HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-08-10, Page 7ST. GEORdES CHURCH - August 13th, Eleventh -Sunday after Trinity 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. (Junior Congregation, end .1.14tztlerIfa - Mr:J. F. Stephens, M.A., B. Ed. Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP, "LIFE WITH THE WRONG TENSION" NUrsery and Junior Congregation. REV. W. J. ten HOOPEN, B.A., B.D., MR. GEORGE ESPERT, °Organist ,and Choir Director, To Adher4,st To Traffic Bylaw Reeve Frank Walkom report- ed to Town Council Friday even- ing for the cOmmittee set up o consider the request from the garage. Operator.% This was in conneetion with parking in front of their own premises and the traffic by-law in genetal. The recommendation was that no change be made in the Traffic By-law at this time. This in- cludes posting of • the following signs: No parking here te cor- ner; Angle parking; Parallel Mr:. and Mrs. Karl Billo and family, of Kitchener, lave, re- turned home after visiting with Mr. Geo. ''Baechler and Miss Joyce Baechl9r. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH lp km. Church School. All Agsm- 11 a.m. MORNING SERVICE. 7 p.m. EVENING SERVICE • Guest Speaker: Rev. Seymour Boyce. Pastor, E. VonKeitx. Organist, Wm. 1 Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. -G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister Mr. H. de Jong, Organist. Miss B. J. Woodruff, Deaconess 9.30 a.M. MciRNING WORSHIP. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. (Nursery and Junior Congregation.) Victoria Street United Church 10 a.m. Victoria's Graded School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. Famity Service. Junior Congregation. 10 a.m. Benmiller Church and' Sunday School. 1.30 p.m. iLliniop Church after Sunday School. key. C. E. Taylor, Sunimer Minister. • "DAILY STRENGTH FOR DAILY LIVING" REV. CECIL A. oliKELOW, Minister. MRS;J. SNIDER, Organist. FREE METHOPIST CHURCH Corner Victoria and Park Streeter REV. E. A. COOPER, Pastor. Phone`JA 4-9306 In the Pastor's absence at Annual Conference, Sunday School and 11 a.m. Service in cherge of lay mer,nbers of the 'congregation. 7 p.m. Sentio cancelled for August 6 and 13 only. Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. 30-31 / Bethel Pentecoitai Tabernacle 10 a.m. Sunday School. Classes for all ages. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting and _Bible,. Study. • You are invited to come and worship with us. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Fiastor. THE SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY, AUGUST 13 11 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE. 7 p.m. -EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Special Speakers — Envoy and Mrs. J. Thompson, of CAPTAIN AND MRS. R, PETERSEN VISITORS WELCOME TABLERITE ROUND BONELESS STEA vaermi WELL 'TRIMMED Rump Roast ib: BACK CRYOV C MAPLE LEAF Baco Chunkob. LEAN Minced Beef 3 lbs. 99c FLAKE TUNA CLARK S SAVE TWO WAYS — LOWEST PRICES PLMS FREE- STAMP GIFTS 6 -oz. Tins $1 00 -BEAN , WITH Tins BURNS SPAM 2 1:2"°z• Tins 89c vp_Low QUICK 1GA MARGARINE 2 50' ONTARIO NO. 14 LARGE FIELD' TOMATOES • 5 9c 6 -QUART BASKET DELUXE, VAC-PAK -GA-COFFEE- JAVEX McCORMICK'S BISCUITS TEA PARTY MIX ONT.-NO. 1 LONG SALAD SLICERS CUCUMBERS ONT. NO. 1 GARDEN FRESH HEAD LPTUCE U.S. NO, 1 FANCY JUICY SWEET ORANGES 1-fb. Tin 6 - 23c Pkg. of 32 29C -2 FOR 9c Large Head 471111.11.11....allawr50 EXTRA STAMPS GIVEN FEATORE MERCHANDISE THIS WEEKEND 1 -FREEZER FEATURE MIX' EM OR MATCH1 'EM MORTON'S Chicken Turkey Beef Mac.&Cheese POT PIES Gloomy Cioarmajcer -Desiiised Life in "Slabtown" Century Ago (Continued from Page 1) is a spring, knife he ence car- ried, now in possession of Mr. Tobacco -growing in this part of ,the goiititry is, of recent de- selovrefiggt.sZtr4494stil' experiment" in 1895. In the following October he wrote, that -"even the tobacco is not killed yet by frost, therefore I think I may venture to sow in March, for four Weeks in' tile ground before it comes up." Mainly, Schultz got his leaf tobacce from Francis Essard, Detroit. On some days he made more than 300 cigars, the cheap- est selling for a cent. Evidently the cigarmarker peddled them to the numerous Javerns, and took some part of the payment in beverage ferm.. "Dulfee" — whoever he may have been—"offered me the big frame house opposite Videan's blacksmith, hop, a fine conven- lent hous which contains a store, kite en, shed and large rooms at $ without taxes. In this nasty ho e of Story's I After,, the arrival from Ger- many, via New York, of the diarist's brother Herman, the two rented a store,_ opened up with "Herman's German fancy foods," but had little capital and scion gave, it up. "I think I would be happy," Schultz wrote, "if God would grant me a chance to live, de- cently here, pay my debts and make provisiop for the future.' -.244141w- not recorded that, he ever attended ehurch, but on Sundays read religious books, and on _New Year's Day, 1861, `held divine service privately." Hara Times Here - In Janliary of 1859 the town experienced' hard times. ' c, "No money to be had," Schultz set down, and he sold his cigarg On credit. "Great, destitutiofi among the poor in Goderich; even good mechanics starving. Several families had to be brought to the iail for fooct and medical attendance, for there is no hospital yet." At the same time, provisions were cheap—flour $1-50 a bar. rel, pork $4.50 a hundredweight, beef $3, and dry wood $1.75 a cord. "A good inany people," Schultz philosophized, "never think in the pleasant suznmer of Some were' cold-hearted, too. "Went out dunning without sue. cess, especially at Fitzwilliam's, one of the hardest, toughest Irishmen tliat ever I met with. :. Selling Joe Wright cigars; he annoys me by being rather in- quisitive and by- \adv,ising me to keep pigs." - -Let the curtain descend, on a quiet domestic scene (October 20, 1860): "Dug with Catherine (his wife) 10 bpshels potatoes, and Fritzley's little girl picked PORTER -5 HILL PORTER'S HILL, Aug. 8.— Mr. au(' Mrs. George Mathers and David Were in London kast Saturday to attend the wedding of .Mr. Mather's niece. ,Mrs. Alda' T. Gray has been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital with scalded feet. . Mr. and •Mrs. Harry Torrance have returned home after a holi- day in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. LV. A. Townshend° and Elaine. Miss Dorothy L. Reinke, Ham- ilton, spent Sunday at the John Torrance home. " Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ondre‘ves, Toronto, we,re- week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bettles. The Woman's Association quilted a large quilt this week at -the home of Mrs. John Tor- rance.- Next week fa -Sr -Ran to quilt ---a erib gilat at, the home of MrS. Austin Harris and to hand in all quilt blocks. • A wedding of interest to the community took place last Sat urday afternoon in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, when Jayne lytary Snell, Hullett Town- ship, became the bride of John McFarlane Taylor, Blyth. Mrs. Alvin Betties waS matron of honor for her sister.' PERSONALS Visitors during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Harrison, Sanford; were: Mrs. Tib .Clegg and Rickie, Mrs. Btid Clegg and Terry, .all Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mc- Connell, of Lansing, Michigan, and Miss Peggy McConnell, of Mediapolis, Iowa. Mrs. .Grace Long, Widow of the late Oliver Long, of Leth- bridge; Alberta, and Mr.- and Mrs. Leonai'd-Torie-s—and family, of Ottawa, visited with relatives and friends in Goderich and .Benmiller over. the holiday. Mrs. lkoberf Shorey and daugh- ters,, Laurie, Christine and Joanne, of Pontiac, Michigan, are visiting Mrs. Shorey's father, Mr. Nate Warrener, at Port Al- beyt Beach. Mr. Wilson T. Videan, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Videan, Detroit, Mich., visited with Mrs. Charles Videan during the past Mr. .and Mrs. James Thomp- son, 0Shawa, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Matwain, of London, spent st week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson, Colborne Town- ship. Mr. and Mrs. Thoinas Hogan. and family, Ajax, Ontario-, have been visiting their -aimt, Miss Edna Hogan over the holiday Mr. and Mrs. Earl' Raithby have returned home after visit- ing their son. Staff -Sgt. and Mrs. W. J. ,Raithby, at GagetoWri, N.B. Miss Marilyn Smith, nurse-in- trainin,_, at Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, spent the week -end at her home here. On Satiirday she and her mother, Mrs. Gor- don Smith; visited. Mr. Smith who has been a patient -in, Vic- toria -Hospital, London, for the past eight weeks.° Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Anderson, Detroit, are spendingt several weeks at their cottage at Port OPE N • ALL ....PAY WEDNESDAY Taking time mit for afternoon tea, is Monte Crick who plays the rote of Dan Ardrer in .the popular pCserial, The Archers. Mrs. Ivan Ewart, of Calgary, Alberta, visited last week with her brother, Police Chief Fred Caley street. This week, their .son, -Mr. Robert Minshall, Mrs. Minshall and family, of Toronto, are visiting them. daughter have returned to their home in Nova Scotia after spending the past month with Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Harold Allen, East street. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Straughan, Ronnie and Colleen, of Warren street, and Mrs. Cal. Straughan visited last week -end at Balm Beach near Midland. Miss Ileverley Anderson has been successful in passing .her Grade V examinatiOns in music held recently 'at the Toronto Conservatory .of Music. Mr. and Mrs. George Randall, Victoria, B.C.; visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Taylor: 137 Elizabeth street. Mr. and Mrs. Otto P. Geier and two daughters, of Cinrinatti, Ohio, are visiting with Mrs. Geier's parents, Rev. and Mrs. K. E. Taylor, St. George's Rec- The Godefieh Sipa tar, TimrollaY, Mau* 1 RRAW :NUM E'VEItYty4944,4fr,P•MKASE,2tr, FREE CHANCE on the following:- 1—GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTABLE ,RADIke 2—SHEAFFER CARTRIDGE PEN 3----44WATER.MAN LEVER FILL PEN ZIPPER BINDERS FREE! FREE 89c Refill with every Binder at $5.95 or over. YOUR NAME ON AliTY PEN OVER $2.95 PURCHASED IN OUR STORE. aumpamminemmemir IBUY YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLIES NOW and Save. the September Sales Tax * ZIPPER BINDERS - * TYPING PADS * MATHEMATICAL SETS * 3' RING NOTE BOOKS * BiilEF CASES * LOOSE LEAF PAPER' * . PENS * PENCILS * DIVIDERS, Etc. HENDERSON BOOK STORE Tiger Dunlop W Members Have Produced Cure fori Wrinkles.'" CARLOW, Aug. 8.—The Juin-tact members to see if they meeting of Tiger Dunlop W.I. want to hold their banquet them- selves at the hall or go some- where. The majority want„ to go elsewhere for their annual September members' banquet. Mrs. 0. Falkiner, Home Econ- omics convener, had the Auburn D. Haines and Mrs. Ed. Davies, model their dresses. Jannett Dobie was cominentator for the skit the girls presented. • The girls, Jannet Dobie, Janet Young, Anne Falkiner and Elenore Monk can -certainly be proud of their_dresses. The president, mrs.. Terence Hunter, presented, on behalf of the Institute to the four past presidents a Federated Women's Institute pin. The past Presi- d opened with the singing of the Opening Ode, followed by re- peating the Mary Stewart Col- lect. , The roll call was answered by "A Cure for Wrinkles." If all did as suggested, theie would be a wrinkle free W.I. A discussion took place as to the.new course for junior girls, -Featuring Fruits," if an inter- ested group of girls, ages 12-26 can be gotten together. Mrs. E. Hunter was put in as leader and Mrs. B. Bean as assistant•leader. These twe; ladies are to go to Clinton to take the training course. ;1/2 The group leaders are to con - WRESTLING WITH MONEY PROBLEMS? VP 1 ents are: Mrs. T. Clark, Mrs. S. Snyder, Mrs. E. Hunter and Mrs. T. Lamb. Each lady thank- ed the Institute for the honor" )estowed upon her. A pot luck unch was enjoyed and served JOIN A CREDIT IINION GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED THE UNBEATABLES Clinton -Lawn Bowling Club seems to be victory grounds, for Pete BisSet and Earl Alli- son, of oodeliich. Last week they finished first in the men's doubles, tournament there. The week before; that they - finished first also. Prize one week was a suit of clothes and on another week afrelec- tric razor. INEWSPAPER HOLIDAYS The Wingham .Advance Times has extended the usual one week staff 'holiday to two weeks this year. No paper will be i or 23. published on either August 16f Want Ads Get Results DRESSES • SUITS COATS • - SPORTSWEAR PRICE the Fashion The Square — Goderich Open Friday Evenings Until 9 o'clock E.AP.Q.NARTIE FOR CAtt BUYS We Are Overstocked With BUY NOW Before The Sept. ist SALES TAX! 1959 CHEVROLET 2 -DOOR SEDAN -= Whitewalls, full discs, ti.J-tone paint. ,,,, . 1958 METEOR COACH — 17000 miles, Radio. A good clean car.' 1958 FORD Custom radio, good.tires. Excellet condition. . 1958 VAUXHALL VICTeR SUPER — A real economy car. We have two of these popular compacts. 1956 FORD TUDOR — Automatic, radio, real clean. 1959 MONARCH 2 -DOOR -HARDTOP — Low mileage, one owner, radio, 1958 CHEVROLET " 4-D6OR Tu -tone paint. Real sharp. - 1958 CHRYSLER WINDSOR Loaded with extras. 'A real steal at $1795.00: 1958 STUDEBAKER SEDAN — Economical 6 cylinder engine. Real sharp car, See this one at 1195.00. 1955 FORD 4 -DOOR — Overdrive, custom radio, new tires. Like new inside and out. 19 CHEW BEL AIR CONVERTIBLE RADIO - WHITEWALLS MECHANIcALILY GOOD SEE THIS ONE TODAY 15 SPECIALS $375.00 I 054 FORD TUDOR $225.‘00. _.$195.00 1951 1VIZTEOR $99.00 1954 MONARCH 4 -DOOR 1952 DODGE 4 DOOR GODERI A 4-7308