HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-21, Page 5_ A CREAT SURPRISE Is in store for all who want SPRING —AN D ---- Summer • lothing J. H. GR M IVE has Cpened out the largest and best assorted stock of' Cloths that has been shown in Exeter at prices that will surprise the old• est inhabitant. Call and see our $I.S,00 Black Worsted Suits, and all the latest patterns in Tweeds. Fine Footings and Spring Overton ting. Remember we guarantee a good fit everytinle or no sale, Give lie a call and see for yourself, J, H. GRIEVE. !xetcr Kellar Mills. MARKET REPORTS.. Wheat , . $1.02to $1.05 per bush OUR SELLING PRICES.. Flour, Strong Bakers', $3 00 per 100 do. Best Family 2 75 do Low Grade .: 2 00 Bian • , ,,. 90c, Middlings . 1 00e. Screening . 1 OOc. Chop 1 24 to 1 30 C F .. Chop stone running every day, TERMS CASH. Ti -1E EXETER MILLING Coy. NEWS NOTES Thirty associations of the Patrons of In- dustry have been organized in the northern townships of .Huron, which average abort 50 members each, making a tstal of about 1500 Patrons, inclediug many of the lead- ing men of the seatious. CAUGHT IN. A snArr—A frequent sourco of acoident is found in spatting. Great care should be used and a supply of Hag yard's Yellow Oil kept on baled in case of wounds, bruises, sprains, burns, or scalds. It is the promptest pain reliever obtainable. A. CANADIAN CAsu—The ease of Mra E A Storey, of Shetland, Ont, is remarkable proof of the efficiency 01 Burdock Blood. Bitters in beadaabe. She writes : "For over 40 years I was a martyr to headache, having severe attacks about once a week. Have now used 3 bottles of B 13 i3 and have had no attack for 4 or 5 months." 1, is if is MARKET REPORTS. ENETER Re5Wlteet Spring wheat,. Barley Oats Clover S Sed Timothy Peas (lore eggs Butter Flourperbbl Potataesaier bush el Apples,per nag DntedApplespr b Cleeeo per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks per Ib Qhiclteusperpr Hoga,dressedperlCO $eel vidosroagb. ... dressed , Sheepskins eacb Calfekin.s Woolporlb ••• B,.Tpertan OuiOnseerbnsh Woodporeord The Hell Telephone Company has made au offer to the Toronto City Couuoil of five per Dent of its gross receipts, twenty five inetrnments for tho city otlioes free, and a $25 House service on a three years' contract, in return for an exclusive Iranohieo with the city. THE annum TATt—Tho Bingle tax may roliee poverty but as a remedy for painful ailments it oauuot compare with Hagyard's Yellow Oil the old reliable euro for rheum atism, neuralgia, croup, sora throat, tum bago, colds and inflammatory diseases.. A terrible case ot suicide is reported from near the village of Cainsville• David Irvine. an aged farm laborer was an Saturday told l by his employer, Mr D Whitiug to go back to tile house, as he was too old to do hard work in the fields. The remark seemed to prey upon Irvine's mind, for when next diecoveredhe was seated in a chair in the barn, having hacked away at both arms with a knife until he had bled to death. Deceased was 75 years old. EVRRZBonx mows—That at this season the blood is filled with impurities, the aooumulation of months of close confine meat in poorly ventilated stores, workshops and tenements. All these impurities and every trace of scrofula, salt rheum, or other diseases may be expelled by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier eyer produced. It is the only medioine of which "100 doses one dollar" is true. Muskegon, Mich, was visited by a disas- trous fire on Saturday. The estimated loes i3 $700,000, with 3250,000 insurance. Among the sad incidents connected with the fire was the death of Harry Stevens, assistant postmaster, and son of postmaster Stevens. He was very ill with pneumonia, and the flames made it necessary to remove him to a plane of safety. He died atnid the crash of falling buildings while being re- moved. Two or three children are repotted missing, Burdook Blood Bitters for the blood. Burdock Blood Bitters for the blood. Burdock Blood Bitters for the blood. Burdock Blood Bitters for the blood, Burdook Blood Bitters for the blood, Burdock Blood Bitters for the blood. MMI NIMP 16. OH, WHAT A COUGH. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approaoh of that more terrible disease Consumption, Ask your- selves if you can all /rd for the sake of saving 50e., to run the risk and do noth ing far it We know from experience that Shiloh's Core will cure your cough. It never fails; — 1t to 1t17i �• l 02 to 1.5 dt; 1;, OG 43 50 45 460to47o 1 40 0o 1 70 05 to 70 .,, 0 1050 11 • 1340014 ., Ito to5'5 • 40 to 0 45 .1GetoIu0 0 450050 005to0u6 ,.. 07 to e8. 0 06 to 0 07 6 00 t o 625 400 to 525 . 200to250 250 to 890 060 to tri 050to050 „ 018to0M0 ,.. 5 00 506 00 050to006 30 to 800 Itch cured. in 30 minutes by Wool£ord•s Sanitary Lotion, Sold by C. LCTz. yr:HARTS S Fall Wheat 1 00 1 1`3 Spring Wheat.......,, ... ^,.,,, ..peps,.. ,,0., 1 05 Barley i 045 0 550 Oats ................. 0 43 9 45 Teed.., 1 731 'i0 Peas-- Timothy..........< .., .....,........,< 0 65 0 70 flggs.:............ ..,..... ..... sees10 0 10 Butter 14 015 Potettooa per bat ............ ... 50 55 Apples perbush..........050 Wooiporlb 20 020 Raynert0n.. •..^....••.................... 5 50 6 Oa Bran per ion 14 00 14 00 Shorts', `" ............ .<.,20002000 Oetmealperbbl 6 00 7 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN, If you will send us your- addrese. we will mai youillustrated pamphletexplaining l our t lustrnt d p mt Y r , o - tato allaboutDye's 4e1 brated L eo ro 4 0l b DrD b I t y andn theiroha 'n effects Belt Appiiances,a d rmt g upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and reek - hood. Pamphlet free. If you are tus aMioted, we will send youaBelt and Appliances on a trial. VOLT teBELTCo.,Marshall,lfich. ilogs,dressed 'er 100. 5 OO to 5'9.7 LONDON. --....- \Vhoat,1.03 to 1.08 per bus. Oafs, 48e to 49c per bus. Peas, 75e to Ste per bus, Bar- ley,Malting.50i to67cper bus. Barley Feed, tliebush 148o per bus Horn. Gtio to Flo per. TORONTO. Toronto May 19 -Wheat Spring—No. Z.1.05e tol 06 per hue; red winter.No .2.1 13 to 1 11 nor bus. Manitoba No 2herd,114 to 1 15 :To. 3, O'o to 96c ; PEAS 78e to 80o per bus. OATS 47c to 40cer bus. FLOUR, extra. $1 50 to 34.60 per bol ; straight roller. %I. 80 to 490; Gip to 0440 ; N o 3 extra $1.10. 56o to BARLEY, No 2, 58No 0 to Seo Brussels band was granted $125 by the council of that town. Mr Chast Galster, engineer, in the Zurich flax mill, is constructing a perfeot model of a steam engine. The length is about 5 in. width 2 inches, and is all made of steel The engine when completed will be more than an ordinory curiosity and shows great skill on the part of the constructor. T eassemosowansisaimeta When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. For Over Fifty Years. Mas. Wrosrow s Somme SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children svhile teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslaw's Soothing Syrup" for children teething. it will relieve thepoorbtlle sufferer immediately, Depend upon it, mothers. there is no mistake about it. It •Iures Diarhoea, regulates the Stomaeh and Bowel cures Wind Collo• softens the gums, reduces Inflammation. and gives tone and energy to tiro whole system, Ctrs. Winslow'sSoothing Syrup" for children teeth - big niee eeth.lugisniee anttothe mete and is tatepreecriij- tion of ono of Oho oldest and best fema e hysreians and nurses in the United States rice,25cents abottle. Sold by al, druggists. throughout the world. leo sure and ask for 11Rs WZNSLOV'. Soorurso Svaup." LHARDY, LICENSED AtJO- • tioneer for tho County of Huron, Charges moderato. ,Exeter P, 0. MOTILE.—THE ANNUAL .t..11 MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS of the Exeter Salt Works Co.. will be hold Fri-' day, the 29th inst., at 2 o'clock p.m. sharp, at town hall. T, B• CARLING ,Soot'. TO THE PUBL1C—THE EXE TER SALT WORKS CO. belt to announce that they have a quantity of' dairy and land salt on hand. At this time of the year no farmer should miss putting salt on the land. For barley it has no equal. T. B. CARLING, SOO'S. NOTICE. The Thorough -bred Imported Holstein 13u11, African Prince, formerly stocic bull at the Ontario agricultural college.) will be kept on lost 8,North Thames Road. Usborno, during the season, for the improvement of stock, Terms $1 50 to insure. Wm MONTEITH', Prop: "MACBEAN will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows Monday, April 27th,1091,leave his own stable Zurich. and north to Blake hotel for night, Tuesday, east to R. Love's, Hills Green, for noon; thence vin Parr Line, to Varna, night. Wednesday, east to Dixon's hotel. Bruoefield, for noon ; thence oast to Geo. McKay's. 2nd eon. 'fuckersmith, for night. Thursday, to T. Berry's stables. Hensall, for noon; then to Hawkshaw's hotol,Exeter, night Friday, to Wm. Campbell's 2nd con. Mair, for noon ; then to T. Berry's stables, Bewail, for night. Saturday, to Zurich. and remain until the following Monday. T. BERRY Si GEIGER, Props., 0. GEIGER. Manager. Exeter Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN. We have constantly on Band a large display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, 'BICYCLIS and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Persons antieipatin g the purobaso of aus-• thing in the above lines will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prices Sldrsnlnuato£callnVawoueeottfulr kyoad sea our stockIt is as line as will be found in any city m0si0 store. 8',S.—Agents for all kinds of agricultural implements. COURT OF ItEVIS1ON--NOTICE is hereby given that a Court for the Revision for the Assessment Roll for the Vil- lage of Exeter. for the year 1891. will be hold at the Town Hall, Exeter, on TUESDAY. TUTI1 26th DAY OF MAY, 1891, at the hour of eight o'clock in the evening, Any person or persons having business at the said Court will govern themselves accordingly. ;Sign edEACRETT> Clerk. Exeter,12th May,1891.. STAND :---Fanson'S block, Exeter. .i: ♦ j. KNIGHT, S)3fiAT.11 xs. £'aney and Staple Groceries, LIQUORS, CIGARS, '1'OIlACCO, . t1.,&C• (Now located in Maids old stand, Mein•at) For finest Groceries and Teas, Be sure to call andsoe me; For in the corner store, in Mace's black, You will And we have the fin•;st stook Of goods that people daily U80. Our rens and Coffees and our spice, We keep in time—both clean and nicer -- And those who've purchased aught have found Fullsixteen ounces to the pound. Upon the shelves you'll always find' Canned meats of every sort and kind; Molasses too. and honey sweet, And Syrup that cannot be heat: Dried Fruits and Raisins, sweet and clean, Pine Choose and Butter may bo aeon, And Olives, Catsup. Sauces and Oils Put up in bottles of all styles; In feet everything your heart could wish, From sardines 11p to salted fish, All kinds of brushes, brooms 8103 rope, liaskots, wash-roards. tubs or soap. We will sell you ohoap by lots or weights, Or trade for produce, poultry and eggs. NOTICE. --COURT 0I{' RE- VISION OF TOWNSHIP OF HAY. NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment roll was received by me on the 14th of April, 1891, and any person can inspect the same. The Court of Revision will be held in the Town Hall. Zurich, on SA'CTJRDAY, MAY 30th, at 10 o'clock a.m. for the revision of said roll, to hear all appeals against being assessed too high or too low,and of dogs.being andnot being entered therein, etc. May 11t3 Sam. J. Earn., Clerk. COURT OF REVISION.—NO- T10E!ishereby given that a Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Township of Usborne,for tho year 1891, will be hold at the Town Hall, Elimvillo, on SATUR- DAY, MAY 30th, at 10 o'clock a m. Any per- son or persons having business at the said Court will govern themselves accordingly. G. W. Hoaiwr, Tp. Clerk. May 11; 1891. The Mo1sons Bank Headquarters FOR DARNING NEEDLES and CHEWING GUM F. (I, KNIGHT. Come in and see our complete assortment of spring and summer styles, In Millinery, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Boots & Shoes, etc , we mark them low to selithem quick, Be careful that you lo not gotitd eveer the LOW PRICES. 1891, 1891 Cash for Eggs. Butter Lt Egge wanted at DOUPE & CO., Eirktou, A FINE' ASSORTMENT (CHARTERED B Y PA FLl•AMEN `t ,1 855) Paid up Capital .. ... :58,000,00 RestFund ... - ... ... 1,000,00 EeadOHioe, Montreal, F. WOLFERSTANTIIOMAS,Esq., GsgRRALMANAGYI 20bran choMee sintnovominion. Agenial e in the Dominion,U.S.A.and Europe. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, from 10 a. m. to 3 p.m SATURDAYS,10 a.m,to 1 p.m• 4PerCent.perannum allowedfor money on DepositReoeipts N. DYER HURDON, Sub -Manager. —OF— Fancy Goods Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Collar and Cuff Cases. Manicures, etc., —BY— J. W. ROU1R S1EDS! Flower, held Garden• Steeds viirmsn- FARMER BROS. N.I W Spring Good New Velveteens. it tt tt tt 18 tt it tt URRAH NSW ailor Shop We would inforra the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened. out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on toe shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles —AND A.— Sure Fit Guaranteed. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths, Prints. Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Kid Gloves.. Corsets. Cottonades. 10B5 & BEM J. MATHESON, HAY P.O. EXETER -NORTH. The accompanying cut repre- sents She famous 'Crediton Road Cart,' manufactured by Wirt. LT: Wenzel and Israsi Smith, Credi- ton. Ont. This cart &a now been in the market for about two years and bas met with great euocess. the manufacturers claim that it is the best cart manufactured, both as regards convenience and durabil- ity. They have dozens of testi- monials from parties who have purchased these carts, which speak in the highest terms of them. The workmanship and inatelial employed in their eon• TSE CR 77TTON' ROAD CART- StruCtion can not be surpassed.. sow the low consistent t t i lance the twill h and the ice -s as as is he e i th, A at cu a h r Ir D fa' reader afa alta ttr es this e._t bats over a it v hrrd viz •—Tltn easy anode of getting in and out; the absence of springs or bars which briog the rider's weight on the shafts so as to sag them ; the convenience of carrying a robe or rug in eold or stormy weath- er, These carts are manufactured for ape or two persons, and finished to suit the pur- chaser. Clears furnished to the trade. lir Wenzel also manufactures Waggons, Buggies, file lolls, Eta., an.1 does all kinds of repairing in these lines. Mr Smith runs a fi st-elass general blacksmith shop, and guarantees to give sa"isfae- tion in all kinds of new work. repairing. horsesheein;;, ete., et:, to tvhich he gives his personal attention. Sec circulars for further particulars concerning road cart. W, 11, til; I.Nft:L,`dCre:itoii• Ont. isYAE I. SMITf3,,, 411$14 AVVVIrSts Sptia g Stook of Shelf wed Heaver al WaI'e - .:.. CONSISTIIeGOF .,sees ,.. - LOCHS, II G S, ETC 1 ITA LF ( R, N,4VIL , Window Glass, Putty, Paints and Oils ALL KINDS OF WIRE BARB, BUCKTHORN, FILED and ANNEALED At Tiovrost Cash 1:,'3 Q8sa BISSETT E1OS� .-Also first-class stock ot Tinware to select frol .---^D.R Exeter Paciking House James-st., Exeter. We, the undersigned, wish to inform the Public and Store -keepers of Exeter and surrounding country that we have on hand a good sup- ply of SUGAR•CURED HAMS, ROLLS, BREAKFAST BACON, BACKS and SIDES ; also DRY SALTED MEATS and PURE LARD. We also keep at the Main Street Meat Market a good supply of first-class FRESH &. CORNED BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, and PORK, POULTRY, in season. BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE. CASH PAID FOR HOGS. SNELL BROS. 8c CO. HtESII SEEDS —AT— HOWARD'S Mangold, 12c ib. Lawn Grass, Life is too short for Aught 'BUT HIGH ENDEAVOR. I endeavor to produce the very best goods in my line, not only the hest in duality and finish, but in value. I am sending out some very beautiful MILK CANS this sprint;. far exceeding any previous effort. lily stock of material for spring work, such as Eavelrouhing, Roofing, &c., is extensive and complete, and warkmaysllip is the very best, I solicit your order for TROUGHING OR ROOFING, Orchard Grass, Turnip, 12c lb. White Belgium Carrot, Short Belgium Carrot Hungarian Grass. FRESH SEEDS—ALL KINDS. Guaranteeilta g Sati:faotion. I have without exception the nicest assortment of MILK PAILS, STRAINING PAILS, to be founts anywhere, ranging in price from :o cents to , I.00, Note the price of MILK PANS : Shall size, 75c. to $2,00 per dozen; Large size, .x.00 to $3.00. Who would go without a Dipper when you can get one for 5 cents? EVER YOURS, JAS. N. HOWARD, W.H. MONCUR, , Proprietor. Manager. WELL F0743 11A1 D. .8111.1.011.11111111MIMMIMMIN111.1.11.111 .1•1111.1 • THE WATERLOO MUTUAL go °d 'tainn ltio FIRE INSURANOEC0. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT, One Door South Thiscomxanv has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western Onario, and aontinnes to insure against Joss or fiamagebv Fire Buildings Merchan- dise, Manufactories, and all other descrip. tions of insurable property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Dash System. During the. oastten years this Com- panyhaa issued 57,006 Policies. covering property to too amount of 340,872,039; and paid n losses alone 3709,752,00. Assets. $176,100.00, consisting of Cash iBank Government Derosit an dthe un- assesa_d Premium Notes on hanf.and in 'trrCe. . W WALDEN. M. D .PrestdOLt a . a1. i`AYLOR Secretary. J.13.HUGIXEa, In- spector. CHAS. SN ELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity. f ashioaabl� Styles 1 J 0 H 0 CC z 0 0 lM LJ of Post Office —HE HAS— A NEW AND, COMPLL'I I --STOCK OF— aots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptlyattended to. GEO. MANSON, THE BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET 1 Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine 'Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yoa are sure of 'satisfac- tion A. J. SNELL. 'ELL. DO YOU WANT TO Bpi FUR NITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAH! GOOODS. —ARE USUALLY SOLD—. -.THEN CALL AT— GIDLEY'S —ONLY FIRST-OLASS— Reliable Good At Prices Lower that .so -ow. led Cheap Houses can give Undertaking in all i Branch. S. GIDLEY, (Sueoeesor to C & ;l, Gidley) ODI;FELLOWS' BLOQ1