., Wed.—Sept 25, 26, 27 Fred Astaire, Debbie Reynolds and Tab Hunter A cast, a story and a fun -show you will enjoy. "The Pleasure of His Company" In Techi icolor Thurs., Fri., Sat.—Sept. 28, ,29, 30 Cyd Charisse, Erhie Kovacs and George Janders. Take us to.the Italian Alps for a satirical comedy "FIVE GOLDEN -HOURS" Also: The 'Wonders of Puerto Rico—Rasslin' Champs and> a cartoon. Coming--"Ddstcir In Love" ---ADULT ENTERTAINMENT i ladies on behalf of the Blue Water Chapter. In her demonstrations, Miss Wright stressed the way- in which entertaining can be made easy by preparing oven meals, atlt artier _ n t clayp. She to suit all ages, which 'Could -be all served met .style; thus sav-, ing many hours of work. The lucky draw winners were: The oven meal, chicken and veg- etables, Mrs. Ruby Draper, Port Albert; Tuna.. casserole and sal- ad, -Mrs. George Hadden, Hincks street; broiler meal, lobsters and vegetables; Mrs: -0or-don-- Mc'_ Clinchey, R.R. 2, Auburn; coffee cake, Mrs. A. Hardy, East street; chocolate nut dreams, Mrs. A. Lobb, Clinton; frankfurter twis- ties, Mrs. F. Walkom, Piston street; snacks, Mrs. W. Treble, R.R. 5, Goderich. The winners of the bags 9f groceries were: Mrs. Ivan Mc- Connell, Montreal street; Mrs. Archie Grenier, R.R. 3, Gode. rich; Mrs..Jarvis McBride, R.R. 5, Goderich; Mrs. Elton Draper, Port - Albert; Miss Josephine Wedlock, South street; Mrs. John Robertson, Bruce street; Mrs. Maurice Jenkins. Angiesea street; Mrs, Jim Ske ch,. Nelson street; Mrs. Ray Moo 'e, Benmil- ler; Mrs. Ken McMillan, Cam- eron street. WINS AT WESTERN FAIR Mr. - Ept riam---Snell-, -of---the Clinton district, won top honors in the Leicester sheep judging at the Western Fair on Friday. He also took the reserve champ- ionship with his ram. Mr. Snell secured in all; eight firsts, nine seconds and five thirds. 3 Sentenced Fore Break-in Magistrate H. Glenn Hays Thursday sentenced- three Lon- don youths who pleaded guilty to a charge of breaking into the Sunset Hotel on August 14. Cameron Angles and Gerald Andress were each sentenced to 12 months definite and d six months indeterminate, while Donald Novice was given five months definite and eight months indeterminate. Robert Grant Laws, Goderich, pleaded not guilty to a charge of unlawfully entering the cot- tage of Mrs. Murray Lawson, in Ashfield Township, March 9, and stealing shotgun shells valued at •$3. • Trial was set for Septem- ber 21. 1001100111011M10•00411141111101111411001100111011M10•00411141111101111001100111011M10•0041114111001100111011M10•00411141111101111411,••••••• S DRIVE-IN UNSET 114 miles east of Goderich on No. 8 Highway Wednesday, Thursday, Friday— Sept: 20, 21;. 22 DANNY KAYE and Nicole Maurey Will give you a laff a` minute in 64 ME AND THE COLONEL" Lloyd Bridges and Vera Miles "PRIDE OF THE BLUE GRASS s, A Technicolor horse? tale. Saturday, Monday, Tuesday— Sept. 23, 25, 26 Fred MacMurray and Star Cast "FACE' OF A FUGITIVE" Keeley Smith and Jill Corey `SENIOR PROM' Wednesday, Thursday, Friday— Sept. 27,, 28, 29 ' • Julia Adams and Kerwin Matthew "TARA�VVA ,. BEACIEAD" Jon Hall and Nan Adams "FORBIDDEN ISLAND" TWO SHOWS NIGH'T'LY First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars free Playgrounds -- Refreshments ••a.o•••••••.•••••••• 0 of ISYOUR ANSWER For, Any • Project Calling Fort FIRMNESS and DURABILITY .MIXED and READY TO POUR Yon wiif get just what's neret-- -- without waste. Your specifications fulfilled to the letter -- -- IILJRON CONCRETE5UPPLY Ltd. • Lyall For Estimate Without Obligation. A 4-731'lI Or Fite R.R, 1,°° Goderich, Agents for Caloium Chloride - MRS. G..JOHN$TON SPEAKS AT FREE METHQDI&T WMS The. September meeting of the Free Methodist W M.S. was held St. David, street, with 21 ladies The president, Mrs. E. A. Cooper presided and introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. George Johnston, who gave an inspiring message on* "Tie Hands of Jesus." She spoke of the many occasions throughout,the min- istfiY brJesus'WW1- hands v erihands for purposes of healing, comforting the sorrowful or gathering the children about Hire. Other items on - the program included: Scripture reading by Miss E. McMichael; a missionary story by Barbara Cooper; favor, ite sayings of famous mission- aries read by each one present. Prayers were offered by Mrs. M. Riordon and Mrs. T. Mc- Michael. Mrs. R. Cornish conducteda short business session with Mrs. L. Sparks, Mrs. L. Rodges and Miss M. Disher giving various reports. Ten reading certific- ates were presented to those covering the prescribed read- ing_course. Pianist for the evening was Mrs. F, Hawkins. Tribute Paid By St. George's WA The September Meeting of St. George's Woman's Auxiliary opened with prayers being taken by the President, Mrs. H. Tich- blarne, who presided. Mrs: E. Pritchard read the Litany pray- ers and Mrs. B. Munday the & ri'pture, The president A �Ci�ft'44itUASildditt4dtetVretiV. tion of the' Psalm. Mrs. A. Palntet paid tribute to Mrs. Wm. Taylor, who has passed on to higher service, but in her advanced years, when many sit With folded hands, n'iade 35 quilts for the W.A. missionary bale. The members stood for a moment of silence nd Mrs.._ Palmer .Said. ,a,nrayer, Mrs, Reg. Needham gave t e secretary's report and has kind- ly consented to act as secretary for the remainder of the year owing to the resignation of Mrs, Dawn Kolohon. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. ;A. C. Blay. Mrs. K. E. Taylor reminded the members that a donation of fifty cents was expected from each member of every branch towards a fund for the Anglican women's training college. Flowers are to be placed on the altar the last Sunday in September in memory of de- parted members. There is an appeal for all branches to make white aprons for the Mohawk Institute, Brantford,° fhe mater- ial to be supplied. Miss Beatrice Lauder finished the sturdy •-book , "Toward _.tb.e. Centre." Mrs. D. J. Allan reported that the 1962 Calendars would • be here in October. After the benediction, pro- nounced by Mrs. Reg, Needha lunch was served by Mrs. A. Palmer, Mrs. D. J. Allan, Mrs. Shirley Smith and Mrs. B. Mun- day. Members were pleased to have as their guest during the lunch hour, Mrs. Dawn Kolohon. Oddly enough, singer Denyse Ange owes her success partly to i)lness - - a bout of laryn- gitis four. years ago which re- sulted in her distinctive throa- a- .� ty voice, She's currently heard ty Bayfield- Church an•lea-ram o s Camilleri and• Company, Thpr.sdays on the Trans -Canada network. Left $3OOOO Studying To BAYFIELD, Sept. 12. — -Last Be Teachers member of a pioneer family here, Miss Margaret R. Snowden, has left $30,000 in her will to Trinity Anglican Church, Bay- field. The aforementioned amount is part of the proceeds-' of. the sale of two farms left to the church by Miss Snovwden. .The main 253 -acre farm on Highway No. 21, five miles -south of . Bayfield, brought $51,000 at a public auction on August 30th. The farm was purchased by a member of the -family. The second farm, a 100 -acre tract of pasture and woodland without buildings on the Bron- son Line, is now in process of sale, . Miss Snowden was 86 at the time o fher death. She had lived alone for the past 31 years. The property was owned joint- ly by Miss Snowden and her sister, Elizabeth, until the sister died in 1925.' Claims against the sister's portion of the estate are being settled and the church is -eipected to receive the balance of close to $30,000. The first successful electric lighting plant was established by Thomas Edison in a textile mill at Cornwall, Ontario. On the average, Victoria, 'B.C., has nine frost -free months a year, from March 1 to• Decem- ber 7. Among the 380 students regis- tered at Stratford Teachers' Col- lege for the school term 1961- 1962 are 18 from Goderich' and district. The - first year students are: Shirley Brown, Auburn; Sylvia Powell and Mary Wilson, both Of Goderich. In the second 4jear of .the two- year course is Mary Redmond, R.R. 2, Auburn, and completing the course is Bob Gardner, Auburn. In the one-year course are: Lawrence Black, Dungannon; Barbara Brindley, R.R. 5, Gode- rich; Josette Helene Delbergue, R.R. 3, Auburn; Sandra Finni- gan, Robert Kinkead, Jo Par- sons, Lorna Pratt and Sandra McLean, all of Goderich; Margo Grange, Auburn; Jean Mills, R.R. 3, Auburn; Irene Pfriinmer, R.R. 4, Goderich; Chrystal Straughan, R.R. --4, Goderich; Gerald Walter, R.R. 1, Goderich. 'Like the old saying "Little drops of water, Little grains of sand - Make a mighty ocean", etc. SO:- -. $10.00 each month put to work in Commonwealth Internfational Corporation --a mutual fund— for the next 20 years ' could make a mighty big difference in your retirement plans. , Better call JOSEPH ALLAIRE NOW: $hone JA 47671 GODERICH King (Merritt & Co. ((Canada) Ltd. B. -Irwin Heads Dungannon 4-H •.� DUNGANNON, Sept. 18,—The first meeting of the Dungannon 4-H girls was held at the home of Mrs. H. McWhinney on Sep- tember 13. - , 'Featuring Fruit" is. the course to be taken to help girls enjoy. learning together .about fruit and its many virtues. The officers elected are as follows: President, Betty Irwin; yice-president, Patricia Eedy; secretary -treasurer, Sharon Ste- wardson; press reporter, Diane Bridgett. - Other members- are. Lenore Petrie, Donna McKenzie, Helen` Wardrop, Barbara Pollock, and Beverly Phillips. Regular meetings are planned for Friday evenings at eight o'clock. Discussion took place on cleaniiness,"dishwashing, and working procedures, led by the assistant leader, Mrs. Cecil Blake. - The 'demonstration on weightsandMeasures-was given by the leader, Mrs, H. Mc Whinney. The girls carried out simple experiments on measuring, and chose the title "Dungannon Fruit Lassies" 'for the club. Lunch 36tf was served by the hostess. Diane Bridgett, press reporter. Saturday ' Night TO BUDDY CARLTON and his Strato-Tones From. 9 p.m. 'til midnight ADMISSION 75c BLUE WATER LOUNGE Bayfield Rd. JA 4.8374 GODERICH tf Modern Hair Styling RY KARI' Now OPEN at the corner of Hamilton and Newgate Streets GODERICH H• air -Shaping and ,Permanents * ESKA PROTEIN WAVE * 3 FROSTING — BLEACHING -- TINTING OPEN SATURDAYS — ALL DAY Appointments made to suit YOUR CONVENIENCE Por Appointments Cali JA 494732 ---Res. 8881 24tf The 00044 Signal W P CAR PLUNGES ' OFF DOCK TO BOTTOM OF. HARBOR Heading for- .__ a. __waterfront drive to get cool before retiring, Bert Westguard, 21, Wellington street, ended up in a hot situ- ation early Wednesday morning of last week. While driving down Harbor Hill, he found his car brakes were not working. Meanwhile the car headed for. the water. 'It plunged off the dock but Westguard was able to jump clear before it did so. Divers located the submerged vehicle later and hauled it from the bottofn of the harbor. Frank Reid Shows 'em How GUARANTE - • FIRST QUALITY LADIES' SEAMLESS MICRO -MESH SiZES 81/2 toll' COLOURS: ENCHANTMENT, INTRIGUE, BURNT AMBER REG. PRICE $ T,00 PAIR The president of Branch 109, Royal Canadian Legion, Gode- rich, Frank Reid, showed, at Winghain last week, some 48 fellow Legion members from various parts of Western ,On. tario how to. golf. Firing a 74 —just four over par — Frank won the annual- invitational tournament sponsored by Branch 180 at Wingnam. Reid received the N. J. Wel- wood _ Trophy from .the donor; Norman Welwood, Wingham businessman. Now net on the day's, play was Glen Jones,.of Preston, with 58. Jones received the Biggs Trophy from George Brooks the Wing - ham Legion president ASHFIEJ-D COLLISION Two persons were injured in a two -car collision on an Ash- field Township county road, Friday. Mrs. ErVen MacLean, of R.K. 3, Lucknow, a passenger in a car driven by Douglas Martyn, of Ripley, is in Kincar- dine Hespital, with undetermin- ed injuries. Edmond Sirmett, 31/2 -year-old son or James Ed- mond Sinnett, Alpine, Michigan, is in Wingham hospital with head injuries. The boy was a passenger in the ocar driven by his father. Constable Donald Twamley, of the GodertLh provinciai police detachment. investigated. - OBITUARY WOOLWORTH PRiCE .C. " 1ILES C. 114- NEIL - --- - ' -A ha ive of Colborne. Town- ship, 4C arles Clifford McNeil, 82, diode -on Wednesday 4of last week at Alexandra Hospital where he had been a patient fey several months. He was a ,son of the late Alexander and Bar- bara Jainiespf McNeil. Before coming ' to Goderich ten years ago, he' lived in Toronto. For many years he was an" appraiser for the Ontario Farm Loan Board.. He was a member of St. George's Anglican Church and of Morningstar Lodge, No. 309, A,F and AM. At one time he was assessor for Colborne Town- ship. Surviving are three nephews, Clifford and Douglas McNeil, Colborne Township; 'Neil Mc- Bride, Barrie; and one niece, Miss Estella McBride, Toronto. His wife, the former Alice Haughton, died in 1956. ma -Lodge No. 309, A,F and AM, held a memorial service on Thursday night, at the Lodge funeral home. rtev. Dr. K. E. Taylor officiated -at the funeral service at St. George's Church on Friday afternoon. Interment was in Colborne cemetery. Mrs. John Vincent spent the past week visiting with friends at llderton' Corners. She also visited her siter-in-law, Mrs. Roland Vincent, of Blyth, in Victoria Hospital where she it still a patient following the ac- cident which took the life of her husband, south of Belgrave about six weeks ago. She visit- ed her niece. Mrs. J. G.-Heaman, of London, in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, who was seriously injured in a more recent ae fdent -at El infield, while driving home •frim Clinton. 7• Baby Blanket Size 36 x 50 - Viscose and -400N Eiderdown All White with Red/Yellow/Green Strip on end. REGULAR PRICE $2.29 Three styles to choose from. Shades, white and off-white. Overall height 18". BALII°NA SHADE Acetate with Nylon Trim Choose from White, Pink, Blue REG. PRICE $1.98 WOOLWORTH PRICE LIFELIKE POLYTHENE OSES SO REAL EVEN THE BEES CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE PACKED ACCORDING TO SIZE EACH BAG CONTAINS AT LEAST $1.20 VALUE WOOLWORTH BAG PRICE Shop Pefroshed — Visit Our Luncheon* -Ito • OPEN -FRIDAY