HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-28, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTIE.` "HEW TO THE LINA LET TRE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY VOL. XVIII. NO. 30, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1891 LEGAL. LIL 0 IOKSON, Rarrister, Soli- . oitm or eupreme Court. Note .eablio. !a aveyaucer, Cemneiseioner, itc axonal( te boom. 0 Oleo Fan on% Rio ok Exeter RioL oaaaNs, Wnger, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., legEBER. - seem (Moe ever the Poet Office. ELLIOT tC4 Bta4oir, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers ac, (to. TW'Aloisey o Loaet Lowest Bathe of Intereet. OFFICE, - MAIN STREET, 'EXETER. D. V. #1440T. DDL.TOT. DENTAL. _ . 1111. O.JJ. ThGRaM. "" Socomsor to U. 14 Billings, Member of the Royal College of Deetat Surgeons.) Teeth ineerteo with or without Piateeie fiche or Belo or. A Hate Arrestlietio given*: sr the p 'deices eetraettop of teeth, Pletee segued Aunty in OW Mouth by Tt."11 3 ilme Pato A t Valve. 0.FFIQE Over O'Neira Levan every Crafty. is,t1SSMAN ,DENTIST.14. Block, MaIneet, Eneter, Retracts Teeth wIthent eta lu 4way et ilresennon era t : +trete, tecient API fourth Tuesday: and Zonicri on the teat Thum - deo of eaeli mouth. ranson's 13 WNING 8, tireiluete Victoria Calve tee Office nad reatiteuce, Dem Pion Litht a - tory Exeter. '113. ELYNDAIAN, coroner for ae County of Huron. Otago, opp Atte Caellog Bre*. store, Exeter. - - - DR. J. A. ROLLINS,A1.0.1), 0 . Office, of St, Exeter, Ont. Beettlenee, holm recently ocemplad by P. 2,LoPhillipe, Esq. F. CUTTEN, O. M., Graduate Trinity University, Tor- onto t Fel. Trin Med. aohool.Torouto ; Qrad. A.m Oraidology ; Member N. Y. Mae. Anthropology; 1tember Col. P. S.. office. Dashwood. Ont. DR. DAVID M. STAEBLER, or Physician, Surgeon. eta. Having anent the winter of 1886-87 in New York, and winter of stee• .6e in Vienna, Austria. Orme CREDITON, ONTABIO. DR. WOOT)R1JFF Diseases of the EYE, BAB, NOSE AND THROAT 111••••••••• Eye glasses .and Speetaolos furnished for both Near and Distant Virden. Always at borne; except on Fridays. No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, Ontario. ACC PIONEERS. HARDY, LICENSED ACC- . • tioneer for the County of Huron, Oharcos moderato. .Exeter P. 0. AJ. ROLLINS, LIOENSEI) . Auctioneer for Counties Huron and Middlesex. Residence), 1 mile south of Exeter. P. 0.. Exeter. FBOSSENBERRY, General Li- . oenaed Auctioneer Sides conducted in all -parts. eatisfaotionguaranteed. che,rges moderate. Hansen P 0, Ont. ENRY EILBER Licensed Auc- tioneer for the Counties of efuron Indian Medicine Dealers sell Dr Morse's and Middlesex . wee conducted at mod- Root Pills. orate restee. omce , at Post-ofdoe, Ovid. ton Ont. Keep in Mind The 2.61th of 2ra.7 McTavish Co. are turn- ing out some/lobby.. Suits for the holiday. Special Tweed Pants $1.25. MILLINERY! MILLINERY! The rush to our Show Roams shows how the ladies appreciate stylish MIllidety. Everybody goes ?may delighted. We are showing some beauliliel lInes of DRESS GOODS in the new Colors ; Trimmings to match. Special. Cashmere Hose, Ladies' Colored Ktd Gloves and Cotton Undero,ear. 4. d. MoTAVISH & 00. The well known streugthenine propertiee et combined unit the other tone aad a UtOotPerfOet Pervine, are found in ealterht Iron Pills, %bleb /strengthen the nerve* and y. atm improve the blood Rud COInplex tom Lest week one of Beefielors old teal well linown resute passed too to his long Ineme. Joint Simeon wars mu over an May let, by a wagon in hie gardeu, and two weeks After died trove the effects of the in- juries then received Deemed was horn aL Oleuttuar. Scotland, 00 April 27th, ISM and GAWP to Amerlite in 1831. in which year Mimis married, hie wife dying mate 21 years agolo Stanley. St'.t TOUR 011OStilt-AVLIOU TOR make tip your mind to Mlle Hoag Sersaperills, do not be indueed to buy some other pro iteration instead. Clarke may claim that "male as good na Hood'a" and all Htt, lint the peculiar merit oilloas Sereaparilla oeuriat tie equalled. Therefore leave melt ing to do with sithatitutes And insist upon having Hood's Sarsaparilla, the boat blood purifier and building -up roctilehte. Xtia our painful duty to record the death of Mr James Ithut, which took place on Sunday of lest week at the age of 62 years, at Leaabury. Mr limn ',vas A native of the province of Ulster, in Ireland. Ho came to Canada abont.15 years ago and settled in. Blanabard, where he lived until about 20 years ago, when he moved to IlloKillop. Ho was an honest, unassuming man. and was a member of the Church of England, and in polities a staunch Cortiervative. Manes or raTIOOTISH -Wm o14 NM - wounds of veterans are surely marks of patriotism, and the speedy and permanent relief of such is as surely a benefection Mr Harvey R States. of Andalmia, Pa, 13 5 A, January 31, 1889, writes: "I wan wortnded in the hip in the late war, and till within a short time have suffered with toy wounds. I have been in halide of (looters often, but St Jacobs Oil hes been of more benefit, as afterits use I have not had pain for months" It is a benefactor. OOSSIMPTION Ann =No DISTIOULTInS.- Always arise from particles of corrupt mat ter deeposlted in the air -cells, by impure blood. Purify that stream of life and it will very soon carry off and destroy the poisonous matter, and like a crystal river flowing through a desert, will bring with it and leave throughout the body tbe elements of health and strength As a river, leaving the elements of fertility in its course, cams the before barren waste to bloom with flowers and Ire% so pure blood causes the frame to rejoice in strength and health, and bloom with unfailing beauty. All H. PORTER, GENERAL: D. AuotioneerandLandValuator. Orders sent by mail lo ray a d erase, .8 Wield P O., svoireceiveprompt attention. Terme under-, ate. D. E. -PORTER, Anotioneer, VETERINARY. Tennent& Tennent EXETER, ONT. graduca es of the Ontario Veterinary 0 ol- 1ge. .03,prou : One door South ofTown Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. yrONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND -7.1.per cent, $26,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. 8 DICKSON, • Barrister . Exeter SURVEYING. MIRED W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- Offiee,lipstairs.Samwellei Block, Exeter.ont 1•1•04441•5111•111•01/1111.14111Trnii•l• INSURANCE . THE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Head Offiee, London{ Ont. After 31 years of .successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property and private residences, either on buildings or contents ,the most favorable protection in case of loss or damage by fire orlightning, at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- . able company can rtfford to write. 42,376 eon: cies in force istJan ,1890. Assets $378,428.00 in cash in bank. Government demist, Deben- tures and Premium Notes. Souks Gasser, President; D. C. MODOI/ALD,Manager • DAVID SAQIIES,Age.nt for Exeter andvidnitv. • ''Cee_..,..e.e....Seetaenakeeteesieeereieniteeett 111,1.11•11112•1111•1=111 —AND— Very Encouraging. From all parts comes the good tidings that fall wheat has passed through the °hang. ing periods of winter safely, and that fully 95 per cent. of last fall's sowing is now pre- senting a very encouraging growth and strength. For many years it has not looked more favorable and offering greater prom, ises to the tiller of the soil, and all must feel an interest ip the result; and it is nevertheless true that the undersierned has never placed be - lore the needy public a larger variety of goods, a better class ot goods and a better stock to select from than at present : comprising Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Ladies' Dress Goods in all kinds andshades needed; also Ladiesand Gents' Fine Boots and Shoes ; also children's. Groceries and Crockery, Wall -paper and Cutlery. Kindly call and examine for yourselves. Farm produce taken in exchange for goods and prices paid for same according to quality. 1, • 14eUrY• 13niers-.-The briework of Mr Wm Youine's new house was completed lot week Mr G. Heiman. of Exeter. who hex the cep - tract baa given good eittiefaellott both in the brick and atone work of the buildiug. Mr Beaman is et present engegebl in the eree- tion of a briek house for °atter BA'Os., of the eon. of AfeGillivray.-Mr Henry Baldwin Is circulating a petition among the mere of thin neighborhood, solicnino sigtuttureti to be presented to the municipal couuoil, asking them to perm a b-lew grant- ing the privilege to ferueera to build Toed fences tux feet out on the road, providing the IWO% are constru .tee of wire. It ie te. be 'tepee Ur Baldwin will meet with the success width hie efferte 44:44 the improve - toga he is telvoeetiog ile4erVe• SS the erection of wire fences is one of the beat, if not the only available uterine of prevent. Ing ;he seouniulitton o Now on the reeds, which so often duriug tho winter menthe very seriously aefee,te the metal treat. .41arys. Dniars-)fr and Mtn Reht Eaten, who bare been residents of St Muer for ewer 80 yew, left for Toronto on Monday, where they will in future reside. -Mise Nom Cleueh is home from Buffalo Ort VIM - H. White has tulle I...teamed from bi late illuerne-Mr Trow promised the eleetera et It Marys that iso would Age to it ttutt a government po't office was tweeted in the 640DOICAVII this year. Theestimetee have come dozen but we fall to dee any appropriatiou for a new post Mee for here, Mr Trim nits 110 'WILLOW With the severe went, and SO long Al be represents ns, we ed not look for substantial faVGTO from the Revel -mean Hai Mr Slmrp been elected hie ittflueneo with the gavernmeet would certainly have entered us the much myth. - cd awl equally desired huildine.-On the 3rd of Jima W. H. (embalm ae Son, acme - panted. by ,Itt,a Graham will ead for Scot - laud, Mr Grew is tekiug Nevem], Atm specionne of 'clews, Carriage horses with him. He le also teldng several Ormadian earnagea and boggle,' and lirneee. The earl iego teams art the finest INS have eeen. Returning Mr (irabam will make another importation of wine.) of Seotland's best elyileadale stallion:to. We wish Wlm success ou Iiia voyage going and returning. --A match of Increase WWI played at St Idarye Monday between the Stratford Juniera and the Alert Juniors for the St Maya western diatriet teophyaresulting in a win for the Alerts through default. seees4-4-- Cioderioh BRIM -The ealtouners,Zephic anti Tod - man, arrived, last week teem Thessalon with lumber for Mt N. Dyreent.-The scow, Louise, with a cargo of hoops and staves from Wallacebure, reached hero Thursday. The fish of n trap gave a etnrgoon over 70 lbs weight anti 41 feet, 2, inches long.--Tbe Salvation Army barracks ia rising rapidly -There was a special meeting of the Publio Sohool Bearden Tuesdayevening, at which Itta Pare, the Principal,. was unanimously appointed a member of the Board of.Exam iners.-The fouutaina on the equate have been put injorder and walks and grana plots nicely fixed. -The tug built by Mr Manton left on Suuday last for Wiarton,-Barrister Hays, of Seaforth, holidayed in town. -The choir of the North at Meth. church were present a a tea meeting at Auburn on Friday evg.---Mr Geo. Mawen, of Hansen, was in Godorieh last Thursday. -The Dis triot meeting of the Meth ohnroh was held in this town lust week, and was largely at tended„ --The steamer, 'City, of Windsor,' was in port on Friday. -Judge Doyle was called to Sault Ste Marie last Saturday by the serious illness of hie mother.-- The Co Council assembles next Tuesday. -Dr Ham- ilton, of Cornwall, is visiting relatives in the circular town. -The Goderioh creamery is again in full operation. -Dr and Mrs Wilson, of Loudon, were in town this week. -The A. 0. U. W. of town, and many brethren from Bluevale, Auburn and Dun gannon, marched to the North et Methodist church on Sunday morning, -The schooner ,Koljoyel sailed for Georgian Bay last week, salt laden. -The queen's birthday was fine, nut awfully cold." Anderson. Binars-Artbnr Beatty, of Toronto Uni- versity, is spending his vacation at home. -The Sunday school purpose giving a pie ole in Mr John Lane's grove on June 1st. Arrangements have been made to invite a number of base ball teams. A grand time is expected,, -Dr Robinson and wife, of Freesoil, Michigan, are visiting Mr John M. Robinson and family of this plaoe. The Dr is still in the buoyancy of youth. Our learned friend is loud in his commendations of the people of Anderson in having under- taken the erection of so magnificent a sanctuary. Your correspondent voices the community in wishing the Dr and his amiable wile a continuance to them of the blessings and favore of life. -Well, Mr Editor, as the old-greaned letter usually began, I take pen in hand, hoping you are well; eto., and permit me to inform you and your intelligent readers that I have had some peculiar experiences of late. It is an established fact that, to tho , reader variety is necessary to awaken and sustain interest and to also give pleasure. Applying the same philosophy in my agricultural pursuits and musing upon the sublime thoughts suggested by nature, my imagination reach eel its climax by the assistance of the plow handle upon colliding with a hugh stone, thus raising me from earth to think of higher things. Its a failing I suppose to be always wondering, but, hoirever, I was one day trying to figure out how a horn with a 6 -inch foot could walk comfortably in a 0 -inch furrow, but was more bewildered at the celerity with which. the animal could run in it. I have also tried bee culture but was forced to quit the business as the cost in diminishingthe swellings was greater than my piofits. I then went in for base hall but my Pi ! aombivation vu::t hown from igXtirli , I co quently baoame dl�lustedwlth t o peculiar outfit wItiola. I had to assume ao that wit crecliton. presence et a portant etation in the field would be noticeable. I have therefore re- solved Mr Editor to quit all tillage that pertain nut to thy limier and glory, and will in the future acquaint you of all who have reseed t a the happy heuting-grortud, and of three who origin to be there. Qreeuway MOIEFS---The Parkhill Telephoue. Co. deeelve twitch credit for the 'labile spirit they have shown in establishing a line through thee of the hes country districts west of Toronto. They will have lams at Grand Bee -1 and Corbett pest oflieee and at the resilience of Mr John Sherritt, Dep. Reeve, of Stephen. Mr R Mel'hereott one of the ti at settlers in this pert of the coentry gave the firetorder over the wire. Mr Charley Harrison bee charge of the work of placing the wire aoJ instruments he and his men were entertained and treated to a, supper at the residence of Mr W .1 Wileon Stturday evening afteenplae ing au instrument to the Beaton House. They expect to have the line completed to Grand Bend by Feeley The Boat= Atettindi9t Sabbath Scheel have decided to hold their annual Sabbath Selma! pienie at lake Huron Wednesday Juno 17th. All the Sahhaeh Scheele on (head Beuti ehealt expected to unite and enjoy the day together. -Mr Geo teherritt has been elect ee to represent the Orend Bend chose:. ee the eonfeeenee to open at Windsor Jnne 4th'43r Samuel MeLinehey had three welle bored and failed to get gond water; ottani::: 'tempted, he bed the lth pet down and succeeded in getting first class wa'er. whieh rises within a few feet of the top - Mr Baesenberry met with au accident lest Monday, His horse known as eYroune Fulton' got frighteued out neer the Ilea, and threw ldi» all', breaking one of his ribs and collar lieut.-Nearly all our citi- zens spent the 2-I1h at the lake In the eveniam when they returnei they were entertained in front of the post Oleo by a display cf fire works. -Mr Thom Stinem, )r, of Bayfield, epent the 2lth with his friends liere.-We are having very enol weather this week -Mr Jelin Siterritt hae bought nearly all the tenths and. fat alteep within Ilve or six. mace of thus place. Several who hero gold to him during the past few years continue to sell to him, he ming the very highest prices. Hensall Bmere-Tho eoqnet players are getting off their coats. -A game of base Waives play - ea on Wednesday night between the married and single men of town, which reeulted in a bed defeat for thelatter.-The twenty-fourth was celebrated in Hensall aniiAlit great retoicing. There were a few sports whioh Fused off iu a Med interesting manner. -Me champion in the all round contest was ,a. Jr McNaughtou, of London. Qaite a modest young mau, too, in the imam of Joseph Norris was no mean contestant for second place, but as Joo does uot profess great skill or art except on skates, we must credit him with good results. -Our school boys went to Creditor) and played a gamo of toot ball with the young men of that place and held their own nicely as neither won A goal. Others went to the various towns where there were sports. and report themselves well pleased with the day's proceedines.-Mr Ed Beason - berry's colt "Frank Wood" won lst money at Lucan.-Mrs Cook is very low with a severe attack of la grippe. --Mr James McTaggert paid he North a flying visit. - Mr J. McArthur, of the bank, has return- ed from the Sault. -The Temperance organization of this place held a concert in in the M. E. church on Monday evening which proved very interesting as quite a number et the pieces were reudered in ex- cellent style. -Tho Crediton foot ball players are willing to play a return match ou 1st July. -We would like to play the Centralia boys for a bit of fun. We can sympathize with Centralia as Hensall is in the Name hole with them. -Croquet is the order of the day, and some of the boys play a pretty fair game. -Lawyer Dert and wife, of Micchell,visited at his sister's Mrs Sutherland, on 25th. -Mr Pope is domg a good business as is also Mr Mc Pherson. -The villagers are busy planting potatoes. -Mr W. Horigins' trotting filly, Bessie G, is in good form . but as she has just lately recovered from a severe sick- ness, Mr H. does not intend trotting her. -Robt Norris, of Staffa, is visiting at J. T. Wren's. -Miss Mowbray, of White- chureh, is in the village and propose§ getting up a class of pupils to take lessous in oil painting. -Mrs Cook has gone to Hamilton to visit her son Charles, who was attending the Commercial College, but who very lately secured a situation with a wholesale house before his term of study had expired. This speaks well for Charlie, who we believe was highly recommended by the principal of the school. It says much for the school as well. -Mr and Mrs Arnold visited friends in London on 21th and 25th. -.Our neat little burg sprang into existence about 15 years ago and since then has progressecl in the building line very favorably, we have some very fine buildings especially dwellings. Of the business places McEwen's block are good and the I. O. 0. F. banding compares with any. These are of the best. In business she began slowly but steadily but has mov- ed along at a good speed, and today we believe out rivals any town or village of twice her size in business. The reason We cannot tell, but one thing the business is there and is being done. Other places complain of dull times, no such cry here. Our Motto is Onward. -Mr end Mrs J. C Stoneman visited at Lambeth . -Messrs Ballentine & Wood. shipped 3 car loads of export cattle from here on Saturday. Mr Ballentine has gone to England with the shipment. English Spavin Liniment removes al hard, soft Dr calloused Lumps andBlemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore . and Swollen Throat, Couggs, etc.. Save so by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish (lure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggier. BRIEFS -Mrs John ii.ralter intendeleaviug shortly on a three mouths' trip to Cuter web England -On Thursday last while out driving, Ur B. Brown. shoemeker, had a very narrow eseape. lie had been speeding hie pony when she tock fright and ditched him. Mr Brown was violently thrown from his cart and had hie face eeveeely bruised ; his arm was .also lever- . aten and required some Dtitoluzig. We are old to see him get out so well as he 4114 and hope to sCe MID at work ea tweet, On:wily-A greet many Maser came horn* to celebrate the Qneen'e birth day with ua. -On Tuesday morning two heeutifully marked epaulet doge. evidently lost, were seen around tlu vtie; a few home later they were eeeght worrying aheep In Mr Finkle bush itt-it, of here, but hy the time they were diecoverel they hail killed several larvae and some older aheep. Mr Finkbeiner 'rid been Warkh% neer by in the hush end heerd the melee and when itegot there he itruntel Lately set to work to despeteh the dogs with a club, but had some troulde in doing 60 He, however, succeeded in fixing them se that they will be no further trouble to 'sheep, and their wester will have two 1059 to feed. 3.1r Wan el s-er also heal aline sheep in the bush and is a toiler to the ex tent of about nele. Finkhelaer'a leas ie about he same. From what eau teemed the dna helouged to Mart; klerlh of Exeter, and were seperated trent thetr fluster oh Mouthy wade he wee iu ere in tort. It. is too bad that °he oweers tif the elihep wet be unable te ret.aner tiennagee sit this particular ease. and it is oito a pity Viet two each well hied dein went snit primly t cue of, es it le not likely Choy would have coramtittel eitli a reek t had t ty been Jed. Tice 72nd Anniversary of Her lefatenty,"ri birthday was celebrattil in terediten ua right royal style. The weenier wag previa. VIA su 1 (1`11,17111111/41 St'fMr4 faverae t3 far ft. SUCleatal day at Crelitlm, it being the etnly village clew at liana lettere sue eilehretint of the event was beiug held. circa prepar. %tins heti been made by the enterprising citizene to wee the flay a seceees mid render the 1701101 as plealinit as posaible for visitors. Will firmed iirche4 epannel toe street, et verione points. bunting of the nationel celore wris atretchel from atom ti store, while to the breego from alined every itenso top floated the grand old Unioe Jaok -all adding pleasantness to the 000140011114, attritetiveuesa to the scene. The forenoon commenced with a call- zImmpiau parade, the prizes ,for which were (divided mm ug the Wee. This Waqnu amusing featlird of the dare proceedings, and highly appracikted, there being Nome de serving characters. Next came the base ball, a match between the elittutehlendera" of Zurich and the 00rediton Stara." For the first of the seamn and considering that many of the platten were totally "freshet the game was a good one and some med. torioua playing was done The game re - suited in favor of the "Crediton Stara" by one runethe score standing 16-17 Sam Silber 3 Win. Hoffman ...,0 Nem Sweet ******** •......1 liess.•. 41•••• ***** 2 . 0 j. Irwin Ben Eilber II. Weber 3 J.Deicherts. ....3 1 Ikri.sttlilthhai • ••• 11099 ....... ••••••*2 J ..... T- Snell Wm.efot,,.. 2 L. Lippert Sol Holtzman-. .....3 C.Fritz Tufa 17 Total 16 E Eilber umpired the game to the satieface iron of all, while Mr Chris Kibler held the ,'core book. This acmcluded the morning's program. In the afternoon at 1,30 the band lead the crowd to the grounds, and by two °Week a very large number of people had assembled to witness the various games and spines, most of which were keenly contested. Following is the prize list of sae - useful competitors: Shooting match for V and a shake purse. Messrs Benj. Eilber and Frank Treibnet wore a tie, and Mr T. haying no more shells they decided to divide lst and 2nd money. Following is the score Ilandford I................ o o0 0 0 1110 0-3 TreibnerF . 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1-6 000000 00 01-1 Snell Al 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 Yearley W....... o 1 0 0 0 I j00-4 EilberS,.......... ...... 0110010010-4 sHmi G 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1-5 . 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0-3 Eilber B . 1100111010-6 Next came the fool ball match between the Hensel] and Crediton teams. After playing for more than an hour the game was withdrawn. neither team having made a goal, Both teams are well matched and some good playing was done. Then oame the athletic games, Although there were ouly three or four contestants the competition was keen and splendid work was done. Following is the list :- Standing Jump, 3 ent-Ohas Fritz, Zurich, 11 ft 10 in; J Jones, Stephen, 11 ft oi Running Jump, 3 ent-Chas Fritz, 18 ft 81 in ; E Hodeins, Mt Oarmel, 18 ft 4 in. Runumg-hop.step-and-jump, 3 int -E. Hodgins. 401 ft ; 0 Fritz, 88 11 10 in. High Jump, 3 ent-0 Fritz, 4 ft 5 in ; E Jones, 4 ft 2 in. Running High jump, E Hodgins, 5 ft 10 in • E Jones, 5 ft 9 in. Vaulting with pole, a tie between Hedging, Fritz and Jones, 8 ft 10 in. Standing three Jumps, 4 ent-J Jones 32 ft 5/iu; P Sipple, Zurioh, 81 ft 9 in. Tossing Caber, 100 lbs -P Sipple, 26 ft 71in ; H Weber, Zurich, 25 ft 3 in, Patti -1g Stone, P Sippie, 38 ft 9 in ; J. Jones 38 ft 7 in. Fat man's race, 8 ent-P Sipple, 0Eibler 0 rediton, eleven seconds. 100 yard race, 4 tint -0 Fritz, E Hodgins 101 seconds. 100 yard hurdle race, 3 hurdles. 4 ent - E Hodgins; 4 McLennan, Ansa Craig Boys MOO 100 yds, -W Dignan, Exeter Omer Hodgins, Credikon: Threading the Needle,---Osoar Hoclgins, Geo Eilber, W Link. 13oy's raoe 50 yards --Chas Finkbeiner, D Sanders, D Feltner. Horse race, half mile bast two in three, 4 ent-,Tas Clarke's, Gray Eagle, lst ; L Handford's, Brown at, 2nd. The other horses were distanced. The day's proceedings concluded with a A, • JOHN • Wang ofe fiON PubDoter and Proprietor Bargain Depot We have something particularly nice in ladies' Kid Bootslow Oxford Tie Slippers ; they are of the very newest 4esins, in fact a combination of neat"Mee, etnrifort anti durability, and gate bo bought at ri,ght prieea. While we are pertieulerly %Leiden to please the ladies, we by no means forget ehe gentlemen. To he coneenesta this, call and Imo our aerate' KR and Cordavan B the they are really eleeent ; erg every, description of heavy weer will be found here in large quantitive, Don't forget aur inotco a_hs Beat values at lowest pricea." Our bargains in Skirtings, Embrouleries, Brocaded 'metres, Creme Goode, are equally lur- ing. Don't forget the plaed- :MARKET STORE• j, P, ROSS. greni led! given by Landlord Hill, ot the neemmereial hotel. tin the witolea element day was spent lw ell, and, the reeide oi Crefeen :tretebi o1liwuuI, teet 11111Y on the u.czofia of the *Weir but ler tbe pleesiogirz wheel' the program WU eerried out. JP -4414.41 Dasbwood. A huge number from here attended the celebration of the Queen's oirthday at Credizon, while others spent the day rt Grand Bend.- Mr and him J, Witzel are at.Rresent visiting friends in Wilmot and vaeinity.-A large mettle from S. S. No. 4, Hay, passed through our village on Monday last on them way to the Bend. We have nut heard as yet Hour &tool will have a picnic this year or not. It will soon bo time to decide. - The boys are practising foot -ball at pro- aent. -We do nut think that the church fence needs any repairing at present although it did get rather melt tutuage one Sunday not long ago. It pays to bu ld atrong fences. -Mr. A. Lehman is in our village again in the employ of Mr. J., Soldon. .4414-4 ICirleton. Dames -In the last two lame of this paper the correspondent of a rural settle anent to the INT W of Eirktenvizi-Plugtovm has served up a dialled seirtulous composi- tion to the numerous readers of the Exeter Tines, which is compatible with the character of the young men who live in the vicinity of Plugtowu. The correspondent of the aforementioned place evidently gloats on the conduot of the 'tamer& slake" he refers to, no doubt being one of the gang himself. For the past few *Peeks a number of living creatures that call themselves men have degraded themselves so low, and have such little regard for the Sabbath day as to lay in wait for persons going home from church and cause them considerable annoy ante by stretching ropes across the road to trip them. Not satisfied with this they block up gateways with rails, and to still further show their insanity climb trees and give vent to the 1008t 'hideous gene. We leave it to people with commonsense to judge which come nearest to the description your Plugtowneoribe given i e an animal which these enlightened individuals call s thing; yes indeed which? Young men and ladies going quietly along the road, or these who call themselves men, and who can find no better employment for the Sabbath day than insulting respectable people on the highway. Animals! Yea, more time that they would be a disgrace to any menagerie in existence .-Several of our citizens die played their loyalty by hoisting Union Jacks over their residenoee on Sunday and Monday last. -The garden pasty held at Mr Wm Robinson's on Friday lad, passed off successfully. Proceeds $10. --Miss R Doupo is visiting Mauls in the vicinity. Rodgerville. Benue -Wm Reid has removed to a farm north of Hensall to reside. -Miss M. McDonald, of Stratford, is -visiting at Mr Rodgor's.-Mrs Gray, wife of Rev I. Gray, Kincardine, is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs Lamb. -Mr S. Powell, wife and family, of Exeter, visited friends in Rodger villa on the 25th. -Mr Hadley Doan, the genial mail carrier, is making improvements on his house. -Mr Wm White, our popular horse -buyer is busily engaged in buying up horses for the Montreal raarket.--Messrs J Manning and J Patterson have sold their fat cattle at a good figures -A valuable colt. belonging to Mr Wm Russell, Hay, died last week: cause lock -jaw. -A number of onei residents took in the picnic) at Se:smith on the 25th. They report a good time. - Bethesda Sunday School Anniversary was a grand euocess. As usual there was a large crowd in attendance: everything pasI ed off pleasantly. -We are pleased to be able to state that Frank Case, son of Thos. M Case, has almost recovered from a severe attack of pleurisy. -We regret to state that Mr Rodger, the venerable founder of Rodgerville has been ailing for several daye; we wish him a speedy recovery . -Mr j E Tom, P S Inspeotor, visited S S No 1, Usborne, on the 10th and expressed him self as highly pleased with the progress made in the school eine° his last vieit.-Mr Bob Roes, of Gowanside Farm has broken iu his new driver to go single. She is well bred, has good action and premises to make a superior roadster. -The prooeeds of the entertainment at Bethesda arnonnted to raliktre..1 C,ry for Vrtc,1 er':3 Castor10 • '1'14+ . • •