HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-06-29, Page 7LOCAL DANCERS WILL COMPETE AT EMBRO June Bissett, Barbara McLeod, Janet Young, Jannett 1?obie and Sharon McClinehey. will com- Thirteen ocal dancers will pete. In the 12 years and under compete at t e Highland Dane- class, there %i11 be Delores Gau- ing comptltiAQns on July 1st at ley, Carolyn Graham, Jacqueline Embro. They .are the pupils of ,Marriott and Annette McCrostie; Mary Lynn Leonard, who will tett years and under, Connie also dancte,,in the open competi- Young and P'atsy Wilkin; eight tion class. t years and under, Gail Seers and In the 14 years and under, Cheryl Youngblut.•, • '�'•.. •.�.,,.... _�:.,. ,,. �. ..,,: t^Y.•- awry � �. „ DeT • STREETER Al Painting and Decorating 'INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR or EXTERIOR Brush, Spray or Roller GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP PHONE JA 4-8026 If 12 Hard Boiled. Eggs Burn The Goderich Fire Depart- ment was called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. George . Mor- ley, 117 Quebec street, about 3.20 p.m., Monday. The house with -smoke. a• •' Mrs:_.. : l .::.h9'; � ��1ie` .<dozen' eggs on the stove tq' hard boil for a salad. Later, she forgot about them and went up town to shop. Mr. Morley arrived, back home in time to let the firemen into the house. The„ eggs were dried to a pulp and emitting clouds of smoke. No damage. was otherwise done. • La key Iew Casino. GRAND- BENZ? DANCING LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MIDNITE DANCE — SUNDAY, JULY 2nd Jive Night each week—starting WEDNESDAY — JULY 5th ••••••e••etveare e•e•• I Prornotions At Goderich (Continued- frown page 1) Diane Naud, Arthur Nicholson, Roseanne Nutter, David Orr (English), Jennifer Parsons, Carol Pettman (Typin .Ra si' -�T �t< menti tlIbe is mpson, Tom S . �ll� �"-r SelzreeiCler Told Shaw, Vernon Skeoch, Joyce Slater, Sylvia Smith, Rudy Sny- der (Typing), Barry Sowerby (Shop), Paul Squire, Shirley Squire, Barry Stewart, Carol Stoddart, Catherine $uplat, Mich- ael Sutcliffe, Annette Tantzen (Latin), John Taras,: Tina Terp= stra, Fables Thomas, Jane Treble (English, Math.), Helen Vance (Math.), Margie, Van Rheenen, Ruth Wallace, Albert Walter (Math.), Sandra Ware, David Watson, Nancy Watters, Brian Weaver; Reed -Webb, Judy Web- er; Genna Weigand, Gerald White, Andrea Williams (Math.), Cheryl Williams, Elaine Wilson, Terry Young (Typing). Promoted From Grade 11 Dwight Aldhan, Barbara Alex- ander, Bonnie- Allen, Pauline Anderson, Sharon Baechler (Geometry)," Robert $all, Nor- man Bell (French), Nancy Boyce," James Boyes, Ruth Brindley (History), Sheila Brown (French), Doreen Buchanan (Typing), Mary Lou Collinson (History), Sandra Jean Collyer, James Cracknell (History), Lynda Crawford (Ag. Sc.),,..plonald Currell (French), Joan Davis, David Dawson (French); Karen Dawson (Geom- etry), Klaas de Groot, Raymond Donnelly, Evonne Drennan, Mary Lou Drennan, - Dennis Duck- worth, George Durnin (History), .John Everett (French), Douglas Fisher, Lynda Foster, Joseph Fritzley (Geometry), Ethel Pul- er, Norma Hamilton, Ivan Har - BINGO at LEGION HALL SATURDAY, JULY 1. AT 8.30 P.M. •15 •.GAMVIES- :__--.x:100. The prize for each regular game will be $12°00: 4 SHARE -THE -WEALTH Jackpot Combined. JACKPOT OF $65.00 IN 53 CALLS. Sponsored by Canadian Legion Branch 109. No person under 16 admitted to Legion Hall FOR C4,PiTAL GROWTH INVESTORS GROWTH' FUt combines the advantages of a diver- sified stock investment and full-time professional manage- ment. Assets of the fund are invested in a wide range of Canadian common stocks selected for long-term growth potential. FEATURES: • Automatic, free re -investment of dividend. • Cumulative investanent, plan$ • Variable income plans • • Income tax credits For complete information contact . • .� T. A. JARDIN _ 4epresentative Wingham, Ont Phone 147 Investors ov[ d O (' :CIV OF CANADA, LIMITED • Head Offices Winnipeg • Offices in Principal Cities FOR Announced Collegiate ris, Michael Helesic (Geom.), Susan Hindmarsh, John Hinton, Ronald •Homuth, Audrey ' Hoy, Roberta Fruckins, Martin Hurst, Sandra Jewell, Beverley John- atnni,w Audrey. Jongejan,, . Mai' Q . r y .n%n }ins 'George'. ���,�7jg +9.a�i++ � fir, Q � P 'L 'tth � a wse (,(English), Judy Linklater, Paul Linkrater, Peggy Linkjater,' Gait Lock hart -$r4t0e MacDonald; a Donald, Bev- erley MacMilIan, Shirley McCul- lough (History), Bernice Mc; Dougall, Alex lVIackenzie, June Mills (History),' Diane Morris, David Neville, Mary Lou O'- Dwyer, Nancy Peers (French), Helen' Peterson (Geometry), El- len Pickell, Garnett Picot, Garth Picot, Jennifer Prest, Barry Prouse, Andrew RiehI (History), Nancy ; Robinson, John Ross, Heidi Schmidt Beverly Scruton (Ag. Science), Neta Sherwood, Patricia Simpson, Stine -SIater, Bryan SpiegeIberg (Geometry), Darlene Stoddart (Geometry), Barbara Taylor, Coby Terpstra, John Waiter, Barbara Watson, Edward Walzak, Josephine Wed lock, Karen Weigel-. Lawrence Wilson, Judy Witmer; Peggy Young, Terry Zoethout. Promoted From Grade 12 Garry Arlin, Barbara Allison, Audrey Banter, Bill Bettger, Michael Bidner, Lynda•, Blake, James Bridle, Mary Brindley, Shirley Brown, Paul Carroll (English, Algebra), Carolyn Clark, Douglas Clark, Susan Cor- less,•-oMa-rtha de° Groot, Donna Dockstader, Ken Dowds, Barbara Durnin, John Ervine (French), Gerald Etue, Wayne Fe,agan, Eunice Hoy (Algebra), John Kin- kead, Edgar Leatherland, Connie MacDonald, Janet MacKay, Judy MacKay, Shirley McCowan, Sandra McLean, Jim McWhin- ney, Joyce Matthews, Judy Mur- phy, Sylvia Powell, Blair Red- nmond, liargaret Anne Rees, Glen ibey, Lloyd Skeoch (Algebra;' Fr.), Grant Sowerby, Jim Steph- ens, Bill Stiles, Bill Straughan; Dianne Taylor, Wayne Treitz, Brian Turner, Jack Van der. Meer, Willemina Van Oenen, Look Out! Police Chief Fred Minshall has received at least half a dozen complaints from people who claim to have been "gypped" by home -freezer salesmen. These salesmen are from out-of-town. The police chief warns prospective sus- eull t .u:� , f r � ea= e k+1 eontrabt ..biefore signing foie .any pure ase, Or, better .OA �7 Ii taire ��.�rtr u , local, reliable merchant. e chant, There isn't anything given away for , next to nothing, despite the fast talking of the visiting salesmen. BAPTIST CHURCH HOLDS BAPTISMAL SERVICE - Beautiful bouquets of summer flowers decorated the Goderich Baptist Church for the baptismal service held on Sunday evening. The service was conducted by the minister, Rev. E. Von Keitz, assisted by the deacon, William Ferguson, Mr. Von Keitz chal- lenged the candidates and the congregation_ _ta Jioldlyr_wi.tness to their faithand steadfastness. The candidates for baptism were Miss Becky Johnston, Mrs. Har- old Chase, and Ronald Young. Mrs. George Johnston and Mrs. Earl Raithby decorated the cl>Lttrch on the occasion. Scbo0g Opens For Leaders A five-day training course for Western Ontario playground leaders -and instructors opened this wee -k at the Goderich Sum- mer School. The seventh_ annual course is sponsored ,by the Lake Huron Zone Recreation Council in co- operation with the comni+ttnity branch, Ontario department of education. Camp director is Bud Bltton, of Listowel, and the camp manager, Keith Davidson, Paul Walmark, Richard Watson ! ofLectures to are held daily in all (French), Douglas Wilson; Mary fWilson, Anthony Winter„,,,,t,hn .(French), Graduating From Special Com- mercial Donna Beechey, Marie Black, Joyce Chambers,-Gwen—Dot Mollie. Anne Donaldson, Eliza- beth Harley, Carolyn llarnack, Betty Harrison, Donna lloltzman, Ruth Linklater, Judy Naftel, 4 Patricia Stoddart, -Joanne Van Oenen, Eileen Vassella, Rose- mary Wilson, Donald. Young. phases 0 -summer' programming including •crafts; :storyr..•tellingSYTE1'I'ARDTOIV, June 27. -- sperial events "track and Tieie-Ilii s:T W iTiiar'n-T• c ter're itrned to music, first aid, safety and her home in Kitchener during dramatics. the past week -end after visiting Lecturers are -Stanley Christie, for a week with Mrs. A. Foster. alTlcer on; J-oBil -'I-mini:; Vfiii -M arid 11Trs F,: ,illi;iii and family and Mrs. Cowan spent. Sunday visiting relatives at Hen - l, A afternoonsaiat Sheppardton when picnic was `field Sunday Porter's Hill .f School Picnic Porter's•Hiil school, S -S. No. 5, Goderich Township, held their annual picnic on Monday even- ing at -H4}arbor' Park with a large - per: Following =des. g_ the supper, rac Y>veat' `1:Ize'l& WItii the winners' being: Pre-school children,Jo dY CUat, Debbie Torrance,- Marie Betties; girls and boys, Six to eight years, Peter Idsinga, Kevin Cox; girls 12 and under, Sandra Idsinga, Colleen Lockhart, Lynda Torrance; ,.boys, 12 and under, John Manning, Murray Torrance, John Cox; grades seven and. eight, Lennie DeRuyter,, Corrie Idsinga, Peggy Ann Betties; young ladies race, Sharon' Lock- hart, Peggy Ann Betties, Corrie Idsinga; married ladies, Mrs.. Alvin Kettles, Mrs. Argyle -Lock- hart, Mrs. Bill Coat; married men, Harry Torrance, Arlie Lockhart, Elgin Cox; senior three-legged race, Betty Idsinga and ,Corrie Idsinga, Lennie De Ruyter and Irerie Bruinsma, Sharon Lockhart • and Peggy Anne Betties; junior- three-ieg- ged race, Sandra Idsinga and Colleen Lockhart, John Manning and Dave Mathers, Murray Tor- rance and John Cox: wheelbar- row race, Betty Idsinga and Peter Idsinga, Laurie Cox and Corrie Idsinga, Lennie De Ruy- ter and Colleen Lockhart; shoe scramble, Corrie Idsinga, Lennie l)e Rttyter, Sandra Idsinga; kick- the -slipper, Betty Idsinga, Billy longeian, Peggy Ann Kettles; thread -the -needle, Irene Bruins - ma and Corrie Idsinga, Lennie Ile Rttyter and Betty Idsinga, Elaine •Townshend and Barbara nettles; junior sack race, Sandra Tdsinea, Colleen Lockhart, NIur- rav Torrance; senior sack race, T ennie De Ratvter, Betty Id -singe, Sharon..Lockhart. The evening's program was , oncltrded with • a - peanut scramble. The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, June 29tls, l,lldl, 7 PERSONALS: Miss Joan Davis, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. .Davis, has accepted a position for the sum- mer months on, the stair of Huron Church .Camp, at Bey-- 'yj. •[ lifeguard . R , G._.',#,'• .,.. '", g rd and�swimming° snstrUer tor es.and will 11 'b e in charge of childret tging in age: orft'7' to 16 Joan has had consider- able experience in this work and last year was a lifeguard at the pool here. At present Joan is taking the Red Cross leaders' course and she is also the hold- SHEPPARDTON verton; 'Donald Gravett. Exeter Key Dey, Listowel; Pat Bladder, St, Marys. Representing the community, programs branch are Robert Secord, of Hanover, and Harold Harton, adviser on social relatives of Mrs. Frank Rising's recreation, mother (the late Mrs. Thomas (Baptist) Standish) gathered to Dungannon Wedding Attendants Of 50 YearsAgo at'Anniversar Mrs. Clarence Dustow and Mrs. Burton Roach attended the golden wedding anniversary, of their cousins, Mr. and • Mrs George Salter (nee Ruby' Pent- land), held at Essex last Satur- day. These two ladies were at- tendants at the wedding held at the bride's home near Dungan- non 'fifty years ago. The celebration followed the usual procedure of a family din- ner served in the church Sunday School room, to 60 relatives in- cluding four generations. A "re- ception followed -An- -- the-- Town- Hall, decorated with flowers, at which 300 guests were enter- tained. The Rebekah Lodge, of call was ektended to Mr. Weir sons and four daughters with their families, were also in at-- tendance. Forty relatives were entertained to a luncheon at the home of their daughter, Eileen, following the church service. Call Extended To Rev.; W. Weir The congregation of Knox Presbyterian- Church, Stratford, has "extenOEe a unanimous call to - Rev. William Weir, of Bramp- ton Presbyterian Church..' The which Mrs. Salter is Past Noble Grand,` assisted- in serving re-, freshments. Guests were pre- sent from Detroit, Windsor, Hamilton, '•St. Thomas, London, Atwood, Goderich and Dun- gannon. On Sunday, all relatives and friends accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Salter to a Communion ser- vice at their family church. The members of their family, two ELECTRICAL 'HEATING FIXTURES and APPLIANCES SEE Wm. MacDONALD ELECTRIC BRITANNIA ROAD GODERICH .sssss■s� JA 4-7951 A' .• One way,,to avoidaa traffic accident this weekend is to stay home on the porch ! ! ! • But it you are planning to get out in the family car and go somewhere you can, help prevent accidents_ by travelling at a safe speed by obeying (Giffin signs and signets • by leaving a safe distance between your car and the one ahead • y !Imam your intention► well in advancet7 by oar* and courtesy Wyatt do slay Mei, rale Safe the noosing chair is in good repair l l l -C. rtes insurance AssOriation following a congregational mt- ing Sunday morning, at which the interim moderator, Rev. James Ferguson, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, presided. A native of Scotland, Mr. Weir received his primary and second- ary school education in Gode- rich. For ten years he worked in °banking and industry before graduating with a bachelor of arts degree from the University of. Toronto, and from Knox Col- lege, Toronto, in 1936. OLD SCHOOLS SOLD IN NEW ASHFIELD AREA The end of an era in the teaching of the three R' . . e , mar e. wit the sale/of three schools and the material from another, in Ashfield Town- ship. The cpnstruction • of a • new central school to serve several sections, resulted in the Area Board offering the outmoded school properties for sale. The stone school at Para- mount, U.S.S. No. 14, was pur- chased by Chris Cook. Jack van Osch bought the stone school at Lothian, S.S. No. 7 and the frame school at Lanes, S.S. No. 10, was bought by John Howard. The material in the Hemlock City stone school is being strip- ped by 'Donald Simpson. The site of the new school is just west of the old }Terrilock School which will he "bulldozed" event- ually, and the choice of the stone in this building used to face the new school. Inn: renew acquaintances. About 70 people were- present from Tees. - water. Wingham, Kincardine, Bervie, Holyrood, .Kitchener, Toronto,. Hamilton, Cobourg, Clappison's Corners, Trowbridge Dungannon, Port Albert and Goderich. OBITUARY FREDERICK HENRY LYNCH Funeral services will be held this afternoon at the Stiles fun- eral home for Frederick Henry Lynch who died in Alexandra Hospital on Tuesday. Rev. W. J. ten Hoopen will officiate and burial will be in Maitland ceme- tery. _ A son of the lateChri_stopher and Emma Henry Lynch,,.Fred- erick Lynch was born in Portage la. Prairie in 1880. In 1916 he was married in Regina to Mary Emma Roe. In 1930,.they came to Goderich. Mr. Lynch was a nlasterer by trade and a mem- her of North Street United Church. Surviving are his widow: three daughters. Mrs. Fred (Irene) Miller. Clinton; Mrs. Eric (Ev- elyn) Harrison, Stratford: Mrs. William (June) Bond. Goderich: one sister. Mrs. Jack Leave, .Wit1- nipeg, and seven grandchildren. JOSEPH ELMER EMMERTON An employee of Polymer Cor- poratibn Ltd. for 19 years, Joseph Elmer Emmerton, 53, Sarnia, died on Monday at Sarnia General Hos .i Surviving are his wife, Idella; three sons, Harvey, Niagara Falls; Raymond and Orville, both at home; one daughter, -Gail, at home; five brothers, Edward. Goderich; Allan, London:. Stan- ley, Kincardine; Herbert and Gordon, both of Huron Town- ship; four sisters. Mrs. William Walsh and Mrs. Wilson Maurer. both of Kincardine: Mrs. Cliff Geddes and Mrs. William Wil- kins, both of Huron Township. Funeral services will he held this evening at the Stewart ton - ere] home, Sarnia. and on Fri- day afternoon at the church of the Messiah. Huron Towns'�n. Interment will be in Kincardine cemetery. Mrs. M. F. Noble, of Don Mills, was in Goderich at, the week -end attending the bridge `nurnament held at Harhourlite - FOR V'AST SERVICE on your EXPRESS PARCELS SEND THEM DAILY --BY BUS TO OR FROM CHATHAM and INTERMEDIATE POINTS Minimum Charge — 50 cents CHATHAM COACFI',LINES BUS DEPOT AT SAMIS (MOTORS Telephone J'Aolon 4-9231 er of the bronze medallion and the bronze cross and if, alloes .well hopes to pick up her Award" o f Merit in JUIy. o p M r Q been attendingG oderich h� '. Hess College, has -joined - xhe ,othee staff at Sinpson-Sears td., Lond On. Miss Judith Love has secured employment at Ciffice Overload, Toronto. Miss love has been attending Goderich Business lege during the past year. SUNDAY SERVICES ST. 'GEORGE'S CHURCH July 2nd, Fifth Sunday after Trinity. 8:30 amt. Holy -Communion. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon. (Junior Congregation and Nursery.) 7 p.m. Evensong. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector. Mr. J. F. Stephens, M.A., B. Ed., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITgO CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL: . 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Rev. C. E., Taylor, Goderich. Nursery and Junior Congregation. REV. W. J. ten HOOPEN, B.A., B,D., Minister. MR. GEORGE ESPERT, Organist and Choir Director. Knox ' P r sbyterian thich RE?YAt,- 13X., Minister' Mr. H. de Jong, Organist. Miss B. J. Woodruff, Deaconess 9.30 a.m. MORNING. WORSHIP. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. . - "THE EXALTED CHRIST." " (Nurserya'nd Junior Congregation.) Victoria Street United Church. Rev. A. C. Dukelow beginning the new pastorate. 10 a.m- Victoria's Graded School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. Family: Service,. Jr, Congregation. 10 a.m. Benmiller One Unified Service 1.30 p.m. Union Church after Sunday School. REV. A. CECIL DUKELOW,"the •New Minister. MRS. J. SNIDER; ORGANIST. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m. Church School _All Ages. 11 a.m. "REVELATION SEVEN:" ,7 p.m. "THE FINAL SHAKE-UP." Pastor, E. VonKeitz. Organist, Wm. Bettger. 0 FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Victoria and Park Streets REV. E. A. COOPER,,,Pastor. Phone JA 4-9306 SUNDAY SERVICES • 9.50 a°m. FAMILY'SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. �-al-E�tal Wed, 7.30 p;m: Prayer Meeting.-• Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle 10 a.m. Sunday School. ---,Classes for all ages. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday, 8 ,p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Friday, 8 p.m. Young People's. You are invited to come and worship with us. REV. H. C. CRACKNELL, Pastor — Phone JA 4-8506. THE -SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY, JULY 2 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE. 7 p.m. OyANGELISTIC SERVICE. CAPTAIN AI' D MRS. R. PETERSEN VISITORS WELCOME Church of the New Jerusalem (Foretold in REV. 3 V. 12 and CH. ,21.)' - "There is one grand and beautiful idea underlying all Swedenborg's revelations about the future life." By John Greenleaf Whittier. - For a clear, forthright story of Christian faith read MY RELIGION by HELEN KELLER. Heaven and Hell, True Christian Religion, Arcane Cel; tia, Four Doctrines, Divine Providence; Reveal the ti ii t; ual Truths of the Word. Books loaned free; apply to Leonard Cole, 23 Fitton St., Goderich: Phone ,,n00: