The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-04-27, Page 14VI The doderieh Signal -Star, Thursday, April 27, 1961 AUBURN AVIA/RN? April 24. -- Bou- reary, Mrs. BePt^Craig, read the uets,-.# gOlrlon daffodils, for- roll call and each member re- vealed the name of her secret - • • • .; • '0,--.Eminersont Itoclge.V. • annual and Mrs. Norinan Meclinehey- 00$4104'et.. J'Arseggt-41.74jugt1,. "April Showers:" Illit1tUte held Iasi 145Sr eVidif-^ rfe-'kuesC''Ot Vie -eveiTiiiii.'Wa'S ng in • the Sunday School room Miss Edythe Beacom, of I.ondes- lcucil‘ United Church. Fifty boro. She showed her pictures (qclles sat down to a turkey taken during a month's trip last linnet prepared by the Naomi 61.1111111er and gave an interesting Plroup of the W,A. Mrs. Thom- commentary of her trip to the flaggitt was mistress of core- Western Provinces, and the U.S. monies and poposed the toast A. Mrs. Keith Machan thanked to the Queen. Mrs. Ed. Davies Miss Beacom. An orchestra sel- PrOposed a toast to the,Institute ection was played by Mrs. John LUL Mrs. VV. Bradnock respond. Daer. Mrs. Everett Taylor and ▪ 00.14,-.--S0044,,far the seven- sister and presented her with a 00;1+ A lively sing -song was led Mrs. R. J. Phillips. The lucky 1VIrs. Gordon R. Taylor ac -1 dinner tickets were held by ganpanied by Mrs. Robert J.1,Mrs.% Maud Fremlin, Alr„s• An- hillips on the piano. . The see.idrew. Kirkconnell and Mrs. Ben Hamilton. This was in charge lefteeieeeiseeeeiooe I of Mrs., William Dodd. Mrs. !Frank Raithby thanked the church group for their dinner and Mrs. Thomas LaWlot replied. The committm in charge of the planning for this annual event was Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Ed. Davies and Mrs. William Dodd. Thi 8 committee arranged to have a photographer present who took a picture of the group. (PaA.6 le- P4PTIC11142 • ","'""''':`7"V.Is..,j0;:rit''' • , Legin' Ladies 2nd in .Bowling Thirty-seven members of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Can- adian Legion, Branch 109, at- tended the -annual bowling tournament at Walkerton Lot week. Second prize was award- ed to the Goderich team con- sisting of Mesdames Ralph Kingswell (captain), Murray Sheardown, Carl Anderson, Ar- thur Doak, J. Queen and Tiny Bedard. Each member of the team received a prize also. Door prize winners were: Arn- ... • 7144% * old Doak, Miss Ruby Cernrie, Mrs. George Chambers and Mrs. Charles Stokes. During the afternoons pro- gram, a talent Show and enter- tainment was held hi the Leg- ion Hall. Mrs. Mamie Sutcliffe ,sang a solo, "Bonnie Lassie." A skit by Mrs. Lillian Summers, as an organ grinder, and Mrs. • Morris IVIacMillan, as the mon- key, created much laughter. These ladies were awarded a silver dollar for their act. CKNX talent, Al CherneY, Jack King- ston and Andy Winters were also park of the program of which Bob Secord, of Hanover, was master of ceremonies. The president of the Canadian Legion Provincial Command, Mrs. Richardson, and MIs. Pegg, chairman for all Piovincial con- ventions, were present and both Spoke briefly to the Auxiliaro, Members. Lunch was served at the Hartley House Hotel and the dinner was held at the Legion Hall in the evening. Members of the ,Legion and Auxiliary bowling team won first prize at the mixed bowling Kincardine last ,week -end. Mr. Ralph Kingswell won the high triple for the evening and the team was composed of Mrs. IVIu.rray Sheardown, Mr. Bert Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doak and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kingswell. • .. ..... ,•,•.• ............ ............................. ‘,4•10,1•C Rev: David J. Lane, B.A., Pres- byterian minister of St. An- drew's, Clinton, of Knox, Au- burn, and St. Andrew's, Blyth. had conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Div-inity (honora causa) by Montreal Col- lege, the Presbyterian Theolog- ical College,. on Tuesday. AWARDS ARE WON AT AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL Claire- Cox, Goderich. Town- ship, is one of eight honor stud- ents graduating this spring from Women's Institute Meets the Western nvtario Agricultur- al Schoo.l at idgetown. Claire . Agriculture was the interest - ranked fourth in the class of 76 ing topic given at the April seniors and was awarded the meeting of the Auburn Wornen's !Institute by Mrs. Frank RaithbN . R. Goodb. rand prize for high when it met in the Orange Ha-li student in English and civics. The only son of Mr. and Mrs. last week, The meetirvi was in -charge.-.7'of,Abt.—pr'.-- esidelt.....mrs, tla • Cox he attended S.S. No._ 5, Tho.masHaggitt. The SetrfIrSty - • ICir -:(21z4,u4k, . ill)___ and Clinton C:ollegriatelns itieT. At treasurer, Mrs. Bert Craig, gave present Claire is helping his her reports. Plans were corn- 1 father on their three farms. pleted for the Needlework Other Hurgn County students who won awards at Ridgetown include: Wayne Jackson, Myth, wanner of the W. G. Thompson prize for the best all round student, and Crawford McNeil, Lucknow, winner of the - C. R. Watson prize for the student ence between whether tilt laide 'Hoodless, the founder of making thg most progress. boss introduces you to im-' the Institute. Mrs. Don. Haines *Several more local ..boys wfio -I gave a reading. Plans were portant clients or Jones, Re made for the May meeting when will receive graduation diplomas •.:,,,,,-,01,0ac1; :,:xLua,-,.ttinto_._ se_,,,n_i_d•..yo.3,tr._ ,,_ s.u.its rticulture iite be, the: tepie will be aiigwer -d " Robert -Jefferson, --Au ur • on May 16 are.:. ,. lbA-;- seeds or flower-slipeS. Arthur Dickson; Goderieh-b- Wnill-- . 6 74^APIX,---1001Eing Thg_roll call, right! Quick service. Plfone.1:br bn Course to be held in the Orange Hall this week. ^ Mrs. Don-. Haines was appointed delegate iParticularly if you want a to attend the District Annual to be held in Wingham on May 17. raise! ;33:maculate, got,free Mrs. Eu. -1- Davies gave a .paper 'clothes may mean the differ -on the ,Life and •work of Ade- -liam -Howson, Blyth "Frank" The poluck lunch will be in Postill and Barry Taylor, Clin- - charge of Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Gordon Dobie and Mrs. R. J. A• successful auction was held .at the close or the meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. W. Bradnock, Mrs L.Craig, Mrs. H. ,Mogridge and 1VIrs. G. The 103rd annual Convoca Powell. ton. GO.DERICH French 103rd CONVOCATION DRY ,CLEANERS WEST ST. JA 4-8452 C. R. LOWERY, Prop. :iosee4mbeeeeeeeeiiilsomiee The name of Ecum Secum, about 90 miles northeast of Halifax, is an Indian phrase that means 'red bank," presumably from the eoast's red clay soil. Our Thanks TO THOSE WHO SUPPORTED US =BOWED= T -CAMPAIGN._ dt. GODEMCII CIVIC PROGRESS COMMITTEE When it Comes to saving here's a trick worth knowing. Avoid writing cheques against your Savings Account. impossible? Not at alif Just open a Personal Chequing Account at...the "Royal" and use it for paying bills. ROYAL ARCH MASONS AT tion of Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Canada in, the Province of Ontario wag held April 17-19 inclusive at -the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Huron Chapter R.A.M. No. 30, Goderich, was represented by the following members: Ex. Comp. Ralph Henderson, Ex. Conip. John Westbrook, Ex. Comp. C. E. Laithwaite,„Rt. Ex. Comp. Hugh Hill and Rt. Ex. Comp. R. C. Bradford, Grand Supt -of -.Huron District No. 6. - Among the list of -assistant of- ficers appointedto Grand Chap- ter office by the Grand 1st Prin- cipal, was V. Ex. Comp. C. Laithwaite. NEW LIQUOR STORE TO OPEN LATTER PART MAY The_ new L.C.B.O. store on Huron road -is- to be open some time between May 15 and June 1, it was - stated at Town Council last Friday evening. Since it is the policy of the liquor store to. be clos- ed on some. one day of the week, the Town Council was asked to suggegt a day most suitable for it to be closed. The Town Council's sugges- tion was Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bradford spent part of last week at the. Royal • York Hotel, Toronto, while Mr. Bradford attended the sessions of the 3rd vinual con- vocation of Grand Chapter R.A. Masons of Cana4a in the Pro- vince of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. 'Kenneth Mac- aulay, of Toronto, were week- end visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. Norman Macaulay, Elgin avenue. It's Your Dollar - Make The Most Grit - SHOP and -SAVE / CASH at A&P! Frozen Food Features! SNOW CROP,MIXED VEGETABIAS 511 -oz pkgs 99c Reg. 2 for 45c — SAVE 14c A&P „FANCY; SLICED STRAWBERRIES Jane Parker • Baked in A&P's Own Bak by Master Bakers ' Jane ft ker,- • Reg 49 SAVE,10e-, • Jane fkaakemens351.2,,-•,),- • , 1,-e4,,r•liW5.--PlYF 6c • t‘. • 1, • " P•777 -• — • ••• • • • • _ • - ,•• • _• STOCK UP YOUR .FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE RAISIN PiE each 39( FRANKFURTER ROLLS , pkg of 4 Jane Parker Individual . Reg. pkg 33c—SAVE lc CINNAMON WHIRLS pkg 25c FRANKFURTER ROLIS Jane Parker 3 15 -oz pk9s 1.00 Reg. pkg 39c --•"SAVE17c Reg. loaf 25c—SAVE 4c Jane Parker • IRISH RAISIN BREAD 16 -oz loaf 21c OATMEAL COOKIES COME SEE, YOU'LL SAVE 'CASH ON 111PER1167111',AfirATI. • CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF ()Armless INT Si L RO Ib 87 SX Brand, Sliced MAC. & CHEESE LOAF Ib 53c , Sweet Picided, 21/2 to 3 -Ib End Cuts BACK BACON 1b59 Sweet Pickled, Centre Cuts or Slices BACK BACON- 11:69 B-ookfield, Skinlesk Pure PPRK SAUSAGE !,6,47c. c Extra Savings at A&P! Ann Page , 16 -oz Jr 35c—SAVE 6c SALAD DRESSING 16 -oz jar 29C Rose E3,iand Reg. 4 lbs 99c—SAVE 10c .MARGARINE 4 1 -lb Pkgs 89C Cut Rite WAX PAPER A&P Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE The* you can keep your Savings Account strictly for saving.:The bank 'calls this the 2 -Account Plan a sure-fire way 1=044% Tt makes sense. It's ..businessui like. Awl, it's easy,,,Why, doet you give it a try? THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA SANK VVITti 1:006 rittoktt DOoka Goderich Brt$ h: V.t.t.Ao HOLMESVILLE HOLMESVILL4, April 24. — The regular meeting of the W. M.S. of Holmesville United Church was held in the Sunday School rooms with Mrs. S. Far- quhar's group in charge of the program. The call to worship wa§ given by Mrs. Farquhar, and Mrs. Jack Yeo read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. L. Jervis gave the comments on the les- son, and also led in prayer. Easter stories were read by Mrs. Ninian Heard and Mrs. K. Tre- wartha. The president, Mrs. L. Jervis, conducted the business and the secretary, Mrs. Ft Cud more, read the minutes. Mrs William Yeo gave the report of the supply committee. Reports of the annual W.M.S. Presby- terial held recently in Wingham were given by Mrs. Barrie Wal- ter and Mrs. Frank McCullough, The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. S. Farquhar. The W.A. meeting followed with the president, Mrs. Ninian Heard, in the chair. Mrs. Heard gave the call to worship and read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. jack Yeo gave the thoughts on the lesson. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. William Norman. Mrs. Reg. Miller and Mrs. Jack Yeo were appointed delegates to the an- nual W.A. Presbyterial to be field on May 3rd. The treasur- er's report was read by Mrs. Frank MeCullough. Mrs. Jack Iteo- presented the report „for the manse eonimittee. Mrs. Wil- liam Yeo and Mrs. William Bender were appointed to look after the re-covering of the pul- pit chairs. An auction sale will be held,. at the- May .roeeting. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs: N. Heard. llosteSses for the dav were Mrs. W. e. Tebbutt, and Ws. U. ORM, Manager, miaow TO -MATO SOUP 4. 10 -oz tins 43c Reg. roll 31c—SAVE 13c- 2100 -ft rolls 49c Reg. tilit 296—SAVE 17c '4,18 -oz tins 99c Re,. 4 tins 45c—SAVE 2c (Grape, Orange, Florida Fruit Punch) • Reg. 3 tips 95c—SAVE 6c FRUIT DRINKS 3 :4 tins 89c Prernliym Plain & Salted Reg. pkg 37c—SAVE 4c CHRISTIE'S SODAS pkg33.c --Contents • SinCIAL PRICE1 COCA COLA— Ingersoll Reg. jar 63c—SAVE 4c CHEESE SPREAD 16 -oz jar 59c -Red Rose Reg. pkg 790—SAVE 6c TEA BAGS ORANGE PEKOE'pkg of 60 13c t EXTRA SAVINGS 0 • • Coin See Vit1/ Save Cash at A&P, cy,Quality, Skinless, EEF LIVER LICED Premium Rindless, Sliced SIDE BACON 1 -lb pkg 77C Cooked and Breaded, COD PORTIONS lb 39c Cooked and Breaded, White, • BASS FILLETS 653c Pole Star Reg. 43c—SAVE 4c, HADDOCK. FILLETS Mb pkg 3-9c I ' c Reg. pkg 35c—SAVE 6c pkg °f122.9c Reg. pkb 29c—SAVE 9c 2 pkgs49C •• GRADE" OVEN-READY 5 TO 8-1.13 AVERAGE, BROILER TYPE KEYS 13.,URNS,.WJENERS - Lean Shoulder GROUND CHUCK Fancy Queity 1.16 pkg 45l lb 59( LAMB TONGUES lb 35c Super -Right, All Meat, Brown 'n Serve SAUSAGE PATTIES Ef-oz pkg 45 Fruit & Vegetable features! California, Fresh, No. 1 Gracie, Large, Luscious STRAWBERRIES Housecleaning, Needs! Johnson's (With Free Applier) Reg. tin 79c—SAVE 1Qc 1 -Ib tin 69c KLEAR PASTE WAX Pledge FURNITURE WAX Johnson's Self Polishing KLEAR LIQUID WAX • Reg. tin 89c—SAVE 10c is1/2-oz tin 79c Reg. tin $1.09—SAVE 10c, 32 -oz tin 99c Marvel Blue-- WINDOW SPRAY No. 1 Grade, Sweet, Ripe -BANANAS 2 ibs 29c No, 1 Grade, Jumbo Size 45's, Vine Ripened, daimon Flesh CANTALOUPE -623 California, Fancy Grade, Valencia ORANGES-- 521b cellobag- 69c Mantosh or Spy, Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, Atmosphere Controllea Storage APPLES 3 -Ib cello bag 49c California, No. 1 Grade, New Crop,AAlhits 10 -lb bag 59, POTATOES California, Fresh, - No. 1 Grade, Washed CARROTS20-otcellobagl 9, Stringless, Florida, Fresh, Tender, No. 1 Grade, GREEN BEANS lb19c Fresh, Firm,' Red Ripe, NO. 1 Grade; Cello Tube TOMATOES , for -2.3c Be sure to visit our Garden 'Centres for your patent Rose 'Bushes, -Evergreens, Peat Moss, Grass Seed.'etc., all attractively priced. 0 tHit OptAt ATIANTleci PAC1,10 U ComPANY1.7b. • a rkets Aht' PENI.ACILITY Alf Prieto 11‘ Yhts Ad Outrantood thrisuali Sett Apr. 2001961 Reg. btl. 15 -oz btl 45c ' ' .v • BLEACH JAVEX 7c 64 -oz jug Sunnyfield Reg. pkg 25c—SAVE 4c SPANISH PEANUTS 14 -oz pkg 2!c 2 1 -Ib pkgs 55c Stripe TOOTH PASTE giant size tube 63c , Solo Regular MARGARINE Ralston CORN CHEX Assorted -Flavours JELL-O POWDERS Del Monte, Fancy Qtiality EARLY GARDEN PEAS 12 -oz pkg 29c 3 pkgs 29c 2 15 -oz 'tins 35c Redeem This Coupon at A&P *igv—;rmer.letosiveregieriefeier.Asseek• THIS COUPON occ GOOD FOR LIP N THE PURCHASE Or THIS WEEKS • HI -F1 RECORD - -Regular-Price $1,49 . , With this coupon Ali 24 you pay only a 'OA MOWN IN SIGH 13 Sp ED TY UCORDING 4000 4404,00,414.1600610 44000 . • , , • ' • , , • . • „ • • „ „ , • • 4 •