HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-14, Page 2MY ATINT CECILIA,
few days. 1 shall get well quickly enough
. without yon," .
" I .don't know," said I, willing to
humour her. " We shall see.. Perhaps, if
you are very well."
At the end of a few days the improvement
in Aunt Cecilie's health was very marked ,•
C1iAI'Tl.I'v III. tress on hie flee standingfila hear the Sofa wee pushed aside, and a deep chair
on took its place. In a little while, even that
Whet passed betweentl$ during the hour ` 3,u;; hat is:sha 1. 'was empty for continually lengthening 111
%0 -dolt followed my rerun. I do no ..ear' "" timolol," said my aunt, "t Admiral Sin- tervals ; and my.aunt took a good deal of
reeolleet. Aunt Cecilia had sent the : d chair. agrees with me ; and he has kindly re- exercise on the cliff, leaning sometimes onmy
vents to bed as eooe. as It ar,or dust;, .t.1,1 tuaiut d he cr.ler to tell you so. `� atm and sometimes on a crooked stick,
bad herself set the gate i t. ront•ileor open, Yes. Yes," the admiral sail.. T2s a We heard nothing of Sinclair for more
so that I might tintl a lowly entrance at thousaztd pities ; but I agree with your than three weeks. One evening a mote was
whatever hour of the nngSt 1 :night retnn n. aunt, my boy. The navy is no career for brought to me by a stalk -headed boy ; audon
She sald not a word u2 t lx. n •n.:+ of eu •pet se you. A tine dancer lost, too! God. bkss my opening it, I found Sinclair had arrived
she had underseme ; elm litter+•,f ino -yitiablc soul, how sorry 1 feel about it a11. --Ana with his friend at the inn at Clovelly,
of reproach 1 i' seemed, intimi, as it she harry, poor fellow, he had set. his heart on .-1 am too tired," he wrote, "to hunt
held herselflar,,.:le• tpblame for MY c.:•entitle, staying you with him !---11'ell, it's00d's will, you out to -night, Bu= come over, like a
on tile ground that it .he had 411 ,+vet me 1' appose, and ere heist bole before that !` good fellow, e. z1y to -morrow, and show me
more sympathy, my resentment.+o lu lamer L"p to that mamma 1 had entertained where you are staying You might send
Imre grown to such a height. After tate some Lupe that the admiral's solicitations zee aline h>• this messenger to say how Bliss
evening on s+lt}cl2.1 returned. ehe dieter ai• might greed.., and the olisappointntel2t w2, j Winter is. We have left the yacht at Ap-
lude(1 to the subject ; nor sll•rat l that eke very severe, pledore."
eveollected it except that oil or twice " 1 ant utu.lt obli;t.d to you for allYmi : It was a. fine evening and still early. I
when, in the midst of some iedelermit eon- meant to do for me, sir, I sett', in as syeatly felt inclined for a wall: ; and I consequent-
vers,ation, she thought a siren e' °,t "1 a voice ae I could ; " and please. tell Shl- ' 1y dismissed the messenger and walked over
recalled it to my mind, I obsers ed :het ie ,•°:air I should have like,. to work with hint if to Clovelly, arrivingat .the inn to+yards nine
was at some pains to treat me 1s tis especial 1 crab.." ' o'clock, 1 found Sinclair and Captain I>un-
kir ,lnese. Ties admiral Melee.' tt me. and then at das at supper, and on sec}ng me my friend
'Two days after my return 2 reeei' el1 111y :tent, 1 s2lpin",e blah noticed how` sprang up olid greeted me elusively,
very friendly letter from stamet,i- "" tion hardly 1 bore uisepltointment, for she came - "This is really kind. Osmond," he said.—
joule I ima:.il?e," be wrote, tlaaat you were an,/ etseel beside me. [suing her arm across 6, 1)u2eeas tole is my friend Winter, of
gober Oil' w .lout 10.0111ose. Way Y 1 don% r:}' shoe:der. d. Tell hint I ata right, ad- " n120211 1 have spoken so much to you. Sit
o -,•en yet 1u2,,11. whether yen readied ho:ile egret," :Ile said--" that I am doing kimlly down, Osmond,—Waiter, niter, lay :t. fresh cover
safely ; or z.3.= ;emir bores are. not lyu➢g now by hien." for \Ir. Winter."
at' Ilindlnt• 2,1. pac(ke,1 t,,le:tn ing sty nee beast " *lie is thoroughly rlglit. Osutoml," snit. There was no gsittt;a} ilig him ; I 'st
0£11rty• Perk 1!a 5012aeteri_intII,g:,►b. 'l:• the n.1;1;4 l with •,02*'.knelt ; `•.and more needs join the meal. Captain 1•., .:as
I dal ++-rOlt°. 1 1'.2: ,1, t , leu^1 ya11 :a t,c 1Sins then eke, ml bey, 1 it'll •on that Ilei trier "etinm1t'd 1h+. 011•itatiou Iles 11ta111' etnutt`'h,
j8 t 1.. ; anti 1 am healthy serve' for the woman in tent thousand Voultt do €➢:+t• you • •• De you know. dlr. Winter, it Is solel •
aredety we waist 1taV( catlst.•al 'our aunt. what your went hae elalnf'. You will under- Olt *ear: eenn]i12 time we /ave come here:''
Tell her so, will Yet The dear olt1 untt-•he stand it all Sterile day ; :null in the meantime j •"I wanted to go to Holland ; but Sinclair
state,! dna homily 1 1(4.21 1 got :.a•T:• ; dull t,tl;e lily word that if you and. she live for ` insisted, and my wishes went to the null."
2vlaen he heard nhn;21 ,your ge n i ,e •k, he fifty years yet, you will hardly be alae in i "That statement is not accurate," said
drew comparison:: whir•h were stat at a21 thiel time to repay all the kindness you .owe Sinclair, who w•nis flushed and excited, „ It
farearai,le to mc. He is;;ohi,i ons to town .err.'" t \VAS net to bee you e0 much as your aunt
to•nio11022, anal 1 fancy maty 1.)ui,: to Nam •+I believe it, sir,,, 1 eaitl, impressed by li that I insisted on con128,, thin way ; and
!gem aunt. --1i rite to me, old boy, if you the gravity of his manner, i Dundas was by n0 means so inditFerent as
really did ;het harem, and lie yea are - "-.end 1.,11+•, good-bye„to + boy," 110 mud, +' he choosey to represent.
ETA!, „ ,;hakin .*till'. 't I would leave helped you I It was, sewing dark, and the lanterns
I passed the It ttrr ewer 'o ;'lust t"•ceilia, if I could ; but it was net to he. --Come and' were lighted on the boats lying in the bar-
w"l10 read it n4 mice. " Y"22 mu t bring see 2(8' when you min; anti be boort to your ; hour beneath us.C'aptain llundas struck a
your rend htp¢t _• ,nae. d t}•n a 2. 1."s1,1," she aunt :ill your days." In another minute he': match before he answered, and kindled a
said : I thine. I should like him.- was mem. ! cigar; I mew by the flickering light of the
" 1 ant sure yol¢1von1"1. 1'.tryL),lydoes. \w•
,",'" I said, "Aunt Cecilia, tell me ' 5esttthat his face wore au amused simile.
He is so strong an.i It uadsosece' what this el sans. '!-there is '.oi,lte .ee,.•ret I "• Indifferent,not " said he,?tallest oa
" N...ver mini laid looks, ,•hilts. 1 'ion t wIa1c2110a_•�i¢t to know," ' cloud o f smoke.'4 I wanted oxo the •of tut er
1.011:..,;'suis ms;h in a matt • Still, I t1411; t• There tee 2..i.'ret," she admitted ; " but `was; tidal isn't indifference, However, it's
I sh*'uli like to knew him" 1 dent a`t think soli are eId enough to know it ! a sena coast. —How is your aunt, Mr.
What do you thin.: ;he teindrel is yens. yo, 13,11:]/1 1:'11 it to yon when you are tit to 11`. inters ""
ing bore tot ' I ciske i, thew ;;+r�t.l instead et trouble fora it." "Better, than% yon. Iter health has
"'f gine Xl.hp,1 ' " ;Ia‘ said *2 a .tin._ i2, " t .cta'4.I do that flow?" improved wonderfully since" we aisle here,"
"I;;;;Ft. I tell situ that it to t,. .Pt :tot tat' +• 1 iialanl?L tell,'" `114' E114, stemma bee 'galled et1 we will have erne ell'enip tglle In
0011202 i 0. , velem of her recovery," cried �u Mair
a+ I think " I 41"h%.t•„ wtac 1;4 �ltrtn1i!,"' 1 •ai•i, ;il! 1 green. is 1'1 as ni•mke�ltgtlale',tf.tn iter.1 nd OI*II w•ith01lt waiting to see hew his sat [Gess
narri. true 6.,01,1,,.; tloeraulym .2.....tot1; itata it eau• tans td:15,1 receive[!, he pulled the hell e}n1'nt-
1 e '• Then4. lee na i,iv v n,p, + ,:,1 ti, "oat litaut I tap ,d' trb my thol¢z ht., 1 d teeny an 15" and gave his order.
t.: , ,. dttc•rfj,.'ni+� weir a all he =rises. ,talhlt,n,; Iona. MIN event in p.,n talon;, 0rer I sln:211 never fruget that supper party.
1. -'1 ht;• t ¢•1 lay ' do tee o.➢ft. tac,ma, an+} alto l3, } r1e1') , It :narks an era in my exi"➢tenee, not by
2Saw -hewn at ,+tit a i:110 t a .it await;; r• i➢➢, ,'1.1n a n11n1r abaci, tdtte•r tiles I s I its I virtue of a1"ything whle1* 02.urred tie it, tor,
tvlis , r .len: i t •ali.i s_,t. I tv.aa ltd t' ia.d3 t lir ria'4 i wentet St, foul's eee,ct ,7, though we lia'eamtt merry enough. our con• ,
a3,. .E R r+. . t 4 s. r ]tam
illta -➢¢ d n t
fi and hereto a life tvlaiell, between well: ,ted vara,•14toq. was tltitle, ordinary. It is not
a5➢ 1 how. 't
thet2-"-'1/1" ht a l the late,lana. i't+ty'21:.1u't �•rr Flat, 22 5 eu 81111 and hues, 41:8.2 I hull 'Attie , that the anppd?t•31 .l any remarkable 3. 12*1r+];
tont ftrr relia.etion ; and though at fn.t 2 8.15, but it lingers iu my recolleeti(311 as the 1e8Ii1-
ydt "Hr heh;wed atreeisut 7y, I t+ 12 t'1Qtt .'i'elly" whim *1 I received netve i•f AiAimee.it10Y of a lirealiill,.",•n1!1 party ►( ala i ning only
him esti, tiep1:linly as 1 d o,Rri t ,tel I really or of the atilnir.►l, the whole tint .-tion r., a :after the distinction between the term widen
th11:tt he war; •.orgy.s ,a `.t"r " .l ha ml t 1 , 222244.) in any mind eeei 1 2t 21.2"+ for the preceded and that w11 1* followed it have
mails : tt ii8thonglttle v -l1 ne ss 1i ui .l ;t8. ed,l teen ; aaaa part snit[ wale witit the areims forget. , Wen winged nut of ntennnry by the lapse, of
wren -.fulness of youth. At first l l�t,:a d 1,➢ erAbly scars, I often fled It d}Ilicult to realise the
• i a,te sure 1t war, nothing mere. =aid frequently front the admiral : f1 i.••idever hheearelessoutlook over life lsh}eat was abrulatly
bush Ceeil1[t. " After .t1l, yen ' knew, +.alt` ',.;t¢ne to town little metes tl'a0+1 L.t is -a.•12 tide terminated fie seen Oftel' that evening; but
20410 d not bite a hey bettor if "pt" were al from him cads appointing nn hour for me to the vision of that little room at Clovelly
treys sit very pr1¢=larnt. o ;ted (line with hint. do these (1 0.15in,l 1 will 2tet t up unbidden, the cheerful voices
'ass atlnnral stare,. Dart! at her, and. then •
tteate+! me moat aumptn:ndsly ; dud usetl anal the fault was of the sea sound in my
trope into a Great laugh. • i iia, I know. 1 t11 semi me home in a cath, wit h a eigar be. e;drs again, and I see through the open win -
we a wild ••lip of a lad (myself cur., ;and; Lumen my lips, awl a emeriti weline that I tIuw the tisiaing-boats awniging at their
neasly broke nm poor f,ltht 3,'r; heart." was gruw•in g t: fast. anchors on the dark waters of the bay.
me. ..:ecl.rd L.ntelf suddenly, +11.atierviu, After a very few mouths, however, the It was late when I rose to go, }laving in-
ndee to vieit us
"" Ida here's a b1+y w}1u w•,ul nun ent,ugh hind old malt received a foreign mnmmnnd ; next dint.. SinclairSinclair (*2111 volunteered d to num-
to own et:It lie was wzan,� sand to cut] i� bads to an.i�inclatraboutthesametintegot throat"h y 5 la
his p::uish:neat," he .8.181. •" I else that. ---I 1 Ins t•xamtnation, and went on boerd the patty mea part of the way, and we sat to-
like your pluck. my lad. I wish my boy 1;, tfnrvrta. The admiral gave, nuc a farewell get ler alongthe r remindsmesomeho.ti of Hindhead,"
had .ehmni the Erme dense 1,,, d' diseme. 311 (1 tl4111 ]ides}}nee I knewan it ialltl*P last of said he, breaking a long silence.
;�+%n3, i lima lie 1Mies441t+1 i,t' :i�I. I hogm rhos!! evenings, which I hall mimed so t" Does it ? I wonder why. Oaldlyyencugh,
y Cy is 1 • .1 amen. The old man sailed the iollowin g I too was thinking of that evening. y
:luta Cecilia shook her head with a smile*2 .1 b " It is just suc11, a night, he sait., " How
and the idea of herr astiga]in t u¢estruek moi week ; and I hover stew* Liu. again ; for 2t clear itis ! Ono can see an immense dis-
as so ludicrous that I laughed.
was hie last voyage. He deed, as he would.lance „
have wished, at sea, anal was buried in mid- I made no answer. The night was so stili
That did not happen for more than two and beautiful that it seemed tcheck words.
"; .
Osmond,„ said Sinclair after another
silence, ” have you ever heard your aunt
speak of Dundas?"
";No. Why should, ehe a Site does not
know him."
" You are sure 2"
" 0f course I am."
"Well, it was only an idea," said Sinclair
slowly. He stopped as he spoke, and added:
" I think I'll go back now. We sha 11 be
with you about four to -morrow."
I stood and watched him as he strolled
back towards the town. The moonlight was.
so bright that I could see him for a great
distance, but at last a turn of the path hid
him from sight.
Late as it was when I reached the cottage
Aunt Cecilia was still awake. I went to her
room to bid her goodnight, and was received
'with an inquiry "�
ell y
" They ae coming
over to dine to -mor-
row,' I said. " Now, go toe sleep, or you
will be too tired to entertain them."
" I am never tired now," she said ; " the
days pass so pleasantly that I gain strength
All the following morning we were busy
with preparations for our guests. I went
down to bathe late in the day, and when I
returned found Sinclair waiting in the gar-
" Hallo ! you are rather before your time,"
I called out. "But why don't you go in?
And where is your friend?"
" He is with your aunt. There's a scene
of some sort going on, and Dundas asked
nie to leave them.—Come back, Osmond ;
you had much better not go in yet."
He tried to catch niy arm, but I broke
away and entered the cottage quickly.
As I passed through the hall lsawthratable
laid for dinner in the dining room, glass and
silver sparkling in the sunshine. No one
was there, but in the drawing -room up -stairs
I heard voices ; and I took the stair almost
at a single bound, and threw the door wide
'• There are other ways of maintaining
diseiptine," said my aunt ; "I like those
Kb, what : Other wtays 1"said the ad- i yearn, however ; and in the meantime many
midi. "I don't know about t hat. I've a package of foreign trinkets and curiosities
pretty nearly all in
rfe,llay tituti; and in
re.0 la11 eat;, to keep our faith in him alive.
my ((pinion there's nothing nee a ropes Of Sinclair I sale a good deal, for he never
enol,•—Howevere, that's not what I wanted came to towel without staying with us.
to say." My aunt Iiked him, as, indeed, everybody
did. She gradually began to look on
Ile got up and stood on the hearthrug, him as
plaeing kith .lands on my shoulders.
a. prof
specially: after the ad-
Now,'yhe said, "Miss Winter, look at P and at last a room in the
house was set apart fo h'
him, and he a
this lad; strong, active, well ;;gown. He's
, was
headstrong ; /tut sn are half the best men in
` nnitted to come to us as he wouldto his own
the world. What au officer he would make ! house.
He's cut out for the navy ; and his heart is I think he valued the privilege. As far
in It too, the rogue ! dee how he flushes at
the notion ! Give hint no um, Miss Winter.
I'lI see him thronolt his examinations. He
shall work with -his friend ; and 1 will
make it my care to see that they both start
fair. • inthe se • •i with
t 1 ce every a va
d uta e I
can give them.
as it was in his nature to attach himself to
any one, he maintained his connection with
us. Some links in the chain were strong
enough, but there was a weak link in it,
and when the time of stress came it snapped.
As I look back now on the events of that
distant time, I marvel that I could have
Aunt Cecilia covered her eyes with her , misunderstood his easynature far enough to
hand and did not speak for a few minutes. expect any other result.
"Yea do not know what you are asking, It happened in the second year after the
Admiral Sinclair, she said at last in avoice admiral's dep"Irture, and when Sinclair's
which trembled, notwithstanding all her time of study on the Baitannia was nearly
ell'or•ts to steady it. over, that Aunt Cecilia fell into a weak and
" I do, my dear Miss Winter," he said, languid state of health which caused me
•sitting flown beside her, and speaking in a some anxiety. It was summer -time, and
tone into which he threw great considers- the heat had set in early. Even in May the
titan--" I do indeed. I have seen over and air around our house was close and stifling ;
over again how hard it is for a fine lad to be and in June, the heat became almost un-
spate.` fora life of action and adventure, bearable. Myauntsuif'ered from no positive
even when he is only one among a large ailment ; but she lay day by day on the
family ; and of course the pain of letting sofa, unable to continue the active °ccupe-
your buy go must be infinitely greater." tions which she loved. The doctor looked
" It is not that,' she cried. " God grave, spoke of ner. ous debility, and insist-
knoes 1 would make a greater sacrifice than ed that sloe should remove to fresher, strong.
that, if a greater there be, for his ultimate e3, air at once. My term at school was near -
advantage." ]y over ; I sacrificed the remainder, and we
" l am sure of it, dear madam," said the removed at once to a cottage near the village
admiral. " Then let me have the boy. He of Hartland, in North Devon.
shall spend all his leisure time with you ; My aunt bore the journey well; and when
he shell come to you on every holiday. I her sofa was drawn over to the window,
will 2 i1 .. only the time necessary for his whence she could see the blue water lapping
professional advancement. You cannot al- and swirling round the bases of the cliffs and
ways keep him by you ; the time of parting the gulls wheeling overhead, she seemed to
must come ; and if he is to leave you, is be perfectly at ease.
it notbetter for him to go to friends who "I shall grow strong quickly here," she
will teach him to be a pride and an honour said. "Throw the other window open,
to you, and of service to his country? You Osmond, and let me have the whole of the
have done very kindly by the lad ; made lovely air."
him a brave and manly little fellow ; She sat drinking it in for a long time in
don't' deprive the country of just the kind silence, looking from the sea towards me
of lad it wants. ' and back again to the sea in evident content
" Admiral Sinclair," said my aunt, speak- and happiness. "It will be dt111 for you, my
ing on more in her fine collected •.voice; boy," she said ab. last " What will you do
" I am rent opposing your .generous offer for amusement when you grow tired of your
from any caputee, but on . grounds which I weary old aunt 2"
think final. It s,ay be that I overate the " That never happens," I said. " But if
importance of these reasons ; and 1 would it did, here is amusement enough at hand,
very willing consult you about them, if you for, since we arrived, I have had a letter
e will allow me. I feel the want of good from Sinclair."
advice." "Already !" cried she, much amused.
" I ain quite ready," ,said the admiral. " Was there . ever such a faithful pair of
" Shall we send the boy away?" friends 1"
Yes," said myaunt.—" Osmond, I do " I don't know about that; perhaps not.
not wish you to hear my reasons. You At auyrate, he is yatching with a friend
must' go away, child, and trust us to do the whom he calls Dundas, and he proposes
best for your interest," to cruise down this coast, in order, so he
I returned to the garden, where I remain says, to satisfy himself personally as to how
ed for nearly an hour wandering about, you are."
anxious area miserable. At last I was sum- " Very thoughtful of him," said my -aunt,
atoned to the drawing -room, where 1 found "And I am glad for your sake. Now, when
the pnnxir'. with'a. perplexed loo/ 'of dis- he comes, you must go away with him for a
Sunday School Teacher—" Now, Johnny,
tell me what took ail the sanp out of Sam-
son." Johnny—"A home -maid hair cut,
One of the few precedents for the appear
once of the Newfoundland delegates at the
bar of the House of Lords to plead their case
dates from 1838. In that year Mr. Roebuck
acting as counsel for the Province of Lower
Canada, was heard at the bar of the Com-
mons with reference to a bill relating to the
constitutionof that province. This, how-
ever,was after the bill had passed its second
reading. ,.
According to a statement furnished the•
Vancouver World by Hon. F. Sugimura, the
Japanese consul, the total exports from
Japan to Canada during the yen • 1390
amounted to the value of 1,014,39.1 yen
and the exports to Japan 25,658.31 yen.
The imports increased to the value stated
from 857,721 yen in 18880 and 926,961 yen
in 1889. The value of the yeu in 1890 was,
we may add by way of explanation of the
foregoing, 91.7c. The figures show a satis-
factory growth of our trade on the Pacific.
IudIaFaIe Ale and. XXX Brown Stout.
Highest awards and :11eda1s for Purityand Bre -
lence at Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphi
1876; Canada, 1876 ; Australia, 1877 ;. and
Paris, France, 1878,
Prol.1T B Croft; Publio Analyst, Toronto, says: —"'lAnd It
to be perfectly soundeoutaintinguo impurities or adulter-
atioi.s,andgan stronglyreeommendatas perfealtly puna and
a very superior stall liquor,"
john B E.dwaros, Professor of Chemistry, kjontreal, says:
"'Ifindthem to be remarkably sound ales, brewed front
puremalt andhops •
Rev, P: T, Ed Page,Professorof Chemiatry, Laval Univer-
sity, Quebec, says:—"f have unalyzzedthe Indian Pale A10
manufactured tiYJ olin Labatt, Loudon, Ontario, and have
found it a lightale, containing but little alcohol of a deli-
ciousflaVor. and of a very agreeable taste and sueerler
quality. and compares with the best imported ales. 111 ivo
also analysed the porter XXX Stout, of the same brewery,
wbicbi is of excellent quality: its Sayor is very agreeable;
it is it tonin more onergetie than the above ale,for it is a.
the richer in alcohol, and ORD be compard advantage
usly with any imported article.
ASIC YUUl1 GROC1011. VOlt,
Tho Delegateslindegurut With Lora Knots
ford.—Au appeal. to Mr. Cladstone--il'ro
po.eel Colonial Legislation,
LoNION, Mays 1(L, —Tile progress of the
Newfoundland Coercion bill in both Houses
of I'arliatuent, and the evident intention of
the Imperial (iovernulent to push it through,
are bringing matters to a crests. Interviews
were held with members of the Newfound.
land delegation. They are deeply incensed
at Lord Iiuutsford'e speech in the House of
Lords, which, they declare, contained
shameful misrepresentations. They are
itnp.'ful that this arbitrary mea8nre will be
eheeketl in the House of C'o¢nniaus. They
have apluale1 to Mr. G1atlstone for help.
He is undecided, hut is privately urging
the Government to make( a. eempromnse with
the colony. It is certain that some Conser•
waive members will supple. Newfoundland.
The meet si$uitcfinit statement of the dole,
gates is that if the bill is passed a scheme to
render it al, ,rove is ready, the features of
whit.. they +1t;line ao make known at pre-
I j
isn't needed with the Ball
corset. It's easy from the
start, Coils of tiny wire
springs in the sides make it
so. Try it, and you'll like it.
Ify ou don't, after a few
weeks' wear, just return it
and get your money.
For Sale by J. A. Stewart, ;xeter.
v mt.t„
Pt1P RALE t3Y 1L1 ')EAI nee.
Is oubliette devery Thursday morn ug,at
911W-street,neartyopposite Fitton's Jewelers,
Roo ,blmeter, Qat„by.lWatt White It Sona,Pra'
2n8a Ota ,2PTRATls8N11
eiretinserti0xt, per lino • .,., ,iQ ltetet9
. .
Teichsubsequeotluseetaon .nor line Scouts.
To Iusare Insertion, advortisoneouts should
be sent in uotlaterthen Wednesday morning
Ourdt)I2 PI3l::Two- DEP 1l4ThIENT is one
o l thelargest and bestoquippea in the County
a: Iluron,e11 work e1trusted to us will receiv0
o'ir proaaptattention;
Dcesions Regarding News.
1.t.nypersonwha takes a paperregnlarlyfr"am
the ppost.oillce. whether directed In hilt name or
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2 If a person orders his paper discontinued
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continue to send it until the payment Is made,
and then collect the whole amount, whether
the paper Is taken from the Mike or net,
3 In sults for subseriptions, the suit may bo
instituted in the place where the paper le pub
llshed, although rho subscriber may reside
hundreds of 1ttlics away.
I The courts have decided. that refusing: to
take newspapers orporiotlleale from the host”
oUlct, or removing and leaving themunealled
or is prima tele evidence of intentional fraud
QC any inludoe. materials,
C. W. GI L.LETT, TQ c tc9 0 tie.
ilaa'1'xe;theC1 LzB7aT£a IIPa..TEACTenzll..
,Areplcacanttotalta ContaintbeirowA
,'r-rgtntdvo. is a Oafo, aura, end etfectrg:
'rnlibel?* "'0 "n,t2 f.s: 1.0..., nc.t. Axl:il►,.
Exeter Butcher Sh op
Butcher &, General Dealer
-121 4LL 81NDs 12
ustometssnpplied TUBSDAYS, THURS
ANS AND SATUBDAYS at thsi :esiden
a .,.,..,u c.r.ma oto,,. NEW ]hw ofwork,
r412,111 and bonumbly, by those of
either 100 cur, or old 33,31 in their
own local ti s wherk. 110 live.An
ono run du .e3, t .182. Easy to lemon.
We your spark everything. 0 all start 33,00. o t reek. You can devote lan
your spare momenta, or all your limo to the worst. every
is worker.
neve earning
bringsmwonderful5tomeccas week
and are carnln, from mimeo.
to Kea m fumes ayo upwards,
end more odor a ]title, exlmrlonee. we, can furnish you the, em-
ploymentand teach yntt *NUKE. No space to explain here. bull
information E RSE. Tlt$.i,l di CIO., ACt1GS'TA, D1A1nE.
tf'lSO!sSihR'E F'JFIM
cift4 S ll'M?P T I
gative Medi-
cine. They are a
BLOOD Ramona,
ToNic and REOON-
supply in a condensed
form the substances
actually needed to en-
rich the Blood, curing
r-11 diseases coming
from Poon and WAT-
EI21 BLOOD, or from
the 13Loo1, and also
invigorate and BuiLD
UP the BLOOD and
SYsTau, when broken
down by overwork,
mental worry disease,
excesses and indiscre-
tions. They have a
SPnoxsro ACTION on
both men and women,
restoring LOST *Soon
and correcting all
EVERY MAN Who findshismentalfac-
Mites dull or failing, or
hie physical powers flagging, should take these
PILLS. They will restore his lost energies, both
physical and mental.
EVERY WOMAN should ure all sump:.
pressions and irregularities, which inevitably
entail slickness when neglected.
YOUNG MEN should take these Primo,
They will cure the re.
sults of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the
YOUNG WOMEN should take them.
These Pmns will
make them regular.
Por sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon
receipt of price (50e. per box), by addressing
Sick Headache and rel eve an the troubles inet•
dent tc a bilious state of tate system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, &e. while tlteirntost
remarkable success has been shown in curing
Headache, yet Cettrsa'a LITTLE Ursa Pitts
are equally valuable In Constipation. curing
and preven ting this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
i distressing 1
who suffer from this .sin d eS !; np co laint:
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them..
But after all sick head
is the bane of so many lives that here Is where
ourgreatboast.Our ills cure it
we make
while others do not.
and very easy to take. One or two Pills make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable acid do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents:
Sve for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail
Small Pi11a Small Rosea Small Price.
E;D�L�� 5 In stamps [simply as
rcy guaranteeofgoortfatthl
to us, and w0 will send you by express, C.O.D.,
this elegant watch which you can examine, and
i4 you do not find
than we claim for
but if perfectly sat.
isfactory, pay the
Express Agent OUR
^55.35 tke
theOF watchand. Suclt a
chance to ecure a
reliable tismeppiaece
at such a ridicu.
lousily low price is
seldom, if ever be-
fore,, offered. TetiD'
of 2 plates o 801.10
COLD over composi-
tion metal. It has
solid bow, cap and
crown, hunting
case,beautifully en.
graved and is dust -
proof. The works
are Waltham style,
richly jewelled, with expansion balance, is
regulated and we warrant an accurate tune -
keeper. It is suitable for either a lady or
gwatch. entlemAddress GEan. A guaranteeC.W.WYis sentaAwith& CeachO.,
Watchmakers, Peterborough, Ont.
SEND US $1,00 andaslip04paper.the
�761A sitieofyourlinger,and
we will send you postpaid this elegant
These rings are now
worn by ladies and
gentlemen in the best
society, and have the
same appearance as a
ring costing $25.00. We
guarantee a perfect fit
and satisfaction.
Geo. W. Wyatt & Co.
Peterborough, Ont.
How Lost, How Restored
Just published, a new edltIo of . ('ulvcro
tvell'ri 1 elcbratted E,iltay an ho • *&cal cure Ot
BrSaxAroRatnxA Or incapacity indur"d bye 0x0059 of
early indiscretion..
The celebrated author, in this admirable assay,
clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful
practice, that the elarrrin consequences ct self.
abuee may be radically cured; pointing out a mode
of one at once simple, certain and effectual, by
means of which every sufferer, no matter what hi
yannd mayradieoitbe,y.ay cure himself cheaply, pre
i3PThislecture should be in thrinntd,'+ot every
youth and every manta the land
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, post•paItl, on receipt of four eines. or tw
postage tamps. banplea of Me tlelue tree. Addres
41 Auu Street New Fork
st Chloe Box 430 4688 I
INE V,,a 13 6Gra?1�€�eil
Unlookg all the clogged avenues of the
Jowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying
off gradually without weakening thesys•
tem, all the impurities and foul homer)
of the secretions; at the same time Cor
rooting Acidity of the Stomach
curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia
Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn
Constipation, Dryness of the Skin
Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaen
dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero
fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nor
vousness, anti General Debility ; a
hese and many other similar Complaint
yield to the happy influence of,BURDOC'
n�qq ��77i�pp'�ar Bolo by Ali Dealers, �t ¢fit
•SIL J 1.iR 4' 7 Va 7 P ifi- ..ionones",
Who is weak, Nervous, )r13111tated,
who in his Folly and !ignorance has Tri-
fled nway;his Vigor of .idly, (-'Iliad and
EP6ianhood, cusing exhausting draans upon
r Fountainsaof Life.., ikleaslie he,
' aokaoho, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness)
t Memory, Bashfulneso 31i Society,.
Pimples upon the Face, dna all the L'ffeotll
.tiding to Early Deosy, Cotliaumltlon
Ir ting to y will Snd in our epaeitic bo. 1ti '
osItive dzuro. Yt imparte Youthfu
Icor restores rho Vital Faower in 01d sod
D$ng. etrengthene end invigorates rho 131aIn
Ind Alorveii,, buildsnp'tho muloular aystom
i2d arouses into action oho whole, physic
energy of aha human frame. ; With one speoiflo.
No.23 rho moat obetlnate' case can bo'" cured in
three months, and reoentonos in less then thirtyg
dose. Each package oon00:u a two week, treat
anent. Pried $2 Cmee (ivarantood. ,mgr ep.o-
ide No. 84•te an$ fnfallibia Cure for oa Piivafft
DlQeasee no matter of how long stand.
Sold under our writt.n Guarantee to
5ffeot oraos , OeOtoront.. woe 05. Toronto bledioino•
Pap superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal ep
)xide. Endorsed by the thousands of !alias
rhonse theta MONTHLY. Never fall, Relieve
a=n. INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant and
actual. Pelee. fol. Toronto Medietno Co,
'. o,, ;Int