HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-08-24, Page 2The Gader ch Se al -Star, Thursday, August 24th, 1961 Garrirtt iroignat.fttar —0— The County Town Newspaper of Huron --per.. 'S Established ' 1$48 its 114th year of publication rl U U se Published Q by CV L w4 Signal -Star Publishing Limited XY1-ee es..,ee',t �e,4..4erttkee: Ce eua....0, e c• ;c%ra , ..Subseriptxon -.rate& — 13.00 a year,. .To. YT:S.A.•$4,00 (In advance) Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Member of C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A.. and A.B.C. Circulation --over 3,400 GEO. L. ELT.TS, Editor and Publisher. MOO "GREAT WALL OF CHINA„ St. Marys council recently awarded a pavingeeontraet to a London firm, which put in the lowest tender, • and a citizen Wrote to the Journal -Argus regarding fail- rnre to give the job to a 'Si. Marys firm, which bid 12 cents a th,n pt asphalt higher. The editor cites a comment by rural people that 'whereas they are urgedto patronize businesses in their hoixie town, they find the town buys its _paving elsewhere. Similar controversies arise at times in connection with dairy prodnets. An- nexation by London of pari, of London township, brought into the city three out- lets of a St. Thomas dairy firm. These stores were given two weeks to stop selling. milk originating outside the London inspec- tion area. A year ago, London hoard of health.rejeeted an application by the Acme Farmers Dairy to haul.,packaged milk —The tit speet n refile is bitdifferent here: it is earried out Under the Public ITealth Aet of Ontario, but many Huron dairy farmers now ship to Toronto, and the Toronto milkshed is under eon- tinnous striet inspection of herds and en- uipment. Two years ago, tloderic'h eouneil was asked by-prodiieers and distributors to pass a bylaw barring' proeessed mill; ifrom outside the distiet, lint evidently did It is man's love. MESSAGES WORD BY GODERt.CH MINISTERIAL w ASSOCIATION . -'a1-< Via' V4wri.CCME• AV a ,� . r ,.R. . f • S R (By Cept. Roger-i?etersen, The These people made a ` very simple choice between, their pocket and their piety —. and their pocket won. We may criticize these short-sighted Jews Jesus visited "the country of the who foresook their Saviour to Gadarenes." The ` first person save their swine; but our super - that met Jesus was a lunatic who iority -might 'not be as real as was living in the caves. The we would like to think. How poor • man had become; so un- do we decide when we are faced manageable that he had been with a choice between Jesus forced to find shelter in the Christ and all that' He reprea hills. When he saw Jesus, he sents, and our 20th century ran to Him and flung himself ,swine herds? . The loose moral down on the ground before Him standard of today makes a mock - and worshipped Him. Jesus ask- ery of the principles of fidelity ed .. the game of the "unclean and chastity introduced by spirit" that controlled him and Christ. 'What do you think ordered it to leave the man. Christ would say of our busi- The "spirit" Said that its name fiess ethics which is willing to was "legion" and requested per- sacrifice honesty just to show mission to enter a nearby herd a profit? The list of questions, of swine. You will remember we could pose is endless. But that when the unclean spirit it is not the questions that are did • enter, the herd of swine, important—rather the answer they stampeded down a steep Your answers would indicate hill and were all drowned in your ouldashow if toward responseChrist; to it the lake. When the owners of the herd Him would be any different than came to see what had happened. those of the Jewish hog raisers the spectators told them how of Gadara. "the madman had been cured It is not possible to separate and what had happened to the the principles of the teachinp igsee Then thiNAtfatlitd. desks c . g 21 -,...,.• Ie$s.leg to leave the district." (Mark' 5; twe •woulett: he hope of His 16-17, The New English Bible). Salvation, we must abide by tl te We might well ask, just what 'principles of His Gospel. "Who - business these Jews of Gadara soever HEARETH these savings had in raising swine, since their of mine and Doeth them, I will law forbade the use of pork as liken him to a wise man... . food. The Roman authorities (Matt. 7:24). maintained a vast military estab- lishment in that area with thous- ands of spldiers quartered there at all times. These Roman sold- iers enjoyed their pork and were willing to pay a good price for, it, which made a very pro- fitable situation for the Jews since the country was well adapted for the raising of hogs. s not wish, tq set up a monopoly. Aurora council rejected an applii^ation from an outside cleaner to pick up and' deliver ,there, and the Banner criticizes the reasoning behind barring outside comp-, etition. In an editorial treaded "Great Wall of China" the .newspaper says:, "It was used a few months ago regarding milk. If for milk and'for eleaning, why not. for our bakeries,"or a dozen other things. We do not think any aggressive Aurora bus- iness wants to confine its activities to the borders of its own municipality, and we should be might- careful about setting pre- cedents whereby Aurora businesses .eould he hurt if other municipalities took similar action. Tt is easy to lay down as a prineiple that loeal taxpayers. should have the ben- efit of the lowest hid ion , coiltraet, ,and that consumers shout -d age €rhl=e o:bny "out- side" products for reasons of price, qual- ity or convenience. This prineiple works fine — unfit'" the inevitable sneeial ease come` nn. Then the munieipal board- or eonneil is on the spot,' and perhaps under nressuire from one side or other, or .Both. T't has to •decide on the basis of the best thine- fo'r the greatest number. And that only settles the matter until next time. PROMOTING FALL .BUSINESS said that in the Fpring a yonng to business people in Grand Bend. telling fancy lightly turns to thoughts of them o -f. "an important meeting'" to at - If that pian goes into the z•etai us_ tend. Of these 130, less than 15 members turned mit. The (;rand Tend- holiday iness in a' town, his thoughts in the fall are ealled this "an -apathetic sitniation." likely to turn enthusiastically to a prom- Today business is not oily more com- otional sale. Salvation Army) The fifth chapter of 'the Gospel of Mark r;,te'lis us of the time •" petitive but also more eomplieated. By September is usually the• month when the time the averanc tnwm bnsines.sman town merchants go all out in bargain daysattends to the many details faein ' 'him in offerings for 'the benefit of their rural and business. he finds a surnrisino• lack. of time urban customers alike. In this connection to attend meeting's dealing' with what and it is possible that the (:xoderieh Business- how things should be done for the pro - mens' Association, formed last June„will motion of extra business. Not that he could likely be staging a co-operative feast of not stand extra gutsiness, hot simply t1natl• Down Memory's PORTER'S MILL Lane PORTER'S HILL, Aug. 21.— The W.A. of Grace Church met at the home of Mrs. A. Harris 50 Years Ago --1911 with the president, Mrs. Alvin J. H.. Tigert was appointed i Bettles in charge of the meet - town auditor to succeed Andrew ing. which opened with the Porter. theme song. The Scripture, Because iif the resignation of Mathew 24, was read by 1Virs. T. b �]�« n }p �a{� ,�A. So,,w�.erby. t� Top .a; ..a.nd prayee{r�; Mxa toga 4i e ,,,. $J K,`dgi! At -1l f. V v a 4 7J� T%�il r 7k Vic one School, -wise Bertha Millian was hired at a salary of $475. A beach party was held by the young people of the Dunlop district to honor both Miss Edna Taylor who was leaving for Van- couver, and Miss Jessie Link - later Min was going to Calgary where sile would teach school. At Kingsbridge, John Bowler was 'playing on a sofa when a needle entered his thigh. 30 Years Ago -1931 Miss Rose Aitken returned home from Montreal after suc- cessfully completing a McGill University Library such per' .course. �� Mrs. George MacE*an, Miss Viola Osbaldeston an Mrs. W. L. Horton were the winners in F. E. Hibbert's guessing con- test.-,,„ Mrs. Charles Elliott, Dungan - eon, was a patient in hospital following a car accident can con- cession 4, Ashfield, near Orville Free's farm. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaw left on a trip to Northern Ontario. 15 Years Ago -1946 Contracts for transporting pupils from the surrounding townships to G D C.I. had been Duckwworth, • W. . lark,- Edit Wightman and Alvin Sherwood. Reeve Robert, Turner sold his house to Edwin Hartman and Mrs. A. Cornfield sold her resi- dence to John Thorpe. J. E. Huckins and Mrs. Edna Cowan had both purchased houses from The famous and frequently re- James White. printed portrait of Robert Harris of the Fathers of Confederation was destroyed in the'1916 House of Commons fire; it is the o.rilzin- al, fullsize charcoal sketch that now hangs in -the House. I can imagine- that the owner of the swine were reasonably pleased to see the lunatic "cloth- ed and in his right mind," hut they could not overlook the fact that it had cost them 2,000 hogs. The .cure of the demented tomb - dweller had affected this very sound and practical arrange- ment: at feast wh9n he was mad he had never erased this kind of trouble. Tf this' was how the ministry of .Tesus was going to affect them then they fust c diuld not allow Him to •stay — the whole economy could he dis- rupted in no 'time. bargain: for buyers. If so, it is not too lie is so lacking in extra time. early to start.planning now for those spec- But a:• eommunity promotional sale in ill sales days. - ,the fall is something well worth while. Such a sale is only as good as the eo- 'particularly this year, and it is to he lin/1(.4 operative effort of the individual members. that if and when a' sneeial meeting of the Thus. it is imperative that there be all-out Gnderieb Businessmen's Association is call - planning' by all merchants. NI for this purpose it will meet "with the In ffh s conites•tion. itis interesting to full support of all n e>:ehrants... — _ ,.,—. note that when' a meeting was called- last May to form a Goderieh Businessmen's Association, only 14 turned out of a poss- ible S0. A meeting the following week brought, out 29. But this situation. :apparently, is not unlike other centres. We note. for example, sari editorial from a I'eeent issue of The Grand Bend Holiday. a newspaper piub- lished for Grand Bend. Tt told of the sec- retary of the Grand Bend and Area Cham - bei' of Commerce sending out -1:30 notices WE READ THAT . . Life is '-cry mneh * like Christmas --- yoil'rr' more siker, to ii'et What yoiu cxpeet titan what you want. A person with charm is. ole who can make another r( ;01 that both of them are pretty wonderful people. UR roll call was answered with a verse containing"Peace.'' Mrs. D. Harris read te secretary's re- port and Mrs. A. Lockhart gave the treasurer's report. -Items of business were- discussed and lyirs. Olive Bell donated some articles that were auctioned off. During the afternoon a crib quilt was quilted. $10,000 invested in January 1950, in Commonwealth Inter- national Mutual Fund -- sold by Joe Allaire (Phone JA 4-7671, Goderich) was worth $36,427.34 on' July 15, 196.1. King Merritt and Co. (Canada) Ltd. 33tf A reception tvas held at the home of Mrs. W. Gledhill. Ben - miller, to honor four war brides, Mrs. Arthur” 1'JcMichael, Mrs., Clayton Millian, Mrs. Alfred Hov, and Mrs. Dawson. A. Holmesville wedding • was that of Ross Feagan and Betty Harris, -. 10 Years Ago -1951 Keith Gardner and Kenneth TTazlitt were drowned in Lake Huron. The Leeblurn W.M.S. met at the home of Miss Helen Clark with Mrs. Bert Bogie as 'leader. Mrs. Ttod Bogie assisted. the hostess in serving lunch. A eosnel mee+ing was held on tr^ property of Robert Dures. Nile. - Mr. and Mrs. Pehert .Tohnston returned to the West after visit - Ernest andMiss' Mabel Hick- ingbottom, Auburn. ONLY Priced for Quick Salel This Sunday there 'will be a special service in Grace Church as a number of young people are joining the church. The eld- ers of the church are asked to be present by 9.30 a.m Mrs. Grace MacDonald; - 4t= tawa, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bart; Stouffville, visited Mr. and Mrs. John. MWCowan 'last weekend. Bruce Betties is visiting his grandfather, Ephraim Snell, at, the C.N.E. this week. .Miss Lynda Torrance has been visiting relatives in Sombre, Miss Marie Cox, Clinton, has been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Cox. 7t,31!: •PF, Memorials =-- Finest Stone and Experienced Workmanship ' DISR Frank MCiiWaln REPRESENTATIVE JA 4-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. JA 4-94.65 50tf An in tine bac a schQofield! FENURES GALORE: • Heavy-duty tires • Two-tone saddle •"Double-ruber block pedals • . Gear ratio for speedy cycling. • Full -braced side mudguards • Safety. approved rear reflector • • All bright parts triple chromed • Two-tone enamelled • Extra strength seamless tube frame • • Girls', ladies'oddels with chain�g FIT There's. more • RID)NG FUN. on: SAVE ON .ALL SIZES Bogs model, 20/18" frame. Girl's 18" frame. 26x13/4" tires. Boy's Model, 19/17" f r a in e. Girl's 17" fraiziiat r24e �� �� 13/8" tires.. ADULT SIZES Men's a n d youths' '22/20" frame. Ladies' model, 20" f ram e.2' tt s ..... 3i i95 ate. I' • SLiM FLOWING LINES .` 'A LAVISH USE OF CHROME • 2-C; • FLASH and STYLE, SAFETY and RIDING ,' OMFORT . 2 The Lowest price a �nyfwhere fora bicycle of" su h quality. —. an. outstc�nd ng 1`g h . . E Nei N buil. at' Canadian Tire that compares with nationally advertisers models sell ingup-to $55. This stunning beauty with the baked -on enamelcolors that won't loose their lustre is a crowning achievement of 'British quality and craftsmanship: Has miles of fun. ,built- in .. fast easy cruising, smooth riding' ,built- in" will provide healthfulxexercise, tool • Features quick -acting Coaster Brake for safe stop,. Positive -acting rear hub for sports car get -away. Available in . Red (men's) _or Bright Blue (ladies') with White contrasting trim, highlighted -with plenty of chrome awn on the;rims,. Guaranteed! MAKE YOUR BIKE RICHT, ; READY" and 'RARIN 0 TO GO! r'f.2,'` .. fi;'• r v' .•::•F,:ri�vr;:'r,,%:,.;;f,;l;y<•.,{..�l::•ri•:`5::�:r�?�Y�r.LX�:* gnL .: ,/,.• +.`"'•'Ff r;Y Ta : } y . Fi. rr 'vi(��VW"-in( 1. � i.:'.5:.... r. y { % } v.}.:+'•y:::: - -f . fi'iy 4::•"Y.• •i:;:Y • % �; • ��?. {: r. 2."::..:y.:�::F,:'r%••;i...,;,,.:..: "`, f+i..>,.;h :•: .� ,vt;?':.:..:i'?ci�: • i.f r'%+i a'+v iD"•i 'fvifVl..�.M;^D4••4'''•.w.o'�!'.�f+wiw'v^' °a'�.`,t��� °6��fs�".�'� `4'� h'CfvY`csc"�W; ,� s vr4"v3�.`vnw.+ vx }�..c /i ^YTh�•iY, THE VALUE LEADER — A Beauty in Style and Rerformance smovismamatimaw NEW CARS IN STOCK AS OF AUGUST 15 1961 RENAULT GORDINI 1961. RENAULT ESTAFETTE • 1961 STUDEBAKER LARK 1961 STUDEBAKER ' CHAMP SHQP NOW AND AVOID THE -SEPTEMBER "FROSTBITE" — See these Quality Used Cars and Trucks RECOIL WITH LEAP MULCHER ATTACHMENT Save on BICYCLE TIRES 79 Werth $3 • HIGH SPEED, LIVE : RUBBER - • Xea. Speedy traction tread and .sturdy rim -hugging beading. Available for' �rrlar srmr�,S Big Savings on TUBES -Worth 51.50 7 Seamless red rubber.'Fits standard sizes•28 x 11/z", 26'• x 11/z", 24 x 1%", Canadian Endrick size, 26 x 11/4" • 0 .95 Worth, 49.95 A PICKUP 1954 METEORS a° PICKUP SAVE SAVE1 A VALUE SENSATION! Has"Everythipg, , and At Your Price • Famous CLINTON engine with dust-prctof ignition and new dry -type air filter • All -steel chassis with baked -on, aniline! finish • Chrome plated handles, detachable for convenient storing 4 Heavy-duty 1 -piece blade that trims .right up to paths, flower beds, etc. • 'Staggered wheel arrangoment to prevent "scalping" • Front -side clipping' ejector • Easy rolling semi -pneumatic tires MOWER and ENGINE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR AFTER PURCHASE. AGAINST IVIANUFACTURING DEFECTS BICYCLE HORN du• al -tone sound. Bright Metal in chrome steel. 10" long ,99 Turn Signal Kit Indicates turns as a car does. Complete with head- lamp, switch and turn sig- nal unit. With an batteries MU 195445-3 FIVE ONLY PLYMOUTH DODGE and PONTIAC -Huron u °motive Supply tArac, mutt= "AM SERVZOE Nip" Whetstone PHONE JA 44394 36 NORTH STREET '60DgRICH CHAIN CUARD Adjustable fte. Pits any orne& Value .119 track of your mileage — reg- STAND — Cadmium plated Chrome platea. Fits,on front heavy steel rod. - Buil t- in isters up to 10,000 miles. sfl/trimngosrtion. Adjustable to bicycles .95 axle. For 26 or 28" oft wheel se, 13—. -SPEEDOMETER— Know how fast and how far you're going. Shows speed up 'to 30 m.p.h. Precision built. Lust; rdus-• satin and 6.75 chrome finish E-4ENDER FLAPS — Rub- ber flap, size 7 x 6" with flashing Ted jewel mounted in chrome medallion. Stops water, mild splashing, acts safety device. Available White or Black. dar 6 — SCHOOLBOOK 0 A R- HORN — Fits conveniently BIER — Fits on °handlebars on handlebar. Remote controi fsovrlet..:Sturdy," good .39 . battery 1.49 With &Wile • Mi.. amt. milinsiW 10.41.1 imam arillir.,• i FOR NIGHT DRIVING SAFETY I GIENIRAll'OR 1 SET I StreaMlined chrome plated. torpedo shaped headlamp throws a powerful bearri. Light -giving generator sup- I plies au abIntdatice of juice to headlamp, tail light. INIMW1 IMMO 011•1101 loft. maim ilimis• iiiimil *mita dolotor aim/ •