HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-08-10, Page 44 il1a 'la' d yeti g sal Sjar `T&tatrsday, Auguet 10:13, 1341
,____. .
~ Ken Doig, native of Sealorth,
former Goderich hockey player,
n e r i �' and now of London, won the
Maitland Golf Club's annual in
tournament with a
(By W. E. Elliott in The' Strate Harry, George and Alfred—and took place at "Mr. Sturdy's" and stairs' and into the southwest two -under -par of 70.
ford Beacon -Herald) one thepdaughter. Harry was trus- one of the children w• christen- bedroom where 1: first saw the Bev Boyce, of Clinton, with a
tee of the property and in 1894 Oswald Sturdy (Proctor). light of day." 72; 'and Jim Scott, of Voll rich,
"Debt .: - none." So- it is in made some kind of trade for i ev,,Wiiliam Tibbetts took (Ayer Several baptisms in June, with 73, were runners-up for the
scribed in the reeordebook of James T. Marshall's livery stable- in Dumber, 18'78, and iia fol- 1892, were performed by' 111r.
St. 'Stephen's Church, Goderich ` ee London. Marshall assigned lowed in 1879 by A. E. ler. r
-�T�nu� rf' sf� �Ty,;ai-0411�a�14 ���tt�r ,IT .i.,�s�y ��6 ;ti- py p�1 tf 1 �k:Qpp�, kyhQ �.iQn�d as rector.
..-iCw+!. ,,,,ii R.T , 011_.'alPaa-.44,'6irN•..Y.+a _a +t4C`•.}�- eti teWeeei • e,X4t e,P;e4k to �H..�Y4C,�,.(p��,, - .... _ t
�. _ � by., _.� � ,... .... .. �, ,,..:•.�,� •m, �P�f ,. ....., ad !rF'L'�6r . "'St4F� _.. ^ � rn . - a• .. •.'Q•'�
fast „ yeara.,o re�c d•; € �'a'ye t,-.l'in x.�.; ;,} .e~t: .., It , v"- � 5if iist,�,1.893it a�
. �' ��r iiia � , fi�t�" � ixr°t't�"°�9�1'It-"�S. ,� t 1893 madebyR
.luu� "Lots one two three, rtherea ter until 18 4 when Fl.
urch. Mementos Golf �Tour�W'ns
Labatt Trophy. ~
—.Paul .Naftei, of Goderich, ra
i .;V.r ,�., »,(:hyla
was 1872. St. Stephezl"s, a little ugus : , were Rev,
Two 16>so ear -olds show
through the Huron & Erie, ac 179 and his signature appears
white clapboard building, with - d "L h ' f �Ia'k Turnbull, of St: G r;;e's. elders how the game is
a Lattice fence about. Chas_ long Four less 11 acres." lex Steele took over. Tie last was that of Edtth t,lara Bob Helesic, 10 n.
vanished; the site is marked' The property was conveyed to I 'Mr. Steele conducted at' Mait- Dora. daughter of Edward and tee "8" Flight low • net
only by a grove of young trees Mr. Brown by Benjamin Parsons; land Falls the baptism of Ed- Clara Steele- Sponsors were a 65 and Jim Childs, of
g +first mayor of Goderich, 1850-; ward Murray Maxwell, son of Mrs. Steele, lliss,lra d, and
on the north side of Highway tun, carded an 89, .good for st
No. 8 about three miles east 51) and the deed was registered l Thomas Maxwell and Mary. Mc- '_.lr• A. Seager, proxy( for Ed- place in the "C"Childs,
Flight. appeared 4
of Goderich• The lumber. when in 1_847. It has been in the' Lean, Goderich- The sponsors ward Steele•" _lir. Seager eyed- i from the Careat Lakes
it was taken down, was used - in- ;were John Best, Seafurih, and Flury 11 as tie future Bishop of "A" Flight and gone to their last resting
-to build a -- house on the op -I The . 30 fai iil es' .an'd 15- , �% illiam 7• Foot and Adelaide Rely loos eno en tions of 7 Loin • Ken Doig: m "pace in_ the scrap metal yards.
Ronnie family f r 6, years.
pos.iteeside of the road where divtduals=110-fouls—listed in Harries, of Goderich, Mr. Steele" g d m a � rt). Bev. Boyce. Clinton, 2, Aiding flim in his collectibii of
the persons married, ictures was the 1liarine His
there was a brickyard. and still 1872 by the first incumbent of also baptized Frederick, son of though{Scott, Goderich, r3. p
later it went into a house on St. Stephen's, C. R. :Matthew. in John and Harriet Middleton, mainly Church of England. in -1 Low net: Lyman Jardin, Wing- torical Society, of Detroit, of
the Bayfield road. The former eluded such well. known names 10th concession. `+luded Pres(: terians and Meth 1 ham. 68: \ell Cockburn, Strat which he i a member.
rectory, immediately' west of Cox (three families. all 6th Iter. Gessio «'. Race14. fee!od'sts, one Baptist and one ,Pro as�ford,.71: A. Sivak, London. 71• , Since 1951, Ron has kept a
thc, church site. remains thoueh testant Episedpal couple, resp�e lob of the name of every ship
4 concession •of God Town- whom Race)' Metngrial Hall at
much altered• and is- still a ship). Clarke, Ginn. Hicks.' St. Patrick's, Saintsbury', e. lively from Lawrence L"•S•, and "B" Flight I and the date on which it steam
residence. Haacke Johnston, Jewell. Mont -reamed. was, , in char to of St. 'Detroit. a very special ov,eddin s i Low gross: Paul \ aftel, GOcle i ed into Goderich harbor.,
St. Stephen's was just over ;ornery (5th concessions, Sower Stephen's from May, 188?. He ''t as that, of Edward sneer, Charles; rich; 76: Jack Moss, foodstdek,o—
four miles from eSt- George's ' r Steele, civil engineer, Duluth.i 77 John .Dixon. Stratford, 78.
bv, Steep, \Whitby (two families). • chrit;telied there four" children',
Anglican Church in Goderich. ; at and Clara Montgomery.Hson June! Now net: Bob HPlesic. Gode �� O��
Today. on axed hi htta>, it is and
Alliott ,ht concession) of George and Sophia Haacke—, 1. 1887• .`Witnesses were Ruin 'rich. 6a; Charles \afte). Gode
barely .a ten-minute drive. Even and from thelia ,arid conces ' 1t';l)iam. William George, Ada•tald Shannon and ••Edith' 1'`'eaih rich. 7U; H Fischer, «'ingham.'
sign of Colborne. «'m. McCabe. Maud 'and Wilmot. When in POPULAR
in the 1870s the Huron road p erald• Godetich: Clara 1loMan 71•
Thomas Ginn, J. C. - LeTa.izel September. 1888. :Maurice James r,�. Delaware, and �� Mamie
L. ow gross: Jim Childs. Hamil-,
�� �� TUBES
was_ a good - gravel road.justion of a church -so near town -
t ; five children) and John Mc- �P.ac'ey ,.erformed by was due for this riDoUble Duties
T. Ranee a resident of Parkhill •
te,-1.�_,. _ _. T> ceremony ... C Flight y1
all due
horSeand-buzey days. the erec-
• Young. of Se Georee's Maurice
Bill McGinnis. Goderich, 74.
Low net; Jam Griffith. Gode-
Bring in your radio and TV
seems puzzling: It is a fact. .
as reeorded in the- minutes
•ation from St. Stenhen's asked
aeeever. that in April. 1393.
St. Stephen's also .$eheci )11d-
Holmesville, and eviciently at ''
:Imes St. Peter's at Suninierhill. k
The ministers In charge of
iof the ..feur. LP 19
to -comber , in EsseXa and finally -
Tubes — have them tested ►
assisted by ReNf'. Mr.
. R:ace:.t.-"' ',ton; 89: Jim Vitch. Port Elgin,
!91. Bud Worthy, Goderich, 91. i
TUBEsohpia Ann Patton. farmer's
wacksmith aeed 96 married
John K. Durst. Sebrineville
rich. 71: Bill Dean. Goclerich, 72: 'iTESTER, one that isn't]
of dleton (St. James).
made to sell tubes, and SAVE;
Durst '
he 7th concession. on the last
aignature •in...theilook is that of,
25% on all popular tubes
you actually require.fer• someone to officiate there
.nf 1884 on- alt•--youresmr ,i appliances
etc., at
RADiO -& TV • ---
308 Huron Rd., Goderich 1
iEverything Guaranteed i
' • Tr
St. - Stephen's Rectory still •.tanto.
west of the church site on N). 8
g;i_t of Goderich. and is now :•e , le::c<
Grove of young • trees in
back jrri u i int: k - . lamer .'JC. in of
A summer vis}tor ,aft 170 Wil-
son street, Goderich, for the
past 32 years, Ron Graham, of
Stratford, has become a .keen
student of marine affairs in con-
nection with Goderich.
• About 10 years ago, Dr. W.
N. Watters, of Goderich, him-
self an authority of Great Lakes
interested - Rove ir'idaaln in,
mained: interested eser since
Ron has • a collection of almost 41
00' pictures ,of various Great
Lakes boats, many of , which
visited - Go erich Harbor, and
many of which have since dis-
(,VidrLLe'on 'S' Jame c:,_:.,.... (',,?:..
erected in 1272.
of f ,u r -er ved by ate -- . ,•c 'r:.. .
S'epnen.. Sur•ceS-'or4i') aC. •fir
rr;r; farther ')_..h. S'
rural cha:ch -,v.' 1 v hie..
e to
4 ilk
1'0 e-
t; r 4
The rerilleSL ". d' referred to -- Clinton. .. George
the rector and church=wardens, .there remains boil Sr. Tames -t, ,. • Visits Birthplace of • Stratford was a witness. t 1)o married Mary' Elwood on
with putver• now a self-support' ii` p'a'r'i`sh" Ahoilt 20 years at o, Mr. Eacey rarah `_lice -Emerton, tt: ho ire October 28. 1880). 'Ministers of-
_ undet. the care of the rector and hi•,,,„family visited the old 8, was married to James Fciatin were I, �I' mist n and
Borrowed Name of Bayfield. The old burial rectory- of St. Srt (hen's. He T7,, R. Hicks.
In the early' days an English 1 nr� Felt. railway man. of ,
ground of St. John's. on Holmes- recalls: "Ttvo Scotch ,lr1s had �'randon. was a reember of the i "Offertories an contribu-
man named Geo ge "Proven came. i, 1 1 t }
to this part of Huron with his v Ile hill next to the old high- an ap:ary there and hurried us T'.tr�out.1 Brethren. Grace Lau'- tions" are recorded for all foto
way. is the only. -reminder of int,) tet house as the bees were rasun was only 19 when in •1833 congregations and s'lot:• cener-
some substance. He
as a leastrfc,r that church, and for some time ;w -arming. When I told the( =1' was married Thomas our donations both for parochial'
his time, and he built a large has not been cared for. It is a ho I ;as they let us 'go up- Willis Bell, 22. Hist prominent and diocesan
said that
residence near the tilaltiand 'Walt Disney's family'
P.it er on C',nc< =cion B now.contributed at one, time toward
ailed Huron road. It ttas pat- fencing. The Summerb r'hurch
terrc+i after his former home
„'.itlasted, the one at Hulme s-
elle• and was closed su'n1e t;mr
_n ILL.: l and in. due. cow' e between' 1905 and 141-ty.
arid:t:on for serf ants was
added. Th, big Mune house Sixteen families v. -ere Iisted
named 1 "S':rl ni and the ht 5t' Stephen's i in sters as
-tory that the Browns. tour -
belonging tb St. James'' ('i-iu"rch.
.:ng Scotland. a•t• a Hart of
of th:'m residin in (�',dc'ricii
rl.in Castle that reminded
',t nshi-p.'� Hare a:>' are faze:
them f their own home, and iliar names. but the list,.<<tas-
hrn}I'tf' home the name. ne',er con-ipleted. 1..)l,allt',ical.
}tic. 1 rr'. n. tell(,, fete several it r ncled tt ith Thon-:a,s R . •? ,H'e'ft.
r'tl:,-r families t,.:•ri those r)f
^as treasur'r or the 1"0- ,
t''P'gar.; and John 1a':ander.
Mho Bear r m. ,Tan. Ilennt'tt.
\nrie ('1�I ff. James I•- r_,:rI
c�h'lrchill Cathar.n D (s.
Pohert Emmerson Marl Ann
Har—!*'rid John tr.°rri t•
First 'iant..sni at St
'-''ai performed r,Il F -ti -.'•1.:r. 2'r"
1871. 1,- R,a':`. E. I 17.1v.-od•of
St (r;- ,r;e s, being that of 7\ Tar;
r rlr nr !1)Ii':'r too 013(. • In 1r• „t i .t(. 1 1. h
ni,t rir,ty in ex. '.s ., 'l $our lon'..':s-r d
ter rli John and von
P will l rqueathr°d "all m (;oder (h Torn li.;�.
r• tate. hr,tl e. f�,riri� nt•r-,ar-b •t. W Roiph and W. 13.
111; al") dffielatecl nt time
faririir• imp'r•n'r-o . :,.r.
,11 �d riz.er••' sum (,f mon "- t„
(:oar 1':i're . Marianne rol-b
• "--:, n -Thr' document
I?arri rr„sed t ,Tames Tirr'^i= and
31i'ic...e ,0 • x•. -n .o':Frst and „ap nrn},at •d
the ,,t -sr -.A,-,.ries, h. 1?„�”. wyhen the t'x-
v tI j : �'r�. P*•r,v,'n. s 's' "d they
,'a),.r, of the estate, t;, }, C2 000.
1' is recalled that qr-,rianne
Rrntt.:n returned annlr.a!•'' for
r,r(. ,•ea.rs 1r) Cr•C'• the r) 1 place.
TI -11•r' are farnil•.- connections in
`-:,rnia- 'and (')w'n Sound.
l }1(.• 1
first( carr,1e
a= • rn
died June 1`i. 1<'7,02. at
'he early a:P of 47. The ',•mal
.t, as r'r,ndrhirteri
F. T F r,r,rj of St C. ,,r_e
r'•: 'r'.11 , 1.. .h a: ; n, n on St
.,r (rr•;('e t. aryl !Iltnr.
Here is "Stirling's", one-time home of
the George Browns, built in the late 1840_;
to resemble their former house in Enti1a11tl.
Marianne Brown, patron of St. Stephen'.s
e a
* *
church (l87271893) for years after leaving
the' Huron road farm returned annually to
‘,.tett the old place. It has been in the Rundle
family now for more than 60 years.
Site Donated
1,111r,tiler or not ',Ir_ Brown
ati_r ri�r"°1
(hurch In lift n -i, not
in record. but it is, e.1 lent that
h -s v.;Ayer',~ (I('-ired a church
-;.,ht hon(-?', for herself and
1r.:.7hbr;rte (!n :si'.i2u't 27. 126 -
-1, (ie,,,•!h'd to they Chlir:11 So -
of Huron a h3't a' rr'. rr''ft ,
1,0+ 4 Orc'sur,,ahl for the
ir. Fr,.lr .:•-,;
lat‘r tat‘.trent.
:( rl ( r, (],glee 1, •(t,
•:noth"r par. -I of,lan+l 1• a'r •
a .ro'tor•.. In -they 1271 _.`las
f Huron: \1r- Itr,-,''r.n'.s farm •is
1. n • Ith a l?r I; 'I' 1•r
r°, lr,rr and'th(' corn;eri':onal
rn. inrl'.rat'na the chrlrCrl
• "• t 1'. ('act.
t.f•' . (.r,, it r., t' ere di:,r•on-
t•n,, t St. Stenhen's the
•'t.as 1'sed for a Sunday
:‘hon' --not ,anitlican='.hrrn it
v. as taken dr,"n. and th(•''•.-noel
Tlrr)o1r'-and. '
°ld th land to .Toseph Driver.
,i:ho earned to the east and
-•, -ho also not',.. owns the t ie,y)e
land. To complete the real ; .
''state r(-' o -rd. Rnv Rundle sold.).
the rectory and its land to
Stanley T an;tfor.d from whom it.
was purchased by Archie Wil-
kin, present occupant. It form- i
"rlv had a veranda: fronit and I
hark. and otherwise has° been';
rniich (hanged. The livin8 room:'`
in • which snccesdlve clergy I
doubtless performed many mar- r
riaces. while horses champed'
outside. now looks nut unon a ,
never -endive Stream of motor
"'ehicles on Highway 8.
• Difficulties
The demise of St. Stephen's -.
seems to have coincided with
financial difficulties -at "Stirl-
ing's," for Mrs. Brown gave a
-S.''3,000 mortgage to Western
Canada Loan .& Savings Co.
Presumably- before a cler^•
was stationed in the
Cnnfirma'ion' . a'pnarent'••
only focr times in 18 .''r•,r�.
were conducted by Rich^r•= lull
moth. -Ilford and i'ald . in.
TT Baptisms
Rev. C' R. ,'•ratthev s. whose
neat hand s a nleasttre to read
nearl • a century later served
from 1872 to June. • 1875.' in'
v.hi(}y nernd he 11erformed 42
(,ant iCrr Rey. T. C. Pr.a3arres
find j r;t' Henry \Val) five.
Four of'the letter "ere ra,ildre'n
rr(' 1,Vil]iarn and rrlrla
'rf ilrhi_^an. This (•'rem ny
The Browns had three sons— ---- -----
• ' !ellP" 11 a 1 Aa L Tait Mrd i"" MP\ "1.411V"1 dr reel
"] v7 e. 11 • t" 'w /" A Z / / .A !/-' t Alla ■ .t l
~n • c Tn, 4164■1"+4, #MCA r*_ i s nig.11r a i r ►.-1 1
1 A ' 1111111011f1�'a 1'■ A..L,
--Why-not-thy-ow these -obsolete -tools -away
Heat your
home with automatic Natural Gas
dtttra1 gas keeps the temperature of your home
Otactly where you want it without a lick of work
p. your part. You see, natural gas home, heatingas
all automatic, The only work it ever requires is a
touch of the iuger to set the thermostat. Co isider
also the fact that natural gas is more economical end
much cleaner than other fuels. How can /<>-4
° you reasonably refuse yourself its tom- ',/--
fort and convenience ? Go modern, this
winter! Convert to natural gas now!
-see youth ating contractor or
'• 'iFa='s•`1>wa'`.r1;w�`${%r'�'��Ci'..''4r,ti
St.shuts, H'oltnes' rii"le, has long vanished,
Alta ,he burial ground, oti1 inesville hill
alongside the old highway, has „`alien into
disrdair: hurch a'u'thorities
steps to clean it up.
are taking
1.. _
D. D. MacM11,LbIV'