HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-07-06, Page 9-k= AUBURN ¢ AUBURN, July 3. -The execu-lMrs. Mary McNall at Welland. tive of the Auburn Horticulture J Mr. and Mrs. William Huff and 0 Society plans to hold a Rose Tea family have returned 'to their next Friday, July. 7th, to be home in Windsor after spending held. at the home .of Mr. and a two-week vacation with Mr. Mrs. Robert J. Paiillips. This tea and Mrs. Harry Watson. will be served on the lawn ,and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson, all the visitors will have a Billy and Janie, of Oakville, e rancea.i. the„beutaul' _ a r - rved onthe week -end to ,spend Tote-guidons',w�-, Mrs. Catherine Dobie,Mr.el.'s parents, Mr,, nrs. arry ug t d W atson.. r . , :�.. of Toronto, visited.' on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gagner with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz, and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Marguerite Chopin. and flus , Ratz and family, all of Tor - Miss Margaret R. Jackson. onto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Asquith, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton and ;George and Anne, of Islington, \John. s'pent the holiday with his mo- Mr. Thomas Anderson and his ther, Mrs. Charles Asquith. three daughters, Donna Lynne, Mr. And Mrs. Robert J. Arthur Dale and Loraine, of Toronto, attended the funeral of their were week -end questa with his. brother-in-law, John Clatsworthy, brother, Mr. Oliver Anderson, of Granton, last Friday. Mrs. Anderson, William and Mr. and Mrs. Jhmes Hemblyn Nancy. y,e are vacationing in the Muskoka Mr. and Mrs. William -Rieck, district. Mr. William Moorhead, Sheila, Sandra and Penny, of of Benmiller, is the relieving Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. manager of the Canadian Imper- Charles Adams, of Toronto, ial Bank of Commerce for the spent last Sunday with Mr. and three weeks. \. Mrs. William Straughan. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Wal- Mr, and Mrs: Chester Taylor, ' lace, and family, of Brampton, of. '§tiD Helens, and Miss May spent the week -end with the lat- Ferguson, of Wingham, spent ter's parents Mr. and Mrs.- Be t Sunda ,- with the la les'- sister --Marsh, arid -gran mo er, ' rs. rs:°` au reinTin. Herbert Mogridge. Mr. and Mrs."Ronald Pentland, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth- Thain of- North Bay, are visiting this and family, of Toronto, de visit- week with the latter's mother, ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charles `Straughan. Duncan MacKay and family. Mr. Bible School July 17-22. - and Mrs,' John R. Weir and Plans. were made to hold the family, of London, also visited 1961 Daily Vacation Bible School over last week -end. on Julie 17 to 22 in Knox United Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Powell Church, Auburn. The theme, and Wayne visited last week "Living for Jesus." will be used with Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Mc- throughout the four classes of Intyre at Dundas and also with this six-day school. Leaders for 1 WELL DRILLING .HI Don't Put Off Drilling That Needed Well Any Longer. DO” IT NOWT° For FAST, EFFICIErNT SERVICE and Wide' EX.perience CONTACT DURHAM DRILLERS BOX 299, DiJRHAMVL Phone Collect 6-11-5 Allen Park - a .. ,.m,..... ONTARIO the seniors will be Mrs. Lloyd Walden Mr. Craig Peters; jun- iors, Mrs. Ed. Davies and an assistant to be appointed, Dr. D. J. Lane and Rev. Robert Meally; primary, Miss Margaret R. Jack- son assisted by Miss Bernice Mc- Dougall, Miss Betty Youngblut, Miss Martie Koopmans and Miss - Pose Marie Haggitt; pre-school children, Mrs. Arth>llr Grange, Mrs. Frank Raithby, 'Mrs. Thonn- , iagg.itt, d Mrs., oil r 1.r be held on July 23rd at 7.45 p.nx:.;whey{. progre -AvilLbe, presented, by the school. Cer- tificates will be presented to the children who have attended five out djz six days with ex- ceptions made in case of sick- ness. Dr: --D. J. Lane presided for the rneeting'held on Monday evening in the United Church when representatives of the four denominations in the vil- lage were present to plan for the coming school. Summer Church Schedules. - St. Mark's Anglican Church will hold their church services in July at 8.30 p.m. with the rec- tor, Rev. Robert Meally in charge. Knox Presbyterian Church services will be held at 9.30 a.m. with Dr. D. J. Lane officiating. There will be no church in Knox United Church b- tlie�.coihti ned.tonsines. of the charge will meet at Donnybrook on July 9, and at Westfield on July 16th with Rev. Elmer Taylor, of Goderich, of- ficiating. No church service in any of the churches on July 23rd but Sunday school classes will be' held on the 23rd at 10.15 a.m: at Knox United, Auburn. Ball's Memorial Service Held. -The 35th Annual Memorial Service was held last Sunday at. Ball's cemetery with Mr. Craig Peters, of the Baptist Church, officiating. The service of song was led by the organist, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips with a choir composed of members from the churches in the village. During the service, a duet, "Fallow Me," was sung by Rev. and Mrs. John Ostrom, of Wingham. Mr. Rob- ert' Arthur, chairman of the cerrletet board, 'virelydmed every'bne on behalf of the Board and stated that he had sent in his resignation and that a meeting of the plothofders would be held soon to elect a new trustee, r, Arthur has' F=.o years. Ile spoke of the work done at the cemetery and said that the money had been in- eth m -the Sterling Trust Company and that the revenue from these bonds would 'be used for the upkeep of the cemetery grounds and church. Mr. Peters 1-7 gave an inspiring message On Petrie and family visited on "How shall we arise?" He based his remarks on'l'aui s letters to the •4Corinthians and spoke of the Resurrection through Jesus Christ. S.S. 9 Annual Picnic Held. - rhe 15upils of S.S. No. 9 and their teacher,'Wilmer Errington, and some of the parents enjoyed a bus trip to Fort George and #t i`dt tie, milt ill pTorrife Wxth sults .of the races as follows: app, Douglas, Archambault; in- termediate boys, Daryl Ball, Bola' Schneider, Daryk Ball; junior goys, Keith Loerke, tcaiph Hal- lam; senior giris, Betty Hallam, Linda Andrews, Ruth .Schneider; intermediate girls, Brenda Arch- ambault, Brenda Ball, Wendy Schneider; junior girls, ,Kathy Schneider, Joyce Hallam. Stand- ing broad jump: intermediate girls,, Wendy Schneider, Brenda Ball, Shirley Hunking; junior girls, Kathy Schneider, Joyce Hallam. Running broad: senior boys, Bill Lapp, Hans Bakelaar, Douglas Archambault; intermed- iate boys, Daryl Ball, Bob Schneider, Stephen Haggitt; jun- ior boys, Keith ' Loerke, Ralph Hallam; senior girls, Betty Hal- lam, Ruth Schneider, . Linda An - Brenda Archambault, Wendy Schneider, -Nancy Lapp; junior girls, Kathy Schneider, Joyce Hallam. High jump: senior boys, Hans Bakelaar, Bill Lapp, Doug- las Archambault; intermediate boys, Daryl Ball, Stephen Hag- gitt, Bob Schneider; junior boys, Ralph Hallam, Keitli Loerke; senior girls, Linda _ Andrews, Betty Hallam, Ruth Schneider; intermediate girls, Brenda-A.rch- ambault, Wendy Schneider, Nancy Lapp; junior girls, Joyce 'Hallam, Kathy Schneider. Sack race: boys, Bob Schneider, Bill Lapp, Douglas Archambault; giris, Wendy Schneider, Brenda Ball, Kathy Schneider. Wheel- barrow race: Hans Bakelaar and Bob Schneider; Casey Verewey and Douglas Archambault; Wendy Schneider and Brenda Ball'. Kicking -the -slipper: boys, Douglas Archambault,_ Casey Verewey, Bob Schneider; girls, Brenda ;Ball, Joyce Hallam, Wendy Schneider." Three-legged race: boys, Daryk Ball and Stephen Haggitt, Douglas Arch- ambault and Hans Bakelaar, iso; Verewey- ancl;.,,Billy .Lapp; girls, Brenda Archambault and Nancy • Lapp, Wendy Schneider and Brenda Ball, Sharon Ball and Ruth Schneider. Pre school children's race: Ari as _,,.Ball, Rickey Archambault, Louise Hunking. Adult bean bag toss: Mrs.. George a9lineider, MrS. tarn®y- Ball,__M-rs,• J canard-- Ar chambault. Hit the balloon: 14Trt- fir 'fa11am, Cartwright. The picnic was con- cluded with a ball game and picnic supper. A new fence and ball screen has been erected on the school grounds by the trustees. Knox United Picnic Heid. - Knox United Sunday school held their annual picnic at the Gode- rich Summer School grounds. The winners of , the races were as follows: pre-school, Sherry Plaetzer, Wanda Plletzer, Rickey Archambault, Paul Chamney; girls seven and under, Marie Plunkett, Shelly Grange; boys seven, Larry Chamney, Keith Loerke; girls nine, Brenda Ar- chambault, Linda Reed; boys nine, Billy Millian, John Koop- mans; girls --twelve and under, Klaska Koopmans, Gail Miller, Patsy Millian; boys twelve and `tinder, Gten"Webster, Billy Lapp; girls 16, Martie Koopmans, Ann Speigelberg. The ladies' race was won by Martie Koopmans and Ann Speigelberg. In the softball •throw the winners in their ag.e groups were: Shelly Grange, Marie Plunkett, Klaska Koopmans, Laura Daer, Martie Koopmans, Ann Speigelberg, John Koopmans, Larry Chamney, Glen Webster, Billy Lapp. Three- legged racer Ann Speigelberg and Martie Koppmans, Sharon. Ball and Patsy Millian, Glen Webster and John Koopmans, Billy Millian and 'Alla ' McDou- gall. Sack race: ,Martie Koop- mans, Klaska Koopmans, Doug- las ' Archambault, Billy Lapp. Hop, step and jump: Marie Plunkett, Klaska Koopmans, Ann S • eigelberg, Larry, Chamney, Keith Loerke, Glen Webster and Billy . . Lapp_- __._ Kick -the -slipper: Klaska Koopmans, Ann-Speigel- berg, Glen Webster, Douglas Archambault. Nail 'driving on - test: Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer, Mrs. Harold McClinchey, Harold. Webster and Percy Yriunghlut. The races were in charge of Mr. Harold Webster and leis com- mittee. S.S. NO. 2 W. Wawanosh Pro- motions,' -Promotion list of S.S. No. "2. Wrest Wawannsh: ' Thnse pupils will be in these grades when the fall school term opens in September:. Grade one - Janice Foran; grade two -Doug- las- Durnin, Cathy Foran, Terry Foran; grade four -Kathy Hal- lam, Ronald McPhee; grade five - Frank Foran; grade six -,- Randy, Kerr, Con Foran;, grade eight -Ronald Durnin, .)'im Moss, Cliff Hallam; to grade nine - Arnie Foran, Glen Webster, Fred Stir 1 i n g, Andre Delbergue. Teacher, Mrs. Myrtle Munro. On the last day of school the pupils honored Mrs. Munro with a part- ing gift -of a monagrammed Sheaffer peh °and pencil set. Ronald Durnin read the address and Andre Delbergue presented her with the gift. She has been supply teacher since the begin- ning of the year. 27x _ Application forms for ONTARIO RETAIL SALES -T---)--- rENDORS PERMIT should be returned by July.. 15,1961 111 ii eel efiE ~� `~ Dfficsal--Perniii 1pplietiti t "FormsWho--requires ia---vendor'-a--permit?- • have been sent to over 120,000 Ontario Ee: vendors together with detailed informa- l:: tion on the new Qntariby Retail Sales Tax Act. These applications should be completed and returned by July 15th, so that vendors will receive their permits eel and additional information well in ad- vance of September lst, when the tax i' 11I ie E1 111" 19 3•• f : goes into effect. Every company .or person, who in the ordinary.cOurse of his business sells goods to purchasers in Ontario, must have a sales tax vendor's permit. Restrants and other premises selling prepared meat require a permit.Permits are also required by salesmen or manufacturer's agents who sell in Ontario for non-resident vendo,r,s not registered in Ontario. Vendors who have not received official ,Permit Application forms should send for one today! COMPLETE AND MAIL THIS CONVENIENT COUPON Retail Sales Tax Branch, Office of Comptroller of Revenue, Parliament BI„uildinga, Toronto 2, Ontario ' Please send me a Permit Application form together with detailed information on the Ontario Retail Sales'Tax. NAME COMPANY, NAME ADDRESS. TYPE OF iM7151NF$S l •, PHILIP T. CLA1'tR ,comptroller of Revenue 0iii11iii 111111ii3i111ii31iiliili3131133111i111iillliiiiiillli1I1iiiifiaitiiiiiiiliiiiikiiiiiisus:s::s =3i1 i�3 333iiEz 36rs:sa:3 .t. Ei ieE IIiit Eel Eel eel �eE EEe lei °eE :el l 111 gee E1 381 El ::: :el Eel 1 : h J Sunday at the. Crossett cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dahmer and Jean, and Mrs. James 'Me - Kenzie, of Waterloo, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rod McKenzie. Mrs. McKenzie re- mained for an extended visit. Picnic Enjoyed. --. St. An- • PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, July 3. - A memorial service will be held at Port Albert cemetery on Sun- day, July 9. at 3.30 p.m. with Rev. W. Wright and Rev. S. Wilkinson conducting the ser- vice. ' Miss Patricia Cockfield visited over the holiday week -end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rov Petrie. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cock- field Detroit: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Petrie, and Mr., and Mrs, Elwin drew's United, Church held their annuall. Sunday School picnic at the Ashfield Township park re- cently, with a good attendance. Games and races were enjoyed in the afternoon with a bounti- ful supper at severs o'clock. A softball game, followed by ice cream brought the .picnic to a close. Field Day Held. -Port Aib rt school held ,a field day on the last day of school. Winners were as follows: junior girls, Nancy Wardrop, Priscilla Wil son, Bonnie Cantwell; junior boys, Jim 'Ellis, Don Dickson, Ronnie Hodges and Philip Petrie The Goderich .Signal -Star, Thttrt day,, ;July Oth, UNS1 9 (tied); senior girls, Helen Ward- rop, Shirley' Cantwell, Willa Dickson; senior boys, Ron i+llpc_, John Bennett, Philip ' Fester. The School Board supplied soft drinks and ice cream for the children. Miss Sonia ,Ball, daughter elf Dr. and Mrs. H. W. BGrand Falls, Newfoundland, is apendllnt a vacation with her uncle eriu aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Don .Stimson, Napier street, and also visiting other relatives in Goderch. " flt�"r•'vi. l�♦YIi ern rc, nPx X gp`:i.CtYi:;l"ltLir$- � G .,5:::,.41AP..-:.-..m,;_ �: -;� °� o ;r•!�. ...: - ,R' 7Pt<�r�dhvJ l •� � K itr5n rr �r�rKct. ci27rf,.�y.N,+ri,±iY fi���7cVl/•`n'fY!'t... :Pvf MARVEL BRAND ICE CREAM ` ea urns - CHERRY CUSTARD (Custard Ice Cream with Cherries) pint brick 2 5 c 1/2 -gallon ctn 89c ' h� -GL rrlfHr!'M1'�' rrC ryr • YUKON CLUB GINGER ALE 30 -FL -OZ BOTTLES CONTENTS ONLY Y9tkon Club, Contents Only 1241 oz bits GINGER ALE ctn of 6 for 29c Yukon Club, Contents Only 3041 oz btls SODA • ° - , 2 for 25c Yukon Club, Contents Only 30-f1 oz btls. LIME RICKEY 2 for 35c Yukon Club, Contents Only 3041 oz•btls TOM COLLINS - 2 for 39c Yukon CI'ub, Contents Only 30-f1 oz btls KOLA 2 for 29c Yukon Club, Contents Only 3041 oz btls ROOT BEER 2 for 27c Yukon ClubrCor,tents Only 3041 oz btls LEMON -LIME 2 for 27c r REGULAR PRICE 2 OILS 25c SAVE 5c This Week's Super -Right Quality Meut Features CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF EE BLADE ROAST BLADE BONE REMOVED Ib MEATY WELL TRIMMED -SFtOPT-CVT- PRI :.E RIB ROAST 165 POT ROAST ONELESS PLATE LEAN SHOULDER CUTS UND :CHUCK Jane Porker Bakery Products" Jane Parker ' ' Reg. pkg 35c -SAVE 6c PINEAPPLE WHIRLS 'pkg-29c Jana Par'-ker Re9:" 39c=SAVE` 1Oc ENGLISH FRUIT CAKE each2I9C Jan? Parker Reg. Reg.g. loaf24 0 lo23c-SAVEaf5cc :,�L BEL;¢ � Jane. Pater R_g.'pkg 49c -SAVE 10c GLAZED DONUTS pkg of 12 3 9c Grocery Feahures Liquid Reg. tin 49t -SAVE 6c SAIL DETERGENT 22-fI-oz tin 4 3 c • Beef or Irish Reg. tin 31c -SAVE 30 CLARK'S STEW 2 15 -oz fins 5 9 c 1b3 1b 4 More Savings on A&P Meats s Fancy Quality • CHICKEN GIBLETS lb2 Fancy Quality, Solid Neat - 23� PORK TENDERLOIN 16 Sliced $9c BEEF BOLOGNA. 1 -Ib pkg 4 3 C Fancy Quality, Sinless, SLICED -BEEF LIVE:. Maple Leaf',-Skinle5s;`irrtr�`` �"" -'PORK ,SAUSAGE ae'Ilied, Cooked,. PORK HOCKS Sliced Pickle and,, __PIMENTO_ "LOA . 1 -lb pkg 53 Cooked_attd-Breadgd- -AEON STEAKS ;b 13c Cooked and Breaded - SCALLOPS . lb 5 7t Pole Star • SOLE FILLETS Allgoco, Smoked, 'Stile-:, Rindless. -SIDE BACON Reg. pkg 35c --SAVE 5c Reg. .pkg 370 -SAVE 6c * 12 -oz pkg 31c 1 -lb pkg 59c Special This Week • JANE PARKER y. BIueberry-Pie: each 9c REG. 69c —, SAVE 2Oc' Ballet White Reg. pkg 43c -SAVE 4e TOILED-- T SSUE------pkg-0f-4 rets -3- c Bright's_Fancy Quality Reg. tin 29c--SAM-E 30 ---- TOMATO JUICE" 2 48, fI-pz tins3 5c 'OPEN ALL GAY WEDNESDAY A&P BIG CANNED FOODS SALE A&P Choice Quality Reg. 2 tins 47c -SAVE 5c -TOMATOES- . 42841'6x -hail 9c DURI'NG.-SU'1dtMER MONTHS - CASE OF 24 TINS $5.34 - SAVE 30c 'A&P Choice, Whole. White. Reg. 2 tins.35c-SAVE 5c POTATOES 6 20 -fl -oz tins 1.00 CASE OF 24 TINS $4.00 -.. SAVE 20c Deep Brown (in Tomato Sauce) Reg. 2 tins 39c. -SAVE 4c J.IBBY's PORK. &r BEANS 2 15-fl-oz.tins 3 5c CASE OF 24 TINS $4.20 - SAVE 48c Std. , Reg. 2 tins 39c -SAVE 9c IONA PEARS 5 20 -fl -oz tins 89C CASE OF 24 TINS $4.27.- SAVE 410 TIU GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTO. �>lF aper ,markets A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Tlfrougli'Sat., July 8, 1961 It's Your Dollar —Make the Most of it SHOP AND SAVE ATA&P Mitchel,(!¢ Vitaminized AP LE JUICE - 481' fl -oz tin Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Features at A&P -. ARIZONA RED CARDINAL, LARGE CLUSTERS, NO. 1 GRADE a BARBECUE SUGGESTIiPS' o�FROM KRAFT o 'KRAFT HRA�7R�p9e:8�u— KRAFT. BARBEQl1E SAUCE for- true Westerri tang! It$AIFY Buboes OO 'RIcEb LOW at i 6 -FL -OZ JAR KRAFT CATALINd1 DRESSING 1t 8 -FL -OZ BTL. PEACHES ORANGES South Carolina, YeIIoW Flesh, No. 1 Grade . California, Valencia, Fancy Grade, Juicy - APPLES Washington Wines FancyapsGra, dGeood Eating, LE' -;'ONS California, Large. Juicy, Fancy Grade CAULIFLOWER Natio. 8 1now dWehite, :PEPPERS CELERY STALKS CARROl'S Imported, Green, Sweet, Hard Shell, No. 1 Grade Native, Pascal, No. 1 Grad. 1'110410'14d, f t41IW Crop, 1Ntr.'' 1 Ado. A Ib heaping of box 25c • 5 -Ib cello bag 59c. 3 -Ib cello bag 59c tube of 41 9c - large head 29, 3 40,2 9, Zat 20•oz cense btig ARRIVING FRESH DAIL ': NMMlve Hot 140.0$40 Torn itoes, Rttd5sh g:Green Onion*,. Cucumbers, Lettuoo, Pees.sad 'Stro4.0 erries ... All aftr*otfvely pt. -Wed.