HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-08-10, Page 6411 'The c4, Uderich Signal -Star, Thursday, August 10th, 1961
. 410
Artiele4 For Sale 1). Articles For Sale
i TRADE Fair playhouse.' Phone
nqr ZA.G .e.viting machine. sews 1(57 -31
$orVirard and revertie, does decerl
athre stitches, makes • button- 24ELECTRIC fan on adjust
Wes. Original price $189.00. able stand, like new, reasorra,ble
Can be bad for balance owing, price. Phone 8152. -31tf
$49,00 or seven payments of
IN"rite BoxSignal-Star. BOOTWASE beds and odd panel 3-
Real Estate For Sale • Real Estate For Sale
-31 beds, priced to clear at Lodge
$0" WRI,VINATOR e le c tr lc roons, * oolm, insulated pip- freduced in price.
g,,,N,ajto.voevz*Oaleason4Ix7 bp= ow aix.ome table, 36 x
Me s t P k. Tla.r ' b 'chFooice location, quick sale, wartimany extras,
r me house,
.31 A NICE new sununer cottage at
, ,
:. 460' or -write PX:0`.. BtOc0 t'okil"` tiricel&l.soi', dear .0142ELIY3..4,,Zt iTsgt'zii•if:01-trirte.ec Autt idtttesr r4I -,a,V.40145-13iietrearlytalt *e:.
• Geoeral Insurance Agent, Real age,. two blocks from Square.
G.E. REFRpERATOR, in -good ZtiztejlA379k442er,.46West St., Gode- Full price, $5,600.
condition. Phene 9497,. , Mrs. Newt); decOrated 7 -room red
N. 'G. McIver, 173 Britannia Rnd.. IN A central, Orst-class residen- brick home, garage, choice, loca-
W. -.51 tial area, a very good 2 -storey tion. Down payment $3,200.
, - 31x Furniture. .31 eattires. colm Mathers, floor home,..three-piece bath, gar-
1 ON• LY 0 -piece bedroom group
in popular new Mocha finish, in
ditties choice of Sealy or Mar -
Waal' mattress. Only $189.50.
Other 10 -piece groups at $199.95
and up. Blackstone Furniture.
COFFEE and step tables, odd
piece a to be cleared as low as'
half price at Lodge Furniture.
aerial. 169 South St. Phone;
8585. • 31x;
24' 8" CABIN cruiser, inboard
motor, sleeps four. Full price
$1,500,, at Snug' Harbor, or call
Goderich, JAckson 4-9263.
J brick residence; 4 bedrooms,
SPACE savers, t oaly, nylon large living room, modern hot Brand new home, attached
covers, reg. $79, on sale at only,a.
Le heating. 'many other in, garage, choice location, over -
$40.4 Lodge Furniture. -31 t" Lake` Huron. Priced to
teresting features. Malcolm rowing
Mathers, General Insurance
Agent, Real Estate Broker, 46
West St., Goderich. JA 4-9442.
Eckmier, Friday evening and
Saturday afternoon, August 11
and 12 at 88 Nelson St., Est:.
QE refrigerator; electric stove;
washing machine; Broadloom
rugs (9x22 feet and 7x9 feet);
drapes; curtains; double bed;
springs; matteess; single bed al-
most new; Lazy.Boy chair; arm
chair; kitchen table and 4 chairs;
antique table and 4 boards; an -
Real Estate end BUsiness Brolc'er
83 Victoria St., Goderich, Ont.
General lnstirence
Phone JA 4-7233'
THREE low down - payment
tique hanging lamp; 5 ladder- homes in residential area.
back chairs; small box stove;
SEE our selection of chrome 4 oak doors; 13 feet track and Large wartime -house on Wil -
and dinette suites, -priced from 4 hangers; 2 screen doors; 2 son St., with attached garage
$45.00. Extra large Chrome set storm doors; 6 toot toboggan; and sunporch. Whole house im-
Two very good country homes,
one for $3,400, the other $1,700,
down payment $1,000. Mod-
ern conveniences, town weter.
On Highway 21, 10 acres land,
165 -Acre farm in Goderich
Township, house, barn, garage.
Price $10,000, down payment
Summer cottages completely
furnished as low as $3,600; lake
front lots, sandy beach, wooded,
only $1,000 each. 87 -acre farm,
with eight chairs, only $129.00. hand sleigh; snow shovel; 50 ,maculate and ne,at. Priced for large house ad barn with 600
Blackstone Furniture.. -31 quart sealers; .dishes and kit- quick sale. Terms arranged. feet lake frontage.
chenwarecrocks; large pres-
TWO double beds, tWo singleWe have a 'large iisting of
sure cooker; trilight lamp; clay An attractive modern ranch
beds, complete; two setsof
„., flower puts; mans winter coat, style, 3 -bedroom home, one -block farms in Hanle County.
drawers. 186 Mary St. '5" 1 size 42: 3 ladies' winter coats: 1 from the business section. This JOHN BOSVELD
12 -PIECE living room group, Real Estate 'Broker .
only $199.95. Blackstone Furni• 40 Wellesley St., Goderich
5 light fixtures; Super -Katy TVnew brick home can be bought
aerial with rotor; radio. 31x 'with a low down payment, bal-
, ance under NJI.A. at $82.00 per
31 Phone JA 4-8762
THREE -BURNER heavy duty 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale
range; Coleman space heater,
35,000 B.T.U., „both in good cond
dition. Phone 7239. . 31xi-1959 T -R-3, RACING green with
, red interior, radio, whitewalls,
Two new Precision Built'
Homes on Mary St. Both these
homes are Under N.H.A. and can
SPRING chickens for roasting, excellent condition. Phone JA 4be purchased with a down pay-
,; mem.
1 to 8 lbs. Call JA 4-8223. .9284. -31,
$35 to $95. ' -Also reconditioned
automatic washers. Gerry's Ap-
pliances, 52 West St.,. phone
JA 4-8434. -30-31
• CUT flowers, gladiolus, snap-
dragons, zinnias, etc. Arrange=
ments, baskets for any, occasion,
L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron St.
JA 4-8852. -30tf
FRESH dug potatoes, one mile!
from town on No. 8 Highway.
Please bring own containers.
Lloyd McLarty. 30-31x
QUAKER space, heater, large
size, good condition; 90 gal.
tank. Phone 8689 or call at
244 Elgin Ave. 1. -30-31
NEW and used refrigerators,,
ridges, washing machines, dry-
ers, home air conditioning. Best
prices, low, terms, good trade
allowances. See Lumbys, 39 St.
David Street,' Goderich. '-19tf
XICTROLUX Sales and Ser.
voice, cleaners and polishers.
Also reconditioned units and
repairs. Bert Harris, Goderich,
Phone 7917. -37tf
HYGIENIC supplies (r ubber
goods) mailed postpaid in plain,
sealed envelope with price list.
Six samples 25c; 24 samples
$1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53.
Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham-
ilton, Ont.
WE specialize and carry a com-
plete stock for all_Spart_on TV's,
wad all tubes and most parts
ter ether makes of TV. For a
good trade in a new '61 Sparton.
All wire, transformer TV and
used TV's or good used radios,
• phone or call B. R. Munday, 127
-Widder S. JA 4-7961. -49tf
SEALY Golden Sleep sale. extra
firm Sealy Flex Guard mattress
with new Edge -Guard construc-
tion, only $59.95; matching. box,
spring, $59.95. Blackstone Fur-
niture. -30
NEW FAST Color Film service
—color slides 24 hours, color
prints 48 hours at RIECK PHAR-
MACY. Mail your films, color or
lack and white, to P.O. riox 819,
Goderich, for ,fast service. -23
gerviEe. Repairs and bags for
p IS
ers. Reconditioned machines of
all makes for sale. Bob Peck,
Varna. Tel. Hensall 696 r 2.
• ,
PATIO stones, 155<," square. 2"
thick, water proofed, color fast.
Ivan's Nursery, RR. 5, phone
•JA 4-7171. -26-38 I
VERSATILE swathers, John
Deere Model "D" with starter
and lights; 68 New Holland baler
(used); 45 International baler;
two "Massey -Harris Model 22
tractors; Model 100 Allis-Chal-
mers selT4iropelled combine;
four New Idea mowers: 20.85
Ferguson tractor; used 65 Mas-
sey -Ferguson gas tractor. Special
on new and used rakes. George
Wraith, Massey -Ferguson ma-
chinery,, Purina reeds. Phone -
JA 4-9934, Montreal St, Gode-
rich. -29tf
SEALY Golden Sleep sale. Com-
pere features with those on mat-
. tresSes selling for $59.40, only
$39.88. Matching Box .spring,
9,88. Blackstone Furniture.
, firma QiItEt Sales and Ser -
t' • Viee. • Bob Peck, Varna. Phone
lieneall 696 r 2.
AIN Golden Sleed sale. Com -
...Pare features with those on mat-
tresses selling for $69.50. Deluxe
Golden Sleep mattress, only
$49.88. Matching box spring,
$40.811. Blackstone Furniture.
BED springs, ribbon, used, good
-ii5 lfelitral5( SpfCia1 postur
springs priced' to Clear at Lodge
Furniture. 41
3. Real Estate -For Sale
• General Insurance
38 Hamilton Street
. Phone JA 4-7272 •
Your' agent in the Goderich
District for Kernohan Homes
1-66 x 104—Nelson St.
1-66 x 104—Caley St.
2-66 x 104—Warren St.
3-66-x 104—Palmerston St.
. 1-66 x 104—Hincks St.'
1-66 x 104—Arthur St.
WE HAVE ontk of the largest
•listings of farms in Huron
'County from $3,300.00 to
NUIVIKROCS local business op-
portunities. No information LISTINGS of farms and two,
given over phone on these. three and four bedroom homes
'Salesman: -
C. Buruma, Clinton.
122 - ACRE farm in Stephen
Township, 8 -room brick ' house,
large barn with silo, good water
supply, good farming district.
Contact Albert Vincent, R. 3,
Parkhill. 30-32x
A REAL Motel 5ite on Bayfleld
Rd., S -E corner of Blake St., 2
acres, including an eight -room
brick dwelling. For details see
Malcolm IVIathers, General In-
suranee Agent, Real -Estate
Broker, 46 West St., Goderiph;
JA 4-9442. • • -19tf
4.. Real Estate Wanted
3 -Bedroom Bungalow—Just Com- LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES urgently needed. For fast sell -
Mg results . list today with.
p e e INVITEE": Harold W.- Shore, Real Estate
'• This nevi' home has large, -
bright living room, three sac- KEN CROFT - Broker, 38 Hamilton St. Dial
7272. ' -5tf
igus bedroorv, completely mod- Farm Salesman: John 1. Ranson
Classified Ad Rates
50c per issue for 20 words
or less (extra words and
r"-Ititue101.42,-cenlreatfr per
urtsartlz4n)41. Pikypirtierar,
-wince op no "later than
Wednesday noon of week
following publication of
cb Advt. If billed after afore-
mentioned time, 2.5c extra
for bookkeeping expenses.
25c extra for office box
(for business firms, trades-
men, etc.)
75c per issue -15 words or
less (extra words and figures
—.03 each). Classified display
$1.40 per inch.
When an advertisement car-
ries a box 'number, Anform-
ation.concerning the' identity
of the advertiser cannot be
divulged to anyone.
Wednesday noon is deadline
for receipt of classified ads.
Display advertising rates on
request. Deadline for dis-
play is 5 p.m. Monday of
week of publication.
6. Wanted T
10. Wanted .(General) C. Briefs t
ROOMERS or' boarders wanted.
Phone 7990 or 26 Bruce St., east.
.3 1
t • • ..„.
11: Employment Wanted
, •
WOULD look after small child
or do baby-sitting in my own
home. Phone 8800, -30
ORDERLY—five ' years' experi-
ence in hospital and bedside
care, will work in private homes.
Write 157 Mary St., Clinton.
14. Services Available
Don't put off drilling that need-
ed well any longer—do it now.
For fast efficient service and ex-
perience contact Durham Drill-
ers, Box 299, Durham, phon
collect 6 r 5, Allan Park.
SID BULLasrs Cabinet Shop,
custom furniture, kitchen cup-
boards, furniture repairs. 184
Gibbons St. _Phone 9631.
Highest Cash Prices Paid for
Sick, Down or Disabled Cows
Rent- and Horses, also -aged Cows and
Horses at Cash Value.
ONE -STOREY house, two or
three bedrooms wanted by Oc-
tober 1. Apply Goderich Shoe
Repair. , -29-31
WANTED by first of September,
five -room apartment or house,
garage preferred. Phone Clin-
ton, HU 2-3411 local 302, G.
Rose. -31-34
FOUR or five -roomed unfurnish•-
ed apartment wanted by middle:
aged lady, permanent resident.
Central location preferred.
Phon-e 9476. • , -31tf
Phone collect 44 r 24, Lucknow,
License No. 68C61.
Modern equipment, all work
guaranteed. Write Louis Blake,
R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone Brus-
sels 442 W 6. ' )0-34x
CUTTING lumber or cutting
capers? Sharpening saws, hand
and electric, hand lawn mowers,
cutlery, etc. Part time. farm
work, aing, etc. C. H. Homar,
Huron , opposite undercoat:
ing shop. -24tf
THREE-BEDROOM house want-
ed, with water, within radius of WHITEWASHING — Barns arid.
six miles of Goderich. 'Write poultry houses cleaned, disin-
Box 77, Signal -Star. 31x ifected and whitewashed. Car -
•',bola spraying for flies if desired:
-'For prices- contact J. M. Baeker,
'Box 138 Brussels, or phone col-
!lect, 95.'
8. Help Wanted ,30-39
ern kitchen, tiled 4 -piece bath- -152 South St. —JA 4-8559. LISTINGS WANTE:3 — Farms,
4 • •
room. There is a full basement ' • Summer Cottages and Town pro- WANTED, experienced secretary
and heating is supplied by lore -
ed air gas furnace. This house
is complete with carport. Be
sure to see it today. JA 4-9662. -18 •
General insurance
Perty. Alexander ard Chapman, for manufacturing firm. Reply
Real Estate Broker buil di nt, Goderich. Phone t
W. J. HUGHES Realtors, Bank of Commerce in writing to Box 96, Seaforth,
50 Elgin Ave E ' LA:DY • t d f -3031
$d"r"""m"m wantea or part-time
Two A artments Ce tral•
P — ri. Phone JA 4-8526 • work in Goderich District Col -
5. To Rent legiate Institute office. Applic-
This well-lOcateth duplex has HOMES POR SALE • ants should be prepared to do
two large self-contained, heat
One -floor brickthome, 2 years PRIVATE office, heated, at 46 general clerical work and type -
ed apartments. This property (yid, t!entrally located, living West St, 'Malcolm Matherwriting. Applicants should ap-
shows an excellent return and 1 • • 1 •
13 kitchen 17 x •11.I., , has JA -4-9442. _24 0-. L. ' Day, Box 520, Goderich,
stating age, educational back-
TYPEWRliERS --1- Portable and ground; hours of availability, and
standards, Skench Office Sup- phene number. -30-31
plies; phone JA 4-8652, Goderich.-
0 . ',.36tf KITCHEN help wanted, female.
APARTMENT, one 'bedroom, Apply at Club Grill. -31
Ridgewodd Park. Phone 8891. Meadow
wanted. Apply
Meadow Brook Restaurant • in
furnished, all conveniences, !
-7-,---attei person. 4A-4-77'91. • ------81
• •
trally locateVnicely decorated, -•, -„ .
— -- e for cars, furniture, etc.1 . 4e .
. Fine Red Brick, Family -size 5 -Bedroom red brick home on ' A 11
I be receiVed by the cha,irman
Home large lot iiic,ely landscaped. Liv- HEATED apartment,- kitchen ' until August 17, 1961. Salary
ing room, dining room and large and sunroom, on, ground floor, $360. For/further information
bright kitchen, full basement, 2 bedroanisr. tilling .: mom and contact any member of _ the
oil furnace, double garage:Good bath on second: • Available Aug-. Board. Eldon Culbert, Chair -
terms. • ,•,,, ust 7_ 263 Cobourg gt. Phone 'man, , R. 6, Goderich. -31
,., • __z_._. • JA 4-8344, after 5 p.m. JA 4-8170.
., ...
garage and small barn, on Huron NICE. 3 -room. house, h;d"rotf,: for
jE the R
°erre tsit'Xed "(iCnalz-il.iarstin'a'g) man
Large Age brick Mime and
14 acres of good garden land,
room x 2 , iS nicely.decor- Real -Estate Broker. Phone ply in their own handwriting to
asking rice Be sure to see -
this one soen. dining area with 1.1ividiii.g bar
Seven -Room }louse — North rooms are large and bathroom
Location• is 4 -piece; basement is high and
Well situated on a quiet res- dry with gas furnace. Down
dential street near the hpspital, payment $3,500 with „monthly
this home has kitchen; dining payments of $79 including,taxes.
room, living room and one bed,
room on the first floor, three
bedrooms and -bathroona on sec -
and lots olcupboar s; the 2 bed -
ond floor.' Reasonably priced oil •hot water heating. Full
with terms available. 750 SQUARE feet 'storage space,'
; APPLICATIONS for the position
price $10,000 with $2,000 down. suitabl • of secretary treasurer of Ash- 18- Personal
Three -bedroom red brick cen-
VICE. 32 Wellington, Stratford.
i For all airlines, steamship,
;hotel reservations, tours."' Low
j bank rates on time payments.
.Prepaids arranged for relatives
visiting from verseaS: Call
271-5710. -31
16. Public Notice
NOW finance your new or late I
.model used car purchase at
Bank Rates through Harold W
Shore, 38 Hamilton St. Dial
7272. 0 (0 „
Ladies Auxiliary and members
of Branch 109 are to bring their
own 'cutlery and cups. -31
Phone JA 4-7801 23tfifield Township Schoolrea wi
, Well located in the north part
of town, this three-bedroom
home has all the space required
for a medium sized family.
There is a large kitchen, bright
,dining room and living room and
earh of the bedrooms has a large
clothes closet. . Priced to sell
with terms available.
Neat Frame BUngalow — Two
Ideal for a small family, this
home has a bright, modern kit-
chen, spacious living room, two
comfortable bedrooms, 3 -piece
bathroom, utility room and $on-
west locatioh, It is reasonably
priced. ,
Three -Bedroom Bungalow—West
This frame home, built by
Kernohan three year g ago, con-
tains three bedroorris, each with
clothes closets, large living room
with dinette, fully equipped kit-
chen, falttasement and is heat-
ed.by oil -fire forcedair furnace.
This is a very comnact home and
is offered ori good terms.
We have a lengthy list of ex;
cellent farms from 100' to 2510
acres throughout Huron. Com-
plete information on request..,
Farm and Rural galesmen: '
Harvey Lassaline,
R.R., 2, Goderich 0
Roy Lamont, Zurich
Frank MacKenzie, R.R. 1, Ripley
George Ashton, Fordwich -
bale itIrdttr-
tse baled. 1Viattin
rt. 2, Goderith,
Rd. water, porch, garage. $15 month- inc a wonderful 'new prodIct ft)
2285 .King.St., east, Xitchener.4
ly. Near church, school, stores, ;the Canadian market:, 1410 te
'Three-bedroom .home withlgarag,es. bank: g Can furnish for
large living roOm and kitchen. steady tenant. 14 miles north of
Full price $5,000: Goderich: Phone 32, Dungannon.
• Three-bedroomhome, liviFOUR-ROOM'
ng' furnished apart -
room, large brigi* modern kit-
;merit. self-contaitied, available
chen with lots of cupboards, full• -30
at $6.500. (Mod terms.
100 -Acre farm. •Good - land and
buildings. _Full price $8,500.
Salesman, D. J. Wolterbeetri
11 va. Britannia, West. JA 4-8730.
THREE-ROOM house, splendid
lot, good location. Down pay-
ment $500, mortgage arranged.
Phone 9514. 31x
COTTAGE, 11h storey, Main SC,
'Henn% all newly decorated,
bupboardsi 4 bedreoms,
bath, takes $56. Ross Jaques,
Ifensall, Phone 141-M, HenSall.
• 31-32x
BEMITIrtrL year-old red brick
bungalow wititattached garage,
goortiocatiort near schools.
Living r001 -.has wall-to-wall
broadlooin;.11 dinitit room, bkit-
chen„three bedrooms, bathroom
with two sinks In built-in vanity,
full basement, TV atrial and gas
/Orono,. Owner leaving town.
TO100110:ite IA 44803, -28tf
TWO-BEDROOM duplex, gas
furnace, garage; also nice apart-
ment in Clinton; summer cot-
tages. John Bosveld, Realtor.
40 Wellesley St.
TWO - BEDROOM apartment,
Available September 1. 111 An-
glesea St. Phone JA 4-9983.
1 -31tf
REPAIR shop, 40 by 50, central -
ly located, large parking facil-
ities. Phone 7855, -31-341
, Four -apartment, solidipbrick,
on over an acre of beautiful and
well kept property. Slate root!
low heat cost with 'oil. and hot'
water, low taxes, excellent re-
pair, double garage, many .ex-
tras. Tine prOperty is located
near the Clinton Air School, is
easily rented to capacity, and is
Priced for only $14,300. Mort,
gage arranged at 6%;
Two -apartment hOuse in A-1
condition. Income $155.00 per
month. Price $12,500. Terms.
home in central locatiork, 2 bath-
rooms, modern kitchen, large
living room, new ., oil, furnace.
Many extras. Drastic teduction,
for immediate sale: Terms.
We have a large bumber of
Serviced building lots $1,100 and
up; Berta and Lake lots $600
and up; Residential properties,
and up; Apartment
houses; Restaurants; Motels;
Parnd Business Opportun-
4odarich--Ph041) JA 49641
with .
e: [.Cranston -
,Roaltoi Mariano
Pbon� JA 44801
A RECEPTION will be held on
Friday, August 11, for Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Jamieson, (Ramona
Jenkin) at Londesborp. Bert
Pepper's Orchestra. Ladies
please bring lunch. Everyone
welcome. - -31
OLD, RUNDOWN?, Ostrex Tonic
Tablets help "pep -up" thousands
of men, women past 40. Only
69c. At all druggists.
-31 tilit83
YOUNG woman wanted as,house-•,t „ ,
keeper in modern Goderich A. Births
home, having one adult only.
Write Box 79, Signal -Star.
,• -31tf
ONE-BkDROOM ground floor
apartment, private entrance,
three-piece bap, newly decorat-
ed, possession August 15.
Phone 8702 -31
SIX -ROOM. unfurnished apart-
ment, private entrance, 162 Wel-
lington St. Phone 7976. • -31
6. Wanted' To Relit
COLLEGIATE teacher wishes tO
rent a Partially furnished home
or apartment, with two bed-
rooms. This accotnthodation is
required as soon as possible.
Please contaet Wayne Horner at
214 Victoria St., Point Edward.
HELP wanted—Male truCk driv-
er, part-time. State age, ex-
perience, references. Apply in)
writing, P.O. Box 640, Goderich.'
AVON PRODUCTS bas opening
for women without Pr'evious ex-
perience, but willing to learn.
Pleasant profitable, work. iWrite
Mrs. E. Bell,' 8413 AlbertSt. •
Waterloo. -3i
MEN or WOMEN, be your own
boss. Start your own Watkins
Business. Full or part-time. No
experience necessary, ,Write
Gauthier, 350 St. Roch St., Mon-
treal 15, Que. -31-34
WANTED: r4liahle-Inan as Deal-
er in partnrItiiron County and
Goderich. Experience not neces-
sary. A fine opportunity to step
into old profitable business
where Rawleigh Products have
been sold for years. Big prefits.
Preducts furnished on credit.
Write Rawleigh's, Dept. H-216-
163, 4005 Richelieu, IVIontreal.
9. Agents Wanted
mendous fire and higglar alarm
system, selling at ,$5. Write
P.O. Box 401, liondOn,Ont. '
ATTENTION! If foit're interest-
ed in selling, make big
profits with' ow list -selling line
of cosmetics, household neees-
sities, farm products, 'High corn -
mission, bonus. Oitalogue on.
re4uest. Familex, Dept. •400
1600 Delorimier, 1Viontreal.
BAKELAAR.--At Windsor, on
r. and
Mrs. Peter Bakelaar ( hirley
Grumm'ett), Windsor, a daugh-
ter, Brenda Jane.
FISHER.—At Alexandra Hospit-
al, Goderich, on August 4,
1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Fisher, R.R. 4, Goderich, a
daughter, Esther Marie.
GAYNOR.—At Alekandra Hos-
pital, Goderich, on August 8,
1961, to Mr, „and Mrs. Leon
Gaynor,. R.R, 4, Goderich, a
seri Gerald -Anthony.
MARION.—At Alexandra Hos-
pital, Goderigh, on August 5,
1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter
• Marion, Goderich, a daughter,
Susan Lynn.
MASON.—At Alexandra Hospit-
al, Goderich, on August 7,
1961, to Mr. and Mrs. George
'Mason, R.R. 7, LucknoW, a
0AKLEY.-44 Alexandra Hos-
pital, Goderich, on August 3,
1961, lb Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Oakley, Goderich, a daughter,
Lianne Meredith.
RAITHBY.—At Camp Gagetown,
MB., on July 21, 1961, to Staff
Sgt. and Mrs. W. J. Raithby, a
son, Peter Kevin. •
THOMPeON.' — At Alexandra
Hospital, Goderich, on Angust
8, 1961, to Mr: and Mrs-.
„Thomas Thompson, Goderich,
a daughter.
- — "
• The Huron County "Museum
hit a high mark of 628 visitors
last Sunday. Curator R. Neil
said that it was the largest
attendance for one day sine -
the MUSetim was opened.
, Order Shell furnace oil and
,stove oil irtzra_,Z4w.ar4. ;uels
AVATItitt4'dfoY"Qi'"_411 VI,04
Oil Co. products Phone
JA '48386. -39tf
For Esso ,Imperial—Products
call BEN CHISHOLM, 20 Albert
St., q9derich. Phone Office
•JA 4-7502; Residence JA 4-7835.
Jos_ephine's *Beauty ShaPPe.
179 Nelson St., will be closed
from 'August 14 to 28 for holi-
days. -31
F. Marriages
Sivireti —• TOBIN
Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph
Tobin =ow:ice the marriage
of their sister, Ellen Elizabeth
Tobin, to Mr. Donald Hardisty
Smith on Saturday, August the
fifth, ninetee'n hundred and
sixty-one, Goderich, Ontario.
IG. coming Events
4' 43'aza.4..L'i/t4 44."` ' .41-ternoeii
lTaney quilts, ts, aprons and
. . .
novelties, from 2 to 5 p.m., Fri-
day, August 11, in church hall,
ort Albert, sponsored by Ladies'
Guild of Christ Church.
Saturday, August 19—CKNX
Barn Dance, and other artists,
Bayfield Arena, Doors open 7,30
p.m. Concert 8-9 p.m. Dancing
to follow. One admission for
both shows. Sponsored by Bay-
field Lions. • -31
Bayfield United Church an-
niversary services, Sunday, Aug-
ust 13, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Guest speaker, Rev. R. G. Mac-
Millan. Special music. Every-
one welcome. 31x
D. In Memoriam
FULLER.—In loving memory of
a dear husband and father,
Robert Fuller, who passed
away August 14, 1958, ,
When ties of love are broken
And loved ones have to part,
It leaves a wound that never
Also a broken heart.
But looking back with memories
Upon the path we trod;
We bless the happy years we
And leave the rest to God.
—Sadly missed by wife, Ethel,
and daughter-, Olive. 31x
E. Cards of -Thanks
CARNEY.—The family of the
late Mr. Michael c arney wish
to express heartfelt thanks to
all those who &pressed sym-
pathy in so many ways, for
the beautiful flowers, spiritual
bouquets and cards, received
during their recent bereave-
ment. Special thanks to Dr.
J. R. Leitch, Dr. J. W. Wallace,
the nurses and hospital staff
for their kind attention to
Mr., Carney during his stay in
hospital. • -31
FISHER.—I would like to thank
all my school mates, friends
and- relatives Who sent me
cards, treats and letters 1,vhile
I was a patient in -Victoria
Hospital, London. All was
deeply appreciated.
Keith Fisher.
REINHART.—I wish to express
my sincere thanks to all those
who remembered me with
cards and flowers while I was
a patient in the hospital.
Special thanks, to Doctors N.
C. Jackson, J. R. Leitch and
' V. L: .McGeough, the nurses
and hospital staff.
Mrs. Wilfred Reinhart.
ING CLUB wishes to thank all
the Goderich merchants, man-
ufacturers and others who so
generously donated prizes and
casir for the Merchants and
Manufacturers Tournalnent on
Civic Holiday. • The tourna-
ment was a wonderful success,
resulting in the largest mixed
doubles tournament- ever held
in Canada:
Ken Hunter, President
George Baechler, Secretary,
Goderich Lawn Bowling Club.
TEE of the Oddfellows and
Rebekahs wish to thank the
children who sold tags, the
• donors and all those who help-
ed in any way, on their tag
day. , 31x1
YOUNG.—I wish to express my
sincere thanks and apprecia-
tion to my neighbors and
friends for their many aets of
kindness while I was a pat-
ient in Goderich Hospital; also
special thanks to the nurses
• and staff of the hospital, Dr.
V. IL. McGeough and Dr. N.
C. Jackson:
Mrs. ,Blanche Amin&
F. ,Engagements
Mr. and Mrs. James W. An -
stay, Goderich; wish to announce
the engagement of their only
daughter, Elizabeth Grace, to
Charles E. McLean, youngest
son of Mrs. Ismay McLean,
Goderich, and the late Wilfrid
T. McLean. The marriage will
take place at 2.30 o'clock on
August 26 in Knox Presbyterian
Church, Goderich. 7,,--4? -31
The engagement is announted
of Karen Avern Stoddart, daugh-
ter of Mrs. Robert George Stod-
dart, Goderich, and the late Mr.
Stoddart, to John Claude La-
casse, son of Mi. and Mrs. Ros-
ario -Lacasse; Ste Agathe des
Monts, Quebec. The marriage
will take place in St. Peter's
Church, Goderich, on September
2 at ten o'clock. -31
• Mr. and Mrs. Morris McMillan,
Goderich, wish' to finnounce the
engagement of their daughter,
Ttoberta Jean Beechey, to Barry
ElwOod Culbert, aOrt of Mr. and
Mrs. Mel Culbert,- Goderich:
The marriage to take place on
September 16th at 3 o'clock in
Knox Presbyterian Church,
Goderich. • 31x
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McIntosh,
London, wish ..to announce the
engagement of their younger
daughter, Shawn Diane, to
Snttm1CT'erald -Edmunds, -Son
'of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ed-
murids,,Komokat The Marriime
is to takeplace'. September '2nd
at 2 p.m. n St. Patrick's Uoman
Catholic ChurCh London.
Taylor's Corner
—Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elliott, of
Oshawa, spent last week with
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry
Ginn and family.
Mrs. Howard Sturdy is in
Stratford hospital, where she
underwent an eye operation last
Miss Edith Clutton, of Som-
peta, India, was a recent visitor
at the home of her cousin, Mrs.
Peter Harrison, and family. She
was accompanied by Mrs. Fred
Horton, Mrs. Maude tiarten arid
Mrs. Frank Horton, all of Gode
Mr. and Mrs! Ken Bauer, Lon-
don, spent the week -end with
Mrs. Olive McMillen and family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Snyder
and Mr. and Mrs. Goron Snyder
and Randy, of Moose Jaw, Sask.,
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Ginn and other relatives.
Zion W.A. Picnic Enjoyed
The Zion Church W.A. held a
successful picnic at Harbor Park,
Goderich, on Wednesday after-
noon. They had as their guests
the members from the Union
and Holmesville societies, over
60 being present. A program of
sports was carried out during
the afternoon, convened by Mrs:
Gerry Ginn, Mrs. Ben Whiteley
and Mrs. Elroy Bodges. A love-
ly supper was served under the
trees convened by Mrs, Barrie
Walters ,and Mrs. Roy Wilson.
The results •of the races were
as follows. Pre-school girls —
Karen McNeil, Sharon McNall;
pre-school boys—Jimmie Ginn,
Billie Whiteley; girls, 10 and un-
der --,--Laurie Ginn, Nancy Ginn;
boys, 10 and under—Billy Sin-
clair, John Sturdy; girls, 12 and
under—Norma Walters. Nancy
Ginn;boys, 12 and under -.-Ken-
neth Wilson, Billy Sinclair; kick -
the -slipper — Mrs. Reg. Miller;
oven mitt and gum relay—Mrs.
Wm. Potter's team; life saver
and toothpick relay—Mrs. Wm.
Potter's team; eating'biscuit and
whistle — Mrs. Ninian Heard;
throwing buttons in shoe—Mrs.
Gerry Ginn; throwing pie plates
—Mrs. Barrie Walters; truth
contest—high, Miss Nina Walter,
and low, Mrs' Tebbutt and Mrs.
Mulholland; buttons in jar, Mrs.
Hermie McCabe; lucky, number,
Mrs. Roy 'Wilson. The children
enjoyed a peanut scramble to
conclude a Most enjoyable after-
• g_ in„.11etrdi With her dap h-
and Mrs, James McKinnon and
Beth, of Richmond, 'spent a few
days last week with the form-
er's brother, George McKinnon,
Mrs. McKinnon and sgns.
• Mrs. Thomas Bogie and her
mother, Mrs. Wilson, of Midland,
visited during the week with
Mr. and Mrs: Robert Bogie and
other relatives.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Tigert and their twin
sons, Billie and Bobby.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dennis,
of Toronto, spent a few days
with Mr. and .„Mrs. F. Rising.
Mrs. George Haggitt is visit -
ter, Mrs. Vogler, Mr. Vogler
and sons; also her son, Harold
Nixdorf, Mrs. Nixdorf and
. Jim McCabe spent a short time
in Detroit recently with his
cousin, Jay Catlin.
ASHFIELD, Aug. 8.—Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Simpson and fam-
ily have moved to their new
home, which was formerly own-
ed by Murdoch Matheson.
Jean Drennan spent two
weeks with friends in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pritch-
ard, of Preston, spent the week
end . with Roy MacKay.
. Mrs. Mervyn Avery, with her
daughter and grandchildren, of
.Cobourg, and Mrs.• Brown, of
./4piesy,, agY,Prtkx-datEeg,,,heter'-eala.,
--Mr: and Mrs. Elliott Sandy,
who are moving to Lucknow,
held an auction sale .on Satur-
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hese, of
Newmarket, were week -end
visitors with Mrs. -D. Rose.
Kenneth MacKenzie, of Tor-
onto, was twine for the week..
The annual Macdonald reun-
ion was held on Saturday.
Willis MacMurchy, of Mon-
treal, is visiting his mother,
•Mrs. D. MacMurchy.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDon-
ald and family are home from
Uranium City, Saskatchewan.
Mr. Jack Cowan has returned
from Vittoria -Hospital, London,
much improved.
Visitors on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Richard West and fam-
ily were Mr. and Mrs. David
Culp and Cathy, of Port Col-
borne, Mrs. George Elliott and
Mr. Harry West.
• a
CREWE, Aug. 9.—Mr. Peter
Hillman, of England, is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Don Paquette.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C.
Crozier and family on Sunday
in honor of Mr. Will Hasty's
birthday were: Mr. and Mrs. Al -
din Hasty and family, of Grims-
by; Mr, and Mrs. Carman Whit-
more and daughters, Miss Hilda
Twamley and Mr. Wendell Al-
ton, of London; Mr. Roy Maize,
of Ayr; Mr. Elwyn Blake, of
Hespeler; Mr. and Mrs. 'Earl
Blake, of Clinton; Mrs. Ella Al-
ton, of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Johnston and family, of
Lucknow; Mr. Bert IVIcWhinney
and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hasty
and family.
Miss Joanne Crozier is visiitng
in London this week.
Mrs. Raymond Finnigan visit-
ed friends at Port Elgin
on Wednesday.
• A carload of ladies attended
the 60th anniversary of West
Huron District • Institute picnic
in Goderich on Thursday.
Mr. and Mr%. Larry Tremain
and family, of Springvale, were
week -end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Curran and family.
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