HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-07-06, Page 6Tl nderich Signal -Star, Thursday, July 4xll, 1961 LIFESAVING CERTIFICATES RECEIVED BY 14 STUDENTS. The ' Water Safety Leader 'the supervisor, Arthur Knech- `Training Course, §ponsored by tel, and swimming instructors, the Canadian Red Cross and the Pat Boutilier, Nancy Hughes Town °of Goderich, concluded its and SI e i 1 a Brow it were elaSSes, last Friday with tests. present as observers during the r. Terry R913.erts, of London, courses The instructors were va$ the examiner. Don Hickey, of Clinton, and he put of town stud- Ken. k:ngelstad, instructor at -,t t ;7 -1-tt teir t :ekiatan.X.4 ghan, Exeter; Tony Decoo, Don - In'atrQrto d the tt ,thi g, course provi tie h 'fon; Mauna - ynne 'runner, 'fees best accorrri rtdatio2 =angel -J: testi water; Carol Littlejbans.T.,1esher- ities to" date because of excel- „° ton; ,rRuth Hotchkiss and Julie lent conditions at the pool. Mr. Cruikshank, Wingham. The stud- Hickey mentioned the extremely ents from Goderich were: Elea- high and demanding standard nor Davidson, Joan Davis, Jo set in the instruction classes, Parsons, Gwenda Eckmier, Hea- held'' from nine in the morning ther Muir, Donna Dockstader, to ten at night. He added that Wayne Rumig, Norman Bell, Jim he was very happy with results. Magie-and Arthur Knechtel. Mr. Robert's said that this tv The fourteen students who rgrobp of students was one of wrote tests on Theory were all the better classes that he had successful with eight obtaining tested this year. The unsuccess- 100%. The lowest mark was ful students were under the age 92%. of sixteen or too weak in swim - The 1961 Life Guards • at the ming. Judith Gooderham Park will be Margo Grange, Auburn, will Jo Parsons, Heather Muir. Donna he in charge of crafts at the Dockstader 'and Wayne Rumig. Judith 'Gooderham Park this year. Last week, she attended the Playground Leaders' vatF ing Course at Goderich Summer School sponsored by the Com- munity Programmes Branch, department of Education. This course was under the leadership of Bud Bittorf of Listowel and arranged by Bob Secord, District Representative, of Hanover. "She received an A standing in her tests in this course. , KINGS'BRIDGE inanity Pohl, �Kj,NGSBR,D) .J my 3•- •Visit, arid Mrs. Clifton Austin were: and Dona, o Talton: r. arid' Mrs. Ambrose Hartman, Shirley and Brian, of Waterloo. .--- Mrs. Anna Bowler, of Toronto, is visiting. with Miss Stella Dean aid Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dal- ton. fr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hogan a family- of Toronto, spent the week -end with relatives here. Dr. and Mrs. Wenzel, of De- troit. spent the week -end at their cottage at Kintail. Miss Patricia O'Connor is spending a week's holiday with Mr.. and Mrs. Bob Leslie and daup,hters. of Neustadt. Mr.' Frank Owens and Mr. and • __pDURED._CQaCREIE_IS PERMANENT 0 FOUNDATIONS $ DRIVEWAYS 0 SIDEWALKS PATIO or BREEZEWAY NO MUSS' — NO FUSS HURON CONCRETE SUPPLY Ltd. JA 4-7361 Agents for Calcium Chloride — Bumper Blocks — Sidewalk Slabs samaigoommimaMMIIIIIIINIM MM. S P a. 1£°ux tb i,'£ox t a�xect''°� �tt',6 Yew nthellgh " Sixty-five representatives from municipalities across the Maitland River Watershed toured a number of.. projects of the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority ori Jutie 21st. Among those pictured in. the, Mildmay Park includes: "'iflay or V --7 i er - . rn oT a son ar no, ea or councillor; Town Cquncillor C. M. Robertson,, of Goderich; Reeve Dan B�euerm'an, of McKillop Township,, Wingham Advance -Times Photo VOTE `PRELUDE Representatives from 27 of the 29 municipalities in the area drained by .the Maitland River recently toured the Saugeen River Watershed to look over work that has been accomplish- ed by the Saugeen Valley Con- servation Authority over a 12- year period. The tour was sponsored.by the ddie - 1vata'attt nsecvation Adthority' in co-operatiob' fiivith '• nteth� di ofeprovk ng >iYst, Than. information on conservation to council members' from , across. the Maitland River Watershed. The reason for providinsuch information is the fact that a vote on the formation of a Con- servation Authority that will encompass the whole of the Maitland River Valley, will prob- ably be held before the summer is out. The group on tour was pro- vided with a noon meal at the Walkerton Legion Hall, with Robert Wenger, of Wingham, who organized the tour, acting• as chairman. The municipalities involved. in the proposed plan for a• full Maitland River Authority in- clude the Townships of Arthur, Colborne, Goderich, Howick, ih u e , i mss;---M'intu Farm. berry, West Wawanosh, as well as Seaforth, Clinton, Goderich, Wingham, Harriston, Palmerston and the village of Blyth. ceived a prize of. a lovely date, for the unique presentation. of a ucluet of 50-- hand -made -roses, containing the money raised- by the ladies for missionary pur- poses.. Again this year, the tags vyorn by the ladies, and made 5y her, wonhe prize of a pair of Home Leaue flags in a stand, when they a tended the rally in London. Although always remaining, a Salvationist, Mrs. Johnstone will continue on with the work of her own club, "The Helping Hands." Mrs. Ralph Moyn, of Saginaw, Michigan, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Court- ney and Visited other relatives and friends here. The pupils of S.S. No. 2 and their teacher,' Mrs: Walter Clare, and some of the ,,parents travel- led by bus to the Mhrtyrs' Shrine at Midland and other points of ST. HELENS fr ST. HELENS, July 3.—The St. Helens store owned 'by Mr. W. 1. Miller has been sold to Mr. Donald Pannabecker, of Preston. Ori the week -end, Mr. and Mrs. Pannabecker and their four interest on Thursday of last children, Gordon, Ross, Rodger week. and Mary took up residence On Tuesday evening a large here. They obtained possession crowd of ladies gathered at the school for a miscellaneous show- er in honor of Miss Mary Ellen O'Neil. whose marriage to -Bill GO er; of--Goderich, -tonk-J)lace Saturday morning. Rev. Father Urbanski performed.the mar- riage ceremony. • Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Red- mond and family, of St Au,us- of the store on Monday, July 3rd. We w lcome this new fam- ily to our community. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mr,Altair-Pr were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nolan, of Ttegina, Saskatchewan, and Mrs. Willis Corrigan, of 'Cookstown, Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pannabecker were time visited Mr. and Mrs. John.. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dahmer and Hnward=-an amily-•-on -Su '$yam Mr. Eugene O'Keefe and daughter Elaine visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Keefe and family over the holiday week- end. . Miss Alice Dalton has lett for Detroit -and will be with Dr. and Mrs. "McGill for the summer months. Dr. and Mrs. Moore and Mr. an Mfs. Charles Moore spen p :ren Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller. Dalton and family. Mr. and, Mrs. Roy Hawley, of Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa, were week -end visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods. Signal -Star want ads bring quick results. raiee;52.&ealt;_.Miss Shirley -Mo. Veigh, of Galt, and M -r. and -Mrs. Sheldon Martin and family, of New Hamburg. Little Nacy Grewar, of Brant- ford, rantford, spent the. past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb. Mrs. Gordon McIntyre and Donald; of Richmond Hill„spent the holiday week -end with her Retires After :. • long Service Wit Mr. Frank Mitct'ennan lIi week -end were his brothers, Sandy' and Roderick, of Detroit. Misses Anna and Charlotte Maaenzie, of .Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coke and child - ren, of 4s awa, are visiting with MrS. Ear Howes. -:Mr. a d fVfrs. Cly` Jlackman of Toronto, are holidaying at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Elliott and'Billy and Barbara, of Lan- sing, Michigan, spent a few days iV b with Mr. William Macdonald last week. Mrsreoiin-MaeGrre,gar-left Tuesday to visit relatives in Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster and Donna, of Rodney, spent Saturday with Mrs. Kitson. NOW OPEN CQLONIAL CRAFT HOUSE .., V tttiou atidier i o.k�}�y a iil� lib ,� ,,,, Y�"' i .:. .. •. .l '3,U+r--�,-"L, T'� •7.�� >�, a, k��7K]����������'�w,-,a Z'lL��^:� First Road East .of C.N.R. Tracks S. WHITEMA — JA 4=8290. 27x After a period of 23 years -ser- vice in the Salvation Army, Mrs. J. H. John§tone is retiring from active work. She entered the work a year before the start of World War II. Appointed as the local Po Shield president by Captain Farmer and Captain L. Bragg, she labored in that capacity with 65� other - ladies for eight years, two . of those years in rehabilitation work- She was enrolled as a soldier by Adjutant F. Williains at tile» beginning of 1942, and was cgm- missioned shortly afterwards by Colonel F. Riches to be a- C uard; teaching the._.prim- ary. She also bad charge oftlie Band of Love. Doing the work of the Home League secretary for some years, during the of- ficership of Capt. F. McArthur and Capt. French, her work was recognized an4 she was again commissioned by. Colonel Riches, of London, the Divisional Com mander. Later, she became sec- Blaise Martin were, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dougherty, of Hamil- ton; Mr. Jim Martin, of London; Mr. and- Mrs. Joe Martin, of Hamilton. EMERSON'S DRUG. STORE COR. WEST & SQUARE — WE DELIVER JA 4-9212 THIS WEEK Dunstan became e o c 'r"• -°o the Corps, which post she herd until 1951. • After a period of ill health, she' again took on her labor of love, and it was her delight to bake, sew, ' and knit until the wee small hours of the morning for the benefit of their bazaars. After many years of keeping registers, and becoming the Corps statistician, Mrs. John- stone was commissioned as Re- cord Sergeant, by Lt. -Col. J. Nel- son, now the present Divisional Commander. Attending 32 meet ings • during the month, rarely ever missing, and unable to copb any longer with the. walk- ing which certain phases of the work demands, Mrs. Johnstone is giving up a work she loved, to take a much needed rest. Through_ her, ._efforts,- -a few years ago, the Home League re - Reg. $1.19 Value — ARRID ROLL. ON $1.09 Reg. 66c -Value — NOXZE1VIA 49c Reg. 51c Value — KOTEX, Reg. 12's 45c 59c PHILLIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS and 26c BOX OF INSTANTINE BOTH FOR 59e Reg. 63c PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE, 2 for 99c Reg. 63e IPANA TOOTH PASTE 2 for 99c • Reg. $1.25 DESERT FLOWER DEODORANT — • 2 for $1.25 C� • wild s ur bank balarrce. . . m-. peace of mind THE BANK THAT BUILDS CANADIAN IMPERIAL BA•N K OF COMMERCE :'"b Over 1250 branches to serve you -TR`i RED & WHITE for MINUT, MEALS. SAVE 5c-11 oz. bottle KETCHUP,HEINZ .SAVE 24c -18c off°` 15c GIANT SURFMA6cATICRDOggING ��” 32 -oz. SAVE 15c — RED &•WHITE - — 95c i7c ,;.INST. NT COFFEE 97C SAVE 16c — Reg. 200's GiliATPEFTWITT JUICE .41 KLEENEX TISSUES 6 ¥ . ROUND WHILE YOU .$HOP° FOR YEAR 'ROUND Vitamin & Mineral Supplement Take Paramettes, containing 21 Vitamins and Minerals: bose — One a Day. Regular Price $6.00 per 100 NOW 125 for $6.40 ,. SEE OUR SELECTION- OF SUN 'GLASSES Priced from 19c to $4.95 IMPORTED PERFUMES and COLOGNES C,,hanel, Shalimar, Mitsuoko, L'Heure Blue, Tabu, Christmas Night, Rock, Garden, Ambush, 20 Carats also a complete tine of Yardley's FLASH BULBS • • FOR VALUES AT RED & WHITE -THIS COUPON ood for 2.5c OFF ANY ROAST Good In July 8 M 2, 12's $1.08 No. 5 or 25, 12's $1.38 Ag 1,` 12's $1.08 If CS PHOTO FINISHING BY CHAS. ABEL Canada's Largest Photo Finisliers 48-HOUR SERVICE —• IEING SIZED PRINTS - F ti MEAT FEATURES Extra Lean Sliced , Peameal Bacon ' ib. 69c Burns—Tray Pack Breakfast Sausage FREE BRICK OF BISSET'S ICE CREAM WITH THE PURCHASE OF 2 PKGS. OF PILLSBURY ANGEL FOOD MIX FOR 98c. Looking For New Menu Ideas? Try this easy and delicious salad. Remove top from 20 oz. tin of pineapple slices. Drain juicefrom fruit. Prepare one lime jello powder using one cup of hot water. Pour over fruit in can and allow to set: To unnlold, run warm water over can, remove end from con and slide out jellied .fruit. Cut in slices and serve as salad or a9 dessert treat. The children will love this! Birds Eye Orange Juice 1 Ib. pkg. 49c 6 oz. cans 4-89c 3 doz. 89c DON'T WASTE THE SUN SHOPPING! - SHOP IN THE COOL. OP THE EVENING AT RED & WHITE! OPEN TILL 10 p.m, EVERY EVENING. ED Goderich ITS OMASTER TT tI11Ali"Et'! — 911fic`tciriti St. N. r--