HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-06-29, Page 5c BEE oUR DISPLAY AT THE GODERICHKINSMEN TRADE FAIR owl n. (4} ;;Txz.,514t x^. • xit .. • .:r •aS..1"; )51.4, �,.u4.lvra♦,:-4� �c �.1s c.5amt- -J .t "293O, JUL' AIEflCLX C iT and Gas Ffrec FURNACES and SPACE HEATERS DURO WATER SOFTENERS American erican. Standard Plumbing Fixtures HANOVER KITCHEN . CUPBOARDS NEAR.& HOFFMEYE PLUMM!lBING and .HEATING HAMILTON STREET — GODERICH .JA 4-7861 We've Cotft! BEST BALER BEST BALER TWINE — BEST DEAL EVER w WE'RE READY to put a new Mc ormicke4¢ baler (and McCormick Baler Twine) on trial 6n your farm ... and 'let you be the .judge. We've $proved that this outfit out -bales them all, but We want you to prove it too. We kndw that anew46 is the baler you need... and we want you to know how easy it is to -buy one. We're re'ady to make you a deal that's well worth look- ing into. But deal or no deal, let's- get together on that demonstration so you will have all the facts first hand. Seo us or give us a call now. Let us give you a McCORMICK No. 46 demonstration Hoggarth's Garage International Harvester:. Equipment 58 Hamilton St. = Goderich — JA 4-8721 _- 1 INTI NAL ossaYoepo�,� GODERICH ELECTRI 189 South St. — JA 4-9512 ask us about the new, low-cost but fully guaranteed Esso G-96 011 FURNACE • for safe, dependable - oil heating -.earl efHieti comfort 0, budget terms as low as ONLY• $35.00 $335.00 =DOWN Up to 5 years to Pay at 6.48 Monthly Dungannon DUNGANNON, June 27. --- Guests Of „Mary and Tommy Riv- ett on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. George Turnbull, fru. ssels; Mr. Roy Black, Lucknow; Dr. Wilfred Black, Mrs. Black and daughter Heather, Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henderson "and sons, Greg and Brian, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Errington, Mr.,:and Mrs. John Durnin, Au-- ilmex., of the village; avis. ana firs. Bert Badman,- Cofnber--.,TA latter couple-'sp+enr°tlt'e-Veek-end among relatives. , Mr. and Mr$. Wilbur Brown attended the Reid Picnic at Sea- fnrtlt Lions Park on" Sunday where upwards of 80 of the clan attended from many different parts of Ontario. Visitors on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Web• ster were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ritchie and Mrs. Elizabeth Alton, Lucknow and Mrs. W. G. Todd, Winnipeg. Earlier qn Sunday, Mr. and Mrs..Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Seivert attended St. George'kAnglican Church an- niversary services in Goderich and were visitors with Mr. and Mrs:- Bill Bradley-••-and-.-family there. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Park had' as recent visitors, Mr. and, Mrs. Clayton Ladd, Blvth; Mr. and Mrs. George Lawlor, Aub- urn; Mr. And Mrs. Wilfred Nivins and their daughter-in-law, Mrs. .Tito Nivins, of Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Nivins attended the golden wedding anniversary ..,.,of the former's sister, Mrs. Peter Mc - ('all, and Mr., McCall, Lucknow, the • previous day. ()n Sunday. thew also visited Mrs. Nivins' brother, Mr. George Moore. Born at Wing.ham hospital. June 23rd, to' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Alton, (nee KathlVne Smythe), 6th concession West Wawanosh, a, daughter. Visitors Sundays with Mrs. J. Giver and Miss E. McMillan were their llrother, Mr.' James McMillan and Mrs. John Petrie, Mrs. Herb Morris and her daugh- ter-in-law, Mrs. Mary Morris, of Goderich.. They , attended the Dungannon cemetery memorial service in the afternoon. Rev. Trevor Richards, Mrs. Richards and'•Philiip leave this friday—from the parsonage to spend-J5Ty` with . friends at Brant- ford and near Sherbrooke, -Que- bec. Mr. Wilmer Errington will ccupy the pulpit next Sunday and at the. other church ap- pointments of Nile. and Port Albert at he usual times. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey -Maize are making alterations and im- provements on the. • house they recently purchased in Lucknow. They intend to move shortly at which time their son, J. C. Maize, will take up farming on the homestead. He will move there from Auburn with his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. Carmen An- derson eft last week -end for their trip West. They _,may be gone ten months since arranr_e- ments have been made at the farm. • The auction sale of househ effects of Miss Elizabeth F will be held at the village resi- dence this Thursday. Mr. Brown Smythe recently, purchas- ed the property. - Mr. Vernon Glenn, whose boat Murray Bay docked at Hamilton, was able to visit his parents. Mr. ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST See Our ,Exhibit at the Kinsmen Trade Fair OBITUARY RODERICK J. MacKENZIE Roderick John MacKenzie, a member of a pioneer Lochalsh district family, died on June 13th at Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow. He was in his 90th year and had enjoyed comparatively :good health until a' short time prior to his passing. Mr. MacKenzie, popularly known to a wide circle of friends as Rory, was born at Lochalsh in Ashfield Township on April 1st, 1872. He was a son pf Donald T. MacKenzie and Mary McCrae, natives of Scotland. Roderick. was` one of a family of, six, the lone survivor of that family be- ing a brother, Frank MacKenzie, of Toronto. On October 31st, 1911, Mr. MacKenzie married Alice Mel- issa Robb, of Huron Township, and .they continued to reside at Lochalsh until retiring from the farm and moving to Lucknow _ M.rs.--MacK.eraz.ie--P. deceased him a few years agb. • Roderick was a faithful mem- ber, of, Lochalsh and Lucknow Presbyterian Churches, and his pastor, Rev. Rod MacLeod, -con- ducted the funeral service on Friday at the Johnstone funeral home. Interment was in Ripley ceme- teiy with Dan MacDonald, Dun- can MacKenzie, Jim Cameron, Gordon Finlayson, Sandy Mac - Charles and Wm. MacKenzie act- ing as pallbearers. Mr. MacKenzie is survived by a son, Roy MacKenzie, of Osh- awa and by his brother, Frank. He was predeceased by three sisters, Mrs. Wm: (Jessie) Smith, Mrs. Donald (Isabella) Finlayson, Mrs. Donald (Mary) MacCharles, and a brother, Donald MacKen- zie. YOU ARE INVITED TO VISI' OUR EXHIBIT AT THE GODERICH KINSiMEN TRADE FAIR - THIS WEEKEND - THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ° FREE GIFTS FOR THE CHILDREN -- FREE DRAW PRIZES SES WHAT'S NEW IN BUILDING SUPPLIES CONKLIN'LUMBER CO. LTD. 295 EAYrIELD 1i,4Ab,. ODDER= 4.w ITA " 4-8321 and Mrs. Frank Glenn at the week -end. Mrs. Frank •,llenn spent a week in Toronto visiting her son Don, his wife and family. She returned with them when they visited for the -week -end. Congratulations to Jitn I3Iake who has received word gf suc- cessfully passing his fit'st year Maybe as the -`dollar" goes do . -a> 4tnt -goes L. x'F ;-jam s Thomas Rivett. When planting rn in his garden, he found a Canadian ` ane rent coin dated 1.859. ' Cemetery Memorial Service Held.—The memorial service at the cemetery ,was held on Sun- day. Owing to the inclement weather, the service was con- cluded' m the United Church with the three ' local clergymen taking part. The service was held at 4.15 p.m. with Rev. Wil- fred Wright, of St. Paul's An- glican Church, giving the call to worship. Rev. Rod. Ma' -Le'., of Erskine Presbyterian Church; read the Soripture and gave the address. Prayer was offered by Rev. T. Richards representing the United Church. During the s•"rvice, Miss Eleanor Reed play- ed a violin number with ac- companiment - by Mrs." Allan Reed. A two -minute silence was observed in memory of the de- ceased. (1960-1961) Honor roll of dead. Mr. John- Thompson, Mrs. Alex Sillib, Mr. David Mc- Connell, Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Dir: Richard Finnigan, Mrs. Roy„ Alton, 'Mrs. David Mcllwain, Miss Sarah Maize, Mrs, Harry Ryan, Mrs. William Milner, Mr. Howard Black, Mr. Fred Black, Mr. Donald Fowler, Mrs. Jean f$Iack, Mrs. Ruby Kimble, Mrs. Herbert Pentland,- Baby Me - Whinney, Mr. John McMillan. The \¢llection, amounting to $130.00, helps defray the upkeep expense of' the cemetery. JG United Church W.A. Meets.— The United Church W.A. -met on Tuesday, June 20th, at the home of Mrs. William Cranston. Mrs: Jack Alton; 2nd vie-prresi dent, presided: Mrs. -Harvey Alton read the Seripture lesson.. he Home" was the the ie and 1Wfr's Wi'l'liam . -Pefrit gave the explanation and prayer, conclud- ing with the 'Lord's Prayer. The roll call was answered by:, 15 members and four visitors. Mrs. Everett Errington conducted a Bible contest. ' A reading "The Lure of the Old Road," was given by Mrs. Lorne Ivers. Mrs. Cecil Blake arranged a question and answer box. The hostesses were Mrs. E. Errington, Mrs. Ilerb Finnigan, Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs; Raymond Finnigan. Back To Work.—Mrs. °Alvin Sherwood, ' of the Dungannon Post Office, returned to the office after ,being indisposed with the measles. iMr. William Stewart, who had relieved there from time to time, was also under the doctor's care at that time. Mrs. Mary Rivett. of Dungan'hen mail route 1, supplied very well. LEEBURN. WMS JUNE MEETING LEEBURN, June 26. -= Mrs. Andrew Bogie was hostess when the Leeburn W.M:S. rnet for their June meeting. Mrs. Han yey.. Fisher Svas_.leader._ of _ the worship service. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Joe Freeman and prayer ws offered by Mrs. J. McBride. The roll call was answered 'by a verse on flowers. There were eleven members and eight visit- ors present. Mrs. Joe Freeman conducted. the business. Mrs. J. McBride, supply secretary, had bundles of remnants rece,ived from Eaton's and Simpson's. These were valued to go - in a bale along with a crib quilt which wAlas donated to Burns Lake, ta. Get well cards were signed by those present to be sent to Miss Helen M. Clark and Miss Grace Hunter in the hospital and to Mrs. L. M. PoPe. The meeting day - marked the 39th wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. . arvey- P7 -is -her signed and presented to Mrs. Fisher. The ladies were mast fortun- ate to have Miss Ida White, R.N., a missionary on furlough from India, who is visiting at -tier home with her mother and re a= tives in Goderich, as their guest speaker. Miss White gave an interesting account of her mis- sionary w`brk - among the I3hi1 people in India. She is most interested in her work and is looking forward to her return to India. Miss White was intro- duced by Mrs. J. Horton and thanked by Mrs. R. Bogie who presented Miss White with a gift from the auxiliary. Mrs. II. Fisher invited the ladies to her home for the. July meeting. A social half hour was enjoy - when Mrs. Bogie was assisted by her cousin, Miss Olive Miller, of Toronto, and Mrs. E. Hunter. K. G. DUNN IS NOW QUALIFIED ENGINEER Kenneth George Dunn, of Goderich, has been admitted to the practice of the profession of engineering -by the . Association of Professional! Engineers of Oh- tario and now is accorded the right to use the initials "P.Eng." after his name in connection with any engineering work car- ried out. At present there are nearly ,. 20,000 'registered professional engineers in Ontario. Mr. Dunn is employed as Jun- ior Engineer With B. M. !bass, P.Eng., O,L.S.( of Goderich. FOR GODERICH KINSM IR DON'T MISS THE RADE Saturday at 1 p.m. from the Square to AGRICULTURAL PARK FREE DRAW PRIZES DAILY' Including $15.00 Door Prize Nightly at 10.55 p.m. You Must be on- the grounds to wmr FRIDAY IS YOUNG CANAD _, DAY! BERNARD MIDWAY Opens at 1 p.m. with Ten Thrilling Rides! SHOWS 2 to 5 p.m.'EXHIBITS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC `Y Barbeque Demonstration:by Mrs. Roy Bennett 4 p.m, PRIZE AWARDS Kinsmen Elementary Art Competition 7 p.m. THE FAIR and EXHIBITS Open for the Evening 9 p.m. FREE PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINMENT! FEATURING The Stevens Family in Thrilling Acrobatics The Nicklings = Trampoline Stars - ONLY • tars 1' DAY, ULY 1st DOMINION DAY 10 a.m. Gates and Midway Open 1 -p.m. BIG SPECTACULAR PARADE - STARTING FROM THE SQUARE - 2 p.m.- EXHIBITS OPEN = MANY SPECIAL EVENTS - BAND CONCERT — GO CART RACES 8.3.0 p.m. THE REGANS AND THEIR MUSICAL NOVELTIES BEGIN THE BIG SHOW See 'BEN DANE Pantomime Comedy Star - THE-STEVENS In Acrobatics - THt NICKLINGS and Their Trampoline 11 p.m. • Kinsmen Draw for the Summer Cottage 11.30 �.m.FIREWORKS 1 p • Enjoy a Big Full Day at the 1961 KINSMEN TRADE