HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-06-22, Page 7a,. Horseshoe Pitchers-Plan-FourA� , Courts; Wili Join HUron League Town Council has given con- sent to. Legion members to have horseshoe pitching courts on the grounds of Agricultural Park. The sports committee of the Canadian Legion, Branch 109, with their chairman, HoWard Carroll, and his co-chairman, Roy Kingsley, formed a work committee .the ,first of th week �.. r ataw. r'�t3i< . 1,eseri plans are to 'Make four, courts which-- will enable , 16 prson>.,y;; to play at one time;;;The courts stale situaThe p ay wild near lhe be under the rules of the Ontario Horse shoe Pitching Association. arm organized. He is now practising to enter in the all -Ontario Championship which will be pitched at Milverton on Jul'. 15. OBITUARY MRS. OLIVER COLE •� ship, rs, O`liVer CoIe 88»'idiih'dt -M suddenly on �L Wednesday 4 - last. �.�s,s.: "l�ospztal;' London. A native of Tuucker. smith Township, she was the former Edna Mae Crich. She attended St. James' Anglican Church, Middleton. Surviving besides her hus- band are: her mother, Mts. Gif- ford Crich, Tuckersmith Town- ship; one son, Jack, Goderich Township; four daughters, Mrs. Grant (Anna) Stirling, Goderich Township; Mrs. Wilmer (Ethel) Desjardine, Dashwood; Mrs. Sam (Margaret) Argyle, Goderich; Mrs. Albert (Doris) Schilbe, Goderich Township; one brother, Ernest •Crich, Tttckersmith; and 13 grandchildren. Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, Bay- field, conducted funeral services oh Saturday afternoon at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton, with interment in Clin- ton cemetery. Mr. Kingsley, a newcomer to Goderich, has been a member of the Stratford Club in the Perth -Oxford. League. His club won the championship last year. This league is composed of mem- bers from St. Marys, Tavistock, Mitchell, Bright, Milverton and Stratford, With the exception ofD the Stratford Club, all these clubs are sponsored by branches of the Canadian Legion- Mr.. Kingsley says he has had many inquiries every day asking when this new Huron League will be BUSINESS" DIRECTORY c. - Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 478. Phone JA 4-9521 GODERICH =- ONTARIO r AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, glass, steering and wheel bal- lance. Undaspray for rust prevention. • DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 Stiles Ambulance Roomy. -_.- Comfortable ArrywhltlAnytiino PHONE JA 4-8142 77 Montreal St., Goderich R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square JA 4-7661 Albert Shore, Sr. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT OFFICE RESIDENCE 88 HAMILTON 4T. 39 VICTORIA ST. GODERICH GODERICH PHONE PHONE• JA 4-9452 JA 4-7880 A. M. Harper & Co. chartered Accountantsi; Office House JA 4-7562 JA 4-7642 33 Hamilton St. Goderich JIM THORNELOE'S BARBER SHOP 170 The Square FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE JA . 4-9271 INSURANCE, FIRE and AUTO REAL ESTATE W. J. HUGHES 50 ELGIN AVE. -E. - Phone JA 4-8526. Remember when you used to go to bed with the curfew? To- day they just blow it to wake you up. -If it's true' that a fool and his money are soon parted—then tell us how they got together in the first place? How to Treat an ACHING r7; -- BACK �"—� -� Dodds KIONIE Pillse. T 'rand RADIO TUBES QPEN NIGHTS Until 11.30 • FREE Tube Testing Service Goderich News Stand D. Pincher, Prop. On the Square at Colborne Street 19tf Butler, Dooley & Clarke Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 39 West Street JA 4-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO tf ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce- Bldg. Gode, ice. Phone JA 4-9662 A: J. Alexander, Res. - °J A, 4-7836. -C. F. Chapman, Res. JA 4-7915. EXPERT SERVICE . REFRIGERATION - - WG GERRYI'S APPLIANCES Goderich Dial JA 4-8434 24-26 Have you tried an .. e HF,C Shopper's Loan? An important part of HFC service to families is the Shopper's Loan, specially designed to help you buy the many things needed for modern living. You shop with cosh at any store you wish—and avoid a number of large egad -of -the -month bills. Instead, yQu repay HFC a ftngle, sensible monthly instal- ent. Simply drop in or phone HFC today. Borrow p .to $2,500 with up to 36 months to repay. Low cost lifsansurance available on all loans HOUSEHOLD -FINANCE • G.' N. Crawford; Manager 3M West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERICH FOR A" GREENER THUMB 127TH ANNIVERSARY ON SUNDAY Flower Shows It may be considered some- thing of an anomaly to deal with eir Shows in one and the Same s �� Q we. will 1 speak first of the former:. r.Last''yea,"you will remember, we, the G.H.S., had our own reporter visit old Chelsea Hospital built at the instigation of Sweet Nell of Old Drury for pensioners of the Ser- vices and in the grounds of which the great annual floral occasion is staged. This year we , have to rely on the Press. Chelsea is quite unlike any other flower show. It is not to the scale of the Continental Floriades and its exhibits are aimed at the keen gardener rath- er than the goggling sight seer.: There is the great marquee, the, world's largest tent; the avenues ofsundries; the rock garden bar* and the outdoor gardens. One of the most striking dis- plays was a rock garden with waterfall and huge masses of rock outcropping, the whole studded with all varieties of rock and water plants. Some of the stones must have weighed 20 tons, an immense expenditure of labor for the six short days of the show. In the marquee, Sutton staged one of the great- est concentrations of annuals and perennials yob could see anywhere. Snapdragons and fox- gloves towered over low grow- ing calla lilies, the whole back- ed by flowering shrubs and climbing vines. The illustrations show an inverted cone of height six feet being a display of "Royal Sovereign" strawberries Jy,the; In the formal garde,nns the' land- scan,architect„bas to.con ibute• pis 'much or more -than the and a,, Mediterranean Gard Gard- en made a brave attempt to cap- ture some of the atmosphere of the .Cote d'Azur against the fog of Father Thames. But in spite of all these tours de force, it is really the great rose growers who make this show their own. Harry Wheat- croft was there again as he al- ways has been, this great hybrid- iser showing a magnificent bowl of his novelty called "Zamba," a tangerine colored rose with gold reverse. The several Gode- rich enthusiasts for McGredy's roses will be interested to hear that Mr. Sam claims a break through this Year. He has pro- duced a hybrid tea type rose on a robust bush With floribunda habit and floriferousness. It is cherry -rose in color and is nam- ed "Paddy McGredy" after his sister. Now we must turn to, our own show which will be staged in two days tube, Saturday, the 24th, at St. George's Parish Hall. It, too, should provide some very fine specimens of roses in the 12 classes for that flower. But there, is much scope in the 19 other classes for perennial flow- ers, columbine, lilies, peonies, delphiniums, to mention only a few, while there are seven ar- ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Our Specialty • CHINESE ---FOOD 0 TAKE-OUT ORDERS They ESQUIRE RESTAURANT • On the Square -•- In Goderich D. T. STRITER P Al Painting and Decorating INDUSTRIAL -. COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR or EXTERIOR Brush, Spray or Roller - FREE ESTIMATES 1 _'GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP PHp• •NEJA 4-8026. 24-25 ascinatingacts •From The Paris . JLife, George'st.Anghcan Churc (By W. E. Elliott) First Anglican services were• Operating Costs At the annuai congregational held in a schoolhouse behind Fuel anct lighting necessarily meeting of St. George's Church the town hall. Later the con- occupied the attention of 'suc- in 1935, "attention was called," gregation .hall. Dr. ,Moran cessi e v. ies. • ,. Y es ,ix° $ ti �,y�i. �Y .U.t J ti �.:tti f,.,c ,. ... ^►` � . rvT.c�xeia. ,rte a �a't`-` twoyoung men of the in which- square pe�lts:�agd..sult;: ,cords of wodtt at $2.75. 1n .1881 eongregatirnom e.s, h ,to.enter able -furnishings. were installed: ttie gas. lights in the church° were for -the ministry, in'-the-per°sints' A rbrzek church • erected-drr-st: cim onic tained of as d, and -°'the. of Lyall -Crawford- and Reg. George's crescent burned in sexton was asked to learn the Fisher, which was to be COM- 1879, and the present one was cause. In 1896, incandescent mended." Bothwent on to formally oPened in 1881. The lighting was installed. Ten Huron College, but"" Mr. Fisher rector at that time, Archdeacon years later it was decided to turned his talents to the teach- Elwood, died in 1887 and was continue hot air heatmg, ane ing profession. The Rev. Lyall succeeded by Rev. W. A. Young. installation of steam heat was 11. Crawford, B.A., L.Th., has Whether or not the congrega- deferred until 1920. served several -parishes and is tion celebrated the 50th anniver- In 1905 it was proposed by now rector of Parkhill, in the sary is not indicated in the Messrs. Fowler and Eliot (W. L. deanery of West Middlesex, minutes, but those for 1884 dis- Eliot, Bank of Montreal), that where he has just concluded a close many familiar names. the vestry;" w `considering the un - term as rural dean. He has ac- Church wardens were J. Deacon portant position of St.. Georges cepted an invitation from Dr. and Richard Radcliffe; lay dole= in this diocese, is of. opinion Kenneth Taylor, rector of St. gates were Messrs. Deacon, Rad- that the time has come • when - George's, to preach here on cliffe and Naftel; others present the service would be much im- June 25, the occasion of the at the annual vestry were tproved . by introduction of a parish's „127th anniversary. Messrs. Vanevery, Cox, Parsons, vested choir." This being ap, Parish history dates from Alice, Williams, Cook, Glass, proved, a committee was named 1834, when the first incumbent, Salkeld, Seager,. Lewis, Ball, to collect funds for necessary Rev. Robert Francis Campbell, Weatherall, . Spence, Proudfoot, alterations in the .church. , a former navy officer, was sent Rathwell, McBride, Woodcock, About 1922 the vestry dis- out by the Church Missionary Furse, McMicking; McDonough, cussed a new parish hall. The Society. He `obtained as rectory Holmes, McDermot, Pretty and rector at that time, Rev. S. S. a house Thomas Kneeshaw had Brimicombe. Hardy, recommended' a full built for himself, on North street. Pew Rents basement, containing a gymnas- ium, kitchen, lavatory, and a hall above, with stage, to seat 350 to 400. Evidently this pro- ject ` was not undertaken, for in 1924 permission was given the executive committee to re- pair and enlarge. The parish hall was in fact added to in 1957, in the rectorate of Rev. Kenneth Taylor. Though it does not appear to have been acted upon, it was recorded in 1898 that •.the con- gregation "favored insuring the lives of two young men for $2,000 each for 15 or 20 years, rin order to extinguish the mort- a.ge debt,p•�rovid. eci a .,sufficient' number of the congregation en- gage to guarantee the prem- iums." _ Former. $idesmen-._ 'Sittegiftch in 1902 were John Platt, F. F. Lawrence, —Lloyd, F. Jordan, Wm. Tye, -- Hosken, D. J. Naftel, Jos. Salkeld, E. N. Lewis, Lionel Parsons and Harry Sturdy. In 1933 Mr. Blackstone sug- gested to the vestry that the centennial year, 1934; be cele- brated by a garden party and street fair. Rt. Rev. Charles Allen Seager, a former Goderich boy, had been chosen , fifth Bishop of Huron in 1932 ---=the had been Bishop of Ontario -- and St. George's was much pleased. A special invitation was sent him to visit the parish. It was 23 years after that before Huron acquired a bishop suffragan to assist the diocesan; now there are two, with the new one, Rt. Rev. H. F. G. Appleyard, serving five counties, including Huron, as Bishop of Georgian Bay. These are only a few of .the. changes and incidents of inter- est, chosen at random from the records of the 127 years upon . which St. George's looks back. rangement classes. Apart from the cash prizes, there are'sev- eral special -prizes given respec- tively by Simpson -Sears for the best rose, of the show; other than Peace, by Canadian Swift and by Ryan and Son. The last two will be offered as door prizes. The oppcyrtunity is taken to thank - these donors again. Exhibits will be received in the Parish Hall from 9 to 11 a.m. Exhibitors are asked to arrive early during this period, and to put the class number on each exhibit. Judging will commence at" 12.30- p.•nr: ' and the = show is open to the polilic from g.30 to 5.30 p.m. and from 7 to p.m., at which hour all exhibits must be disposed of. The convener is Mrs. Pridham, from whom non-members may obtain a class list on joining the society. We are relying on a record number of exhibits and also on a record attendance bf spectators. New Gardening Books There can be . no doubt that the pleasure of gardening is en- hanced by even a small know- ledge of the history of the plants grown. The late Frank Kingdon -Ward's "Pilgrimage for Plants," published by Harrap, supplies this. You will learn why the blue poppy, discovered in 1848, is still a novelty; the surprising - fact that the reason musk ..lost its scent ' is that, on the whole, it never had any; (See S.S. for 2/3/61. The Scent. of Musk) where the finest gen- tians come from and at what cost in toil they were introduced. A most interesting book. _ The new annual of the Nation- al Rose Society contains an ac- count of a curious experience in preventing plack sppt on roses by • regular foliar watering and Mrs. Briscoe relates how a Frau Karl Druschki rose has been taken front garden to garden by her during the tree's vigorous life of 25 years. Finay there is a new Penguin on Dalflias by Stuart Ogg, pro= duced in collaboration with the Royal Horticultural Society. Mr. Ogg was recently awarded the Victory _Medal' of _ Honor, the - highest R.H.S.• award in horticul- ture. The�first and last mention- ed books are well illustrated. ALL METAL f� \Aeli\, ill `---= �r All Steel Construction Varied Colors MANUFACTURED and INSTALLED by Mathieso,I W e Welding - SERVICE LTD. 83 Newgate St., Goderich JA 4-8791 --Gall-For-fie LOWEST PRICES in the GODERICH AREA 23-26 SAVE 1VMONEY ! ORDER YOUR NEW KERNQH-AN HOME NOW! L. • ,,-, Imposition of the Provincial Government Sales Tax in September is expected, to increase the price if new homes. 20 plans of bungalows and storey and one half models from which to . clhoose. ' - DOWN PAYMENTS START as LOW as 51200. FOR HOUSE and LOT REMEMBER ! Nuway Buildings Ltd. giistrnct a complete home and yon are protected with a one-year guarantee covering any 'defects from the date you take pos- session. Complete Information and Free 'Catalogues Available from HAROLD . W. SHORE, Real Estate Broker DIAL JA. 4-7272 -•.•-. — -=. 38 HAMILTON . ST. At this meeting it was moved by Mr. Lewis (that would be Ira) that a committee draft a scale of pew rents "at so much per sitting according to position in the church." In the following year it was enacted that pew rents must be paid in advance, otherwise they would-be re -let without notice. Later the rate was set at $2 per sitting. No. 5 pew was the rector's; No. 6 `was valued at $34,4 No. 8 at $45. Revenue from pew rentals was $520 in 1888. In 1894, R. S. Williams -and George Porter moved, that the free pew system be adopted. _ The matter .was. shelved, and in, 1906 the vestry discussed a proposal to increase the rentals. Six years later, Charles Seager and C. C. Lee moved that the pews -==be absol- utely free," effective July 1, and this time the vote was 24 in favor, three against, two ab- staining. In the 1880s the rector' evid- ently was paid $850, the organist $200, sexton $150,, organ blower $20 and vestry clerk $50. Before the motor age ended them, excursions were popular, and in 1886 St. George's con- gregation appointed a commit- tee . to arrange for one from Lucan, Parkhill, Clandeboye, Centralia and Exeter, also for an excursion on the lake by the steamer Saginaw Valley, char- tered at $40. Tickets were sold at 25c, and the project yielded $28,20 profit. Three-quarters of a century ago, the Ladies' Aid took on the task of canvassing the „con• gregation for funds, and increas- ed subscriptions by $300 to $1,400. Total receipts that year were $3,290. - It was proposed in 1887 that "lady members have a vote in the vestry, and that the lay delegates be asked to bring the matter before Synod." That came about in due course, with a proviso that women mem- bers should not be qualified as churchwardens, 'and now the Synod Of Huron has a committee studying the admission of wo men as members~ of Synod. It's pretty hard to convince the kids that the shortage of teachers is a calamity. Work like sixty in the '60s and you won't have to work like sixty after you're 60. IN 1 TON OF LAYI SH in the Murray Westgate and 13 -year-old Rex Hagon "play the tirtle:'roles in the new 12 -week summer series, Jake and The Kid, to be seen Friday nightson the CBC -PV network. The series about a small boy and a hired man in the lrylthi prairie town of Crocus, Sask, is the creation of Canadian, author W. O. Mitchell; whose stories Were dramatized on CBC radio from 1950 to 1956. Westgate, born in Regina, is also host, of the children's program, Junior Roundup, seen each weekday ,on the CBC -TV .network. IF IT'S FLOWERS — REMEMBER GODERICH GREENHOUSES on Bruce Street near Highway 21 Opposite the Swimming Pool 24-25x . save? -a I'm a working girl, so saving isn't the 'easiest thing in the world. But I've found ,how to make it easier' ... I use. the "Royal's" 2 -Account Plan. I like the way. it keeps my saving and my spending quite sepaate. YOU WIN TWO WAYS IN CYANAMID'S COUNTY CONTEST. ENTER TODAY AT YOUR FAVOURITE FEED DEALER. 1. WIN 20 BAGS FREE FEED! To qualify buy a bag or two of Aero*Shellmaker.'You could win 1 ton of laying mash• For many poultrymen this represents a saving of two or more weeks feed costs. 2. WIN MORE GRADE "A" EGGS AT LOWER FEED COSTS! Bite -size Aero*Shellmaker i8 low-cost calcium, the same is used in feeds. It is a complete replaceent for oyster shells." Uge in your hoppers, mix with feed, or feed free choice. Any way—you get better shell qua- lity at lower, cost. HERE'S ALL YOU DO TO ENTER! It's easy! Every farmer is eligible! Just go to your favourite feed dealer. Buy at least one bag-, of Aero *Shellmaker. Fill in an entry -blank and have your dealer verify the purchase and put slip in box. Those names drawn will be eligible for one of I:8 prizes, each being 1 ton of laying mash. There are two contests for Mach Gowdy, first doses sddalglat Lely 15, 1961 and one second Aeyrst :15,1961. T.M. Reed G. RYAN and SON, GGODERICH 1131/11 r I use a Persoal ; hequing Account to pay bills. My Savings Account is strictly for saving. I'm really get- ting ahead, now I've stopped dipping, into savings. They're building up, earn interest too ... it works! RO L BANK d OF CANADA - The bank with 1000 front doors Goderich Branch: .- - 11. G. SPRING, Manager. 1,