HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-06-22, Page 10C;a The GOderie1i SignalStar, Thursday, June 22nd, 1961 lossifie . ,z Cards of 'Thanks F. Engagernentsd INGSWELI..---I would like to thank all my friends and rela- ,ve Who sent those lovely cards; also the nurses and ria 9,-„,e.ver' 5+ -t' t1e Whileiii liuspi al: Walter J. KingswelL .,'-y-a:✓UdhSdk, Y-«.-• 1�{..Na .,. , a. ,� . .-J1w 25X, aQ 1RAM.--Islay we take this method of thanking our neigh- bors and friends for their kind expression of sympathy in our recent bereavement. These expressions have been deeply, appreciated. ,Mrs. Neal Schram and family. -25 4. NAT'SON.—I am sincerely grate- . ful to friends and neighbors for. their many acts of kind nessd"sympathy during the loss of may sister, Miss Blanche Watson. These kindnesses have rheant much to me. 1 'also wish to thank Dr. A. H. Taylor, the nurses and staff 'for their thoughtful attention to my sister. Mrs. C. M. Carpenter. S Mr. and M,rs. George A. Van- derburgh, Goderich, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, hter, Diane EVel n Rena, to Mr. • John Maurice Bur arlaw- nx nf, j . t ,d1F; M. ighhrd B. Buchanan, "Goderieli:� The;.,nyaniag�- ill -naive place Sa�urda _ �liil3r..- 22„ 1gfil,.oat • 11 o'clock in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Goderich. "G. Coming Events 25x Mr, and Mrs, Wilmer Rutledge, Nile, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, for your particular skin, avail- able in limited supply after .lune 21st, at RIECK PHARMACY. Reserve Wednesday evening, June 28th, for the Chicken Bar- becue to be held in Knox Church Parking Lot. 'Two servings - 6 p.m. and 7,,p.m. In case of rain this will be held in the Church Hall. Tickets,, ,$1.50 fon adultsr 85c for children. Tickets available at French Dry Cleaners Or from Men's Club members. -21-25 ,Jiwn =a; .0 Bolm.osvill,eiteaKtnrrettraiiimngttrawberry U- suAPer, commencing ' gat 6 p.m. an Ad' drext .. P salrert- by Holmesviile W.A. 25x BEAUTY .PROBLEMS ? ? ? ? new, exciting DuBarry Beauty Course . a complete beauty technique on long -play .record Dorothy May, to John Barrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benson Brown, Port Albert. The mar- riage will take place in July. 25x Mr. and Mr,s. Lionel Mahood, Wingham, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Helene :Margaret Ann, to Mr. William Richard Alcock, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Alcock, Brussels. The marriage will take place in Victoria Street United Church, Goderich, on Saturday, July 15th, at"2 p.m. 25 G. Corning Events .F. Engagements. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright. Galt, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carole Ann`'e, to Jnrfies Dennis Shobbrook, son -of the late Mr. and -Mrs. Howard Shobbrook and foster son of Mr. gild Mrs. Percy McBride, Col- borne Township. The marriiage will take place on Saturday, June 24, at (Central Presbyterian Church, 'Galt, Ontario. 25x -25 The Hospital Auxiliary Penny Fair and Tea will be held July 6 on the lawn at the home of Mrs. James Kinkead, St, George's Crescent., Valuable prizes now on display at Denorrrrne s Flower Shop. -25 -Flower Show of Goderich Hor- ticultural Society, postponed on account of late season, will be held Saturday, July 1, in St, 25x, George's Parish „ Hall. Public ;welcome, 2.30 to <5.30 -and 7 to Reserve `Jpne 23, 7 p.m.. for manh rummage sale at Nort Street Church Hall, spon-! sored ,by Evening Auxiliary. -24-25 $1,400 cash (must go) Bingo, Teeswater Arena, Friday, June, 23, commencing at 9 p.m. One $500 special; 3 $100 specials; 12 games,' $50 each; special draw prize. Admission $1.00, extra and special 'cards 25c, 5 for $1.0(x. Sponsored by Teeswater Lions Club. :25 9 p.m, -25-26 Come to dressed ham and strawberry supper at Union Church, Goderich Township, Tuesday, June 27. Supper from 6 to 8. Adults $1.00, children 50c.• Sorry, due to', bridge tourna- ment, no dancing this week at Harbourlite Inn. Special holiday dance, Saturday, July lst. Every Friday night, commencing June A hockey player in Goderich SPORTSi(WS BISSETS' JINXED BY 5-2 SCORE IN LAST 3 GAMES 1 (By L.A.* not have men on bases. Goderich rich B i�s s e� is ,Pl'a:Y e 'p a T uesday , night t he,"QtStac andfi s it n 'at -other er close game lost by 5-2. Otterville Otters last Thursday DohertYfor G�eric struck out x ghm at Agrieaaurai4,�Xth �,d. ,, 'rliil in Otterville on Saturday nig. treinnings allow QIQbit. Iosikig both games by the identic- Some mental lapses for Gado - al scores of 5-2. rich and timely hits provided Otterville paid their only visit three runs for Woodstock in the to Goderich this year last Thurs- sixth inning, and while Goderich day night and m a close and pecked away to draw close at exciting game edged the Bissets 3-2 they couldn't provide the by 5-2. Snuth, on the mound for hits at the necessary time to the Otters, pitched '4 -bit ball bring around the baserunners. while Stan Doherty allowed just In 'the seventh inning, Gode- 5 Otterville hits. Don Goddard rich` had the bases loaded only hit a home run for Goderich. to be robbed of sure runs by Goderich travelled' to Otter- some brilliant fieldwork by the. ville Saturday night and in an- Woodstock team. Goderich other close game were edged threatened in almost every in - 5 -2. Otterville led 3 0 after ning only to leave men stranded three innings bpt Goderich pick- time-after--Ume• as they suffered ed up one run< in the fourth form lack of . timely hitting. and one in the sixth to'make the Deb Shewfelt played an out- score 3-2. Otterville replaced standing garlre behind the plate Gillespie on the mound with for Goderich. Smith who held Goderich in The Bissets play at home this check the rest of the way. Gode- Saturday against Clinton RCAF rich four times had two men on and the Bissets will he' out for hase only to leave them strand- revenge as the Clinton crew eg for «ant of timely hits. In edged Goderich in their prey'- ohhly two innings did Goderich ious game 2-0. Signing --An "A 25 Form" Upsets Luciuk Plans . 30th, Hi -Teen Record Dance, for two years, Dave Luciuk has -25 learned that signing an A form The North Street Annual Sun- with a, professional hockey team day School picnic will be held can -be -a temporary stumbling at the United. Church "Sutnineak 41.;4;ck..+.- ...- — ---_, ..�,-�•:.. .a::- Caw School on Saturday, June Two years ago; Luciuk came 24th. Anyone desiring trans -.to Goderich from Sudbury to portation should meet • at the l play hockey. About the same church- at two o'clock.. The in- !time he signed an A form for vrd moires will be com- 'the Detroit Red Wings, unaware tined for a congregational sup- :of what it might do to his per at 6 o'clock. 25x future plans. ! Now writing final examina- tions at GDCI, Luciuk has had is satisfactory scholastic record. He was invited to enrol at the Clarkson College of Technology at Potsdam, New York, as a freshman in September. This he did and word was received that he was accepted. Then, auth- orities at the College • changed their minds about the granting of such a hockey scholarship. They learned Luciuk had signed an A form with Detroit which, according to their rules, made him a professional hockey play- er, and, as such, ineligible to play amateur college hockey in the United States. So, Dave now plans to attend the Red Wings hockey training camp at Detroit next September and hopes they will locate him in a patisfactary spot to play hockey. The A form gives the Red Wings the authority to per- mit Luciuk to play hockey only where that team approves. _SORRY G " RTC H , ONT. Owing to, the Duplicate Bridge Tournament THERE WILL BE NO DANCING THIS WEEKEND SPECIAL HOLIDAY 'DANCE SAT URDA', JULY 1st DANCING. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT -- CONIMiNCING, JUNE 30 — HI -TEEN RECORD DANCE 'Dodgers Lose Dodgers were nosed out with a 6-5 score by Glen Mills in a Central Region ladies' fastball game at God- erich Tuesday evening. The next home game will be again- st Galt on July 4. Dodgers' play at St. Marys en June 24 and at Galt on June 28. Elizabeth Holtom is out for the season because of an in- jury suffered to her foot in a recent ; game. dlimmik ott PRQCLAMAT ION In accordance with the Federal Act respecting the observance of Domin- ion Day, - SATURDAIf, JULY 1 will be observed as Dominion Day in Goderich. E. C. FISHER Mayor SOCCER OPENS ON JUNE 29 -SOHO BOY 'HIT BY CAR Philip Clark, 13 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fordyee Clark, R.R. 5, Goderich, a patient in Goderich hospital suffering from two fractured bones in his legs and lacerations. ho Accident t , p nwfihr� 'hbiol t* 4.30 11:M.'nu,Mot,dkayp.m. � stepped off the schodl bus driven •D:ptt zit . The boy was crossing the road in front of his home when hit by a car driven ,by John Hamil- ton, of Auburn, John and his passenger, Miss Margo Grange, were returning home after writ- ing their Grade 13 papers at the G.D.C.I. Philip was taken by ambulance to Alexandra Hos- pital, where Dr. V. L. McGeough attended the injured boy. O.P.P. A. Twaddle and O.P.P. J. B. Johnston investigated the accident. OBITUARY MISS BLANCHE V. A. WATSON Rev. G. L. Royal conducted the funeral service at the Lodge fun- eral home on Wednesday after- noon for Miss Blanche V. A. Watson who died on Monday in Alexandra Hospital after a long illness. Interment was in Malt - land cemetery. CHOCOLATE FOR SPORT Members of Goderich minor baseball teams plan to make a house-to-house canvass sell- ing chocolates in order to raise funds to help finance their. expenses. The Goderich Athletic Club will field its strongest soccer tteam,_Ye this_.sea eno_Picact ccs, have been held three nights each week and the opening game_ in the Huron County Soccer League will see Goderich playing at ,, Clinton on Thursday, June 29. Balance of the schedule is as follows: June 30—Goderich at Winthrop July 10—Clinton at Goderich 21,—Goderich at Brussels 28—Brussels" at' Goderich Aug. 3—Goderich at Wingham 11—Winthrop at Goderich 18—Wingham at Goderich Any soccer players interested, particularly young men willing to learn the game, are invited to contact the coach, Walter Gottschalk. Phone him at JA 4- 7202 or Sandy Profit at JA 4- 9290. Baseball Bats A, daughter of the late Alex- ander Watson and of the former Mary , MacRitchie, Miss Watson lived all her life in Goderich. As a young girl she helped her father who owned a greenhouse. For a nutnber of years she work- ed at MiIler's Scotch Store and fterward was cin 1 ed in the. WATCH XQUL,,DRIViNG. , JULY 1ST WEEK -END • Co-operation of the motoring Public is asked, in order that the July 1st week -end will be a fatality -free one on Ontario's highways. Ontario's Attorney - General has made a special plea for this. Sgt. Harry Barker of the Goderich detachment of the Q.P.P., states than all available e�et be -on lsh nd'check rees that : II Man/ Do Yon Know What a `Beat" . Driver Is?? a p•pY P.U.C. office. She will be re- membered 'for her beautiful flower garden and as the pianist at the weekly sing -songs held in Boom Saturday played the mefodion at Knox Victoria Public School. She also Two genies wilt open the'Can- Church •-Sunday-Seliiool: ---°' adian Legion Baseball House Surviving is one sister, Mrs. League on Saturday for boys in C. M. (Vesta) Carpenter, Gode- rich. the 7 to 9 age group. The Braves will -meet the Giants and, the Pirates will face the Dodgers. Other games scheduled are: Saturday, July 8, Giants vs. Pir- ates and Dodgers vs. Braves. Saturday,- July 15, Braves vs. Pirates and Giants vs. Dodgers: Saturday, July 22, Pirates vs. Braves and Dodgers vs. Giants. Personnel of the various teams are as follows:. GIANTS—K. Rumig, R. -MC - Lean, I. Harper, R. Volland, R. Whetstone, J. Caruthers, R. Wood, J. Fester, P. Melady, T. O'Brien, H. Sanderson, A. Pirie. ;`,BRAVES—J. Dodd, J. Mc- Astocker, K. Meriam, J. Meriam, R. Nephew, S. Ryan, P. O'Brien, J. de Jong, B. Todd, T. Craw- ford, P. Heller, D. Caruthers. PIRATES — G. Smith, B. Rumig, L: Thurlow,.. G.: Reid, D. Royal, L. Ryan, J. Hamilton, R. Parker, D. Squire, E. de Jong, D. Graf, D. Baker. DODGERS = T; Meriam, P. Clair, G. Fisher, A. Harrison, D. Burns, R. Pruder, B. Stinson, M. Adams, R.Farrish, J. Graing- er; S. Allen, M. Barker. Noah Webster began writing the dictionary in 1807 and fin- -fished' -in 1828. - - DOMINION DAY * SATURDAY, JULY 1st - FEDERALLY PROCLAIMED AS A NATIONAL HOLIDAY d GODERICH STORES WILL REMAIN CLOSED ASI Day Saturday, July 1st Reopening for business as usual Monday, July 3rd Goderich :$usinessmen's Association. ANTIQUE AUTOS The Antique Auto Club, of Sarnia and district, is sched- uled to visit Goderich as a group on Sunday. They plan to stop overnight Saturday .at Grand Bend and to visit the Huron ,County--Museum--on-Sun- day. - The "beat" driver is the fellow who" always 'tries to heat the' car ahead and beat the clock by speeding .. ,. Who tries to beat fatigue and keeps on driv- ing when he's overtired instead of planning his trip in short laps with time out for relaxing ! , Careful drivers aren't "Beat" drivers ! Careful ,drivers don't take a Chance either , on being "beat" financially by the costs of an accident: They make sure they have ade- quate insurance to protect them- selves against costs of —damage done TO or BY their cars' —accidental injury to themsel- ves and members of their family. Why not find out how CIA insurance can help you protect yourself- against the costs of these and other emergencies by calling GEORGE TURTON 351 Huron Rd. JA 4-7411 Co-operators Insurance- , Association i Swim Pool Opens .July 3 Registration for- swimming classes at Judith Gooderham Memorial Swimming Pool will take place on Saturday, June 24. at 9.30 a.m. The swimming pool will open on Monday, July 3, and close on the last Saturday before Labor Day. The pool is a pop- ular one with children coming to Goderich from as far away as Hanover to take swimming lessons. DANCE -FRIDAY ' NIGHT ,. -- JUNE 23 — To the Rockin' Revols of Stratford from 9.30 Until 12.30 ADMISSION 75c BLUE WATER LOUNGiE Bayfield 'Rd.. JA 4-8374 GODERICH imeieummar CaiI oderich .Electric JA 4-9512 and ask Gerry Denomy about the new, low-cost but fully GUARANTEED OIL FURNACES For Safe, Dependable oil heating Comfort. — Available on 5 year term payments -- ,R SUGGESTIONS from CULBERT'S 3 Weekend Specials -,-- Friday and Saturday ORANGE LAYER CAKE with Orange Creme Icing F.R as�h L.s 1k•1.�° A • 1 . vOith' + fr'ange"Fond,ant Icing , BLUEBERRY 1VlUFFINS ,> BAKERY IDEAS for .YOUR PICNIC• HAMPER FRUIT TARTS -- MUFFINS --= DATE TURNOVERS DOUGHNUTS -- 4'OOKIE$ DATE NUT .-OAVES HOME MADE COOKIES Y Select your favorites from our abundant variety DATE TURNOVERS -A- OATMEAL --- CINNAMON CHOCOLATE CHIP —BRAZIL NUT,— PEANUT BUTTER SHORTBREAD and OLD FASHIONED. SUGAR COOKIES FRESH BAKED DOUGHNUTS — 10 VARIETIES _ OUR SPECIALTY -- Special Occasion Cakes for WEDDINGS -- ANNIVERSARIES -- BIRTHDAYS Open Friday nights 'til '9 p.m. CULBERT'S BAKERY West Street — Goderich ' JA 4-7941 WANT ADS GET --FAST RESULTS PLAN 'TO. VISIT THE BELTONE HEARING AID DISPLAY at the • G ►DERICH TRADE FAIR June 28 — .r- July 1 -25-26 NO OTHER PUMPS MATCH d Jacuzzi1 1.14A PPS PS The World Over youwon't find anything to match ' the advanced engineering and RUGGED- BUILD of a Jacuzzi pump or water system. GET THE FACTS! GODERICH ELECTRIC.. •189 South St: eet JA 4-9512 ELECTRICAL. CONTRACTORS * ESSO HEATING DEALER * mmemeeme o „ A It' -s -Lc ter Than You Thin but there's till time ,to SEE.. OUR EXHIBIT__at ache KINSMEN TRADE ..•1'MR In the Goderich, Arena 314,1 ..a BEFORE you buy any pumping equipment, check with us -- your authorize: Jacuzzi distributor. E. D. MdLWAIN 78 Cambria Road, Goderich JA 4-9598 A Few Dealerships are available. Enquire at our Trade Fair Exhibit. STAY A JUMP AHEAD! The New Provincial Retail Sales Tax Begins September 1st CHECK YOUR SEE and FEEL—e° The Difference � ! JOB PRINTING REQUIREMENTS NOW! a • TIIEN"CAI,t. IN at the Signal -Star Office and have our shop foreman``belp plan your layouts. '0 * Letterheads * Announcements in Forme " Wedding Stationery 'k Statements • -, - ' Business• Cards 1Welapes * Brochures • and all special order printing. DERICH SIGMA • $ west Saco,, ON DISPLAY' NOW The difference in freezers IS FREEZING TIME. F*st freezing is the key to sealing in all the . FLAVOR and FRESHNESS. THE NEW REVCO has the FASTEST FREEZING ACTION KNOWN! We can prove this in -a- two -minute -test you - actually see and feel — It's truly amazing, ' COME IN TODAY and SEE THIS DEMONSTRATION It Will Prove REVCO Your Best Freezer Buy 20 Cu. Ft. Model CC -201 holds 686 lbs. of food and it ,is yours for only .... SaVICE ELECTRIC. (Goderich) ki ited - R VICTORIA and NEWGATE STS, . ' JA 4-8581 n 319.00 •