HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-14, Page 1{
Publisher and Proprietor
LlL. )IOKSt)N, B*rrister, Soli
s ;its, of 9nprome Court, Notary
1?u�._(10, lonvevsneer. Commissioner, &c
blot to Goan.
Otllcetn Vai non's Block. Forever
Barrister Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Ofilee over the Post Oiiaee.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers (&c,
t "'Money to Loan at :Lowest Rates o
U. v. again J. t I+I.IOT.
ttaix 1'AL.
I\i'w. C. 11 INGRA31,
Successor to H. L. Billings.
(':Member of the Royal College of Dental
Stitdeous.l Teeth inserter). with or withuut
Plate. in (WM or Itubl•er. . st,te Anreetbotio
given for the pitMese e'tracttouof teeth.
Plates seo:treal firstly in tiie mouth by
Yenta so' Patent Valve.
OFF10)51 : Over O'Nt id's Bank,
Diem/ every friday,
Funson's Block, linin-st. Exeter.
(extracts Teeth witbant
pain. Away et lieseALL on
drat Fri Arty; Craig, second
and fourth Tuesday: and
Zunten an the last Thurs-
day Sit gaol) mouth.
T W. 13t O1VNING U. D., M.
fel • F. 8, Graduate notoria Unlve ty.
Office and realdanac. Dom titan Lab( s-
tory. Exeter.
1111. RYNUi1IAN, coroner for .it,
County of Huron. Office, opp Atte
Carling Brett. atoro, Exotor.
O. Otlloe, Main St. Exeter, Ont.
Roaidence, honest recently occupied by P.
�v CUTTEN, M. D„ C. M.
A. t aduata Trinity University, Tor-
onto t Pet Prin. Med. school. Toronto ; Grad.
Am Inst., Craniology ; Member N. Y. Acad.
Anthropology; Member Col. P. 8,, Ont.-
nt-atlloe, Dasbwood. Ont.
Physician, Surgeon. etc. having spont the
winter of 1886-87 in New York, and wtnter of
1997-83to !rearm Austria.
Diseases of the
Eye glasses and Spootacles furnished for
both Naar and. Distant Vision.
Always at home. except on Fridays.
No. 185 Queen's Avenue,
London, Ontario.
• Auctioneer for Counties Huron and
Middlesex. Residence,1 mile south of Exeter.
P. 0.. Exeter.
J • caused Auotioneer Sales conducted
•4 in allparts. Satistactionguaranteed. Charges
moderate. Heusall P 0, Ont.
HENEY EILBER Licensed Auc-
tioneer or the Counties of Huron
and Middlesex . Sates conducted at mod-
erate rates. Office, at Post -office, Ored-
ton Ont.
D. AuotioneerandLandValuator. Orders
sent by mail to ray adlross, Bayfield P. 0.,
will receive prompt attention. Terms moder-
ate. D. H. PORTEtb, Auctioneer.
Tennent & Tennent
Graduates of the ontario Veterinary Col-
OFFICE : One iioor Booth of Town Hall,
percent, $25,000 Private Funds. Beet
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
A Grand Display ()ONDENSED NEWS
Can be seen by visiting the Show Rootn
of A. J. McTavish & Co, This stock is
very complete, and any lady thinking of
invessing in a new hat or bonnet, should
see through it Before she decides. Otte
great; inducement is the PRICES, which
are lower than any in the trade.
Ribbons, Feathers, and Flowers—all
go at these reduced prices ; an endless
Variety of shapes t:t choose from.
Provincial . Land Surveyor and Civil En-
QI1 memmt.
Office, Upstairs.Samwoll's Block, Exeter,Ont
You can get anything you wish
in this lints and from 25 to 50 per cont.
cheaper than the regular price,
6e, Dress Goods
20c. -
Special line of double -fold
to see thein -
Serges. Ask
In Mitehell the Meehaniee' Institute has
a membsn'bip of 151, and 2.193 volumes in
its library.
The new Stratford general hospital, was
opened Thursday to the presence of over
2.009 people.
4 twelve-year old daugther of Dr Harri-
son, of Nepa:va, \tau., for merly of St.
Marys, died last week.
Mr Enigut, a wealthy resident of Strat
ford. who went to Eiveraitle. Cal., last year
with his two danglitere, is dead.
Knox church, St Marys, recently destroy.
ed by fire wilt be erected at one'. consider-
eble of the material now being on the
Mise Richards, the Salvation Army oan-
tain, who had charge of the St Mary'+ coupe
for some time, died of typhoid fever on
Saturday. The remains were taken to
Toronto for interment. „
On Wednesday afternoon last as Mrs WVm
Sclater, of EastNissouri, was driving down
the west ward hill on Queen street. St,
Mery.e, the horse was frig itened by a dog
and ran away. She was thrown out, but
escaped with some bad bruises.
The Cromarty baseball club has been re.
organized with the following osiers elected :
Pres., John Barr; Captain, Robert White ;
Secy and Treas., Neil Gillespie; Managing
Committee, Simon Miller, Geo. Hamilton
They intend going to Mitchell to celebrate
the Queen's Birthday on May 25th.
A. meeting to re -organize the St Marys
cricket club was held at the National hotel
Friday evg. The following were' elected
officers for the ensuing year; Pres., G. H,
McIntyre; vice -Pres„ James Maxwell; Seo,
P. W. Guernsey; treas., T. D, Stanley ; ex.
ecutive committee, B.. A. L. White, James
Chalmers and W. C. Moaorip.
The assessor's roll just completed shows
the taxable property in the municipality to
be $1,248.715; non resident roll $2650 ;
total $1 251365. Number of scree, resident
roll. 2672.96 ; non resident do, 6 70 ; num-
ber of children 5 to 21 years of age, 980;
do, of school age from 7 to 13, 427; popnla
tion 3494. Number of steam boilers, 10.
Tht re were 33 births and ten deaths during
the year,
Overworked, broken down, pi ematnrely
aged men are those suffering from excesses
or indescretiona will find a certain cure in
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They supply the
.naterial necessary to enrich the blood,
build np the nerves and restore the shatter
ed system. Never tail. Sold by ail dealers
or sent on receipt of pride -50o. per box, or
five boxes for $2- by addressing the Dr
Williams Med Co, Brookville, Ont.
CAN ADA., Head Office, London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on buildings or
contents ,the most favorable protection in ease.
of loss or damage by fireorlightnino, at rotes
Upon -such liberal terms. that no otbes respect-
able company can afford to wreto. 42,375 poli:
otos inforeelstJan ,1830. Assets $378,428.00
in Dash in bank. Government dopost. Deben-
tures and Premium Notes• JAMES GRANT,
President ; D. C. Mo Dm:ALD,Managor • Devin
Jepuns, Agent for Exeter andvicinity.
Very Encouraging.
!from Various Sources Through
out the District..
On Tuesdav evg last theblackstnith shop
owned by Mr Hugh Cameron, Granton, baa
burned to the ground. Insurance= build-
ing, $100; on contents, 52(0.
Mr W, J, Brown has purchased the farm
of Ur Wnl Beggs, near Granton, at 560
per acre, Mr Beggs and family are about
to emigrate to try their fortune in the
(.Treat Lone (laud.
Not ono in twenty are free from some
little ailment eauaod by inaction of she
liver, U. o eerier'e Little Liver Pills. The
result will be a pleasant anrpriee. They
give poeitivo relief •
The infant dau <hter of Mr and 3ITrs IA.
Potter, of 91'eGillivray, recently met with a
serious ae»ident. which might have ended
fatally. She fell into a ve'•sel full of lie,
burning her face and hands severely,
On Friday last Detective Rider took a
trip to Berlin and arrested James Butler
there, The charge is ono of fradulant deal-
ing in pianos, the nature of which was so
fully .hown op by the Teem some weeks
ago, The prisoner hae been committed for
A. wan's wife should always be the same
eapeoially to her husband. but if she is weak
tend names, and uses Carter's Iron Pills,
she cannot be. for they make her "feel lake
a different person," so they all say, and
their ltnabande say so tool.
County Detective John A, Graham ap-
peared before Judge Elliot in Landon, Sat-
urday morning, charged by High Constable
Schram with irregularity in making out bio
amen is for the county auditors, graham
va;rmtarily consented to an order suspend-
ing him as county constable until the next
general seem*, an order of dismissal then
to bo made out,
Wm. 8. K. Bryant, aged 38 years, an
English laboring buy, nes committed for
trial Thuraday by Squires Jame Stanley
(Reeve) and Bernard Stanley, of Luoan, on
a charge of setting fire to George Raakett's
baro in the 5th con. of Biddulph. Mr
Haskett says he hired the boy for seven
months, but that after a time he became
dissatisfied with the 84 offered him, but
made no threats. On Tuuraday morning
he left Bryant in the tumble and on reaching
a field a few rods away looked bank
and saw emote, coming from the building
and Bryant running towards Loaan, The
stable and baro are under one roof, and both
were consumed,
From all parts comes the
good tidings that fall wheat
has passed through the chang•
ing periods of winter safely,
and that fully 95 per cent. of
last fall's sowing is now pre-
senting a very encouraging
growth and strength. For
many years it has not looked more
favorable and offering greater prom
ises to the tiller of the soil, and all
must feel an interest in the result;
and it is nevertheless true that the
undersigned has never placed be–
fore the needy public a larger
variety of goods, a better class of
goods and a better stock to select
from than at present : comprising
Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings,
Ladies' Dress Goods in all kinds
and shades needed ; also Ladies and
Gents' Fine Boots and Shoes ; also
children's. Groceries and Crockery,
Wall -paper and Cutlayy. Kindly
call and examine for yourselves.
Farm produce taken in exchange
for goods and prices paid for same
according to quality.
J P. CLA.IllJ(E. + Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
Wingham'a population according to As-
sessor Youhill is 2,560:
Henry Sobilbe died of consumption in
Hay tp. ]Oat week, aged 95.
Donaldson and Perdue have moved their
sawmill at Goderich to the Bauble line,
Mins Lizzie Gibson, second daughter of
Postmaster Dickson, Seafortb, died last
week of consumption, aged 19.
Kippen aleth. circuit is prospering, and
will pay $700 to $750 on salary account nee
year, thus making it a first class country
Winghane Salvation Army barracks will
cost $1,000. They were opened last week,
with $500 colleeted, and an additional 578
was raised.
The stables belonging to Dr McDonald,
M.Y. at Wingham, were destroyed by fire
on Tuesday night. The horses were saved.
The buildings were evidently set on fire.
Messrs Ransford, Clinton, last week sold
38 head of young cattle, the total weight of
which was 55,210 pounds, or an average of
1,450 pounds each, Several of them went.
individually, as high as 6,000 pounds.
Rev. Dr, Ure has been presented by the
Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyterian church,
Goderich, with a family phaeton, the fineat
conveyance in the town and the most com-
fortable for siding.
The two men arrested at Listowel on
Wednesday on suspicion of being the Brus-
sels Post Office burglars, Wm. Hendricks
and Louis Smith, alias "The Kid" have
been committed for trial.
In the House of Commons Monday night
in answer to Mr Lister, Mr Tupper said
ninr pound nets were licensed in the year
1885 beiween Goderich and Blue Point,
none of them were double or treble headers,
and that no nete had been licensed in 1891.
IN BED OUT OF BED --If there is any pain
more exornaiating than sciatica, 1t is yet to
be found, and such must have been the
eeperrenoe of Mr D 0 Simons, who writes
from Lowville, N. Y., U. S. A. , February
2, 3889, and says: "I suffered six months
with sciatica in the hip; was oonfined to
bed three months, used crutches six weeks
I used three bottles of St Jacobs Oil and
was cnred. Have bad no return of pain in
four years.
A meeting of representatives from neigh-
boring towns was held at the Hicks house,
Mitchell, on Tuesday last to arrange for the
annual Bummer races. An organization
was formed to be known as the "Lake
Huron Trotting Circuit," with T. 8 Ford,
Mitchell, President; E. Coleman, Seaforth,
Vice -President; W. Martyn, Mitchell, Seoy.
The meets will be held as follows : Han-
over, Aug. 12th and 13111; Herriaton, 18th;
Brussels, 21st; Goderioh, 25th and 26th;
Clinton,28th; Seafortb, Sept. lst; Mitchell
Sept; 4th. After the transaction of some
other business, meeting adjourned to meet
again at the Arlington hotel, Llstowell, at
11 a. m. July 2nd.
A Kirkton correspondent says : "What
might have resulted in a serious acoidont
happened on Monday Last. Whilst Mr Jas.
Richardson, of Exeter, was engaged taking
off a bagful of wheat from his wagon at the
entrance to Mr A. Ross' farm his team be
same frightened and started to bolt, and
flintily ran away, upsetting two boxes of eggs
and a quantity of butter."
Thum -The foot ball club has been re-
organized under the old name of "The
Deut-ehlanders." They intend to play a
match with Crediton on the 2Sth.-Ttiere
was no school on Thursday lett, it being
Aeceuslon Day. There were services in all
the churehi s. -Quite a number of people
from this vicinity attended the funeral of
Mrs H. Phite on Thursday la -t„ -Mr Sol.
(lardy is building a new brink kitchen at
the rear Obis re.idenee.---:tlr Snell, Dash.
wand, paid the village a flying visit Monday
-F-Ilneiness is dull in the village et present,
the prineipal acenpatiena being croquet and
house cleaning.;
Beiers.• Tho annual • meeting of the
Winghaai Pi trtet Meth. ohurah will be
held at Blyth on Wednesday and Thuradee,
20th and 21st i,nst. On the evening of the
20th a publio meeting will be held, when
addraasea will be given on the (life rent
nationalities : Rev, Mr Scott, of Wingtiam.
on "England"; Rev. Mr. MoLaehlan, of
Wroxeter, on "Scotland" ; Rev, Mr God-
frey. of I3elgrave, on "Ireland"• and Rev.
Mt Walwin, of BIu.'vale, on "binada."---
Au""At fIomee" under the auspices of the
Epworth League of the Meth, church, here,
was given ;on Tuesday evg. There was a
very largeatteudnuce, and all enjoyed them
selves immensely.
(Too late for last week.)
BAIT:Fs-Moat of the farrnersaround hero
finished seeding last week. -Fail wheat is
looking better than it has for years. -A
large amauut 01 spring wheat has been
sown, -Tile weekly eattago prayer meetings
are well attended, --Mr Wru. Duncan is laid
up with Malaria fever. -The friends of Mr
Ed. Cornish n ill be pleased to bear that he
is mending, although slowly. -Mr T. Leary
of St Marys secured a pnotograph of servo
40 ohildren et the school teat week. -As
the young mon from hero were returning
home from Kirkton E. ohurah an a recent
Sunday evg., they claim to have enuounter-
ed some ghosts, which gave them a very
severs shook canning them to leave the
dreaded spot hurriedly. What seems to be
the strangest thing is that the ghosts were
Meek instead of white. The young men
avow that they will not go to Kirkten after
night without some ono to accompany them
or that famous yellow dog at the corner.
Poplar Hill.
ScuooL REPORT. -Following is the list of
successful pupils for 8 S No 5 at the recent
examinations :-To 5th olase, Adelaide
Parkinson ; to senior 4th, Flo Parkinson,
Nelson Gunning, Win White ; to senior 3rd
Almeda Gunning, Geo Parkinson, Annie
Fulton and Minnie Belyea. One of the ans
wore to "Name the Leaders of the two poli.
tical parties of Canada,' was, John A. and
Jimmy Trow.
BRIEFV-Tiring of the monotony of farm
life your correspondent the other day set
sail for the town of Granton, on sight -see.
ing intent. Passing down the sidewalk we
were met by a burly desperado who a few
days before had invaded the town and had
since been engaged in painting it red. He
instantly informed us (net in very polite
language) that if we said 'buff' that we
should be laid out and left for the horny
beaked raven to rend. Our first impulse
was to say what pleased us in spite of creat-
ion, and unflinchingly we mat leis cyclone -
like wrath. The next thought was, 'what
will Poplar Hill do without its correspond-
ent. This seemed so to stop our temper
that, crestfallen, we made an inglorious re-
treat, dodging Into Murray's store, thence
into the bank yard (on pretence of seeing 13 is
fast Bolt) and thus escaping we departed
from their coasts. -There are at present
several cases of scarlet fever in Gran ton,one
case proving fatal. -Mrs D Johnson who
has been sick for some time past, is not ex-
pected to recover, and can only last for 2 or
3 days.
Meter= Reeonr-The following is the
April report of tt.e pupils of 8.8 N'r2 Uay.
The names are in order of merit :-Sixth-
C. H Russel, James 1f. Creetpiloll, Alfred
McTaggart. Fifth -Willie Murray. Fourth
-Cecil A Ross, David Smith Kate Chap-
man. Third-Ralpn Chapman, Beatrice
Warren, Maud Rnsseil and Nellie O'Brien.
equal, Sr. second -James Slitrray, Nellie
North -sett, Nellie G,iuld. Jr second --J rim
Todd, Willie Warren, (leakier Nestles rtt,
Second Part -Flare Northcott, Milton Rus-
aell,Mr•lvin Gonl 1. First pt -Eddie O'Brien
Rachael Beale, Willie Dimon,
Baiars.-13nainess has been dull iu town
this week. --Ed. Bossenberry lase entered
his eh colt fen the Loudon races. She is
a fleet beast and we wee expect to hear a
good accnnnt oilier. -Wm tf Waugh, wife
and family will leave Thursday for the
State of Remote, where Mr Waugh will go
into the hardware business, We wish him-
self and fam,•v a safe journey and all pros-
perity, -A con 'iner meet of the Hensall
Driving Park Association will likely take
piece -Messrs yfaearthnr it Co have bad
their back male burglar-proof by the rel-
dition of iron slay tore and <luore. It woul.l
be almost impossible for burglars to effect
an entrance in one night,
Bnnrrs.-Barrister Hays, of Seaforth was
in town last week. -Maitland cemetery had
two interments during the peat month. --
The High School Literary Society held an
open meeting last Friday evening. -The
schooner "Greyhound" with a cargo of salt
sailed for Wiarton on Saturday. -Tho
Beatty steamer "Monarch" was in port on
Wednesday, and the "United Empire" ou
Saturday. Each vessel had considerable
freight for Port Arthur. -The sobooner
"Mary" sailed northeard,light, on Thure-
d*y.-Our builders neem to be pretty busy
this season, on the numerous new buildings
now going up -A boy about 14 years old
fell into the harbor one day last week For-
ortunately he was a good swimmer, hence a
ducking was the only result. -A town band
will soon be one of our boons, if the ener-
getic committee that has the matter in hand
receives sufficient support from our towns-
men. -Rev. J. B. Hatton, who has been
so successful a pastor of the Victoria street
Methodist church, has been regneated by
the Official Board to remain another year
-The spring Chancery Court, Mr. ,Tuetice
Robertson, presiding, opened here on Mon-
day. -L. 0. L No. 182, had a special in-
struction meeting on Tuesday evening. -
Herring fishing now affords both pleasure
and profit to our local rod wielders. --R. H.
Collins, barrister, of Exeter, was in town on
Saturday. -The steamer "City of Windsor"
was at Lee's dock on Monday loading freight
for the fishing etatione.-The schooner
"Gephie," of this port, ran on shore when
trying to enter Kincardine harbor last week
The mishap occurred through the vessel
striking a shoal, but as she was ort a sand
bank she was released in two days, having
suffered but little damage beyond breaking
her jib boom, the result of striking .the pier
as she swung round.
sia, It is said be was driven and is kept
away by the use of Imperial Cream Tartar
Baking Powder. Sold by all Grooers.
Saturday morning, shortly after six
o'clock, Constable Bulmer. of Listowel, with
Chiefs Wheatly and Paisley, attempted to
arrest a young man for burglary committed
is Ilarriston. Being traced to Clintou, ire
was found at the Commercial Rotel in Itis
room. He was entered to coma out, but
refused, and fired with hie revolver through
the door. Flo locked the door and mads a
feint to escape by way of the window Upon
doing so all bands rushed out to intercept
theta, except constable Buttner, who re-
mained in the hallway. flee man rushed
out, and was grasped firmly by Bulmor,botit
drawing revolvers. The ballet struck a rib,
and running round saved hie life. Tha
wound is not dangerous. In the excitement,
the burglar eseap0el to a bush Routh of the
town. Every effort to being made to catch
the fugitive, who is evidently making his
way to Detroit, from whence he is supposed
to leave hailed.
BnIEFa -Mr James Rina, formerly of
Blaushard, died at his residence in MoKil-
lop on Sunday last. Several relatives from
the vicinity of Kirkton attended the funeral
which took place'on Tuesday. -The con -
gr egation of St Paul's church intend holding
a garden party on Friday, 22nd inst., at
the residence of 1Ir Win Robinson, the
proeceda to defray the expenses of the new
hell which will shortly arrive. -Mr H.
Steele has secured a situation in Toronto
and will leave for that city in a few days. -
Mrs Patterson, of St. Marys, is the guest of
her daughter, Mrs Wm. Atkinson. -The
Kirkton creamery is again in full blast, un-
der the supervision of Mr James Rose. The
proprietor, Mr John Hannah, of Seafortb,
is an energetic aid pushing business man,
and is thordughly deserving of the increased
patronage he is receiving every year. -Miss
Eliza Smith returned to Hamilton on Fri-
day last after a few weeks' visit to her
parents. -The frame work of Mr John
Doupe's house is nearing completion at the
hands of the carpenter, Mr Jno, Somerville.
-Mrs John Callender, who went to Park-
ersburg, W Virginia, some lweeks since on
account of the serious illness of her eon,
William, of that place, ;is expected hom'•
shortly. The young man who was well
w baa just enjoin
known thin vicinity and l enjoying
the prime of life, died a few days after the
arrival of his mother. He leaves a wife and
infant child to mourn his loss. The aged
parents have the sympathy of the entire
community in their sad bereavement.
We have just received a
shipment of lovely Tweeds
for Spring and Summer Suit-
ings and fancy Pantings.
They are really the finest and
most perfect lot we have ever
hrtd the pleasure of showing.
The prices are lower than.
ever. We will be pleased to
show these goods to anyone,
regardless w h ether they wish
to buy or not..
NOTE :-A large consignment of Felt
and Straw .Fiats just in, which to
see is to adlnire. Prices
d. P. ROSS.
Butsra.--B.'rn, ou tiro Bait lust, the wife
of Mr Spearman co, britt. of aeon, -Twenty
two joined 1110 K'tighte here last Thursday
evg. Tne Officers of Parkhill Tent omen-
ized and instructed the new members in
the mysteries of the Order. They had the
use of the orange hall for the evening, and
inc 10 hold at:ottl,'r meeting mot Monday,
May 1811*, when they expect to complete
their list of officers and decide where they
shall held their meetings in the future. -
Adolph Deajardine'o youutgest child fell into
a tub of but water last Saturday and scald-
ed both arms up to the elbow. -Wm Hick-
ey had another deep well bored and suc-
ceeded in getting find clear watet whioh
rises within about three feet of its top.
BRIEFS -The choir of the Thames Road
Presbyterian Church failing to secure Miss
Agnes Knox, B.E., for the 25th of 11Iay,
have engaged her for the evening of the
19th, to give one of her first class eloou-
tionar•y entertainments. The program will
be into rsp r e I with selections b tie Hewer
male quartette. This entertainment will be
first class and all should go. -Mr John
Cottle lost a valuable mare last week, from
paralysis -In two days last week, Mr Paul
Madge sold three challenge wind mills.
He has also been quite successful this year
with Provan's Iron Track Carrier, Fork and
Slings, having sold and erected already this
year over one hundred and forty Iron
The following Is a report of S. S. No. 3,
Usborne. This report gives the pee ventage
of the marks obtained by the pupils at the
examinations held during the month of
April Those in the er. second were pro-
moted from the jr. second, and those in the
jr second from part II, and those in part
II from part I. Class at the 13th of April.
Tha names of those whose marks are not
given are recorded in order of merit, some
not being at sohool on examination day.
IV class -Nettie Shier, 54.
Sr III -Hester Switzer, 75 ; Janet Bal-
lantyne, 60; Thomas McOlocklin, 60 ; Ella
Clarke, 53, Nora Fletcher, 29; Wm Ballan-
tyne; Della Clarke; Ernest Doupe.
Jr III-- Luoy Doupe, 76.
Sr II -Eddie Clarke, 76• Fred Marshall,
72; Maude Fletcher. 64; Edna Marshal1,60;
Arthur Gardiner, 60; Alice Gourley, 54;
Fred Carr, 48; Jas Pringle, 48; David Clarke
Lewis Fletcher.
Jr II -Thos Ballantyne, 80; Arthur Dun-
can, 77; Everett Doupe, 70; Alex Duncan,
68; Albert MoOlocklin.
Part II -Edwin Gardiner, 87; Ira Mar-
shall, 80; Arnold Harris, 75.
Part I -Nelson Clarke, Garnet Fletcher,
Laura Marshall, Mary McCurdy, Robbie
Duncan, Chas Carr, Maggie Ballantyne,
Trueman Fletcher, }Alvan Donpe, Annie
Pringle, Milton Clarke.
Number at pupils cn the roll 39; average
attendance for the month, 28.
ROBT. HICHs, Teacher.
Biddulph' Council.
The ooanuil met pursuant to adjournment
in their new eonueil chamber, Luoan, all
members being present.
The following accounts were ordered to
be paid: -AAT Hudson, table and chairs for
new oounoil chamber $10; J Cooper, draw-
ing lumber and poste, div 2, 53 50; W
Hodgins, do, $3; R Cooper, snap fence, gra-
vel road, $1; R Guest, do, 51; 7 Hodgins,
do, $1; F Kent, do, $1; W Atkinson, box
culvert, div 2, ,Sl; F Atkinson, drawing
plank, div 2, 50e. E Davis, culvert, div 3,
$2 25; J Ryan, ditch, div 3, 52 25; W
Plaskett, rep bridge, div 3.50o; T Hodgins,
rep oulvt, div 3, 50o; W 131atohford, rep St
Marys gravel road. $1; (r Laoeyford, rep
oulvt, do, $3 50; Bayley & Bayley, bill of
costs in the purchase of the S A. barracks,
$17 84; J Fox, purchase money of barracks
for town hall, $350; W Whelihan, rep road
and oulvt, div 4, 500; P McGee, rep approach
to bridge, N B, $1,
W. D Stanley was instrneted to represent
the township in the Ryder vs Dorsey ditch.
The Court of Revision was appointed to
be held in the tp council chamber on Mon-
day, Jane let. 1891,
A. large deputation of the council and
leading citizens of the village of Luoan
waited on the council and gave them a
hearty welcome to their village, oongratulat
ing them on their fine new hall, and ex-
pressing the hope that the present cordial
relations between the respective municipali-
ties may always exist. The reeve and
council replied happily.
The council adjourned to meet In the
new oounoil chamber, Lucas, on Monday,
June 1st next las 9 a.m.
W. D. STANLEY, Clerk.
GENTLESIEN,-I take pleasure in giving
my testimony to your well known ,1IN-
ARD'S LINIMENT, as I feel that it saved
my life. In the winter of 1887 I was at
tanked by a severe pain in my left side
caused by a tall from a building during the
previous summer. I got relief every time
it was bathed with the MINARD'S LINI
MENT and eventualy cured by the 'fuse of
a few bottles. This liniment has made
some wonderful cures.
Sheffield, N B. THomrAS WAsSON.
Exeter Municipal Council.
The Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment on May Gth. All present except Mr
Ross. The minutes of previous- meeting
were read and confirmed.
Orders were granted for the following
sums, viz :-H. Spackman, $3.49 for ease,
nails, etc.; Jas. Creech, $2 charity to Mrs
McIntosh ; do., 51 50 to Mrs. McIntyre -,do., $1 to Mrs. Wilcox ; the clerk $25 pt
salary and Al Bissett $10 street watering.
Revision of .Assessment roll for 1891 on
Tuesday, 26th May, at 8 o'clock, p, m, at
the town hall.
A culvert to be put in at Jas. Goulcl's.
Assessment for street watering 7o per
foot frontage.
Council adjourned until after the Court
of Revision on the 26th May.
The 'Board met by order of the reeve on
Meer 7th. All present.
The Reeve stated the object of calling
the meeting, viz -To take steps to prevent
the recurrence of fires in the village which
of late have been of frequent occurrence.
It was agreed to offer $100 reward to
any person giving information that will
lead to the conviction of the guiltyparties.
The clerk to order cedar at once.
Adjournment as above.
Thin and impure blood is made rich and
healthful by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla.
It curea scrofula, salt rheum, all blood dis
or dere.