The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-04-27, Page 4The Goderieh Signal -Star; Thursday, April 27, 1961
1.° A,rtides For Sale
IfEW and used refrigerators,
MingeS, waShing machines, dry -
OM borne air conditioning. Best
' Prices, low terms, good trade
. OaVicl °Street, Goderich; -19tf
allowances. SeQ LumbysCHINA cabinet; combination 3. Real Estate F9r Sale 3. Real Estate For Sale'
, 39 St:
,,-,,,r.s.,.... - ' --44•4/ifee,es,Trtrlsravf.. -arw.,--"o'r , ,,..........1.!—. mal 15t l'7170;4-2410 triettrillUlite",li ''''''''''''''''''' • '4'''' ‘n---,-;,- ' — ' IN THE Village of Auburn a
--"-'1.e1,RQLUX Sales and See- suitable for cottage; small radio;1 ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN comfortable ries, ina:sul;slonej
*V', eleaner-s, and polisbers two rugs, 7...4 .9-;;,-.0 :. b
' .iiiagotc....reccurditinneit'''nnitsr.,V16 -az.•-•,- . -4-0,1r.' ',1'.'t ,6 1 ' ' 17x ank of commercts-eaniknnp• $411
pigft-iliteel.Ptett•qt3th anl all
linairs. Bert Harris; Goderich, Goderich, Ontario modern conveniences. *Apply
Phone 7917. -37tf Roy Finnigan, phone Auburn
526-7566. 16-17
1, Articles For Sale
Ty, antenna with roter, $50; re-
frigerator, $50; typewriter, $45;
electric adding machine, $85;
1960 40 hp. Scott outboard
motor, $400. Phone 7911. -17
Wet and six stools; two booths;
back bar with mirror and side
casest• coke cooler; gas stove.
Telephone JA 4-7575. -16-17
RAMBLER Sales and Service;
itepairs to most popular makes
jf cleaners and polishers. Filter "Canada's No. 1 compact car.'
*leen Sales, Varna. T61. collect Reconditioned used cars. Dial,
Bewail 696 r 2. _39ti JA 4-8391 for demonstration.
McGee Motor Sales, 42 Newgate
.WYGIENIC supplies (r ubber St. -/tf
Pods) maned postpaid in plain,
'56 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, two
1,eaked envelope with price list.
Six samples 25c; 24 samples
*1.00. • Mail Order Dept. T-53.
Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham -
Mon, On t.
2. Cars, Trucks For Sale
1957 MERCURY, 4 -door hardtop.
Power equipPed. Excellent con-
dition throtighout. Very reason-
able price. Phone 9621. -16
WE specialize and carry a com-
plete stock for all Sparton TV's,
sad all tubes and most parts
or other makes of TV: For a
good trade in a new '61 Sparton.
All wire, transformer TV and
•etsed TV's or good used radios,
phone or call B. R. Mun.daS7,- 127
Wcidder S. JA4-7961: -49tf
new tires, excellent condition.
Phone 7400 between 6 and '7
p.m. --1415x
10-Roem red brick on corner,
central . hall plan, hardwood
floors, new furnace, oil and hot
water, new roof,glassed-in ver-
anda, garage, excellent home for 4. Real Esta-te Wanted
family or two apartments. Cash
down $3,500, balance on monthly
ayments. Full price $10,500.
Present price till May 1st only.
Very gracious central hall
home, newly decorated, hard-
wood floors throughout, 1%
bath, two fireplaces, hot water
and cril heat with circulating,
pump, glassed porch, high full'
1953 CHEV. 210 sedan, auto- basement, garage. Central loca-
matic radio,washers, mirrors, tion hear schools. Terms.
clock, very good condition, no
rust. 1955 Chev. 1 -ton panel, 4 -Bedroom red brick, modern
cheap for cash. lslione JA 4- bath, glassed veranda, reception
7410. 17x hall, living room, dining room,
modern kitchen, back kitchen
1961 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, or utility room, good basement
$1,600. R. Osemlak, 59 Simcoe with oil and forced air heating,
St., Exeter, 17-19x hardwood floors, aUac1i gar
age. Nortgage paythi1ts as
FOUR-BEDROOM insul brick
heuse, $5,500. Also lot 66 x 130,
196 Widder St. -13tf
CEDAR posts, poles and. stakes.
John Hindmarsh, phone 9200. a. —ea lEstate For Sale
NEW Car radios, $39.95 up.
Hutchinson's Radio and TV,
Huron Rd. Phone 7831. -15tf
Other,. 2-3- and 4 -bedroom
hriced from $6 500 to
ot ses p
HAROLD W . SHORE $29,000.
REAL ESTATE BROKER Serviced building lots from
General insurance $750 to $2,000.
NULL selection of Sparton Com- 38 Hamilton Street
Summer cottages from $4,300
t� $16,000.
mond records now in stock—the
ultimate in Stere e reproduction
+ other good likening re-
cords for young and old. Hutch-
inson Radio & TV, 308 }Wren
JA 4-7831. -15tf
Phone JA 4-7272 ,
Your agent' in the Goderich
District for Kernohan Homes
• oom PERENNIALS, Pansies, Viola,. Seven -Room ou— North
-'A.--- se --
.., . .CaMatiOas,, . StOCIM. new _res.dyl . ,Well situated- 'on. --a -cittiet-resi4
'fw.o.' plahting; Petunia, Aster, ' dential street near the hospital„,
--Salvia, -and.-all----amnials:--alsotthis' haine has kitcheri;-dining
room, living room and one bed-
room on. the first floor, three
bedroofris and bathroom on sec-
ond floor. Reasonably priced
with terms available.
• Cabbage, Tomatoes, ,Cauliflower
in hulk and boxes. B. R. Mun-
day, phone 7961. 127 Widder
St. -16tf
QUANTITY of- alfalfa and tim!
othy seed, also wheat straw.
Harold Glenn, phone Dungannon
16r4. 16-18x
FLECTROLUX vacuum cleaner
and attachments, like new.
Phone 9496. 17x
KELVIN'ATOR '30", range, al-
most new, reasonable. Write
P.Q. Box 937. 17x
TEN Holstein heifers due in ten
days time. Ross Henry, phone
Dungannon 23 r 5. 17x
GARAGE door hardware, heavy
duty Richards Wilcak No. 80,
„Eke new. Reasonable, make an
offer. Phone 8851. -17
ONE 8 -foot John Deere milli -
:gator, ready to go; 30 Massey -
Harris tractor; Model "R" Min-
neapolis tractor; Model "H" In-
ternational tractor; McCormick
Model M -D tractor; two Ford
tractors; New Idea spreaders
and mowers. George Wraith,
Massey -Ferguson Machinery,
'Purina Feeds. Phone JA 4-9934;
Montreal St.; Goderich. , -17tf
FOURTEEN -FOOT plywood boat,
62 -inch beam, reinforced tran-
som. $100 or best offer. Phone
9673. lb_ 17x
CANADIAN Star mObile home,
40, by -10, fully furnished and
equipped, sleeps six, $3,000. R.
Okerolak, 59 Siincoe St., Exeter.
. Five -Room Bungalow
.This comfortable home has
three bedrooms, living room;
kitchen and sunporch. Central
location, low price anereason-
able down payment.
New, Modern Two-Bedrocirn
This modern bungalow has a
large bright living room, pleas-
ant, convenient kitchen with
built-in cupboards and arborite
couhter tops, two comfortable
bedrooms, and laundry room.
An ideal home for a small fam-
ily and Very reasonably priced.
Brand New Kernohan Bungalow
You will be amazed at the
SummerCottages and Town Pro-
perty. Alexander Lied Chapman,
Realtors, Bank of Commerce
buil din g, Goderich. Phone
JA 4-9662. -18
LISTINGS of farmsand two,
three and four bedroom homes
urgently needed. For fast sell-
ing results list today* with
Harold W. Shore, Real Estate
Broker, 38 Hamilton St. Dial
7272: -5tf
5. To Rent
COMFORTABLE three-bedroom
house, recently redecorated,,cen-
tral location, June 1st posses-
sion, lease and references re-
Star. -16
APARTMENT, living room, kit-
chenette, bedroom, furnished,
use of frig. washer, telephone,
heat and light supplied. Agent,
Miss • Mary B. Howell, ..12 St.
Vincent St. JA 4-8642. -10tf
COMFORTABLY rur nished
single rooms, with living room
22 Acres on Highway and on and kitchen for your conven-
river, lightly wooded—$1,250.00.1ience. pial 8433. 38x4f
A bargain.
PRIVATE office, heated, at 46
A Menesetung b- each summer West° St. Malcolm Mathets,
.50n per issue for, 20 words
rel. 2 words-, Anil
figures .02 Gents each per
insertion). Payable in ad-
vance or no later than
Wednesday noon of week
follo*ing publication of
Advt. If hilted after .afoee-
mentioned' time, 25c extra
for bookkeeping expenses.
25c extra for office box
(for businesS firms, trades-
men, etc.)
75c per issue -15 words or
less (extra words and figures
—.03 each). Classified display
$1.40 per inch.
When an advertisement tar-
ries a box number, inform-
ation concerning the identity
of the advertiser cannot be
divulged to anyone.
Wednesday noon is deadline
for receipt of classified ads.
Display advertising rates on
request Deadline for dis-
play is 5 p m. Monday of
week of publication.
13. Auction Sales , 17. Business Notice
ATJCTIOV of household
Henry Kerr, at 201 Huron Rd.,
Goderich, on
at 1.30 p.m.
Chesterfield bed (in velour
velvet); 5 rocking chairs; 2
wicker rocking chairs; victrola
(antique with a large quantity
of cylinder records); trilight;
table lamps; mantel radio; elec-
tric clock; wall mirrors; maga-
zine table; console table; desk
secretary; several small tables;
librark table; fernery; medicine
cabinet; ,3 metal beds, springs
and inner spring mattresses;
roll -a -way bed; 3 dressers; 4
linolettm rugs; Axminster rug;
bedding; qem -enamel coal. and
wbod range; Westinghouse re-
frigerator; Duo -Therm oil space
heater; 2 kitchen tables; 6 kit-
chen chairs; bar -room chair;
combination .° door; window
screens; Eureka vacuum clean-
er; garden tools; lawn mower;
tool chest; cooking utensils;
numerous other articles.
John Henry Kerr,
Edward W. Elliott,
You can net up to $150 'daily.
You can own and operate a
"Tramp -O -Leap" jump centre
easily with an investment of
$5,000 to $10,000 which includes
a home unit dealership.
, ESTATE Auction Sale of farm
7. 'Teachers Wanted and machinery at lots 3-4, con-
- cession 2, Colborne Township, 3
GODERICH Township School
Area invites applications RA*
teachers. State qualification
and salary expected. For fur-
ther particulars, contact the
miles north-east of Goderich on
MAY 9,, 1961, AT 1. P.M.
MACHINERY—.Case DC4 trac-
tor; Case VAC 14 tractor with
adjustable front end (like new);
Secretary -Treasurer, Frank Yeo, Case VAC 'tractor with manure
R.R. 3, glinton. . 4617 loader...and half, tracks; Case
. 2 -furrow plow on steel; 2 Case
APPLICATIONS will be receiv- 3 f 1 t 1. Cas
• ,- enckbyeethnteraul nsclechr.aositnierid Ashlifor Jahde
er ; Casemountedtractor mower;
28 -plate disc ;10-f oot Bisse'l
pack -
cottage for.rentr for season. Boal -Estate—Bro. or. _ 0.1A
SEVEN busines- ses for sale. - • -- • T.S.A. No 2, for the positions of Case 15 -foot mounted harrows;
$4.500 to $30,000. No phone TYPEWRITERS — Portable and principal and members of the 3 -section springtooth harrows;
information. standards. Skeocb Office Sup- staff. 'Applications received be- Case side delivery rake; Case
plies, phone,JA 4-8652, Goderich. fore April 28. J. Roy 'MacKay,,
, one-way disc; Case 2 -furrow
ALEXANDER and CHAPMAN .36tf 'LR, 3, Gederich, Ont. -16, -4. r mounted plow; Case 2 -row
D. In Memoriam
POWELL—In loving memory, of
our only son, and brother, Don-
ald, who passed away April
24, 1957.
We often thirik of bygone days,
When we were all- tegether;
A family chain is broken now,
But ,memories live forever.
Nor has 'he TV;
Just entered God's eternal home
AndAtett,tiwg$4*.a,ikofr • •,1t,,,,f
—Lovingly remembered by
Daddy, Mommy„ and Sylvia.
E. Cards of Thanks
Goderich—Phone JA 4-9662 APARTMENT, one bedroom,
with furnished, all .conveniences,
E. E. Cranston Ridgewood Park. Phop 8891.
Realtor Manager -4tf
Plione JA 4-8801
Real Estate Broker
General insurance,
, 50 Elgin E.
• Phone JA4,443526
Modern home, 4 years old.
Large livitig room, dining room,
kitchen with lots of cupboards,
3 bedrooms, oil furnace, attach-
ed garage. Good terms.
Three-bedroom home, spacious
living room and kitchen, oil fur-
nace, nice lot, centrally located.
convenient arrangement of _ -
rooms in this newly designed Three-bedroom brick , home.
Kernohan home. Containing Living and dining rooms have
three large'bedrooms each with
ample clothes closet accommod-
ation, large bright living room,
exceptionally well-planned kit-
chen with built-in cupboards
and formica counters, -ample
dining area, full basement, oil-
fired forced air furnace. This
home may be purchased for only
$2,495 down payment with the
balance on one CMHC mortgage.
Be sure to see this today.
Farm and Rural Salesmen:
Harvey Lassaline,
USED items for sale—Oil burn-
er; circulating fan;, vacuum
cleaner; Gurney furmee; por-
celain bathtub; washing ma-
- chine. Service Electric (Gode-
rich) Limited, Victoria St.
JA 4-8581. -1718'
GIRL'S bicycle, in good condi-
tion. • Phone 8656. .191 East St.
• 1718x
ELECTRIC clothes dryer, good
condition, reasonable. ,53 St.
-Plibrie 7270. -1
TEN -INCH band, saw, ½h.p.
motor and stand, $25. 192 Pic -
ton St. Phone 9691. -17
FOR day-old Hy -Line chicks or
atarted pullets, contact Bruce
Roy, Londesboro, phone Blyth
28 r 6. -17-20
-aLAWN BOY" power mower;
band mower; 4 -shelf bookcase;
bamboo drape, 2' x 84" (new);
3 Traverse drapery rods, 32-53
ins. (new); 4 humidifiers, to
bang behind radiators; electric
sandwich toaster;. light green
Chenille bedspread, (new); man's
Gladstone leather bag; lady's
rack -a -way; all-weather chat;
Wine wool gabardin'e suit, rose
'--- summer suit, all size 40; 5 white
uniforms,' size 38-40. -Phone
8636. '17x
- Laura Secord
Candies .
Dial JA 4-7532
R.R. 2, Goderich
C. E. Laithwaite, R. 1, doderi,ch
Roy Lamont, Zurich
Frank til8C-Ketilie, R.ft. Ripley
George Ashton, Fordwich
Partly furnished five -bedroom
country home, only $2,800, very
low down payment.
Two -apartment house located
near the schools, $2,000 reduced
• -price, new '$9,000rdown pay-
ment $4,000,` This is an excep-
tionally good buy.
Seven -room homei with three-
piece bath, west end location.
A real buy at $6,000. Down pay-
ment $2,000.
Brand new home, attached
garage, choice location, over-
looking Lake Huron, Priced to
Brand new three-bedroom
home, good .location—low down
Grocery store with living quar-
ters, full price only $12,600. In-
cluded is all valuable equipment.
Ill health reason for selling.
50 Acres level all workable
clay loam lahd with four-bed-
room -brick house, small barn,
henhouse, $4,500.
164 Acres choice clay loam
land, four-bedroom home, mod-
ern conveniences, two barns,
silo, price $18,000. Terms. Can
be bought with stodk and im-
Four farms on Highway 21,
with lake ,frontage. Also many
summer cottages as low as
We have a large listing, of
farms in Huror County.
MOW your lawn with a Woods -
craft power ,lawn mower! It
features: (1) 4 1,atison 4 -cycle
engine; (2) Bedell starter; (3)
18” elittuig' blade; "(4) ,Nylon
Wheels. See it at McDonald's
General Store, Fantail. Phone
12r 7, Dungannon, for a free
elensonatration. -17
CASE ,e0rdbble•,, 51/4, ft. mit; Cont.
owe, with 4 -cylinder Wisconsin
**tor; grain bid and, pick-up;
rOid.ffergosett , tractor, .with
*low; Mimi* Pleury trail plow';
*yea 214*, t hitch weed -sPraYN
piston , pinny; him Deere
tractor. All in good repair.
Phone -JA 44012 or contact Earl
Alt. 2, Voderieh,
'mounted scufiler; New Idea trac-
8. Help Wanted •tor spreader (used 1 year); Dion
forage harvester .with cutter bar
and corn nose- (nearly new);.
MAN WANTED' for established
Vermont lime spreader; 'Case
Route Watkins Products. No
HEATED cottage, furnished, at experience necessary. Full or forage harvester with hay pick- BLACK Shepherd, brindle mark -
Port Albert, $10 for week -end part time. Write J. Gauthier, 1 up; Case forage blower and ings, found in Colborne Town -
or $15 weekly. ?hone 3 72, Dun- Wetmore Glutton ham- tship. .
350 St. Roch St., Montreal -15, ImPes;
_1547 mer mill and belt; Case baler; Owner may -claim same
,gannon. by paying expen§es Elmer
-15tf 'Que. .
Titan • one-man chain saw; Sea -
FOR LEASE—Supertest Service APPLICATIONS will be receiv-unter, phone Dungannon 19 r 8.
Station, Victoria and Hamilton anan Roto -Tiller with, 75 b.p. 17x
ed by the undersigned until Sat. Waukesha motor; New Idea rub -
Sts. Ideal site for mechanic,
Very low overhead, with im- urday, April 29, at 6 p.m., for ber , tired, wagon; set sleighs,
mediate -possession. Apply to the position of Road Superin- , feed cart; tools, etc.; Dodge 3-
A. Births
tendent for the Township of ton stake with 16 -foot body;
Ted Elliott. Box 23'8, Wingham.
I Ashfield. Donald M. Simpson, International 2 -ton with 12 -foot
Phone 679W.
. 4549 ' Clerk of th,e Township of Ash- body and hoist. . ALLEN.—At Alexandra Hospit-
field, Kintail, Ontario. -16-17 PROPERTY — At the same al, Goderich, on April 25, 1961,
place, 3 pan., lots 34, conces- to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allen,
MALE or -female, part or full sion-2, Colborne Township, will Goderich, a son.
time work. Good -opportunities, be offered. for , sale subject to
a good income with successful reserve bid. 200 acresof choice
future. Apply_ ,Box 44,igna1- clay team land, wellilrained,
-1617approximate1y 160 acre g work.:
' able and 40 acres of hardwood
SINGLE ' farm hand for beef bush land; 40 acres of spring
oak floors, kitchen modern cup- farthing, accustomed to tractor seeding, 15 acres plowed for
boards, full basement, furnace, work, steady employment, good corn, remainder in permanent
garage andnice lot. $7,500 with wages. Ivan Rivett, phone Dun- pasture and hay.. Excellent
good terms. FOUR -ROOM' cottage with bath, gannon 4 r 15. 17x water supply. Eight -room brick
Business opportunity in Gode- on 4th Concession, Goderich OPPORTUNITY _ We need a and stucco house with ,modern
conveniences, with attached
Township, two miles from high -
rich. Very good income. No new Dealer full or part time .to
way. D. J. Lassaline, R. 2, Gode- garage. Large steel implement
information given overphone on serve Consumers in your vim-.
this one. • rich, phone 7096. -16tf it--.
y Experience and Capital not shed. large bank barn 84' x 70',
with cement upright silo, and
FIVE -ROOM, heated apartment, essential. , Write Rawleigh's, large trench silo.
Dept. D-216-GA3, 4005 Richelieu,
hot water supplied. Possession TERMS—Chattels, 'Cash. Pro.
For the high profit season ahead
—be early—cash in on this ex-
citing new sport—soon to sweep
the whole Country. You've read
about it in Life, Look, Wall
Street Journal and Sports' Il-
lustrated. One of Canada's big-
gest investment dealers just
arranged to instal in 20 Shop-
ping Centres.
of centres paying for themselves
in 8 to 10 weeks'.,. of great
alalitional profits for dealerships
iirhome units.
Biggest and most- eXPerienced
by far—will give every assist-
ance in -locating, installing and
financing. For the best return
on your investment dollar —
Tramp -O -Leap Co. Ltd. •
71 Bank St., .
Ottawa, Ontario.
F. Ettgagements
Mr. and Mrs. Roy. -Brecken-
ridge announce the engagement
of their daughter Linda to
Herbert James Murphy, son of
Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy,
of London. The marriage' will
take place on Saturday, May 13,
at Goderich Baptist Church.
- -17
Funds available on suitable
farms, homes, stores, apart-
ments, hotels, motels.;
Pleasant courteous service.
For information -write; phone; Or
in. • - - -
3645 Bathurst St., Toronto 19,
Ont. RU 9-2125:
19. Lost'And Found
CAESAR.—I would like to thank
my friends and especially my
neighbors, who so 'kindly re-
membered me while I was a
patient in Wingham hospital,
and since returning home.
These kindnesses will always
be remembered.
Mrs. Wm. Caesar.
THREE-BEDROOM brick home;
perfect condition, garage; rent
$70. Two bedroom apartment,
living room, kitchen, bathroom,
$50. John Bosveld, Realtor, 40
WellesleY St.-- - -16
SUMMER cottage four miles
south of Goderich on lake front,
June and July. Write Box 43,
Signal -Star. -16
100 Acre farm, all workable.
Good house, barn 80 x 40, hydro
and pressure system. $11,000
full price with terms. , .
100 Acre grass farm, running
water -1-42,500.
immediately. Central. Phone Montreal. , . -17 perty, 10% down day of sale,
7164. •-16tf Mortgage can be arranged by
seeing Executors in Goderich,
PARTLY furnished kitchen with 9• Agents Wanted or Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
cupboards and stove, living room
off, bedroom, utility room, all Seaforth.
EARN extra, money weekly by Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
floors Covered, three-piece bath, selling our famous products Estate Of the late Reg. McGee,
mostly TONICS, -COSME-TICS— Goderich.
HOUSEHOLD AND FARM PRO- George Powell, Clerk.
risk. High commission, bonus,
trial perind, specials, etc. . . Do
not. delay you'll make more
money with FAMILEX PRO-
DUCTS, Dept. M-4, 1600 Mori-
mier, Montreal, P.Q. -17
FarmiSalesman, D. J. Wolterbeekyrivate entrance, _ground floor,
i15nnFa, West. JA 4-8730.Igarden and garage. -33 Essex
1St., or phone 7169. -17
IMMEDIATELY available, three -
INVITED . bedroom, heated apartment, pri-
ilvate entrance and private bath.
Phone 7075. 17x
Real Estate and Business Broker PASTURE for rent, 87 acres,
83 Victoria, St., Goderich, Ont. shade and running water. Rob-
Genstrat Insurance ert McAllister. Phone 7073.
Phone JA 4-7253 17x
Risi Ettato Brokor
40 Wellosloy St., Goderith
-Inserts JA 41762
Salesmen: \
C. OrtIM a 0;linton..
OHM& buittihig let et Picton-
St Apply )14 Britannia Rd. W.,
011.18.* eiVedings. - 17X
LIVg FOR LESS in a lovely
Halliday Horne
N.H.A. Approved; V.L.A.. Ap-
itroved. .
See our hordes before you build.
ONE of Goderich's stateliest and
most luxurious homes. Situat-
ed in an exclOve residential
area across from Harbor Park.
Terms can be arranged.
THREE eow down - payment
homes in residential area.
NEW three-bedroom ranch style
house with recreation room.
Write P.O. Box 1535. 17-18i
TWO-BEDROOM heated apart-
ment, unfurnished, abeve busi-
ness college. Phone JA 4-7450.
TWENTY -ACRE field of perm-
anent pasture. ;Tom Glen, 174
Cambridge St. 17x
UPPER four -room heated, apart-
ment, self-containea, unfurnish-
ed. Phone 7296. 17x
GARDEN to be worked. Phone
A BARGAIN; Home on Napier 7626. 47
St. with almost one acre of
lafid.• If ou know a bar- LARGE apartment, heated, near
ga!n when you see one ___ school. Phone 7837. -17
by all means look at this
valuable property. Easy
terms, low interest.
WE HAVE one et the largest
listings of farms in Huron
County from $3,300.00 to
NTI1VIEROUS local business op-
portunities. No information
given over phone on these.
Firm Selesknant John 1. Ranson
• 152 SOufh St. — JA'4-8559.
So us for
fer sale.
NEW farm house, all modern
conveniences, two" miles from
Ontario Hospital property; semi-
retired couple preferred. Rea-
sonable rent, compensating for
part-time duties. Referentes re-
quired. Apply in vvritihg, giving
all particulars to Box 47, Signal -
Star. -1741
46 West St. Phone JA 4-9442
trio/rare* Agent
*Olt Esti*' *raker .
UNFURNISHED apartment, foui
rooms and bath, heavy duty
wiring. 160 Eldon St., after 3
o'clock. 17x
6. Wanted To Rent
FOUR-BEDROOM houge wanted
by June 1st or July 1st. Phone
JA 4-7179. -17
1-0. Wanted (General)
BOARDERs or roomers wanted.
Single beds, laundry done. Mrs.
J. Gottschalk, 55 Cambria Rd.
Phone 7202. -2tf
8" TILTING table saw, also 4"
or 6" jointer planer" less motor.
JA 4-7400. 17x
1SOARDERS or roomers wanted,
ladies preferred. -Phone 7417.
ANYONE wanting pasture for
young cattle for the season, con-
tact John Brindley, 117 Wolfe
St., or phone 19- 14, Dungannon.
FARM wanted to rent, with 2 -
year option to buy. Particulars
to Box' No. 48.'Signal-Star. -17
11. Eniployment Wanted
WOMAN willing to clean cot-
tages by the hour. Write P.O.
Box 1092. 16-17x
Phone 9362. -17
EXPERIENCED paperhanger &
painter. Courteous service. A
call will be appreciated. Leo
Corriveau, 123 Bruce St. -17
SUMMER cottage for season.
Wribe Box 46, Signal -Star.
,volt 'July, apartment or house
in toWn, furnished, including
linens,lwo adult, two children.
Write Box. 45, Signal -Star.
Waiiti Ads
Get esuits
14. Services Available
SID B'ULLEN1t, Cabinet Shop,
custom furniture, kitchen cup-
boards, furniture repairs. 184
Gibbons St. Phone 9631.
Highest. Cash Prices Paid for
Sick'Down or Disabled Cows
and Horget; also Dead Cows and
Horses at Cash Value.
Phone collect 44r 24, Luctznoy.
.License No, 68C61.
Modern equipment, all work
guaranteed. Write Louis Blake,
R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone Hrus-
sets 442 W 6. •10-34x
COLLINSON.—I wish to thank
my friends, neighbors and
relatives who remernhered me
with cards and gifts while I
was a patient in Goderich and
London hospitals: Special
thanks to Dr. G. F. Mills, Dr.
Pickard, Dr. Grace, and the
nurses on the -third floor west.
Bill Collinson.
GAYNOR.—We wish to sincere-
ly thank our relatives, friends
and neighbors for the spiritual
• bouguttg,- floral-- offeringsy
messages of Sympathy and
acts of kindness received dur-
ing our recent bereavement.
Mrs. Mathew Gaynor and
GRASS.—For the many acts of
kindness, messages of sym-
pathy and beautiful 'floral
tributes received during our
recent bereavement, we wish
to express our sincere thanks
to friends, and relatives.
Miss Elaine,. Grass arid Mrs.
Lawson Blake.
BOYLE.—At Alexandra •Hospit-
al, Goderich, on April 19, 1961,
to' Mr. • and Mrs. Raymond
Boyle, R.R. 2, Auburn, a son.
McCLINCHEt — At Alexandra
Hospital, Goderich, on April
23, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs.
David McClinchey, Auburn, a
son, Jeffrey David. -
F. Engagements
Coming Events
A rummage Sale will be hetd
in St. George's Parish Hall on ,
Saturday, April 29, at 1
sponsored by the Margaret
Seeger Club. , -15-17
Spring rummage sale, sponsor-
ed by the Home and School As-
sociation, on Saturday, April 29,
at the Cornish store, West St.,
2.00 p.m. 45-17
Bake Sale, Friday, April 28,
at Denomme's Flower Shop, at
2 p.m. Sponsored by St.
'George's Churchwonien's
McPHEE.—I wish to thank all
who remembered me with
cards, treats, flowers and visits
while I was a patient in Vic-
toria Hospital, London, and
Goderich hospital, Special
thanks to nurses and staff of
both hospitals.
-Thos. McPhee.
RIVETT.—I wish to thank all
my friends and neighbors who
visited me, or sent eards and
treats while I was a patient in
Alexandra Hospital. Special
thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace,
the nurses and staff for their
Charles Rivett.
- 17x
Rummage Sale in the Cdrnish
Store, West St., Saturday, May
6, at 1.30 p.m., sponsored by
the Eastern Star. -16-17
Bake Sale, Saturday, May 6,
at 1,p.m., in Denomme's Flower
Shop. Sponsored by St. Peter's
P.T.A. -17-18
Harbourlite Inn, Hi -Teen danc-
ing, Saturday, April 29, music
by Strato-Tones. -17
Plan now to attend St. Peter's
C.W.L. spring tea, Wednesday,
June 8. Detaila later. -17
- .
Plan to attend the Spring
Fantasy Ball, sponsored by Beta
Sigma Phi, on Friday, May 5th,
at the Harbourlite Inn. Lionel
Thornton will be there to enter-
tain you. Tickets available from
the members. -17-18
The regular meeting of Gode-
rich Women's Institute will be
held in MacKay Hall on Thurs-
day, May 4, at 2.30, p.m. Mem-
bers are asked to bring gifts for
-the cancer cupboard. -17
STEWART.—I wish to thank my
friends and neighbors, also
the Saltford Community Club,
for the flowers, cards and gifts
sent to me while 1 was a pat-
ient in the hospital. Special
thanks -to -Dr. J. R. Leitch, the
nurses and staff for their kind
Mrs. Bertha Stewart.
McPHEE.—At Alexandra Hos-
pital, Goderich, on April 21,
1961, to Mr. and Mrs--Dan-
McPhee, Goderich, a son.
WILLIAMS.—At San Fernando,
Trinidad, B.W.I., on April 14,
1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawr-
ence Williams, San Fernando,
a daughter.
C. Briefs
LANDSCAPING, gardening, and
all odd jobs,: Dirk Brink, phone
7300. • 17x
SHARP TOOLS, etc., are pleas-
ant to use! Saws: hand and elec-
tric, cutlery, handpower lawn-
mowers. Part time work, build-
ing, digging, etc. C. H. Hamar,
Huron Rd., opposite Undercoat-
ing Shop. -13tf
16. Public Notice
order Shell furnace oil and
stove . oil from Edward Fuels,
tank truck dealer for all Shell
Oil Co, . products. Phon e
JA 4-8386. -39t1
For Champion fuel oil or
Hudson Sterling coal — call
Overholt Coal Company_,_ JA 4-
7421. Prompt delivery assured.
• -44tf
For Esso Imperial Products
caIl BEN CHISHOLM, 20 Albert
St., Goderich. Phone Office
JA 4-7502; Residence JA 4:7835.
McLean Bros. are offering a
summer suit for $47.50 made to
your measure by Bend. A real
saving value. of ' light weight
Terylenes, try one. -17-20
NOW finance your new or late
model used car- purchase at
Bank Rates through Harold W.
Shore, 38 Hamilton St. Dial
7/72. -7tf
ANY girls having uniforms of
instrument* beonging to , the
GoderiebTrunipet Bend,
please bring theft on practice
night or contact Mr. Wright,
phone 8189, or s P. W.
Johnston, phone ; ; ;
D. In Memoriam
CAMPBELL.—In loving memory
.of a dear husband a father,
James A. Campbell, ho pass-
ed away April 25, 58.
Always a thought and many a
For orie we- miss and loved so
The sudden way you nad to die,
We shall always remember and
wonder why.
To know, we never said good -by,
Will alwayp' bring regret;
But the hearts that loved you
dearly •
Are the onea, that don't forget.
—Lovingly remembered by
his„ wife Teresa and daughter
Beatrice and sons Bert and Mal-
colm. 17x
Mr. and Mrs. Bob A. Bradley,
Colborne Township, wish to an-
neunce the engagement of their
daughter, Barbara Joyce, to
Murray Walton Shiell,• son ,of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shiell,
Wingham. The marriage will
take place in Benmiller United
Church on May 20, 1961, at three
o'clock. 17x
- Mr. and -Mrs. Tohn tansink,
Seaforth, with to announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Christina Joanna Maria, to Wil-
liam George Gallow, son of Mr.
arid Mrs. Frank Gallow, Gode-
rich. The marriage will take
place on May 20, 1961, at St.
James' Roman Catholic Church,
Seaforth. -17
CARTER.—In loving memory of
a dear husband and father,
William II. Carter, who passed
aWay two "years ago, April 27,
HO is gone but not forgotten
And, as dawns another year,
In our lonely hours of thinking,
Thoughts of him are always
near. -
Days of sadness will Come o'er
Many.think the wound is healed,
But they little know the sorrow
That Bet in the heart concealed.
Lovingly remembered and
sadly 'hissed by wife, Viola, and
children, Brian and Lynn.
,Goderich Women's Institute
will- .hplda rummage sale- in
MacKay Ball On:Saturday, .:May
13, commencing at 2 p.m,
The Maple' Leaf Chapter,
I.O.D.E., will meet at the home
of Miss Evelyn Cooper, 80 Ham-
ilton St., on Tuesday evening,
May 9. (Please note change of
date) -17
Annual Girl Guide Cookie Day
will be held Saturday, April 29.
Cookies 'wilt be sold iron' door
to door in the morning by all
Girl Guides in Goderich. The
local businesses -will be canvass-
ed after school on Friday. -17
The Evening Guild of St.
George's Church is sponsoring
family night of entertainment
in the Parish Hall, Friday, April
28, at 8 -p.m. Featuring a short
play, "How the Story Grew.”
Coffee and donuts will be serv-
ed. Admission, adults 50c; child-
ren free. Corneo,and bring your
friends. -17
Mr. and' Mrs. David MacDiar-
mid; of Nile, Ontario, announce
the engagement of their only
daughter, Kathleen Joanne, to
Donald Webster Anderson, of
Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Anderson, of Point Edward,
Ontario. The marriage will take
place May 20th in Lundy's Lane
United Church, Niagara Falls,
Ontario. -17
A resident of Goderich Town-
ship, James MacDonald, passed
away on Tuesday in Clinton
Public Hospital where he had
been a patient for over a year.
A son of the late James and
Ellen MacDougall MacDonald,
Mr. MacDonald, lived all his life
on the family farm at Porter's
Hill until he was hospitalized.
Surviving are one sister, Mrs.
William (Alda) Gray, Goderich
Township;, two brothers, Colin,
Goderich 'Township, and Glen,
Detroit; several nieces and
nephews including Mrs. Wilfred
Denomme, Goderich.
The body is resting ,,at the
Beattie funeral home, Clinton.
Funeral arrangement are incom-
Canvassers for the Red
Shield Appeal of the Salvation
Army will be calling on Gode-
rich homes early -next week.
The objectivefor the Gode-
rich district is $4,100, includ-
ing $2,400 for the Town of
Goderich. The general chair-
man of the campaign ,is Ron
Barker. If -anyone is overlook-
ed in the canvass, their don-
ations can be left at the
branch' of any 'bank in Gode-
rich or Ryan's Feed Mill.
Floor and Wall Coverings
cleans with a wipe. •
9 ft. and 12 ft. Widths
Inialty length. •
38 West $t., Goderich -JA 4-8532