HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-09-14, Page 7DIES AT NORWICH ' '1ABOUT 20 AT CHURCH Mr. Elmer Weaver, manager of the Goderich P.U.C., went to Norwich, Ontario, ` Wednesday morning where his ,father, George Weaver, passed away at the age of 66 after an illness of some time. Mr. Weaver lived for many, years' in the Norwich 114 #901q. -time-engineer attq en eer th ordelr Milk „plant there. , He is surviv- edby his wife; one daughter in Toronto, and one son, Elmer, 4. of Goderich. WE ARE HERE TO -SERVE YOIT Call Us For All ' your APPLIANCE or REFRIGERATION Service Needs. Toasters - Irons • Mixers Etc. JA 4-8434 52 Wed St. Goderich GERRY'$ APPLIANCES G, ERRY_AMOROSO, Manager. -tf HEAT REDUCES ATTENDANCE AT OCTOGENARIAN SERVICE Members of the Octogenarian Club attended a special - service ,put' J- -1.V ,�, a to y 9ii=7. Sunaayniternoon, arid heard an appropriate sermon by- Rev. W. J. teen -Hooper'. John Flick, pre- sident of the club, read the les - ,sons. Heat close to 90 degrees and high humidity, kept the at- tendance down to a score. The New Testament lesson, from St. Luke, ,chapter 24, had to dv-with-the•-waik--fronr Em= maus, and the minister based his sermon upon the verse: "They constrained him, saying; abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the ° day is far spent." The two disciples, he pointed out, received from Jesus eopsolation, instruction ' and grace. " ° "The Christian," the minister said, "should . always by faith constrain Him to stay. Look at a man who has gone through life-- and reached -old age- with boom comrades gone, the things he loves disappeared; as he looks into --the past, all he sees is evil, and as he struggles to live without God, he looks upon it all as darkness. It is a de- pressing sight to see anyone H0Ys COLOUR—CENTRE CENTRE 27 EAST. ST, - JA 4-8310 SELLING OUT SALE 2Off All Prjces_ PITTSBURGH PAINTS grope for light when he comes to the end of life. ,r , 2g_' !'1gt1-ua n looks it t ee� 2Z2 ng a�It'n'the,. ear and .tr,...and_looks upon him= self, with physical powers be- coming weaker. But in his heart allalo ng has been n the truth that there is here no rest- ing place; he looks to ;a 'resting place beyond this world. Then he is not distressed, for he has constrained Jesus to stay with lainr. 'These -men- -at--Em. recognized Jesus . as the risen Lord, who said, 'I am with you ankays, • unto the, end of • the world.' Therefore at evening time` them shall be light for that man. As expressed in one of the great evening hymns: 'Holy, blessed Trinity, Darkness pis not dark with Thee; Those Thou keepest always see Light at evening time'." s' Mrs. Allan Billings, of Mit- .c.hell,._is .visiting this..week--with her•-dau hter s. a tunic, Mr. Fortune and family of South street. ;••••••••••••••••••••0 Dr. J. H. Peters I ny wV West Street i OFFICE WILL BE s CLOSED • 0 from • SEPTEMBER 9th, i until • • •� SEPTEMBER 18th. • ,^••••••••••••••N••••• s •• r • • NILE NILE, Sept. 12.—There will be no church or Sunday School next Sunday owing to annivers- ary services at Dungannon. Mrs. Nickilson and -Ricky were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Taylor and ,girls. , AgrIANAleAs Delmore visited On Sud'day 'w Mr, and Mrs. Ross McNee. Mr. Bill Clark is a patient in Goderich hospital. We wish him a speedy recover . We are sorry to report that ,harry Girvin who has been a patient in Goderich hospital was taken to London hospital on Monday. r. and Mrs. Ed.mSmith-were in London on Tuesday. Those receiving rewards for best attendance in their respec- tive 'classes on Rally' Sunday were: Jamieson Ribey, Donald McNeil, Nancy Taylor, Mary Stewardson and Glen' McNeil. W.A. Meet.—The W.A. met on Tuesday with the first vice-pre- sident, Mrs. H. Matthews, in the chair. Scripture was read by Mrs. D.. McDiarmid and devo- tional taken by Mrs. H. Watson. It was decided to have .a fowl :5npper. in November, Commit- tee in charge will be: Mrs. W. Wiggins, Mrs. G. McNee and Mrs. D. McDiarmid'. A com- mittee of Mrs. C...Feagan, Mrs. Wm. Wiggins, M. Orval Ribey, Mrs. D. McDiarmid and Mrs. H.a M tthew's was appointed m o d e to .buy -r'p L lo€t- and pulpit. Mrs. I a son and Mrs. W. Johnston served a de- licious lunch at the close of the meeting. Mrs.'Wm. Wiggins was in Lon- don Tuesday visiting her daugh- ter, Miss Marian Orser, R.N., who ..leaves on Friday for Nipi- gon where she will nurse in the coming months. OBITUARYn MRS. ARTIER.BRITTON CadU Station Will Born in Goderich and a resi- dent of Ottawa, Mrs. Arthur Britton (Emily Grace Diff ,. daughter of the late Mr. 'band Mrs. Robert Duff, passed away suddenly on August 30th, 1961. Surviving are her husband and two sons, Jack, 'of Ottawa,_and yu1 -Q eR;:— ei•, l `obert buff, 'SToronto, at d one sister, Mrs. Chas. Videan, Goderich." Ipterinept took place at Pinecrest cemetery, Septem- ber eptember 1st. ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED E: Cant: or Thanks McWHINNEY.—I would like to thank• relatives and friends who so kindly remembered me while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital during the month of August. Special thanks to the nurses and staff of Alexandra Hospital; also Dr. J. W. Wallace, Dr. J. Leitch and Dr. N. C. Jackson. Mrs. Richard McWhinney. 36x Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunt, Mrs. Rodger Day, Peoria, Illinois, Mr. Winston Oakley, Chicago, Illinois, visited Mrs. W.' J: Mc- Lean last -week. CHICKENS 3 -Ib. average CANADA FANCY-- GRiSP — NEW CROP ,,, , 0 CIC APPLES TOMATO .JUICE BROWNED BEANS CORN OIL RED ROSE TEA BAGS 60= %,5c GEM MARGARINE 41bPk9S95c LIBBY'S C ST. LAWRENCE 4 20 -oz. tins 25 -oz. tin C TOILET TISSUE WHITE CROSS 8 SPAGHETTi LIBBY'S COOKED 3 rolls for 15 -oz. tins LIBBY'S FANCY SDWERBY,.—.i wish,to thank. all: my friends for remembering me with gifts, flowers and cards while I Naas a patient in Goderich hospital. Special thanks 'to Dr. J. W. Wallace, Dr. J. R. Leitch, the nurses and staff. 36x SMITI-I.—I would like to express sincere thanks to my friends, neighbors and relatives who remembered me with cards, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Gordon J. Smith. ' 36x VINT.—I wish to express my appreciation to all my rela- tives and . friends for their gifts, -flowers, cards and visits while I was a patient in Alex- andra Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. V. L. McGeough and N. C. Jackson, and the nurses and •staff for their kind atten- l , tion. Betty Vint.. 36x Cut Import of Coal (Continued from page 1) the highest guy d rr1C)g abouWhen . ° "(e,'a,+t�'. t,edtriii°alete this derri wi be dismantled and lowered through •a temporary opening..at groundDuring ort in- spection level. r - spection of this cavern -the pneu- matie drills, working in the lofty - dome, created a racket through which the guide's explanations were unable to penetrate. The his. steel woi k---isw.-per-ferme. mainly, by,Indian workmen, who seem particularly' adept at this specialty. Heart Of .Project The reactor building will be the actual heart of the entire project. It is here that the uranium bundles will- be put to Work. In amongst the sub -ex- cavations, below the ground YOUNG.—I would like to ex- press my sincere than s and appreciation to all my �I-cigh- bors and relatives who -so kind- ly helped with the haying and harvesting during my present illness. Meredith 'Young. -36 F. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Archie R. Hamil- ton wish to announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Audrey Corene, to .Mr. Gary David Stoddart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stoddart, all of Gode- rich. The wedding will take- place ake place at North Street United Church, on Saturday, September 30, 1961, at- 3 p.rn. -36 The engagement is announced of Lorna Jean Boyce, daughter of Mrs. William Boyce, Gode- rich, and the late Mr. Boyce, to Charles Edward Mathers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matliers, R.R. 2, Goderich, The marriage will take place the latter part of September. -36 G. Coming Events Mitchell Legion Bingo, Legion Home, Monday, September 18, at 8 p,m. 15 -regular games $5; 3 jackpot specials; 1 share. the wealth; jackpot $60'in 53 num- bers. Admission 50c. , -36 Goderich Horticultural Society meeting, Friday,' Sept. 15, at 8 p.m., in St. George's Parish Hal',. Malcolm Kirk will speak on "Wild Flowers of the Bruce." -36 Bake Sale, sponsored by St. George's Churchwomen's Guild, will be held in Denomme's Flow- er Shop, on Friday, September 22nd, at 1.3p o'clock. -36-37 Goderich Women's Hospital Auxiliary, Monday afternoon, September 18, at 2.30 p,m., in the Board Room. -36 The monthly itnmiihizatioh clinic sponsored by the Health Unit will commence again on Saturday, September 16th, 10.00- 12 00 a,m. at the Health Unit Office, Court House. -36 so•••••m•®••oe•ee®•o•• Westinghouse ZERO FREEZER COLD INJECTOR AUTOMATIC DEFROST a level rock, a heavy concrete vault will house the reactor it- self. . Const cted ill- °flab. ar . rid-• � � � ium ` as- i u �b e�e so e 17117!1s , purpose of the reactor is to pro- vide the heat' necessary tv-gener- ate steam enough to actuate the rbines. In its complex circum atory system flows the heavy water used to transfer the heat to the ordinary -water boilers. In simple 'terms + the operation sheat--from-the uranium, steam from the boilers, spinning turbines, to which are coupled electric generators. Some idea of the tremendous power of the fissionipg atom is conveyed by the statement that "Two and a- half million pounds of saturated steam, per hour, will be sup- plied to the steam chest." Week's Signal -Stn One astounding feature of the !'.} The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, September 14th, 1901 reactor building is the great dousing tank anchored in the dome. Holding '400,000gallons of va£er this high -flung -tank iss a precautionary device which, in an emergency, will release cooling water `to reduce any ex- cess pressure caused by a mal- functi n of the reactor, . This d n - S w-,. �1 � y the reactor -.building was designed• -and constructed toy be, absolutely free of any por- osity. Eight boiler units will be in- stalled in the reactor building, four ata each, end of the cal- andria. This , vessel is an ar- rangement of 306 Zircaloy tubes, some used to house bundles and others as ducts for the heavy water moderator. At its base is the polished ,. steel dump tank, used to contain the activated heavy water in the event of .a shut down. (This story will be concluded in a second instalment in next ° S. S. COMPETITION IS LIKENED TO "MOAN -TRW' '- The Sunday School(' of . the Tree Methodist Church mu aunvK ed Sunday that on Septexnber 24th they will lamp "a:arovicet 'j�� ���1�'},��, y�j gam, Iempt..tu :-teac� . this - planet - '. fore their rival °competitor, the: city, of Brantford. the latter has challenged the 'local-churctr-� in au;' attendance drive. ' To give an enthusiastic send off .;to the Sunday School en• large�ment camaio.$ people of the Sunday School presented a Biblical skit which produced the, atmosphere neces- sary for a successful campaign. Taking , part in the play and. suitably attired as residents of the moon, were Chrrstena Hirst, Connie Jones and David Cornish. Part of the program was in reading "The. Moon Express". which in their moon write up news story, gave accounts Of those arriving and how .they travelled. BALLET c:LAS5 Registrations Must be in no later than This Weekend MARIA de KURTHY'S BALLET SCHOOL CLASSES" WILL BEGIN SEPTEMBER 15th .tiridis�,��••�.'���....-'-�.,,���-r�h11�4t'di� itr-e--sods-rtsee-. TAP -- BALLET -- ACROBATIC - Interested Parties Please Call JA 4-9372 . — • or — JA 4-8825 SUNDAY SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH . September 17th, '16th Sunday after Trinity. 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon. (Junior Congregation and Nursery.) 7 p.m. Evensong. -4 Thurs., Sept. 21, St. Matthew's Day. 10 a.m. Holy Communion in the Chapel. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector. Mr. J. F. Stephens, M.A., B. Ed., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA , North Street United Church 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. "MIXED MARRIAGES." Nursery and Jupior Congregation. REV. W. J. ten HOOPEN, B.A., B.D., Minister. MR. GEORGE ESPERT, Organist and Choir Director. Knoi Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister Mr. H. de Jong, Organist': Miss B. J. Woodruff, Deaconess 10.10 a.m. MINISTER'S BIBLE CLASS. ,11 arm. •MORNING WORSHIP. RALLY DAY. The Sunday School children will attend morning worship. (Nursery and Junior Congregation.) The P:T.A. announces an add- ed prize for their bingo on Sept. 21—a W. A. Sheaffer Co., pen. 1., Victoria Street United Church 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible .Class. 1 R.. ORSHIP-�- �Ww "ADVANCE:' ' 10 a.m. Benmiller Church and Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. Union Church—Anniversary Services. REV. CECIL A. DURELOW, Minister. MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH . b , 10 'a.m. ,Church School. Al! Ages. 11 a.m "CONFRONTED WITH -CHRIST." 7 p.m. EVENING SERVICE. Pastor, E. VonKeitz. Organist, Wm. Bettger. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Victoria and Park Streets REV. E. A. COOPER, Pastor: Phone JA 4-9306 SUNDAY SERVICES 9.50 a.m. FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. , 7 p.m. EVENING GOSPEL HOUR. Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting.. 1 Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle 10 a.m. Sunday School. Classes for all ages. . 11 a.m. ,MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30. p.m. EVANGELISTIC. SERVICE. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Friday, 8 p.m. Young People's. You are invited to come and worship with us. - REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor. THE SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL, - WELCOME SERVICES FOR CAPT. A. BAILEY. 11 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE. 7 p.m.' EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. VISITORS WELCOME' `••••••••••••••••••i••••••••••••••••••••d•••••••••i••••••• • •i� '�i•i�••i•ids•414400000pev • • • 0 •• • • 0 • • • 0 e • • • • •° • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BUY h5 GETNONE FREE WH.ATEVER YOUR BUILDING PLANS MAY BE The. Top -Quality Materials Are Here and Waiting For You SEE OUR DISPLAY OF Modern Styled — Pre -Fabricated Kitchen Cabinets and - Bathroom Vanities by • NORDEN • Finest .Food Finishes — Ultra Smart Hardware Prepare NOW for COZY WINTER LIMING CALL IN TODAY and INSPECT OUR COMPLETE STOCK * ARBORITE — For table or counter tops. In all the new colors and patterns. 1 a 2 • • _ • • • 0 s • • • • • • • 2 0 S L • a * CEILING, TILES * ,DIMENSION LUMBER • MAXWELLtOFFEE HOUSE REG. GRIN * FLOOR TILES ASPHALT 'SHINGLES • WALLBOARD "ROSLYN" BRAND -- WITH 5.00 PURCI-fASE 11 BLANKETS 77" x 84" ONLY 3.95 REDWH TE FOODMASTER 91 VICTORIA ST. N. -J. M. CUTT Ltd. GODERICH --� JA 4-8421 i 12 OU. FT. ONLY $269. WITH TRADE, - WULF REINHART ELECTRIC • PLYWOOD - * NATLS * INSULATION SIDING * HARDWARE and SUPPLIES HOME IMPROVEMENT ,ASSISTANCE Is a Specialty With Us: CO LtJMBER .CO: LIMITED 295 BAtIPIEI.b ROAD 04n►ICix(i 3A 4