HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-07-13, Page 3Former Purity •El•ou•r Employee • Has Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carter, employed at the Purity Flour of Galt, natives of Clinton and Mill at Goderich. Recurring. at- Goderich respectively recently tacks of- astlitna forced him- to celebrated their goldben wedding leave Goderich and move to anniversary at Galt. Galt. Since going to Galt 11 Their golden wedding -man- years ago, Mr. Carter has been niversary should have been cele- employe,,d by Canadian Tap and brated on December 26, 1.960, Die Company there. but due to the fact -that Mrs. Besides their son, Philip, who Carter was hospitalized at that lives at Galt, they have a Soni, time, the celebration had to be Stewart, of a Don Mills nd an - postponed. other son,. Bill, who 'Byes in u... `'hg '11 'e mar d, 14.Paxttands -, Oreg0 ,--... es , quiet c�emony l tie man ''ha'6 free' axidre niy3ieii �i�:�r ::�: ��-p .�'...� Goderich, by Dr. George Ross. centre t'he attractive serving For 40 years, Mr. Carter .was table which was cove Ted with a - Modern - Hair. Styling 6Y KARIN Now OPEN at the corner of Hamilton and Newgate Streets GODER'ICH Hair -Shaping and Permanents . ESKA PROTEIN WAVE * FROSTING — BLEACHING -- TINTING OPEN SATURDAYS — ALL DAY Appointmen#s made To�`s°iiifi gold elbth at the re,eSion held.. Gold eattndles in silver holders fianke41 silver .bowl of spring liowrers. Pouring tea from the lovely silver service which is over 100 years old was Mrs. M. Heddle, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, a sister sof Mrs. Carter, and another sister, IIrs. Verne Gledhill, of Benmiller. Friends and relatives attending were from Galt, Owen 'Sound, Seaforth, Azin Arbor, Goderich and Don Mills. LOST TRICYCLES Three 'tricycles, a red, -a black and a blue one were left at, the beach' at Goderich harbor last Sunda ,, °' £% '-c.vere reit d' p by -a -member of the Goderichi police force- and tr.qula ,:to;:tb station where the otivners may pick them up. •• eeeee•••••••“••••., SUNSET DR1VE-I N 15 miles east hof Goderich on No. 8 F.ighway Wednesday, Thursday, Friday— July 12, 13, 14 MARK FORREST and ELEANOR- .d3UFFO YOUR, CONVENIENCE For Appointments CaII JA 4-97327tes. 8881 ,24tf • AIR- CONDITIONED PARK & ENTERTAINMENT FOR COMFORT Now Playing—"The Three Worlds of Gulliver". Kerwin Matthews., and. Jo Morrow, - in_,an amazing scope and _.,,color attraction. MON., TUES., WED.—Jul=y- 17, 18;19 ELVIS PRESLEY, Barbara Eden, Dolores Del Rio Present a story dealing'with the dramatic problems of a half -`breed son. "FLAMING STAR" Scope and Color THURS., FRI., SAT.—July -20, 21, 22 , 'YuI Brynner, Eli Wallach, Steve McQueen Telling of peace -loving people in a small Mexican 'village. "The Magnificent .Seven" Scope and De l..0xe Color 'GOLIATH and the DRAGON” Scope and Color -3 Shorts Adult Entertainment Saturday, Monday, Tuesday— July 15, 17, 18 Double Bill Clint Walker and Letitia Roman "GOLD OF THE SEVEN SAINTS" Pius a thrilling second feature. `GIGANTIS the FIRE MONSTER' Wednesday, Thursday, Friday— . July 19, 20, 21 ' Curt Jurgens and Dawn Adams "HOUSE 'OF INTRIGUE" Scope and. Color Wanda Hendrilp and Charles Coburn Coming—"ON . THE BEACH." Gregory Peck and Ava -..Gardner-r - • " The Highwayman In Technicolor �. •••o•.••.r••••N6••••• Arthur Phelps` - mailbag con- tains several hundred weekly newspapers for offbeat news items to broadcast on his CBC radia show, ",Neighbougly News, The show, heard Sunday morn- ings on the Trans -Canada" net- work, celebrates its 21st birth- day this year. ROVER CREW HONORS ITS DEPARTING LEADER Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thorne were each honored with 'a gift by the Third Goderich Rover Crew. Rover Mate Jim Lodge made the presentations on be- half of the Crew. They left last week -end for Penhold, Alberta, where he has been posted by the R.C.A.F. He has been at Clinton for the past 0seven years. Four years ago, he organized the Rover Crew in Goderich and has been leader of these 20 boys ever since. They have been very active members of Knox Presbyterian Church where he served on the Board of Managers and she was very active in the Arthur Circle. Girl Guides, Brownies, Wolf Cubs and Boy Scouts also pre- sented the couple with parting gifts. ..- Mr. Glen Lodge4has been ap- pointed Rover Crew, Leader to succeed—Mr—Thorne and Alee Twaddle will continue as assist- ant Rover Crew Leader. ••••••••••••••i•peeve oeillififee4►' Weello'ofeeal a it a•••••ri•'••tr••o - . • • • •• • • • :" • • • •• • • • ••• • • •• • • 3 • • • • ••• • •• • • •• • • • •e � � / '"l. r{ / .: �i llln ni nlAIIIIInIIIl M11111131 - v' �nll ""— • ROOFINCI • WINDOW • • DOORS 5 Cai�_ :�•'�' • SIPIN9 1 •• • SUPPLIES at ECONOMICAL- PRICES i JOHN ..• 163 ELGIN AVE., E. GODERICHPHONE JA 4-8171 25-27 • •�•••••••••••••••••r•••u•••••••••• • N • '•• Us FOR ALL BUILDING BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN. THEATRE Ltd. LINTDM-- ADVENTURESOME BOYS GIVE THS 'PQUCE MERRY CHASE Two Stratford boys, aged 12 Goderich to pick up their wand- ering children. . Goilerieh. pollee would. not re- lease the names of the children, nor of the Stratford parents who came to Goderich Sunday night to claim them: It was also understood that no charges would be -'laid. and 13, kept Ontario Provincial Felice at-'t'xoderich on the go over'' the week -end. It started about 11 p.m., Sat- urday when, the boys told police at Mitchell they had been visit- ing in Stratford lived in Gode- rich, and Wanted to get home. 1Vlitcb.ell police contacted Goderich ,,police, and police of- ficers at Stratford got in touch with ,the Provincial Felice de- itdt� e boys up. °Gvd rl(ih, with.,,af,s_wift. ride ,courtesy. of thea Ontario Provincial Police, the lads were turned over to Goderich officers ho attempted to find the home in which the boys lived. Officers say the boys told them they had just moved to Gede- rieh a day or two before, and didn't know what street they lived on, nor where to find it. They said however, they',d know the house when they saw it. That earned them a ride in another cruiser. Officers drove the boys all around Goderich residential streets until about 1.30 a.m. • Sunday, when suddenly one of the lads -pointed to a house and said that was where they lived. On checking the, house, officers found no one hothe. -Back tothe p_ lice- station Thursday, Friday— July 13, 14 "CARRY. ON NURSE" (Adult Entertainment) Kenneth Connor, Shirley Eaton 1 Short (Color) (One Cartoon) where kindly officers made up beds for the boys, and leaving the cell doors open, said good- night. After "tucking" the travellers in, the officers again checked the house in question. By this time, it was nearly 2 a.in. and this time there was ,someone home. An irate citizen answered the knock on the door, understand- ably puzzled at the middle -of - the -night visit, and ''Stated em- phatically he had no children. Meanwhile, back at the police station, there wete two empty beds behind those open Bell doors. When 'officers returned, they had no company. That was the' last to be heard of the two youngsters until 6 p.m. Sunday night when Con- stable Harold Creedon of .the Goderich force met both of the lads corning up_ the road from. Sunset Beach. They told police this time that they had spent the night cm the beach, had lit a fire to keep warm, and had.. spent the entire clay on the beach. They , were all Tight, police said, but had no food ,all day. Meanwhile, back in Stratford, it was reported that there were two boys missing, and some Stratford parents, Before the night was, over, had a trip to Saturday and Monday— July 15, 17 "FLAME OVER, INDIA" (Color) (Scope) Kenneth More, Lauren Baca!! (One Cartoon) Tuesday and Wednesday— July 18-1.9 "THE SUNDOWNERS." (Color) Robert Mitchum, Deborah Kerr (One Cartoon) First Show at Dusk. Children under 12, in cars, Free • FIFTY GODER:ICH BOYS SEE PRO BALL GAME fIainiltoan, 41, of G0%107 4100 oomoiromusommoosom0000poomosw Fifty members of the Safety and costa, or 14 days - Patrol were taken ours bus trip a charge of unpaired. *owe June 24. Hamilton, who pleaded'rn Deno last Sunday to Aetroit, This annual trip, sponsored,, joi fitly by the Junior Chamber of Gom- raeece and the Goderich Police Force, is given in 'recognition of -the faithful service these boys and girls have given during the past school year. Sgt. H. J. C.4ilvert and Consta' - :rawford accompanied these children to see a double -Header ball game between Detroit and Los Angeles. During the inter- mission, ersonnel of they De - V ,t�t ✓efleft `'Goderich at 7.30 m, The' Gode ie a Signal guilty, was also prohibited freni driving f ori one year. On a charge of having , liquor, illegally, he was tined $15 and costs or three days in jail, .the terms to run donsecutively,. W' ' • - + + _ • Sts..witir Mr. Mrs. M. S. Sutherland. EIin avenue, were Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Crabb, of Hamilton. Octogoarian Iilc pj'j9` Members of *the Octogenarinrr 'Club will hold their annual pic- nic on July 19. The afternoon's program will begin with a short memorial service at the Park, corner of St. Patrick and Arthur streets. Mr. J. D. Patterson, organizer of this club and chair- man for the past 14 years, will be the master of ceremonies. Following this service, the guests will. betaken to the Kins- men playground where the pre- sident of the. Kinettes, Mrs.' Jeanne McCauley, and the treas- urer, Mrs. Grace Patterson, will present a cheque for $500 to- wards the new filter system. After viewing the playground equipment, they will then go to Harbourlite Inn where a pro- _-ram-.Wi11 be pxescnted.,_ guests will be given a gift when they register, Prizes will be presented to the oldest lady and oldest gentleman present. There will also be a'door prize. Mem- bers• of the Kinette Club will serve afternoon tea to the Oc- togenarians. Invitations will be sent out to all personsover seventy-five to attend this an- nual event. OBITUARY ARTHUR STURDY A private funeral service was held attthe Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, Clinton, on Friday afternoon for -Arthur Sturdy, who died in Clinton Public Hos- pital on Ally 5. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sturdy, he lived all his life' on the old Sturdy -farm on Highway No. 8 near Holmesville where his an- cestor, Hugh Sturdy, settled in 1831. His farm home, built in 1839, was one of the first brick houses erected in this district. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Frahk' (Winnifred) Johnston, Goderich; Mrs. M. E. Finlay, Goderich Township; tw& bro- thers, Clarence, Clinton; and John, Victoria, B.C. Interment was in Maitland cemetery, Goderich. Mr. • and Mrs. Robert Harmer had as recent guests Mr. and x ,:. di _..� .� , �lp.�dct�,,,wcin x �u -,t�,: Margaret and'Bobby, Sarnia. afzck retuFpe 3 ua:zn: M and, Mrs, l,arvin' o an fly oi l opt,: v ted �: or Mr, and Mrs. Percy Harrison and family. They also attended Mr. and Mrs. Fraser McTavish, NIGHT 3 For the funeral of George Ross. Agent for24-hr, FILM DEVELOPING Theft Of Liquor Windsor, spent several days last aa., Sentence week visiting friends and rola- fives in- Goderich and district. Tvyq Wingham district men and a Brussels district man were sentenced in magistrate's court at Goderich Thursday on charges of theft of liquor and wine from' the Wingham liquor store June 25, All three had pleaded guilty. James Ludington Angus, of Wingham, was sentenced by Magistrate Glenn Hays, QC, to ten weeks in the common jail; William Lawrence Jamieson, of Whitechurch, received three months in the common jail; and obert-4lolan,J-•-Marks, Brussels, received a two-year suspended sentence. Gus Bibaud, of Hampstead, Quebec, was sentenced to two months in jail for the theft of 27 packages of cigarettes June 28 from the refreshment booth operated by Vern Smith at the Goderich • Trade Fair. He had pleaded guilty to the charge last week. • -Magistrate Hays fined Ronald Kirkton Community Association ANNUAL - , GARDEN PARTY FAIR GROUNDS KIRKTON, ONTARIO .ednesday,-..fly 19th Snappy Girls Softball Game, 6 p.m; Budcfing Stars Juvenile Program, 7.30 p.m.; Sparkling Professional Program, 9 p.m. Ample Facilities for Refreshments and Seating. Free ,,Supervised Parking on grotinds. Police Protection Adults, 75c Children, 25c COME',AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS PERMANENT QUICK - CLEAN - ECONOMICAL You get 'Just What's Needed, Without Waste, Poured Pro _ geolf ca,'ithg:--40 .: a 'x Duron Concrete Supply Ltd. Ektimates Without Obligation Call JA 4-7361 Or Write R.R. 1, Godericb We are AGENTS for CALCIUM -CHLORIDE. _ALTERATIONS or A COMPLETE NEW BUILDING The Materials and the .Facilities are here to bring your plans tc fulfilment VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Choose from our display of all the Latest in Building Supplies ENQUIRE about Our >'' b•}hf• f l i NOW OPEN • SATURDAY AFTERNOONS FIVE-YEAR BUDGET PLAN Financing May Not Be 'the Problem You Think!, We, Maintain a Large 'and 'Complete STOCKPILE of -LUMBER In ALL REQUIRED SIZES 3 Phones: JA•;.a4-8 3 8 2 e- 3 _- 4' YOUR HEADQUARTERS for all BUILDING SUPPLIES 1 Goderich Manufactu ring COMPANY LTD. Top of Anglesea Street • FASHIONS STPNNING for SUMMER $IJNNING' at Prices Planned to:Ply ase Your. Eye for Valu as Well as Your Flare for Fash Flare Skirts, Culottes, Calf -Skinners,. Shorts, Pattering Shms, Pop -Tops, Shirt-tail Shirts,Sleeveless Blouses. and Other Sportswear IN GREAT VAIETY' PATTERNED and COLORED 205 to 505 SAVINGS ! . . r , SUITS �— atworthrwhi�e COATSancICARCOATS1 savings SPRING' AND SITMMER LIMESBOX JACKETS and FITTED ST'YLBS Our Entire' Stock 505 SAVINGS UP TO also some WALKING SUITS 32 The S(WARE GODERICH TELEPHON E JA 4-9431 • ROOFINCI • WINDOW • • DOORS 5 Cai�_ :�•'�' • SIPIN9 1 •• • SUPPLIES at ECONOMICAL- PRICES i JOHN ..• 163 ELGIN AVE., E. GODERICHPHONE JA 4-8171 25-27 • •�•••••••••••••••••r•••u•••••••••• • N • '•• Us FOR ALL BUILDING BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN. THEATRE Ltd. LINTDM-- ADVENTURESOME BOYS GIVE THS 'PQUCE MERRY CHASE Two Stratford boys, aged 12 Goderich to pick up their wand- ering children. . Goilerieh. pollee would. not re- lease the names of the children, nor of the Stratford parents who came to Goderich Sunday night to claim them: It was also understood that no charges would be -'laid. and 13, kept Ontario Provincial Felice at-'t'xoderich on the go over'' the week -end. It started about 11 p.m., Sat- urday when, the boys told police at Mitchell they had been visit- ing in Stratford lived in Gode- rich, and Wanted to get home. 1Vlitcb.ell police contacted Goderich ,,police, and police of- ficers at Stratford got in touch with ,the Provincial Felice de- itdt� e boys up. °Gvd rl(ih, with.,,af,s_wift. ride ,courtesy. of thea Ontario Provincial Police, the lads were turned over to Goderich officers ho attempted to find the home in which the boys lived. Officers say the boys told them they had just moved to Gede- rieh a day or two before, and didn't know what street they lived on, nor where to find it. They said however, they',d know the house when they saw it. That earned them a ride in another cruiser. Officers drove the boys all around Goderich residential streets until about 1.30 a.m. • Sunday, when suddenly one of the lads -pointed to a house and said that was where they lived. On checking the, house, officers found no one hothe. -Back tothe p_ lice- station Thursday, Friday— July 13, 14 "CARRY. ON NURSE" (Adult Entertainment) Kenneth Connor, Shirley Eaton 1 Short (Color) (One Cartoon) where kindly officers made up beds for the boys, and leaving the cell doors open, said good- night. After "tucking" the travellers in, the officers again checked the house in question. By this time, it was nearly 2 a.in. and this time there was ,someone home. An irate citizen answered the knock on the door, understand- ably puzzled at the middle -of - the -night visit, and ''Stated em- phatically he had no children. Meanwhile, back at the police station, there wete two empty beds behind those open Bell doors. When 'officers returned, they had no company. That was the' last to be heard of the two youngsters until 6 p.m. Sunday night when Con- stable Harold Creedon of .the Goderich force met both of the lads corning up_ the road from. Sunset Beach. They told police this time that they had spent the night cm the beach, had lit a fire to keep warm, and had.. spent the entire clay on the beach. They , were all Tight, police said, but had no food ,all day. Meanwhile, back in Stratford, it was reported that there were two boys missing, and some Stratford parents, Before the night was, over, had a trip to Saturday and Monday— July 15, 17 "FLAME OVER, INDIA" (Color) (Scope) Kenneth More, Lauren Baca!! (One Cartoon) Tuesday and Wednesday— July 18-1.9 "THE SUNDOWNERS." (Color) Robert Mitchum, Deborah Kerr (One Cartoon) First Show at Dusk. Children under 12, in cars, Free • FIFTY GODER:ICH BOYS SEE PRO BALL GAME fIainiltoan, 41, of G0%107 4100 oomoiromusommoosom0000poomosw Fifty members of the Safety and costa, or 14 days - Patrol were taken ours bus trip a charge of unpaired. *owe June 24. Hamilton, who pleaded'rn Deno last Sunday to Aetroit, This annual trip, sponsored,, joi fitly by the Junior Chamber of Gom- raeece and the Goderich Police Force, is given in 'recognition of -the faithful service these boys and girls have given during the past school year. Sgt. H. J. C.4ilvert and Consta' - :rawford accompanied these children to see a double -Header ball game between Detroit and Los Angeles. During the inter- mission, ersonnel of they De - V ,t�t ✓efleft `'Goderich at 7.30 m, The' Gode ie a Signal guilty, was also prohibited freni driving f ori one year. On a charge of having , liquor, illegally, he was tined $15 and costs or three days in jail, .the terms to run donsecutively,. W' ' • - + + _ • Sts..witir Mr. Mrs. M. S. Sutherland. EIin avenue, were Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Crabb, of Hamilton. Octogoarian Iilc pj'j9` Members of *the Octogenarinrr 'Club will hold their annual pic- nic on July 19. The afternoon's program will begin with a short memorial service at the Park, corner of St. Patrick and Arthur streets. Mr. J. D. Patterson, organizer of this club and chair- man for the past 14 years, will be the master of ceremonies. Following this service, the guests will. betaken to the Kins- men playground where the pre- sident of the. Kinettes, Mrs.' Jeanne McCauley, and the treas- urer, Mrs. Grace Patterson, will present a cheque for $500 to- wards the new filter system. After viewing the playground equipment, they will then go to Harbourlite Inn where a pro- _-ram-.Wi11 be pxescnted.,_ guests will be given a gift when they register, Prizes will be presented to the oldest lady and oldest gentleman present. There will also be a'door prize. Mem- bers• of the Kinette Club will serve afternoon tea to the Oc- togenarians. Invitations will be sent out to all personsover seventy-five to attend this an- nual event. OBITUARY ARTHUR STURDY A private funeral service was held attthe Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, Clinton, on Friday afternoon for -Arthur Sturdy, who died in Clinton Public Hos- pital on Ally 5. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sturdy, he lived all his life' on the old Sturdy -farm on Highway No. 8 near Holmesville where his an- cestor, Hugh Sturdy, settled in 1831. His farm home, built in 1839, was one of the first brick houses erected in this district. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Frahk' (Winnifred) Johnston, Goderich; Mrs. M. E. Finlay, Goderich Township; tw& bro- thers, Clarence, Clinton; and John, Victoria, B.C. Interment was in Maitland cemetery, Goderich. Mr. • and Mrs. Robert Harmer had as recent guests Mr. and x ,:. di _..� .� , �lp.�dct�,,,wcin x �u -,t�,: Margaret and'Bobby, Sarnia. afzck retuFpe 3 ua:zn: M and, Mrs, l,arvin' o an fly oi l opt,: v ted �: or Mr, and Mrs. Percy Harrison and family. They also attended Mr. and Mrs. Fraser McTavish, NIGHT 3 For the funeral of George Ross. Agent for24-hr, FILM DEVELOPING Theft Of Liquor Windsor, spent several days last aa., Sentence week visiting friends and rola- fives in- Goderich and district. Tvyq Wingham district men and a Brussels district man were sentenced in magistrate's court at Goderich Thursday on charges of theft of liquor and wine from' the Wingham liquor store June 25, All three had pleaded guilty. James Ludington Angus, of Wingham, was sentenced by Magistrate Glenn Hays, QC, to ten weeks in the common jail; William Lawrence Jamieson, of Whitechurch, received three months in the common jail; and obert-4lolan,J-•-Marks, Brussels, received a two-year suspended sentence. Gus Bibaud, of Hampstead, Quebec, was sentenced to two months in jail for the theft of 27 packages of cigarettes June 28 from the refreshment booth operated by Vern Smith at the Goderich • Trade Fair. He had pleaded guilty to the charge last week. • -Magistrate Hays fined Ronald Kirkton Community Association ANNUAL - , GARDEN PARTY FAIR GROUNDS KIRKTON, ONTARIO .ednesday,-..fly 19th Snappy Girls Softball Game, 6 p.m; Budcfing Stars Juvenile Program, 7.30 p.m.; Sparkling Professional Program, 9 p.m. Ample Facilities for Refreshments and Seating. Free ,,Supervised Parking on grotinds. Police Protection Adults, 75c Children, 25c COME',AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS PERMANENT QUICK - CLEAN - ECONOMICAL You get 'Just What's Needed, Without Waste, Poured Pro _ geolf ca,'ithg:--40 .: a 'x Duron Concrete Supply Ltd. Ektimates Without Obligation Call JA 4-7361 Or Write R.R. 1, Godericb We are AGENTS for CALCIUM -CHLORIDE. _ALTERATIONS or A COMPLETE NEW BUILDING The Materials and the .Facilities are here to bring your plans tc fulfilment VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Choose from our display of all the Latest in Building Supplies ENQUIRE about Our >'' b•}hf• f l i NOW OPEN • SATURDAY AFTERNOONS FIVE-YEAR BUDGET PLAN Financing May Not Be 'the Problem You Think!, We, Maintain a Large 'and 'Complete STOCKPILE of -LUMBER In ALL REQUIRED SIZES 3 Phones: JA•;.a4-8 3 8 2 e- 3 _- 4' YOUR HEADQUARTERS for all BUILDING SUPPLIES 1 Goderich Manufactu ring COMPANY LTD. Top of Anglesea Street • FASHIONS STPNNING for SUMMER $IJNNING' at Prices Planned to:Ply ase Your. Eye for Valu as Well as Your Flare for Fash Flare Skirts, Culottes, Calf -Skinners,. Shorts, Pattering Shms, Pop -Tops, Shirt-tail Shirts,Sleeveless Blouses. and Other Sportswear IN GREAT VAIETY' PATTERNED and COLORED 205 to 505 SAVINGS ! . . r , SUITS �— atworthrwhi�e COATSancICARCOATS1 savings SPRING' AND SITMMER LIMESBOX JACKETS and FITTED ST'YLBS Our Entire' Stock 505 SAVINGS UP TO also some WALKING SUITS 32 The S(WARE GODERICH TELEPHON E JA 4-9431