HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-06-15, Page 3LIONS, NOW NUMBER98 AT N'QRTH STREET UNITE? 1.0 — ' :454 _Forp RebuiltChurch Organ The rebuilding of the pipe organ at North Street United, Church is now completed and the organ will be used for the first time on Sunday. The rebuilding. o1 ti.e organ `�`4ett'wtfhtes:-4r . Company Limited, Lucan, under the ,directionGof Mr. 4, :Keates. Indesiigiri ng tire ire rorgai 441. Keates took into consideration the many fine characteristics of the old organ and added sections to improve the brightness and clarity of tone. The new oak console is of the draw knob type, incorporating all customary modern acees- sories to facilitate the handling. of the extensive tonal resources of the organ.. The console con- trols four divisions of the organ: great, swell, Positiv and pedal, with 37 ranks containing a total pf 2,287 pipes. An outstanding feature of the organ is the Positiv Division which consists of 549 'exposed pipes placed in two sections in The neve officers for the Liens Club's 1961-62 term were in- stalled at Ilarbourlite Inn on Thursday` evening. Those taking part in the in- stallation ceremonies were James Kinkead, A. P. B,outilier, Smith. Brief ,addresses *ere Lgivon0y. tlYB" neww'Wes`Ydefi ;'4Offit- tri ger, and the retiring president, George Ellis. A new • member, Ted Rob- erts of the GDCI staff, was in- ducted. The present member- ship of the Lions Club stands at 98, an all-time high in the club's history. A minute's silence was obser- ved in respect for the memory; of Melvin Jones, of Chicago, founder of Lionism, who died recently. Final gathering for the year. will be on June 21 at .the Mait- land Golf Club when ,,the mem- bers will hold a steak fry and. golf- -tournament. In charge of this meeting is Peter MacEwan. AT JA 4-7811 THE i PARK THEATRE , GODERICH low—Thurs., Fri., Sat.—June 15, 16, 17 "'fessOf .The Storm Country" Scope and Color JACK GING and DIANE BAKER AIso,LAUREL- HARDY, lin GL The Foreign I1.gion" Mon., Tues., Wed.—June 19, 20, 21 BURL IVfrS, SI-IELLEY WINTERS JAMES DARREN and ELLA FITZGERALD • • "Let No Man Wtite MyEpitaph". Adult 'Entertainment___.,,. __ Thurs., Fri., Sat.—June-22, 23, 24 ELVIS .PRESLEY e returns With' JULIET PROWSE, In G. I:BLUES" the gallery at the rear of the sanctuary. This .division is a complete organ in •itself al- though controlled by the consol of the main organ. The Positiv Division is delicately voiced and 4:r+' -t "%Ana ity Of � tone particularly usefiul for „choral ,a ceinp.aanimeni .fid := antiphortets. , esitiv" or- gans have been characteristic of European instruments since the early days of organ building,. but it is only of recent years that their value has been recognized on this continent, where they have met with high favor the United States. The scope of the pedal rgan has, also been increased by the addition of four new stops. Mr. George Espert, organist and choir director, will be at the console for the service. EASTERN STAR MEMBERS ATTEND CHURCH SERVICE Thirty-five members of the Blue Water Chapter, No. .284, Order of the Eastern Star, at- tended Knox Presbyterian Church Sunday morning. Rev. G. L. Royal chose for his text, "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." The choir, under the direction of the church organist, Mr. Herman -de Jong, sang the anthem, "Send Out Thy Light" by Charles Gou- nod. .The Blue Water Chapter was led by Worthy Matron Mrs. James Robin and associate mat - Ton -Mrs. Gordon- R.- Taylor. 1N.JDenomme brownie's Drive-ln TheatreLtd., Clinton THURSDAY and FRTDAt—Jur15 and 16 DOUBLE FEATURE' "THE ` TINGLEy," (Adult Entertainment) VFNtENT PRICE, JUDITH' EVELYN "20 Million Miles. To Earth 99 (Adult ,- Entertainment) WILLIAM HOPPER, JOAN TAYLOR ONE CARTOON M4/N 111 11!lN11r416•o41ierN000,1ttNsfi0000••• SATURDAY and, MONDAY—June •17 and 19 DOUBLE FEATURE "THE PLAINSMAN" GARY COOPER, JOAN ARTHUR._ THE YO ONE CARTOON • TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY—June 20 ,and 21 "PAL JOEY": FRANK SINATRA, RITA HAYWORTH ONE CARTOON TWO SHOWS...NIGHTLY -- RAIN or CLEAR .FIRST SHOW -AT DUSK' --- Children under- 12, in cars, FREE Phone JA 4 8132 DAY or NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. 'FILM DEVELOPING 62TF 01111111011,111111111111011•000110410••• • c SUNSET DRIVE-IN 17,4 miles east of Goderich, on No. 8 Highway e Thursday, Friday, Saturday— June 15, 16, 17 Gary Cooper and Maria Schell Robert L. Ouellette, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Leo Ouellette, Bruce street, Goderich, recei ed the degree' of Master of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Ottawa at the Convocation held on June 3rd. He graduated from 'the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, in May, 1958. He has now accept- ed a position with Catholic Soc- ial Services, in Michigan. Joins Garden Centre Theatre Miss Jayne Ford, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. ,H. M. Ford, of Goderich, left Toronto last week- end to be a resident member of The Garden Centre , Theatre Company at Vineland, Ont, for the summer months. The Garden Centre Theatre is an appendage of the luxurious 'Prudhomme'.s. Garden Centre Hotel and is situated mid -way between. Hamilton and St. Cath- arines. Mr. Robert Hermann, of Brooklyn, N.Y_., is beginning his fifth successive season as Managing -Director. It has been the custom each season to bring in a visiting star for each play and this year -audiences -will- see -Don Ameche, Martha Raye; Eve Arden, Edward Everett Horton and others. Jayne, w_hcris a member of the University Alumnae group, has been employed by the Depart- ment of Public Welfare forth city of Toronto. She has also been studying at the Conserva- tory to get her A.R.C.T. in Dra- ma and just finished trying her Speech Arts Grade 10 ex- amination, the results of which are not yet announced. '11-1E—HANGING TREE" In Technicolor Two Cartoons and_a_ Short "DAMN, YANKEES" Color - Tab Hunter .,erid ,Gwen Verdon Two Cartoons and a Short Coming—"Naked In' the Sun" and "Desert Attack." TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars free. Playground • Refreshments r.................••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••................6. • • • • • Wit M111'1111111111111111111111 111111111111 • ROOM WIMIffi • Dooms ikk 41° SWING Cali Us for ALL BUILDING SUPPLIES at ECONO1VIICAL mots J JEFFE 163 Elgin. A*4, Goderich 41, Profits of all corporations in Canada in 1960 were $3,200 mil- lion, a drop of six per cent from $3,401 million in 1959; in the year profits of manufacturing industries declined by 11 per cent. Victoria Street Anniversary Guest Preacher - s -Rev. -1.--H. Turner -- Victoria Street United Church observed on Sunday the 83rd anniversary of the present build- ing which was dedicated in 1878 by Bishop Albert Carman of the Methodist Church. The service also marked the 103rd year as a congregation. 'Rev.Lawrenee I-1. Turner, A kiVterAlt Tet c s'It*. guest preacher andwas greeted Ttirher served at -Victoria Street and Union churches from 1944- 1950, when;.Victoria Street Unit- ed observed its 70th anniversary in a newly decorated building. Inspiring messages were de- livered by Rev. Mr. Turner on the themes, "Colonizers for Chrfat;' and "Youth's Potential." The ser /icea,,of praise were led by the organist, Mrs. J. A. Snid- er, with the Senior Choir sing- ing at both services. At the morning service, direc- ted by Mr.—Fred Moss, eleven members of the junior Choir group of Rosedale Public School, Sarnia, sang "Lead Kindly Light" and "Follow the Gleam," The guest pianist was Mr'. Wil- li -aril Tucker and the violinist' was Mrs. Mabel Gray. At the evening service, Mrs. Lawrence Turner and Rev. Mr, Turner revived old memories when they sang, "Have Thine Own Way, Lord." Rev. Stanley Moote, minister of the church, conducted both services and was chairman for the fellowship period after- the evening service. At this time 41169. DEGREES CONFERRED ON TWO BY REBEKAH LODGE Sixty ladies from Goderich and district were present at the meeting.last week of Goder- ich Rebekah Lodge, No. 89, when they conferred the degree on two candidates, Mrs. L. H. Pent - 'land and Mrs. Cal Straughan. The degree captain was Mrs. Fred -FritzleY, ;pianist, Mrs., J. A.—Snider, and the soloist - was Mrs. Gordon Kaitting. The Noble Grand, Mrs. Ruth Hayden, 'was in charge of the Meeting and several yisitors were present from EXeter Lodge. Mrs. Harvey Fuller' and Mrs. Nelson Harnack were appointed to attend the Rebekah Assem- bly held this week at the Royal York, Torpnto. The next meet- ing was planned for June 20 when the program will be in charge of the convener, Mrs. John pinder. -A pot -luck lunch will be -served. Lunch was served by Mrs. Frances Beevers and her com- mittee. Live in your heart as tholigh every day were Christmas. OPEN HORSE of the Queen" Eliiabeth- School - for Retarded Chilaw\i 'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28 8 p.m. Sharp. , In MacKay Hall. ExiiiNTION__QE_IIVARK_=.3—u_ NCH SERVED, The Children will be taking part and everyone is welcome. YUNG- AND ALL TYPES OF BEAUTY CARE 3 GRADUATE OPERATORS Harry Colplough Len Pounder Elizabeth Holtom FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL JA 4-7461 , Evening Appointments—Len ' and Elizabeth HEATIIER BEAUTY SALON LIGHTHOSE STREET N E TO the 'Music of THE LIN'COLNS, of London — No Slacks, Please many friends renewed acquaint- ances with the visiting minister and his wife. 4 .l'•r �ri VICTORIA STS IIV/I►. Mrs. Donald Hobbs presided for the WA, meeting of 'Va.ctor is St. United Church. Mrs. A.11.os Stoll was secristary and Mrs. B kw Percy ar er reported the fin- ances. The ,devotional period was in charge of Mrs. Fred The ,Goderich Signal—Star,, '1 u day, Jlu Barker and Mars, ?;*Kinn()# read the Scripture. Mrd', 'u est Patterson reported that there_ were 105 hospital' ,and Tsick calls made during the paste. inonth. Plans were matte to help furnish the parsonage and edeeoriite the apt fpr .the new minister. T $ reV�EnUeB��t�I �Qk moats in Carte rose frame Thick, Fluffy TERRY CLOTH SEAT COVERS Semi -Custom Tailored — Easy to install — In Summer -tone pastels Green, 'Blue, Yellow or Tan Cool and comfortable — easier to sit on. These sturdy, good-looking Seat Covers protect expensive original up- holstery from wet bathing suits, spill- ed soft drinks, ice cream, etc Highly absorbent, completely washable. To fit front or rear. .2 5 Each Let the beauty show through pm . 3 .45 --CLEAR-PLASTIC-- Front I. Rear The only way to keep uphol- FRONT :on!). 9.25 stay shoWroorn new . spot- lessly clean! Wipes clean, quickly, easily. 12 - gauge heavy -weight no -crack plastic. Double stitched seams throughout. Tailored to fit your car — exactly! KEY CASE Conceals keys—lift , up snap and keys appear. As- no sorted colors NCO unit-- shines 1500- .4te Auto Wash .BruslOose For easier, faster car washing. Thickly tufted horsehair bristles. Aluminum handle with hand -grip, no -leak brass hose connection. 15' plastic transparent hose • Reversible Auto Robe For beach, car, cottage, etC. Brown and Black Leopard pattern on one side. Chettah pattern opposite. Softly nap- ped fleecy cotton with bound edges.' - GOLFER'S UMBRELLA 3.98 Worth $10.00. Snaps open auto- tnatically to a 45" diam. Red a n d yellow, ram re- sistant material. long. Protects against dden showers on fair- way. CLUB BAG 9.98_ Master's 14 -club type. Blue plaici Dobby fabric, 3 stay. Large shoe or clothing poc- moulded rubber bottom. Litter Bas!cet Attacii anywhere in car or home. Durable, flexible plastic. As- snrted Colors_ *69 Shakespeare "Triumph" CASTING REEL. Made by loglis. With fully adjust- able casting drag Plastic head ring 100 -yd. capacity GOLFER'S SECRETARY 1.98 AUTO ICE BOX Sturdy polysty- rene construction tion. Attractive blue in color 191/2 Regular 5 69 LANDING NET Lightweight With polished aiumin- um handle 16" long. Net size 24" hoop size gin 14". Value IMO SWIVEL MOUNT BOAT W4 IL. :lit .1' :r..4NN It" BAYFIELD PAVILION In Jowett's Grove — 56 mile N. of Bayfield- FridayMights, June 16 & 23. • 9.3a until 1 o'clock Modern Hair Styling By KARIN NOW OPEN at the corner of Hamilton and Newgate Streets GODERICH Hair -Shaping ° and •Pernianente • PEN SATURDAYS — ALL DAY Appoiritmoott fluid'. to suit "St Ong CONITEMENOE 4.0782L -Rea. 8881 cart handle. Holds Score 'card. pen- cil, sharp en er, cigarettes, 4 tees, 2 balls, matches and towel holder. TOLF Open finger -type ,for Men or Wh- men. Soft tan sheepskin. Small, medium or large. 24tf GOLF HEAD .COVERS .79 Sturdy, long - wearing nylon in attractive colors. Contrasting num- bers — 1, 2, 3, and 4. - Automatic A touch of the fingertip forces the solvent on to Complete with all pt- ings. 3.98 Remains level at all times regard- less of boat angle , o weather. Large versatile. 4..vio SKIING Gives boat skip- per a full panora- mic view of skiier behind boat. Windshield or. deck DASH TRAY Magnetic _ . clings tight to dash. With compart- Ffleffte-4-44-f^, stook matches, etc: As- 1116 sorted colors. BOW LIGHT With Red and - Green Fresnel lens. %" flagpole YACHTING CAP Every skipper wants and" Choose from White, Navy or Sand in his size. 2.19 FIRST AID KIT If he travels a lot he'll appreciate this. Contains all first aid essentials in. metal box. 2.89 All -Steel Car -Top Carrier Rugged lightweight construction. Web straps fasten to rain gutter, suction cups hold firm, straps secure the load, 8.95 CARRY HEAVY LOADS ON -TOP OF "YOUR CAR 111111011111 TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE Nip" Whetstone PHONE JA 4-7394 ' 36 NORTH STREET GODER1C11