HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-09-07, Page 6..44the '004erielt Signal -Star, Thursday, September 7th, 1961 Daer and Mrs. Joan Tomkowicz, of Goderich. An invitation was + AUBURN -1.16 extended to the club Members to attend the trousseau tea at London, on Saturday, September AUBURN, Sept, 4.—Mrs. Wil- liilliam Raithby of this eom- 9, at -the borne of Mrs. Glenn 4aro. T. Robison is visiting her munity. Special music will be Raithby An honor of her daugh- daught.9), Mrs. D. Currie; Rev. given by talent from Toronto tew Evelyn. Thefiraw, donated Mregria. and family at Hama- and Wingham. by Mrs. Bert flunking, was won 'On this 'week. " Mr. and Mrs. Howard INallace, by Mrs. Stanley Ball.- A pro, XIS'S- Morgaret Craig, of Blue. and famity, of Brampton, spent ' - gram of contests and jokes was uncle, -Mr. W. L. 'Craitg, Mrs. ' grandmot er, Mr . er ert 1 og h s I:I b m abldVII:I.711ei•bert Dnizer. Plan§ Ith*-44talle ftrutidAbre-7 were'made to have a sale of a!'out KO miles from here by — Craig, Allen and Brian. - ridoe. . of Dundas, spent the week -end . Albert Campbell is visit..itemetnade baking at the next ; meeting' at the hothe-- et Mrs. - Mri. and Mrs. Stan Melrityre, ing his brother, Mr. Colin Camp - with. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pow- Ariel Duizer. The- roll call is ben, and Mrs. Campbell, at ell, Wayne, Bobby„ and Terry:, Ottawa. , to • be answered by naming a Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hagglii, Mrs. Ed. 15-avies Visited last l neighborly ., act, done for the -------------- d Stephen and the Saturday with Mr. and Mts.' Al..nierriber. The program w,ill be One pot ere Fishing Is Good "The fishing is tremendoua— lot§ of pike, pickerel and speck- led trout,", reports Art Elliott, son of Mr.' and 'Mrs. W. E. gi- liott, Goderich, who is in north- ern Quebec with a geological party of two. The prospect might appeal to perch -fishermen on 417trkit., ,-,•and sranteft Cteizt)P,41, tr,4 \Gide,bre,,ak Ira • the week- nd kv.ah her---PaT • 14"harge Airs_ Stewart ---10---Streetsvitle. Bea 7le, moved into their new' The librarian requests all and Mrs. Leonard Archambault. • home in the village last week. County library books to be in The lunch committee will be --William Andersonleft on Mon -Mrs. Guy Cunning,ham, Mrs. Roy Mon -the Auburn library on Saturday, dayfor London where „he will September 9. ' • Daer, Mrs. Ariel Duizer and begin his studies at Westervelt Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Carman Gross. Lunch was Mrs. Margaret Arthur School. has ,'. . ' Maitland Allen and Mr. Harvey served at the close of the pro - McGee over the week-endAvere: gram by Mrs. Walter Cunning - moved into the apartment of heriMrs. Jean -Hanna, ' , t. g,iea; \lr, ham Mrs. Leonard Archabault. The scenery is awe-inspiring at son Harry, this week. lio. and Mrs. Joe Vardon, ndon; Mrs. Stanley Ball and Mmw- rs. Ste sunset, and you realize how vast Miss Margaret Clark returned Mr. Peter Brown, Riverside. Mrart Ament. ' • on .Monday to her school in! Brown has just returned fro Shower For Bride -Elect a northland we have when you m have to walk over it.", • Toronto. -a four-week visit with his father Miss Ella Wagner, of Wayne, and sisters at Kincardine, Scot- Miss :Marlene Easom was hon- , Michigan, and Miss Laura Wag-iland.RIDGE ()red last week at a ShO \N er in . KINGsB ner, cif 'Syracuse. N.Y., are visit -1 Mr.' and Mrs. Maitland Anin ' Knox l'inted Church Sunda ing with their sister, Miss Min -1 returned last week from a visit school room when friends and ,with the lady's sister, Mrs,- Wil neighbors gathered to present K nie Wagner, and othermembers INGSBRIDGE, Sept. 4.—Rev. w of their family. ham Coates, and .Mr. Coates. at her w ith gifts. Mrs. W. Brad- Fr. John Hogan spent a few Mr_Fraek Wialters, of Inger,' Flint, Michigannue k presided for the program days last week Visiting his bro- soll, spent the holiday with 'his I- Professor George Raithby; of -and MrS. Williarn J. Craig ac- ther, Mr. W. W. Hogan._ _ sister, Mrs. Arthur Grange, and 0.A.C.. Guelph, and Dr. Mark ..compahied on the piano for the Miss Josephine Barret, Mrs. daughteis. 1Raithby, ef Lucknow, were visit- , sing -song. 'Little Doreen • l‘Ics i Willick, Miss Young and Miss 1 - Mr. and .Mrs. 141 .-?Davies- v i sit- ,, - ors in the village on Monday__ -.Clinchey- sang...a-solo acecnipan- rMeCormick, of Port Huron, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. DaVdi Mr. and Mrs. William Straugh-lied by Mrs. J. VefeSter,' of Luck- : ed Me. Frank S'UlIfcrdirdirSat- Wallace at Harrietsville on Mon -1 an are visiting with -friends- in I now. Several duets were sung 'urday. day. - !Kitchener and Torohto this by Misses Joan and June Mins. - Mr. P. K. Murray, •of Detroit, - Mr. Sid Lawson, GoderA, Mr., week. , . ‘- An amusing mock wedding was spent the holiday week -end Courtland Kerr, Benmiller, and Miss 'Helen Petersen., of Ben- portrayed with Miss Elva Gross,' here. Mrs. MurrayandDonald, "JiM_.finished snpeer," a let- ter dated August s a es, "which included a one -pound slab of speckled trout. It was off a four -pounder, and we have five more- in -our cold spring 'ref rig e atm..' We've -had-- ice in the water pail three Morn- ings so far, and expect heavy snow -about' September 15. "Few bears, no moose, lots of duck S and loons and a few wolves' and lots of snowshoe rabbits: that is the game picture. * the organist. and Miss Laura who have been holidaying here, Daer, the soloist. Miss Brenda will return with him. st was the mother of the I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sinnett and bride and Miss Marie Leather- family, of Alpena, Michigan, land was the mother of the spent the week -end with the groom. Mrs. Walter Cunning- ,Fred Vassella family. ham was the minister. T Mr, Paul Kasper and Miss groom was Mrs. Lloyd C .lary Ann McDonald, of Grosse and the best man, Mrs. Paul 'Pointe, Michigan; are spending a Ilutchins. - The blushing bride few days with Dr. and Mrs. was Mrs: J. Forester who was Kasper who are holidaying at attended by Mrs. Harold' Mc- Mrs. Kenny's home. Clinchey, bridesmaid, Miss Toni Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ed - (le Jong, ringbearer, and Doreen , wards and family, of Byton, Mr. IVIaClinchev, flowergirl. All par- ' and Mrs. Michael Kinahan and ticipating in this wedding wore son John, Mrs. Genevieve Kina- ridiculous costumes and the han, of London, -and Mr. and ceremony was very entertaining. Mrs. .Bill Kinahan, of St. Augus- Mrs. Paul Hutchins called the tine, spent Sunday- with rela; bride-to-be to the decorated tives here. chair and also her sister, Mrs. 1 'Miss Helen Cdurtney returned Bcrt Lyon, and her friend, Miss home after spending her holi- Phyllis Glen, of Goderich. Cor-; days with the Edwards family, sages were pinned on these girls; of Byron. by Mrs. J. Forester,, Mrs. Harold' Mr. and Mrs. Nick Perry, of McClinchey and Mrs. Paul Hut- Detroit, and Mrs. T. J. Drennan, chins. An address of congrautl- of Goderich, gpent Sunday with ations was read by Mrs. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drennan. ' Hutchins and gifts werepresent- Miss Mary Lou Drennan re- -ed -to Marlene by her friends. turned to Goderich after spend - She thanked her friends and ,ing a week at her home here. neighbors for the gifts and invit- Miss Patricia O'Connor re- ed everyone to attend the trous- turned home after holidaying fleal.1 tea on Saturday:- with the Sansaterra family, of Detroit. Trovoseau Tea Alr. and Mrs. John Van Osch and son Jack, and Mr. and Mrs. Toni Middegaat, of Blyth, spent last week -end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs.. John- Dietrich and family, of 'Clarkson, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton, and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van. Osch and family, of Toronto, spent the week -end here. The C.W.L. catered for the sports car racers' banquet • on Saturday of last week. There were 270 racers and fans. Miss Ursula Courtney has re- tgrned home after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kinahan, St. Augustine. . Mrs. Genevieve Kinahan, of . London, spent a few days visit - f the groOrn, Mrs. H. Hickman, Mr.' and Mrs. W. Bradnock at- tended_the horseshoe pitching competitions at the Elmira Fair on Monday. Mrs. Kenneth McDougall and Mrs. John Durnin attended the Leaders' School held at Alma College, St. Thomas, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young- blut and Lori, of London, visit - .ed. last. week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Ralph D. Mnuro. ' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thain and family, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. • Duncan M-acKay and family. Anniversary services will be conducted next Sunday, Septem- ber 10, in the Auburn Baptist Church when Professor Ivan . Morgan, of the Divinity College of McMaster UniversIty, will be the guest speaker. Professor Morgan is the -past president of the Baptist convention and is the son-in-law, of the late Rev: THE JOLLEEE PHILOSOPHER niiller, visited last week with her friend, Miss Bernice Mc- Dougall. , , Rev. B. Garrett, Mos. Garret and family returned to thei ,home at Lindsay after spending holidays in their cottage on the banks of the_Maitland river near Ball's bridge. Miss Patsy Carrick, of St. Helens, visited last week with her cousin, Rose Marie Haggitt., ' Mrs. Verna Doerr and sons, Brian and Ilarold,, spent the holiday. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chamney. Mrs. W. H. Sheppard, of Bright's Grove, 'is visiting this week with Miss Laura Phillips. Mr. and Mrs.' Clifford trown and family spenta,a fey.' days last week in ,the Muff -Oka area and also attended the C.N.E, last Friday. . Mission Band The theme of the missionary story for the Light Bearers' Mission Band of Knox United Church, as told by Mrs. Arthur Grange, was "All Aboard for Tokyo." Judith Arthur con- ducted the meeting and gave the call to worship. Robert Wilkin 'read the story of Zacchaeus and Allan McDougall led in prayer. The offering was received by Klaske Koopmans and Brenda Christian flag On ale map of the` friends and neighbors to a trous- Mrs. Roy Easom entertained East. JUdi-th PlAced. thq Olt': 'elands of Japan. The superin- seau tea on _Saturday afternoon tendent told how Gideon Bibles, in Waxier of her daughter, Mar - written in their own language, lene, whose marriage takes place were placed in the Christian this month_ GueSts were wel- japanese schools. The story comed at the door by the bride - told of the influence the Gospel to -be, assisted by her mother had on two children of $this and the groom's sister, Mrs. country whose parents -finally Frank McMichael; of Benmiller. became Christians. After the The dining _room was beauti- distribution of World4'riends, fully decorated with white- wed - Mrs. Grange closed with prayer. ding bells and bouquets of sum: mer flowers. The tea table was .. Walkerburn Club The Walkerburn -aub ilia covered- with- a two -toned ' ma- ThursdaY evening of last ',veek diera lace - cloth and centred at the home Of Mrs. John Hal- with a bouquet or cornflowers lam with a large,, attendance. and. lighted pink candles in sil- The new president, Mrs. Leon- ver candelabra. Tea was pour- ard Archambault, was in charge by Mrs. Howard Baer, mother Quie"K) CANADIAN atilt" 1. Do Canadians pay any taxes to England? 2. In 1945 in Canada, spending of public finds on education, 4 totalled $186 million. What is „ }t Order your Dairy Products from us today and learnwhat real service is. More People every day depend , on, Andrew Dairy for the best. of the meeting. The minutes. of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Lorne Hunking, and the financ- ial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Stanley Ball. The roll call was answered by paying .a penny for every inch of shoe' length. Thank you notes were read from Mrs. Roy . , BINGO at LEGION HALL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 -AT-S.30 P.M. To onto aunt of the groom, and s. R. P. Fisher, Stratford, and George McVittie, 1.4ondes- boro, great-aunts of the bride. The guests were served by Mrs. Paul Hutchins and Miss Phyllis Glen, both of Goderich. Assist- ing in the kitchen were Mrs. Don Hanley, Mrs. Hoy Fremlin and- Mrs. Carl McClinchey, all of Clinton, Mrs. Betty Crete, Windsor, and Mrs. Len. Admans, Stratford. Displaying the trous- seau were Mrs-. Bern Boyd, Miss Fran. Trott, London, and Miss Betty Durnin. Mrs. Gerald Mc - 15 GAMES $1.00. The prize for each regular game will be $1240. 4 SHARE -THE -WEALTH jackpot Combine& JACKPOT OF $75.00 IN 55 CALLS. Sponsored by Canadian ,Legion Branch 109. t.c. No person under 16 admitted t� Legion Hall EMERSON DRUG STORE CLOSED for LI DAYS SEPTEMBER 10 to 17, INCLVSIVE Please GO Prescriptions Ite;filied This Week mg her relativesi-here. Mr. Eugene Frayne is con- fined to Goderich hospital: We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Longevin and daughter Sharon visited Mr. and Mrs. John Howard recently. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Austin - and daughter, of Toronto. spent their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff -Austin. Louise, Maureen, Denise and M'ary Ann Dalton spent a few days in Detroit recently visiting their aunt, Miss Dolores Dalton. Miss Frances Dalton is home Dowell, of Westfield, showed the after completing her summer shower gifts and Mrs. Bert Lyon, school course in lxindon. of Londesboro, sister of the Mr. aind Mrs. Joseph Martin, brideshoweti the wedding gifts Id Hamilton, spent a week -end The register was in charge of recently ---with Mr. and Mrs.v,J. Miss Dianne' Hartley, Clinton, B. Martin. cousin of the bride. , Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hansfard and sons, of Galt,, spent a re- cent week -end with Mr. and Mrs. . _ Ray Dalton. —.Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly cele - the current figure? 3. The dolnestic market con- sumes what proportion of Can- ada's farm production? 4 What proportion of Canada's electric energy is produced by water power? , In volume what are the five largest railway freight cargoes in Canada? ANSWERS: 5. Wheal is the largest, then iron ore, lumber, coal and piggy -back shipping. 3. About 69 per cent; when 76,7,7 wheat is excluded, about 93 per cent of Canada's agricultural output is consumed within the country. 1. No, and we have not done so since the 1770s when British law left with the colonies here' all m,oney collect - •.3 ed through customs duties on iraPOrted goods. 4. About 90 per -cent; remainder is produced by thermal plants using steam and diesel generation, fueled by -coal, petroleum or natural gas. 2. 1960,$1,426 million. , 1110ther, 1VIrs. 9"rge eft Doerr, at „ Vita UM& allital '''••••'1$36;f4kiMr. RP -ICE -AFTER pmCE Fall Fair Dates Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary-. Arthur Ayton Blyth Brussels Chesley Drumbo Dundalk Dungannon Durham ‘. Exeter Fergus Gorrie i Grand Va ley ., Harriston- Kincardine Listowel London Lucknow Mildmay -Milverton Mitchell Mount Forest Neustadt New Hamburg Owen Sound Paisley Palmerston Part Elgin . \ Ripley • Shelburne Stratford Tavistock Teeswater . Toronto (Royal) Walkerton . Wiarton . Sept 14, 15 Zurith -Sept. Sept. 27, 28 brated their fifieth wedding an -1 nWersary recently. All their family were home for the oc- casion: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kelly and son Glen, of Sudbury; Mr. and Mrs, Dan Kelly and family, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Eileen) Wocks and family, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. • Bill, (Bridget). Hodgins, of Sarnia; Walter Kelly, of London. Many -friends and neighbors 'alled during the day. to extend g9od wishes. On behalf of the C.W.L. Mrs. Walter Clare presented the couple with a gift. Sept. 15, 16 Sept. 19,'20 Sept. 28, -29 Sept. 8, 9 Sept. 27, 28 Sept. 12, 13 Oct. 4 Sept. 22, 23 Sept. 2b, 21 Sept. 8, 9 Oct. 6, 7 Sept. 29, 30 Sept. 20, 21 Sept. 14, 15 Sept. 25, 26 Sept. 8-16 Sept. 27, 28 OBTAIN AWARDS, Sept. -12, 13 Miss Joan Davis, daughter of Sept. 22, 23 Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, Brock Sept. 26, 27 street, was successful in ebtain- Sept. 18, 19 ing her Award of Merit from Sept. 8, 9 the Royal‘•Lifesaving Society. Sept. 15, 16 Jeff Reid, son • of Mr. and Ws. Oct. 4-7 Frank 'Reid, Church street, re - Sept. 18, 19 ceived his Bronze Medallion . Oct. 2, 3 awatd: They piassed their tests Sept. 15, 16 at Clinton as they 'had been Sept. 29, 30 absent when the Goderich tests Sept. 15, 16 were given. Sept. 18-20 t. '8,9 In his younger days the great Sept. 29, 30 Puritan writer, -John Milton, Nov. 10-18 kept a small.boarding school in . Oct. 25, 26 his home near London where he educated his nephews and the sons of some_of his friends. Around this time, the neWTY unhappily married poet was 'writing numerous pamphlets and they included some in favor of divorce/ it WaS not until much later,in life that Milton (bY now. more happily married) wrote "Paradise Lost" and "'Paradise Regained." „ The lilac is a member of the s me family as the olive. It =originated in Persia t was taken ifrom there to Europe. over 300 ' years ago and then The British colonists brought it with them to America. Lipton's Noodle SOUP MIX -Christie's PIa;n & Salted PREMIUM SOD AS Reg. "New Pack", Colour e • z• Added IONA RASPBE JAM Salada Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS Dare , LEMON .CREMES Purex TOILET TISSUE Monarch (Regular) MARGARINE 2 for 25c—SAVE 2c Reg 21/2 -oz pkgs 23, Reg. 37c—SAVE pkgA33c Reg. 1c Reg. 45c—SAVE 6c 24 -fl -oz jar 39, Reg. 83c—SAVE 8c pkg of 6075c,,, Reg. 49c—SAVE 4c pkg 45, Reg. 27o—SAVE 2c pkg of Zrolls 25, . 2 for 57c—SAVE 7c 1 -lb pkgs Jane Parker English FRUIT CAKE Jane Parker Raisin Twist COFFEE CAKE Jane Parker TWIN ROLLS • Jane Parke, VIENNA BREAD Jane Parker Reg. 390—SAVE each 33c Reg. 45c—SAVE sc each 3 9c Reg. 29c–r8AVE sc package 23c Reg. 23c—SAVE 4c each 19c Reg. 39c—SAVE 4c MARBLE POUND _ CAKE each 3 5c Jane Parker Molasses, Sugar, CocoanutSpecial, COOKIES LARGE TWIN PACK 22 -oz pkg 39c SCOTT PAPER PRODUCTS Cut Rite WAX PAPER Facial Tissue SCOTTIES Scott PAPER TOWELS Scott — Assorted Colours TOWEL HOLDERS Scott ' FAMILY NAPKINS WestibInster • 'TOILET TISSUE Reg. 29c—SAVE 2c 100 -ft. roll 27c Reg. box 31c, --SAVE 3c 2 boxes of 400 59c 2 rolls 49c each 49c box of 60 17c Reg. 47c—SAVE 2c 4 rolls 45c ,,AY.4:agegaggiCkad 4 BUY BY THE CASE and SAVE "New Pack" Choice QUality Reg. 2 tins 330—SAVE 40 A&P WHOLE BEETS 2 15.f! -(3z tins 2 9( CASE OF 24 TINS $3.48 — SAVE 48o A&P "New Pack" Choice Quality Reg. 2 tins 59c—SAVE 4c RED RASP -BERRIES 2 15 -0 -oz tins 55:c CASE OF 24 TINS $6.60 — SAVE 48o ,Robin; Fancy, LE PINEAPP- CASE OF 24 TINS $8,'), 28-fi-oz final .0 Drach's CORNED BEEF LOAF CASE OF 24 TINS $8.40 —SAVE 96e Reg. 39c—SAVE 4c 12 -oz tin 3 5, Franco American (in Tomato Sauce) Reg. 2 tine 35c—SAVE 4c SPAGHETTI 3 15 -11 -oz fins CASE OF 24 TINS $3.92 -- SAVE 260 Garden Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! Niagara Grown, The Quality Hai Never Been Finer, Golden Julsilee and "V" Varieties,' Yellow Freestone, Every Basket. Government Inspected, No. 1 Grade PEACH • 0;.adford Marsh Grown, Large Size, Tender, Crisp, No& 1 Grade CELERY STALKS 2(Or 19cce Red Tokays, First of Season, Luscious Eating, Large Clusters, No. it Grade -CALIFORNIA- GRAPES Tender, Fresh, Large Cobs,. Hydra -Cooled, No, 1 Grade SWEET CORN California, Jumbo Size 21's, Vine Filpened, No. 1 Grade CANTALOUPES New Crop, Fancy Grade I* 2 lbs 29C douln 29C each 3 5 VALENCIA ORANGES- 5 -lb cello bag6 c Ontario Growp, Guaranteed To Cook White and Fluffy, Selea—Quality.',_, See What You Buy Packed In Poly, Bags, Packed and Inspected In eur Own Plant Under A&P Label -4' No. 1 beside • POTATOES Super 10-11; cello bag 35c All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, Sept. 9th, 1261 GLIDE L1QU1D Laundry Starch au) BOTTLE LIDO BISCUITS * PRICED LOW AT A&P * • T.V. SNACK c 16 -oz pkg 3 JUNIOR MALLOWS pkg2.7c OPEN WEDNESDAY- itil 6 -0' .A/C-C"ItiAlt Pkg 29c Wei FRIDAY 9 P.M. JUMBO 16-02Pkg39c 4,4 ,1 '4r . • , • • — , .. Super -Right .Quatity Meats! -FRESH KILLED CHICKEN CUTS LEGS, 'THIGHS 7c or. BREASTS . . CHICKEN 'WINGS b29c PRIME RIB ROAST SHORT CUT lb c MINCEDBEEF ' FRESH LEAN, ALL BEEF ' 11,39c -RIB ROASTS SHORT OR CROSS RIB lb 53c PORK SHOULDERS' FREW) SHANKLES$ ._ lb 39c . , Fancy Quality, Sliced Sweet, Pickled, Centre Cuts PORK LIVER lb 29c BACK BACON VAC PAC, lb 89c Super -Right, Brown 'n Serve, All Meat Fancy Quality, Pork SAUSAGE Patties 8 -oz pkg 19c BACK SPARE RIBS lb 7 C - Maple Leaf, Vac Pac Allgood, Smoked, Sliced, Kindless .COOKED HAM 6-ozipkg 49c SIDE BACON 1 -lb pkg 67c .. , Lean, Meaty Sliced PORK HOCKS \\ lb 23c BEEF BOLOGNA 1 -lb pkg 39c Se it Scald ' ' Schneider's, Country Style COD FILLETS 1 -lb pkg 29c PORK SAUSAGES u, 49c — Garden Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! Niagara Grown, The Quality Hai Never Been Finer, Golden Julsilee and "V" Varieties,' Yellow Freestone, Every Basket. Government Inspected, No. 1 Grade PEACH • 0;.adford Marsh Grown, Large Size, Tender, Crisp, No& 1 Grade CELERY STALKS 2(Or 19cce Red Tokays, First of Season, Luscious Eating, Large Clusters, No. it Grade -CALIFORNIA- GRAPES Tender, Fresh, Large Cobs,. Hydra -Cooled, No, 1 Grade SWEET CORN California, Jumbo Size 21's, Vine Filpened, No. 1 Grade CANTALOUPES New Crop, Fancy Grade I* 2 lbs 29C douln 29C each 3 5 VALENCIA ORANGES- 5 -lb cello bag6 c Ontario Growp, Guaranteed To Cook White and Fluffy, Selea—Quality.',_, See What You Buy Packed In Poly, Bags, Packed and Inspected In eur Own Plant Under A&P Label -4' No. 1 beside • POTATOES Super 10-11; cello bag 35c All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, Sept. 9th, 1261 GLIDE L1QU1D Laundry Starch au) BOTTLE LIDO BISCUITS * PRICED LOW AT A&P * • T.V. SNACK c 16 -oz pkg 3 JUNIOR MALLOWS pkg2.7c OPEN WEDNESDAY- itil 6 -0' .A/C-C"ItiAlt Pkg 29c Wei FRIDAY 9 P.M. JUMBO 16-02Pkg39c 4,4 ,1 '4r