HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-21, Page 1try AND HURON & MIDDLES H;X GAZETTE. "HEW TO Thar LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' VOL, XVIII, NO. 30. LEGAL, U. ,)iOKSON, Barrister, Sall- . citoi of Anpreme Court, Notary Public, 3onvevsncer. Clmwlasiotier, etc Money to Goan- Omoein Fenson'sBlock. ExeterA' T FL 0OI1 iNS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc. T T, T. Office ever the Post Office, ELLIOT EtaitoT, Banisters, Solicitors,, Notaries ?Olio, Conveyancers &e., &o. T �,•I,iney to Leen a.t honest; Iiataa• of Interest, -+7 T1vI;k`.`I`,-y t)Fl:i(:1, ,ASAIN, , , iK>.Tl';P, in v. rr 4oT. J. oramor.. DPITAL _. ..._ ii,. 0. 1I. Iti G RA M, Drti Snece,sor to ft, 14, Billings, (Member of the !royal College of Dental :;ulaeaus.1 Teeth in,erte * with or without Plato. intiol:torRut Iter. Asate Ance•stlletie given for the painless a>tr ction of teeth. Plates t+cared. firmly iso tido mouth by 'Wm :+re.' l .stunt i'al.vu, OFFICE ; Over CONe/..Ni Bauk. Lscanovery Vr4oi1 y. IAN ,1,)1'.N rIS°.l'.r.D. St(l:w Maiu•st,Exettr. !;.:tracts Tootle witllaut rain. AwrAS Qt rr r'Ned.z Pea ;Ira Friday; 4rK4;0rccond. aria fourth Tuesday- and Zuntcn en the last Tlaura- day of ouch health. [11IO\VNING M. D., M. 0 , Graduate Victoria Uuivolr ty: 1f(iee scut realdeuce. Dom.pian Lent on?. Exeter. 1191,1.9391919941, R. 13.1714DMAN, coroner for ao Oonnty of 'Huron. Ocoee, opp ,site Carling Bros. store, Exeter. ft. J. A,. ROLI,INS,M.0.2, €a. itJ U, Moe, Main St, Exeter, Ant. BotWenae, house recently occupied bye, afo Phillipe, Eft. r F. CUT'l'EN, M. D., O. M., lLJ• (lradeeto Trinity University, Tor- ento Fel. Trfn. Mod. sabool,Torouta ; Grad. Am £ust•.6'ranioloxi; Member N. Y. Acad. Anthropoiogy; \lumber Col. P. S., Ont•— otlico, Dashwood.ont. T R. DAV LI) M. STAEBLER, L.F (11;3zVL1i3ITk' oil TORONTO) it Physician. $urgeOn. eta. having spent the winter of 18141-9r in New York, and winter of 1937-88 in Vienna, Austria. Oman s CREDITON, ONTARIO. DR W0OT3RZ,7FF Diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE Alen THROAT Eye glasses and Spectacles furnished for both Near and Distant Vision, Always at home, except on Fridays. No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, Ontario. AUCTIONEERS. AJ. ROLLINS, LICENSED • Auctioneor for Counties Huron and Middlesex. Residence,1 mile south of Exeter. P. 0.. Exeter. F4 BOSSENBERRY, General Li- / • oensod Auctioneer Sales conducted in &Sparta. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. 8ensall P 0, Ont. HENRY EMBER Licensed Auc- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Middlesex : Sales oonductcd at mod- erate rates. OlSce,at Post-ofhoe, Cred- ton Ont. H. PORTER, GENERAL D• • Auctioneer andLandValuator. Orders sent by mail ao my address, Bayfield P.O., willreceiveprompt attention. Terms moder- ate. D. H. PORTER., Auctioneer, VETERINARY . Tennent& Tennent EXETER. ONT. graduates of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. OFFICE : One door South ofTown Hall, MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND percent, $25.000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. R DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, SURVEYING. FRED W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- 01-21\TER, ETC., Office, 'Upstairs .Samwell's.Block, Exeter,Ont INSUIUNCE THE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. IIead Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property and private residences, either on buildings or can tents,the most favorable protection in ease of loss or damage by fire orlightnine, at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- able company can affo rd t o wrc te. 42,375 poll: cies in force 180 ;1890. Assets $378,428.00 in cash in bank. Government dopost. Deben- tures and Premium Notes, JAMES GRANT, President; D: 0. MoDo.tL» ,Manager. DAVI31 JAougs,Agent for Exeter andvicinitr EXETER, ONTARIO, TI URSDAY MORNING, AZAY 21; 1891 Kelp in Flind The 241th ofIVErvy AfoTt ,Fish & Co, are tarn - out some nobby Suits for the holiday. Special Tweed Pants $1.25. MILLINERY MILLINERY l.e rush to our Show Rooms shows how the s appreciate ladies. stylish 1\1111i(1er)% EVerybady goes sten ' dt 1ig13tac3, We are showxnn some beautiful Imes of DRESa GOODS in the new Colors ; Trimmings to match. • Speoi.i-t1. ; Cashmere Hose, Ladies' Colored Kid Gloves and Cotton Underwear. A. J, MoTA ViSly ce 00. k'uilartou. 13iu rs--,-The Fniterton abeeso factory commenced operations on Monday. We wish Mr Stacey more success than ever %bis Beeson.. -Mr James Harmer met with a painful accidept on Monday, being struck on the leg by a young horse that he was brealting, w1iah will leave him lame for some time ; and on Tuesday he bad hoe large finger tearfully lacerated whileleading a colt to Feature, by the rope getting fast in a fence and a coil of tbo tope wti.ding round his finger tearing the Reek off to the bone, -41.0 4-.1111 14111atOW11- -Meet �f o farmers -i this is vicinity have fipisbe:l mewing mau;olds and plauting potatec•s.-We are glad to learn that Mr WM Duncan is mending rapidly, -The young men of tide vicinity are very numb pleased to awl that it wee not ghosts walell they came in contact witie €vt16 weeke ego; AR tinder` is 81086 exer lii,a- tion it was leaded to bean animal which resides at Kirkton which the young men of Plugtowu calf surae i, That thing they have no uas for whatever, ---It is curious rails are drawn from geto to gate and the piercing, cries of wilol cats have been beard rued the villager has been awakened from is sleep by their inharmonious cries. -..-Tho e siANI of the day sal "Para Gently By." Ithaca•+ --.,rawly tcer3 alto expreasiroua0f re- gret aud sorrow eta lioaring of rho deaf!% of Mr A. M. Campbell, et the I3rensean Noe. Peeease3 !incl been ailing for startle time past, and tinder medical advice teak a trip to Misseari, thinking it weal tae of benefit to him, but lois delie'ite COnsirtutiOn wee 290% et•rorog cereuele to eland tho fatigue of the long journey, and be died eon after tris arrival there. The remains wero brought back for, interment on Wednesday in. Bayficl:l cemetery, Ho leaves a wife and 8tx children to mourn his loss. Stara, Bi t' - -3fise artery A, Liorburn line left our neighborhood for \Vingbam whore she intends to reside in future. It is rumored that n cousin of tors younptleay will chauge her name this week, -Mr Hugh Hamilton bad uplonebing bee on bis :farm laat weak at wltiah abort twenty pores were ploughed. -Mr John Sadler has completed tbo ad- dition to his store •.-We forgot at an earlier dnto to congratulate our friend, Ur A. K Fergauon, on carrying off the ftrel year's soholarehip at Trinity Medical School, a cheque a few days ago. -A baseball match bad been arranged to bo played between the married and single men of the Staffs club on Saturday evening, but the match has been declared off, and it is intended to play the Cromarty club at Cromarty on Saturday evening, at about six o'olook. Botli teams intend entering in the tournament in Mit- ellell on May 25th. -Mr. and Mrs, Hoskin epont Sunday In Exeter. CoNSC]InTICN AND LUNG I.trrPicnLTIES.- Alrvays arise from particles of corrupt mat ter desposited in the air -cella, by impuro blood, Purify that stream of life and it will very soon carry off and destroy the poieonoua matter, and like a orystal river flowing through a desert, will bring with it and leave throughout the body the elements of beeltli and strength As a river, leaving the elements of fertility in its course, causes the before barren waste to bloom with flowers and trait, so pure blood causes the frame to rejoice in strength and health, and bloom with uafading beauty. All Medicine Dealers sell Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills. John Harvey, aged 40 years, a native of Brucefield, committed suicide at St Paula, Minn , on Friday last, He married a wife near Winnipeg who he claims drove him to commit the rash act. He made an attempt to shoot his wife just before the suicide. Many ofhis friends live near Brncofield. GOOD NEWS —AND -- Very Encouraging. From all parts comes the good tidings that fall wheat has passed through the chang• ing periods of winter safely, and that fully 95 per cent. of last fall's sowing is now pre- senting a very encouraging growth and strength. For many years it has not looked more favorable and offering greater prom- ises to the tiller of the soil, and all must feel an interest in the result ; and it is nevertheless true that the undersigned has never placed be- fore the needy public a larger variety of goods, a better class of goods and a better stock to select from than at present : comprising Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Ladies' Dress Goods in all kinds and shades needed; also Ladies and Gents' Fine Boots and Shoes ; also children's. Groceries and Crockery, Wall -paper and Cutlery. Kindly call and examine for yourselves. Farm produce taken in exchange for goods and prices paid for same according to quality. J. P. CLARKE. Audereou. linrsre-a-Miss Jeeu-re Lane, atlas speera- nig a few clays at Itomo, returned to Delaware "Luerdny l:zet.-Mr Kirkby Lobed eon disposed of a valuable atserr lately tvl;icli turned the scales at 1,7G11 lbs. T140 animal was only 2 yore and 9 months obi- --:lies Annie Lane bee aerepteai the peri tion of organist in the church. Miss L is a r t b n =- not 1' aCC,a .Ola C�1 1183eian and too h m 1 m not fell to give entire satisfaction. --Tire tna80115 have tiolshed the foundation of th, chute +, and the corner atone will be laid on May 28th. There will be present : 1)r' Griffin of Stratterd ; aud the Bev* Green of Leath ; Leeof noodbnui ; Fletcher of Fnrqubnr; Hamilton ot Motherwell aud Campbell of St Marva. Blyth. BRrrra-Mr Alex Smith returned from AIaaitoba this week. -Mr John Denholm shipped two carloads of potatoes from this station to Ciucinnati this week. -Tho funeral of filo late Mr John Clowilt took place on Wednesday to the English church cemetery fullowed by a large number of sorrowing friends, -Tho social hold at #be rosidouce of Mr R Howard, under the aus- pices of the Woman's Guide of the English allure)), was well attended. Pt accede 017. -dloKinnonaud Son baro been able to make satisfaatory arrangements with their creditors and able to open out -again on Saturday. --On Saturday evening at about 5.30 the English church was reported to be on fire. It appears thorn was choir practice going on and by some means or other one of tbo lamps on the organ fell to the floor of the choir gallery which was enveloped in flames in an instant. Several of theeitizene wero quickly on hand and with a few pails of water kept it under control. Goderioh -- BRIEFS-Last Sunday evening the Pres- byterian and North Street Methodist Minis- ters exchanged pnlpitea-The steamer Monarch, of the Beatty line was in Goderioh on Sunday. -H G Hopkirk, of Stratford, was In the circular town on Saturday, - Barrister J. Elliot, of Exeter, was in the county town last week. -Inspector of Inland revenue, A, Cavan. was iu Goderioh on Wednesday. -The fishing tugs Messenger and Despatch, were storm bound in port on Saturday. -There is some talk of organ- izing a branch of the Sons of England benetit society here. -The steamer George Sovereign took on a quantity of salt and fishing supplies for upper ports on Friday. .-The schooner Koltage came in on Friday from Sanduskey with a load of coal for J. Kidd, -The members of the A. 0. U. W. will attend the North Street Methodist church next Sunday morning. -Dr Hutchi- son and bride, of Montreal, were last week guests of the doctor's paronte.-Dr Boys, of Virginia City, Nevada, was the guest last week of Rev George Richardson. -Mr P. Maloomson has successfully passed the solicitor's and barrister's examination at Toronto. -County Clerk Adamson is report- ed to have shown signs of improvement the past week, -Our builders are at present fully employed, a large number of new buildings being under contract, Centralia. EXETER DISTRICT -The annual meeting of the Exeter District was held in Centralia Methodist ohurr e, May 13th and 14th, Rev A. L. Russell, chairman of the Dis- trict, presided. There was a full attendance of clerical and lay delegates. Rev 3. E. Holmes was elected secretary, T. H. Down and C. A. Smith, assistants. All the min- isters were answered for as being blameleee in life, conversation and doctriue. Mr C. A. Smith, a promising young man, was recommended for the ministry. T. A. Down, a probationer, waseoutinued on trial, Statistical returns reported advancement. Rev W. J. Ford, L. L. B., was elected t o the motioning committee ; Rev D. M. Kennedy and H. Bishop to the Sunday &hoot ecm- mittee; Mr Albert. Langford to the mission- ary committee; Rev S. J. Allan and Andrew Hicks to the Epworth League committee. On the evening of the 13th a sooial enter- tainment was given by the Young People's Sooiety of the church. Tea was served in the basement, after whioh an interesting programme was presented by Rev A. L. Russell, B. D , who presided. Revs J. 0, Nethercott, D. M. Kennedy and J. Russell gave exoellent addresses. Good mneio wee rendered by the ehoir. Revs J. E. Holmes and S. ,T. Allan sang a duett. Tho attend- ance was fair, and me enjoyable evening was spent. ti:ry foss Sftcler', •"'St 1, JOHN WIIITE'& SON Ptsblisher and eevopreetor Greenway Br:lora-.-Mr Fisher, Post OfllcoInspeetor of London, passed tbreugh here on Tuesday making his annual official visit.. -Mies Larva Baker and a number of her pupils are laid up with the thumps, -Mrs F, laene left here last Saturday on a. visit to a'1rs R L Wilson's of Oil Springs -•.-Aur fisberneen are not ableto supply the home market with fi:lt, on account of the unfavorable weather for &tainP, 'MUM -Mr Tho s Stiusan of Bayfield, paid our village a flying visit Friday ; helms placea a targe draw 01 c. atria on the Patterson pasture. -.-.Mr W UEntllisb visited hie tirottrr last week.—Iter ,I il.�lnara receivea two hundred aud twenty tr't dal°AIIs ft', -Pru the Boston church instead of ,�_ a) as reported in the papers last week. . -Mr D Brophey purehasett a now wagan of Mr J It :tie I'herson,--=.hl'esars Wm Corbett and V Reitz, reeves of McGillivray and Stephen passed through here laser Atonday examining the roads ; they have arranged to Meet at Mount Carmel on Si'edfeeday May O tit to let 01411110,8 of graveling the townlino.- Tito Boston Game will becloaca every Wednesday evening at Co o`clock after lst June ; open other evenings till 9 o'clock --=Tao Oliver Bros aro moving the barns and stables of Mr Reuben. Wilson and Mr 1? Ilene loaastraighteneai up hie road fence and improved, it by steins area wire. Zurich, Mu;fulral....9,eeardiaagto tho assc sot's returns the total assessment for the tp of Ilay for 1591 is 51,91%1,470 ; number of aert's. 52.t2it yopnletlorl. 5,739; dogs, 380; ntiltrhe8 days gelato labor, 3,6a:, Tbe sellout population i9 as falowe : Number of ehutiren 'between the ages at i, and 10. 14.ia; between 7 and 13, 618; between 16 and 21, 33e Car:;ctr, ;Urr,lNai-7.ha cannel! of flay met in epeeist meeting in rho town !tail on Friday, May 15th, to °outrider the advisabil- ity of trending a delegate to the Dominion Government in reference to a refund of cer- tain moneys paid by this and other muuiet- parities as bonneto railways. None of the council scented to be very euthusiaetia over the Pentair, although the feeling of the feeling at the meeting was alightly In favor of sending n delegate. 3Ir Hese, reeve, was appointed to eerform that duty. ACCIDENTS -White Ur Bartel Uowald was mimed in movingthe old Lutheran parson- age for Mr Christopher Bess, who bought it, he met with a very severe accident. The building it a very heavy one, and strong force bad to hewed, and a atiok of timber giviug way flow back, striking Mr Howold on the side, inflicting anoh injuries u to lay him up, and it is feared he is hurt in- ternally. The wonder is, be was not m- stantly killed. -1 few days ago while Mr Toseph Broderick and his father wero"kill- ing a pig the animal got cross and caused coneidorablo trouble. The knifo need was somewhat dull and when Mr Broderick plunged it into the pig's neck, it failed to reanh tho vital spot. The pig grouped Mr Broderick by the band, biting the thumb clear off. It then got loose and ran away with the knife in its throat. Additional assistance was procured and the brute was subsequently despatobod, lint Joseph still mourns the lose of his thavib and will have a very painful band for some time, BnrEra—Mr Hardy bas his kitoben nearly oompleted.-Ed. Axt here moved into the house on the Baptist miniater'a property. - Mr Moore, book agent, gardener, nursery agent, etc, oto., has moved to Parkhill. He will be greatly missed in ;he village, -Mr H Dumart is remodelling the dwelling house lately vacated by Mr Moore. It will be quite an improvement to Main ct.-O, Greb is busily engaged he framing his new barn. He is bound to have comfortable =remade - tion for the travelling public. -The parson of the Evangelioal church, Mr Heist, at- tended quarterly meeting in the village of Dashwood last Sunday. -We believe it is the intention to commence an English class in the Evangelical Sunday school here. This is a move in the right direction and will be appreciated by the Englieh people of the village. -Mr Wing is the guest of hie brother. -F Seigner has been somewhat im proving his residenoe.-It is the intention of the pathmasters to build some new gra- vel side walks this spring. The sidewalk leading to the public school grounds is in a very bad condition and should be built anew This is something in which every citizen should be interested. This walk is used much more than any other and should be one of the best: Mr Hideman, pathmaster for the southern division will do his part towards remedying the above mentioned walk. Wonder if it would be unreasonable for the pathmasters of the other divisions to be a little neighborly and contribute something towards building a first claw wide walk from Mr Hess' wagon shop up to the P S grounds? -Some. of the young men of the village had the fire engine out for practice one evg last week, and the working of the engine was not satisfactory. Should the village be so 'unfortunate as to catch fire, the engine would be;of little or no use, in fact fox the number of men required to pump about as much could be done if each would take a pail. We do not advooate buying a new engine, but think that the present one should be thoroughly repaired and a 'company properly organized with regular praorise. We have material for as good a company as there is in Weatern Ontario, Why not have it ? Echo answers: "Them's my sentiments too." -Miss Mo• Allister, of Hills Green, is visiting friends in the village.-MrsaBarrel, of London, was visiting at Mr Latta's on Friday last. -Mr Peter Wagner is oonvalesoent.-Mr George Hees has his photo gallery in good running order. An unfortunate man from Ashfield nam- ed Flynn was taken from Goderioh to the asylum for the insane at London, last Friday.. He is a respectable looking well. to,do farmer about 65 years of age. In one section of Goderieb township there are four nonagenarians: Mrs Beacom aged 91 years and Mrs Wallis, Mrs Jos Curry aud Mrrown aged 90 res eoti oly B a p v y. Mr Brown is able to do light outside work yet and can ace to read with +et spectacles. Crediton. B1tnns -11rs A H Gaiser, of Buffato, is at prevent visiting relatives here.. -:firs Dr Crockery is still very low During the past week her brothers from Winaepeb Chicago, and Beleviile, and sisters from ' !wart, and Marine City. Mich, have been t to see her -Mr John Kuhn, his daughter ,, Mee Won shower aud airs Christopher ER- i ber, lett yesterday for a few week's visit to 1 relatives en Elkton, Mich. -.1.1r Ang ill, has reamed from his trip %1 aieln gan Weunderstand he was not able to sort himself with a hotel. -•Or Steaspent iler enday with his broti;erin London -Some of our townsmen tock a trip to Grand Bend last week to have a sla'y's fishing, the flea were rather scarce but in one ot the hauls a line white it woe tended, of co r= o of f �who they all wanted it, but one them sa l o n Q acenaed smarter than the rest m:tn,,�c 1 to pet there first and stowed it away in the bottom of a beg. He kept o watchful eye on it afterwards, but upon looping for hes tiah it /ma fliseppeered ; Ile bas ainco been tit a. c uandry whether be really hod a white fish or whether some one stole it from hint, there is nothing like being in an honest crowd when out fora day's sport. l --'l'he arrangerncnts for the celebration on Monday are about completed and the ill- . elieatione are that we will Have a big any. The contmitteo have hadd several teams to I work ore the groonds iu:1 a quarter mile track leas been shade for the horse rasing The prime lists are gaes1 considering t1.t k the committee depends altogether On satb eeriptiotaa, and that everything is tree. r The prngsatn for the lbw is a9 follows ,-- ! At 9 a.ns, celithunapien p:ara,le heo ie 1 ay captain taonstentinopelis^heri.+ielreendt:ser.- l sertvalter. 10 ,t.en, a ganio of 11°1so ball between Zunichand Crediton *lube. At 1 p.m. a sbootiug rnatela at ;lass balls or keyetoue tare;ets, at the Kano time the athletic sports will be ear riga on, 4 p in. t a toi trotting race free toall. In the evening the young people who foal dispos- ed to do 50 may indulge in the light fantas- tie, until they feel that they have amply celebrated the aunivorsary of the birthday of our Most Gracious Sovereigns we are sura to have a big flay :if the weather be favorablee--(ln Friday hast Dr Steeblor hitehefl his horse to his new cart, express- ly eonstrncted for him, by Messrs R onzel et Smith. He and Mr Wenzel took a short drive init to teat its riding guiltier; and were greatly pleased with it. The bora° however wished to express his joy over the new conveyance aud made matters quite lively for a while, threatening to make kindiing wood of it. but happily he was quieted down and the cart got off safely. It is quite a .handsome turnout and certain- ly reflects great credit on the builders and the good taste of the doctor. We feel confidont that should Wenzel have to make another within G months he would go bald altogether from scratching the ideas out of his head. -On Tuesday evening the band favored us with some selections on the street which made the village quite lively for a while. Dashwood. Bnittira- Dr,Cutten and F. Weurtz intend leaving in a couple of weeks for a trip to Manitoba and Dakota. They will be ab. Bent about two months. We wish them a pleasant trip. -Tho population of Dashwood is increasing considerably and large num- ber of handsome residences is being erected. -Jack Frost paid ns another visit on Saturday night last. -The peach blossoms seem to have suffered, but cherries look healthy yet. -The Indians have left Smolt ing Hollow. -Mr F Ehlers is improving his farm by building patent fences. -Last Sunday there were Quarterly Meeting services in the Evangelical church hero. The meetings were conducted by Rev G Heist, of Zurich. A large number of Zurich friends attended. -Pentecost ser vices were held in the Lutheran church on Saturday and Sunday last. -Mr J Hall one of our prospering merchants has had a flight of new steps put iu front of his store, -Messrs H Dumart and Steinbach called on some of their friends last Sunday Mrs Kaercher spent a few days -Mr and ill s K er d y at home in Sebringville.-Dr L F Outten has returned from his trip to Montreal. The report that some one had circulated that he had gone to the N W was utterly false. -Mr le Cook returned home last Friday. -Miss Walker, of Brussels and Miss E Steinbach, of Zurich were the guests of Miss L Voeiker on Sunday. -Mr and Mrs 3 Eidt are home again from their visit to New Hamburg. -Mr H Greb, of Zurich, the Official Health Inspector, paid this village his visit on Wednesday last-- Mr J Sherrot, of Harpley, was in this vici- nity last week buying lambs. Lambe are going at 41t cents a ponnd this year. Mc- Kinley, where are you ?-Mr L Restemayer has rented the fifty acres on the Bronson, formerly occupied by Mr M Vincent from the Canada Co at the yearly rent of g20. - Mr J Snell has finished taking the census and has delivered the books. Mr Snell had the largest division in the county. The population of Hay is in the neighborhood of 4,200. Mrs D Dirstein and her sister Miss E ; raybill left for Saginaw, Mich, last week. Mr D Dirstein has been there for some time in the employment of a bar- ber. -Mr J Witzel bought a fast driver the other day from a man in Stanley. -Mr W W Ball has greatly improved his lot on the Bronson by a row of trees along the front. -Mr W Pfaff our enterprising but- cher has moved his slaughter house futher south. -The side walks are in a very poor repair at present. Something ought to be done to repair them immediately or a fatal accident may be the result. -The base ball movement has collapsed , We understand an effoit is being made now to form a foot ball club, but the trouble is that there are no proper grounds in our village at present, the former grounds being token up by the new buildings. -The walls of Mr G Keller - man's house are finished and the roof is being put on quite rapidly. -A number of our citizens intend to spend the 25th in Crediton, where there will be a monstrous lonstration.-W e understand that atSS No 4, Hey, is going to have a picnic of BABG4IN DEPOT t We have just received a shipment of lovely Tweeds for Spring and Summer Suit- ngg and. fancy Pa.utln„s- They are really the finest and most perfect lot we have ever bad the pleasure of showing. The prices are lower thann ever. We will be pleased to show these goods to anyone, regardless whether they wish to but or not. NOTE :--A large consignment of Felt and Straw slats just in, which to see is to admire. Prices liIr;llr. .._.� T. P. ROSS. the Benfl ou thio 2.ath, - A laroe`:toasi front Creditonattended the meetings here last qunday,:senin ,.---Somebody's sheep seem - el to be in lamentable enndition ou Sun- day reoreing 11,4, if we may judge by the disturbance they caused. -Potato planting is the order of the slay at present, -Several of our farnera to,,k some of their colts to the =lets on Tues;lay.-- Oar horsemen are ,raining their young horses. Wo may ex- pect Searle wiudslalitatr, in our viitago if cot no Pi.-' the collo turn out evo .lits is a fine time of the year for erec uet playing. Wonder bow the Zurieb players aro fairing this year We would like to give them a trial. -Mr Roynold's stage horse almost ran away one evening this week, but it was stopped before it got far, -On Tuesday evening last a meeting was held to consid• er the advisability of forming a young people's society of some kind in connection with the Evangelical church. All present seemed to be in favor, but as this is some- thing entirely new here, the meeting could not come toe definite conclusion- In the meantime meetings will be held in reconec- tion with the prayer shooting This is as move in the right direction. As this is the time of the year when a certain amount of recreation is uecessaryandin accordance with the laws of health, especially for those who are omployed doting the entire day with indoor work, wo would call the attention of our merchants etc, to try and come to seine agreement to close all stores and shops at an earlier hour than usual, Eight o'clock would be a seasonable hour (Too late for last week.) Bruges -Mr and Mrs J Eidt are at prey. ent visiting friends in New Hamburg aud vioinity.-Mr L. Pfeffer and family, of \\\ Milverton, are visiting friends in Dashwood. -Messrs P. Sippel and H. Weber of Zurich paid our village a visit on Monday evg. A large number from hero attended the funeral of Mrs Peefl in Zurich on Sunday last. Mrs Pfeil was an elder daughter of the late Mr D. Ruby of Dashwood. -The Peach trees are in full blossom at present. -The boys enjoyed a game of base ball on Thursday last, -Dr L.F. Outten is on a trip to Montreal this week. -0. McLaughlin who has lately been in the employ of Mr N. Weldin bas left aur village and "is seen no more"; nevertheless we expect to hear from him sometimes. We would like to know whether he has found that "sweeter speck." Hensall BREWS -The boys are putting in a few nights' practise for the sports. -Our village boys went to Seatorth to play foot ball with the Egmondville team, but were defeated. -A number of the owners of fast horses are practising their equines and report good success. We have an Al track. -Mr. McArthur has gone to the Sault on business -A large number of good cattle were shipped from here the other day. -Mr. Charles Myers is somewhat under the weather. -We are creditably informed that Mr. Paterson purposes shifting his planing. mill further south, -D. Stewart's house is being rapidly finished, -Mr Cudmore is building the foundation of the Red Tavern school. -John should notswing so much on the miller's swing. -Chas Bur- ford is in the race for prize mangolds.- A new shingle has been hung out by an M. D. Everything is being over crowd- ed. -Mr. Cook, our enterprising miller, is planting shade trees at the side of the walk to his mill. -I. J. West has chang- ed his appearance of late, as have also Messrs. Weseloh, Elder and Colwill,- Itis our painful duty to record the death of one of Tuckersmith's early pioneers in the person of William Elder. Deceased was born in Scotland, and. when a young man sailed to America to push his fortunes here. He proved em- inently successful in that line, for at the time of his death he was the owner of six or seven. hundred -acre farms. He was a kind, whole-sonled, generous man, loved and respected by al!. The town- ship loses a good citizen, the family a good, kind father, and the wife a loving husband. -Mrs. Wm, McClymont, of this place, was called to Mitchell to vee her father, who was reported dying ; but we are glad to say lie is now some- what better. -Mr. E. Bossenberry has, left for Lucan, to attend the rages, with his colt, She's a good one, ---The Tem- perance organisation purpose giving an entertainment soon.- Some solopticati views were given in the Meth, church Tuesday gunder evg. It was u 1d.,r the auspices of the Epworth League.