HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-7, Page 71 CREMITEME0 :c ' �i.. .�—evREs R Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lurnba o9 Backache Headache, ' Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Bites„ Sprains, 13 pulses, I=' urns, Etc, Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. I iffy Cents a, bottle. Directions ni 11 Languages. THE CHARLES A. VOO41.81 CO., ealtlmore. ltd, Canadian Depot; Toronto, Ont. SFHyen CONSUMPTION CURL The success of this Great Cough Litre is without a parallel in the history of medicine, All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc- essfully stand. Thnt it may become known he Proprietors, at an enormous expellee, are ;lacing a Sample Bottle Free into evety home h the thiite3 States and Canada. If you have L Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitie, use it, for It will cure you, If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, Andre -lief is sure. If you dread that insillotte dt€ease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price zo cts., 5o cts. and $r.00, if your Lungs aro sore or Beck lame, ere Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price es ets. Snug ?ildo.se resi:aet ccs nide at w,,ta fa uw i,y .111.1a 1 go. t.st,., r.zza end J,r•lron. ) a, e,b:e. 'to cot fullers e11t,hig as,*ri why 1,4 p.u2 t„me ware octr •a0e.0O3, am,t,,. lien ran da the, r dtc.td ire When s.tr yea etc i.,re be. aglnurrsnme411dyearr,in rrran,f010 ,tea day, .in se, s. n'e,lu a ,r show and start pm. tan ,coradu, ,nrttNa er ndi the time. lag ln4ae, 1'r mou- rn. Fenurc unknown mecum Milo. i.1Coltett;,1 ('o.,1toxis`Mlt,A ntland,„en.Xiino i Mu1S1vii OF CodLiverOi1 AND THE ilypophosphites of Lima and Soda. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream.. The most sensitive stomach canretain it. CURES WoMusitaelmarame Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases, Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. • General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D. & L.” Emulsion, and refuse all others. PRICE 60c. AND $1 PER BOITLE. c LAXS�D ULS O COMPOUND RC) OHMS 136 Lexington Ave.New York City, Sept. Ave., New I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several cases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Phthisis, and have been well pleased with the results. JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. CIO U TF Brooklyn, N.Y Feb. l4t h 1889. . haveusyour Emulsion in a case of 14th, Phthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, where patient could not use Cod Liver Oil in an form. J. H. DROGE, M. D. 14ERBUS PROST TIO Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th; 1888. I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung, Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gen- oral tonic in physical debility. • JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. OLTERAL EMMY Brooklyn, W. Y., Oct. 10th,' 1888. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatlysuperior to the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use.. ' D. A. GORTON, 35. D. -WASTING DISUSES 137 West 34th St New York, Aug. 6, i I 1: WC used your Flex -Seed Emulsion Compound In asu;nare ease of Mal -nutrition and the result was more than hoped for—it war marvelous, and con. themes. I recymmend it cheerfully to the profession and humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. Sold kry Druggists, Price $1.00. (°LA35-SEED EMULSION CO. 5 Liberty St., New York. FOREIGN NEW VITAL STATISTICS, The Cunard steamer Anranfa arrived- at Intel estiu:; I'thriicutars or the Three Great Queenstown at midnightgon RSunday from New York, having been delayed for 24 hours over her usual time by a disarrangement of her machinery, On Friday morning she shipped a heavysea; ane a young man named Hunman, Events, Girth, Marriage. unci Deaths. The report relating to the registration of births, m•trriages and deaths In the Province of Ontario for the year 1889 bas just been David Gibson, of Dundee, in endeavouring Issued. it is a most elaborate and exhaust - to avoid it, fell over the starboard rail into 'ire one and contains -many interesting the sea and was drowned. A boat could Iligures. For instance, the total registrations no , be launchedt to rescue him owing to the hnade during the year amounted to 86,747, heavy sea running at the time. composed of 48,533 births, 14,880 marriages A Paris tclegramsays.--Yeys, ashoemak• and -3,349 deaths, Compared, with the er, suddenly strangled his mistress, llattilde.registrations made during 1S88, the births Hinque, as she was bending over to embrace show an increase of 1555, the marriages an him on Saturday morning. He then went increase of 329, and the deaths a decrease of 40,,, making a total increase in IMO of 1509. The proportion of the total registrations to every .Rae) living was 40.3, in England rel and petroleum, but that his heart failed there were ,0.7 per 1000, in Scotland 45 per hint at the last moment. He hacl no fault 1000 and iu ;,Michigan, a, state similar in to find with Mathiide Hinque, and his brain population to Ontario, 41.9 per It100, is supposed to have been affected by stun- The highest birth rites were in the stroke, from which he had su;inredin Maga- °entities of C.erle*on, 3i-1 p •r i+)70, York gascar, 30.4, Waterloo 31.4 and Prescott and Reg l'he loneliest Iran iu Europe is Herr Peter sell 31.3. `f'l.e n.•t1e births in the province Leehnee,who is connected with the Weather- nunri ei crl 24,737, the felrales 23,801, an out and gave himself up to the polio, stet - lug that lie marl intended to poison himself carefully with a strong dote of salts of sor- COST OF PRNNOH GOVERNMENT. The 00'04 salary List of rho IeIn E lira.•, • yearn au $eprtUl4c riot ]tube, 'I•'he best paidfunctionary in France is, of course, the President of the republic, • He has a salary of $120,000. plus ;130,000 for household expenses, and as much again for cost of traveling. The president"of the Chamber of Deputies, the president of the. Senate and the Governor of Algeria each re- ceives a eatery of $20,000, the Cabinet offi- cers have a salary of 52000, and all these of• facials have residence rent free. General Levier, grand chancellor of -the Legion of lienor, receives a salary of $8000 ; the Proetu er.Generill hat 65.000, president or Chief Justiee of the Court of Appeal, 52000 ; an archbishop gets $3000, a bishop, $_000 the prefect of the Seine and the ore, feet of the police, 88000. The marshals of France --there are only two now, Macylahon and Ceurobert—each receives .0024 ; gener- als of divisions, 53090; major generals, $2010 t inspector generals of army corps, *L;;clo, and theseventcencontmax:dersof army corp general- o€ dit,sicvns--each a snppke- nnrnt o, 8;3',,,7(1 to their s cry. A eolouel of llurean Service, and is stationed on the tor, excess of 934 male hull's' tihcnvitt,, a pro taittntty r:•ceives $1(49, tiecttelhant eolonei, of the Schoanblick Mountains, idt the .. te- hnrtion of 103-5males .o 10') females. ::-:r ; maim". `1000 , deetaiu '.u-10 - fiat there was Et small +n, r State , ' trier, Alps. There he lives ..: nth in a,zct • ma.I incie, tit . kit: number li:•tttcd:ant, . -tri ; seven+t -lieutenant none r anti a snb•lietitenant. ;192• A col nel of (rat,•tlry receive, rel o5; lieutenant solcuel 51346; major; *113; c•antatra, 0); tits, lieutenant, Sias ; seamel heat., t tat, ,•S39 and sttl-llenleuant, $492. General Saussier, military governor of Paris, }its 60900 in uddktioth to his salary as a *mend of divisieu, • .and there ere 142,570 horses in the i:'reueh army, Francahaa an Ambeesador at Berlin, ' ti L U rt t 'fnr 1, h ,tett ,r r 1 lc Loudon, 1' •'t Ln 1 n <Iac u Rome, the Vatieau, St, Petersburg land Vienna, each receiving $8000. \burstere plenipotentiary of the first and second rias; sent to the other capitals, receive $0,(100 tool 81800 per annum tespeetively. The beat eonsulato is that of New York, whore the Count cl'. brae, i•eeeives$11,000. A ante m of 41110 is t o r:•ibed in this year's budget for diplomatic presente. An inspector general of public instruction is paid 52400 ; the vice rector of the rteedeniy of .Naris, 53600 ; the director of the superior normal school, 62400 ; each of the professors at the College of Femme, 820')" 0; director of Sine arts, ,,63600; director of the Paris Conservatoire, 5.:000; directs of the obser- vatate, •'3000, and tho nrailtteitance of his large toles:tope costs an additional ,63600, Me,nbers of the French Academy, besides having the gift of immortality, are allowed $300 esch, but the perpetual eeeretary of that illustrious assemblage ret:eives $1210. The secret police force of France costs 5800-- 000, and there is one department of the Government,: that of religion, that burns 5 230 worth of e:tndles avert' year. TfLEGRAPH10 TICKS. month out, engageti in noting the meteor. r+, tit, miens refit tered ':t'iter cases of ological changes in the highest station ku,triP rr_Ic, ,eturno,t in 1 y::1. the sante Europe. it is the eustoui of the viragoes en i.naclrer ns in Prean They oc:..trred, one in. Christmas day to cut their way throe et the t-ne , +entry cry .P. rerhoro at:d one in the County of I"ork. s t,n ti MAIM 118 TIM t'+ll'RC11E9. Of the 4retias births during the year, 933 The lepers of ludia have tl, patten saint --the 2 per cent, were illegitimate. In 13!1; tihe percentage was 1.3, Ot the y ic �cl29s,760 pwee er-Puo1nan—to tis hose shrine twat. seeslearned, aero ; fargarh, itLindh, pilgrimages ar' pow hefty were Presbyterian; 3041 were Epinal). After iunumcrable prayersto the aliens and 4130 Roman Catholics, If mar. sna1tb the pilgrims smear thernselves to }tri t•iage is a failure, the iethedista won't pay 1p laclt tram his tadnb, nod the natvcs ten cents on the dollar'. The revert showe declare that entre often result from this that there ore certain menthe which are treatment. A leper colony resddc•s re;Tial generally chosen for tying the nuptial knot. the shrine,and the suirerers mix with their Octobers December and January are still neighbors, none of triton' have. --so it i3aver• the favorite months, especially December,; red—over been known to contract the chs which heeds the list with 1703 weddings ease. This fact may perhaps be explained by a A Vienna telegram says :—News received geutlo insinuu.tion that Christmas and wed, from Parntl'hrf, near Pressburg, states that ding presents might be considered one and all the horse° in two stables there had to be the same, g kilted on 1.'aount of an outbreak of glanders In August there were only 013 weddings. .among the:.. The veterinary surgeon and A temperature of PO' in the Menge ntay drive two fanners to whom the aufmals belenge'l a man to a quiet watering piece witichspurts were wounded in cartyingout thisnceesse y four Gentian hands, hat it evidently can't. measure, lrhnod poisoning ensuing in all drive him to marriage. Thennunberofmain l three eases. The veterinary surgeon died' married under the age of 20 was 209 and last night, and no hope is entertained of the females' 25 3. Over 20 spocny old gents tad. rernverye*t the two farmers. dled to the altar with the weight of three. Darn:; a performance of the Butte Thea score and ten years, and 29 prim old ladies tre, Paris, on Smoky evening, one of the decided that at 70 they were t' sutli'iently3 audience reised eery oi fire. A terriblepanic decayed " to (tele m:nmla's consent. Only was the result, and a rush was made tor the two brides were older than theirbridegrooms, doors. The manager, hosvever, at mice came one was 8 years old and the bridegroom 62 forward and announced that the alarm of years, the other was 70 years and the bride - fire was unfounded. The audieucethercupon groom 61 years. The rotted ages of the old - home reassured, and after a short interval est couple married in 1880 was 148 years. the performance was resumed. The bridegroom was 81 years and the bride Brother Ansolin, who has just died 07. 'four persons were married at 80 yearsThe Inman Lino steamship Cit of Paris moult and porter at the Monastery of La of ago and over, timers i males and one female. s again afloat. Grande Chartreuse, had been lI, do Bre- Nino girls of 14 years of age united them- The revolutioieary furcal in Club have court, once well-known in the best Parisian solves to youths under 19 years and 30 girls captured Copiapo, society. M. de Brocourt on coming home were married et 16 years of age. from shooting one day fired into a thicket, Tlili :1aAtiltrAan 131) T1I. behind whirr, itis deughter happened to he The Orin est couple married Wee a til of standing, and killed_ her. In despair h° S fi p entered La Grande Chartreuse, whet.° Ito ld years ofage to a yaatth of 18 years, One tur- ended his days. y Ina gentleman en °t bashful149 1,ii The stted urdy I Honolulu advices indicate that au attempt The Warsaw papers report that the Vie- b y, will(be made to overturn the monareb y and tufa having burst its ice has risen inordin- tiers of lIttlillnrton district aro credltecly ' , b „ ' t with born}; the most generative, the rate of establish a republic. uih ilii this spring and overflown the towns and villages lying on its borders, it births per 1000 of pepuletion being 41,3, The Anaconda mines, iu Montana, are said carried array whole houses and barns °1, its Tite Froncltuten of Essex seem to be most to have been soldto e. British syudicato for coulee to the Beide Sea. The Polish pea- thoroughly convinced of the env mtages of w23,000,000. smuts of the inundated districts were deprive marriage, and head the list with 14.7. York 3 decree has been issued dealkn tvitll the ed of ablaut ell their fowl, which constitutes is secoudwith 11.6. The death rate is high- PetersbthrsJews intim seine way its those one of the principal lines of their fertility. est in iiali turton, and York is vein second. wore " regulated." Chickens and turkeys were drowned by the There were 104;1 more births in Toronto in Moscowofl; millions, and wllola flecks of ducks and geese were carried off by the high waters, The papers of leiev Russia report that there is a perfect standstill in the trade of in trine for ice-cream and mosquitoes. Thero grain in the whole region of the southwest, were over 1000 more births in September, There is no demand for Russian grain in the August or July than in January, February foreign market, and prices are so low that or December. The number of pairs of twins. farmers would not sell their stock unless was' 260, as compared with 249 in'88 and they are compelled by the aired, necessity. 407 in '80. The death rate to 100 t of pope - In the Government of Kiev itself almost lation in Tomato was 18.3, the lowest for every line of business depends on the grain many years. Phthisis claims more victims trade, and since the latter is at a standstill than any other disease, but pneumonia, there is 110 activity in any department of diphtheria and nervous diseases each reap commerce. • large harvests. The commander of the St. Petersburg The list of centenarians who died during near Cumberland, and was seen need to be police force has issued an order that all Jew- 1889 is as follows : Jane Campbell, aged 102, hanged on Jane 4. ish stores and business houses should have Dufferiu county; Margaret Menard, 100, B. P. Hutchinson, Hotter known as "Old signs with the names, patronymics, and Elizabeth Mooney, 103, Elgin ; Sarah Thomp Hutch," a prominent sspeculator on the Chi - families of the proprietors written in large son, 109, Essex ; Sarah Ann Griffith, 100, °ago Board of Trade, mysteriously disap- showy letters. The cause of this new order, Frontenae ; John Scott, 105, Haliburton- ; peered yesterday. He has lest much money which is the nearest approach to the mediae- Margaret Phillips, 102, Anne McPhail, 100, in his recent tperations. Val regulation by whichJewswere compelled Mary Martin, 105, Huron ; John Blue, 100, to wear yellow patches on their garments, Kent; James Doherty; 101, i.antbton ; Henry is that merchants of the Hebrewfaith do not McVeigh, 100, Lanark ; John Vaughan, 105, write their names plainly on their signs, in Leeds and (ireonvile ; Charles 'Smith, 101, order to avoid the too frequent intrusion of Ontario ; Williiam Flood, 105, Renfrew ; "Like many admirable paoplo," writes a official extortionists and the prejudice of the Elizabeth Morgan, 116, Simeoe. correspondent, "onr Biddy heel but one unreasonable masses. fault. She was tidy, honest and obliging, snow clad valley and ;tit the mountain, carrying pres ents to the 101.1y observer. Tide is the only time throughout the year that Peter Le:lhuer sees a llum:ut face, Richard Carrie, a London Township farm- er, hanged himself in iris barn. The • Argentine Government will lone paper currency blued on the silver reserve. '86 than in '88, 188 more marriages and 93 more deaths. It would seam that man has a decided penchant for appearing on this busy scone during July, August and September, The Chinese Government having refused to receive r, Blair as United States Min, ister, that gentleman has been appointed Minister to Japan. Minister 1 Mrs. Grimwood, widow of the British political agent killed at Manipur, makes a statement which reflects severely on Com - mender Quinton's management, Mr. Formed, a Conservative M. P., in a public address said the Salisbury Govern- ment would dissolve Parliament if its free education plans were obstructed. At L'Orignal Narcisse Laroctp:e was found guilty of the murder of the Mee',•::igle girls Very Careful. The temperance movement which was re- Intrusive and :Belligerent, but she would put .lrerosene on the fire. centlyintroduced inRuss taleads tosomevery1 AgeutlelnastravellinginapartofRnssfa 000mis:resshaeredthskitcdelhvtime o r , on morning the ted the kitchen in i amusing it,cidents. I.iRto7e o. Saratov reports where there were no railways was. forced e time to of Potrovsk the following ledged themselves not to : Three peasants of the itas resort to post -horses. Tt was during rho see her lejover�ta g atetwh eretlthere was at it danger - tot it any liquor during the Lent season. The one summer, whentheroads werehea.y with a few� s_parks. who should break his pledge made himself thud, and progress was ver slow, After .. t New, Biddy, stop at once 1' cried she, p g being force to spend two days in his cart, iclionnntl ' How often have I told you Halle to a fine of twenty-five rubles or to dra r ed through morasses and often stuck a y' " receive twenty lashes on his caked body. fast the mu, it fs not to be `wondered at not to use a drop of oil on the fire ? Not many days passed before two of the that he fouhid his temper somewhat tried. company found their third associate drink-. While in this mood he was astonished one ing vodka in a grog shop. They required ,horning, as he ley huddled up ie the narrow hint to pay his fine or submit to the lashing. space which the post -cart afforded, by the The former he could not de because he had intrusion . of a man,, whojumped into the to money, so he had to accommodate him• cart, pus self to olde side, and calmly self to the latter. He was stripped naked seated himself without ceremony or apology. and lashed. But in their ardor his com- "O h t h td Oh, sure, ma'am,' said Biddy, as she reluctantly set down the can, " it niver yet did anybody harm." There are accidents every day from the careless use of kerosene.' "' Ab, yis, ma'am, but not whena body's careful like me! But folks is that afraid of n buy ingnirmg. t� a e mean ,' an having it used 1 Why, Mrs. Windsor, at panions in the temperance cause forgot the explaihi:ng that the post -asst was hired: by modest place, locked up the can fer fear 1'd countthe twenty bland o ws lstered that ate a.in more due him. than me, paid for by me, and intended only to b0 or at all remember abitrthat of a fright" well, tenanted by me and mine, the intruder just ,t c ,,, 'Why were onfrt frightened? calmly tit on his clothes o hes a tad v forth , pe operation, deigned to tell ine that he was a ' tohapar ; t. c Well, ye see, ma'am, that morning I'd broken theiand claimedn lot ehat owivin l his companions morenhl.oiwe that; its such he had a right to travel in any put on a dhrp too much, and it blew all cart he chose, and meant to travel in mine, the stove covers , off, and split the fire= than their agreementglhad gcalled for. The whether I liked it or not. ,p people assembled in the 11111 recoguied the "Now if this had been true, it would not board 1 jus of his claims and ad'ud ed his ju 1 8 is tom have made his presence the more desirable panions to pay their fines or to submit to but I fancied it was not true, so Irecluested the same chastisement received as he. One of them my would-be fellow -traveller to make him - submitted, and bis twenty `blows self scarce at once; and as he persisted in without a murmur. The other t ono pre- ferrel to pay' his fine. Since their agreement refusing, Ihoisted him into the mud over the wheel. had been broken already his 25 rubles were, spent onvodka, by which ch ia if the village tion" ,Abse scoloanppaes d iheirsecooldvefireindtalonckprrifl eittpo ohliis •-et reeling drunk. • :shoulder, and putting the muzzle almost into my face, deliberately pulled the 'trigger. LuckilyIjfor in his fall all the powder From figures lately published relatting o which hould have formed the train to the the liquor trade in America some idea 'may. charge had been spilled. Moreover, hie ' be termed of the proportions of the rum barrel was chocked with good holdingclay, 'power in the' country. In New York city so that, taken altogether, had the piece n alone, having a population of a million and missed fire, the danger • would have been a half, the trade in liginors'- is estimated ' at greatet'to.ltint than t0 ine. 680,000,000 annually ;'while in suppeet of 1 t c After this display of rage and impotence, its churches' of all ,denoniluatl'ons, which he turned to the people of the station, and may be supposed to represent the chiefl so worked upon thein by his arguments counteraetiing moral agency, not more than that had I not taken the reins out of my 63,000,000, it is believed, are a"iutlly spent. ycneslchek's hands anti driven off, I' should In the whole Union, representing a popple• have been 'detained under most unpleasant ron of 62,000,000, $000,000,000 are 'spent circumstances," (-Yoh year for ram, while over andabove this - •-_-.•- - there is an annual eliarge of 6400,000,000 for The.European Alearclhhsts are busy mak- the maintenance of prisons, n orbouse, bus ing preparations for their May -day meetings, pitals, and asylums, whose inmates are, for and are distributing fiery circulars in Paris, the most part, the victims of the steadily Vienna, and Madrid. All outdoor demon - extending trade in drink. strations will be prohibited, • Growing Walking Sticks, Walking, sticks are to a great extent inn ported,, into England from abroad. The number received from other countries reaches nearly 5,000,000 annually, with a combined value of £25,000 or eo. Commoner sticks, as those of beech, ash, thorn and hazel . are to a great extent grown in this country. In Gloucestershire, for instance, many acres are devoted to no other purpose thanthe raising of wood for the walking stick market. A peculiar branch of this business is the importation of overgrown cabbage stalks from the Channel Islands, where cabbages. are regularly trained with a view to being transformed into walking sticks by a process of stripping off each leaf as it appears and finally drying and hardening the stems. — [London Titbits. Dudely Canesucker—You are absorbed in thought; tell me, Miss Fanny, what are you thinking about? Miss Fanny—Something grand; something sublime! Dad.11y Canesucker—You were? Now tell what was it you were, thinking about --me CrI B!i. Pgrllier. A Word to the People. 1-ith is Nighty, and will prevail." &HE remarkable effects and most satisfactory results, in every variety of disease ari in. from. IMPURITi>a OF TI1E 04.09P, which are experienced .�• � � 1 and made znanifest froth day�ro clay, bythose who havetaken NORTHROP 3 l''. ` 3a ; ICY tri. t� YI•FCI'N�4.liLE • DISCOVERY, for complr»iuta tvh_ekr were. pro- nounced inctu'ab1e, are eurprising.to all. its many of these eases, the peree115 say their pein and sufferings cannot be expressed, 0,5 to cages of Serofula, where apparently the whole body was one n,r.ee of corruption. This celebrated medicine will relieve pain, cleanse and purify the blood, and cure such diseases, restating the patient to perfect health after trying many remedies, and Jervis% suffered for years. Is it not conclusive proof that if you are a sufferer you On be cured ?, l4 :iy is this med seine vedette-oilysuchgreat cures It works in the BLoon, the Circnleting l,uid, It can truly be called the The greatsomce o= diseF.se originates in the SLOOP, and nomedicine ,� L E14, that does hot act directly open it, to purify and•reeovsate, has any jest claim upon. piiblio t;enrion. W heli the Lloo'i beenMc•5 lifeless and st: gnant, either froth change of 61 s ,js .wr or of el , .:.`e, went of exerc ise, irregrl, r diet, or from any other cause�OLT11)lW L MAti'S VkG. .A L DISCOVERY will renew the Blood, 11 vsts'y ort t°ee putrid humors, cleanee the stomach, zegelate the bawds, and rips rt toss •'e cigar to the whole hods'. The eetreletion is, in the Patio mind as well n3 the ;redieal prefensien, that ti.0 re,a,:dies supplied by the VCGETAELL KINGDOM aro mere safe and more aff ee- th.rl in the cure of diseaso than mineral medicines. The >: e etablo Discovery is tz •otteposetl of the juiee cf most remarkable roots, barks and herbs. It is pleasant to .41;e, ltd li ferfc•etrye,tzo to give an infant. Allow us to ask Sona candid tlues- 0 1, rah i t r a r s need s� , Do not hesitate to try it, You will never regret it, ,013 4ruggiets have it fo • tale. 74i Jail's C. Pon, Olinda, writes '°Northrop (tit Lyman's. Vegetable Die - i every is giving ;cad sats: fa'tiou, Thom ss'ho have u€ed it say it han done them `i mere bold than ,.r,ytbing they have ever taliea." IN ITC> WARS. FORK—5103s 510s JI ,t A. Fad -wean:, Toronto, writes:— .; "I had as neepsia in its worst Om for over a year, but after Olden thrco bottles :3 of Northrc.n S Lyhnan'.t Vegetable 3 is; overy, to perfect cure followed. I take great pleasure in name:rendling it to anyone sc,T'ering from Dyspepsia." MR. ti", TuLYE8, Wright, P.Q , had DYSPEPSIA FOR TWENTY YEARS. Tried many relnedita :;;id (Mct+trs, but got no relief. His appetite e:3 ver poor, had a. •iistn...ng _,,; u t 1..> side and stomach, and gradual vastiu;; owey of .£esh, when le heard of nett immediately commenced toting Northrop & Lyyman's) Vegetable •rcrery. The endue have left, awl he rejoices in the enjoyment of excellent l,aevith; m feet he is quite a new mea.. Sold by all I ediei;;e Dealers at $3.00 per Bottle. DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE'? ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM NO SETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, 40. ETER LUMBERYARD The undersigned wishes to inform the Public la general that he eeps constantly in stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL D Gsa ed. or 'CT:s.d.rez ed, PIN E AND HaMLOOK LUMBER. SHINGLES A. SPEC IrkhTY 906,000 X X and XXX Elie and Cedar Shingles now ill stook. A call soiieibed ant satisfaction gnarauted. Jam. E5 vrxr 4. aria. Is need both internally and externally, It nets quickly, affording almost 'instant relief from the severest pain. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. III.STii TRNEOUS IN ITS IIC%i0l For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA i4:ORI3US, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY EQUALS THII PAIN -KU -LEIS. In Canadian Cholera and Bowel Complaints its effect is magical. It cures in a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY nett BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. 501.0 EVERYWHERE AT 25C. -r BOTTLE, .,;:. Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. Farrners and —SHOULD USE— McCall Brost' Lardine .Oil, CYLINDER, WOOL, BOILER, AND PURGER OILS SEE THAT 'CHE-BARRELS ARE B[3ASDED McOALL BROS. TJARDINE - TORONTO_ FOB SALE BY BISS +'TT BEOS.,ExETstt. Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S ESTaBcISBMsisT, 78, NEW OXFORD STREIBT, LONDON. ora°' v5• ��096 9 ti 49 toe ws,� ,yea C �1 o°a� ie s<k ero, 4s���b•ce�e66. ti w'ee G*, •**ee else . 'aces s 9 wo . o�pw tD°g o io Qb�� S°6t°�4 lea * 01a \e ° e• w -' t � 'O • Zs Ne ,s444 ('_' tc' tae+4.0o e., be � e+ ° 4 S,ee6o °t * "s'" o¢ay9" ei' oe0 6'1' • *e+ 4•\> lee os ss2� °� '~ 44 b1� Dag w o S+ o e i �6 t+I` ;o ' fie, 5,4 eo>0• .aet9t,+ 3tm • • g • l°e4 , sQoS ',tib ,yo dt oro 1',Pa o�6 ,s°S ,4ve �w bKl of 9 e Pureba.eers should look to the Label on the Boss and Pot If the aeore;ss Is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they aro aitertasn •