HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-7, Page 5i)aahwood. Sooner, REPORT -The following are the namea of the pupils of the senior division who received 50 per cent or over on written work during the month of April :-Fifth, Milton Cook, 66. Sr. fourth, G. Snider, 53, Jr fourth, G. Hoffman. 71; Wm, Bean, 6S; Daniel Weber, 51. Sr. Third, Dan llartleib, 92; D. Beaver, 85; A, Ehlers, 80, Ed. Duller, 75, Oscar Snell, 72. Jr, third, A, Emit, 87; Ed Toon, 82; N. Miller, 11; Louis Wolper, 71 ; M Rader, 66, Ww Eckstein, 64; E. Weida, 61; A, Miller, 6n; L, Miller, 54. Sr, second, D. Hartteib, 78; S. Gossman, 74; A. Endt, 73; M. Lweragood, 05; S. Beaver, 59; J. Livengoacl, 58; L. Weber, 54; D Eckstein, 52. The average attendance for the month was 99. SAM. M. HAvcit Principal. BRJEe&-,-There was a slight fall of avow on 'Tuesday. Tne weather has bebeN Gold since Saturday night -Mr. H:Cook is at South River,l'arry Sound, at present. -.On Sunday teeming Rev, S, Bern preaohed Ins first semen in the Evangelical church here. -Frank Litt deft for home last Wednesday.- On Fr'ill'y tast our schools celebrated Arbor Day es usual, -The new buiid- inga are going up rapidly.-3lr. Louis 4tauhua is able to be around aga'n.- To•.day (Thursday) is Ascension Day. Services in the ditlerent churches, BIa1lSllard Cta1i11011, Llanshard Board of municipal officers mei on Monday. May 4th, all being present, Minutes of previous meeting read anti confirmed. M*,ssra. Spearing, Bratms anti others addressed time council asking for grants tor their respective road divisions. The Board when making appropriations for cli1ierent Highways will i lso deal With these divisions. Johnson-•-ferry-.that the fence in, closing the township hall premises be fortllwtih repaired by having the osts re.set and the lence straightened toils proper place, -Carried. tuolalr-St John -that the clerk ad veraise for tenders for tete construction of stone abutments of several bridges to ne bade in the municipality. Flans and s ecif at -an caseen to t s n be atthe p l e hal divert* store of James embalmers, 51 ltiarys, Tenders will be opened at the .National hotel, St Alarys. on Saturday, the 10th day of May,1891, a the hour of 2 p.m.. and contracts for construe. tion of saki stone abutments forthwith let. ---Carried. Berry-Jthnson-that the Court of .Revistoo for the township for the year 1891 be held at the township hall on lianilay, the 1st day of June at 2 p.m. -Carried. On motion duly made and seconded the following orders were granted : - Ruth Richie, charity, $7; keep of indi• gents previous to being sent to County ail, $5.75; Waiter Gowan, $4, rep bridge 17th con, Cou>rcil adjourned to meet 1st June, at 10 e,tn. J, 11. J MIESON, Clerk, •-•. o+ -e Raglan. ''` The mortal remarna of Ann Hodgson, relict of the late `Phomas Hodgson, committed to earth. The funeral of the mak. Ann Hodgson took place on Sunda , April 19th, 1891, from her late reeidonce, Simcoe.st, Raglan. 'Thee was a very large,atteuhtanct ; it was indeed, one of the largest funerals that has been seen in East Whitby for many years. The body was first taken to St. Paul's Church, where the usual services were conducted by the Rev'd, J. H. Harris. The pall bearers were: Colonel txriersan, William ,Richardson, John Ross, John Howden, George Ormiston, William Bright. The body was encased in a beautiful cloth covered casket, with silver trimmings, upon which were two inscribed platea, the brat bearing the record -"Died at Raglan, Ann Hodgson. in her 78 year"; upon the other were the words "At rest." The floral nit stings were beautiful con- steting of Calla lilies, white roses and other flowers. Noticeable among thein were -a pillow inscribed "Mother." from her son, Christopher, a wreath with •At rest', from her son, Matthew; an anchor with 'Grandma', from her grand -daughter, Annie Elliott; a cross ; with 'Mother' from her son .in-law. J. w . Elliott. l'he service consisted of 39th and 95th Psalms, and the lesson from Corinthians. 15th chap., followed by the singing of the hymn, "Till we come" As the casket was being carried out, the organist played the solemn strain of the funeral march. After leaving the church the body was interred in the St. Paul cemetery, where the burial service was most im- pressively rendered by Rev. Mr Harris. Mrs Hodgson had been in poor health tor some time, still no immedi- ate danger was anticipated until within a few weeks of her demise. She was a, lady who possessed very many amiable qualities, and is much and deservedly regretted by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. She came to this jountryin 1830, ''and was: married to the.1 to Thos. Hodgson, whom she sur- vtveseven years. They had a family of tr. eve children, two daughters and ten sons, only six of whom are living now. Her sons, Christopher and Matthew, lived with her and were privileged to minister to the wants of their living mother on her dying. bed. ' She was,a member of the English church,Olutnbus,and while her health permitted wa.i a regular attendant. at , public 'ordinances. She responded to the Master's will. with Christian sub mission, and spoke calmly . to those around her, telling them not to mourn for, her, for she know she was going to her heavenly home; and urged them .'to help one .anotherto prepare to fol low her. She never murmured, but was patient throughoutall her sickness, and so grateful for every little attc n- uon bestowed upon her, Is is not her family. alone .;that will miss her sweet smile, loving words and deeds of kindness, but many who were wont to meet with her in her journey through life. g'nom'e, di, :a era. 'tt:ftOr ,- 1iii5lurti Ezotor Bob Mills. MARKET REPORTS. Wheat , , 1,02to $1.05 per„bush OUR SELLING PRLW S.. Flour, Strong Bakers', $3 00 per 100 do •Best Family 2 75 do .Low Grade ., 200 " Blau , , .,. 90c. Middlings , . . , , 1 OOc. Screening „ 1 OOc, Chep20 to 1 30 tr ri sr rr Chap stone running every day. tarTERAIS CASH, Tn.E to, XETF 11 ?MILLING Coy. MAKKST REPIAtTS. =gerre Bea Who r°t Spring Wneat series • Oats Glover S nod .., Timothy Pens Corn Rgga ,. Cutter Flonrporbbl ., Potatoes,pur bushel Apeles,per oat; UpiedApplesl,r b tieese per Ili. Turkey per lb Puckaper Ib Ohickeuaperpr flostr,dreasedperl(0 Roes ill" elrei Roil been/A:in* eneb Celirikttae wool perlb .., Hay porton Oetonvuerbuap� Woodperoord ▪ 1 00 to 1 00 160 to 1 0 .,. +, 48 10 00 5 4, to 43 •-• 4 GO to 4 7. 1 40 eo 1. 70 70 to 741 040 to to 10 to 11 la to 010 10105 5 19 to 0 59 1COto1rl0 0 41o089 0 15 to 0 u6 • 07 to (8 ,.• 0 00 to 0 g'7 n 025toO30 ,.. 6001a025 40010525 2 00 to 2 60 50 to 390 ,., A 69 to 24 • utidto0a ,.: 918to0V „. 6 CO to6 On • o5uto0(5 ▪ 2010 300 .11 sT aralIrs Fall „ 1 00 1 .0 Sprinc.... ......... .. 01 1 CO tlar.e Oats y „ .............. . • 0 93 0 45 Clever Seeal i 71 4 2a Timothy „ ...... ............•. , 1 �'�. 1 of Peas.-................. ... .,.,0 70 n 70 iegga. ..... ............ .. ... ..... ,10 0 10 Rnttor „ .. , „,,......... 1 • 0 J Patettoes per bag' 9 05 Apples per bneh ............. 059 Woollier lb .............................•,,'"G 020 Raypertnn...............•..............,.... 5 59 6 fin Bran per ton. 19 ot, 1410 Shorts •• "• Gatmealnorlabl 0 00 7 00Ho4s. ressed per 70. "• .,.... ;CO to S d LOND0N, wheat.1.IOto1.11 per bus. Oafs, 470 to 4S5 per bus. Peaa.75e to Me per bus. Bnr- loy,+Itiltiut • 5a1 to 57e ver bus. Marley Feed, 44c to49e per bus Lora. OW to f7e per. bushel. • TORONTO. Taranto. May 5-Wboat Spring -No. 4. berm tol t.6 per bus; rad winter.No ,2.1 12 to 1 19 per bus, atauitoba No 2hard,129 to 1 21 No. 3,9'^e to 9fic ; PEAS See to 810 por bus. t1AT4 61e to 93cerbus, F1.0UR, extra.$t 50 Is '54.69 por bol: straight miter. V. Roto 1.f5; s'rongbakera..14,00 to $4.10. BARLEY, ho 1, f,lo to 640 ; No 3 extra 54o to 5')e, No 2, 5'.+o to 5'o. WrrATIT cosT3-Must be carefully COO. tittered by the great majority of people, in buying even necessities of life flood's Sarsaparilla commends uncle with special farce to the groat middle chases, becalm it combines positive economy with great merit' cal power. It is the only medicine of which can truly be Enid "100 Doses One 'Dollar," and a bottle taken according to directions will average to last a month. T LIAM DY, LICENSED A00- 4 • tionoer for tbo County of Huron, Charges moderato. Exeter P. 0. FOR SALE -A GOOD sTOli . Y and a half frame dwelling, gond stable : everything convenient, with three-fifths of an acro of Ian 1 situated on Oidloy-st. Will he sold cheap. Apply t0 ER CIARLEY, Ml6tf 1YAorTEo w x CARLEY. pABZ1I FOR SALE OR RENT - 1' That splendid farm of abr•ut 70 acres, be- ing north half of Lot S, Con. 21. Stephen. is now for sale. The property is situated about 74 miles from Parkhill. on a gravel road and is oneof the best farms in this section. There are on the promises a good frame houso and frame barn and two good fruit bearing orchards. The soil is a rich clay loam. School house within a few rods of the house, and ohurohes and post offioo within If miles For furtherpartioulars apply to Mas ITUMOLE, Ap6,m1 Corbett P.O. The Molsons Bank (CHARTERED 13 Y PA RLIAMEN'T,' 855) Paid up Capita] ,. RestFund ... Head0flce, Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN TIIOMAS,Edq., GegaRALMANADI1 S x,000,00 1,000,0( 20 bran choIncas intn, Dominion. Agonoie in the Dominion,U.S.A.and Europe. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day. from 10 a. m.to3 p. re SATURDAYS,10 a,m.to I p.m. ' 4PerCent.perannum allowedfor money on DopositRecoipts N. DYER HURDON, Sub -Manager. 1891, 1891 A FINE ASSORTMENT _pF_ Fancy Goods Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, dollar and Cuff Cases. Manicures, etc., —RIC -- BRE Headquarters FOR DARNING REBUS and CHEWING GUM Come in and see our complete assortment of spring and summer styles. In Millinery, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Boots & Shoes, etc , we mark them low to sellthem quick. Be careful that you do not go wild over the LOW PRICES. Cash for Eggs. Butter t. Eggs wanted at DOUPE & CO , Kirkton, lower, Field Garden Seeds 'OL'1 UIt- —, „ .6 — FAP EP BROS. LJRRA ailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and :surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles AND A.-- Siire Fit Guaranteed. JOHN & DETT Exeter Packing House James-st,, Exeter. We, the undersigned, wish to inform the Public and Store -keepers of Exeter and surrounding country that we have on hand a good sup- ply of SUGAR CURED HAUS, ROLLS, BREAKFAST BACON, BACKS and SIDES ; also DRY SALTED MEATS and PURE LARD. No also keep at the Main Street Meat Market a good supply of first-class FRESH & CORNED BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, and PORK, POULTRY, in season. BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE. CASH PAID FOR HOGS., SNELL BROS. 8c CO. IRESII SEEJJS -AT- HOWARD Mangold, 12c ib. Lawn Grass, Orchard Grass, Turnip, 12c lb. White Belgium Carrot, Short'Belo,iuln Carrot Hungarian Grass: FRESH 'SEEDS -ALL KINDS. JAS.H HOWARD W. U MONCDR Proprietor. Manager. OH, WHAT A COUGH, Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that rnor, terrible disease Consumption. . skk'your selves if you can affard for the sake of saving 500 , to ran the risk and do nothim for it We know from experience the Shiloh's Cure will pure your cough. I never flails:. English Spavin Liniment removes a hard, soft orcalloused Lamps andBlemishe from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Ser, and Swollen Throat, Collins. etc, Sava $50 by use of one bottle, Warranter' tie most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by V. Lutz, Druggist. Iteh cured in 30 minutes by Woclford'- Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. LUTZ. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castcria. When, ehe was a Child, she cried. ter Moria, when she became 'miss, she e'uag to Cnstoria, When She had, Chiidren,she gave them (asteria. 10 NERVOUS DERiLITATl D )1UN. If you will send us your addrese, we^ rill wail you our illustrated pamphlet explatndalg alt abu'ur Pr bye's eel braced Electro-Vulfaae kelt and AIndia' ces,and theireheruiingeffects upon the oervnus debilitated system. and how they will quickay restore you to vigor and wan. bond. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted. we wallsond y uaallelt and tlppt;aneea 0n * trial, Vowel. tc Balm Co„ Marshall, 31ich• For Over Fifty Years. Alas WINSLew'S SOortmNO ti VIVA' has been used by millions of mothers for their children while trethir.g. If disturbed M night and broken of Your rest by a sick child suffering and crying' with pain of eulIlag teed: send at once rind get n battle of 'Mrs 11'inslow's Soothing ooti'ltliesuffdreriwtneo elety. laepend neon 11, mothers. there 15 no rnieteko about it. 11 -urea lisarhuca, regulates the ;+temaeh and Carrel - cure.9 Wiva Coke softens the grime• reduees et naatlnn, and Rev- 8 toneand.en°•rgy to tbo whole srstrtn. era 1Paestow'sSere hieg Syrup* for children teeth- ing is n e.adanL to t he taste Anal 1's the prrieri tit'; of ono of the ',west and brst female physicians a44cl1ararse9 is tn'e U iteel States Yrac .�,eents:a Ito We. 1 t+. nisi by al druggists ahroagl eat tete world. ale sure and ask for MSS wrSS stoY 'i*OTI ic0 `lrat'r•" YUTICI.. The Thatreuglvbred Tmnertcd Holstein Itnll, African Prince. formerly stock bell at the Ontario agricultural:nelege Y will be kept an lot 8.North `1taau,e, Road. Usborne denim the season• for the improvement of stock, Terms $1 52 to insure. 11'34 31o:crinru, Prop. F. J. KNIGHT, x27' k'ancy and Staple Groceries, 1,TQLTU CIU4.its, TOlLAVCO; (Now located in .lIuee's old stand, Mnin•st) For finest Groceries and Teas, 13osuro to eatl amine rue; For in the corner store, in Maee's blank.. Yon will find wee have tihe finest stock Of goods that people dally use, Our t`cas and Coffees and our,'ipice, Wo keep in time--but.h dean and ince- And. those who've purchased aught hare found Full sixteen ounces to the pound. Upon the shelves you'll always lind Canned cheats of every sort uud kind; Molasses too. and honer sweet. And'ayrun thaate:mootbebeat : Dried Fruits and Raisins. swept and clean, Finn Cheese and Butter Indy be seen, And Olives, Catsup, sauces and Oils Put up in bottles of all styles; In fact everything your heart could wish, From sardines up to salted fish, All kinds of brushes. brooms and rope, Baskets, wash-• oards. tubs or soap. We will sell you cheap by lots or weights, Or trade for produce, poultry and eggs. F. J, KNIGHT. OOUNTY OF HURON TEACH- ERS' EXAMINATIONS. 1891. The Primary(III. class) and Junior Leaving and Pass Matrioulation(II class) Examinations at the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools will bo held at Gudorieh. Clinton and Seaforth beginning rnesday. 7th of July at 8.49 A. M. Senior Leaving and Ilonor Matriculation (I C) will he held at Clinton, beginning 'Tuesday, 14th July.atl,80P• It. Caudidatos wh., wish to write at either Seaforth or Clinton must notify David Robb, Esq.. I. P. Schools, Clinton 1'.0 , not later than 22nd May. stating ar which of the schools they intend to write; and those who desire to write et Goderioh must notify Jno E.Tom, Esq.,I.P. Sohoo,, Gode- ricb P. 0., by the same date. No name will be forwarded to the Dopartment unless the fee of S.0o accompanies $ pa les tho application. Head- masters or High Schools and Collegiate Insti- tutes will please send the apnlicntions and fees of their candidates to the P. S, Ins-.ector with- in whose jurisdiction their school is situated. Farms ofappligption may he obtained from the Inspector or the undersigned. PETER ADAMSONV.. Godorich, April,189]. County Clerk TENDERS_ SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed "Tender for Indian Supplies" will be received at this office up to ,noon of SATURDAY, 9th MAY, 1881, for the delivery of Indian Supplies. during the fiscal year ending 80th Juno,1892, consisting of Flo ,r, Beef, Bacon, Groceries, Ammunition, Twine, A grioultural Implement,Tools, ,ko„ duty paid at various points in Manitoba and the North- West Territories, Forms of +enter, containing full particulars relative to the Supplies required, date of deliv- ery, Sze., may be had by applying to the under- signed. or to the Indian CoinmisioneratRegina or to the Indian Office, Winnipeg. Parties may tender for earth description, of goods(orfor any portion of each description of goods)separately orfor all the goods called for in the Schedules, and the Deparment reserves to itself the right to reject the whole or any part of a tender. Each tender must he accompanied by an accepted Cheque in favor of theSuperintendont Ueneral of Indian Affairs, on a Canadian bank for at least five per cont. of the amount of the tender. which will be forfeited if the party tendering declines to enter into a contract based on snots tender when called upon to do so, or If ho faits to complete the work onntraoted for If the tender be not accepted. the ohequo will be returned, and if a contract be entered into for a part only of the supplies tendered for an accepted cheque for five per cent: of theamennt of the contract may be substituted for that' which accompanied the render; the contract securi`y cheque will be retained by the Depart - meet until the end of the fiscal year. Each tender must, in addition to the signa- ture of the tenderer. he signed by two sureties acceptable to the Department for the proper performance of the contract based on his ten- der. This advertisement is not to be inserted in any newspaper without the' authority of the: Gentlemen 1 leave your orders earl! for (neon's Printer, acid no obrnn for pryment by with 'mho bast staff of Tailors • the be+st anynewrpapernothaving had such authority, The accompanying cut repro' Bents the famous 'Crediton Read Cart,' manufactured by Wm, 11.. Wenzel and Israel Smith, Oredi. ton, Opt. This cart has now been in the market for about two yearn and bas met with great success, '1 be manufacturers claim that itis the best cart manufactured, both as regards convenience and durabil- ity. They have dozens of testi- monisla from parties who have purchased these carts, which speak in the highest terms of them. The worktnanshrp and material employed in their eon - W ] c a�az c : QED assaaseses atruetioa° can not be surpassed, ,ud the price is as low as is consistent therewith. A glance at the eat will show the eager a few advantages this cart has over all others, viz .--The easy mode of getting n and out; theabsence of apringa or bars which bring the rider's weight on the shafts o as to sag them ; the convenience sf carrying a robe or rug in eold..or stormy 'avea:lr- •r, These carts are manufactured for one or two persons, and finished to suit the pur- baser. (fears furnished to the trade. Mr Wenzel also manufactures Waggons, Buggies, Sleighs, Etc., and does all kinds of repairing in these limes. Mr Smith rime a fr at -class general blacksmith shop, and guarantees to give sa'isfae. ion in all kinds of new work. repairingborseshoeiug, etc., etc, to which he gives his personal attention. See circulars for further particulars concerning road cart. W. mil. fti ENZEL,1 Crediton, Qnt, ISRAEL SMITH, i AvrritZto sprthg Stock of Shelf and Ileavy Ilatr .ware LOCUS, i��;,;�r,'•���H^T CON"S■�I+S�TIN�Caq'�OF .}�I LOCU , i Idl.rA 1 i , ET'lal�'II EIA LIP OAR NAILS, Window Glass, Putty, Faits and Oils ALL KINDS OF WIRE ,. . BA RB, BUCKTHORN .IL J , FILED and ANNEALED A.,t lowest Ocks4 :Prices. BISSETT BROS. . ]:'.a. -Alto ffrst•class stock of Tinware to select f''olr1.•-B,B Life is too short for Aught BUT HIGH ENDEAVOR. I endeavor to produce the very best goods ul my line, not only the best in quality and fluish, but in value. I am sending out saute very beautiful MILK CANS this spring, far exceeding any previous effort. My stock of material for spring work, such as Eacelroughiug*,. Roofing, &c., is extensive and complete, and workmaa'slnp is the very best. I solicit your order for TROUGHING- OR ROOFING, Gut i ati`faction. I have without exception the nicest assortment of MILK PAILS, STRAINING PAILS, to be found anywheae, ranging in price from zea cents to 1t ©0. Note the price of MILK PANS : Small size, i5c. to $2.00 per dozen ; Large size, c+I.o0 to $3,00, Who would go without a Dipper when you can get one for 5 cents'? EVER YOURS, WILL FOLLlAND. THE WOMUTUAL ( (�(0.f�.•( n ost FIRENV, IIvSD1lAJ4ATERLO .COO Established In 1863. HEAP OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. Thiseomtans/ has been over dighteen years in successful operation iu western Onario, and •ontinaes to insure against toss or Samagebv Fire Buildings Merchan- dise, Manufactories. and all other descrip- tions of insurable property.. Intending Insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Gash System. During t'te oast ten years this. Com -i piny Das issued 57,096 Policies, covering' property to the autountof 340,872,03S; and paid n losses alone 3700,732,00. Assets, .$176.100.00, consisting of Cash :Bank Government Deposit and the en- force. d ',V WALDEN Not,s on Gant and inBoots :oraeo.. �tV>;xD Pres, t3. .deL t (r , .h. t.erx,on secretary. 3.51 HuaaEs, In- spector +,` HAS. SNFt,L, 4aont for ExeterShoes. ,red vicinity. Sewed work a speciality. Repairiztp promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, One Door South of Post Office —HE HAS— A NEW AND COUPLET i —STOCK. OF-- Fastiioaahia Stylo: 1 DO YOU z WANT TO BTJY 0 FIRST-c;j,A.SS FURNITURE 0 AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAlle GOODS H GID LEY' —ARE USUALLY ,SOLD -- -THEN GALL AT— TI-1) BEST YET ! TER UHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET • Best Ordered Clothing pi educed in 'Exeter will he admitted stock' of Fine Trimmings, and the best L. VANA:UGHNiiT, Cutting in Town, yoe are sure ,of estisfae. i Deputy of the Superhntendent:General t10L f 1)eparf ofmentnoet rnn Affadrs. I l -ONLY FIRST -GLASS - Reliable Goods At Prices Lower that so -cap. led Cheap Houses can give Undertakingin all ai Branches. S. GI DL EY [nd� r an aff,ura, 0¢Utwa Malek 18111. A„• t�.s e .o• Suocessor to C & S. C4idle ODDFELLOW$' BLOCS