HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-08-03, Page 9From the moment you drive it home and right unfil you trade lt, you'll be dollars ahead with a Rambler "Classic"."Before you buy any,carreonsiaer the Rambler "Classic's" dollar -saving features: : SAVE with the Rambler "Classic's" low purchase price. SAVE with process. Rambler g `Classic's"' rust protection by exclusive Deep -Dip SAVE with the Rambler "Classic's" proven gas economy. Class winner' in economy run sponsored by leading Toronto newspaper. Class winner in the toughest U.S. economy run, sponsored by a famous U.S. oil. company. SAV E with the Rambler "Classic's" Single -Unit Construction. Perfected by .. Rambler. It's stronger, safer, keeps car freefromrattles for years. ` S`A`''UC'E`-with-the-Ra3Holer.-- C.lass'icexcbi ive ceramic armoured muffler. Guaranteed for the life of the car during original ownership WOMEN'S S Q GUILD BUFFET SUPPER The bufl?et supper sponsored by the Women's Guild of St, George's Anglican Church on Thursday .of last week attracted a large crowd. Mrs. K. E. Tay- lor received the guests. General conveners were: Mrs. Charles Videan and Mrs. Thos. Legg. ggin 'Charge ge of tables Were: 0 ay 77,77 Mrs. Lyle Bannister and Mrs. Mel. .Martin.. Plates were ar- .fanged by Mks: Jos. Craig and; assistants. A flbwer and novelty table was in charge of Mrs. 1B. 11. Mtptday, and a touch -and -take table was preeide(i over by Mrs. A. Palmer -and iMrs. Hanley. A well -patronized :cookie table was in charge of Mrs, H, _ Dodd. A fish pond for, the children was attended to bye Susan Bell and :Jud P n a r rte .R Y fi SAV E with the Rambler "Classic's" famous quality workmanship. Keeps maintenance costs low. SAV E with the_Rambler "Classic's" high re -sale value: See. your nearest Rambler Dealer and find 'out how comfortably you can save in • • ',Rambler "Classic". _.....::'`:'•,:eta`•• +.�: FOR MORE BY FAR IN ANY CAR The New World Standard of J3asic Excellence • PRODUCT OF AMERICAN MOTORS (CANADA) UMITED McGEE • SAUS Genuine Rambler. Engineered Parts. RAMBLER SALES & SERVCE PHONE JA 4-8391 GODERI C14 42 NEWGATE STREET UY-NOW,_�_SAV€l�1QYi(_-_— .LQI GOOD SELECTION — NO SALES TAX 1960 CHEV.- Biscayne 4. door, Sharp car with automatic; convenient terms.. Buy Now ! Save Now! 1959 FORD Club Sedan.' Drives like new, radio, - style leader. Buy Now ! Save Now ! 1959 PLYMOUTH Savoy 4 -door. A. fully recon- ditioned fine car, priced right. Buy Now ! Save Now! We have a good selection of Economy Cars fully checked over -and-ready to ,save you motoring dollars. These., cars are all priced $200 below city prices. 1958 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe. Gas gauge, ra- dio, washers, A good car. Buy Now! Save Now! 1959 FIAT 600 Sedaln. Drive for a cent a mile, Imported by .Chrysler. Buy Now! Save Now!' 1959 RENAULT Daup- hine. A` top' seller from Paris. Sharp little ° car. Buy Now! Save Nbw ! We have put our Fall Prices into effect to save you double. You pay less for a fine Used Car and you beat the Tax coming Sept. 1st. 1958 METEOR T ud or Deluxe 6-cyl. automatic, radio. Smart looking -- car, Buy Now! Save Now! 1957 DODGE 2 -dr. Hard- top, V8 with stick shift and overdrive, a hot Buy Now ! Save one. Now! fi- 1956 PLYMOUTH Sedan.. Like new inside arid out. Special saving t his , week. Buy Now r Save We have a dozen 52 to 54 Fords in various states of repair. Some run good, and others just. run. They will be sold as is from $129 to $199. Take your pick. 1954 PLYMOUTTH Sedan. Top condition, solid body. A better used car. • Buy Now ! Save Now! 1954 PONTIAC C 'o a al. Sharp looker, drives real good, radio: Buy Now ! Save Now ! . • 1956 PONTIAC Sedan 6-cyl. Runs like new. Name your own price. Buy Now ! Save Now ! "You can save on new .1961. Ramblers during this Buy Now — Save Now Sale. We need more Used Cars to keep up with the demand and will give top dollar for yours 1957 CHRYSLER 4 -door Hardtop. Power equip- ped, smart luxury car . at a low price. Buy e Now ! nave Now! • 1956 METEOR Niagara. V8, automatic, r a d i o. ° Smart local car. Buy Now! ,have Now! 1956 DODGE Regent Sed- an, automatic. Smart clean styling. Like new.. Buy Now ! Save Now ! MCGEE :MOTOR SALES Don't Be .a MotQring Gamblers Drive a '61 .Rambler NEWGATE ST. oDERICH: -- DIAL JA�4 8 391 — . C G • ya Open Every . Evening kr Your- Convenience. WORTH LOOKING INTO 1 BOB P IB CONTINUING HIS CLEARANCE SALE at theiuburn Store UNTIL EVERYTHING IS SOLD WORLBQOTS and.1tNTER. SHOES`. -.401"'e FOOTWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT BARGAIN PRICES ! ATTENTHI FARMERS BE SURE TO COME TO THE \- PLOWING DEMONSTRATION on the farm of WERNER TANTZEN, located across from Zion School, north of Benmiller, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 4 See the fabulous FORD 6000 tractor with a five bottom plough. The Fordson super major with • four• furrow plough and the world's ;most powerful tractor for its -size The Fordson Deitta Diesel. These, tractors will be avail- able for you to try in actual working conditions. EVERYONE WELCOME — REFRESHMENTS • FORD TRACTOR and EQUIPMENT SPECIAE.IST WILL T -1A -N6 TO ANSWER - QUE•STIONS.- Goderich Motors Ltd. Goderich, Ont. eRns .d BUCHANAN VANDERBURGH A wedding trip to Quebec City foli;Owed the marriage on Satur- day, July 22, of Diane Evelyn Rena Vanderburgh, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. George Albert Van- derburgh, "Goderich, and John Ma uice .Buchanan son of Mr. afitl-:iKrsr � � n� .; Rli 3.. r• e ieli:=<. '-'i hcl;. od tie em x on was performed by Rev. Father. R. Moynahan in St. • Peter's .Roman Catholic • Church. Mrs - Carl Schneiker presided at the organ and soloist was Mrs. Bert Baechler. The bride was giyen in mar- riage by Harvey Hodges, ,of Fort Albert. She chose a floor -length gown of chantilly lace and tuite over slipper - satin. The fitted bodice featured lily point sleeves and a sabrina neckline embroid- ered ' with pearls and sequins. The aisle -wide skirt Was accent- ed with 'alternate panels of chantilly lace and 'tulle. -- A chantilly lace headpiece with set-up crown and flowers held her finger-tip veil 4f tulle illus- ion and she carried a crescent arrangement of , red yuletide roses. The bride's attendants were r§-71Ce ili °"GMtr-uf-Outlerich; and Mrs: Don Chisholm, of Tor- onto. They were gowned alike in three:quarter-length dresses of French blue figured brocade and they carried colonial bon) quets 01 yellow mums. The g>;oom's brother, Marcel Buchanan. and Don Fuller were groomsmen, and ushers were the brides brother, George Vander - burgh and the groom's brother, Ronald - Bu anan -•/til" rich.. ... Following the. ceremony, the i bride and groom, with their par- ents, received the guests at .a reception at the Meadow Brook restaurant. Mrs. Vanderhurgh chose a mauve flowered nylon dress with white accessories and a °corsage of., pink carnations and the groom's mother wore a blue lace ensemble - with white accessories and a ,pink carnation corsage. Tor -travelling the bride--chang; ed to p yellow organza egress vGi.tlr matching accessories and a Corsage- of yellow carnations. They will reside at R.H. 1, Gode- rich. Guests were present from Que- bec, Toronto, Acton, Owen Sound, Brampton, Clinton, Sea - forth and Goderich. Pre -nuptial parties were given in their honor when the bride was entertained at showers at the homes of Miss Jane Las - saline, Mrs. Keith Good and Mrs. Jim Sherratt; and the bride and groom were guests of honor at a dinner party and presentation at The Little Inn, Bayfield, ar- ranged by the Signal -Star man- agement and staff, of which the groom is .a member. 4,74 BERGES — HAY s Mary Beryl Hay, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George C. Feagan, G-`u'd°ertcfr; •�beca ie•-the--fx-ide of. John Louis Berges, son of Mr. • and Mrs. L. C. Berges, Kitch- • cher, in a ceremony at Knox • Presbyterian Church on Satur- • day, July 22, with Rev.. G. L: 0 Royal- officiating:, Miss-Suranx � Hay, soloist, sang "O -Perfect. Love" and "The Wedding Pray • - er." ° For her wedding, the bride • - wore a Victorian gown of pure 2 -- silk - silk organza appliqued with • French cord lace featuring a ' 0 rounded neckline.. An organza 2 flower he'addtesS held--h•er- - shoulder -length veil and she car- 0 ried a white Bible crested with • white roses. • Miss Barbara Johnston, of •., Goderich, wps maid of honor and Elizabeth , of o••••••••••••••••O•••••®•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• richMiss, and IV1iss JaneHarleyBerges-Gode-, of ••••••••••O Kitchener, were bridesmaids. "'-'" They wore identical dresses of dusty'blue silk organza over taf- feta with matching feather -rose headdresses and •white • acces- • sories and they carried colonial • bouquets, of pink roses. . W111444 I,itvl!xlier, of T+7ronto, was gownsman and- Gordon -Roe. buck, of Kitchener, and Fred Rastel, of Tillsonburg, ushered. Receiving theuests at ' the Little, jinn, Bayfield, the lde's mother wore a mauve silk print sheath with sheer mauve over, dress, white aceessories and a corsage of ,white carnations. The groom's mother chose asr des.f 'it/4 r .+ rganga ittirt : be i e,' testeriea and '.; ; white carnation corsage. For her wedding trip` -to Cape Cod, the bride donned a willow, green.Iinen puit-dress with beige accessories. They, will reside in 1 iteliener. 4 License For Golf Club Some time ago the Maitland Golf Club applied to the On- tario • Liquor License Board for a club license. On Tues- day a news despatch out of Toronto announced that a "re- stricted club license" had . been approved.- Officials of the Maitland Golf Club are not certain- what is meant by a "restricted club license" and are" awaiting more detailed -itr€orotation as to--what---it-en-- tails. In the same despatch, a total of ten applications was mentioned as being ap- The er >x God h &i n t tc ,� aid ar, Thursday, AIWA proved nOthe `cluhin thi area to be awarded a "re- stricted club licepse" is the lihron Fish and Game Con- servation Authority, of Clio- ten. [ .. CLfl't'1 OR Aretail It uo Sztore Clinton last Y rod le of Clinton, has been 'appointed as the assistant vendor of the LCBQ store. with the ANK OF. M.ONTREA.L a !afflhlUIlflOflCe an LOW-COST, LIFE -INSURED LOANS FFPSQ • V•••N•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••,N • • • 0 • r•. • .:f .-5 • • • • • • • • •• i • •. • • • • • • • • • • •• • • O 0 • r • • • sr• • 0 0 0 • • • • • • J3eaut iil -. Classics by O.IfITALY Top sellers across Canada! Style #70001/2: twin set of 30 gauge pure 'Botany wool, -.machine washable. absolutely - unshrinkable even in the hottest water. Regular stock for im ie- diate delivery in all...f.I-Lion colors. PulloN er,. i etail approN... 36.95 and. $7.95; Cardigans $3.95. Matwl ing Slims -in pure wool retail :.�. approx. $12.95. • • • • • • • • • • • . • .• • • A • • • • • • • • ••• • • EXCLUSIVELY SOLD • IN GODeitiaH BY' • F. E. HIBBERT. • • sons • •• ••••• Helena Rubinstein Onee-a-Year Beauty first. Lasting Color Rinse Buy _Color Lift® fiair Rinse, the •, rst color rinse to last through 5 shampoos! Won't rub off and color stays true. Free Silk -Sheen Cream. Shampoo, -with special condi- tioners. value 2.20 SALE 175 Bask Beauty Treatment Buy beep Cleanser Liquid Cream with Penetre1.* • Cleanses deep down, removing every bit of make- up and soil. •TM • Free Skin Dew® • gives instant mitt - tare. l'renah-for. mulated lotion. - value 34 "' • • SALE 175 Beautiful Eyes—ALL DAY Buy Mascara. Matic,® the first and finest auto- matid' mascara, velvets lashes with lasting color. Wa- terproof, aterproof, re4.1.142ie,....,_.,„ Free Eye Liner Pencil. Fine qual- , ity. For defining eyelids and brows.' value 3.25 SALE 250 Famous Glamor Make -Up Boy Silk -Tone® Liquid Make-up for all skins -ideal ' for dry -it mois. trizes as it beauti- fies. ° Fres Dew -Kissed lipstick refill for "Convertible" lip- stick case. tktlue 3.00 SALE 175 L fJllt�t) 'TIME oONLV EMERSON'S DRUG: STORE 44 Thu Square, Goderich , JA 4.9212 1 -a AW3.EAL MONEY SAVER -,1- 0 Bedroom Suite Ij Living Room Suite 0 Kitchen Set and. 0 A 9 x 12 Rug "A" — Two piece 'CHESTERFIELD SUITE. Covered must Y 100% Nylon. Tour choice of colors. Also Coffee Table. with 10;pc. Coffee Set and Two End ` Ta}yles with Lamps. In all — 17 PIECES. "B" — 9' x 12' AXMINSTER WOOL RUG:. "C" A beautiful CHROME DINETTE SET with a coin- • plete Dinner Set — 16 PIECES. "D — BEDROOM SUITE. Solid' ends and tops. Complete with Lamps,' Pillows and Pillow Slips. 11 PIE ,pS. ALL OF THE ABOVE FOR ONLY $58'9.00 Or may be purchased separately if desired at SALE PRICES!! ALSO AVAILABLE — A COMPLETE 3 ROOM SET for only COME IN ANP SIE, OUR QUALITY LINE of . BEDROOM 'SITES This month only -- FREE SIMMONS MATTRESS with each . suite: TWO ONLY with FREE SPRING and MATTRESS. ALL TOP -0.1'•' 'HE XJNE.._..auras ............. _ ._.. . ti 4 e