HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-08-10, Page 24 � The C+adexicbiSignal-Star, Thursday, August 10th, 1961. (!urirb Oignat far _0_Published `,pr by U I. P SignalStar Publishing Limited % t?:.ti c -i u�° ✓'�a,' u'm k:f"';, .Nx-; `LTSµ�"r ,;n. i , : "'. To U.S.A. $4.00 41n advance) Department, Ottawa. D-- The County Town Newspaper of Huron Established 1.84.8 in its 114til year of publication Sribscription 1:tifeetle'llSAY 'a year. Authorized Lig "seeond-elass mall, Post Office circulation—over 3,400 . GEO. L. ELIA, Editor and Publisher. NEW, HURON , EDycAT1,01\1L ERA With the °kola' signing of contracts subjects to the: point where they qt.talify '13T four school boards now completed; the Tor d,irect employment in industry: the IbUilding of zenew vocational school at*Clin- 'lumber of, apprentiees will'he greatly in - On for Huron. is practically a certainty. ereased ; the young unskilled, having learn- gt will mark a new era in educational ser- ed the hard AN -ay the value of a trade, will -vice for this County. be taught one; and older workers, where /1e0OSSAry. Nvill be retrained in new skills. Sharing the costs in operating this The elevation of national standards new vocational school will be ratepayers of teehnical edueation which must follow from Goderieh, Clinton, Seaforth and Ex - from snyli programs is, of courSe. highly desirable in itself. And that it will, in the remember at this time that these four future, lend to worthwhile and well-paid schools could well he relieved of building' employment for many who wouldn't other - costly additions in the future' beeause of wise qualify -for it, eannot be doubted. the new yoeational sehool at C:inton tak- ing care of an inevitable inerease in their But even so weloome and important a step as this is pot Nvithoirt its tragie aspect. strident population in the years' that lie a- head. For the teaolling. of industrial and profeS.s- . ional skill- requires that those undergoinv, - Some municipalities might be a bit trainine% l':e, I/treacly edueated to at least .7enri-frits-••44,f cl-i-ntWk-.1/444Ag_selgeteti .as the iove.t. and. 'the. hard, bitter truth- i•-; t lat. no loss tliati. tWo init' ore -Vet -1y three view of the - town's more eentral location Cli-mliqns unemployed for any length of in the Connty. While Clinton will undoub- ti‘m; fi'ill far short of this. ,- tedly enjoy eertain advantao•es from the The moral of all this is as ineseapable new school being located there, it will also _, . as 11- is 'ohybuis: mueli -more must bo done have hea-daches eonneeted with it which heneeforth to dissuade those now at sehool .. will only become apparent with the passing, from leavine• 'before they have eompleteil of time. 'But all in all, Clinton and 'Huron their edneation. Tluit 67 per eent of all; OVER 200 DESPITE RAItt Memorial Service Held At Colborne Cemetery 200 persons attended the an- Neill. SALTFORD, Aug. 7.—About !service sup' plied by Mr. 'Herb rola' an.erno,ri.al seryjs. the.] _The service was held in the led by Captain R. P terSen- of the Salvation Army., with his accordion accompaniment. Rev. G. L. Royal read the Scripture from Psalm 121 and Ephesians, the sixth chapter. He chose for his inspiring message, "The Past, The Present and The Future." In referring to the life of King David, he tilted hi's listeners riot t9 live in the past but think of the pleasant memories of those who had once lived on this earth. He stated' that the present has the chal- lengete_accept the Love of God while the fufiire- is- shrouded with uncertainty. In closing, he reminded them to remember the past with feeling and remem- brance; live today for Christ; the future is still ahead 'with the wonderful hope of the Christian wha lives daily with his Lord. Many beautiful baskets of flow- ers were 'placed on the graves by relatives ond friends, The superintendent of the cemetery, Mr. Harry MeCreath, presided for the .service and welcomed everyone. Due to the heavy rainfall during the after- , noon, many listened to the ser- viCe front their cars. This was carried over the loud speaker 'LAST BEAsTLY GTP.Aw.. rINDING OURSELVES MF-MBERS OF A .COMMON MARKET him 'remoyed tei hospital. While Sandy Bawden was driving around the Square with R. Wilson's trailer attached', a bolt broke and the trailer roll- ed through one of the windows vof Miss Hogan's confectionary store. 7 Miss Jennie Hov,, a form• er. teacher of S.S. No. 3, Colborne, visited at the homes of John Houston and Miss Dorothy Mrs. Willis Bell, Goderich Township, was in,.iNtoprAtir MESSAGES FROM GODERICH MINISTERIAL (By Down Memory's Lane During a visit to Toroilto, J. M. Field had two bones of his right arm fractured while cranking his car. The crank "kicked back." John Bropbey set fire to a GOD'S WATCHMEN couch cover when he lit a match at• 2 ant to see the --time. ReY. E. A. Cooper, Free, faith in Christ, are consequent ' Captain A. M. Sbephard's pro- Three of,,,,Iiiie:41airg.fhter , 'Mrs. County will be better bureause of the even- , i 4. o cerned. Should the, tieen sub -divided into builchng Thon-ps'Leathan, .1\1_,rs. Roy Wil: )ttial building of '-the sehool. ' fillis)1 Iiiglr sc.hool is botlia national waste their post of duty Mg, the 'Dr. W. Y. Hayden as the new son, and Mrs. William Powell, spent the week -end with lier. ! Sentries found sleeping all • al war_time minister shrink, hol,vecer, fronl4lo._ wilh Fred Shepherd and 1 sounding the full warn The Vocational sellool at Clinton will ail/ nn- ap.Qalling refleetion on our sens,Hare court -mar la e an s o . dread ,evords of Jehok ah are: 'owners: 15 Yea Ago -1946 . ° ,be one- of a numher Of suoli units- to be (-0. ,,,1,1,,,,.. -.... .Once- a sentry ha sounded a "His blood -will : require at . A, IT. ciutt/r1 .. A s.afe. was s olen from Gard- ' danger -warning, however, then'thine hand.." " . undertaken by federal and prbvincial 0.ov- ror .1the responsibility shifts to the hea„,y ilorses for far,r1 ners garage.—ater a passing ernments. These units will represent a 1 one which nll" adult ranadino.41 ones 1.‘hp heard. The Modern The' trafJpieSf Woeds in "thiS ' motorist. not' d lying in the ditch on Poll 'sideroad. 30 Years Ago -1931 major advance in the prov.ision teclinie,q1 pol!'t 110aviost .rounterpart can- be. Scripture. portiop ,.are in vprse Dr. John N. See, a graduate found among thoe° men who,,,,five and apply to both' min- W. F. John§On received pain- r,f the Oy.c., was corning to education facilities in Canada. er all ilecolvo: on -parents. and nal -- night and day, scan the north- ister and hearer: "He that ful injuries when he was Goderich to conduct a veterinary' As has been pointed out by tile maga- 1- 1 1 ? 111 '1111-1,4, W1111, -;o, .1"" ern skies of our country on the taketh warning shall deliver his daughter, Anne, Hamilton, and Brantford, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lednor, Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon young and Colin attended the golden wedding anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGowan. zine. " industry", unifer* this and other 'y010110.1 th n re may lep.ally radar outposts. soul." provinCial. prozrams,' hielt sehord students. 1.-,,,-,, :-.,-011.,,,,t. 1.,,,eqr,11,,,,,,, fl' whether they. God. referred_to this principle ... 'of responsibility when Ile spoke I Will he trained in technical and commerciill *have 0.1.adiintod -or not.. . !to the prophet Ezekiel. in the; , , 33rd chapter of that hook, the MUNICIPAL DEBT IS. SHIFTED. - --Int- -si-x-rers-e--=e41-1c-ernin.g...„... , - 1". . . 'city. In the next three verses; A newspaper eulogy of Premier rrost • while the inunicipatiti, have been able a similarly awful responsibility'i states' that his forthconiinv. retirement to holitdown. ' The reason is that for year: is laid by Jehovah upon men: "ends. an era that (xpanded (-)ntario7s ec- the province has been (.ontributing ! to -onomie- dimensions beyond imagination.- munieipal expenditure::, hot li (qipitil anil, AIany strong stat;ments art, - Though not .so intended, this invites! at.' current. Cloderii",11---vitepayi%rs found with ' the, Bible. such as Luke 13: 3., 5: tention to .thel provinee'S net debt., $13-1S2.- their ,1961. ;tax- bin, a ,-,ard on whi,4, it i,,John 3:3: and Mark 16:16 warn 493.564 when Mr. Frost presente!il his first statell that the current levy is redueed! at hh adt . soi rin cl budget in 1944, and now $1.112,000,000. in this way by 4.4252:941: the largest paY- Old-fashioned conversion will 'Who remembers -Howard FerguNin's sue- ment beiner! for education. In this fiscal save from hell and enable in -i eessful campaign aa'ainst the 1)riiry goy- year the province i's payino• munieipaljt- dividuals to enter heaven. Tol proel.aim this truth. along with ,,, that of the love of God mani-1 . 000,000? ..,S,u,bsequent governments all did. i fest in the fearful cost, of re-, 'Without -the ' provineial payments. a 161- of 'business on the cuff : Proniie.r 'Hop- .... . _ :demption paid .:on_. Cdvary, iS.1-___ municipal indebtedness would have burn added $88,000,090 to the debt olio year. . r's01-1 the solemn -responsibility of Now, Treasurer,,James Allan warns of- a! oral would have liad to ,foref.ro many im_ido so, a man faces the -prob-1 reerord increase of $11S,000:000 this y'ear,„ _ ii.m.its t 0 t 11 0 able indignation of cultured, , pi•ovements. There are brinF.,,ing, the d'obt 11p to *1,292,040,000 people who pride ,themselves on. taxes property oan pay. and complaints! possessing 'all the graces of' on that !:.elire led to the provincial bounty, civilized 'society but who. know -I .`" and that in- turn to inereased provirwial ing nothing of the vital,, ex -1 {n ience of -the new birth ' trion 0.asoline, liquor and corporation taxes., The' fact that tlw population of Goder- -I, Ontario's makes i.;ifivelliClif au intere.4t- „ ore Transients re-routed from Ottawa, so that town conn-' latiOn. the town's Om re of proyinciai 1 ia - :lig eivie ta. *ainl debt inereaf-, W 1611 A ,. . „.(,,,iii 1)0 1110 alternative. •1- round Town all Ontario milnicipalities. aceordino. to -ATI., .\11iin !;a\-..; the proviti(.411 ri4,1,1.1 More transients than ever be-• the latest available statistics, is $1,259,01.- ifierease „Qiis year is 11 it, maxi1,1111m ontarinilrotz earned paassisciinogg tthhreo ulgohe a o'sdael-_ 000, so on population basis, the floderieli is justified in ineurrincr. and that the:bud-;vation Army for food and lodg- hare .would he .41.2:19.01* Actually. ii`k 1.r.t is boino.' " bled white - pliv municipal! ings. They are given a meal of De!cember :1 1 last. the town's liabilities ()Tants, That statement fails to acknow-I ticket at e local restaurant and :are found a place to sleep for totalled $1.33R.1R7, wliiell shows our bor- Were the f,enerons blood transfusion from the night. TO iV i T1 9." to he about averao•e. . Ottawa 7---- *120.000.0(yr) from ineome tax Provincial 'and munieipal , debts are c -ental alone,— whiell is a factor in Dom- hicrhways, hospitals. sehools and other ,is sounding, the alarm: eredit of the proy-i Clinton. Some complain they pliblie buildings. pntario's debt has Leen Ineo is not unlimited. and perhaps we are! have worked hard for farmers _rising rapidly — 60c; since Leslie Frost really at the end of "an era of expanding! in the district- in the hayfields liweame-treasiirer iiiTtlie DreW -Minisfry --- economic t1 !MPH •AINT1S. ' and received ver"y" little_ wageS. 1 Many request clothing and shoes . which are supplied by Captain SUPERF. LUOUS _CHURCH SPIRES . . ' . supply which bas been donated and Mrs. R. Petersen from .their R4,plaeeTrient reeently of a Stratford eliiireh builtlers of past eenturies .. . Alter several hundrect.reqnests are Army during the year arid4-bese are financed from the kettles placed on the Square at the C_Lr_ristmas season, thrown off. a load of hay while practice. working at William Garrett'si Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shutler and . 10 Years Ago -1951 Andrew Holmes had sold his farm on. Highway 8 to John Westbrook, Goderich. Mr. Holmes bought Norval Ander son's home, Keays street. Joseph O'Keefe, Kingsbridge. was in Alexandra Hospital with a foot infection caused from Mr. and Mrs. Frank McAvoy had left ' for their home in St. Catharines after spending a few, days with Mrs. McAvoy's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bogie, Sheppardton. Piano pupils of Mrs. J. G. McDougall wh.9 received honors in their examinations included: Margaret Jackson, Betty Bowra, Jane Graham, Florenc,e Wilson, HAVE YOU RE\NEWED YOUR SIGNAL -STAR UBSPIPTION T. PRYDE & SON — Memorials — Finest Stone. and Experienced Workmanship Frank Mcllwain REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT JA 4-7861 or .200 Gibbons St. — JA 4-9465 Most of them out of a job, they come t6 Goderich seeking employment after trying to get a lob at the R.C.A.F. station at chureli steeple was aceompanied by 11110•11 all. ( hrist needs 110 temple but the liftman publieity, from which one gathers that the heart.- • important enterprise was' effieiently Parried \ The eluireh tower has T10 real function - out. The question arises, from time to al unloss to house ehimes — as in the time, As to the value of srieh riTnstrriclion. Pa'AP or the fine tower which adds -sn much Many modern ehurehes. are designed with- to the bcautv of Knox ellureh here. and " out towers, usually beearisie eost, whieh bears nloft the bells friven by Mr. and Mrs. may run from $15,000 fri* $30,000. There Thomas\ Sandv. is also ihe eonsideration of hazard from 'Burwell R. Coon, a Toronto firchiteet gales and lightning. St. ,George's here well known -throughout -Western Ontario. had its steeple damaged by a bolt rreent- ivas asked for an opinion npon the gen'eral lv. neeessitating a repair job by experts. onestion of Spires, and writes. in part : There must be a -lot of that work; a Galt "Unless the- tower is used for bells, it is steeplejack has been:doing it for 27 years. pnrely arehitectural fe.ature, and in The ehureh steeple tradition ponies sofnc instaneies gives a lift to the design, from the Old Lands ; England aeouired it hut many fine ehurches have been built - in the 11th eentury, probably as a result without towers and still retain a fine eee- , of Crusaders' adtniration for Eastern domes lesiastieal feeling: and unless a feeling of and minarets. NoWe, in 1961, a glass 'fibre 'religious atmosphere is provided both with - reinforced spire, first made in Britain, in and without a ehurch, the f; eiwiePs might has been hoisted to the roof of a Presby- just :as well be held in the loeal sehool - terian church Dartford, Kent. It would auditorium or gymnasium." perhaps ruin the' Christmas eard bmsiness if Old Country village churehes no longer pointed fingers heavenward. WE READ THAT • • A recentlepublished history of the Hope is a light diet, but very stim- ihet spire of Montreal cathedral as "its trOwning glory, soaring to nearly 230 flqr A filing eabinet is a plaee where above the ground, land rearing above the papers get lost alphabetieally. tettiPles that matnmorn has built around History is tho subject that teaehes it." in that connection, it is appropriate ns what mistakes we're going to make. fo record'the opinion of the late Archbishop itoriisorq "We, must askt, ourselves The itetn inest often left out o.f after-, „whether it is Wise or pftsiblo to imitate the dinner Speecheg is shortening. PEOPLE ALL °Veit THE WORLD BELONG TO CREDIT UNIONS HELP EACH 'OTHER. For more details, phone: CREDIT UNION LIMITED AV • .111.1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MADE BY, THE MAKERS OF THq See This Exceptii;na 33 Weit St, GE • Here is a Serta special that disregards increased pro- duction costs! • 837 tempered steel coils for all-over luxury support! • Beautiful, long -wearing decorator print ticking. • Specification developed by Serta for outstanding value! • Made wonderfulbi comfortable and provides deep support. • Matching box spring engineered specifically to prop- erly support this' mattress and materially increase your sleeping comfort! • Supply is limitedfz-Come in today! "PERrECT SLEEPER" MATTRESS Serta Special at FURNITURE Godetich JA 4-7521