HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-06-22, Page 1212 . KNOX CHURCH RECEIVES 17 NEW MEMBERS Enox Presbyterian Church ob- served the sacrament of Holy Cpnnmunzon last Sunday with Grant Volland, Mr. Thomas Pro- ' I ey. G. L. Royal in charge. New fit, Mr. and Mrs. „William Craw - members who were.received into ford, Mrs. Sylvia Lounsbury, Mr, he fellowship of the congrega- and Mrs. Eric Smith, Mr. and • The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, June 22nd, 1961 Mrs. Robert Goodwin and Mr. tion at the preparatory service and Mrs. Jahn Shaw. were: Miss Peggy Young, Miss Elsa Smith, Mr. David Watson, M.-P.P. 'TO ATTEND Mr. John Shaw, Jr:, Mr. Eric Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mac- Fincher, Mr. John ,White, Mr. Naughton have accepted the in- vitation to attend- "Open House" of. the Ontario Retarded Child- ren (Queen Elizabeth School), at Goderich, on June 28, at 8 p.m. VICTORIA STREET WMS chair prior to her departure to her new home at London.' Mrs. HONORS MRS. MOOTE Mo4te ;thanked the ladies for Representatives of Victoria their rygift. Mrs. Frank Wilson, Street United Church W.M.S. past president, Mrs. Mamie Sut- met Thursday of last week and chile, president, and Mrs. Ernest presented Mrs. Stanley A. Moote Patterson, secretary, were the with a gift of an aluminum lawn representative ladies. •„ero. p:.... STOCK UP F COTTAGE Pantry Shelf, Light Meat Reg. 2 tins 31c—SAVE 9c TUNA FLAKES M 7 6 -oz tins 1;00 Culverhouse Choice Reg. 2 tins 31c—SAVE 9c WHOLE BEETS 715 -f1 -oz tins 1,00 Dr. Ballard's Champion Reg. 2 tins 29c—SAVE 16c DOG FOOD, ..15... s._1-.00.... McCormick's . Reg. pkg 25c—SAVE 25c SNACKERS 5 8 -oz pkgs 1.00 All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through ° Saturday, June 24th, 1961 A&P FANCY QUALITY COME SEE COME SAVE AT A & P LSAUCE A&P CHOICE QUALITY HALVES CHEF BOY -AR -DEE TAY STE A & P Fancy Quality, sliced frozen' STRAWBERRIES ROYAL CHOICE SLICED 3 Reg. 2 tins 35c—SAVE 6c.' 15 -fl -oz tins • 0 Reg. tin 21c—SAVE 5c 15 -fl -oz tins 1 • Reg. tin 59c—SAVE 18c 30 -fl -oz tins 1 00• • 15 -oz. pkgs. 1 • BALLET PUPILS PLEASE OCTOGENARIAN CLUB AMONG GUESTS AT DANCE RECITAL "The Gypsy aravan," story of which was described 'by V ir- i4,14df;;c4eke+eing..aL„Mada : Viakttrti. ' ''-s.,Atedint tri.1he Collegiate,@ Auditor}um last Sat- `tttday night', wasma -colorful perfumed with verve, gdie'ty and charm by Toronto and Gode=' rich ballet pupils. There was a large and very re- ceptive audience. In 'Act I, Ruth Wallace and Mary Jayne Mc- Manus were delightful as the two policemen who came to drive gypsies from camping on the grouj�}}ds of the estate of Senor 1t'frigo. The gypsy prin. cess, danced by Beatrice Szol- losy, of Toronto, made love to the policemen. In Act II all the gypsies were allowed to at- tend a party given by Senor Rodrigo but they had to be mask- ed. It is at this party that the Senor,falls in love' with the gypsy rincess. Senor Rodrigo's role was danc- ed by Barbara Simenski, of Tor- onto, who displayed some very accurate toe work. The fascin- ating Doll Dance in Act II was by Carolin Bertha and Judith Wittels, of Toronto. 'The Goderich quintette, Ruth Wallace, Mary Jayne McManus, Loan Curry, Linda Baechler and Ann Rae, 'masked and appear- ing in red and white checked costumes, did an intricate tap number. A prolonged audience applause followed the Viennese Waltz danced by Ruth Wallace. Who showed remarkable ability in toe.dancing, and Mary Jayne McManus. In contrast,, the fav- orite Can Can, danced by Joan Curry, Linda Baechler and Ann Rae received -applause almost -from the beginning of the dance and added, enthusiasm from the audience reached a high pitch 'then tiny Rosyln Miller made her appearance and joined the older girls. e. -Anet •Ter..: and ng_ .number- Satori, a young pianist from Tor- onto, who played with great skill the first movement of Moz- art's Sonata K 33-1. During the intermission following Act II, he also entertained the audience with three "Scottish Dances" by Chopin,- ;`Soaring" by Schumann and "Turkish March" by Mozart. In Act III, thio smaller Gode- rich children, Beth Ross, Roslyn Miller, Ann Hopkinson, Ann MacEwan, Sally- Everett and Janet Pettus who had previously performed'nt- their bar work. now displayed their past year's training by doing cart wheels, splits and bridges. In this act Senor Rodrigo was successful in winning his gypsy princess and all the children joined in the civpsv dance as the finale. , Joan MacKenzie, of Lucknow,`whb has been studying with Madame de Kurthv for ,just six months, dis- played the excellent progress she is making in this art in her two solo numbers. Following the recital, the children- of- Madame de Kurthy's classes and_their parents went to the Lakeview Restaurant where the dining room had been reserved. A special cake made Here's" Proof You Save Cash on A&P's Super -Right Quality Meats FreshKI//ed e n GENUINE Jr - LEGS FRONTS 'SHORT CUT SHANK Ib 67c FULL CUT 'ROAST, CHOPS, -- STEW CUTS IN BASKET lb 47c RIB LOIN CHOPS lb 7 Legs, Thighs„Breasts Lean Shoulder Cuts CHICKEN .CUTS - Ibi 4 5 c GROUND CHUCK Schneider's Country Style, Pure PORK .SAUSAGE Fancy Quality, Sliced, Skinned BEEF LIVER Sliced Beef ' --dBOLOG 1A- — tib-oki4 3c lb 49c Ib 39c, Fancy Quality • . PORK HOCKS Ib 2 3 c. Burn's Peamealed S'lice'd ' BACK BACON , 1=Ib pkg 89c. Ib59c Mock CIIICKE -LOAF 1 -Ib pkg$3 c c BRAISING RIBS .27c CHICKEN WINO' b 29c Cooked and Breaded SOLE PORTIONS Ib 49; Cooked and Breaded SCALLOPS Ib 59c Allgood, Smoked,'Sliced, Rindless • SIDE BA. CON 1 -lb pkg 5 9c' This. Week's Fruit and Vegetable- Features IMPORTED, YELLOW FLESH, FREESTONE, NO. 1 GRADE EACHE California, Santa Rosa, Good Eating, 'No. 1 Grade . PLUMS heaping quart box 3 9c Washington Winesaps, Good Eating, Fanpy Grade APPLES 3 -Ib cello bag 5 9C California Valencia, Fancy Grade, Excellent Eating' ORANGES 5 -Ib cello bag 5 9c California Pascal, No. 1 Grade, Large Crisp CELERY STALKS each 2 5C Florida, No. 1• Grade, Hand' Selected Quality -TOMATOES cello tube 21C FACTUAL BOOK FOR YOUNG READERS GOLDEN LIBRARY of KNOWLEDGE Heaping quart box Georgia Charleston Greys, Sweet, Red Cutting, No. 1 Grade, 18 -Ib Average WATERMELON, ea 89 Imported, Green, Sweet, Hard Thick Shell, No..1 Grade PEPPERS , 3for 29 Arizona, Young, Tender, No. 1 Grade c c CARROTS 20-oz_cePlo bag 19'c Florida, Sweet, Tender, Fancy Grade CORN YELLOW 4 for 3 9C AVAILABLE FRESH DAILY — Native Strawberries, Hot House Tomatoes, Hot House Cucumbers, Head Lettuce, Green Onions and Radishes. v iT More Savings at A&P Our Own - Reg. pkg 95c—SAVE 16c A&P TEA . - 1` Ib pkg 79c Embossed, 4c Off Deal Reg. pkg 45c—Saye an Extra 6c - BALLET NAPKINS Canned Luncheon Meat SPORK Rose Brand, Sweet MIXED PICKLES Jane Parker Jelly or LEMON ROLL JANE RKER PA RAISSI`1 PIE Kraft Colour. Quick PARZAY iMARGARINE Ib 3 Sc Scuff Kote, All Colours ESQUIRE SHOE POLISH bottle ate, Stripe, 20c Off TOOTHPASTE . SARAN WRAP pkg of 25039, Reg. tin 4ic—SAVE 8c 12-ozin 39c 16 -fl -oz jar 29c Reg. '39c—SAVE 10c each 29c REG. 49C — SAVE_IQC 39c, economy size tube 78c 25 -ft roll 37, 810 SAVINGS! (IN 16 VOLUMES) VOLUMES 1 TO 8 NOW ON SALE 1. PREHISTORIC ANIMALS 2..THE SEA 3. .BIRDS of the WORLD 4, WHITE WILDERNESS 5. FISHES & How They Live f..BUTTERFUES & MOTHS 7. PLANETS 8. ROCKS THIS WEEK at A&P! SAVE� l5con Giant Size KRAFT ° :-Ls PACKAGE VELVEETA..$ CHEESE A&P Reg Pricer 71c Save. an Extra 4c' - Total Saving f 9c by Culbert's Bakery an prjately, decor ted to r its -• r. .,�A.nn � $ald��,� TOWN POLICE CRUISER HAS $400 DAMAGES' An accident involving the Town Police cruiser occurred last Saturday morning. It had stopped at the Bluewater garage attended Victoria Street United d appro on the Byfiel Goa an charge of the first part of the Bayfield d d service until the ministe>, Rev. 'lurch for their annual church service Sunday morning. Brother Frank Wilson, of the Morning Star Lodge, was in m epresent turning out onto the highway, Stanley A. Moot, arrived from• j,cuus'pg;$400Oe service at Bentniller• The h.Re0Wicien,-0421,- ad been ordered by the Zt10 damage t � to he' Vehicle o1 he Qf :lige od'erreh- r,-•l'A#• -io. the This, al:bng with other refresh cruiser at the time of tlae ac- ments, was mueh enjoyed. Mem- hers of the. Octogenarian Club and the children from the Queen Elizabeth School were guests at the recital. As has been the custom the past few years the children were entertained on Saturday by Mrs. J. W. Wallace at her cottage, where they enjoyed swimming and lots of goodies. The Tor- onto people all remained in Goderich until late Sunday and were so profuse in their admir- ation for our lake town that they were reluctant to return to city life. cident. Chief Constable Fred Minshall and Constable” R. B. Crawford investigated the accident. Con- stable Sellars is charged with careless driving. MasonkChurch Parade HeId About 50 members of Maitland Masonic Lodge, headed by their Worshipful Master, Melborn Cox, Sarnia, who sang the 23rd Psalm. The' Bible: lesson was read -by W.M. Melborn Cox. Rev. Mr. Moote siolle on the subject,"Build and Be Built," basing 'his sermon on "We are Laborers with'God, we are God's BuiTding." In his 'remarks, he said that the finest building is clone according to- God's laws. The truest character, the nobl- est church, lodge, home com- munity and world brotherhood are only built in partnership with God. Rev. Mr. Moate con- cluded his sermon by saying, "Let God build your life and then you will build all you touch. with integrity and truth. n A&P REGULAR PRICE $1.19 S. • •C legion Ladies Plan Party Forty members of the Ladies' 'Auxiliary to the Canadian Leg- ion met in the Legion Hall with the president, Mrs. Harold Young, in charge. The minutes were read by Mrs. Mamie Sutcliffe in the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Simone Sayeau. A letter of appreciation was read from the Seaforth Auxiliary for ,attending their Open House recently. An initiation service was held for a ' new member, Mrs. Jean Tucker. Plans for the 14th birthday party to be held on June 22nd were made. The dinner conven- er is to be Mrs. Ruth Rush and the penny sale convener, Mrs. Hattie- ••IYIk.MiUan—. Mrs . M Sutcliffe,will be in charge of the program: Mrs. Norman Clair- mont will donate the draw prize for this party. A report was 'gf en on the turkey dinner serv- ed the Westminster Hospital Vets who held their annual fish- ing tf'ip to Lake Huron last eek. `owing to the inclement weather, not too many fish were caught but the turkey dinner with all the trimmings served under the convenersfiip of Mrs. Ruth Rush completed the day for these veterans. Arrange- ments were..made to cater to the hoekpy boys' banquet later on this month. Plans were made to hold a tag day in September. A 'notion carried to disband for the summer months and the executive was given power . to carry on . the business. •1 o- • Buy a Rambler and Save From the moment you drive it homeand right until'youltrade it, you'll be dollars ahead with a Rambler "Classic". Before you buy any car,, consider the Rambler . "Classic's" dollar -saving features: 23 S AV E with the Rambler "Classic's" low purchase price. SAV E with the Rambler "Clas`sic's" rust protection by exclusive Deep -Dip process. SAV E with the Rambler "Classic's" proven gas economy. Class winner in economy run sponsored by leading Toronto newspaper. Class'winner Tri the toughest U.S. economy run, sponsored by a famous U.S. oil _company:_. SAV E with the Rambler "Classic's" Single -Unit Construction. Perfected by Rambler. It's stronger, -safer, keeps car free from rattles for years. - S AV E with the Rambler "Classic's" exclusive ceramic armoured muffler. Guaranteed for the life of the car during original ownership. S AV E with the Rainbler "Classic's" famous quality workmanship. Keeps ' ' maintenance costs low. SAV E With the Rambler "Classic's"- high re -sale value. See your nearest Rambler Dealer and find out how comfortably you can save in ,.Rambler "Classic". ° �` • FOR MORE BY FAR IN ANY CAR The New World Standard of Basic Excellinor A PRODUCT OF AMERICAN MOTORS (CANADA) LIMITED r cGEE . M TOR SALES - RAMBLER SALES & SERVICE ,a PHONE JA'„ 4-8391 Genuine Rambler Engineered Parts GODERICH . — 42 NEW,GATE STREET ' QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1. In 1960 the national average retail sending per capita was $921. hat foir provinces were' a ove the national aver- age? • 2. By boat what is the distance from Vancouver to Victoria, B.C.; .from Halifax to St. John's, Nfld.? 0 3. In 1160 did corporation profits in. Canada increase or decrease from the previous year? 4. What are the two great inland waterways of the Northwest? 5. Government transfer pay- ments to : persons (for pen- sions. welfare. social security, etc.) totalled $1,737,000,000 in 1955. What ,was the 1960 total? - ANSWERS: 5. In 1960, $3,116,- 000 n00. 3. Corporation .profits declined by 6,per Cent over 1959., 1. Alberta ($1,05$' per cepitaa, British Columba" "§1,0371, Salk; atchewarr ($1,030)), ,. Ontario ($1028)- 4, Thb Maekenzie and Yukon rivers. 2. VAncouver to Vb Coria° 85 miles; Halifax to St. 'ohn's, 625 miles. THE NEW ' - _ - AX Li Effective in September 59 FQR'•D "Customline" roach. Custom radio, 6-cyl. 1 owner. 53 MERCURY 2 -door Hardtop, automatic, radio, new paint. 59 'RENAULT "Dauphine" sedan. A real smart econ ,-, omy car. " 59 isLYMOUTH "Savoy - 6" sedan, new motor, new paint. TMs car will do someone a real good job for a long time. 56 DODGE "Regent''-' sedan. V - 8 , automatic, spo 'tone. 16,000 Original 1 owner miles. 56 CHEV. "210" sedan, a nice clear used car. 4 58 METEOR "Rideau" sedan. Automatic, radio, padded ' dash, whitewalls, 1 owner. 50 MERCURY sedans cheap transportation. 60 METROPOLITAN —"Hard- top. A perfect second car. _56 PLYMOUTH 2 -door Hard- top, °-'°very 'clean, 1 owner. ° 55 DODGE "Mayfair" •Hard- top, V-8, stick shift, .1 own - 54 CHEV. "Deluxe" coach. Automatic, 38,000 a,c„t u a 1 miles. Sharp for a 54. ' 56 FORD "CountrM Sedan". 9' passenger station wagon. 1 original owner. 52 FORD Coach. Good mot• or, cheap transportation. 57 BUICK 2 door Hardtop. Dynaflow, radio, 1 owner, very sharp. 57 PLYMOUTH "Savoy" sedan, V-8 automatic, sharp. a 55 DODGE "Regent" sed- an, low mileage, 1 owner. 57 PONTIAC "Laurentian" sedan. A local clergyman's car, very ' sharp. EXTRASPECIAL 1959 RAMBLER "Custom Rebel V-8" Cross Country Station Wagon, fully equipped with Twin Grip differential,' wheel discs, back up lights, clock, chrome luggage carrier, Flashomatic tratasmission, custom. radio, power steering, power brakes, power window lifts, reclining seats with twin beds, 2 -tone paint. SEE THIS 'BEAUTIFUL ON: OWN- ER, LADY DRIVEN STATION WAGON. TODAY. SEVERAL NEW RAMBLERS IN. STOOK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 'ALL MODELS and COLORS OPEN EVENINGS -- DROP IN AND LOOK ARQUND — LOW DOWN PAYMENTS TRADE OR CASH Also many, many others to choose from, $50.00 up. DIAL: JA ,. T R SALES 42 NEWGATE'St aapalttiCH 0