HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-04-27, Page 9'Pry, ang ileal one the Vro- that, d to May NORMAN HOY HONORED WITH CRVSADER AWARD 4 Mr. Norman Hoy will be pre- sented with the warrant of cqm- '1 mend on Friday evening in 'the Goderich Pentecostal Church, by the cenamander-in-chief, Rev. etett,q,•-, . • 1'; - .1 • • • H. C. Cracknellriiiinister of the church. 14r- Hoy is the first leader of the Crusader Boys in Canada -to study and pass successfully his examinations to receive his war- rant as commander of Unit 112 of the Crusader Department of, the Western. Ontario District. For the past tWo,,yeara,.-Mr- Hoy bas been leader. of 27 boys of different denominations whose meetingsare held every Friday evening. Their program is fifteen minutes for devotions, fifteen minutes fa instruction and requirements foz. mefit badges and the remainder of the time is spent working with as ,t1re- 3:?..k,;‘,.. • "Oieee.§.§eti: • ' IIEVROIErisNuDTIEEN: 11 ARE BIGGER SAVERS BECAUSE THEY'RE SMOOTHER RIDERS 000 • In pickubs,-Tiddleweights or - 'heavy -duty tandems, there's a Chevy Independent Front Suspen- sion truck to save you time and money. A truck that works harder, rides smoother and lasts longer! And here's the reason why. • • • I -BEAM TYPE FRONT AXLE. A stiffbeam de- sign that transmits• road shock .right through the truck. mem om et@ itom Independent Front Suspension cuts ibad shock and vibiatiOn• before they can reach the•cab and driver. He's relaxed, comfortable, able to do more work ina,day. ",/•!.efee" . . . „ ••••;e. •:•-:;;••• ••it ' , MAW: CHEVY INDEPENDENT FRONT SUSPENSION. Wheels. flex indepen- dently, minimize wear and tear. 11. + AUBURN AUBURN, April 25. --Mr. a Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor and 1VI and Mrs. Ben Hamilieli-ifisit with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey An- drews and Mr. David ilamiltpn at trelast 'Sunday'? Mrs. Howard Wallace, Nita += nd Wayne have been employed for over a year. Mr. and Mrs. Bill- ed ins purchased thfs farm home " from Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Good, four and a half years 4gfi; i•-CAMItig„- hem ,frora-e- Auroredistrict.' Mr. and Mrs. italPflYarklinoAXAX134.Aige, Cindy Whir have occupied -an' and John, of, Brant/gm-7nm -gtie.§koPirwii4e4ntsw; gr. an Mrs. Bert Marsh, and Mi Betty Marsh last week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngbl and family, of Woodstock, visi ed with relatives in this distri last Saturday. Mr. and'Mrs. John Weir, Jo and Bob, of London, were r cent visitor a with Dr. Weir an Mr. and Mrs. Duncan AlVlacKa Barbara and Johnny. Mr. Harry Eve, of Leasid spent the week -end with h wife who is with her mothe Mrs. Herbert Govier, since sh has come home from the ho pital. Mr. and Mrs, Al. Zurbrigg, of Listowel, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gibbs, o Hamilton, are visiting with Mr and Mrs: Wilfred Plunkett thi week. Congratulations to Mr. an Mrs. David McClinchey, (nee Ruth Moss), on the birth o their son in Goderich hospital on April 23rd., Mr. Bob Younglaltrt, of Uni versity of Western. Ontario, ha been studying at the home o his inether,,-Mrs-r-Rarph---Munro. and Mr. Munro, for the pas week. Mr. and Mrs. James Hembly were Toronto visitors last Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown and family visited in Stratford last Saturday. M. and Mrs. Allan pillings have sold their farm home south of the village to Mr. and Mrs. Clare Longhurst and' their four children, of St. Them. Mr. Longhurst is a former railroad man and will take possession on July 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Billings and Wayne have put chased a home and will move to Mitchell where Mr. Billings and d apaitinent in her parent's home, SS will move to Goderhih where a Ralph has been employed for Ut couple of years. Mr. Clifford Brown has com- et menced to build his ice cream stand on the western side of his an- Fina station on the Goderich e- to Blyth highway. The building and is 20' by 20'. Y, Knox United Sunday School will present an evening of music ?, this Friday evening when the is Dm:pinion Life Choir will give r, their concert in the, auditorium e of the church at 8.30 p.m. on s' April 28th. OBITUARY MISS SUSAN STRifiCHAN . Word has been received of s the death on Saturday, April 22, in Ossining, N.Y., of Miss Susan d Strachan, a daughter of the late D. K. and Susan Strachan. f Funeral services were held in Ossining on April 26. Surviv- ing is one sister, Mrs. M. J. - (Sophia) Dundas, London. s £ JAMES E. BART., — Funeral services were held -on Friday afternoon of tast week at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton, for James Ed- - ward Hart, 61, a Colborne Town- ship farmer. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery, Sea - forth. Mr. Hart is survived by three brothers: George, Grey Town- ship; Clifford and Joseph, both of Colborne., RICHARD B.-MILLMAN •••••••••••••••••••••• LOT FOR SALE' Excellently located 'and high- ly' desirable, corner of Quebec and Waterloo streets. Contact:—. P. GARRETT, BLYTH. • -17 0001111011101111110001111111000011111100 1111111M. o Chevy's 'Independent Front Suspension pro- tects valuable payloads, and ,owner reports prove it. You can take a fragile cargo over the roughest roads with far less worry about costly damage. ' • • • • .. """ A native of Goderick_Riehard B. Millman, 12, died Sunday in St. Joseph's Hdspital, London. For many years he was employ- ed. as a stationary engineer by Sparton of Canada Ltd. When he retired three years ago ffe moved from London to R.R. 1, Crediton. Surviving are his wife, The former Eland Nichols; a son, Roy, Detroit; a stepson, Arthur A. Hesketh, London; two bro- thers, John lVfillman and Norman :Millman, Detroit. and one sister, Miss Florence Millman, Minne- apolis. Mrs. Jennie McGratten has returned home after a week's visit' with ,her daughter, Mrs. William Silverthorn, and family, at Behnont. • ROCK N ROLL DANCING -FRIDAY, APRIL 28 fro'. 9' to ? • A.TITRDAY, APR. 29- to 12 p.m. Both nights THE REVOLS of Stratford will supply the rollicking tunes • AbanssiON 7S cents. " BLUE' wATE R-1,0 N E BAYFIELD ROAD — GODEiTCH JA 4-8374 All Units Now Open at The Blue Water Motel. • a Less wear and tear orr e truck's body and sheet metal makes for lower upkeep and longer truck life. ,l'e:••• • • . See your lova authorized Chevrolet dealer ROUSE UTO ELECTRIC - - S-T-REET-- JA 4-9311 CT -961C Watch the Chevy Show, Tuesday nights over CBC-tV. dheck your local paper for time and channel. , Amilessw •:•:•:.•••••:4;-••:. • •*. „. • ••:•., .„ • SEE US FOR YOUR ;••• :".":,••4!4.,'.' and G MARINE SALES and. SERVICE Corner of East Street and Cambria. Road - QUALITY BOATS -JOI-INSON MOTPRR- 7- _TEE NEE TRAILERS and. Marine Accessories EitSAtAIrH trt avemasetimusok 4110.•1111111.111MINIMIIMINI6 174.4TAAW. TIM ywoods Siding - Flooring - Roofing Sash & Doors HOME? COTTAGE? or REMODELLING? Wilatever your building plans — it will pay you to clieck with us FOR ECONOMY — QUALITY — PROMPT SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES- and SUGESTIONS are part of our service to you. 1 1 FINANCING? Yotir banker will advise about a Government Sponsored HOME -IMPROVEMENT, LOAN. '163—MLOIN—AVE: GODEVIOIT JA 441171 il. A PLAN FASHION PARADE AT ACHIEVEMENT DAY The Huron County Achievement ,Day will be field Saturday, April 29th, 'in the Clinton District Collegiate for SM-? 'ren clu t "- *Ms:liar* will be Pre: art.ththeir leaders and Pat-, s_e% with e urged to attend the afternoon, sessipn at 1.30 p.m. The morn - tag program for the girls is to jiidge dresaes and materials and to give reasons for their.•'ehoice. Each girl is 'required to do a sample of slip -stitch. In the .afternoon, comments will be given on the club ex, hibits and there will be a fash- ion parade of the cotton dresses, made during this club. After the demonetrations and skits, the presentations of certificates and pins will. take place. This program is planned by Mrs.. Bette Miller, Horne Economist for Huron County. tantLintereittefVflienda, are DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, April 25. Daylight Saving time beco ffective this Sunday morn mes ing the the am, ge, of for at Mr. Mr. en nd nd iss ug- ob- ng of eir he is nd r. nd nd in nd ng L. on in- n, to, er or he. of ch as Al- m. e- on nd as .S. in e and church goeri may be first here to officially notice change. Mr. Merrill Grah student of Queen's Colle Kingston, will have charge the United Church service Rev.- T. Ili -chards on Sunday a.m-, D.S.T, - Visitors last Sunday with and Mrs. Cecil Blake were 'and Mrs. R. T. Kilpatrick, Kar and Grant, Wingham; Mr. a Mrs. Allan Corbett, Lloyd a Ralph, Orangeville, and M Dorothy Corbett and Mr. Do las Tucker, Toronto. • The local Public Library served Library Week• by taki on a "new look." Several the local ladies offered th services to paper and paint t interior. - The transformation very. creditable- . - • Sunday visitors 'with Mr. a Mrs. Thomas Webster were M and Mrs. William pradley a daughters, Brenda, Faye a Alice, of Goderich. Mr. and. Mrs. _Leo Langev and children, L'orrie, Paul a Michelle, of Barrie, are visiti with the lady's mother, 1Virs. Stingel while Mr. Longevin is .a short course at R.C.A.F., Cl ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henderso Greg and Brian, of Tdron spent the week -end with 'h parents, Mr. and Mrs. Viet' Errington. ',0 Erskine W.M.S. 'Meets.—T Women's Missionary Society Erskine Presbyterian Chur held on Friday, April 21, w opened by Mrs. Robert Me lister with the Easter progra She also read the devotibrffl pr pared by Mrs. R. MacLeod :The Resurrection Today" a a prayer. An invitation w sent by -the Lucknow W.M Auiciliary to join with" them their meeting on May 3rd in t e Sunday School room:. Ten ap swered the rpll call by repeat ing' a verse of Scripture on "Faith." It was decided to re new the flower bed along the front of the church. Miss Iva Carr gave a selection, "How we go into -all the world together,' and Mrs. Arthur Stewart, a read ing on "Mary." Agricultural Annual Meeting —Harvey Culbert acted as chair man when the Dungannon Agri cultural Society held the anriva meeting in their hall on Apri 13th with a good attendance T. M. Durnin, the secretary treasurer, reported a good yea Ralph Godfrey, the retiring pr sident, thanke& the board f their support during. the tw ld d - of e- s, t, t, d, c - e s, n t, d ABOUT BLASTS Further exPlanation as to th 4.V.O.AIPAS bix.$44‘.e4d..ove Goderich $4111-810r, TimrsclOY, April 27,;t901 ST HELES! Piaque Honors Rei.D. J, Lane 0,4e4 to,tart0 Jar. fl ST. IirENS; April —Mro, e Gordon McPherson spent Oita ✓ day in-rixqter.m#44rAfv.,444- ;;Vved ThOraiant. Over -30 ladies attended a turkey.. dirwep4.4003.404 Turf oullfeadak evenin. #s t is the first year of the "Sun- shine Sister Club" in the Int - lute, the W.I. had as their guests, new members for 1001- 62 Identification of their Sun shine Sister and a program brought a pleasant evening to a close. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston and family, of Bluevale, Spent Sunday evening with Mr. Frank IVIcQuillin and Terry. - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laidlaw, of Wingham, on Thurs- day, April 20th, a son, James Gordon. Mrs. Laidlaw was form- erly Ann Todd, Congratulationat Returning from Wingham hs- pital at the week -end were,IVIrs. William J. Robb and Mr. Archie Aitchison. We wish them im- proved health. Mr. Wallace Millen who has oderiO, from time to tile); given ,na, the following letter 4xoxL. gt., Ce.rdift44,P;1101/ft;- Lewis Taylo, of Godrtch. The letter „reads as follows: "Farther- to my correspond- ence of February 7th, I have neW received a final report from the Minister of National Defence, in regard to the spend nuisance in your area, and quote as follows: 'A report has now 'been re- ceved from the United States Air Force authorities, who have stated that it has not been pos- sible to establish that any of theiraircraft exceeded the speed of sound in the vicinity of Goderich. They do say, however, that high performance aircraft based at Selfridge Air Force Base do conduct missions with- in United Sates air space over. Lake Huron, and it is believed that should an aircraft be in a "nose down" attitude and heading in the direction of Goderich while in supersonic flight, the shock waves could possibly carry as far as the Goderich area. Under these cir- cumstances, the U.S.A.F. Head- quarters has directed Selfridge Mr Force Base to review the area designated for such oper- ations and to revise if poWtkl.g,„ elfablished procedures so that recurrences of incidents of this kind will be reduced to an ab- solute minimum.' "It is hoped that this action by the United States Authorities wilr prevent further annoyance to the citizens of Goderich." PORTERS HILL PORTER'S HILL, April 24.— The W.A. of Grace Church met at- the -home.- of mr--Elgin Cox with An excellent attendance. The president, Mrs. Barbara Betties, took charge of the meet ing 'which, opened with the theme song. pie Scripture was read by Mrs. 'Donald Harris. The topic and prayer were read by Mrs. Bill Cox. The roll .call was answered by a Bible verse containing the word "Love." The travelling apron was hand- ed in and the sum of $9.26 was realized from it. This month the travelling bake basket was started on its wy. Mrs. Blanche Cox was in Charge of the pro- gram which consisted of a hum- orous reading and a musical contest. During the afternoon the ladies quilted a crib quilt and articles for a bale were handed in. Two very interest- ing cancer films were shown by Mrs. Harry Ball and. Mrs. Jack Elliott, of Clinton. The hostess served lunch. PORT ALBERT • PORT ALBERT, April 24. — The Tidies' Guild of Christ church met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Graham . with, nine mem- - bers present. Mrs. Forster opened the meeting and the secretary's and treasurers re- ports were ;read and adopted. After a short business period, the afternoon was spent ini sew ing. Rev. Mr. Wright closed the meeting with prayer andLthe hostess served lunch. •The Sunday School of Christ 1 Church was opened forth& sum- mer. It will be held at 2.30 p.m. • each Sunday with -Mr f C. Haden, Harbourne Adams. Elaine r• Hodges and Barbara Foster as or B -teachers.aptism Baptismal 'Services will: be ° held in Christ Church on Sun- day, May 14. A social half hour will f011ow the service. A crokinole party was held in 8t. Andrew's :United Church on Friday last, sponsored by the Sunday School. High prizes went to Helen Wardrop, and John McKenzie and low win- ners were Mary Elizabeth West- lake and tkilip- Richards The April meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. was held at the home of Rev. and.Mrs. Rich- ards or Thursday of lat. week. After the devotional period, Mrs. Lednor gave an account of the Huron; Presbyterial held in Wingham, United Church re- mReeetvin. gMrw.iRtkicyhmvard,ers clos- edenthaye. the hostess served lunch. years he was in office. He wou continue to give help when nee ed. he stated. The election officers for 1961 was held; k suiting as follows: Director Stan McGratten, Hugh Bennet Wilbunahown; Nelson Culber Harvey Culbert, Allan Ree Rodeiick McKenzie, Donald M Kenzie, Ross Eedy; associate directors, Dick Park, Theodor Redmond, George • Saunder Ross Henr, Harold Culber flucrrge -Errington, Gordo Smyth, Bili Culbert, Elmer Gra ham, Allan Dickson, Howar Culbert, Harbourne Adams; as soeiate lady directors, Mrs. Don ald McKenie, Mrs. Chester Fin nigan, with others to be added honorary-tirector, Joinr- nett; president;, Gordon Saund rs; first vice-president, Hare' Adams; second vice-president Chester Finnigan; secretary treasurer, T.' M. purnin. The agricultural sOcieey is sponsor ing the 4-H Calf Club which has 26 members. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dauphin and sons, Gary and -Mark, were Sun day visitors with -the former's mother, Mrs. Gertrude Dauphin, Chatham, whose birthday was observed that day. Mrs. Edna Black and family held an auction t ale of farm ttock and implements on' Sat- urday, but the farrh was not sold at the time of the sale. Mrs. Mathew Shackleton had as visitors, her cousin. Mr. Amos Cornelius, of Goderich, one day last week, and her sisters, Mfs. Howard Durnin and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Webb, Goderich, on Sunday. GIFTED INSTRUCTOR AT GLT "WORKSHOP" The long hours of practising required for dramatic presenta- tions was emphasized by Misa Olivia Hasler, who instructed the GLT "Workshop" here last week. Her subject theme was "Acting Techniques." These in- clude voice projection practice, correct articulation, proper phy- sical movemnts, "Studies -a pos- ture and .geSturs and the eareiring-antl'Adeveltipment-ter wards the mood of a situation. The executive of OLT 0» pressed deep appreciation to, Alias Hasler for giving the Ideal little theatre group the benefit of her extensive knowledge in iLL the field of dramatics. MEL To tip or not toti?? When youre travelling, when to tip, and when not to tip --can be a problem. But when you -'re ti-aveljing • on your tractor, it's • never -the right time for tioping. One way to avoid tipping is to ,travelat a safe speed. Doubling the speed of yoitr- tractor makes the risk of tipping four times as great And here's another tip . . . no matter how careful you are you might have a tractor accdent. CA's Accident and*Sickness insurance could help you meet the costslf you were hurt. CIA's Farm Family Liability insurance could help you pay if your tractc4 was found liable for an accident on the highway. For full details Just call: GEORGE TIIRT.Qr- -- 51 Huron ltd. JA 44411 Cooerators insurance immolation 1 years of service to his church April 30t , at -7.43a p.M. at $t. Andrew's Prbyteian Church., Clinton. The eervice will be in charge of Rev. Neil McOrable,. of Ripley, moiler-, ator of the auron1iaitlan4 Presbytry, assisted by other ministers in the Presbytery been a patient hi Victoria Hot. pital, London, the past tont` weeks, underwent major surgery on Menday. He ProgresSt favorably. Allr. and Mrs. Ross Gammie were gbests at the Cook.john.., ston wedding in. London recent - Iy. Miss W. D. Rutherford -left 011 Sunday to visit ler. and Mrs. • Gordon 1Vielntyre in Richmond HilL Miss Rutheroni wiiI join two friends from Qttawa on a, vacation in New York. THE ART INSTITUTE Or ONTARIO is saiding, to Goderich, an exhibit of paintings for the first two weeks in May under auspices of the GODERICH ART CLUB- -- —This exhibitjs FREE --and shown at the Goderich District Collegiate Everyone is invited to enjoy this exhibit which is simply entitled • "The Painters' Art—In the Layman's Language!' FIRST WEEK: Tuesday to Friday—Students Only.. SECOND WEEK: Open to the general publiC.. SHOWING 4.30 to 5.30 DAILY - GRAND OPENING THIS WEEKEND of the new dining lounge in the - IMPERIAL HOTEL - GRAND, BEND FRIDAY NIGHT:—Fisht. Fry—Fresh Lake Huron perch,. all you can eat, 50 cents. Enjoy the captivating music of — BILL DENNIS — SATURDAY:Chicken Fry Dinntr, 50- cents. With Entertainment by ELGIN FSHER'S RHYTHM -TIMERS - NOTICE: All owners and harborers of dbgs are requited o obtaintgs for them on or beforeMAT 1st. Tags must be worn by the dog. Dogs are NOT PERMITTED to rum at large in the town betwen May 1st and Oct. 1st. If any dog is found running at large, the owner or -harborer will be summonsed according to By- law No. 34, 1960. POLICE DEPARTMENT, Town ok Goderich. LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY PLANNING TO BUILD? . CONSIDER ELECTRre HOME HEATING— MOSTLUURIOUS OF ALL. SAPE—HEALTHPUL-- .... Flameless and fumeless, as safe as the lamp you read by. Takes no oxygen from the air. CLEAN—No ashes, no soot, no smoke, no odor. ZONE CONTROLLING — Each room individually controlled to desired temperature. SILENT—No noisy air ducts -or banging pipes, IVIAINTENANCE FREE — No furnace to clean, no moving parts to wear out. OOSTS LESS Tb BUY—Less to install: - Heating Sir 073 without any obliation. .1 1 W. MatDONALD ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMItED aootattorc 1%0* A 44851,