HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-05-11, Page 3HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE SPRING -,w- 'SPECIALS • \ 7 eh SSgitti-Sthr, DISCOUNT PRICES" on Polaroid Cameras No. 80 -- Regular $95.95 DISCOUNT PRICE $ 6 4.9 5 No. 80 — Complete lit -- Camera -- Wink Light Fitted Case --48 Filter --2-Type 37 Picture • 114 Rolls — Regular $153.95 $ .95 DISCOUNT PRICE 4.1 finished in GO seconds with the - amazing aid:SAUCE Regularly Selling at $1.00 NOW 89c Regularly Selling at $1.25 NOW 98c WALL PLAQUES Fine Enough to 'Grace' Any Wall IVY and FLOWER OEM Regy per Pair $3:95 Sale Price X2,9 ORCHID IN A BOWL ATTRACTIVE ON ANY TABLE --:--- SPECIAL VALUE 79c DISCOUNT NIKES D 1 N NERr �rARE Six Different Pattern? - Imported Translucent China 57 Pieces -- :Reg. $49.50 DISCOUNT PRICE $39.5 78 -PIECE SET OF DISHES Regular Price $79.50 DISCOUNT PRICE $39.4, ROLA RO1 D®Lanai CAMERA Y . DISCOUNT PRICE FLASH BULBS 27-PiECESTARTER SET. .95 COMPLETE KIT —.Consisting of Camera -- Fitted Case /Wink Light - 4s Filter -- 2 -Type 47 Picture Roils—. Packet Post Cards -- 2 Write - In (Albums. Revilar $204,95 A DISCOUNT PRICE' 44!.? 5 No. 5 PER DOZEN — $1.59 HENDERS 4 THE SQUARE ee $1 -5 DISCOUNT PRICE $9.2 N'S BOOK STORE GODERICH MEM •AT THE . PARC THEATRE GinEr Put a MOTHER'S •DAY into every week: take her out Of the kitchen and bring her to a show. Now Playing—Alan Ladd and Sidney Fortier, In "ALL THE YOUNG MEN," also "THE GOLDEN FISH" --in color., Mon., Tues. 'and Wed. •;May 15, 16, 17 Joanne Dru, Mark Stevens and Richard Strauss Filmed in Majorca, this salty adventure yarn tells .of a search for sunken gold coins. "SEPTEMBER STORM" In Scope and Color. Thurs., Fri. and Sat.—May 18, 19, .20 Anne Heywood and Jose Svarez- A• Roman maiden sacrifices -everything in her love for a young Carthaginian "CARTHAGE : IN FLAMES" , Scope and Color. Coming—"Flame Over India"—In Scope and Color. Brownie's Drive -In Theatrettd.CIjnton THURSDAY and FRIDAY—May 11 and 12 DO "THE ENEMY GENERAL" Van`Johnson, "BATTLE IN OUTER SPACE" (Color) (Cineinascope) SATUR}AY and MONDAY—May 13 and 15 DOUBLE FEATURE "THE 13 GIIOSTS" Charles I lerbert and Jo Morrow . (Special Glasses Supplied. For Each` Customer) "STOP, LOOK AND LAUGH" THE THREE STOOGES. taH•NMirNN►HMN••NONi•r•rN•NM•M•M TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY—May 16 and 17 DOUBLE FEATURE "THE LONG HAUL" • (Adult Entertainment) Victor Mature. and 'Diana Dors 0 "GOING ST ADY" - Molly Bea' and Allan I Read .Jr. ONE CARTOON WEDNESDAY, MAY ' it Clinton Kinsmen Club Theatre 1t, "Newsgathering,'"s..Topic Of John StrongAt Librarians" Meeting Nearly 100 librarians and in- terested board members from all parts of Huron County gath- ered in Knox 'Church Hall for their annual banquet last week. Mr. Arthur Gibson, of Howick Township, was chairman. In the absence of Mayor E. C. Fish- er, Reeve Frank Walkom wel- comed the visitors to Goderich. Rev. G. L. Royal pronounced the Grace. Warden Ivan Forsyth mention- ed the service provided by the Huron County Library Co -Oper- ative since it was organized in 1941. The minutes were read by John Berry, The chairman in- iroduced the head table • which included: Warden and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth; Mr. and Mrs. William Ball; Reeve " and Mrs. Frank Walkom; Reeve and Mrs. Clar- ence Hanna; Mr. and Mrs. John' Strong; Rev. G. L. Royal and Mr. William, Hanly. Reeve ,Clarence i • ntro- Hanna den Meira•iw � we 'POTTED PLANTS Hydrangeas Gloxineas 'Mum Plants Mixed Pans CUT FLOWERS Roses Carnations Snapdragons Gardenias 'Gladioli.. Mums AAle \IS MOTHER'S DAY S W. J. DENOMME FLOWER SHOP 140 The Square JA 4-8132 Goderich BICYCLE LICENSES a Police Chief Fred,. l inshall re- jj3j1 ports that only 290 bicgcie lic- enses had been sold at, the beginning of this week. The. deadline set, for the purchase of these licenses was April 30. 'Over 700 were sold by the Gude- rich Police Department last year. duced the guest speaker, Mr. John Strong, • of Wingham, CKNX radio and` TV station. He spoke of the work pf newsgatb- ering anc told how, in a matter of minutes, news comes in on teletype to the station, from all corners of the world. , A film showing the staff and their" work and how they cover important events concluded his interesting address. • Mr. John Hanna, M.P., wished success to •the Library Co -Oper- ative and •remarked that . this county was progressing at a great rate. The Huron County Librarian, Mrs. R. G. Eckmier, • spoke on her work and introduced Miss Mary Mustard, inspector of sec- ondary school libraries. She had conducted a "Wofkshop on Read- ing" for teenagers and over 35 librarians from the county with visitors from Oxford, Lambton and Waterloo counties in the afternoon. Inspecl6r-7. H. Kinkead spoke of the interest of all County Council membersin this Co- operative Library „ Service which tends-te-nearlyaRRte,-the--s in the county. He ,said he •was very .in erested�-in getting boys and girl's to read. Reading ma- terial must be available for these children, as their homes .and schools alone cannot provide it, he said. Mr. Hanly thanked the ladies of Knox Church for their dinner and Mrs. A. Straiton rd - plied. • Hugh Whartton, Thomas 'Twam- MON., TUES., WED.— • MAY 15, 16, 17' MRS. MARGARET MacDONALD Funeral services were held on Saturday afternoon of last week at Ashfield Presbyterian Church for Mrs. Neil MacDonald, 88, the former Margaret Taylor. Inter- ment was in Kintail cemetery. •Mrs. MacDonald passed away in Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, Lucknow. She is survived by two sons, Earl; Ashfield Township; Wil- liam, - Kintail; two daughters, Mrs. Thomas " (Alice) Bogie, St. Thomas; Mrs. Ed. (Irene) Riley, Millbrae, California; four sisters, Mrs.. Alex Johnston, Chicago; Mrs. Robert Wagner, •Detroit; Mrs. Dan Wylds, Mrs. John Cow- an, both of Ashfield Township. ARTHUR KINGSBURY A former resident of Gode- rich and of the Nile district, Arthur Ernest Kingsbury, passed away at his Wingham home on Thursday of last week. A son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Kingsbury, he was born in Eng- land 84 years ago and came to Canada 65 years ago. By trade, he was a painter and decorator. While in Goderich he was a member of Bethel Pentecostal Church, and; at the time of his death, he was a member of the Pentecostal Church, Wingham. His wife, the former Elizabeth Edwards, died in 1943." Several nieces and -nephews survive. Funeral services were held on -day-afternoon -at-the---bodge funeral home with interment in Maitland cemetery. Rev. Wilson Loder of the Wingham Pente- costal Church officiated, assisted by Rev. Harold Cracknell. Dur- ing the Service a duet was sung by Misses Hoy and Cracknell, and Rev. H. Cracknell sang a solo. The pallbearers .were: JA 4-7812 UARY ley, William Lediet, Edward Er- rington, Linton Sutlor, James Stokes. WILLIAM J. McMU'LLEN Mrs. Christine Thompson, Que- bec•street, received word of the death of her brother.; William J. McMullen, 73, on Wednesday. of last week., " Mr. McMullen, a retired farmer, was a lifelong resident of Huron Township' and a member of Pine River United Church. Surviving are his widow, the former Winnifted Brown; one son, Howard, Galt; one daughter, Mrs. Ray (Ijeatrice) Collins, Am- berley; a brother, John, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan; and one sister, Mrs. Christine Thompson, Goderich. Funeral services were held at SUNSET DR1VE-iN 1i4 miles east of Goderich on Nd 8 Highway THURS., FRI., SAT.— MAY 1'1,' 12, 13 , "SIGN OF THE GLADIATOW" In Scope and Color, Anita Ekberg and George Marshall Laurel and Hardy, In "Oliver The VIII" • Galaxy.is light, bright, marvelous luggage and it's on display at our store now! Inspect Galaxy's new "Touch-o-matic" locks— feel the luxury of its custom interior! Galaxy is Canada's new line of fully m,outded luggage— designed for jet -age travellers! Come in soon. See new Galaxy. We're proud -to show it! ASTRALITE SHELL Durable! Light -weight! CUSTOM INTERIOR Matched to exteriors! SAFETY LOCKS Fit flush with rase! NEW HANDLE 6 Hand contoured! p. YOUR 3 INITIALS On special base plate! F. HIBBERT Built ti,,a�kill understdn[iing and a touch of magic, 160 The Square, Goderich IA 4=8811 by Canadian masters: SEVERAL PIECES OF ,LADIES' AND GENTS' 'LITGGAGE ,A.<+rae,..,e.mra,as,*• - ..,m.,,..,a�, as<nl ..w: hr ;.w.v.n rva��:a�sa'4<i=...�+e.z.n�crvr..�.--.,,\w;o-.,.sr-rz.:n, w�.ikxmaa M,ar..TRMKRsa1.q.�.+mwrm.aA+.,wCA^aM,m.-„..,,�'lu-_... _....... In Discontinued Styling's. CLEARING AT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "FEVER IN THE BLOOD” Angie Dickenson and Efram Zimbalist Jr. • Two Shorts and Cartoon THURS., FRI:,'• SAT-, MAY 18, 1 19, 20- ' DOUBLE BILL "THUN.DER IN CAROLINA" Color Rory Calhoun and Connie Hines "SABU AND HIS MAGIC RING Color William Marshall and Sabu TWO SHOWSNIyG�YHTLY Children under 12 lit oars free. Playground IRefrashr»rnft 110114414011,61144114144141610.11.410, NOW ON DISPLAY FOR THE FIRST TIME' In Goderich A Completely New LINE of CANADIAN WALLPAPERS by A NewCanaciianconipany E, o anacM mited • SEE THEM TOD. Yr at . HENDERSO BOOK STORE the .Linklater- funeral home„ TWO. PRIZE WINNERS AT Kincardine, on Saturday, May 6, SDD IM cn t►I'Q e w } s with interment in Kincardine 1 cemetery. Among those from a distance attending the funeral were; Mr. Frank Harrison, ,Mr. and. Mrs. Eric McKinney, all of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beck, De- troit; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mac- Donald, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald.Thdrnpson, Londonk Miss Maisie Thompson, Toronto, and Mrs. Neil Thompson, Gode- Spring flowers decorated }Iar- bourlite Inn last Friday evening for the 13th annual Spring Fan- tasy Ball sponsored hy the Beta Sigma Phi. Mrs. John Beduin' . was the winner of the $50.00 bond and Mrs. Floyd Lodge w:15 the winner of the- spot dance. prize, which was donated by Fit- • singer's JewelleryLL:Store.._ The; net proceeds of this dance will lie° given to Al x�ndra Mat°i rich. ne. and General Hospital. NEW LIONS D.D.G. J. Ross Middleton, %R. 2, Bay- field, was elected Deputy Dis- trict Governor of Region 3, Dis- trict A-9, of Lions International, The election occurred at the annual Region Rally which was held at Zurich Community Centre. ' '45th ANNIVERSARY Former pub:isher of • The ' Zurich Herald, Chester Smith, and Mrs. Smith,. recently cele- brated their 451h wedding lin-• niversary. A classified ad in the Signal. Star brings quick results. NOW you can buy the safe new tires you want! COMPLETE SET OF 4 - L - with Class "A" Trade Ina 5.5-.80 IS TIB TIME TO CHECK YOUR- OW' BRAKES and WHEEL ALI'G :E T ONE-STOP SERVICE for Motor' Tune-up, Brake and Body Repairs, Wheel Alignment and Bela`nca,, Ge•iterat ftOpairo. LET US PREPARE YOUR, CAR FOR CARFREE `S1TME3R-'• pRII,Ott- SEE HERB DAVIDSON or .JOHN tiA17G for DAVIDSONtex�co raw«%.+=..<.,.�,a„e;+w. 7.u. 1H,.. Sr d, °fpr'.HA. ,i}w*y;v8wa -:ts_t;�s4,x�:•rt 1?=resawA aas:;x5,, Ask about '1UNDASPRA4'" .-Philos rust and road Wt.