HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-06-22, Page 8J COdettieh Signal -Star, TliurSdaY,, June 22nd, 1961 TA -Committee Chairmen Named The last Meeting of the sea - WI of St. Peter's and' St. Mary's ,Parent-Tetleb.er Association took p1aeten Wednesday evening of, att Week at St. Peter's School. Father VIOYnahan installed the new executive for the coining ffilture -reettil*-Vii%4ilf4k heP4 on the second Thursday of 7401440;.-begiimilaflo4Wi'lftV teM New committee chairmen were . named as follows: social, Mrs, Itobt, Clarice; Publicity, Mrs. A. Goan telephone, Mrs. Ralph 'Clerltr-Programme, Mrs.. Jos. Hefter; playground, Mr. T. J. pre an; „ways and means, Mrs. E. Waren. • Final xilans were made for the Sfuhnee0121ric which will be held '7t gift *was presented to the rssttockpeVre,sgielthan.tho?.P.TM.1 by Mr. A. Wisser. A fellow woUIdn't mind loan- ing his lawn mower if the bor- rower wouldn't take it out of the yard. ,"441,t'tfArrs-",kv r ky Harbour--41,:epostit. oted For Hospitably • (By F/L R. Morris in Canadian Flight Magazine) One hundred miles west of Toronto, on the east shore of ,Lurian, lies Goderich, On; Itka);"‘ifthqs rattilesti'lowii- Oanada" according to those who Want Ads Get Results • LAWN SERVICE DON'T WAIT until It TOO LATE SODDING — SEEDING — FERTILIZING POWER ROLLING or GENERAL CLEAN:UP LANDSCAPING and FOUNDATION PLANTING CALL IVAN'S NURSERIES • TOP OF DUNLOP HILL — JA.4-7171 — WE DELIVER New Modern APARTMENT L Is Being Planned for Goderich ITS SIZE WILL BE DETERM1NED BY THE NUMBER OF PERSONS WHO WANT TO RENT AN APARTMENT IN IT. THERE WILL BE' ONE AND 2 -BEDROOM APARTMENTS. NCEWILL. BE GIVEN TO THE - l'IST APPLICATIONS RECEIVED.. • Fill in application form below and mail with- out delay to: K. N. MoCORMICK,' 12 OXFORD ST. W., LONDON, ONT, MINIMIN ammo aims' mown 101•111111111 Malle111.11 MEMO APARTMENT APPLICATION NA1VIX AGE , WIFE'S NAME AGE - PRESENT -AD:DRESS HOW LONG - WHAT RENT PAID NOW . . DO= THIS INCLUDE. UTILITIES PLAGE OF EMPLOYMENT *GW LONG EMPLOYED ANNUAL INCOME DOB$ WIFE WORK • IF VZS, MR INCOME _41110012:2,--41ILDREN--•-4, II04IIANY BEDROOMS REQUIRED -DO. YOU REQUIRE STOVE and FRIDGE Receipt of this application will .be acknowl- edged by0 K: N. McCORMWK, 12 OXFORD ST. W., LONDON. I ' 4g 24-26 Mee -theirevt3OdericriS algei the base of Sky Harbour Air Ser- vices and the home of its color-, ful manager Keith Hopkinsen. On many occasions; friends have told me of visits to Gode- rich and they have never failed to mention the pleasant , snr- roundings and the warm hos- pitality encountered at SkyHar- bour. These reports intrigued me and I resolved that when the opportunity arose I would pay a visit there myself. All of which leads up to the fact that one sunny day last winter I lifted the-- wheelsLenroute- to Goderich. After a one-hour flight from Toronto I was circling the field, checking the wind and the condition of the freshly snow- eovered runways. The airport, located one mile north of the town, has a 2800' East/West runway and two 3100' runways. A non -directional beacon is located one mile S -W of the field, and Unicorn on 122.8 mcs is available. A circuit, a landing and I had finally arrived. I hadn't even time to shut down before being greeted by Jim Sherritt, Sky Harbour's chief engineer. With him was Bob Pattison who oper- ates the successful radio repair shop. They advised me that Keith Hopkinson was out on a charter trip but was expected back soon, then invited me in for a welcome cup of coffee. When I walked into the Pilot's Lounge 1 realized why I had heard so much about the pleas- ant- surroundings. Here -was" a lounge that captured the im- agination. The room was spot- lessly clean, and the heavy wooden furniture,- —eountles photographS and display of tro- phies and models provided an .exeiting atmosphere. Propped by the window, where a good view can'be had, stood the great- est conversation piece of them are clearly Marked as a warning to the eager -lever -pullers. Soon the Unicorn came to life with Keith reporting—and ad- vising of his position. It was not long before a Cessna 195 barrel- adVCr450-0. , . et34,4207,,q s'Ategat-itia°4-sina.Wifitc-zi time On.FrillaY at 10 a.m. ()Vattern. ''',A. - - • J, Together with 'three Pipers, customer appeared at 10.05 a.m., orureatpwa-twoneavio,teaft lookelivet-,zethiklicinee :stow -for used for training, twO Cessna a moment from the outside and 195's bear the yeoman task. then walked over to the adjacent carrying out the charter viork. brewers' warehouse to make his Any - suggestion that the trusty purchase. 195 la ith something For, the balance of the day, Lktuor Store -Opens Without Ceremony Without a prior announcement of any kind, the new Goderich store of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario on the Huron road unceremoniously opened its doors`to the public for the first e rep1 aced w more modern will evoke a cry there was no great rush with the of- anguish from . Keith. He busiest time experienced being swears by the bird and asks if to*ards the latter part of Friday there, is another aircraft in its aftern"n• class that can duplicate the load Open hours of the ,store are carrying capability, cruising to be from 10 to 6 p.m., speed, and ruggedness of the daily except Sunday, from May 195. However, with the Volume 15 to September 15. In Gode- of charter work increasing, he rich, the liquor store will be is giving some thought to adding closed all day Monday also. .a Twin -Beech to give a more First stock for the. store was versatile and all-weather cap- brought in -on Wdnesday-of last ability.week by Guenther Tuckey Trans - Before long the Cessna taxied port. The load of liquids and to the gas pump and Keith their - containers weighed ap- emerged, cigar in mouth. Soon Proximately 18 tons and came wsoec'iraionwith ettalkingabfloyuiritghislongbolonagaust- trom Toronto. the background tied activities of Sky Harbour Air Services. As far as I was concerned, it was good listening. A member of the OX -5 Club, Keith can trace his air experi- ence back to the year 1934 when, as a boy of seventeen living in the Hamilton area, he earned his flying licence. The main activity for ,a young pilot in those days was to barnstorm from area to area, taking advantage of every opportunity to fly. When war came, pilots were Much in demand to form the nucleus of instructors required for pilot training in. the RCAF. Keith was one of a_ group of instructors who journeyed to Goderich to form No. 12 EFTS. The success of this school owed much to his organizational abil- ity and to his unfailing enthus- iasnu..His talents extended -from the flight test 'of a slow student to the design and manufacture of valuable ground school aids. • •<. KEITH HOPKINSON, manager Sky Harbour Air Services. all: Polly, a cantankerous. noisy parrot with a verp sharp tongue. While Bob Pattison and I en- joyed our coffee, he outlined the versatility of the Sky Harbour operation which includes a re- pair and overhaul shop, a radio repair shop, an instrument shop and a recently added„upholstery shop. The distinctive paint de- signs of Don Fisher, Keith's right hand man, and his skilful finishing work have proven to be trademarks of Sky Harbour. A tour of _ the neat and orderly facilities impressed upon me the careful attention given to every customer's -aircraft. In the sum- mer months when scores of visitors descend on the airport, Keith is torn between two duties: to respect and protect customer property, and to en- courage and promote aviation among the uninitiated. While he tries to allow as much freedom as possible to visitors, he en- sures that customer airplanes CHICKEN BARBEQUE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28 KNOX CHURCH PARKING LOT Sittings at 6 p.m. aid 7 p.m. Will be held in Church Hall in event of rain. ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN 85c Tickets available at FRENCH DRY CLEANERS or from Members of the Men's Club. 24-25 1 FOR GENERAL INSURANCE See KEN CROFT FIRE AUTO — LIABILITY CASUALtY—Phone-JA4-7253 • • • • • 1 0 The manager of the store is Bob Rawlings, who has been 21/2 years with the LCI30 store at Strathroy. His assistants are Art Doak and Jack Whetstone, both from Goderich. When Mr. Rawlings was in Strathroy, he had difficulty in NW*,Cuznd1i Mw wide **hi 'the egit 'th- the park- ing lot. So,. he had a tall sign ntadwozkliduAlrohl,•“e' appeared. in no less than eight different languages. He will vVait awhile to see whether a similar sign is needed anti() parking lot of the Goderich store. be found, he has both the ecluip- ment and the skill to produce it himself. Considering Keith Hopkin - son's -numerous contributions to aviation in Canada, it is hardly surprising that ,inany honors have come his way. In 1956 he received the Experimental Air- craft Association Award for his efforts on behalf of that organiz- ation. The same year he was named winner of the AOPA Award, as the person contribut- ing most to the development of private aviation in Canada. And in 1960 he received the Trans- Canada Airlines Trophy for the promotion of sports flying and amateur building. So, whether you are a Sunday pilot looking for an entertain- ing session of hangar flying or an_aircrpft owner looking for good value and reliable service, you can be assured of a warm welcome at Sky, Harbour Air With the end of the war, he Services. Who knows, with the and a few air fOrce associates arrival of the warm weather, formed Sky Harbour Air Ser- even Polly the parrot may 'have vices from the , remains of the mellowed. defunct EFTS, intending to carry on with flying instruction, do a little barnStorming, and partici- pate in the buying and selling of surplus aircraft. One of Sky Harbour's • first jobs was a con- tract with Babb Company for the ferrying of Harvards, Ansons, Cansos and, Cornelis. Eighteen hundred aircraft were ferried without incident and this proved to be the prelude to another ferry job which saw twelve hundred aircraft transferred for War Assets. With the postwar slowdown in aviation activities, Sky Harbour began- consolidating. In Keith's words "I didn't want. the oper- ation to be large, but small and efficient' as hell." The present organization more than meets this requirement. With the fly- ing school continuing to gradu- ate private and commercial ately 40 stedents per year, the pilots °at the rate of approxirn: maintenance facilities were im- proved and more emphasis was placed on charter flying -Work. In 1950, only twenty-five charter trips to Toronto were carried out; 1960 saw more than three --hundretegualrtrim From huMble beginnings, Sky, Harbaer has. grown into a suc- cessful commercial operation and much- of this success can be attributed to the company policy of honest value, good equipment and facilities, clean housekeeping, and friendly ser - •••••••••••i••—•—•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • IResidents may also arrange to have stumps taken out on their own property *6y paying the full cost. I• Phone. JA 4,8344. STUMPS REMOVED : from BOULEVARDS THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH will arrange to have stumps removed from boulevards on a cost sharing basis. • Property owners are required to pay $6.00 per stump, the balance plus cleaning up the area, tilling taken care of by the Town. S. H., BLAKE, Town Clerk. 24-25 • • . vice. •• Sky Harbour is by no means • Keith's only interest In aviation. • He has been the president and • driving force behind the ;Ultra • Light Aircraft Association of Canada for the past five years and has expended' considerable time, effort, and money in his attempts to convince DOT that light aircraft can be successfully 1 produced • by amateur home - builders. Although Iromebuild- • ing was popular prior to the war its •ro Really now, isn't the most cur- ious thing in the world a woman who isn't? -You'll be happier if you are necessary to someone. • Of Canada's total land area of 3,850,000 square miles, 90 per cent is still publiely-owned Cro'ven land. some people __70..,ceni. get along without them end be, fore too long yon can't get along with them. • • LITTLE BOWL Will be opeti for the remainder of JUNE (.4o11 -r PrOingik FREE BOWLING FOR EVERYONE FRIDAY, JUNE 30 -Th. Lanes Will Remain Closed During The ' Menths of July and August LITTLE mtriw, 204 Huron Rd. • is JA 4,9966 11 %If 1 COMPLETE ELECTRICAL INI$TALLATIONS • in.This StoreDone by -'a:;00NA14 ELECTRIC CO.LTD. BRITANNIA ROAD WEST -.compai — - - later. However, with much am- bition and a set of plans, Keith set about building the now fam- ous, "Little Hokey'i as a test project to illustrate that, with due care and the ,use of proper materials, homebuilt construc- tion can result m a sound and 'Safe aircraft. It is to DOT's credit that, with the success of Little Hokey, they recognized the potential of homebuilt ac- tivities and introduced regula- tions under which ' anyone can aspire to building his own air- craft. As a matter of interest, there ate approximately fifty such projects underway in Can- ada at this time vvith six having already taken to the air! Although he As the kind of man Who looks to the future, Keith has never been one to overlook the past. One corner of the Sky Harbour hangar' re- sembles a museum as a result of his efforts. to perpetuate the record of aviation in Canada. Hanging from the rafters can be seen a replica of the original l3leriot together with an early Aeronca C3, On the floor rests a Tiger Moth, a Fleet Finch, a Por- terfield 35, and a Waco Travel - air 2000. Located beside the air- craft are several interesting old engines including a Curtiss OXX-6, a 26 hp 3 cylinder An- zani, pnd a 15Qhp Use. His long range plan is to rebuild and preserve in authentic detail ezieh piece in the collection. It is at this point that you 1,0 - come aware of yet another of Keith's talents: that of the mech- anical crafttentin Turked in a back room -t" `-;s home is one of the best equipped hebby Work- shops it has been "-• privilege to see. If •an original part for , one of his restorations cannot . vonotfroes MOST CONVENIWIT 900 rooms and mites with tub, shower, radio and TV. Home of the Canadian Pump Room—Dancing. . . no corr., na minimum. Ample free overnight parldng. Fine Convention Facilities. Family Plan , UNIVERSITY AVENUE AT KING STREET' Telephone EMplre 2-1848—Telex 022458, in MONTREAL telephone UNiversity 6-6881 In OTTAWA telephone CEntrol 5-3333 • TORONTO 43-36 Our Saline to The New L.C.B.O. STORE and WARE HOUSE ON HURON ROAD GODRRICH HE GENERAL. CONTRACTOR • FOR THIS BUILDING WAS •BURT ,.'PRQUHART Company Limited -KINCARDINE, ONT. INDUSTRIAL. — •COMMERCIAL and HOUSING CONTRACTING OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD of ONTARIO • on Its New Modern Store on the Huron Road, Goderich • We Are Pleased, To Have Supplied MILLWORK, COUNTERS, BINS and PANELLING in THIS STORE