HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-09-07, Page 5P PROPRIETORS and EMPLOYEES: If You Belong in the ollown Categories, � g �os au Are Urgently Invited THE MAGIC • i a ES Ay oF PEPTEMB :,1.<lr"h: f •�kc�;:t,ai4G�1R7rinnM•�tin � 'A'�»�•A�..7 FIRE J,, 13th The Oodciich signal -Star, Thursday, SOP e ber 7tb, 1,961 • In - The..:LEGION.. H. .L -at 8 o'clotk ;ax':�.:.,' i� ..- -¢yea r,s • • . .. _ c...-�e-7.u.......°.r.�daerr.,..,..-.e..e...:.-._�..._..--.._ ._._ __. _ isammeemeseememeeallellMalsr AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES : COAL AND OIL DEALERS: DRY, CLEANERS AND LAUNDRIES : . BUILDING SUPPLIES: FARM EQUIPMENT : HEATING AND PI,iUMBIN G : MACHINE SHOPS: HARDWARE: INSURANCE: PRINTING: , SPECIALTY SHOPS: WELDINGrAJTA TIES:o OR ANY AFFILIATED INDUSTRY. e AMAZING! INFORMATIVE! IT COULD SAVE LIVES AND PROPERTY LOSS IN YOUR PLANT! DEMONSTRATING, IN MINIATURE, hazards of flammable liquids and combustible materials. Presented by the Perth -Huron Section of. the Industrial Accident Preventio 1x Associations. - IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE GODERICH FIRE DEPARTMENT i YOU WILL GAIN A NEW RESPECT for "the MAGIC OF FIRE 1 FIR,E PREVENTION- OFFICIALS are enthusiastic in their praise of this AMAZING DEMONSTRATION SEE ACTUAL FIRES PRODUCED iN MINIATURE ! ! Refreshments will follow -Demonstration. DOOR PRIZE! p TE'R'S'l{I LU PORTER'S HILL, Sept. 5. - Services were conducted last Sunday by the Rev. C. E. Taylor and this Sunday the Young Peo- ple of Bayfield and Porter's Hill are in charge of , the services. Rev. Mr. Smith, pastor of the church, and Mrs. Smith are hav- ing a month's holidays. Mr: and Mrs. Arlie Lockhart and girls spent Sunday at. the home- 1VFr --and .-Mrs,' ;John Manning, Blyth, and attended the afith wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rowden. Mrs. Ivan Papernick and Larry have returned home after spend- ing two .weeks at Sault Ste. Marie and Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner have, returned home to Edmon- ton after spending a month visiting friends and relatives in Goderich and district. SUNDAY SERVICES • ST-. GEORGE'S CHURCH September 10th, 15th Sunday after Trinity. _8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 a.m. Sunday School• and Bible Class. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. (Junior Congregation and Nursery.) REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., Dv., Rector. Mr. J. F. Stephens, M.A., B. Ed.; Organist andd�-''Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United,Church: 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. ,. .• 11 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP. "THE CHURCH AND CHRISTIAN EDUCATION" Installation hof the new Church School Superintendent. Nursery and Junior Congregation. 3 p.m. OCTOGENARIAN SERVICE "Light at Eventide." ,REV. W. J. ten HOOPEN, B.A., B.D., Minister. MR. GEORGE ESPERT, Qrganist and Choir -Director. Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister Mr. H. de Jong, Organist. Miss B. J. Woodruff, Deaconess - 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. "WORDS OF FORGIVENESS." Mr. Edwin Nelson, 'Cranbrook, student minister. (Nu'rsery and Junior Congregation.) Victoria Street United Church 10 atm. Sunday School and Bible Class. N a.•rn. Morning Worship "ANGELS IN THE DUST:" 10 a.m. Benmilier Church and Sunday School 1.30 p.m. Union Church after Sunday School. REV. CECIL A. DUKELOW, Minister. MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Victoria and Park Streets REV. E. A. COOPER, Pastor. Phone JA 4-9306 • SUNDAY SERVICES ., 9.50 a.m. FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL. . 11 a,m. MORNINCIIORSHIP. 7 • p.m.'. EVENING GOSPEL HOUR. Wed., 8 p.m. -Prayer Meeting. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle 10 a.m. Sunday School. Classes for alt ayes. 11 a.m. MORNING. WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. - Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible' Study. Friday, 8 p.m.' Young People's. Ypu are invited, to conte and worship with us. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor. �A. ustic - .., v . .� r en White Gloves Mr. Justice S. N. Schatz was presented with the traditional white gloves, signifying absence of any criminal cases on the docket, as he presided over opening sessions of the fall ags:' sizes of the Ontario Supreme Court here Tuesday - Mr. Justice Schatz received the gloves from. Sheriff Harry Sturdy, • of Huron, County,. in •-a brief afternoon ceremony at the new court house. ' Crown Attorney J. W. Bush - field, Q.C., president of the Hur- on Bar- Association, welcomed Mr. Justice Schatz on his first visit to the county.. Several civil actions are listed but the assizes are not expected to last beyond this week. ST.. HELENS ST. HELENS, Sept. 5. -Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gannt and Murray were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Freeman, of Acton. Ross and Gordon Pannabeek- eri of Preston, returned to their home on the week -end. -Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Pannabecker, Mary and Roger. took up residence- earlier at the former Miller- store. Ross and Gordon will be attending Luck - now High School this year. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Donald Pannabecker were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Habermill and Mr. Ray Burnett of Hes- peler. - Mr. and Mrs. Barry McQuillin, of Kitchener, and Mr. Ivan Mc- Quillin, of Elmira, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQ.uillin.. Mrs. Keith Black, Kevin and Gordon, visited for a .few .days With her parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Gordon McPherson. David and Freddie returned to Ottawa after a summer vacation on the farm. Labor Day visitors with Mr. and ' Urs. Gordon McPherson were -Mr. and- Mrs. Fred Thomp- son; Benny and Billy; of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. George. Stuart observed their 40th wedding an- niversary on Thursday. Con- gratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rose, of Newmarket, and Mr. and Mrs. David Gilmour, of Guelph, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb. PORT ALBERT PQRT ALBERT, Sept 5. -Mrs. . ugh Glen -and far hly, Donald, Jean and Janice, of Goderich, visited last - week with Mrs. Glen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles `Crawford. Mrs. Harvey Crawford, Tor- onto, visited last week with Mrs. Will Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crawford. Church and Sunday school services at St. Andrew's United Church have been withdrawn for the next- two Sundays, owing to anniversary services at the Nile on September 10 and at "Dun- gannon on September -17. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Cummings and ..Miss Velma Gliddon, De- troit, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert 'Cr~aw- ford.' School . re -opened on Tuesday with 35 pupils attending, Mrs, Bert Crawford as teacher, Joanne Hendrick, Wayne Pol- lock and Charles Crawford, as beginners. - AS'HF ' S iELD. ._ .ASHFIELD, Sept. 5. -- Miss Mabel, Macdonald, of Windsor 'was home for the week -end. Mrs. Duncan Farrish and Ken- neth and David visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson, in Detroit. •- • Mr. and Mrs. George Leadbet- ter and Barbara,' Of Toronto, were week -end guests of • Mrs. Colin MacGregor. . Mr. and Mrs. Steve Elliott and Billy and Barbara spent a few days with William Macdonald ..last week. Guests with Earl, Howes last week were Mr: and Mrs. Ronald Oke and children, of Oshawa, and James Howes, of Arthur:, Mrs. Layina Dunce, of Detroit, spent two weeks with Mrs. Cohn MacGregor. Mrs. • K. Farrish, Miss Anne MacKenzie, Bill Farrish and Alex MacKenzie visited Miss 1llurie'd' Farrish on Sunday, in Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto. Recent Bride Honored. -- On Friday evening friends .of Mrs. Gordon Ronald, of Toronto, the former Alma Johnson, gathered, in Kintail Hall to honor her with a miscellaneous shower. After a short program of read- ings and games, the bride ppen- ed the gifts and expressed her appreciation to her friends. Lunch was served. ' Death of Emma .Hibbin. - Mrs. Robert' Hibbin, who spent the past four yes with her daughter, Mrs. MacLean in Lon- don, died on September 1 at the age of 83. - She had been in poor health for years but was just one week in the hospital: She was a native of England, and came to this country .•some 50years ago with her husband. They' lived on various farms in this communityand at Listowel until their retirement to, Kin- cardine, where Mr., Hibbin died some eight years ago. One son Robert was killed in the first World War, and'a daughter, Mrs. Thomas, (Lilian) 'l,horburn, of Kincardine, passed . away soon after her father. Surviving are four sons: George, of St. Cath- arines; Jack, of Niagara Falls; Harry, of Hanover; Harold, of Enniskillen; two, daughters, Mrs. Emma MacLean, of. London, and Mrs. Francis (Doris) Wil- liams, of BowmanvilIe; and sev- eral grandchildren and great- grandchildren: Taylor's Corner TAYLOR'S CORNER, Sept. 5. -Mr. and Mrs. James Oke spent last Week -holidaying in Mon- treaI. Mrs. William Gould and children returned o Montreal with them after s nding the summer with the a 's parents, Mr. and Mrs: Irvine Oke and other relatives. Mr. Wilbur Runn'mel returned to his home in Florida „after spending last week at the Wil- liam Snyder home. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gorrie and Debbie and Graham, of Simcoe, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Gerry Ginn and family. We are pleased to report Mrs. Claude Sinclair is much im- proved after undergoing surgery in Victoria Hospital, London, at the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Truem-, ner and Douglas, of Willowdale, and Mrs. N. Tremne"r,. of .Ar- thur, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Don Scott,- Allan and Jeff, of Windsor, spent the week -end with- Mr. and Mrs. George Ginn. - TH E SALVATION . ARMY • SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 110 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE. 7 p.m. FAREWELL. SERIItee FOR COT. and MRS, R. PETERSEN. , visrrons WELCOME IN CASE, of EIRE DIAL. 7211 Please mark this NUMBER DOWN - WINS RADIO IN DRAW AT ANDERSON'S STORE , Miss Diana Redmond, R.R. 5, Goderich, was the winner of the Bulova Transistor three-way por=' table, radio at the Anderson Book Centre on Tuesday. The draw was made at 6 p.m. by Janet Williams., Hincks street. Each student making a dollar purchase at the store at the be- ginning of the school term re- ceived a ticket to enter the draw. BAND WINS PRIZE Branch 10$ Canadian Legion 01.ne 'nand won first prize at the JOtton ' Highland games. Many turned out to hear the Legion Band at Goderich Sunday eveiiihig} The Mary Lynn Leon - •µrd dancers tdso entertained. 151'- ▪ 4. E. Cards of Thanks D. In Memoriam CHAPMAN,-In loving memory of our dear mother and grand- mother, Mrs. Catherine May (Kitty), Chapman, who passed away September 12, 1958. We are always together in mem- ory lane, Today, tomorrow, always the same; Wherever we go., whatever we do, . - Memory keeps us near to nyott. No length of time or lapse of years, Ceuld ever dim our loved one's past,r• For tre lit' .ed memories will hold m faste, As long as ife and memory last. '-Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by- daughter Joan, son-in-law Bill and- grandsons, WarrenandDavid.' -35 CHAPMAN.---In loving memory of a dear mother, Catherine Chapman; Who passed 'away three years ago, September 12, 1958. ' If you could have spoken before you died, . These are the words you would have replied,' "This life for me has . truly passed I've loved you all to the very last; - Weep not for, me, but courage take, Love each other for my sake." For all you did your very best Till Lod gave you eternal rest. -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by son Gordon, daughter Louise and Bill. 35x HOWATT.-.•-In loving memory of my dear brother, John D. Howatt, who 'died September 10, 1947. The flowers I place upon your grave .May wither and decay; But the love for the one that lies beneath, Shall never pass away. Sadly missed by Jessie. 35x NICE NILE. Sept. 5� NT. and Mrs. Harold Crich and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sifton, all of London; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stevenson and Mr. and Mrs. Cline Stevenson and Karen, of Niagara Falls, visited this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brindley. • -Next Sunday ,anniversary ser- vices will be held at 11 o'clock and 8 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Funge will be guest speaker and spec- ial music will be provided. Rally and Flower Sunday. - A pretty arrangement.. of flowers with a miniature church was the centre of the theme for rally and flower Sunday at Nile on Sunday last. The church was made by Miss Barbara Taylor and others helping were Mrs. W. Wiggins, Mrs. S. Taylor, Mrs. R. Bogie, Mrs. E. Dougherty and Mrs: -W. Rutledge. At the even- ing service, Mrs. Tiffin, of W ing- lihm, gave an inspiring address assisted by Mrs. W. Wiggins and Mrs. W. R'trtledge, the presidents df the W.A. and W.M.S. Mrs. S. Taylor and Mrs. D. MacDiar- mid received the -offering. Mrs. Ray Fisher and Mrs. D. McNeil sang a duet, ', Hpw Great Thou Art," assisted by Mrs. R. Bogie at the organ. The September W.A. meeting will be held Tuesday, Septem- ber 12, in the church basement. Devotional is in charge of, Mrs. H. Fisher and Mrs. D. McNeil; travel basket, Mrs. Christilaw and Mrs. Smith; hostesses, Mrs. H. Watson and Mrs. W. John- ston. THREE PRIZES WON AT HENDERSON BOOK STORE Mr. AadreW[,ali' , 223 Quebec Street, won first prize of a radio in connection with Henderson's Book Store free draw. A chance an the draw was given with every dollar purchase of school supplies. Second mace winner was Doris Adams, 309 Huron Road. This was • a Sheaffer cartridge pen. Thethirdprize winner vvasziTane Johnston, of ' Goderich''* 're- eeived a Waterman lever pen. KNEESHAW.-The relatives of the late Alexander Kneeshaw wish to thank all those who Sent flowers and messages of sympathy during their recent bereavement. Special thanks" to Dr. N. C. Ja,ckson and the staff of Alexandra Hospital for their -kind attention during iVIr, Kneeshaw's long illness. -35 u ▪ Y LUMBY.-At this time -of our bereavement we would. like to express' our sincere thanks to our many neighbors .and friends for their many kind- nesses. Our ,special thanks to Rev. G. L. Royal, Dr. J. W. Wallace, Dr. N. C. Jackson, Floyd Lodge, nurses and staff at the hospital,' Ed. Stiles, and to all who helped •in any way. Mrs. Jane Luinby 'and family. -35 TOOLE.-The members of the family of the late Mr. Fred Toole extend heartfelt appre- ciation to all the friends and neighbors wjio showed their consideration in so many kind- ly - ways during our recent bereavement. We sincerely thank you. Mrs. Fred Toole. -35 WOODRUFF. -I -wish to 'thank all who expressed concern for me through Words, cards and flowers following my recent accident, and Dr. J. W. Wal- lace, Dr. G. F, Mills and the nurses of the hospital for their care. These acts of kindness are deeply' appreciated. arbara Woodruff. -35, F. Engagements Mr..H. C. Gracey, of_ Goderich. announces the engagement of his daughter, Marion Elizabeth, to Mr. Ian Michael Doig. son of Mrs. Margaret Doig, of West - mount, Quebec, and- the late Mr. M. H.- Ddig. The marriage .has been arranged to take place on Saturday, October 7, at 3 o'clock, in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Bloor St., Toronto, Ont. 35x (x. Coming Events. Everyone is invited to attend the Octogenarians' special ser- vice, North Street Un i t e d Church, Sunday, September 10, at 3 -p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. - W. J. ten Hoopen. Special•.musit., '34 -35 - St. Peter's and St. Mary's P.T.A. bingo, Thursday, Sept. 21, $ p.m., Legion Hall. Admission $1.00. Watch for the list of prizes. - -35 Mammoth Rummage Sale. Chance of - a lifetime for good summer and winter clothing. Exciting -articles- for young and old. Place: North Street Church Christian Education building. Time: 1.30 p.m., Saturday, Sep- tember 9. - -35 The Ahmeek Chapter, !ODE, will meet at the home of _ Mrs. W. H. Stokes, bays St., Monday, September 11, at 3 p.m. -35 The annual dinner meeting of the,, Goderich Graduate 'Nurses' Association will be held on Mon- day, September 11, at 6.30 p.m, at the Little Inn, Bayfield. Dr. Ann' Marshall, of Strathroy, will speak •on "MENTAL HEALTH." A turkey dinner will be. served. Those desiring transportation will meet at the nurses' resid- ence at 6 p.m. All graduate - nurses welcome, and any not contacted by phone will please inform. Mrs.. -Les. Riley, Nelson, St., by Saturday,. September 9, if they 'wish to attend. Per plate $2.00. -35 Plan to attend the Goderich Little Theatre Workshop pro- gram, Wednesday evening, Sep- tember 13, at MacKay Hall. Guest speaker, Mr. Peter Dear- ing, of Lofidon Little "Theatre. Everyone welcome. No charge. -35 Staff Sgt. and Mrs. J. F. Heard, Suzanne, David and Danny, re- turned to Ottawa' after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Thomas, Elgin avenue. • -PERSONALS Messrs. H. Neill, John Jeffrey, Harold Turner and Percy Thuell attended the first annual reuh- ion of the Ontario Steam and Antique Association Inc. held at M,4lton Fairgrounds last Satur- day. " Mrs. Neil Thompson, Quebec street, had as visitors over the week -end: Mr. and Mrs. Neil i DON'T . MISS THIS ! I -- S. G. TWIST - Industrial Safety Expert with the I.A.P.A. WILL- OFFICIATE i USED WAS the' MINES • _ - EQUIPMENT • Developed by -BUREAU OF Thompson _ and two daughters, Lynne. and Joyce, Montreal; 1VXx. and Mrs. William R. Thompson, Lieut. and Mrs. Don Thompson, London. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Quin- ton, of Walters Falls, and Mrs.° Melba Vivian, of Simcoe, visited recently with Mrs. F. Seabrook. Mrs. Harry Bradley and son Bill visited her son- Lloyd, and family, at Sebringville, on Sun- day, enroute xa Toronta. where- they -visited her. -brother= and, sister and also her - daughter, Olive and family. , Dr. and°Mrs. 0. V. Dickinson, . Scarborough, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheardovvn over, the past week -end. Dr." and Mrs. W. N. Watters and family have returned home from a boat trip to Mackinac Island and upper Lake Michigan. r QUALITY FURNITURE AT BARGAIN PRICES o CHESTERFIELDS We have a• number of Chesterfield Suites selling at real "Clear Out" Prices. As Low As °, $154.00 .EXTRA, SPECIAL 'NYLON COVERED SUITES at only $169.00 T .. Other- Exceptional Nylon Suites at $185;00 -� d CHROME SETS A ' Real Bargain at $85iQ0. In an •assortment of colors -and finishes. Table size 36" x '60". - ' Other Chrome Sets, same size table, now $79.00 - SPECIAL DELUXE SET - Priced for Quick,-'Raleeaat, $99,95 r.-77.-1,_.. Bedroom F -r -i- a a. ;err E y bjF "DEILCRAFT" l • ' A real leader in expert work- $241 manship. Reg $299.00 - Now . 00 ' Bedroom .Suites Choice of finishes - Bookcase Bed. Any Size - Panel Bed if Desired. $161.00 SPECIAL CLEARING PRICE C, Our stock is low on this mattress, but we will take orders on this EXCEPTIONAL SERTA BARGAIN. SAVE OVER $40.00 •CONTINENTAL BED -- ` Limited- Supply But Will Take Orders for 10 Days, DELIVERED COMPLETE for $59.00 or Two for •$109.00 SPECIAL -SPECIAL - SPECIAL FURNISH 3 ROOMS for only $498:00 Bedroom, complete with lamps and spring mattress, also your Li>•'ing Room and Kitchen. RUG SPECIALS - .9' x 12' AXMINSTERS for $85.00 Other 9' x 12' 3 -DRAWER -DESK, arborite top. 39.00 BUNK BEDS, Cle(ariig at 69.00 CHAIRS, Reg. 59.00, Clearing at 26.00 CONSOLE EXTENSION TABLE, Walnut. Will seat 12 people 72.00 PANEL BEDS at 14.00 and 26.00 BOOKCASE BEDS from regular Bed- room Suites, some slightly damaged. Clearing at 16:00 and 29.00 FLOOR LAMPS at 14.00 TABLE LAMPS, clearing out at . 7.00 COFFEE TABLES and " STEP TABLES Clearingat ... 5.95 and 0.95 CLOTHES HAMPEJ;IS, & §ANY -QUEENS Priced o •C' �e�ar LODGE F BS WEA.'` SUM' n 22.22.422.222-4222, Rugs at $49.50 CHESTS, 'finished and 'unfinished. Your choice of size and, colour. Priced to clear at... .. 29.00 BABY CARRIAGES 32.00 CRIB, complete, with spring mattress Clearing at I. -37.00 MATTRESSES, all makes. Reg.- from 59.00 fo 69.00. All reduced - to 44.88 MATTRESS SPECIAL - One rubber topped mattress and one Simmons mattress and matching box spring. Reg. 89.00 - t Price FOAM RUBBER MATTRESS. Reg.' 119.00 Special at . • . 86.00 FOLDING RUBEL R COT MATTRESS 24" wida. Claiming at - 8.00..