HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-14, Page 7TJftCOBS Q ,iFIApE t2gt?.Y, ;RAf' f E wuc»11.. 3P.11k.T.INT. RHEUMATiSM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, fore Throat,,, Frostbites, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Etc. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Fifty cents: a b•,ttle. Directions ]n 11 ;engages. ME CHARLES A, VOGELER CO., Baltimore. Nd Canadian D `: Toronto, Ont. S LLO H' S CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough. Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue'. cessfuliy stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home en the United States and Canada. If youbave u Cou h,'ore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, orWhowping Cough, use itprt1mptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease; Cenctun tlon, use it, Ash your Druggist for S11I1,0'S CURE, Price 10 cis., So cls. and $1.00. If your Letups aro sore or Pack lathe, eve Shiloh's Parous Plaster, Price as ets. Rn:Nato t,t:: '1 harot ra,rsadoat w,•11tT ;.0.41 Aiwa i..I. 1. Mutt% 4c we (1111 0140. OP rat t"ta;aa,rst.o„aearll laid a !-:all r tam enrr3..en.oe q, orotic S.•aColo40dmlrr•,nttindtlt. ai to mr. ',Lrravrr; r:c ate. Even tar. t::auan are rniir squaw: freta t4 to Vita d,l an ow*. wrahms Y. 41. w andstatt 1oa.tan1,„r:.toaran,nta.. trait do. ;Aur. n'c turns,' 1,1 rank. ifs. 1 1'n1a',lr1: 9,Rrnj: ohm. NEW , 1r'.u1r,t•9.f'arttcuear,frer. a„'t.•er,C• Co.„ Bow, at".Or„ritxtntt,llalno Midler ller O!1 i AND THE Hypophasphites of Lime and Soda. No other Emulsion is so a easy to take. It dos not separate nor spoi 0It is alswee ways a s t. as cream, ' The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Disease,. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. ;I Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D. & L.” Emulsion, and refuse all others. �. PRICE SOC. AND $1 PER BOTTLE. L SEE ElyiLLSION COMPOUND RONCHIPTiS 180 Lexington Ave. New York City, Sept. 19, 1888. I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several cases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Phthisis, and have been well pleased with the results. JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. ComLITTION I Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 14th 1589. I have used your Emulsion in a, case of i'hthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where patient could not use Cod Liver Oil in anyform. J. H.. ROGE, M. D. ERVO PRO T TlC Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th, 1888. I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung, Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gen. eral tonic in physical debility. JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. Late Foreign News INFESTED BY PIRA,TESa. A Mother and Son Drowned. King Humbert has 2,000 blooded horses in his three stables near Pisa. Moro than 8,000 wolves and 850 bears have been killed in Bosnia since 1880. Russia is erecting a new powder factory in Kasen to be devoted exclusively to smoke- less powder. The Pope will give a life statue of himself to St. Mary's Church in Hanover for a monument at the tomb of Dr. Windhorst. Reports that the mutinous Grenadier Guards would be ordered home from Bermu- da: are unfounded. They will psrhaps be sent to Halifax before long. Donna Isidore Cousin in Chili is supppos- to be the richest woman in the world. Her monthly income is $80,000. She is a stately widow of 35 years, and a famous horsewo- man. Frankfort City is negotiatingfor the pur- chase of the original manuscript of the second volume of Sehopenhauec's "Die welt ais Willie and Vorstellung.” The price offered is i00. The historical gray coat of Napoleon L, which was stolen from a, museum, was found recently by the police in the Quartier du Temple in Paris. An old clothes dealer had given the thief 70 cents for it. Oti a single day at Pittsburg tour espee- taut brides bad to leave the churches with- out beiugmarrued, the bridegrooms all heiug too drunk to put in au appearance. Something isthe matter with th esmall- bore rifle of Italy. The Minister is said to have stopped their manufacture, and to have ordered the distribution of those Made to the Alpine regiments. .As German gamier was proceedingdown the Seine from Ranch ou Friday, in a thick fog, she eame into collision with a small boat, which was capsized, and its occupants, a. mother and son, were both drowned. The P i is Temps publishes a letter from Tonquin announcing that in the delta there are twenty-three bands of pirates, partially armedwith (iuick•firing riiles.Soveral of these gangs consist of from 700 to 800 men, wide two hall as many as 1400' to 1500 members. The society of Friends of the Rose in Germany will hold an international rase fair at Trier on June 2740. Thera will, be cone- plete collections of roses from every land Wnere the rose grows. Brigands and robbers have rode the rail - read lino of Batoom so unsafe that militia had to be placed, sir men at every station and three men on every guard's and brake - Man's post between the atations, Fourteen young Turks have been sent to Germany by the Sultan to study agriculture. Upon their return they will conduct model afrieulturalcstablishrnonts for the instruc- tion of 'rurish farmers. In Altar!, Switzerland, the TellMonument Committee is makiugevory effort to press forward its work. Four prises of $625, 8250, and $]00 have been offered for the four best plans for the monument. The Turkish Sultan's kitchen costs the empire $200,000 annually. The building extends 150 feet on every side. Tho dishes are sealed in the kitchen by no loss a person than Osman Pastia the hero of Plavna, and are unsealed in the Sultan's presence. The following advertisement appears in a German newspaper : " Wanted by a lady of quality, for adequate remuneration, a few well-behaved and respectable -dressed child - en to amuse a cat in delicatc health two or three hours a day." Austria's nowParliament contains 51 law- . s 11 professors ss � law- yers, e ors and s^.ileal teachers, 1_ doctors and apothecaries 3 architects and civil engineers, 20 clergymen, 147 Ianded pro. prietors, 29 officials, 9 manufacturers, 9 jour- nalists, and 6 gentlemen of leisure. A landlord died recently in St. Peters- burg who rcnotnbered his tenants in his will. He ordered that tenants of ten years should keep their apartments free of rent for two years after Itis death ; such as have lived in his house over three years are not to pay rent for three months ; all other ten- ants are not to bo charged with rent for one month. Vegetation in the Alps recedes downward from year to year. Formerly Alpine roses grew at an altitude of 7,600 feet. Now they are seldom found higher than 6,500 feet, and are at that height stunted. Beeches have gone down I,200feet. Various berries, which once flourished 7,500 fent above sea level, do not grow in higher altitudes now Than 5,890 feet. The longest bridge in the world is the Lion ]fridge near Sangang, in China. It ex- tends 54 miles over an area of the Yellow Sea and is supported by 300 huge stone arches. The roadway is 70 feet above the water and is enclosed in an iron network. A marble lion 21 feet long rests on the crown of every pillar. The bridge was built at the command of the Emperor Kieng Long, who abdicated in 1796 on account of old age. An English gentleman named Macfarlane, coining from Cannes, has been founcl dead in a first-c'ass carriage of the Lyons express train ab Berry, Paris. The train was stop- ped owing to the ringing of the alarm bell which had been pulled. by the dying 1 ravel - ler. When the guard entered the carriage whence the signal was given he saw Mr. Macfarlane was quite dead. The deceased had succumbed to heart disease. The St. Petersburg .iV'ovosti, the only Rus- sian paper which defends the Jews against their calumniators, has received the "second warning" from the Ministry of the Interior. The reasons of the warning are as follows : " Not:esti represents the position of the Jews in a false light, and thereby causes discon- tent among the subjects of the Czar ; the paper, pursuing erroneous liberal tendencies, shows itself inimical toward eeery mani- festation of Russian nationalism as well as to many measures enacted by the Govern- ment" Three such " warnings " are follow- ed by suspension. German papers express serious alarni at he spread of irreligion in the fatherland. I'he number of Germans in the large cities receiving neither "baptism nor confirmation amounts to hundreds of thousands. In Prussia alone there are $0,000 irreligious persons wbo have never been baptized., rids number does not include' those who have been baptized but disclaim the Church and all religious institutions. The trans -African railroad has- been com- feted from Loanda to Ambaca, 160 miles in the interior. Itis the only railroad in peration in equatorial Africa, . It has been milt by native workmen and daily trains ro run overt the line. eche years have esed since the. line .w,as started. The '• rtngnesn (government guarantees the iti- e a en its cost. The road is to be'ptished undyed miles further into the in Aad DEBILITY►' Brooklyn, N, Y.. Oct. 10th, ] :: I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior tO I the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use D. A. GORTON, M. D. j BDISEASES 187 West 84th St. New York, Aug 0, 1888. I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound In a severe case of Mal -nutrition and the result was more thau Sloped for—it was marvelous, and con. tenuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession • o and humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. i l Firma t'.J� '"'?, Sold by Druggists, Prate ;a i .00. 1. FLAX. -SEED EMULSION CO. `e 35 Liberty St., New York. t JPA. a:eb \V. E. Ceche e u l Y , Exeter. 1 °An Englishman named John Smith pr es to establish ambulatory grocery an dairy stores for the accommodation of sum- tnerresorts in the vicinity of St, Petersburg. The stores or vans will be built on the pat- tern of those in Brazil, and bring to the houses of the rusticatingpeaplefresb goods every morning. Hitherto the rusticators have depended on peddlers for their supply of groceries and dairy goods ,and seldom re- ceived them, fresh or in good condition. Ma Smiths vans willbe fitted up with refriger- ators and all n 1 other appliances to keep the I goods fresh and nice. A strange arrival lately took place at Barcelona. An old pian of 90, who had left the town in his youth to seek his fortune in America, reappeared with a suite of over 200 persons—a very large family. He had been married three tithes, and brought back to Barcelona 16 daughters, of whom six were widows and nine married ; 23 sons, some of whom were widowers and others married ; 3.1 granddaughters, some of whom were married ; and 47 graudsons ; and among the rest three great -great-grandsons. These, with their wives and husbands and children, made up the large family. The Russian photographers have a peculiar way of punishing customers who do not pay their bills. They hang out the pictures of such customers upside down. One of the Odessa dailies thinks that thephotogr. -ehors may be right in treating their delinquent adult customers in such a, manner, but it re- gards it as wrong to expose to scorn the pie - tures of children ordered by parents who would not pay their bills. The Russian Imperial Cabinet is per- fecting the new pharmaceutical law, by. which women will be allowed to practice as druggists. Special courses for women will . be established at the Academy of Medicine, ,their respect and admiration far him, where theoretic audpraeticai pharmacywill Amongthem were the most prominent men be taught. Women between the ages of 10 P cf the Mohammedan community of the city. " Nor were these ovations," says the Gazette, i0 expressions of disapproval of the punishment be had suffered, for Btgoo i ahormak's guilt had been proven to the satisfaction of his most ardent friends and defenders." Two new armored battle ships have been added to France's Mediterranean squadron, Theyet a e> t are h i•Ioelt and the .'larceav, bath POPULAR SUCC]SK NORTHROP & LYMAN'S VetahIe DioYcry .a Cie -13,313.41h:130 BLOOD PURIFIER A1iA HEALTH REGULATOR No Medicine Equals it. Its Properties are .suck as to Rapidly Insure Sound ilieaUtln and Long .Life. Pleasant to the Taste, and Warranted FREE • FROM ,:ANYTITINC4i, INJURIOUS To the most Delicate Constitution of Either Sex, T effectually and thoroughly Purifies and En.. riches the Blood, gives Life, Strength and Vigor to the whole Organism. of Digestion, restores to healthy action the funct on of the Liver, regulates es the Bowels, acts upon the Nervous System and Secretive Organs, restores the functionsof the Kid– neys and Skin, and. renovates and invigorates the entire body, and in this way frees the systefxz of disease. Its effects are surprising to all, In so effectut- ally and thoroughly cleansing the entire system, and PERMANENTLY CURING ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPURITIES OP THE BLOOD. such as Scrofula, and every kind of Unhealthy Humor, Female Weakness, and those complaints known by the names of Erysipelas, Canker, Salt– Rheum, Pimples or Blotches on the Face, Neck or Ears, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Boils, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Bilious- ness, Pains in the Sidle, Shoulder, Back or Loins, Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, Costiveness, Piles, Headache, Dizziness, Nervousness, Faintnessah the Stomach, and general Weakness and, Debility and 40 years, having graduated in a gymna, slum or a seminary, will have to submit to an additional examination in Latin and na- tural science before they can enter the col- lege. Their study will last three years. when they complete the course they will be Admitted to prtletice as- it assistant drug- gists ' forthwith, without being subjected to the necessity of serving an apprentice- shs Lffectsof variously colored lights on insauo begun about ten years ago. The tonnage of persons have been observed by the director the Hoche is10,ti.i0; horse power of engines of the Milan Insane Asylum. A melancholy 22,3u0; speed at her best, 32 knots eft two patient in a rosy light improved perceptibly hours. The Si.rreau, with engines of 11,000 in twelve hours. In twenty-four hours he home power, reu on her trial trip 16.4 knots called for food, although for many preceding an hour far four hours. The armor of each days nourishment heel been administered to, at the water line is 18 inches thick; on the himagainst his will. Thereupon the director turrets containing the heavy guns, 14 inches had mama furnished insolid colors. and con- on the ;leak above the machinery and 'am fined patients in them. Green and blue munition, 3 irlchts. The Marceau 1 as 4 were found to be the mostquietingl rose the • heavy guns of 31 eeutinteter calibre wilie'1t most ebeeriug, red the most exciting. All; at close ranee eau penetrate wrought iron 20 the patients in the asylum will be confined niches thick ; 17 medium gnus of 14 erutl- lhereafter in apartments furnished in colors meter calibre, and 26 revolving quirk -firing to suit the nature of their maladies. cannon. Thelioeheis eimilarly armed, satie In VI o Crimea, the trans -Caspian and the that two of its four heaviest guns are of only Central Asiatic governments of Russia quiak- 27 centimeteroalibre. The Noche and the sands makolarge inroads every year, cover- Algoma are of about the same size as the ing thousands of acres of the best ariltile eon, four German battle ships in process of con - The most spilled engineers, under thedirec• struetion and calculated #a make 16,161 tion of the Ministries of the Interior and of knots an hour. The English battle ships Imperial Property, have for many years Harfieur and Centurion, now building, will tried to stop�the evil but with little or no be more lightly armed and armored than l�T success. ow the Imperial Geographical the Hoolte and the Marceau, On the other Society has detailed a comhnissionusidar the hand they will be faster by 2-21 knots an leadership of Kb. V. Hellman to spend the hour than the Frenelunon. Summar in Algiers and Egypt, studying the natnro of the quicksands in those countries and the methods by which the natives resist their inroads. French naval officers aro in a turmoil over Only a woman will believe in a man who the suppositions worthlessuess of many of has once been detected in fraud and false - of their torpedo boats. That some of the hood. boats aro quite useless was shown recently As to the works of genius they exceed by the experience of two of them built after the eFeeeley of woman, see has never, the plans of Admiral Aube. These two boats thereare, by any cultivation of her mind, at had been thoroughly overhauled in.theyards tallied even one of those conceptions which at St. Denis, and were started for the Seine. form the highest triumphs of the mind. They wore brought, with great difficulty and clanger to the crew, as far as Cherborough, To imitate the highest example, to do where the engines gave out, and both would good in ways not usualeeo the same rank of life to make al.e reataxart'o have ono to -pieces 1 ins and r' 1 g p eec had tllcynot been taken €, sacrifices in tow by .merchantmen. The ferty.eight in the cause of religion and with a view other torpedo boats of the Aube pattern aro to eternal happiness, to determine without said to be equally useless. An investigation delay to reduce to practice whatever we tip be ordered. plaud in theory, are modes of conduct In the municipal council of Orel, the home which the world will generally condemn as of the late Russian novelist, Ivan Sergiovitch romantic. Turgenieff, a resolution was adopted five I envy no Man who knows more than my years ago to erect a monument to hint. But elf, but pity those who know less. the administrative authorities put the mat- The worst of mad men is a saint run ter on the table, or as the Russians say, mad. "under the green cloth," and nothing has I never knew a man of letters ashamed of been done about it since. Now, upon the his profession. suasion of "RusskiyaViedomosti," a Moscow Not the failures of others not their sins daily, the prominent citizens of Orel have = started a movement to obtain the sanction of commission or omission, but his own of the Government for the tabled resolution. misdeeds and negligence should a wisp man The monument is to be a free circulating take note of. library, which the city proposes to establish We all have to learn in one way or gn- at its own expense. other, that neither men nor boys get second chances in this world. We all get nem chances till the endofour lives, butnotsecond chalices in the same set of circumstances ; and the great difference between one person and another is, how he takes hold of and uses his first chance, and he takes his fall if it is scored against him. The lougor I live and the snore I see Of the struggles of soul toward heights above, The stronger this truth comes home to me, That the universe rests cn the shoulders of Love. In seeking wisdom, thou art wise in imagining tliatthou hast attained it, thou art a fool. The great perpetual battI'e of life is the warfare waged against self. A broken reputashun iz like a broken vase,—it may be mended but alwuss shows whore the brake waz. Conquer your foe by force, you increase his enmity ; conquer by love. and you will reap no after sorrow. The common problem—yours, mine, every one's— Is not to fancy wh were fair in life, Provided it.could be, but finding first What may be, then find how to make it fair. }'I:,i,R1.S OFTItI TU. Russia's twenty-second infantry division, consisting of the Eighty-fifth, Eighty-sixth, Eighty-seventh, andEighty-eighth Infantry Regiments, was moved by an order of March 24 from Novgorod, where it has been sta.. tionod since 1856, toile Austrian boundary, and troops from the Caucasus have been com- manded- to its old quarters. Other pre- parations of a similar significant nature continue to be made. With a viewto facil- itating mobilization, the corps of district commanders has been greatly augmented. Fifty lower district commands have .boon raised to the rank of regimental commander - ships, and the number of non-commissioned officers in this branch of the service has been correspondingly increased. JTiedonosti of St Petersburg thinks that the military force of Russia in Central Asia is hardly sufficient to protect the interests of the empire in that region, and by far in- sufficient to hold the border lands against an onslaught from the outside. " We must not forget," says that paper, "thatatthepresent state of affairs in Europe it may at any mo- ment become impossible for us to withdraw our troops from the interior of the empire and to send them to Asia. Should trouble break out in Europe and in Asia simultan- eously Turkestan would have to be left en- tirely to its own resources. And those re- soures are very small. In 1878, when the Mohammedanstbfthatregionbecamerestive, A house built on sand is, in fair weather, we were able to put in the field against them just as good as if builded on a rock. A only 25,000 men, while England could mus- cobweb is as good as the mightiest chain ter 60,000 troops. Since then England has cable when there is no strain on it. It is enlarged her power there and we have been trial that proves one thing weak and an - almost at a standstill. The increase of our other strong.,• military forces in that region is therefore of supreme importance to us if we are to' hold our own against theaggressive power of Eng- land. Mr. Oppenheimer—" Rachel, do you ob- The Caspian, Gazette of Bakoo reports that serve dot peautiful sunset?" the Russian prison has no terror for the Mrs. Oppenheimer—"I do, Solotnon. It Mohammedans of that region. A Mos- vos lofely." sulmau having served his term in such a Mr. Oppenheimer --x" Der finest thing I prison is regarded by:then almostas a saint, lief soon all my lifein." no matter as to the crime for which he I ad Mrs. Oppenheimer-" Olh, Solomon, dere been condemned. For a Moslem to seythat vas tears in your eyes. Dot shows me you ho has been confined in prison is to make a haf a goot heart yen you vas affected by dose claim on the respect and admiration of his beauties of nature like dot." fellow believers. A certain Bagoo Tuber- "Mr. Oppenheimer—" I vas shust affect - mak of Bakoo was released recently from ad von I thought how -I could look at dot State prison after a term of three years for peautiful effect midout it costing me a single forgery. Onhis way to his house the was cent."—[Chicago American. met by a crowd of his follow believers,. who cheered him Ioudly and slaughtered he The -United States Senate Committee on goats before 'hien over the carcasses of Relations with Canada took more evidence which he had to step. For three days after et Buffalo Wednesday, and also received a ward his house was . crowded with visitors deputation from 'Toronto in relation to the coming to congratulate him and to express -Hurontario Shp Railway project. What iffeoted Her. • DO YOU KEEP IT 1N THE HOUSE? ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, 40. --tt11.••• E ETER LUMBERYARD The undersigned wishes to inform the Public in general that he keeps constantly in stock all kinds of BUILDIN(it MATERIAL Dresaed oar' 17:2„cixez Qs.. PINE AND iiEMLOOK LUMBER. SHINGLES 'A SPECIALTY 900,000 XX and XXX Pi.-ae and Cedar Shingles now in stook. A call solicited and satisfaction guaranted. JAMES WILLIgl, To 13 tsar' both Internally -and externally. t4.4 It Gets quiatly, al ortltng almost'natant 64 roilef from the acre: oat pain. r'9 DIRECT LY TO THE SPOT. IN.STRTITII : US Ill ITS AG T io L For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRI'IIMA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. Cornplairsts itsCeffect iand magic Bowel It curos in averyshort time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA IA G and TOOTHACHE. OOTrI ACHE. SOLO EVERYWHERE AT 250. A rearms. ��+�- + C" Dewar° or Ceunterteits and Imitation:. Farmers and Threshers —SHOULD USE — Nefiall B�Larcline Oil, CYLINDER, W,)()L, BOILER, AND PURGER OILS SEE THAI TELE BARRELS ARE BRANDED McOALL BROS. TAA-RDINE - TORONTO , FOB SALE BY BISSLt'TT BROS.,Ewrza. Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S ESTABLISHMENT, 18, NEW OXFORD STPZE.ET, 1..101V2)01\1° 1►� ` �9°is. 0��'�'�*°'e°� t q,1 4 °.gY,1 _` eon �'� V 3c o. 0. Ap�� .aloe*,o0 1 `0��4 \#' ''c'e ee 4,1° os. �e boa o 4 �"` AO .6%.410,e).eb b 40P- AW. eGo�e ' `> �4g,o, 8$.9' e4 • 4.o Gar Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. TELEGRA.I'HIO TIORS. The expulsion of Jews from Moscow has been suspended. Thos. B. Aikens, one of the oldestlawyers in Nova Scotia, is dead. Sir Charles Tupper has written to The Times a reply o Sir HenryTyler's last let- ter. The Queen willive •a £100 cup for com- petition between Canadian yachts, . the first race to take place at Toronto, Rev. J. Farquharson of Pilot Mound has been elected moderator of tete Synod of Manitoba and the Northwest. A special convocation of the University of Toronto was held yesterday for the pur- pose of conferring degrees in medicine and dentistry. The wife of John Christy of Gloucester, • near Manotiok, Ont., was found dead in bed. The cause is supposedetee be heart disease. -At the Cobourg Assizes Dr. Alfred Farm. candle was fined $300 and costsfornegligent treatment in not properly redue'ng a dislo- cated shoulder. The Quebec Government has soncluded i contract with Rev. M. Petard, mire 'of Bait St. Paul, to take =reef insane patients in the Hospital 5..Joseph at $50 per head. Capt. Verney was convicted in London of procuring a young woman for immoral purposes, and was sentenced to one year's imprisonment without hard labor,