HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-7, Page 8fNauuratG'L^
'd THE
i'ANX. of Toronto; alae for the Pr aENI x
England. the ROY+IIal.il.NAD1A:t, of A(on-
tieal. avd tine O;T'1'ABIO !tt€. 1' CAI. LWJ
ASsi.MASCb,OO'Yof Waterlooeetabiished
1370.:taeuran resinfarce, 313.12.:1': D. 1i•onuses
vevery year after 3rd year.
Visit the Mart
Birthday e WEDPI ZG . Parting
Gills GIFTS. Gare
to tell you.
L 3 : 1 , l' I L LI: �, +e ve ral new awnin s leave leen erected
in front of some of the stores during the
, past few weeks.
The. S3erameut of the Lord's Supper
%vete tale eirdetered iu the Methodist eburuhea
ca Sunday lair.
Messrs Perkins et: Martin wish your at
enat.e n fir a fear eatienetats to their a:ivt. in
mother erotismn.
Al. Bissett hes reeeived the contract fun
teetering the streets of Exeter for the
e teesen et S3,1S0 per day.
Exner Fire', t'o.mpatitra hese t:eetisvtlan
it a itetion to Lettered the totntreemen;. at..:
*e.afmarth 4aa .tone With.
We were: f evmre l %vittt e li;;!:t fall of
snow Mt?sal.y teeming. and on Tuesday'
n. ria aE with ah •%t
it I.t•atiaorrir. is pine -leasing aevrral ,bee
ravdeter hr's, weer et tie inttu,is shortly
to the 11 t,
. t
' The anuuat meeting of the Beard t f
Traele was hell in the town had last evg.
Gl tee
it P}r, ,a u fi f epi sera t It €Da; -e:.
Rev Collie Fletvher nt•eupitsd the pulpit
be the Preshvteii*n chtirch ou uy b,.
' T;•1; Mr Martin (4•i;sinnr, Etat Mr Flat.•hcr
i't.r truulas, valises and satetae"s, eall at
J. le Ciee kr's. *fly bleier the goods
"awl vete pri4es, ants stall hitt'''. pleasseal
S..111 44:14.
Today (Thursday) isAsee'aiolt Day.
The rattle of the lawn mower is again:
The license commissioners have ordered
that all bars be closed at 11 p.m.
12 yards o£ beautiful plaid dress goods
for $L 00 at the Big Baukrupt Store,
The elocutionary entertainment en Fri:.
clay evg., gives promise of being a success.
Overcoats add fere were brought into
requieitiou dnringthe forepart of this week.
Mr. Bolder bas purehaeed the property
north of the town Mall. et s1r T. Pecaraog.
Read Messrs Johns . Bissau's change of
'udvt' in this issue. They have good news
Newcpcat era
:, tAaAlArr,y
l�ll4 i�^
Ing TWINIS, wall!
l B'ts:i raper
S o
French Kid
i"4 a tb11t); of I>>efilJlh 4t atx"144 nu;11n4.L 1'tl:rlke*.
Flutists School Board Minutes. -
Meeting held in the town hall 4th inst.,
at 8 p.m. All present, The following
items were duly passed:—Minutes of pre-
vious meeting; per A. G Dyer and W.
Treble, the following acconuts ; Bennet
Co., $18. VV. Folland. tin workr,ete.5.3:2O,
Ross & Taylor, desks, $9, E. 1t'oliiek, sun
dries.83.88, Dr Browning,chemicala $8.85;
Per Dr Lutz and A. G Dye:, repott of root
comwittee, and the chairman, W, -Hoskin
and W. Treble to be a cam to supervise re -
shingling of roaf ; Reports and ,discharge
of Furnishings corn; deport of deputation
app3irited ea wait on parents of pupils
charged with m&sdeeneenor. Per Dr Lutz,
adjournment .J. GRlato.Secy.
Exeter Mu cipa1 Council.
The council met pnrsnant to adjourn
uacaatat the twee mall. Exeter, 29th April,
4$91. .ill present. Minutes of ptevsous
eneeting read mud approved.
13iseett— Rosa - dant orders be granted
fa,r the following sonans. vie,, W 1H Parsons
1 tee regi p,* tire engine; alae Creech. $81,
par s,a%,Ary; .lo, `I *-:i, oteees to, t 441131)3;Jue P rs0a3, $a SS labor; Alex Taylor,
$1 S3, d' 11' Fol'l arse$ $T,. S4, do; C Potter
:� +, %Hat; .� ;\ Si illiau4s, ke; SS. do; Jen
nesse, r, el:. ib' J 1Z' hitt. Set :y1. do; C ;.
Wallaanta $2 33, ado do; (i
`M. ale;. .hen :flatlet $1 f,(1 do; tY
nabs. wt er; do; win Horn, 2 (lilt do;
%q ren i'hatr. ti u0- do; t;ek. Daw. 1 ttli,do;
J l''eL, ale, do; T Dell. de; des t'reeele
'e ,,
d t' 0 1 'w
I ilia rt t tt, Melee rt.�(`arr
1 t t !.
y )
s Bisectt- Christ it -that the order grants,
a.t n so to a
a l ton 1 inuenp It a L 1 tin tor tether Ie ,
eatciDltri on af error insta %
encu .
ar Heal.
Tenders for tanks were rtceivi:41 from
E'.rrete, 'Thus Mew 1)t' r 4' Howard
[inti J4;014141. mud exan,ined,�
Ilissett -Carling—thet Thos itorne's ten-
der. 8..n
3 eat•Ii for 4 tanks beiteg the lowest,
be cepte L.-Catried,
A Iait sett'e tender for st•eetwetering. €.3
per dev, was accew•etl on motion of i•:
Christie and P A Ross, on eset,ditions r,f
aterirg lei i ; dents as u,t;; .ty ewer van
;- a-; tta.1 thra#. es .scan ,t a a-lt:,1t to Lt" ee pru,:tartrl fame* the mill t,rxirr,
to sic.• fn the ineatiol rat v et tee :enl;lieau a ,sepueatiou from the Petard of Tr00
cv:,t L+aa
th-Se,[tt, �. t a.it Rev. ?dr 1't't tin-- n t4a"i�:e-i her the, ai5:5.ut that+ t4, Nu 12..:;11 ton hull
#•:A "t Thom. Me: le, ka „tech wee t.rc chow tweet • Zitnn+ tIe➢rin• th4,
oes to t,rti* L:4tpt g itt at anal-tit:at ollStOrucrs am mower- .rented
(rep:. e their teethe- e.tti•feettt,sn ire Letts inti `!fist 1;,;A•tr,l anf 'Trs41e waited stn thec:atan
tits. rna teas cul rau ts.tttetgram•ral fira;e,t:rits 4 it ie [a 1,4,4.. an 1 urgete the ruunril to re.
' i la w:ns:t Iup,.t.-,,r 19.a14•naZ'n:at was i
, .ZZai '?
i t...-1 tk, t .i, i 0
on tie market.
1311 .XTY,
Unite to coini)Ia-l: t1 then].
Bankrupt t bto il- Dealer. Exeter
-+_THUReDAY, MAY 7th, 1SOI.
1lessrs. Freels Anderson and George
i aerett left un Monday for 'Iilsonitteres to
work in a carriage sleep in that place.—
Mr John Darling has returned from Bay
City and has been engaged as elerk in
IW. Pickard et: Son's share.—Messrs TT.
Tnge.= anal I'. Bowers, of t'lint'.n, spent
cluntlay in town.—Mr Louis Towers and
gamily have gone to Brussels to reside.
Dr sweet left for Chicago on Monday.—
T A Pepe visited St Thomas ; nnday.—i•:
Menem -the returned to town on :Monday
to assist his brother surveying this sane-
seer.—.1. r.—.t Bishop, M P P, returners from
Toronto on Saturday.
The registration report of births, mar-
Tiagee and deaths for I.90, has just been
iasuerl,and the following fats are gathered
from its pages: --The total deaths in Heron
-daring that year was 620, being 7.3 per
cent of the population, being less than in
any other county in the province. The
total number of births in Huron in the
same year was 1453, 729 being male child-
ren end 724 female, and 4 pair of twins
Mere children were born in October than
any other month during the year. There
were 802 persons married in Huron that
year, 277 being Presbyterians, 273 Metho•
.lists, 136 Episcopalians, with decreasing
numbers of other denominations; 57 of
these marriages took place in December,
47 in January, and only ten in the month
of August. The total deaths in Huron for
the year were 620 ; 306 being males and
314 females.
Arbor Day
Fe iday last was Arbor Day throughout
the province. In Exeter there was very
little done in the way to beautifying ; in
-the rural districts, however, the day was
wetter observed. There are few who know
the real history of Arbor Day. This day
was first observed in Nebraska in the
spring of 1872, and the ides- was first
:brought up at a meeting of the Nebraska
Board of Agriculture in connection with
-the State Legislature by 'Hon J, Sterling
Morton, of Nebraska City, who was the
state representative of Otoe county at a
meeting of the State Legislature held in
Lincoln the year before -1871. Since then
the idea has been adopted by all the States
an the Union, has been copied in Canada,
an seven in some parts of Europe, the
planting of trees receives much attention.
The originator of the. idea, Mr , Morton,
3.ivee amid his much loved shrubs, plants,
and flowers at 'Arbor Lodge,' his splendid
country home in Otoe county, Nebraska,
and yearly his friends who recognize his
-work regatrding the preservation of the
forests, annually hold an .Arbor Day cele..
:bration in his honor. His life is a happy
one, having around him in his beautiful
Thome many evidences of his handiwork in
the planting and growing of trees, shrubs,
and flowers and they all, the artistic group.
ung of great avenues of maples, the myriad
ranges of 'many hued flowers, the great
feeds of rare shrubs and plants, give him
pleasure, the like of which nothing else
can afford.
The Presbytery ofo x will meet in
Caren Presbyterian 'church next, Tuesday,
et 10.30 a.m. The sessions are open to the
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
town ora Trieste:tee ah- h eriug Haute tl
-i--r veneiurs the n% t .sari peprrs privi -
6' ti:e^ue t,4 rvll spirituous C;gnr,re.
I' c < 14r t4 the Weer ,r hall guttate of
".% .i ",,3r• Iiao s n. inasulva^nt, at Woanelleem.
re r[ heti roues $7f'. It is conceded that the
ere Mutters will get a very small dividend.
1'iar re, nr,l a,f last wee:tehnwe the largest
5.41r "f pinta and s;ateeus at el P. C3arhe'n
-ir r our last reminder. New rlssl;;ae have
ekauae to hand. Fume and see them, tidies.
The new pope organ for the %inset.
"desk eleterele so Mag expected has at legit
arrived and is beintr erected in the eha'eh.
It will. he (ocular). opened In sa few days.
The premises on Andrew street, lately
owners by 11205, Cave, embracing house
awi several lots of land, was sold under
me4rtgage on Tuesday to Oleo. Manson, for
A base hall match was recently played
between the Ushorne public school scholars
anti the seholaes in \u, :. Hay school, re-
sulting ire a victory for the latter. Score,
17 to I9.
Wm Drew, the other day, received from
Los Angeles a number of oranges taken
from trees on the orange grove of his de
ceased son, Alfred. They are a splendid
Prof Scott will open his singing class in
Exeter this Thursday night. Tie has
already secured a. lame class, and othere
wishing to joie will please•attend this evg.
at 8 o'clock.
The creditors of G. A. Hyndman, in
solvent, Exeter, would not ataeept his offer
to compromise at 13 cents on the dollar,
and the stock will be sold on to
highest bidder. the
James Hanham of Stephen, has pnrchas-
ed Cunningham's hotel at Shipka and will
take possession shortly. Mr Cunningham
intends moving onto a farm and following
that occupation.
Exeter as we bare repeatedly said is all
right and we doubt if a place of its size in
Ontario has fewer vacant houses. The
census enumerators and searchers say they
are mighty scarce.
Ladies! before purchasing swiss and
lawn skirtings and embroideries just step
in and see those shown by J. P. Clarke.
You will find it to your advantage ; more
new patterns coming.
Never judge a dean by his appearance.
A shabby coat may contain an editor,while
the man wearing ahigh-toned plug hat and
supporting a dude cane may be one of his
delinquent subscribers.
T. Fitton last week purchased of John
Welsh his property of some ten acres situ-
ated at the lower end of the village. Mr.
Fitton will erect a handsome residence
thereon at an early date.
Saturday last was the opening day for
the cash tnarket, for this season. The at-
tendance was good, which demonstrates
the fact that the market will this year be
a greater success than ever.
The representative of the Ball Electric
Light Company was in town last week
making a final attempt to introduce the
Co's system into Exeter. We have not
learned the result of his visit,.
W. H. Harvey, of Exeter, who has been
attending the Ontario Ag'1 College for some
time, passed the Easter examinations of
that college quite creditably, ranking well
in all subjects. Accept our congratula-
A circular was read in the Anglican
church Sunday announcing that special
collections would be taken throughout the
ecclesiastical province next Sunday in aid
of the domestic missions—Algoma and the
The entertainment given by Prof. Scott
on Monday evg. was largely attended.
The professor sang several selections in his
best style, which were highly appreciated
by the audience, judging from the many
plaudits given. -
Only one hotel in the township of Us -
borne has been granted a license, while in
the township of Stephen there are nine.
Is it because the Stephenites drink niore
t an their neighbors across the line that
this state of things exists ?.
Last week Mr Ed, Maguire sold his
Royal George carriage stallion,, "Black
Warrior," to Messrs T Hodgins& Hariton
of- Luean, for °a good sum "Black
Warrior's route will be changed somewhat,
from the original calculation&
esausi.k'r the vets of the 9.02 113011 offering for
Memel ;•441s full eecopens-eticon for #ha,
l'taiL,pingen tie butter aund tees nmarket.•--
g t aerie t.tl:ett.
f, s sett -Christ t -a -that this eouneil atl�
ntras for (tate week—Celiard•
M.li 1a-; ; Tr: ('1v k,
- ,..
The minuet meeting of the Exeter Met
eltanies' Institute was held on Slender erg
There was a very large ettendaanee of mens
bore, anti match interest was mauifest; d.
1 he !'resident oerupied the chair.
After roatiae i nsiness, and tteeepting
alto resi) uatiun of Fred. W. Collins, as
srererery, the election of otll,'ers took OM
as fol owe .Ree Robinson, pres.; .L R
meCallem sate-pres.; i) JohnQs, treas • 1'
A Browu, see'y ; Capt Kemp. librarian ;
directors ; Rev Martin, 1! D. Weekes,
T li McCallum, J Taylor, I)r Lutz, A G
Dyer, Dr Rollins, R Slide and G K McLeo[1
The Treasurer submitted his annual fin -
uncial etutement which showed total re-
eeipts antunnting to $32.1.32 and disburse•
meets to the sum of $134.V3, thus leaving
a deficit of 511.73
The Librarian read his report for the
year of the rnmrer of books taken out,
which, compared with former years, shows
that the library is gaining materially in
favor, and that while the citizens of Exeter
are becoming year by year a greater- rend
ing class the record shows that the quality
of literature is decidedly on the upward
tendency. The figures following will be of
interest --
ISS8 1389 1890
Biography 45 55 78
Fiction 1250 13''0 1352
History 51 102 171
Miscellaneous 533 526 40.4
Literature 25 25 38
Poetry 27 .30 39
Religion 47 64 115
Science 27 63 105
Voyages and Travels 353 666 844
Works of reference — 3 24
Totals 2389 2854 3172
The total number of volumes in the
Library is 2231), and the membership
es 103.
The librarian, Capt. Geo, hemp is to
be commanded for the manner in which he
has conducted to the affairs of the lnsti•
tute during the year, but more especially
for Ms efforts in influencing the unripe
mind in their selection of the better classes
of literature
Mr Collins the retiring secretary was
tendered 520 for his services of four years.
Gentlemen wishing t get a good hat in
soft or hard, at half the market price,call
at J. P Clarke's this week. You will find
it to your advantage.
On Monday Mr Jos. Bewden's horse ran
away from him on William streee. He
was returning home from plowing and the
rattle of the implements in ;the wagon no
doubt frightened the beast. The wagon
was considerably wrecked, but no further
injury resulted.
One day last week Mr. Robert Sweet's
horse, which was tied in front of P.
Frayne's harness shop, taking fright at the
watering cart, ran away, After "doing"
the town it finally reached Mr. Sweet's
farm on the Lake road, with a badly
Iv reeked buggy: .
The Ontario Express Co: did not com-
mence operations on May 1st. The G. T.
R. refused the Co. running privileges over.
that road. The Express Co claim they
can compel the railway Co. to accede, and
until this question is settled the Ontario
Express Co. will not eperate.
The Superintendent of this Division of
the Grand Trunk Railway has. issued a
circular requesting agents to take very
determined action against allowing boys
about the cars, yards, or promises, .and to
warn the parents that legal proceedings
will be taken against their children.
Prof. rMounteer, the elocutionist, who,
with his class, is to rtive an entertainment
on Friday evening, gave a similar enter-
tainment in Clinton last week. The papers
of that town described the entertainment
as the best ever given in Clinton. The
proceeds amounted to 650, which were
distributed among the poor of the town.
Mrs and Mrs. Thomas Seldom, Ingersoll,
Ont., accompanied by Mr and Mrs Lander
of Toronto, left Brandon last night on their
way to the Pacific ; they go thrcugh Cali-
fornia and Mexico making a tour of the
principal places in the States and they ex"
pest to return to their homes about June
lat.—Brandon (Man) Sun.
•Novelties in Dress Trimmings
Wave Just Gpened, up a Tidefill,CIM 00ITSIONACICIVT 4
Black and Colored Dress Trimmings
Among which will be found the latest American ideas. These are
soar•^ce and Desirable C Goods.
CALL AND SEE ! I :L,.. - -
The fire alarm was sounded Werlaesday
a tabout_t' rcalling
m teat two Q !
t ee k out the
citizens to the burning of an old table an
the Browsing property, Huron at , which
was tiredhsoma one welshing fireg
to perpetrate
o juke on the eleeping public. Wherein
the joke cones we tail to see. A few more
land their have leen many) such fires wid
rause the people to be indatlrtent when a
genuine fire occurs
The Reeve of Exeter, Dr Rollers, ex-
plained to some members of the Strathroy
e'ouneft the other day why Exeter rennins
a village instead of takiut' a, more ambiti-
ons ineosporation. There are a number of
towns lite Parkhill, alitelbe:I. tivingham,
etc, at1 alnmt dearly. lost in their preteu-
sions. Exeter reaming s rl.lage, the first
in wealthptrputetion raid iln;nrertnnt•e in
Ontario, if net the t)e'uiniou. Something
trt t dk saL.nut, eertninly,
Sunday cresting about ae►en. o'elorb. to
raan4004,4t remarkable sight was to be seen
in the western 'mann. A large meteor
or twettlite was seen to tail ehm-ly acmes
the shy from east to west, eleparedtly but
:a elite t .listanee from the earth. The
*net(>ar was a pale green color, 3111124/v90W
the f[tvt that the S(trl w;is shining brightly,
the l.ailli,tuey of the staaia,e object was
quite seeder -aide. Hail it appeared at
aught, no doubt the West would have been
eonsi lerebly more surprising.
The Ministerial Association of South
Huron met in the Methodist church lien.
sill, on Monday ,Vay 4th, The chief
business was the reading and eriticism ofa
piper read by the Rev A. L Resseil, on
the "higher Criticism," a teem which em-
brae+ea the historical teats, which many
eminent seholers are at the present day,
placing the bible under The meeting ad-
journe,d to me in Main at church Exeter,
on elnue 1st, when Rev J. Wilson is to
read a sermon, and Res' J. Cook, a paper
on the emotional in religion.
"Turn that weep ing paper the other
side out," said a lady in a dry geode store
the other afternoon as the clerk was put-
ting up her purchase in a printed wrapping
paper. " I don't want to be a walking
advertisement to your store. I read the
Times, as all iutelligont people ought
to do, and I think in it is the plasm to
advertise your business." Instead of ask-
ing your customers to carry your sign
around with each purchase of goods go and
tell the people through the papers what
you have to sell and how you sell it.
The water supply at the river, owing to
the steady operations of the mills,is almost
certain to become exhausted this summer.
To obviate, therefore, the probilility of a
short age for streetwatering purposes, the
feasibilityof sinking s g a well at the town
hall and erecting thereon a wifkimill, is
being considered by these in authority.
The scheme appears to be the proper pro-
cedure as the supply of .water would not
only be made more easily procured, but
the cost of watering the streets could be
lessened one half. - Instead of as now pay-
ing 53 00 per day, the same streetwatering
could be done under the proposed system
for 01.50.
According to the new school hill just
passed the Ontario assembly the public
school teaching shell consist of two teams ;
in townships the first shall beein on the
third Monday in August and end on the
22nd day of December ; the second term
shall begin ou 3rd day of January and end
on the 30th day of June. In cities. towns
and incorporated villages the first term
shall begin on the last Monday cf August
and end on the 22nd day of December ;
the second.term shall begin on the 3rd
day of January, end on the 30th day of
June, with holidays during the week fol.
lowing Easter Sunday.
Basses—At this writing Mr P. Adamson
is said to be slowly sinking. Nevertheless,
we atill hope that the man who has. won
such unbounded respect in Heron, may
longer be spared to .shed kindly light,—A
number of relatives of the late Mise Dickson
of Seafortb, left town on Monday morning
to be present at the deceased lady's iuneraL
-Harting fishing has been steadily follow-
ed the past week by dozens of Goderioh
anglers.—The Bishop of Algoma held a
missionary meeting in St George's church
on Friday evening.—The schooner Mary
with 350 tons of coal for the water works
department, arrived in port on Sunday. --
The tugs Messenger and Despatch were in
port the past week, making preparations
for trap net &fling along the shore, south
of this port,- Tenders have been accepted
to make the requisite alterations and addi-
tions to transform our T3igh School into a
Collegiate Institute. - The regular annual
meeting of the Machette-I Institute, for pre-
sentation of reports and election of officers
was held on Monday ev, uing.—Tile public
school board held its regular monthly meet-
ing on Monday evening.—MrjW B Math-
ews for many years mail clerk between
Buffalo and this town, died on Sunday
morning, aged 52. years. The remains were
interred in the Brantford cemetery on Tues-
day, the Odd fellows of Goderich, cowl noting
the home ceremonies, and the Brantford:
members of th, order those at the grave.—
Mr R D Walton atwell known resident died
the past week, after a very long illness.—
The first passenger steamer to reach this
point this season, was the city of Windsor.
It sailed from Sarnia on the 29th ult., ar,d
loft after a short stay,' for the fishing is-
A / S77.,t, 1..
We have just received another .hoica range
Haats the newest-' Tres the latest and most variea yd.
UNDERWEAR ---A fine range and at 2teces that will surprise you,
Dress Goeds and Trimmings in all Ole newest shades'"-»
Another new lot of PARASOLS ; no old ones left over, See them.
We make a specialty in GLOVES. We carry the heat Ladies' Kid
Gloves in town.
BOOTS & BROES in abundance.
CROCKERY., an endless .rax'i.
Our GLASSWARE.six•piece•set for l5 cents. 1
GROCERY department complete. 25 cent Tea ahead yet.
We promise less and do more than any other firm,.
Don't be drawn to any store by promises that :tt would
bankrupt a millionaire to perform. You cannot ieti goods
at less than cost any more than you can have .an inside
without an outside, or a top without a bottom,
We Solicit a Gail.
Grsnd Opening of Our !VV' TORE
E. J SPACKMAN«& CO. wish to inform the people of Exeter and
surrounding country that they will open their new store,(one door north
of Farmers' Grocery), on
with an entire new stock consisting of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY,
Our Dry Goods stock has been bought within the past two weeks
from the best houses in the Dominion, consisting of the newest and
latestnovelties in the trade.
Having engaged Miss L. Smith (late of Alliston) to manage the
Millinery Department, will take this opportunity of - informing the
Ladies that we have visited all the best millinery houses early, thus
enabling us to secure the choicest novelties.
SOOTS & SHOES—Remember this is the largest stock of Boots
and Shoes in the county. ' a
—We claim to carrythe best lines of R ` d ,made
CLOt1411�0 .� y
Clothing in Western Ontario. -
GROCERIES—We have just received the best brands in Groceries.
A full and complete 'stock will always be found at our store.
OUR MOTTO "Good Goods and excellent values in all department."
Samwell's Block, Exeter.
Geo TO—
Goldsmith 1' Hall!
tiff -Person alattentioa given to repairing of
watches'docks and) ewelre
Opposite Post Offnc ; - P'ARKHILL
Barber Shop,
Prop __
Shaving and Hair cutting in the latest .
style of the art.
Every attention paid to cutting
Ladies' tanaOhildrens Hair•