HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-14, Page 5NEWS NOTES This season opened with a big shipment of cattle from St. Marys. Messrs Weir Brae. shipped ninety steers that would average at least 1400 lbs each. Messrs Robson, Slack. Sperling and Somers aleo made large shipments, in all, about 300 head, These shipneents would represent a dietrtbution of about $27,000 amoog the ferment in this ueighborh rod. A COMMON (eitIG111-AU skindieeaaea of whatsoever name or nature are caused by impute blood„ Burdock Blood Bitters ie a natural foe to impure blood, removing all font buruorafrow a common pimple to the woret aoroftdous sore. A tXINUTE A DAV--A mi 'lite a day devat ed to taking a dose of Burdock Blood Bitters will (sure any case of constipation, dyspepsia biiliousness, or bad blood_ and may Rave weeka of eiekuess and dollars of loss. There is nothing better than B B B. WORTH of co um:mice-Those who havo need it praise it ! Airs George Ward writes from Joaepbino, Ont, concerning ,Hagyard's Yellow Oil: "Aa a euro mire for chapped hands, swellings. sore throat, etc. +, I recommend Ragyard'a Yellow 01I to alien Fiu r Trie, Paella° coesr-We quote from aletter recently received from Mies Eleanor Pope, Port Haney, 13 C "For sore throat, coughs, croup, bruieee, eta, Urezyard'a Yellow Oil is the best thing I have ever need." DTHECTI.v AND lenience .T` --Sidney corn plaint, dropsy and similar troubles depend: direetly on wroufi action of the kidneys and indirectly on bad blood. Bon -leek Blood Bitters regulates the notion of the kidneya and eleansea the bleed from all impurities, in this way curing kidney complaint, dropsy etc• SFvBnn Corp CUBED -'Bear Sita -My mother was attacked with a very severe cold and cough. She resolved to try Ragyard'e Pectoral Baleam, and, on eo doing, round it did her more good than any ether me_disine She over tried. URIEFNNEnv, Hamilton, Opt' Intelligence hae been received or the murder in Washington State of a young man named Barbour. a eon or 51r Robert Barbour, of St Marys. He wag robbed of coneiderabio money with whichhe had tended purchasing some merchandise and, Rae afterwards murdered. Frlenda and membera of the loudly have gone to Wash- inetou to briug the body home. The murdered man is a sou of ex -Councillor Barbour, of St Afarye, and is a young man. of about 33 or • 4 years or age. "Tamp ALTA TUB TIatU"-Say many poor men and women, wso seem overworked, or ore debilitated by the change of season. ebmate or life. If you could read the hundreds of letters praising Hood's Sarsap drilla which come from people whoa; it ha restored to health, von would bo convinced of ite merits, As this is impossible, why not try Hood's Sarsaparilla yourself and thne realize its benefit? It will tone and build up your system, give you a good appetite, overcome that tired feeling and make you feel, as one woman expressed it, ('like a now creature'" CONSUMPTION OURED: An old pphysician retired from Praetice,hav insg had plated in his bands by an butt India /nisei°,.'try the formula of asimple vegetable kemedy for the speedy and p"rmanoutpure for Consnmption.Bronchitie.Catarrh Aatbmaand all throatand lung affeetione, olefin positive and radical cure for nervous debility Yand all nervous oontplainte,after having tested its wonderful curative powere in thousands of WWI. has felt it.1 is duty to make it known to hiesutferingfollows. Actuated by thismotivo. and a desire to releive human suffering.I Sriil send free of charge. to all who desire it, the recipe in German, French or English. with full directions f r preparing and using. Sent lbw mail by addressing with stamp. naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 820. Powers' Block Rochester, N. Y. THE WORST OF ALL TETE ISMS. "Don't talk to me abort your politioal 'isms' " said a facetious old. valetudinaries, "I tell you there is no ism on earth as bad as Rneutnatism." The venerable sufferer was right. St Lawrence's gridiron or Quatimozin's pallet of fire was not more emphatically a bed of torment than the couch of the martyr to rheumatism. It is generally considered by the faculty one of the most obstinate as well as ono of the moat painful cf maladies, and it certainly does resist alt ordinary remedies with ox traordinary pertinacity. Skill and science, however, in Bei.; age of progress seem to master all opposition; and even this pain ul disease entrenched among the muscles and interknit, as it were, with the sinews and tendons of our frames, is compelled to yield to the curatives they have provided, We have it on unquestionable .authority -testimony of patients themselves -that rheumatism, however deeply seated, may be cured by the regular and persistent application of Holloway's Ointment. This, we foal assured, will be welcome intelligence to thousands of sufferers, bed -ridden b the disease, or limping with stiffened joints along the pathway to the tomb. In a climate where the quicksilver sometimes mases a Ieap of thirty degrees up or down. the complaint is of course a prevalent one ; and in our new settlements at the West, along the alluvial borders of our great rivers, in the hemlock swamps of the South and in all low and damp locations few persons reach the age of forty years with out a rheumatic visitation. It is clear, therefote, that a preparation which will afford immediate relief, and effect eventually a thorough cure of the oemplaint, must be of especial value to the people of all countries- We cannot reasonably doubt, in view cf the well -attested etatements which have been laid before us, sustained as they are by cireumstanoes within oar own knowledge, that the Ointment referred to will effect that object; and among all the benefits which the dieeoveriee of that. celebrated physic'au and philanthropist have conferred upon mankind, this is certainlp not the least. important. Many an indeetrioua tiller of the soil, whose services are needed in the field, is at this momon.languishing on a bed of sickness ; the hand that should guide the plow or grasp the spade rendered powerless by Rheumatism. Many a toiler in every branch of productive labor is similarly situated ; and we can imaging with what joy these sufferers would hail the means of immediate curl. To all snob we feel jurti Sed in recommending this halsalnlo remedy the application of which, with the aid of a few doses of Holloway's Pills to regulate the internal organs, would, we feel assured, restore them to Health and usefulness.- Daily Argos. {('hildr:it Cit fir Pi.tr.feta Cnsttl(,. !ztr Roller Mills, MA.KKET REPORTS. Wheat , . $1.02to $1.05 per halt OUR SELLING PRICES. Flour, Strong Bakers', $3 00 per IOQ do Beat Family 2 75 do ,Low Grade , . 2 00 Bran •„ 90c. Mtddlings . , , , , 1 OOo.. Screening, - , 1 00c. Chop .. .,, S1, 20 to 1 30 t, 43, (1 Chop stone running every day. TEla1S CASA.. TRI' EXP(TER MILLING Coy. MARKBT REPORTS. EXETER Red Who tit ,. Spring t14neat , barley Oats Clover8)ed ,,, Timothy Peas ¢ora mega Butter Plourperbb l ., Potatoereper bushel A.pplea,per Dag Driiedappleepr h (}ogee per lb. Tnrkev porib Duck* per lb Ohickensperpr lioga,dree4 sedperl f0 Beef gideerouglt, ... "• aniseed, 9boepskin. sacli Oalfskins Wool perils ,,. Rey porton e. ileionanerlentin Woodporoord 100so I03 100 to 13 �• 48 to Ou4'1 1111 43 co 43 460co47 ,,. 1 40 co 1 7p •.• t"5 to 70 ▪ O 40 to 0 10 to 11 14 co 015. cocoa 5 ▪ 50 t o 050 ,.. 1 CO to 1 ;0 +,. 0 4 49 u -a0 005toOtti • 07 to OS 00ltoit07 ... 0 25 10 0 80 -. 600 to 625 • 4e0tr52,,1 „. 2a0to250 . 950 to 890 „, a60to 21 ,,, 0 59 to 0 51. ▪ d 18 too 21 .., 5 00toO 01 „. 05Oto005 250 to3o0 eT tKARYe 3 Fall Wheat 1 001 00 Spring Wheat, 44..44 ,. ,.,, O: 1 00 liar.ey..,,, .,. ..,.. 44..114. 0 48 0 46 4 1 Clover Seed. ...... 8 7+� 4 2.i Timothy ....,. 1 21 1 :sa 'Peat ................ 0 65 0 70 Butter , ........, 34 0 11 4a15 Potatoes per hag .. ,, ,,. 50 45 Apples per tenets ,.,,,,.+, .....4.4•411 05° Wool per lb 20 0 2'0 r 9 Ftaypa ton 5 5 fi ton Titan per tou, 00 14 10 Hbasts " ,. oatmeal per hbl„0 007 iia Rogs,dreesetl per 1111' » 5 110 to 3 2 Lor DON. Wheat.1.03 to l•to per bus, Oets, 46e to 97e per bus. Peas 7e to Rte per bus. Bar- ley,• f Siting. 501 to a7c ear bus Barley Peed, 490 to 490 per bus Corn. Otto to f37a per. bushel. TORONTO. Toronto May 12 -Wheat Spring --No. 2,145r to106 per bust red winter.No,2.110 to 1 11 per bus asanitoba No 2 hard,114 to 1 15 No. 3.0-,c to Ocie: PE1S78ore. 1100 par bus. OATS 5 c to 53cer bus.. FLOUR, extra. $4 50 to 44.6n per bid : straight roller -14. 80 to $4,90 sarong bakers.34.00 to $4 10. BARLEY, No 1. 01010 Sic ; No 3 extra 56e to Het No 2, 58c to 580, Have no equal as a prompt and positive euro for eiok headache, biliousneea, const' nation, t'atn in the side, and all liver troubles.. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try them. WHAT TT COSTS -Must be carefully eon sidored by tbo great majority of people, in buying even neceasittea of life Hood'.. Sarsaparilla oommende itself with apeoial. force to the groat middle cleese8, because it oombinea positive economy with great meth cal power. It is the only medicine of which can trnly be said ('100 Doses One Dollar," and a bottle taken according to tdireetious will average to last a month. LHARDY, LICENSED AUC - • tionoor for the County of Iluron, Charges moderate. Exeter P, 0. T''1ARNI FOR SALE OR RENT- That splendid farm of about 70 acres, be- ing north half of Lot 5, Con. 21, Stephen, is now for sale. The property is situated about 71 miles from Parkhill. on a gravel road. and is ono of tbo best farms in this section There aro on the promises a good frame house and frame barn and two good fruit bearing orchards. The soil le a rich clay loam• School house within a few rods of the house, and ohurohos and post office within 1; miles For further particulars apply to Mas HumntE, Ap6,m1 Corbett P.O. The Molsons Bank (CHARTERED B Y PA aLLAMENT,1855) Paid up Capital ... $2,000,00 RestFund ... ..• ... 1,000,0C BoadOffice, Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN TIIOMAS,Esq., GEFUEAL MANAGES 20 branchoffioesintnesruminion. Agenoie in the Dominion,U.S.A.and Europe. Exeter Branch, Open every iawful day, from 10 a.m.to 3 p.m SATURDAYS,10 a. m. to 1 p. m, 4PorOent.perannum allowedformoney on Deposit Receipts N. DYER HURDON, Sub -Manager. 1891, 1891 A FINE ASSORTMENT -OF- Fancy Goods J. Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Lollar and Cuff Cases, Manicures, etc., �P. B1fII!GI Headquarters FOR. DARNING NEEDLES and CEI.WIING GUM Come in and see our complete assortment of spring and summer styles, In Millinery, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Boots & Shoes, etc , we mark thein low to selltlle rn quick. 13e careful that you do net go wild over the PRICES,. Cash for Eggs. Butter (G Eggs wanted at DOUPE & CO , Kirkton. S \LE I )S FIower, Field Garden Seeds 411 FARMER BROS. HURRAH tot NEW Tailor shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles -AND AA. Sure Fit Guaranteed. JOBS & EMT Exeter Packing House James-st. Exeter. We, the undersigned, wish to inform the Public and Store -keepers of Exeter and surrounding country that we have on hand a good sup- ply of SUGAR CURED HAMS, ROLLS, BREAKFAST BACON. BACKS and SIDES ; also DRY SALTED MEATS and PURE LARD. tVe also keep at the Main Street Meat Market a good suppry of first-class FRESH & CORNED BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB. VEAL, and PORK, POULTRY, in season. BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE. CASH PAID FOR HOG. SNELL BROS. 8c CO. RESII SEEJIS -AT- HOWARD'S Mangold, 12c lb. Lawu Grass, Orchard Grass, Turnip, 12c ib. White Belgium Carrot, Short Belgium Carrot Hungarian Grass. FRESH SEEDS -ALL KINDS. JAS. N. HOWARD, W. H. MONCUR Proprietor. Manager. 014, WHAT A. couGH- will you heed the warping. The aigna perhaps of the sure approach of that mor terrible disease Consumption, Ask your selves if you can aff,rd for the sake (• saving 50c, to run the risk and do nothiu for it We know from, experience the Shrlolfe Cure will cure your cough. I. never fails; English Spavin Linrmeut removes t hard, soft orcalloueed LumpsandBlemisht from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splint. Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, .Sot and Swollen Throat, Couggs, etc, Sat $50 by use acme bottle. Warranted th most wonderful Blemieb Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist, Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woelford Sanitary Lotion. Sold by 0.'Ltn'z, When Baby was sick, we gave her Castcria. When shelves a Child, she cried for Casteria. Whepshe became Miss, she chum to Castors$. When shelled Children, she gave then, Castoria. 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Ir yon wilt Bend us your address, we will mail yen our illustrated pamphlet explaining an about Or Pye'at'el breted Eleeteee olel( Beit and 3palter res,and theirehareeingetfeen upon the, erveus debilitated system, and bow they will quick•)'restor(' you tovigor andniap- hood.Pamphlet freo. If you area usatllieted. we will send y ntaBelt and Appliances on a ;filen, VoLTeIIC BIM` Co,, Marshall ,.iliolt, For Over Fifty Years. Mas. Wisseow's SOormxa STRUe has been need by millions of mothers for their children while teethir,g, 11 disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a siek oltlld suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at. once and get a bottle of "Mrs lvinslow's Soothing Syrup" for cbi'dren teething. t will relieve the peer little sufferer imam irately,. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It ruses Piarhuen, regulates the Stontaeh and Dowel . cures Wind 4'olic softeps the gums reduces Toe ttu getion, and gig, tone and en<-rgy to the whole seatem, 'ars Winslow'sSuothiugSyrup' for children teethe ing le p'eaeant to the two and is tate presort tion of Dae of the eldest and best fetuaoo physiciians anduuraes in tbo U, iced States Price ee rents a battle. Sold by al druggists. throughout 100 world. Ile sure and ask for Alas Wt eater elonrurse temp." N0T10E. The Thorough -bred Imported ilelstein hull, African Prince. formerly steak bull at the Ontario agricultural college 1 will be kept on lot S.:genii Thames Road. Weems during the season, for the improvement of stook. Terms $l 50 to insure. 1i'u MoN7i:lri,. Prop; F. J. KNIGHT, DTrl.es.x,Taaa 3"N loamy and Staple Groceries, L. Q LTC...) RS5 CIGARS, TOBACCO, (Tow located in Mace's old stand, Main,st) Por finest Groceries and Teas, %sure to call end see me; For inthe r s n cornerstore. in , tote's Mock, You will find we have the finest stock Of goods that people daily use. Our t etas and Coffees and our Spieo. We keep in time -both mean and nice - And those who've purchased aught have found Pull sixteen ounces to the pound. Upon the shelves you'll always find ayenned meats of every sort and kind; lolas,es too. and honey sweet, And evrup %het gannet bo beat: Dried Pruitt; and Raisins, sweet and clean, Pine Cheese and Butter may be seen. And olives, Catsup. Sauces and Oils' Put up in bottles of all styles; To fact everything your Iselin could wish, Prom a,trdines up to salted fish, Alt kinds of' brushes. brooms and rope, Baskets, wash-, earths. tubs or seep. We will sell you cheap by lots or weights, Or trade for produce, poultry and eggs. F. J. KNIGHT. COUNTY OF HURON TEACH- ERS' ESA 1MINATIONS.1891. The PrintaryiIll. clans and Junior Leaving and Pass Matrleulation(1f class) Examinations at the Col legiato institutes and high ichools will be hold at G„derieh, Clinton and Seaforth beginning 1 uesday.7th of July. at 8.4) A. at. Senior Leaving and Bonier ;it,triealation (I 0) will be held at Clinton. beginning 'Tuesday, 14th July.at 1.101" v. Caudidatee wh., wish to write at ei'her Seaforth or Clinton must notify David Robb. Esq.. I 1'. Schools Clinton P.0 , not later than 22nd \lay. stating at which of the schools they intend to write; and those who desire to write at Goderieh must notify Jno E.Totn, Esq ,L P. Sehoo s, Gode- rich P. 0., by the same date. No name will be forwarded to the Department unless the fee of $5.0, accompanies the nppiierttion. Head- masters of High Schools and Collegiate Insti- tutes will please send the applications and fees of theircandidates to the P. 5, Ins-,cotorwith- in whose jurisdiction their school is situated Forms of application may be obtained from the Inspector or the undersigned. PETER ADAMS0t0.. Goderieh, April, 1891. County Clerk TENDERS_ QBALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed. and endorsed "Tender for Indian Supplies" will be received at this aloe up to noon of SATURDAY, 9th MAY, 7801, for the delivery of Indian Supplies. during the fiscal year ending 30th June,le92. consisting of Flo .r, Beef. Bacon, Groceries. Ammunition. 'Twine Agricultural Implement,Tools, &c., duty paid at various points in Manitoba and the North West ford tories, Forms of termer, containing full particulars relative to the Supplies required, date of deliv- ery. &c., may be had by applying to the under- signed. or to the Indian Commisionerat Regina or to the Indian Office, Winnipeg. Parties may tender for ea• h description of goods(orfor any portion of each description of goods)separately orfor all the goods called for in the Schedules, and the Deparment reserves to itself the right to reject the whole or any part of a tender. Eaoh tender must be accompanied by an aeceptod Chegneinfavor ofthe Superintenden1 (4eneral of Indian Affairs, on a Canadian batik for at least five per colt. of the amouiit of the tender, which will be forfeited if the parte tendering declines to enter into a contract based on snub tender when called upon.to do so, or if he fails to complete the work contracted for If the tender be not acceptedthe cheque will be returned, and f a contract be en ti red into for a part 0013, of the supplies tendered for an accepted cheque for five per cent, of'the amrunt of the contract may be substituted for that which neonnpanied the tender; the contract seeuri y cheque will be retained by the Depart- ment until the end of the fisc it year. Each tender must, in addition to the signa- ture of the tenderer, be -ignod by two sureties. acceptable to the Department for the proper performance of the contract based on his ten- der. any newspaper without the authority of the Queen's Printer. and no claim for payment 1'his advertisement is not to be inserted in by any new.pe,pernot having had such authority will be admitted. VANK(IUGHNCT, Indian Affairs.Department I dn affairs, L. Deputy of the Superintendent -General of ofn io Ottawa, March, 1801. The accompanying cut repre. cents the Unions 'Crediton; Road Cart,' manufactured. by Wm, f . Wenzel and Israel Smith, Credi- ton, Ont. This cart, has pow been in the market for about two years and as met with great success. '1 he manufacturers claim that it is the best cart manufactured, both as regards convenience and durabil- ity. They have dozens of teati- moni'els from parties who have purchased these carts, which speak in the highest terms of them. The workmanship and ,nate+iai employed in their con- TH C1 7~17770 1 Q1$ gtO A. D Q -.A. P atruetion can not be surpassed, ad the price is as low as is consistent therewith, A glance at the cut veil show the eader a few advantages this cart has over all others, viz --The easy movie of getting o and out; the absence of springs or bars which bring the rider's weight on the shafts o as to sag tlietit ; the convenience eft carrying a robe or rug in cold or stormy wea h- r, These carts are manufactured for one or two persons, and finished to suit the pur- haser. Gears furnished to the trade. lir Wenzel also manufactures Waggons, Buggies, Sleighs, Etc,, and does all kinds .1 repairing in these lines. Mr Smith tuna a j st-class ;general blacksmith shop. and guarantees t'r sive satisfae. ion in all kinds of new work. repairing hor.eshoeing, etc., etc, to which he gives his personal attention. See circulars for farther partiettlars concerning road cart. W. R. Wi NZEL,1 Crediton, Ont, ISRAEL SMMITH,y 41t$11 AVIristS1) Spring Stook of Sheaf and Heavy Hai dware OONSISTIN e OF .. LAMES, HIRI.+�GMw 'may' ETC. HA LP CA R Window Glass, Putty, Paints and Oils ALL RINDS OF WIRE -,.-- BARD, BUCKTHORN,4 FILED' and ANNEALED At Lowest Cast, P 'I,C,+es, BISSETT BROsi* P.S.--Also first -0 ia stock ot Tinware to s legit Life is too short for Augb BUT RIGH ENDEAVOR. I endeavor to produce the very best goods 1n niy fine, not only the test in quality and finish, but in value. I am sending stat some very beautiful MILE CANS this spring, tar exceeding any previous effott. My attack of material for spring work, such as Eavetroulbing, Roofing, tic., is extensive andcomplete, and workmaeshap is the very best. I solicit your order tor TROUGHING OR ROOFING, Guaranteeth g Sati: faction. I havo without exception the nicest assortment of MILK PAILS, STRAINING PAILS,to be found an} tIet a, ranging in price fron20 o Cents to 1 00. Note the price of MILK PANS: Smell size, 7s. to $2.00 per dozen ; Large size, $x oo to $3.00. Who would go without a Dipper when you can get one for 5 cents? EVER YOTJRS,. WILL FOLLLLND, TkLE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE IN517ItANOBCO. Established in 1803. HEAD OFFICE • WATER; U0, 0N7. This company has been over •lighteen years in iuoceasful operation in western Onario, and oontinnes to insure against loss or flamagebt Fire Buildings Merchan- dise, Manufactories and all other descrip- tions of insurable property tntondine insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium I.ote or CaahSyatem. rturing t'ae vast ten years this Com- panyoas issued 57,096 Policies. covering property to tae emountot 340.872,039; and paid n losses alone 3709,752,00. A,ssots, 4176,100.00, oonsistini of Cash )Bank Government Dereaitand the an- .asesssd Premium Note on Gant and in .oret. . W WALDEN Li. D .Prea.det t (t . t. t'Asmon Secretary. J.IS,1PDn8ES, In- spector '112AS, SNEi L, Avont for F',xoter and vicinity. !ahni ty1! 0 H 1'--1 0 THh BEST YET ! TEE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET I (goo* Vitirnova One Door South of Post Office --HE HAS -- A NEW AND COMPLE7lid -STOCK OF --- Boots & Sh Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptlyattended to. GEO. MA.NSON, Rest Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of, Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yen are sure of eatisfac•+ tion ... J. SNELL,. DO YOU WANT TO BTJY FIRST -CI ,A_SS' FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHA i' GOODS -ARE USUALLY .SOLD -- -THEN OALL AT- GIDLEY'S -ONLY FIRST -GLASS - Reliable Good A.t Prices Lower that so -0w, led Cheap Houses can give Uel ,srtaking in all i't Branches. S. G-IDLEY, (Successor to C & R. Gidley) ODIFELLOWS' BLOC%