HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-21, Page 3DR W. II. GRAHAM 198 King Street West Toronto, Ont,, •TREA,TS, CHRONIC DISEASES—aud elece SPeeild attention to SKIN DISEASES, as Pimples, 'Ulcers, ete. PRIVATE DISEASES—aud iNseasee a a Prleate Nature, ite Impotency, Sterility, Tarieecele, Islervous De. bility, etc., (theresuit of youthful lolly and excess,) Meet and Stricter° of long standing, DISEASES OF W010"4--Pahaful. Pages° or SIM - pressed Menstrnation, Ulceration, Leticorrhma, and, al °1fil e Ileurs-9a.m to 6 eau, Displacements of the Womb, ' Sundays, inn, to 3p.nn, ,It INTBROOLONIAL R AILW AY c:W CAN&D. Teaseireet route betweenthe West a.et all pointe -on the hewer St Corwronee and liaie des Cheleur.Provinee of Quebec alto for NewIlrunswien,NeVe icutia,Pcinco Edward Oapairetontstands, nue NOSVfallniii and St. Pierre, Zxpress trains Leave MOntrettian Wc Wax daily tSuatiays excepted) and run ibronsb without change between these points lu home and th'i initiates. The through express train cam of the In- tercolapial Itailway are brill's-0151 nlited by electricity awl beutet bvatenni from the locomotive. Owe sreltly increasing the cote. fort and sefety ot travellers. New aud elegant buffetsleoplug and day care aner en on through express train e. Ganadiartaropeen Mail and Passor.ger Bonte. PASSeligers for Groat 43ritainor the ()anti - tient bY leaving Monti cal on L'xiday morel:tie win join ontw.trd mailsteamer thilifes on Saturtley. The %Opinion ofashippers is directed team min eller twilitie-iff trod_ by thle reol9 for the transport of lieu r aim generel reereuain, (Ilse i o te n de it for theDastelin Peovincea and Newfoundland; also for thyme ute of grain andproduceinteededfortue lairrepeauinarTtc. het. b ete may De obtained and iu form a Oen alum; the route; o. iso freight and passenger rstesou %indication to whl TR western Froiglit Piteeenge Agent ee ester *louse Block ;gore lit TooutQ D POTTINONR, Clifet Superintendent, Railway Office, Moncton, N.D. Jan 1st al fantie.00 a year Is loins =ado by:RN:kV. Ot7 IMIxor,tin%rn VI1 tic fit too, toi may um :make *It .tot .1a um trg,I4 3,00 wilt My trAr It1CDl0 O ea to c ear at tlic out. and EDOR, 411,:pral <14 n4,311*.:144,403 fIn 411;0' roca?,-4. ti tan tGall4t1Iive ht 4.01.E.+T. arg ;sit y ,ar titareir sg 3p,, pacass C*'(G Cho %It 4 4,4. Ail is Pm, (“tna loy ctort nto. (crabbing c,..rthii.e.oil *AMA ,n*. I. t 141.4, "omit -cam, t etc, 44 to., 1 NM:4« Cum,. Soiree roe Pile.; it their worst form, twenkry.,Ieeee., Inflammation, Frost Dites, (lapped Ilieets anti ell ,kin Disc Rae& W8TF! ENTERMINATOR „..veitss- 1,uluting•., see:eke ithenteatiere. Neuralgia. 'terlint lie. Pains in ever a term. BF. elstemers holtse)e Ly Co, CENTRAL Drug Store PEA.Ria OP TRUTH, The soul of love lives in the body a an- other. We waver willinely otree 1 where we sin eerely love. All that isgreet comes through work; io.nd civilization s its product. There are tAVO kin1 OF pity: One is n WM, the other a poison. The tirst it real - zed by our friends, the lest by our cue- mies. A good intention clothes itself with sud- den power. When a God wislive to ride. ally fillip or pebble yiil lut1 and shoot out winged feet anti serve hint for a horse. There is no such thing AS a woman pun- ster." Thie remark struck me forcibly ; end on reflection I found that I never knew or heard of one, though I have once o1. twiee heard a woman ineke a, detached plun-eas I have known a lien to crow. Possession, why more tastelees than pule eeie Why is a, with for dearer than a crown that wieh acconniliehed Why the grave of bliss? Beceuee in the great, future. burled deep, beyond our plans of empire anti renown, lies all that man witlt ardor shoull pursue ;aud Ile who made hint bent him to The right. A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Pow.- 1 er, he best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es zarefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exeter. C. 'RUTZ, A pamphlet of information and ab- stract of thelaws, Showing How to Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, sent free. Addreos MUNN ft CO. ya 361 Brondwn.y. New York. RC:R '6 8 ECEFIC (TRADE MARK ROISTERED.) . . Sole Proprietor, lif. h'VNOYTELD, Eicholieldkt Drug Store, Emit ST., TORONTO. The only Remedy which willper- maneritly euro annorrhant, Gloat, and all private diseases, no matter how long standing. Was long and successfully used in French and English hospitals. Two bottles guaranteed to cure the worst case. Price, $1 bottle has n rd Elver y m y sig- ature on th e I a- per bottle. bel. None other genuine. Those who have tried o- ther remedieo without avail will not be cheap - voluted in this. - vNtent„......e this paper. or ...1101,1641••• 0 A Well Known Lady Tells o C,:eat rienofit Derivcfl Frown Hood's Sarsnoarli a . For Debility: Neuralgia and Catarrh TOI;ONTO, Dae. 28, 1890. "C. I. HOOD & Co., Lowoll, Mass. 4, GENTLE:4mi : For many years I have been suffering from catarrh, neuralgia and general debility. 1 NW to obtain any permanent relief fiotu medical ad- vice, and my Mende feared I would never find anything to cure me. A short time ago I !educed to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. At that time I was unable to walk tem a short dis- tance without feeling- a Death -Like. Weakness overtake me. And I had intense pains from neuralg,ia, in my head, back and limbs, which were very exhausting. But I am glad to say that soon after I began takims Hood's Sarsaparilla I saw that it was doitor me good. I have now talten three bottles and am entirely Cured of Neuralgia. am gaining in strength rapidly, and can take a two-mile walk without feel- ing tired. I do not suffer nearly so much from catarrh, and find that as my strength increases the catarrh decreases. I am indeed a changed woman, end shall always feelgretful to Hood's Sar- saparilla for what it has done for me. It Is Tay Wish that this my testimonial shall be pub- lished in order that others suffering as I was may learn how to be benefited. "Yours ever gratefully, "Mos. M. E. NIERRICK, "36 Wilton Avenue, "Toronto, Canada." This is Only One Of many thousands of people who gladly testify to the excellence of and benefit obtained from Hood's Sarsapa- rilla. If you suffer from any disease or affection caused by impure blood otalow state of the system, you should cer- tainly take Late Foreign News. .& SHOOXING ORME. pestierate Fight lvitit Pirates. ocritA0E. ON AN. FS VOL • The Russian De,partment of A,griculture eed. Farming proposes to introduee the: cultivation. of °pities in the Cauceeian die- . .trints. . A sad boating fatality occurred on the Sehm at Paris en Motolay. bout, contain - big pleasure party of rive young people. was run down by a e!acht, Three of the oc- cupants of the boat were saved, but the re - mai n lug two weredrowned. The bodies have not yet been recovered. A woman named Robinson killed her, infeut at Crook, near ilishep Aucitherel, oe Sunday, by banging it to a bedpest. The wonnea woo appears derenged, afterwarth, fled from the house but was pursued mat caught by bi r husband,. who handed her. over, to the police. There is a great demand for Bessie -it snetar in central Asia. e,specially in Persia. whither it is transported by way of 13etouni and Pete This demand hes caused matte large sugar factories in the south to double thew \anteing capacity. - • . The 0011111141111er of the $t. Welshing police bee issued an order that if a house owner is in en ears with his water taxes he is to be emepelled hy police measures 1,o pay them. But tee water :supply is liol to Mt 01;in oat, 'that the shell not suffer fin the delinqueuey tho landlord. 1oods Sarsaparilla Sold by drussisth. 61; six for $5. Prepared only by O. 1. Hoop & CO., Lowell, Mass. OO Doses One Dollar Corev 1 Runs Easy NO BACK/WEE. _ Weil killed that the reumene fled. They left 15 dead ; toile of them as chief, and the guards captured a number of rifles, carbines, muskets, shot guns, and revolvere, besides about 300 eartrielge,s, The pirate band, was alinoet annihilated. Marriages are concluded in an original manner " among the convicts on the island of Saghalien, ae the St. Petersburg papere report. When a. perty of female cot:mots arrive the men are given a half holidey and taken to a park, where they meet the new- comers. A general inspeetion of brides then takes place. In an hour or so the guards call time. The men must the» come to the officer in command and point out the women they have selected. If the women ere satis- fied the bends are tied then and there, 1. two or more men happen to Oleos° one %war man the officer awards tier to the On0 conduct is the best, Inthe go-renomene of -Iozlov, on the • ,orders ot the river Loney Voronezh, Russia, the wood traffic has sutfered greatly thiespring. The peasants thereareinthe habit of cutting werrl during the winter rand lay- ing it in ries on the borders of the river. With the rise of the spring tides these rafts ire carritil down to the market lOWAR AIM -Allred eeetres. where they are sold by their vs. Tide epring the river Voronezh di . rise to its ordinary proportions, and the wo al along its boarders was not carried o The contra:nom have conetequently sustain - money to buy seeds for their fields. Al greet losses, and the labia etre have no Mo e's During the recent demelition of the ohl wall of leetwevitte a great stone goblet, w.n. found underground. On it MIA the Weevil; ion. Stolen Losonceer 113 - ." It is fie !meal to be the goblet given to Losonczy the women of Tentesvin for his bravery defending the town agaiest :the Turks. tiermauytt officers Association has raised a feed hoe the erearii etarvieg weavers in Sresia. Cotton and. weol will be leergir awl vie in their for mainifitetun, rimb, oge the over.erow.'; (ht' ilt1tt-try (UVprofessionie • mole than teveuty rote teems mil, be assieted. •ainti tetur ut has taken lot Cr. of ttli einbbil'iliT paw:peal etiely. Ile filets the •:tend - skill to be of 11%i:tiller emietruet int well itC tikulla of the ntelesine Bev:dilate Doe liaeen , Oerard, aed .1reeptes Cloacae-. " Nlerel • eltee, rudiment:try fort.IEPA. Is( !." tre ti: Dr. LAW or '8 Cliai The French Swirly ef Mee of Letter,, whielt held its Cenventien ;14 Var'S Apt ti, hoe atmeion in: d of eat fee -0,4;m ; iudigent menthere I's • witele property is worth 1,etweeit reertettett tied fileentee te %metal expentlittir s e ee elem. then Re lc.&i' The Ail inini, tive Committee for the latest three yeare i.; Zola, Arinetlil, Canket, Pasiattl, N. Ifue, and Thiendiere, Tee Anteer'e new euiltage, witich lute inet elute; into cirettletioe, bears on ono eitle the lidtile of Melte- Italimite and OA 09 Mohol,v• dap mosque, rhowiug an altar mut a pulpit, with .1 dee on eitheillank, and A five -rayed eter uheve. The edges of the eoine are milled in tee Engiislt fashion, ;mil tite derives and superscript:on aro encircled by laurel wreathe. HOURS 11 VE,7 ltiele ' lei °NIT MA. Witte2o descri ptiteat Calogue Containing testimonials from Ismarese or people who have suoredlroas 4 to 9 cowls dully. 25,000 now success. fatly used. Agency can be bad where there is a vacancy. nir COMMON for filing saws sent free With each machine; by the use of thin tool everybody Can filo their own Sawa now and do it betterthan 11) greatest export can without it. Mooted to el: CrOss.cut ORWR.. Every one ivtto owns h saw shoe have one. o duty to pay; we manalholorsOa Ramada. i your dealer or write FOLDING SA.WYNO iDIUINE CO., 808 tojal 8, Canal St., ehleago, : I E1:190F3.9 or YOUTH, Nervous De. Witty, sounnst Losses and Pzematore DeCay, prometly ed permanently cured. by ct, 11 „la,t Doc” erfere wit • diet or usua occupat: ' ant flity restores lost vigor and insures ro.el.„1 Mr -mimed. :Price $1 per Uwe. • Sole Prop.i.aor, 11. SOHO-F1tt[1i, ,eitt's Drug store, 141.4,,s STRERT. To:RONTO. Mention this paper. Oias Of the eldest of the " invelides," or military peeeloners, named Chit:told, corn. , are eaul to have at once summoned t wee I to the naval station to inated stealth) in O. very eccentric fashion ; veUels beltIngiing .Th,,,,,,i,ty (1.11,zrai, a Paris correspond. : aseend the aver and e:vertge the envoy, out). Ire said to One of his comradea—" i i who on the dephrthre of the Dido was in emelt die 'like a r ,,,;,: (eivilian) in a bed," 1 a critical condition. ehtatly. afterwards Ile went npetairs and j Newe Lae just reached St. Potereborg, of blew Ins brains oat. ( lettoni had served in a terrible crime which was perpetreted in seett&S'-'esee ..e..eetee%%.,eeeie....Neeeseetse for Infants and Children. ' "Cmt°444is 4ovolladaPtodtoeliddlanthet Cassoria mires Colic. Genstipedion, 1 f mom:tend itas stiperiorto any prcription Sour Stomach, piant034.1trAzio4042. ..._ Eals. Worm& gives Aee1:).., Prom o,, - lamp; to ree." M. 4.- anesma, MD., estion .g . ... . /11 fick were ste, eseowye, et ee„ witeteue instateue entresowee Tax CrehrraMt CONIPANT, 17 Murray str .• Strauge rumours are eirculetiogin Austrie ihes• enent the eccentric areleineal rrsonage who disapperned mysterionely Wee. preferrea to be known as Jo in •Orth, Jed rs an Root eew Feld Ilea John Orth is alive, aed thee Dr. Norse/s Indian qed to have been lost off Cape Horn. It is ' e ham written to his mother the Arch- It 00t Pill chess Mareatet, from the Plata, where :o Pi at tide ntoment resiling; ale° thett he • has sold Itof ship the St. Mareeret, and. that r D Morse's I , . • ,., ncl. an i ome of hie PaIntatian crew are now back ''" eig some tune ago, and was eenerally siqh • Itroken with the Emperor of Austria and Root Palls Ids past life it is probelee that John Oral ' prefers to 1.4, thought dead. I Scamp l'rclaya Shows that the migratiou . Dr. Mo se s Indian e their own ernmati. limit% entirely ' of laborers fr8rn the litterior governments " Root ills into the tete:ion territory is atsuiniug P . ahernting prorrtione. Fe. ihe last four , years no lees t tan 37,01; reel loser peeseute • Dr. lifbrse's Indinu have wandered away: te silier 04Ch Zit'Ar• -_,_ • eagre es their pro -specie ale in Ctriltifill if:in, the people ot too cenital geveruments , „ .till rush thither, driveli by poverty arid timme. :Meaty ot them peat.; ..ti the raall il elekness and climatic eaentac ZI,ea. that the It:test:444w; railroad ie ttl hf` the einigrgion tif L. ortece win be greAth. lucre:teal for the Loudest " The "" eelonizatienof :1" YVIIfir4 THE "1. ilt enable, but the slevitetee hen etthe tn. wrier govertiments it leo t`eeirelde. The loveruntent Acquit' adopt weeenree to as- etil.tte it. mieration V11214 and to ae. I10 the tWer h of three w:a..1..e,se tilAMU+ in the Silterien if:amen-le Root Pin save Doctors' Bills use Morse's India') Boot Pills. BEST FAMILY PILE, IN USE Weep the MOM 07 NCRM071, 04t,144947 Z.f,, 3690., W. 11..C9iisvos3r, ltrocAvilten•OQI. Prot St ni,----Yc nr ',Da eleree's Mein Reet tette ere the best M.-IQ:term for the system that !amenity can r -se. I.i4 4neSttill sifselilm,o: freiland delicate asentanyof V,, wertis. A uny •Feratee el' ferelso eubstaueeatteeteete the steeliest wheelizithewerks, arielwleatis thezerelt?..estiast,enly a slightdifference is perceptible in its tiateelteepto& bu t weir yen; 44 -the litiM1191194 wows, the trteeeleehe teee=tet greetey, wen et lee:, whet contd. have been rectiked nitli I idle tryible. in the begmelen,•will new reeette =4 di caw in thereuebly cleansing the entire works. - So it is leiter:we life -'a slight cereezerecet noes - lewd, i•t grows end increases, ironerceptibly ntfirsti Alell tepidly, until what could, an the beeineinee ' have been cured with little trsaltggp heCnzne4:aletress tate:. -I, F.e., it„.....1 ativise all' to parifyettee ea em equeetly, by the :useof teeretea fills, 2414 9 preverve vizor awl. vitality. Yours fauh.fulle . • H. F. tall14“.. 27re Travellers' $aft-Guar<4 ANAROI-PCS VOSP. KS., jae. 27, *oc. W. II. Coussees, Predwille, Pan • Mae Saa,—For many /ors, I hare been admit); believer in your "Pr. fderee*s Iran • Recants." Not welt a Wind faith, het a coefieeeeetyrenght by ao z4v....4 per,scoak es* rie;:ve c:, tbeir talao ,a,71 rile ely besieges tesetia, tbat I spend nit:chef see away nem hem% and 1 ren-eatd ena Scite .oeruiy travel:In ceitit c-eaiziete whet:eta less cf .S..laree's Piat. Yc;tre, 6:e., • .II. :t., herlienne 4. valvable Article sells well. LIONACSIOIS 1tAUCZNI.N.24j4.7.3,.Fsa. W. it.:cog57,,,,--:.F.„ tpTizz.!..v-A.:1.„ Oin. Drasi Sore -pis is re nen& il;a: 1 dcal in Patent, Metier:tee% ettaitieg VAIliiiii5 Linda cf 1"•itie. 'sell 1 mese cf the Dr. Merse's Indian react lime then dal - lhe edam ccaitined. Their sales I Acil ore t-.10 in. creatiog. Venn, 4e.I N. L.Niencr,sen. The Euelish Monier Dhlo, wieelt arrived ti Mat -smiles brings news of the nuttilatiott an verve ee et to a, netive hit% by the- ewernor oI Ittthursi, West 'Africa. The ee;eet of the inieeion was tin ;ettlemelit tti e,eme commerival difileultiee. The envoy eesi atheitted into the presence of the King selo ertlet al him Vibe booed baud aud foot-. • hi native hiuglet theu had pert of one of tee envey'e veveks and A portion of thie thigh tett eff, told sent tbe envoy, together with the of flesh, back to the Utivero Nor, with message that he had no other answer tu give him. Thin hie:dent. welte- red in dm beesinning of April at 'Vali Mug, eituated alont 30 miles from the cease on the left bmilt of the Gambia. The English Algeria, the Crimea, wed Italy, and had been in no less than 1S battles. rho Russian Ministry ot Justice have framed a new concerniug Christian burials, which bas been :submitted to the nnperial 'Cabinet for approval. According to the law pentons burying a Christian with- out the costornary ceremonies in eases where the services of the Church could heve been • eel ere liable to imprisonment for not less 'tree weeks and not more than three months. fn.:: poverty of the petatants around War- saw is so great that whole gangs of them have made it a .practice to steal coal from the freight trams which enter the city by night. Some of the gang jump on the trains in motion and throw the coal on the road, which their eo-adjutors gather in sacks end wheelberrows. The railroad itomPanies have obtained permission to place special guards on each train. A priest has been shot at the altar at ',Vaizen—the victim. of a jealous man's de- sire for revenge. Father Kumla was read- ing i Mass at the Cathedral, when a shoo. illOwl:Or named Czermak took careful ahn with a revolver and deliberately shot him dead. An acolyte strove to prevent the murderer's escape, and his life ahnost paid the penalty of his rashness. B:owever, Czermak clid not leave the edifice. Ho blew his brains out, and fell dead by the side of his TiCtim. A wealthy Englishman who lived in an appatement in the, Rue do Rivoli, Paris, lately conunitteil suicide by cutting his throat. It is stated that he had grown de- efenadent at the prospect of being obliged to 'eaye Paris, to which city he was much La- i:Alec'. The Police Commissary of the Saint Gernum l'Auxerrois district, in which he tragic eveet occurred, is reticent about t hit circumstances of the case, which, se- entlingly, remains involved in censiderable mystery. Between Jan. 1 and April 1 of this years 1 ;78Sbodies have been cremated in the cities Gotha, Zurich, Milan, Rome, Padua, Bo- ogna, Florence, London, New York, Cincin. Jed, St, Louis, Lancaster, Los Angles. Washington, Buffalo, Stockholm, and Goth- enburg. The crematories in Manchester and Hamburg will be opened next July. Eighteen Berliners have been cremated this year and the Berlin Society fcir Cremation has increased its membership to 1,100. Freyeinet, rrench Minister of War, is about to assume the proteetorate of a new imlitary museum in Paris. The plan of the institution originated with Meissonier. The contents will be old and new uniforms of the French army, . weapons, military papers, orders of the French Kings and Emperors, mad miscellaneoes mementoes of great battles. Most of the exhibits of the, military pavilion t the last world's fair will Iasi) be acquired. A special committee is in consultation with the Ministry of War as to farther details. Letters from China, state that the guards at Bina and Ngh3au itt Tonkiug, recently attacked the Tongbui band ofpirates, a des- perate gangwho had taken up their head- quarters at Phuongdao, Thefight waskeg,t up with great deteiminatioe for three lion the pirates being evidently well armed; and it was not until nearly the whole band had the government of Sanger(' on the 3011t March. Shortly before midnight on that day a fire broke out in it large farmstead near Aileask ik the government, end spread. with such frightful rapidity that it was with the greatest, difficulty that atlybotly in the place escaped. There were a large number of farm hands in the house, and they seem to have made H7 effort to save women and children0 feer of whom , miser- ably perished in the t; • t. Thirteen of the men were badly Of the victims who erosive. lyffig in tee hospital, sixarenot likely to live. Destruction of stook was very great, over 000 sheep ama cattle having been roasted olive. The whole of the farm buildiuge which were for the most part constroeted of wood, were consumed by the fltenes. The wells of the house, which were of stone, remain standing, brit entirely gutted. It is believed that the fire was the work of incendiaries, who are at pres ent very active in the province: ------__ ----- The Journey to Mosoow on Stilts. FOR SALE RV ALL DEALERS DR. CaollIEB'El PEAT The Head Surgeon Of the teatime tled aieal Cm openy eow aseent to the Top or the spir e • at Toronto, atnakla, and raw b., cw4- saliontr3' cathedral. suited either in per.son or by letter Mt During one of his vacations Dr. James eltronie tliSeree3 peculiar to 1$13;11. Men, Freeman Clarke, in hie youthful days, per. young, old, or toidille.aged, who tied teem - formed a feet that well deserves to be re. aeives nervone, week end eehatustal, who corded. WIWI tOld his friends afterward ere broken dawn freet excee or overwork, it terrified them, rout ie Is AO commonplace resulting in many of the followine eymp. thing to read about now. Here is the ex. tome : Atental depreteion, premature old traordinary tale an Dr. B. F. Ifole, the editor age, haze of vitality, loss of 1.4ad of the " eets it down : drearns, dinmess ot sight, palpiettion of she "'rite :pre of Salisbury cathedral is A heart, erniseions, lack of energy, pain in :he little more than RD feet high. With som, kitiitiya, headeelle, PiettPlin tol the feet` or friends Mr. Clarke ascended as far as theia. hotly, itching er peettliarcensation the wrier sethtetse goes, to whet is called the cerotum, wasting of the, organs,,I--iness' weather door, ebeut thirty feet from the epe.:Its before the eyes, ter ohine ef the extreme top of lite spire. The others were „ muscles, !lye lids and elsewhere, heslifoluece, then setiolied evitii what they had done, but deposits in the urine, leas tiZ will power, he went out awl climbed up the remaining tenderness of the ricalp and splue, weak 1111 When Sylvain Dornon left the Place de la Concorde on stilts in the beginning of last month, intending to march to Moscow, many opined. that the wiry echassier from the Department of the Landes would give up the journey very soon. This however, has not been the case. Having rested in Dornan has now started for linstrin, lireuz, and Bromberg, intending to enter Russian territory by Eydtkabonen, the well- known frontier station on the railway. to St. Petersburg. Between Paris and Berlin the traveller suffered it great deal from snow and cold. His stilts have been worn down in the journey. The fame of his exploit is still animating the breasts of several of his fellow -countrymen who are burning to distinguish themselves by performing sorne extraordinary feat. Thus one person proposes to go from the Triumphal, Arch on roller skates. Another strange individual wants to walk on all fours from Paris to Versailles. Dornon's jonrney is at least more -worthy of interest than any of the psfegrinations projected by his coun. trymen since his departure. part of the spire by won handles fixed art the walls, these -having been arranged for the couvenience of workmen who havetoattend to the vane and of hardy visitors. When he arrived at the highest of these Ile found a bor above him, running arotud the spire, -which be could reach with his hands. By this he lifted hitt:twit to the level of theball, and, as most versions of this anecdote say, stood on top of the ball, with suck support as the liehuttng rod =la give Itim, tonvey- ing the scene. A Story of the Queen. A prettystory is told by W man concern- ing her Majesty. On the day that the young queen announced to Parliament her betroth- al to Prince Albert her aunt, the Duchess of Gloucester,, asked her if she had not `felt greatly embarrassed on that occasion. "Not half so much, dear aunt," was the reply, " as 1 did when I asked Albert if he would accept my hand ;" for a female sovereign, by Royal etiquette, must propose to the gentleman of her choice. No Place for Little Boys. Mother—" Johnny, leave the room, rn clear ; your father has just smashed hi thumb.' • 'A mcOmiage may isometimes be a failure," remarked Mrs. Ely, "but a funeral is al- ways bound to be a succese." The man who believes4n ghosts may be a better citizen than. the One who does not believe in his fellow -creatures. "He then returned to tt-e supporting rod and dropped himself, expeeting to find the friendly bolt by which he had ascended. But it was not there, and he reflected, too late, that be had not observed onwhich side of the spire it wee. Then and there he had, so to speak, to work around the spire, hang- ing by his hands ; and, having unfortunately chosen the least favorable direction, he nearly completed the circuit before he found under his foot the bolt which was to be the first stop in his retreat." When Dr. Clarke told this story to his classmates mon than a generation lifter the event occurred "old friends of his found they could not sleep that night in their ter- ror of what might have happened." In his letter to friends at home he merely said at the time of the thrilling incident : "1 went to the very top and stood by the vane, 400 feet from the ground.' flabby muscles, desire to sleep, texture to be rested by sleep, constipation, detiness hearing, loes of voiee, demo for attitude, t9: eitability of temper, aunken eye3 surrount ea with =ADDS' tlitt21X1 oily 'welders teein, ate, are all symptom: or nervous. that lead to ineanine Ana death =lessee - The spring or vital force having 10- .45 tension every function wanes in eonteilat ee Those who through almee etetent:tellitt ignorance maybe permanentle cured. ',sad your address for book on all tileasts pt to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 1 0ont St. B. Toronto, On. Books se In tete a esta„ Hearediseastathesymptornsofwhich ar tint spells, purple lips, arindexess, peini. • skip beats, hot flashes, ratili of blood te :he head, dull vain bathe heaat with tteate ter, rapid and 'Irregular, the second haw. =teat timelier than the first, pain about the tease bone, etc., eanpositively be cured. Nt: e ere. no pay. Send for batik. Address M. V, DUBOW, 50 Front Street East, roroeto. Ont. Bridges—" They tell law you don't like the new minister very well.' Brooks —" like him well enough, but his sermons ttre too confoundedly short. I -don't realize that I have been asleep at all." Bereaved Widow-- "Why, doctor, you have the effrontery to charge me $501:0 for treating my dear dead. husband, and he died alter all." Doctor—" Well, but didn't you ! collect $25,0001ffeinsurance? Ain't I entitled The Ponding Privilege. ' to a commission. I" Notwithstanding all that has been said of i ameeeeemeeasseaseesseeseuae_ late respecting the intention of the 'United , States government to withdraw the bond- I 4( ing privileges hitherto enjoyed by the Chita- 1 e' diem railroad companies doing business in 1 their country, itis not by any means certain : that the order will soon be issued. At present' 1 Secretary Foster is said to be waiting for an opinion from Attorney -General Miller as to • the scope and intent of the law under which I the new regulation has been framed.. The 1 : statute reacts as follows : "To avoid the inspection at the first port , of arrival, the owner, agent, master or con- ductor of any such vessel, car or other vehicle, or owner, agent or other person having charge of such merchandise, baggage, effects or other articles, may apply to any officer of the United States duly authorised to act in the prensises, to seat or close the same under and according to the regulations , hereinafter authorised, previous to their im- portation into the Muted States, which ' officer shall seal or close the same according- ly; whereupon the same may proceed to their port of destination without further inspection. Every such vessel, car or other vehicle shall proceed without unneces- ! sary delay to the port of its destination as named in the manifest of its cargo, freight or contents and there be inspected. Nothing containecl in this section shall be construed to exempt such vessel, car or vehicle, or its contents, from such examination as may be necessary and proper to prevent frauds upon the revenue and violations of this title." Fogg,--" There's nothing to delioioas iu the world as to reach mit of bed in the morn- ing to ring for your valet to come and dress yon." Brown- Bare yon. it valet?' Fog —" No, bite I have a bell." Brown—" But what goori does it do you to ring it '? No valet wilt come in response." Fogg —"That's just the Most delectable part of it. As tits valet doesn't come, you . don't have to get up. /0 :m rup The majority of well-read physicians now believe that Consump. tion is a germ disease. In other words, instead of being in the con* stitution itself it is caused by itinu. merable small creatures living in the lungs having no business there and eating them away as caterpillars dq the leaves of trees. The phlegm that is coughed up is those parts of the lungs which have been gnawed off and destroyed. These, little bacilli, as the germs are called, attoo small to be seen vvitb the naked eye, but they are very much Ilive just the same, and enter the body in our food, in the air we blerA.tlie, and through the pores of be elt Thence they get into the c.14,0,4' and filially arrive at the lungs -f, Fhey fasten and inerrase with ,t0.11 rapidity, Then •German eyre p comes in, looTens the.m, kills expells them, heals - • ces leave, and so nour • ad ,tac that, in a short time 1 tires become germ -proof and well.• A Gerrri Disease.