HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-14, Page 4IMIIMMOMMOINOMPOIMe Established 1877* 13. s. O' E/L, B .NFER, 'EXETER, ONT. Tranasots ageuoralbankingbueiuese. Receives the accounts of tneroltants and there on favorable teems. Offers every accommodation consistent with. 1 1 ei les. e vativebank n r n d oua r F afean c Fp Rive ser gent interest allowed on deposits Draftsissuednrayablwat any office o f the Merchants Bank. NOTES (DISCOUNTED. tt MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES from a Laurier or a Cartwright. It map be Sir John will not personally visit Washington on the occasion of the pro- posed treaty negotiations, but all the same his hand will be seen in every move on the chessboard," Every sane man in Canada knows th'tt a Govern- ment with Sir John Macdonald at the head of it has the best chance of fretting an equitable arrangement with the United States. Sir Richard Cartwright, like gr. Bond of Newfoundland would give everything and get nothing. IsPe opie still coutinue to clock into th :dock k Manitoba Irmo South Dakota with and effects. A Winnipeg despatch says a large contingent arrived Monday morning, their train being decorated with legends as follows :—"No more 2 per cent. a month," "No more five mile water haul," "No more twu bushels to the acre," "No more nxaline fuel," THURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1891, "Igo more grinding machine agents," "Good bye, South Dak'tta." "Bound NOTES AND QOMMENT'3. for the Canadian Northwest," "Free land, plenty of umber, plenty of water, Interest 8 per cent. per annum, Hur- rah for Yorkton." `It is said that the Opposition in the Dominion Parliament has abandoned all lope of successfully fighting the Go% ern - anent on the trade question. and that it will concentrate its efforts on the pro- vincial right principle embodied in the 'lianitolra legislation which is thought to be so embarrassing to the Oeverument. The success it will win in a tight of that kind will be very easily borne. +4+ The tonie sol-fa system of notation or- iginated with two ladies in Norwich, En;ltaud, named Griever, but it owes its perfection to an Enfliahmnn named l.urwen, who gave it the title it bears. Fifty year have, elapsed since the froth- ed was tirst brought before the public, and its jubilee will be celebrated in the British metropolis by, two special festi- vals, the first a service at St, Paul's Cathedra! on duly 7th. it*it in declining the Government's eller of 50 cents a pound for the conveyance of mail ;hitter to and from England by the steamers V.ncccuver and Sardinian, the Dominion and Allan companies, it appears, acted unt ora inis°ilrprc°hension. Accordingly a new =tract has been atirtanged, and the Vancouver, of the Dnminitrn Line, wilt carry mails for 'iverse:trl, tailing from Montreal to -day (ThUradzy. ) 1++ As matters now stand Sir John i -..s a safe majority in the House o° .,v, while A division on commercial union would probably bring those agures up to 40. There are, howev r, an unusual number of by-elections° are to take place next fall and, if f 7„story repeats itself, two- thirds :.ease will go for the Govern- tilt`” ., If this prophecy is fulfilled, the Premier will find himself at the cont- mencenient of the neat session fortified behind a majority of at least 50. And this ought to satisfy everybody. ttt The Government ot the United States are eagerly seeking closer trade relations with Great Britain with regard to the live cattle export trade, especially in the shatter of store or neat cattle. The ad- vantages that Canadian cattle have over the same class of stock sent from the U. S., owing to the British quarantine re- gulatinne, amounts to about One cent a pouad4 and American dealers are well notate duet they are shipping stuck to (Great Britain at a great disadvantage as compared with shippers hem Canada. According to the present outlook, too, there as very Iittle chance for any change in the existing regulations between the two countries, as the cable recently brought the intelligence that a case of pleuro -pneumonia had been found in an American bullock at Deptford, Board of Trade. Following is the Annual Report of the President of the Board of Trtde, read tit its annual meeting : To the Mernt+ars of the Exeter Board of 1 rade GE rLna►1:.,----The office which I bane been elected to fill for the last three months demands at thia season a written review of our history during the past twelve months. I regret beim; unth'e to present this as complete as may he desired, hut will, however, state what can be said in the form of a report. autl also add a few words that I trust may prove an incentive to further action mare united and more de- termined towards developing the general welfare and possibilities of our solid little town, During the past year we have held ten mee iugs with an average attendance of about nine members out of a registered lis' of 86. This noticeably small average retlecte not favorably en the loyal spirit of bhe absentees, who might now have stood higher in their own esteem had they given a more generous support to the few who have heeu the active spirits of the Board daring the peat year There is marsh room for congratulation in the abundant success. which daring the past season crowned the efforts of the Board in seeking to establish the Butter & Egg marfiet as a distinctive feature ot the trails faculties of the village. I am pleas- ed to say that its success so far has won even the praise of its opponents. and tnat through its agency quite a number of new as well as old faces have been dawn to Eteter as 'heir most advantageous market centre. I am also pleased to believe that present obstacles will soon be removed and that the Board will be enabled as daring last season to use their enorgiea iu making it a still more marked success. At our meeting in July last a resolution was passed placing the matter of higher educational facilities for the village to the position of first place in the aim of the Board. Been watchfulness in the matter is ueceasary and the first opportunity ahnuld he seized to secure all that is desir- able in this respect. The matter of waterworks has heeu also under consideration and a committee ap- pointed to place the necessary p eliminary information before the Board. The resutte of such enq'riries so far above a probable cost of about ten thouaand dollars. Whether present action in this direction would be wise is a matter fairly open for debate and should receive early considera- tion from the Board, The stock sales conducted during the past season proved desi• able and effective in drawing buyers and sei'era toour village and under a more favorable financial posi- tion of the Boari should be made a regu- larly established trade fatality of the town under the most approved system of than agement. During the early part of this year the 13oa'd sustained a severe loss in the remov- al of their late president. Mr Archer, from the village. By such removal the Board lost a most painstaking officer and one whose services were never lacking when * * * the interests of the Board or village re A despatch from Buffalo makes the nuked their use. following announcement - 1 am pleased to state that our village, commercially, remains in its usual solid condition, Two or three minor failures have °centreci,but it is a source f r general congratulation that the bulk of the trade remains hi the hands of those whose past record make their names synonemous with cautiouseand safe progress. In regard to our village affairs I might say that we have au annual value of nearly half a million, or in more exact figures e.bout`$45S 000• Our bonded debt is a DOMINION PARLIMENT. First Session --Seventh Parlia Ment. Ottawa, May 4, 1501. PEAKER WRITE . took the chair at .r o'clock, Mr. John Charlton resumed the debate 00 the address in reply to l r p the speech from the throne. The Speaker then. put the motion, and no one rising to speak or raise dissent he declared it carried. The formal resolutions respecting the reply to the address were then submitted and car- ried. At 5.25 the House adjourned. Omuta, May 5,1891.—The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. Mr. Charlton's bills (1) for the better observance of the Lord's Day, and (2) Making it au offence for a J1inister or the candidate to promise public work to any con- stituency, weeereada first time. 51r. Wood's (Brockville) bill to amend the Elections Act in two particulars, lira respeetiug the qualification of a voter, and second to make the law clear as to the numbering of ballots and initialiug of counterfoils, was read a first time. Mr. Cameron's (Huron) bill to provide that sheriffs and registrars should whenever possible he the returning officers was read a first time. Mr. Eagar's one man one rate bill wee read a first time, as was Mr. Taylor's alien labor bill. Mr. Mulock's bill removing the disqualification from. Cana- dians to become commander -in chief of the Canadiau Militia was read a first time. Hon, Mr. Tupper's bill respecting fishing vessels of the United States was read a first time. After discussion, it was resolved to adjourn from 'Wednesday until Monday. In answer t4> questioas: Hon. Mr. Chapleau said the Government bad no intention to introduce a measure to render uniform the time within which elections may be eontroverted; Sir John Thompson saki the government had agreed to pay the costs incurred in testing the constitutionality or validity of acts pas- sed by legislative assemblies; Hon. Mr. Tup- per said he would bring down the eori'espou dense respecting Newfoundland and the Bait Act; Hon. Mr. Bowen said the eorresps on - deuce concerning American cheese branded and shipped as Canadian would be brought down. Mr. Lerivieros motion for the pa- pers submitted to the Privy Council in relation to tbe abolition of the dual language and separate scbools in the province of Manitoba was carried. Mn Devlins similar motion was passed. The various motions by Afr. Tarte for papers in relation to certain contracts with the Government were adopted without discus- sion. Mr. Mills' motion for all correspoud- ence respecting the conveyance of mails to the United Kingdom was carried after a short discussion respecting tbe Atiautic steam service. The House adjourned at 6 o'clock. OTTAWA May 6, 1891. --The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. 'Mr. Cameron's (Huron) bill to give accused persons the right to testify in their own behalf was read n first time. The time for receiving potitious was extended front the Sth to the 22nd inst. In answer to ques- tions, Sir John Macdonald said the Govern- ment was considering the question of free entry of the United States cattle into Cana- da for the purrose of being siaughtere l here; Mr. Haggart said the question of reducing letter postage to two cents was under con- sideration, onsideration, and that the census of 1$51 com- menced ou. April 4 was made known, as re- gards population, by th , end of July and it was probable this census would be known about the same time; Sir Hector Laugevin said the cost of the new vault in the )?'inane Department was $44,408. Dr. Landerkin moved for a return giving the date of the declaration in every riding duriug the re- cent general election, and it was carried with this rider of Mr. Mulock's, "That all let- ters written by any member of the Govern- ment to any member elect or any other person or persous asking tbat retard- ing eturning officers delay the sending in of their re- turns" be likewise brought down. Several motions for returns having been passed the House adjourned until Monday nest. "%faletors and }aeries dealers are making preparations to place their ease st•ongly before the Senate committee on trade rale• tons with Canada. which meets here to- morrow. The present duty they consider an injury to their business, for the existence of which there is nereasonable excuse. The duty they must meat, as the local supply of barley ie not so well suited to their pur- poses as the Canadian products, and they are obliged to import the choicer grades of j little ttle over $18,000 with an annual bilinear,bilinear,Canadian barley.of $108e. The amount of our sinking fund This would imply that the McKinley to meet these bonds is a matter of grave Tariff, in respect of barley, is likely to regret, being but. $1,000 Our population injure Americans more than Canadians. has stood the strain of the last few years If Canadian barley is essential to the well, and now stands about 2000 carrying on of the business of malting in I have been much surprised and pleased the United States, then the recently im- to learn that the actual amount of capital posed duty was a serious mistake from in circulation or better the annual volume their point of view. It may transpire, of trade in our village under most careful however, that it will pay the Canadian estimates is found to he not leas than one farmer to grow two -rowed barley for the and three quarter millions of dollars. .Chis En llsh market,and thusbe independent fact in connection with the well•kuown g P conservative tendenciesof our merchants of American action. At the same time, should cause general satisfaction and re - everyone in Canada would like to see store confidence on the minds of those who the McKinley duty removed, and thus have partially lost faith in Exeter and ite give our farmers two strings to their possible future. bow. It is a matter of regret that unnecessary t t t friction has arisen between the Board and the village Council, 1 sincerely Sit John 'Macdonald's fame is conti- trust with the rest of the Board that all nental. His ability is as well known as cause for disagreement may be soon re - his patriotic devotion to Canada. A moved and that we may find in the counci: not only firm friends but faithful allies in correspondent of the Buffalo Enquirer, all schemes that "'early show themselves signing himself W. J. K. says : "There to he for the generul welfare of the village. have been great and cud men always In conclusion permit to express my g y gratefulness to those who have so . kindly in the Reform ranks, but not one of wood by me during my term of office, and them able for a moment to cope with also to offer my earnest hopes that the Sir John Macdonald There is no other future may have.fo, us more uf sunshine man to Canada to -day who can so sue- than the past, and that call those who have cessfull negotiate a reciprocity treatyfelt it their duty to unite with us by a y g p y sense of patriotic regard far the welfare of as this same Sir John Macdonald, and the village maybe impelled to do so during whatever some may think, our own the coming year. astute and able Secretary of State will May He who has commanded us to ac railways and shippers could resort for the in no wise take exception to meet the knowtedoe Him in all our doings guide settlement of disputes relating to rebates, ablest and most astute statesman in the and bless ua during the incoming year and settleiutination, drawbacks, exorbitant rates of Canada, the man who r may He direct and prosper all plans that and other matters. above all others has the confidence of are laid to secure the better mental or A. test of the application of the most re the Queen and Government of Great material progress of our people, gent scientific and mechanical adjuncts to Britain and Ireland, and who can get All of which is res peotfullp submitted. • the art of printing is about to be made iu concession from the British Govern- Signed, J. Gnloa, President. connection with the official report of the meat, which would not be listened •to Senate debates, it being the intention of the i,u6nograph rather than toa typewriter, as heretofore, and to have the phonograph re- peat the words to the operator of the Lino- type or typesetting machine. The phono- graph cannot take the place of the buusan iutelligenee of the t t.0 n& t r,k r• taking down the speeches a. rlc a we,l. , saves the repo, til s 0100 in. dict tuna, zi cute, of the punetnetien- near,,, felon e:, of the dictation. Each cyluulet as eh .res, taking about 1,2011 words, i; emit to •,,e Printing Burean and placed in the plume - graph there, and the livatype is capable o putting a matter in type at the rate of about 1.000 wor.ls each hour. It is expected tba the Oen will shortly arrive and an exi tit of their operation will thea Prµ liable - °e1 • giveu to elle members of the Sen- ate ate a td t; omwuns and the press. Since the contract with the Allan line for the carriage of the British mails lamed the Postmaster -General, in consonance with the request of the Montreal board of trndo, has made overtures to the Allan and Dominion companies for the carriage of the mails by their fast steamers, the Parisian and the Vancouver, the rate tendered being the same as that which the English companies receive for carrying the .snails to and froth New York, namely, 50 coats per pound. It is uudersteod, however, that both companies have refused the offer. AROUND THE LOBBIES. Pertinent Pointers of as Much Interest as the Proceedings. There was a revolt in the Senate on the 5th against the divorce system, which is probab. ly the beginning of the end. Mr. Abbott moved the appointment of the following members as the Divorce Committee:—Messrs. Gowan, E.aulbacb, Lougheed, McLellan, McKiudsey, Macdonald of British Columbia, Ogilvie, Reid and Sutherland. Mr. Macdon- ald asked that his name be left off, as he was opposed to the continuation of the present system of .ranting divorces by legislation. It Wee a cumbrous and unsatisfactory system which had been superseded in England, whose example we originally followed. In his opinion divorces should be obtained through a court of law. Mr. Kaulbach offered to give way so as to get Mr. Dickie on the committee owing to Mr. Dickie's long experience as chairman. Mr. Dickie, however, declined to act. It was athis own request that his name had been left off. He did not believe in . he present system and agreed generally with Mr. Macdonald. He preferred, however, to see these ideas em- bodied in a substantive resolution to be in- troduced. Mr. Power defended the present system. Mr. McLellan asked that bis name be struck off the committee. Finally the name of Mr. McKay was substituted for that of Mr. McLellan, and the motion, as amend- ed carried. It is evident that the feeling voiced a couple of years ago by Chief Justice Sir Win. Ritchie and ChiefsJustfce Armour in favor of a Divorce Court is growing even among such a conservative element as the Senate. The County Counoil of Ontario petitions for the establishment of a Railway Commis- sion, submitting that the people who have been heavily taxed for the building of sub- sidised railways should be upon equal terms with the people of the United States as to rates for freight; that the people in business are hampered and impeded by the want of railway freight cars, owing to the efforts of most of the companies to accumulate their foreign traffic. The County of Victoria sends a similar petition, urging that there should be some such tribunal, to which the Sir John Macdonald and Lady Macdonald gavea dinner at Earnscliffo Saturday even- ing, The Risley team sails by the Dominion line steamer Sarnia on the 21st proximo. Mr. Speaker Lacoste oelebretecl his silver wedding on Friday, Senator Eaytliornedied onThursday. Es was a Liberal. Lambs for England. Sit Montreal, NTay 12—J E Storey farm manager of the Ontario Agricultural College, hasbeanh here for a few days. • superintending the shipmeet of 100 lamos to Liverpool. These lambs were Purchased in October last, when they weighed 80 pounds apiece, and after being fed all winter on clover hay, roots and grain, now tip the scales at 137 pounds. The shipment is being made by Professor Shaw for the purpose of ascertaining whether it is more profit- able for the farmer to ship his lambs to Buffalo in the frill or to hold them for shipment to Liverpool in. the spring. The shipment should sell well on the other side as they are certainly in splen- A number of petitions have already been did condition and estimated to be worth presented from labor uuious setting forth $10 apiece, or over 7 cents per pound, that the continued systematic and enormous- an offer of $9.40 apiece being refused in ly increased expenditure of large sums of the west. AU were shorn but ten in public money in aiding and eueounaging to October and half of this ten were shorn this country mealtauias. laborers, indigents, a Peru dei a ago, so that of the lot five paupers, orphans and children of vicious, y , tainted and criminal toudeneiesfrcmz,abroa,l now hay@ a long fleoee• ftvo are shorn is a gross injustice to the people of Canada, and 90 have half-grown fleeces. The and more especially^ to the working classes, • result of the Sale sill be watched with. and they ask that this system be abolished. A mild sensation has been produced by the cancellation by the Qnebea Central Railway Compauy of the pass it bad given to Mr. Godbout, one of the French members. The withdrawal of the pass was entirely. formal, Mr. Godbout was notified that he was to travel free on the lino no longer owing to the circumstance that he was not regarded as a frieud of the company. Mr. Coatsworth had an interview with the Commissioner of Patents with a view to the details of a hill the member for East Toronto intends to introduce. It will abolish the rule requiring models, decrease the ee- peuse of obtaining patents and improve the examinations s0 as to make. a Canadian patent equal to an Arne r:cau patent in poiut of character. Sir John Thompson will introduce a hill to codify the criminal law of Canada., also a bill vnT for th o exercise of nalnalralit • pro a y jurisdiction within Canada in atesordanre with the colonial Courts of Admiralty act of 189.0. Also a bill respecting the foreshores of bays and harbors, the ownership over which it is proposed to transfer to the Proviuces. Mr. Philip Veau of the Fisheries Depart- ment has deposited some 500,000 young white fish in the lake above Hamilton's Bay, near Carleton Place. Next mouth the depart- ment epartmeat purpose putting in about as tuar.y sal- mon trout, If the pike do not devour all those youngsters there will besomoexcellent fishing iu the Mississippi in a few years: The work of census compilation will com- mence on Monday and he pushed tbrough speedily. The staff at Victoria, B. 0., have beeu experiencing more trouble with the Chinese, and last week a Chinaman was hauled up before the police magistrate and lined for refusing to answer questions put by the enumerator. Sir Richard Cartwright is getting ready for the budget debate. Ho has two notices on the order paper asking for returns of the receipts and expenditures for last year, chargeable to cousolidated fund, and of the exports end imports for the same period. .A. bulletin on "mixed drinks" is to be issued shortly by the Inland Revenue De- partment. The bulletin will show the various bleedings used iu the so-called mixed drinks, and will point out the harm- ful ingredients that may exist In thorn. The Geological Survey Department has been notified of the discovery of a promising deposite of niclteliferous pyrites near Schreiber, on the lino of the Cauadian Pacific railway. It is said to be fully as rich as the deposits about Sudbury In the Senate, in Committee on Privileges a motion was made to postpone action in re- gard to Senator Alexander's seat for two weeks so as to enable the member from Wood- stock oodstock to be notified of the proceedings declar- ing his seat vacant. The bill respecting certificates of masters and mates is to give the department power to issue certificates for the minor inland waters, as distinguished from the major waters, and has no reference to ocean going craft. The Senate committee met and appointed chairmen as follows: Railways, Mr. Dickey; banking and commerce, Mr. Read; divorce, Mr. Gowan; private bills, Mr. Girard; bank- ing and commerce, Mr. Allen. Viscount Kilcoursie, of the Grenadier Guards ars cued at Government house on Ch latea Cro for Pitcr,er•s L"astort, ]desats. Holland to dietate their notes to a fees considerable interest by farmers. BORN. a Saa t.zy-,•In Crediton, on the Orli Inst„the wife of H. Stanley, a sou, MARRIED. \Vtr.snl--se ,xz—At the residenee of Wm. :Scott. Bsq., on the 6th Met.. by Rev. W W Leeelt, Mr. Riche d S. Wilson to Miss Eliza C. Scott, all of Blanchard., 'h ins—Gn}Lanett, unett, ot, the 13°b lut.t., by the Rev. Mr Campbell, Mr Seth lathers. of Luoknow, (formerly of BlyVI) to Mian Lizzie Grey. Steger—In Stephen. on the 12th feat., Florence 'Vera, daughter of Thomas and Mary Sweet, aged 1 year, 8 mouths. naczLL--In Hullett, on Saturday, May 2nd, Mary 3, vocationdaughter uf the late W. Seen, ar., aged 22 yrs. Dlcsso:t--In Seaforth, on the tad inst.. Rlizabeth Gibson, daughter of S. Dickson L'`ati , postmaster, aged 19 years. Friday'to assume the duties of A. D. C. to his excellency the Governor-General. Mr. Corby, M. P., presented seven petitions on the 5th. front Belleville unionists, one of which asked for further restrictions ou Chi- nese immigration. Hon. Mr. Tupper has stated that it was not true that the British Columbia sealers bad applied to the Government for protection as reported. Mr. Adam Brown. Commissioner to Jamai- ca exhibition, will deliver a series of illus- trated lectures, on what he saw, throughout Canada. The Government steamer Stanley is now undergoing repairs, and will be ready in a few days for commissioning as a protection cruiser. The first of the weekly receptions given by Mme. Laurier and Mrs. Mackenzie was held at the Grand Union on Saturday even- ing. The machinery for the manufacture of Martini -Henri ammunition in the Dominion cartridge factory will arrive shortly. Mr. Laurier was not in his place on the 5th, being confined to his room at the Rus- sell with au attack of lumbago. One of the petitions on Tuesday asked that it be declared a criminal offence to establish a private detective agency. Mr. Wallace, M. P., gives notice of a bill to amend tbe Combines Act by • making its provisions wore stringent. Mr. Speaker White has been appointed chairman of the joint conunittee of both Houses on the library. Ottawa was on Sunday surrounded by a pall of smoke. Bush fires are raging in the vicinity of the capital. It is said that the Hon. Mr. Cbapleau, Secretary of State, will be . knighted on Queen's birthday. Hon. Mr. White. Speaker of the House of Commons, gave his first official dinner on Saturday night. The amount of the poll tax collected from Chinese arriving at Vancouver in April was DON'T roan wzi.r.—And yet yen are not sink enengh to consul; a doctor, or yon refreiu from so doing for few” you will alarm yourself and friends ---we will tell you just what you need. It is Flood's ,lar saparilla, which will lift you ant of that uncertain, uncomfortable, dangerous condi tion, into a state of good health. confidence and elteerfulaese. You've no idea how potent this peculiar medicine is in eases like yours, CONSUMPTION AND LUNG »xrrxcumas.- Always arise from partielea of corrupt mat ter despoalted in the air -cells, by impure blood. Purify that stream of life and it will very soon carry off and destroy the poieonona matter, and like a crystal. time. Born= through a desert, will bring wits it end leave throughout the body the elements of health and strength As river, leaving the elements of fertility in its course. causes the before barren waste to bloom with flowers and fruit, so pure blood onuses the frame to rejoice in strength and health, and bloom with unfading beauty. All Medicine Dealers Gall Dr Uorso's Indian Root Pills. eA CREST' SURPRISE, Is in store for all who want SPRING —AN Q --- Summer * Clothini J. IL GREIVE has r paned out the largest and best assorted stock of Cloths that has been shown in Exeter at prices that will surprise the old- est inhabitant. Call and see our $t$.00 Blaen: 1.Vors ed Suits, and all the latest patterns in Fweeds, Fine Printings auO Spring Overcoatting, Remember we guarantee a good fit everytitne or no sale. Give me a. call feted see for yourself. J. H. GRIEVE f1OURTof REVISION--NOTI01; V is hereby given that a Court for the Revision for tbe Assessment Roll for the Vil- lage of Exeter. for the year 1891, wil l be held at theTown Hall, t.xeter. on TUI't11AY. TR rl 26th DAY OF MAY. feel, at the hour of eight o'clock in the evening. Any person or persons having business at the said Court will govern themselves accordingly. Signed. M. FiAcasrr, Clerk. Exeter,l2th May,1891, vO`I•T0F.—PUlEa ANNUAL hf BET1 A`Gl ft lt' VTR SHAREHOLDERS of the Exeter' alt Works tee, wilt be bete 1:'ri day, the lOth lust., at 2 o'clock P.m. sharp, at town hall. T. B. CARLING 8507, OTI(lE, I,tbo undersigned Henry Walper, here- by caution the public not to buy nor present a Promissory note given by me in favor of Christian Wainer or order, for the sum of two thousand 42.010.0e) dollars; dated the srd day of April, A.D.,1888, payable inside of ego month from 'tate. as I have paid said note in full to Christian Walper. Mew WAtrsn, Zurieb. May 9th, 1891. rpO THE PUBLIC -THE EXE - .4. SALT WORESCO beg to announce tbat they have a quantity of dairy and land salt on hand tit this time of the sear no farmer should miss putting salt on the laud, For barley it has no equal. 2`. B, CAnuaso. Seo'r. Exeter Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN. We have oonetantiy on band a largo display of the treat PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MA:MINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Persons anticipati the purabase of any- thing in the above hues will do wail to call at the store. Wo guarantee satisfaction, and p Wo would res ectfu1l a ask the call rand see our stools It is as nue as will be found in any oils' mast* store P.S.—Agents for ail kinds -of agricultural implements. STAND :--Fansou's Block, Exeter. NOTTCE --COURT OF RE- VISTt1N OF TOWNSIiIP OF HAY. NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment roll was received by me on the 14th of April, 1801, and any person can inspect the same. The Courtof Revision will be bold in the Town Hall. Zurich ,on SA • URDAY, MAY 80th, at 10 o'clock a.m. for the revision of said roll. to hoar alt appeals against being aseeased too high or too low, and of dogs being and not being entered therein,eto. May 11(3 Seat. J. LATTA, Clerk. COURT OF R1%IVISION.--NO- TICE'is hereby given that a Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Township, of Usborne, for the year 1891, will be held at the Town Hall. Etimvi'le, on SATUR- DAY, MAX 30th, at ]5 o'olosk a m. Any per- son or persons baying business at tbre said Court will govern themselves accordingly. G. W.Rot,acsx, Tp. Clerk. Mayl1, 1891. NIS: NV SpringGood5 New Velveteens. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of DEBORAH LONG, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Hut on, Widow, deceased. Notioe is,hereby given in pursuance of R.S.O. 1887, chapter lie, section 36, that all creditors or other persons having claims against the estate of the above named deceased. who died on ,or about the 13th day. of January, A. D•. 1891, are required to send by post, •prepaid, or deliver to henry Dither. the Administrator of the•estato and the effects of the said deceased. for for the said Ardrninistraitor. at Exeter. Ont. on or before thole. day ot July, A. D., 1891. their ebristain and surnames, uddresscs and deserintion• with full particulars of . their claims and demands. and the value of security of any) held by them, all duly ,verifr'ed by statutory declaration,' And further take notice that ;after the said. 1st day of July, 1891. the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled, having regard only to such claims as be shall then have had notice of, as aforesaid, and the said administrator will not be liable for the said as- sets or any part thereof, to any person or per- sons of whose claim or claims he shall not have bad notice at the time of such ,,istribution. R.11. COLLINS. Solicitor for the said. Admtnistrator, Dated at Exeter, this 12th day of May,1801.-3t. td tt it it tt tt CC It tc Prints. Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves Kid. Gloves. Corsets. Cottonades. J. MATHESON, HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTH. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111., VIGOR SeND a9t']Faitl9.'] 'OTH. For LOST or SAILING nentaton.Generalsand ttT$- 4008 DEBILITY, Woaknoss of Body and Mia , Effects of kronor tumor In Old or Young. Bobtot.jctobls MAN- n00D fully Sectored. Horr to oalargo and stroa ••,boa WEBS UNDEVELOPED/3042105PASTS ofROM d colatolyna- fallengg EWE TBEATMZNT—Scaefita is d day. Mea testify from 60 States and Porolgn Oonatrlos. Write them. Soot . explanation ene proofs mailed (coaled) froo. Address. SIMS MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y.