HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-04-27, Page 1010 Tile Oeoderieh Signal -Star, Thu119day, April 27, 1961 t, ANTIQUE DISPLAY Mr. Dennis Steep and his mo- ther; Mrs, Fred Beevers, at- tended last week the first An- tiq'ue 'Show and Sale held at the Agincourt Community Centre, »cored by 'Ike Isabel Rutter apter of -the X.O.D.E. Mr. Steep, a local antique deal - was ' the best -display_ at the shore with°'hisct ntigw "te of ►iShed.furniture 0,10.,,�.unsaa, d GirI Graduates In Theology 43 costal Dilate College, Peter- , ihorough. This service was held at Massey Hall, • Toronto, when 36 .students graduated in Pastor- al rJieology and .the Missionary Co•lirse. The president, Rev. C. B. Smith, officiated at this 20th graduation exercise of the Cpl - lege. Her father, Rev. Crack- nell, graduated from this Col- lege in 1947. Miss Craelmell .received her earlye:dncatitnt t High Sch000l at firigsville be Miss Darlene Cr a c l n e 11, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Craclinell, 31 Picton street, lltalatilltextelr.TueSttar from her, three-year course in Paton], Gordon Wong Dies At .Hull Well -remembered as a res- taurateur and philanthropist, Gordon Wong died Sunday, April 9, in his 65th year, at Hull, Quebecer., Interment took place Thursday, April 13. Liep1��LY.eC�y(S� �GI t p' e �4. in ��.. R x- rta � 4 college, where she specialized brain tumor, Mr: Wonghdbeen in languages and New Testa- ill for a period of two years ment Greek. Her class; named following his last visit to, Gode- "The Couriers," was compose.d rich in 1959. Popularly known of 24 men and 12 ladies. They as "Wong's .Cafe,.." at the corner were from Trinidad, West Indies, of Montreal street and The South Africa, Hong Kong, Ire- Square, the restaurant was oper- land and various cities in Can- ated by "Gordon" from 1935 ada. She served as head lib- until 1950, following which he rarian for two. and a half, years returned to China and set up a and was on the social committee similar operation in the city oil of the college as well as a leader Canton. Political difficulties of one of the Bible clubs of the forced the abandonment of this College. She is also a, talented endeavor and Gordon returned musician and soloist. to Canada, establishing a whole - Miss Cracknell and her grad- sale Chinese food business in dating friend, Miss Phyllis Hull, Quebec. His son Ken Wey Twigg of Trenton, will take was associated with his father . ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH April 30th, Fourth Sunday after F, aster. 8.30 a.m. Holy' Communion. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. (Junior Congregation and Nursery.) 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector. Mr. J. F. Stephens, M.A., B. Ed., Organist and Choirmster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street °United Church 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Nursery SUNDAY SCHOOL. MORNING WORSHIP. and Junior Congregation. REV. W. J. ten HOOPEN, B.A., B.D., Minister. a MR. GEORGE ESPERT, Organist and Choir Director. Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister Mr, H. de Jong, Organist. Miss B. J. Woodruff, Deaconess 10..a.m.. CHURCH SCHOOL. 10.15 a.m. Minister's Bible Class. (St. Mark's Gospel). 11 a.m MORNING WORSHIP — "THE PEARL MERCHANT." (Nursery and Junior Congregation). 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP Sacrament. of Baptism. Rev. Wm. Weir, B.A., B.D., of Brampton, tip the pastoral charge at Mit- in the food business. chell Pentecostal Church where The son was brought to Can. they will serve as deaconesses, ada by his father at tremendous After two years of -Service, they expense; due to the existing can each become a Lady Worker political situation in China. Ken, for their Church, father of four children, lives in Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Cracknell Ottawa. Also surviving the late and James, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Mr. Wong, arethis wife, at Hull, Cracknell, all of Goderich, and and a married daughter living Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Cracknell, m Cotnmunist China. of Kitchener, 'attended the grad- (Gordon had maintained steady uation service in Massey Hall. correspondence with several Rev. and Mrs. Cracknell and Goderich friends until last fall Miss Darlene remained in Tor- I when` progressive blindness and onto and attended the "annual i failing health stopped the let- 'estern__Oxttario. -DistrictCon- ters." His philanthropies, in fnee of their church held in CGoderirh, ^juretTy distributed, `rp Lakeshore Gospel Temple, Tor are well remembered by his circle of intimate friends. Known popularly as "Gordon," the correct Chinese name was Lung Sen Wong, he„leavesa wide and°fond association of friends and acquaintances in the Goderich district. onto. Another graduate of 'this same college is Mr. Carl Verhulst, son of Mrs. Anthonie De Ruytgr, R.R. 1, Bayfield, who was top student in his class. He has received his appointment to... a church at Schefferville, Quebec. Mr. David Gower, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Gower, 77 Hamilton street, has completed: his first yeas" . at" til& college. LIONS HOCKEY NIGHT The .annual hockey night of the Goderich Lions Club will be on Thursday evening at Han bourlite Inn. CROP REPORT Continuous cool, wet weather' haa,curtailed seeding operations in Huron County and -it wilt Tie a few days before the farmers can. get ,hack on the land. Growth of pastures' and fall wheat is slow. although, they are greening up considerably. Therecent rains will have help- ed general moisture conditions. , OUR BUSINESS IS P -R -I -N PROMPT T1 -N -G SERVICE ON ORDERS TELEPHONE JA 4-8331 WHY WAIT -UNTIL YOU ARE ALMOST RUN OUT ? DON'T BE CAUGHT. SHORT. ORDER NOW. PLAN NEW SUBDIVISION ON TEN ACRES PURCHASED Being planned foe -a new sub- division, ten acres of land, lying between Blake street and Ben- nettstreet at the' south -end of Elizabeth, Widder and Warren streets, have been purchased by Harald W. ---Shore, -local ' -real estate broker. ' Our automatic job printing presses and The purchase was made from Mr. John Rimmer, who has been in Blackburn, England, for 1 past two and -a half years. Rimmer returned to Canada by jet plane April 17th to complete the land transaction here, negoti- ations for which have been underway._ for more than two years,-said"1Gfr.-SIinre. : Mr: Riin� mer plans to return to England soon but to come back again to Canada a few weeks later. Mr. Shore, who is agent for • MEETING ON MONDAY TO ORGANIZE SOFTBALL ' A meeting to organize men's softball ,in Goderich for the sea- son has been scheduled for Mon- day evening, May 1st._. It will be held at the Canadian Legion Hall at 8 p.m. All those inter- ested in either playing softball or helping in the administration end are urged to attend 'this meeting. wide selection of. the most modern .type guarantee you a pieasing job: And our prices.) -Tire re ar�e WE PRINT EVERYTHING: = except MONEY .and POSTAGE STAMPS IF YOU NEED . LETTERHEADS STATEMENT OFFICE FORMS SHIPPING TAGS WINDOW CARDS BUSINESS CARDS Ccll in today a ENVELOPES INVOICES TICKETS FOLDERS BLOTTERS several building firms, said he intends to subdivide the land into lots for home construction. While a definite plan for de- velopment has not as yet -been decided on, it is planned to use current designs, making use of the-Cresrent and Cu urt-pians for the streets, wherever possible. It is expected that the first lots will be av ilable later this year and will e locatel•on the south sid of lake street, after this streer has been widened to standard requirements. Major V. Larder Off To ` Africa G. D.C. NEWS (By Nancy Hughes) It seems as if I have just yes- fi d �t-vol n' iu e�laynl ie ve§Uhat vias .list w E'he days fly?.' _' ri A, Are!, Last Friday, evening, the Girls' Athletic; Association sponsored an "April Showers" dance in the auditorium. Pussywillows and umbrellas,—useful articles this spring—as well as colorful bal- loons, which add to fun any- where, gaily decorated the audi- torium. Jim Bridle, a .grade 12 student at our collegiate, was the fortunate winner of the wristwatch, kindly donated as a door prize' by Mr. N. T. Orm- andy. This lovely spring dance was enjoyed by everybody — especially Jim. The Senior Glee Club mem- bers have been practising al- most every day for their im- portant performances. "Open House," to be held on May 5 at the . collegiate, is their first engagement. An assembly sche- duled for May 9 and a television appearance on May 17 follow. The members are hoping to per- form even better than previous- ly. Subscriptions to Year Books. for 1960-1961 are now on sale. A lot of careful planning and hard work has once again pro- duced -an excellent magazine— otfe whin 'wlll'�5e nice to look at when you are 90,' students. On Wednesday afternoon, mid- dle and -over sehnol�nglish students were shown Shake- speare's "Henry V" during an assembly in the auditorium. The interesting historical back; ground of this educational film was presented beforehand to the classes concerned by the Eng- lish teachers. Sir Lawrence Olivier cleverly portrayed King Henry. V. This dramatic film will serve as an asset to the students in future English studies... The annual Cade; -Inspeetiorr is next Wednesday -afternoon, May ' 3. The cadets have been drilling constantly and reports are •that they are well-prepared. The student body wishes all concerned the best of luck in this important event. Plans for the annual "Spring Prom," sponsored by the Stud- ents' Council, are well under- way. This year, the Council has engaged "The Continentals" to play at the dance. They hope everyone remembers that they were the wonderful orchestra at the 1961 "At Home." Major Violet Larder of the Salvation Army was guest of Lienor at the home of her, bro- t it hr, Wilfred Larder, and Mrs. Larder, R.R. 1, Goderich, last week -encs. Major Larder leaves next week .for Kenya, East Af- rica, where she will work on the Mission Field there for a five-year term. She has worked for the Sal- vation Army for over 20 years and has been' stationed at Hali- fax for the last two years. She will fly to London, England, and Victoria Street United Church "Fellowship Awaits You" 10 am.. Bib1,4 School. Adult 'Class. 11 a.m. CHRISTIAN GROWTH (3) - "A WITNESS FOR CHRIST." 1.30 p,m. Benmiller Unified Sunday School and Church. 3 p.m. Union Church. REV. STANLEY MDOTE, B.A., B.D., MINISTER. MRS. J. SNIDER, ORGANIST. BILL HEADS SALE BILLS CHEQUES BOOKLETS. PAMPHLETS WEDDING STATIONERY Quality Printing and Prompt Sehrice ' GODE,RICH BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.ria. Church School. • All Ages. "MAKING ENDS MEET,' "SUPERIOR FAITH." Pastor, E..VonKeitZ. Organist, Writ. Bettger. '''.. t" . fib•.. CULBERT'S CONFECTION STYLED DOUGHNUTS IN TEN VARI!TIES ' Cherry Custard -- Rum and Egg Nog — Lemon or ..r Orange ,Twists -- Jelly or Creme Filled -- Honey ¢ :, .::441 '-'t1 ir.', • 13rrwna,1'--;+s ,tt .Sheiks J:nx Chocolate Iced — . i, e.. ...,-4-.., t-�.air<-.5''-�Cr,.;,:,.:4,.YiH Y... N. H�ME MADEBRAD ' Oven Fresh each morning at 10 a.m. IN EIGHT VARIETIES Sliced bread sold in Poly bags to preserve freshness. ,,.,,,. ' FRIDAY and SATURDAY WEEK -END SPECIAL . ORANGE KIST 'LAYER' CAKE - with Orange Fondant Icing TARTS — Butter -- Honey Coconut — Maple Walnut MUFFINS — Bran — Banana — Whole Wheat[,, Old Fashioned Cornmeal. -- Family Size Pies — Full o' Fruit, — RAISIN, APPLE, CHERRY, RHUBARB, BLUEBERRY, RASPBERRY; PUMPKIN SPECIALLY DECORATED --- HEART -SHAPED MOTHERS' DAY CAKES Open Friday nights 'til 9 p. CULBERT'S LBERT'S BAKtY West Street Goderich — • JA 4-7941 HARBOURAIRES IN ' BIG SING ,HELD AT DETROIT The Harbouraires were in De- troit--orr 'S"aturday taking 'part' in the Mid -West Big Sing held in the Memorial Auditorium of the University of Detroit. Tak- ing part were chorus groups from' -all parts of Michigan and parts of Indianna and Western Ontario. it FREE METHOoDIST CHURCH Corner Victoria and Park Streets REV. E. A. COOPER, Pastor. , . Phone JA 4.9306 9.50 a.m. Family Sunday School. 11 a.m. "SOLOMON'S :GLORIOUS CHURCH." 7 p.m. "THE POWER -OF THE LORD WAS PRESENT TO HEAL." d:T 7:30-p,+nayar..-an morm.P'' go by boat to Kenya. This will take three weeks. Major Larder has five brothers, Harold, Allan, Charlie and Wilfred in Gode- rich, and Albert, of Thamesford; also one sister, Mrs. William (Edith) Lasenby, of Galt. Gtfests at the dinner hon' Major Larder were from Lon- don, Thamesford and Galt along with the Goderich relatives to wish Major. Larder Bon Voyage. CUSTOMS OFFICER TO- GO TO PORT CREDIT Collector of customs at Goderich since February, 1960, Mr. G. W. Robertson has been appointed collector of customs `at the` port of Port Credit. Tae assunies his new post on Monday, May 1st. His suc- cessor at Goderich has not been named as yet. ' p gfIRRiNG p Nd VRIPPINGI with i;.; � new pJELLED MAGIC PAINT-) No Stirring .Because it's homogenized Now you can avoid all the tedious work of stirring, and —even more important-- you escape the pitfalls of inadequate stirring. 'Jelled Magic gives you a ^autiful, smooth job every time. No Dripping ...because it's jelled Jelled Magic just can't drip„,,,,-, or run like ordinary paint. It- comes to you jelled—stays jelled on brush or roller—yet becomes liquid instantly when applied in the usual way. It's perfect for every room in your home— including kitchens and bathrooms: SERVICE ELECTRIC (Goderich) Limited Victoria. and Newgate Sts. dA 4-8581 Bethel Pentecostal • Tabernacle 10 a.m. Sunday School.' -iv asses -for all ages. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Stud". Friday, 8 p.m. Young' People's. You are invited to come and worship with us. REV. H. C. CRACKNELL, Pastor — Phone JA 4-8506. THE SALVATION ARMY 11 a.m. 3 p.m. 7 p.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 30 WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. CAPTAIN AND MRS. R. PETERSEN VISITORS WELCOME Church of the New Jerusalem ' (Prophesied, REV. a V. 17 and Ch. 21) ' "For in Him dwelleth the FULLNES of the Godhead Bodily", Col. 2 V. 9. This verse nullifies the Trinity of Persons, and confirms the Fullness of Deity in Jesus Christ; thus effectively disposing of the Vicarious Atone- ment, based upon a Trinity of Persons. . Books with doctrines for the New Church ere AR- CANA CELEST,IA, APOCALYPSE REVEALED; HEAVEN and HELL; „ TRUE CHRISTIAN RELIGION; by EM. SWEDENBORG. MY - RELGION by HELEN KELLER.; Her story of faith. These books loaned and delivered free. ,Ap Iy to Leonard Cote, '23 Picton St) 6ro4erich. df'hptt 7;700. • $chaejer's Ltd. MOVING SALE WE WILL BE MOVING SOON ! Take Advantage of the Special Prices Offered • CQATS and SUITS EVERY GARMENT CARRIES A SALE TICKET FOR QUICK CLEARANCE The Pick of the Season's STYLES and COLORS at SALE PRICES Clearing Lines throughout the ntire Store at GREAT SAVINGS ! SCHAEFER'S Ladies' Wear Ltd. 142' Godericn ° JA 4.7232 • .n v4