HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-06-01, Page 9• PRIZE WINNERS AT ANDERSON'S CENTRE First prize for adults in the anniversary sale draw at An- derson's Book Centre was won ,b'/y�•, �]Luellau�(1A,•�F,is�her,, ofp pGil:Wieh, W. A�- i 't nonan - . , of Godertc)?.• n to •-'Y.�'. ,,;*,gym, tr Rusty Ormandy, of Goderich, ALBERT won .fust prize in the draw for P O _ children while second prize went to Roger Petersen, of Goderich. ll PORE'- ALBERT, May 29. --- Miss Grace Crawford, Goderich, Pias been visiting her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawkins Mr. Charles -Crawford, and Mrs. attended the graduation of their Crawford for the past week. nephew, Vernon Allemang, B.A., Messrs. Bert and Ernest Craw- ti.lt.hlu iaty.:.,ias. Sat lur days.. A I Sunda4,y tovisit their sister, Mrs. + r. Oai n f 'The rMother, Mrs. Wi11"�'raw ford, returned home with them after atw- owee visit with her nemsoommoom000sssioiommoioime••l000vs•o•o• daughter. Church services at St. An-! drew's United Church are hang held at 9.30 a.m.' with Sunday School .following at 10.30 a.m., for the summer months. , Visitors -on the week -end with Mrs. Henry Lednor, Port Albert, w . r :1c,1 ir. °a d 1;; .. . art, Mrs. J an e. d ,y er- so ; ad'' Mr, and; -Mrs 13avid �. `Wafes. all of Hamilton, and Mrs. Mary Dickson, Fred Dickson and Brian Johnson,`of Toronto. } New! Helens Rubinstein's Drug Discovery Gives Fast Help For Acne Breakouts BIO -CLEAR,- .• , Helena Rubinstein' Get new fast help for acne pim- ples with Helena Rubinstein's exclusive New Bio -Clear Medi- ... cited Cream with its unique Sulphide Compound. Bio -Clear 4, works on acne pimples quickly, gently; safely. After the first application, your skin will look nclearer and smoother. Bio-Clear's absorptive properties reduce the accumu-• latiort of excess oil ..: prime' offender in acne conditions. Bio -Clear inhibits the growth of blemish -causing bacteria, and ., helps prevent the spread of infection. Start the clinically tested Bio - Clear treatment now. It hides what it.helps to heal. In one week you must. see. a clearer, heahhier=Too tng complexion or your money 'back. Only $1.15.5 tvl Yvl Bio -Shampoo to help control dandruff -causing bac- teria that may aggravate acne pimples. - ., $1.25 NEW! Bio -Cleanser Cream Wash Xi -us excess oil, cleans, out 'logged.pores. 51.25 44 THE SQUARE, GODERICH JA 4-9212 15 17 21 Here's how you get your free X20. ASH certificate • Electric e rigera.for Freezer or Home Freezer EFFECTIVE UNTIL JUNE30 1uyan electr c home freezer now, May 15 to June 30, at any appli- ance store displaying the "Super. market In Your Home" insignia. This money -saving offer will apply to an attractive range of chest - type ..or upright electric freezers, or dual -zone combination refrig- erator -freezers of 13 cubic feet . capacity or larger. Check these lour ways a home freezer can. cut your food bills 1 You can buy in bulk when prices are low. 2 You can take full advantage of special food sales, 3 Yoti can budget your food needs more efficiently. 4 You get free $2000 ft. HOME FREEZER ft, HOME FREEZER ft. Hf aME FREEZER cu. cu. cu. certificate if you brry-now. ' $235.00 $285.00 $299.95 IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US BEFORE YOU .BUY I- E. BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE PLUMBING and HEATING 2 THE SQUARE --- GODERICH : JA 4.8131 a•osoosetto sonss0000•e®®ooeseessioseceeseesses Celebrating Our 4Ofi'Bir!hday 5 BIG DAYS - No Limit On Purchases TERRIFIC BESTJUYS GRE BEANS 19-69c SAVE 17c' - White or Colored -' -- Twin Pack WRITE . SWAN TISSUE 8-99c STOK]EL�'S P - SAVE 11c - Pi eapple-Grapefruit Drink 484;z. Tins STOKJ�L�Y'S P - - • - - - _ TNG 3 $1 SAVE 6c -- Picture Cards in Every Package 60's RED ROSE TEA BAGS - - 73c SAVE 24c STOKELY''S FANCY TOMATO JUICE SIVE - oAr lme'ELWLsIESs 20 -oz. Tins -$1 9 -oz. Jars, 5 $1 3c OFF PACK Ib. bag EARLY- •RISER -COFFEE 56c CRUSHED or SLICED 20 -oz, Tins CHOICE PINEAPPLE FINEST` QUALITY - GOi-DEN RiPE Chiqufta Bananas 2 lbs. 29c SATIN BRAND - 5 -Ib. Poly Bag Sunkist Oranges NJ - 69c SAVE 16c 1 YORK -MEAT STEWS =_ SAVE 32c - 5c Off Twin Pack 2 LIBBY'S SLICED BEETS SAVE 4c -= MCLARENS •PIK-L,BARL SWEET MIXED PICKLES 5 -oz. Tins 441 0 -oz. Tins 8-$1 -32-oz. Jar SAVE SOc 37c Off Pack - Enter Lever's "Name The Boat Contest" KING SIZE SURF - - - - . - SAVE 16c - Corn Flakes, "I(' Cereal, Sugar Sma KELLOGG'S CEREALS - - - RSg'NBOPTSCAO15 T FOD SAVE 12c - LIB 'S °' FRUIT CCKTA - - IL 49c $103 cks, Pops 441 -oz, Tins 4-$1 NM - 4-$1 SWIFT'S ,,PREMIUM -- Birthday Special Cello Skinless Wieners - - lb. 45c Four Varieties, Dutch Loaf, Mock Chicken, etc. Luncheon Meats - - 4-89c Added Grocery feature - Cuiverh ouse, Cream Corn -Choice Quality SAVE 9c -- 20 -oz. TINS -- 4 for 69c FROZEN, FOOD FEATURES SAVE 5c - 6 -oz. Tins Sunkist Lemonade 4-45c SAVE 6c-FRASERVILLE Fish and Chips- 24 -oz. Pkg. r r r 59c. SAVE 14c RED & WHITE 8 -oz. Jar INSTANT COFFEE - $1 RED & WHITE Tall Tins EVAPORATED MILK h -. - - 7-$1 RED 6t, WHITE FOODMASTE ` J. M, BUTT Limited ' GODERICH. - * 91 VICTORIA ST. sisionTimmomoritrauvirmisiiamorimiimummrommiaminimmosnamiiiitaimMIF FREE! FREE! FREE! ° REGULAR 39c VALUE - RED & WHITE'S 40th BIRTHDAY CAKE WITH EVERY_,ORDER OF $10.00 OR .OVER SAVE 10c - CULVERHOUSE WHITE WHOLE POTATOES SAVE 25c ---- Large 2$eoz. Tins CHOICE TOMATOES r k? 3r49c .. ▪ 5-$1 FOR A GREENER THUMB eb „HAPPY BIRTHDAY' SAY THE DORCAS TheE Dorcas Society of the Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, Huron road, with the president, Mrs. Charles Ltiue, to charge. The s Nlaa O>~ �'� eudP� d '5 ti Young. TTheireaskt ter `` lyf sr Roboft 1 Wig son authorrzect: µ to'pay fie tales • onl church ' Pro - The flowering veering ,Shrubs of May spectacle of pure white. tViedium Iperty. Twenty-three members The April Bulletin of the sized, it loves the sun May 17' answ od the roll call. A nominating committee of Royal Botanical Gardens at Hain- to June 5 is, of course, lilac time Mrs. Earl?R'aithby and Mrs. Wil- ilton gives useful' information and especially forthe French lion Barlow was appointed fotor on the chronological sequence i bring in a slate f • +which --will survive in Southern vnnhouttei, 'artarirr --ad --blue=`i Ontario. The spring planting leaf honeysuckles with • 10 -day season may be over, but there flowering periods. A recent is every reason to consider fall q Hybrids. Then, come May 24th o officers ure of the early blooming shrubs l we have Bridal Wreath, S iraea 'the coming year. The SCrlpt . r- -low read by Mrs. William B. r- ow and Mrs. Gertie-Taylor offer- ed prayer. Mrs. Ella Donaldson gave the topic on "Are we good children of our Heavenly Fath- er?" At the close of the meet- ing, a Bible quiz'was conducted by Mrs. Earl Raithby. Birthday congratulations were extended to several members and special mention was made of Mrs. John McKnight, Saltford Heights, on the occasion of her 83rd birth - ay. A special decorated birthday cake was included' in the lunch served by Mrs. George Johnston and Mrs. John McKnight. planting which has been very successful in this immediate locality. The planner wants to know the answers to several questions. When will a shrub bloom? What are its flgwering companions? What will . precede .,and . succeed it? What size will it attain. What are its year round qual- ities of form and foliage and other special effects? Flowering dates vary, with' climate but the sequence of bloom of different shrubs is , relatively constant. Duration of bloom cannot be predicted accurately. A cool spring may prolong the blooms of Viburnum fragrans for 16 days, whereas a warm spell may reduce the period of flowering to 10 days only. Forsythia and Japanese quince can be relied upon normally to give at least Three weeks of color. Sand Cherry on the other hand will only give seven to ten days, Amorfrg the very early bloom - ;ng shrubs we have'"' Spring Witch Hazel, which is hardy in the milder portions of Southern Ontario. It may bloom as early as March 3rd, but in unfavor- able weather can delay perform- ance for four weeks. Following it is Oriental Witch Hazel. By mid-April the magenta pink and strongly fragrant flowers of Daphne mezereum can be ex- pected and will last two weeks. It is, however, hard., to grow. While the' Daphne i&sstill in good condition Viburntffn ›fragrans begins to color up. Its pale pink and very fragrant flower clusters. usually' pr,rsist during the last week of April and the first week of May. This shrub, too, needs a mild climate. otherwise late frosts brown the buds. It grows from 6-8 feet high. By May lst, the Forsythias are flowering. The older, intermedia spectabilis, can still hold its -own with such newer introductions as Spring Glor,•th nal v w'I er flo ers, Lynwood Gold with large broader, more intensely gold flowers and Reatr:x Ferran with flowers so large that th flutter in the. breeze. All the shrubs freed six to eight feet each plane. They will flow until May 24th when the go turns: to_-the.greenof the leave The second and. third weeks May give us the bloom of th double -flowering almond -Pru us triloba multiplex. Simulta eously comes the Garland Spi aea-S. arguta, one of the be white flowering shrubs. It is earlier and a better shape than the popular S. vanhouttei. Longer lasting and overlapping w - r, en d, ey se in er Id s. of e n- n- r- st come the Japanese quinces in e , red, coral, pink and whit . Chaenomeles lagenaria is large and much beloved by gardener and rabbit alike. A new scarlet - red -form is Iiollandia. May 16th to 24th we 'have• 1VIahoniaaqui. folium or cfregon grape This requires shade and shelter when it produces bright terminal clusters of yellow flowers which turn to blue fruit. About the same time the fragrant Vibur- nums come into their owtt and V. carlesi,'the fragrant snowball or Korean Spice viburnum, Of five feet stature, it makes a desirable shrub but is suscept- ible to •a destructive graft dis- ease. The Burkwood Snowball is larger, with small g ossy leaves which give some au umn color, , but it is less att ctiye ithan V, . 'carlesi. V. jud de- serves to be grown more widely. It is larger in stature than car- lesi but of slower growth. Flow- er clusters are pink in bud, white when open and they are more showy than its Korean parent. A new and popular variety. is V. carlcephalum, with' clusters five inches in diameter. It flowers normally from May 17-31. The last 10 days of May brin Exochorda macranlha, a lovel new -comer to Ontario is Cytisus praecox, the Warminster broom with pale pea -like flowers. Six feet high and sun loving, it. blooms from May 24 to June 10. Finally Viburnum tomentosum, -uyhich grows 12-15 feet high but may be ' pruned down to• eight feet. tall • by eight feet broad. he distant effect of its flowers - is similar to dogwood. Its sum- mer i'oliage is good and in au- tumn it turns to shades of mar- oon and plum. 1e Goderich. Signal=Star, Thur y, ' dlris 196i hiss Verna Kilpatrick, Man- ager of the S pens -Sear Cata- logue Sales Office at .Goderich has recently been appointed /11s- strict Sales Manager. i g Miss Kit- patrick will stili • contin a lid manager of- her ow yce, but will supervise .all. act iti seven additional offices. Her stonew duties commenced the ailr f NW. MrTFaeory Do you tire easily at your job? . Try the advice sof tete Oratnrio Chiropractic Association which • a,dvo . cates correct posture standing -walking.. -sitting,-.. lying down. Then all parts 9f the body function without strain. Try that for one week. Better; posture improves health. "TEACH YOUR DOLLARS TO HAVE MORE CEN TS" Become a member of the GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Your membership will entitle all the you to advantages of our CREDIT UNION. Brampton Sixth Generation, Excellent Superior Sire. He has 33 daughters averaging 9266 lbs. milk; 485 lbs. fat; for an axerage test of 5.24%. Mature Equivalent 33 daughters average score 87.5% BCA 128-119. Selling for $5x00 • a share in the use of the oustanding sire and many more of all breeds. This.i•s, not a once -a -year business pro?notion. It is a .service available to you year round at cost. The $•5,00 membership fee entitles you to: a selection of sires, trJined technician service, free veterinary service, breed- ing fee discounts, Join . the: Waterloo Cattk Breedrng Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Favor service or more information contact:- CLINTON HU 2-3441 or 'for tong distance CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 Between:- 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. week days ' 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday evenings BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING -22 FOLLOW THE KINSMEN BABY BUGGY SALVATION ARMY HOME LEAGUE MEETING HELD Mrs; (Lieut. Col.) John Nelson was guest speaker at the Home League meeting held last week at the Salvation Army Citadel. She was introduced by the Home League secretary, Mrs. E. Dixon. Mrs. Nelson gave an inspiring message -on "The Mother who lost sight of Him." Mrs. J. H. Johnstone read the Scripture and prayer was given by Mrs. (Captain) Petersen. The minutes were read by Mrs. M. Stinson. Miss Lillian Blanchard showed books she had prepared to send to the mission- aries -The members of the Wing - ham Horne League are to be guests here on May 31. A social hour was enjoyed with lunch being served by .Mrs. N. Red- ford, assisted by Mrs. J. Proctor and Mrs. I. Markham. - BRIDGE SCORES Seven tables were in play at the Duplicate Bridge Club 'on Monday evening. North and South winners and their scores were: ivfrs. A. Nicol and Mrs. F. Saunders, 81; Mr. and Mrs. K. Bunter, 72tr, i Mr. P. F. Carey and Mr. F. Curry, 691/4: Mrs: .T. W. Craigie and --Mrs. G. Jeri ner, 67. East and West win- ners were as follows: Mrs. C. Johnston and Mrs. R. Jervis, 75i4.. Mr. F. Saunders and Mr. 3. Cameron, 73, Dr. and Mrs.' W. -A. Oakes, '681h: Mrs. R. Wheeler and Mr. E. Craigie, 87%. ER TO WINGHAM DAY, JUNE Goderich Kinsmen are competing with Clubs from Kil>cardine, Listowel, Hanover, Walkerton, Harris - ton and Clinton. Judges will be the mayors of each Town. Derby officially started by CKNX mobile radio at 4.30 p.m. All clubs will commence race on respec- tive routes' 22 miles from the Wingham Arena. Winning Club receives $100.00. Its president will officially open the WINGHAM TRADE FAIR Visit Wingham and watch the festivities. Over 60 ;exhibits. CKNX "Focus" program Friday at 6 p.m. 6000 square feet under canvass, Midway, Bingo, Marathon Dance, Your opportunity for fam- ily fun. I Thursday Friday - Saturday. JUNE 1-2-3 22 on SHARE SAVINGS (-('I i-relit`'diVide i(l paid on minimum monthly balance) SAVINGS ARE LIFE INSURED ° Donnie dollar value payable to your beneficiary .,.P at'death. OUR CREDIT UNION is a fatuiily institution, 'Our Credit Uniol s owned by the families .who-' use it. It is, let concerned with`• commercial iuresttneiats•nor business interests but only the personal money needs of the families who be: login.. Our Credit Union is always more inter- ested in HELPING YOU and not in what it' can make on you.. - PERSONAL CHEQUING SERVICE 8 Cents per cheque. • No charge for over -tile -counter withdrawals on -t hese accounts. CHRISTMAS SAVINGS ACdOUNTS Paying 41A% on min. monthly balance. LOAN SERVICE TO MEMBERS �(htr limit is $2,500 to all`' one member. Such l.otuls are _fully -, insure.d :for,irorzr protectianin Yrle. event c f'permanent disability or cleatl. AT THE CREDIT UNION 'THERE ARE NO INVESTIGATION FEES, INSURANCE FEES, REGISTRATION FEES OR COMMISSIONS PAID TO ANYONE. , EDUCATIONAL LOANS The interest charged on these special loans is set at $3.25 per $106 per year. • PAY-DAY LOANS • Up to $25. A flat charge of 25 cents. Also insured at no extra Cost. 740 of your friends and neighbors are members WHY NOT YOU? WE WILL WELCOME YOUR ENQUIRY Y ' + ( lffit: r Ilours : ("losod• All (day Mondays. Open Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m. to '6 p.m. Friday Nights' 7.30 to 9 p.m. SATURDAY MORNINGS ONLY 10 to 1 p.m. Bedford Block - JA 4-7931 Yes, this your big opportunity to find out all there is to know about the positions available for qualified young men and women in the RCAF. Contact the; RCAF CAREER COUNSELL who is specially qualified to questions about training, rates of pay and other benefits in the RCAF