HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-04-27, Page 3Guild Honors .- Mrs. B.R. Mundy One of the highlights of the .April meetiog of St. George's Evening Guild,was the pre- sentation o Mrs B: R. Munday of a corsage and the first hon- orary membership ever confer- red by this group. This mega- , -bership was given in -apkree- laden of Mrs. Munday's con- tinuous interest and suppqrt over the years since the in- ception of this organization. HEAR EVANGELIST Several carloads of residents from different denominations in the Goderich area attended the special evangelistic meeting in Kincardine presbyterian Church Wednesday evening of last week when Mr. Tom Rees, noted Bri- tish evangelist, spoke to a large HEATHER BEAUTY SALON LIGHTHOUSE STREET ° OFFERS YOU THF TOPS IN BEAUTY CARE 3 GRADUATE OPERATORS TO SERVE YOU Harry Colclotigh Len Pounder • Elizabeth Holtom FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL JA 4-7461. EVENING APPOINTMENTS -LEN and ELIZABETH -25 •inessemmenw' .4 4 AT THE PARK THEATRE GODERICH JA 4-7811 Now Playing -April 27, 28, 29-Thurs., Fri., Sat.- "HANNIBAL",--19,1....Color _with- Victor Mature. Mon., Tues., Wed. -May 1, 2, 3- - "FROM THE TERRACE" - In Scope and Color TA 'ee ADMIT N A Controversial Hill ,t1.5044$ *Mei *4,64 CNN John O'Hara's novel of family conflict. . Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward and Myrna Loy • ONE SHOWING EACH NIGHT STARTING AT 8 O'CLOCK Thurs., Fri., Saf.-May 4, 5, -6 -:=Double BiIl- "FO1 THE LOVE OF MIKE" In Scolie idC�Ior • Richard Baseheart, Stu Erwin •and Danny Bravo also-7---44RODEO''. In Technicolor. Starring John Archer and Jane Nigh Coming -"OCEANS ELEVEN" -Technicolor, with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. Phone 393-6131 No. 8 Highway Across From Sebringville School FOR THE UTMOST IN SERVICE, FOR Tag FINEST IN PLANTS, VISIT SEBRINGV1LLE GARDEN. CENTRE Nick Birkengren Horticultural Graduate We have a complete line of highest grade Nursery Stock, Evergreens, Shadetrees, Roses, Flowering Shrubs, Ornamentals,. Lawn. Specimens, etc., • Peat Moss, Gardenjlose Sprayers, and Chemicals. Come and See our modern Greenhouse filled with spring plants - - all grown from hybrid- seeds.. Member of Canadian. Association of Nurserymen. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED GOVERNMENT LICENSED 41 -17 Biblical Style Fashion Show. The April meeting of the Free Methodist W.M.S; was held at the home of Mrs. M. Oliver, St. David street, with an attendance of 21. The meeting took the form of a fashion show with the attrib- utes of the ideal woman as read- by Mrsi L. Rodes. Mips D. Cornish ...Ottlt- tOtivnentatm.fig. ti, ;0,41 event and modelling was done by Misses M. Disher, F. Best, B. Sparks, M. Duckworth, Mrs. M. Riordon and Mrs, IP: Haw- kins. Each model served as 'an advertisement for the paper, "The Missionary Tidings," to which all members were urged ,to subscribe. Mrs. E. Cooper and Miss A. McGraw continued a dialogue from the previous meeting con- cerrang the desirability of at- tending W.M.S. meetings. Mrs. W. E. Young was present- ed with a reading certificate for having completed the allotted missionary reading course. Prayers were offered by Miss S. Tull and Mrs. T. McMichael. • More than 150 Legionnaires attended a zone rally at Gode-- rich on Sunday when Douglas Andrews, of Clinton, was elect- ed commander of Zone 1, Royal Canadian Legion'. He succeeds Harvey ,gfaff, -,413ther6AftitettFT.01mty!-«46% 'CWB L ARE commander, --Eric Johnstone, nil (...ANI.7gp., „IN _mum Oederla*z,,,,treasure.Tr.64100071'77.", Turner,- , Goderich; secretary, With the organization of four William Chambers, Clinton; more 4-11 clubs in Huron County, committee "chairmen, Member- D. G. Grieve, associate agricul- ship, Cyril Robinson, Wingham; tural representative for Huron public relations, Clarence Mac- County, reports that with the Donald, Goderich; sports, Don- exception, of the Seaforth area, ald Havens, Hensall; poppy day, the project has been completed. Lloyd Reynolds, Exeter; public Last year there were five clubs speaking, Douglas Thorndike, in Huron, Clinton. • • Recently organized are: How - The Legitinnaires commenced ick 4-H Tractor Club; CM/ton their rally with a parade to 4-11 Tractor Club; Brussels 4-11 Court House Park where wreaths Grain Club; Zurich 4-11 Calf were placed at the Cenotaph Club. • , ' V:. by Mr. Pfaff, esitlent BranchFad ri* Reid,' Tile 'Ooderieh Signal -Star, ThutsdaY, April 272 1001 prof 109, Gatie- rich. During the parade, led by pipe bands from Goderich branch and Exeter branch, No. 167, the' salute was taken by Group Capt, J. G. Mathieson, olUcer commanding RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton, anti Rev. K. E. Taylor, of St. George's Anglican Church, Godenich, padre of Branch 109. CHURCH COUPLE'S CLUB STAGE SQUARE DANCE Bales of hay, lighted lanterns, u..gon wheels and saddles made Western setting for the Square Dance party held last Friday evening in North Street United Church Hall. Over 100. attended this party sponsored by the Couple's Club. Mrs. George Parsons and Mrs. arli-,Dorland _mere jn-vharmot the arrangements. The master of ceremonies was Al Ravelling, of Stratford, leader of the Square Dance Club in that city. Eight, children in cowboy • dress took' tickets, sold cokes and donuts during the evening. They were: Peter Bettger, Bob Wallace, Leonard Baxter, John ten Hoopen, Carolyn Watters, Mary Ellen Bettger, Nancy Par- sons, Frederika ten Hoopen and Barbara Bannister. 4MMONIONINIM FREE! TEXACO FIRE CHIEF HAT with each $3„ puychase ..../..M.............00r.....••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...../. SPRINGTIME TUNE-UP TIME Try Our ONE-STOP - SERVICE' . 'My car is overheating" for MOTOWTtINE-UP - BRAKE and BODY REPAIRS - WHEEL ALINEMENT and BAL- ANCE - or for GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS • f LET US READY YOUR CA FOR CAREFREE SUMMER DIVING • "UNDASPRAY" Fights Rust' and Road Salt - Maximum Bonding See Herb Davidson or John Craig for , DAVIDSON TEXACO SERVICE Huron Rd. Highway 8 JA 4-7231 4 W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone - JA 4 813 2 DAY or NIGHT, Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING • • 52Tr "Say Folks, if you don't see my dad around this Saturday, there'll be a good reason why. You see, that's the open - day for Ontario's trout fishing season and you'll find ,him up on Sharp's Creek in Colborne Township." titer Pollution Poses hreat Says. Huron MPP Ontario with its intense con- I centration of people and in- dustry today has hardly a stream or body of water not polluted in some degree, said Charles S. MacNaughton, -MPP -for Huron,. and a member -of the Ontario Water Resources Commission, speaking" ht the Rotary crub, • _Peterborongh,lasf week. . "In Ontario current water eon- ' umption fs in the region of 100 gallons per capita per day," said Mr. MacNaughten. "Fbrtunately Ontario has been blessed with an abundance of water," he said. "Twelve per- cent of this province's surface area is covered by water, and further reserves lie under- ground. "Unfortuna,tely, In developing our modern society this abund- ance is being seriously impaired. "In a few short years con- sumption per capita will increase to around 125 gallons per day. The daily consumption of water in Ontario today is 500 million gallons, ancle in ten or fifteen years this figure could increase to betwee'n00 million and 750 million gallons." MacNaughton painted out that Ontario's greatest problem is the tremendous loss of water resources through pollution. "Left unchecked, it is not un- likely- that all -of the -water -re= sources serving this great heart- land of Canada would have reached such a sattifalth of contamination that they would virtually become useless.", Mr. MacNaughton explained that -rn_any of the industries that contribute' to our economy de- pend on pure water, free of even purifying chemicals. "The addition of concentra- tions of chemical purifiers, while they make water safe to drink would make it useless for some indttstrial operations and those industries depending on pure water would have to seek new' locations." Many Concerned The threat of pollution reach- ed such a ,stage Only a few years ago _that many groups and agencies became concerned for the protection of their water supplies. Farmers had their special pro- blems, fishermen, conservation- ists, industrialists, health auth- ••••••••••••••••••114IN _s u .N. s E, DRIVE-IN 134 miles east of Goderich on No. 8 Highway • THURS., FRI., SAT. - APRIL 27, 28, 29 DOUBLE BILL "Walk Tall 99 In Technicolor Willard .Parker and Joyce • Meadows, "Jinx Money" The Bowery Boys MON., TUES.; WED. - MAY 1, 2, 3 "The Naked and. The Dead" In Scope and Color Aldo Ray •and Cliff Robertson Two Shorts and Cartoon. THURS., FRI., SAT. - MAY ,,4, 5, 6 AN . EXCEPTIONAL DOUBLE, BILL "Secrets Of The Purple Reef" AND "The Living Swamp" Both in Scope and Color TWO SHOWS' NIGHTLY First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars free. Playground Refrefhments 11414141•1101110111111110•61166•0410 Three Reasons Why READY -MIX CONCRETE --a- Is Your Logical Choice 1. Economy -No Waste - Long Lasting Cleariliness - No Fuss or Muss 3. Prompt - Delivered to Your Site in just the right .amOunt for your job, ready to pour from our MOBILE MIXERS. Huron Concrete Supply Ltd. R.R. 1, GODERICH JA 4-7361 AGENTS FOR CALCIUM CHLORIDE HORS WIN MANY PRIZES • Mr. Aubrey Toll, an East .Wawanosh Township farmer, -.re- turned last week from a wester* tour with many. trophies won by hiS Clydesdale horses. 7rucking their Clydesdale horses sone 1,500 miles from the Auburn district to the Mani- toba Winter Fair paid off for Aubrey Toll and Son when their Bonnie Marina was named Grand Champion Clydesdale, mare of the 1961 show. The trophies won were: the Dr. E. L. Houck Memorial Trophy for the best six horse teant'at the fair; the Carls-Rite Trophy for the best six -horse team; and the Turner Memorial plaque for the champion team. Mr. Charlie Brigham, of Blyth, driver for Tolland Son horses won the prize in the six -horse team leading a parade through the streets of Brandon. Mr. Toll ,attended 'fairs in many parts of the proVince last year and won many prizes. He plans now to enter his horses at the spring fairs at Richmond Hill, Schomberg, Clinton and Ormstown, Quebec. - HAVE YOU RENEWED 'YOUR - SIGNAL -STAR 8 The Square Goderich JA 4-7358 SUBSCRIPTION NO DOWN Pitemu 401) TO 013 TO rm.. #.1„/ 'wales, town planners, municipal authorities, government depart- ments, all have made many at- tempts in the pat to approach what is essentially a common problem The end result has been considerable confusion and, in some instances, a -waste of effort.- Mr. MacNaughton pointed out that only lour year ago- the Ontario government, realizing that the problem., of pollution was creating a serious threat to the well-being of pur province, -established the Ontario Water Resources Commission. • ' Brownies -Drive-In Theatre Ltd., Clinton THURS. and FRI.-April 27 and 28 ' DOUBLE FEATURE , "VICE RAID" _ (Adult Entertainment) . MAMIE VanDOREN, BRAD - DEXTER "RABillt-TRAPir- . ERNEST BORGNINE ONE CARTOON SAT., MON.-and TUES.-April 29, May 1 and 2 • "THE UNFORGIVEN I I LANCASTER, AUDREY HEPBURN and AUDIE MURPHY i(R (BolorT) (Adult Entertainmen(ct)inemascope) - ONE CARTOON • 'WED; THURS. and "FRI:=May 3,4 Ind 5 ' 'HOLE IN -THE --11FAIT; ' (Color) . (Cinemascope) ' . FRANK SINATRA, EDW. G. ROBINSON THELMA RITTER and ELEANOR PARKER• •, " ONE CARTOON ,- 'PERSONALS Mrs. Hilda Burgess, of Port Severn, Ont., and formerly of Goderich, has been notified 4,1e is the holder of a lucky ticket on the recent Irish Sweepstake. 11. Mrs. E. Weaver and Mrs. MacCrostie attended the Forum of the Teachers' Council of the 13uSines4.F.AneAtors7 of Canada, which, Was e at 1.1/grerott ',TiArent49,1, onFriday'even lig 'an 'SaturdaY. Guest speakers included Dr. Clifford ' C. Pitt, University of Toronto, Mr. C. W. Boothe, De- puty Minister of Education, Air Commodore A. Harvey, and Mr." D. Pub lotions De ailment, Office **- Jolty Mfg. ^Co. Ltd. .10. and Mrs. W. A. /4,00ulta visited on Sunday with Mr. iout Mr:'s4t.agj'ijutrty°huSwtisn'47:dkhills4 the BOOSTER CLUB STAG Arena Auditorium Saturday nlglitrthe Bgrng fun Booster eiubdsf4 the purpose ing on operations 01 tflC .Stk gbOCJ effiubtrodutci-n4riorthe,tztjpalirei,7,0.,eason: In the draw prizes, twenty pci- 'Sons each won a $10 lull. Still other Prejects are planned tis • secure necessary finances teats, duce the debit, 411111111101111111111111111111.1111111111111111M1 THANK YOU • CITIZENS OF GODERICH, for your decisive "NO" Against Dining Lounges and Cocktail Bars SINCERE THANKS to ALL who contributed, MONEY for typing, pamphlets and advertising. ALL who contributed TIME and energy as quiet canvassers, scrutineers and drivers. ALL the Ladies of the BALLOT BOXES - ALL who WROTE ",NO'.' letters to our 'editor. WE ARE PROUD , to Say that not one committee member or' other worker of any kind received one penny. . •-Goderich Vote -NU Commdtee A FINANCIAL STATEMENT will be published in, an • early edition of THE SIGNAL -STAR. leimifirigaimitiffirmLionamir ONTARIO'S LARGEST HOME FURNISHERS • ADAMS END OF MONTH , N \ CLEARANCE - THREE DAYS ONLY - See These Money -Saving April Specials 1941 FLEETWOOD 23" CONSOLE TV In a single word . . . VALUE. Furniture. styled cabinet. Now let's 'note a few of the features: 19 tube powered transformer chassis; 23" screen gives you a "motion picture" type viewing area. Cascode tuner for crystal clear pictures, full range front mounted 8" loud speaker.Available in lustrous walnut finish. YOURS FOR ONLY 2.75 WEEKLY 3 -PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Outstandihg Value at a 'Budget Price. Comprising a 6 -drawer double dresser with 36" x 26" mirror, 4 -drawer chest and bookcase bed. April Special 99.95 SMOOTH or TUFTED SIMMONS 253 COIL MATTRESS • The mattress -that caters to your• sleep- ing -itimfort. Deluxe features: finest 253 auto -lock innerspring .coil construc- Hon. Layers of soft felt -and sisal Pad- ding. No Money Down. 40c Weekly 3 9.00 Matching box spring at same low price of only 39.00 279.95 8 -PIECE BtJNK BED or TWIN • BED OUTFIT Hardwood construction. Top and bot- tom separate for twin beds. With 2 mattresses, 2 slat springs, guard rail and a-tung ladder. Maple or*Natural fin- ish. NOW . 39.95 NO MONEY DOWN - 40c WEEKLY 4 -SEATER ClIcESTERFIELD SET Upholstered in- combination of plain and striped, long -wearing fabric, your choice of colors. 'Covered deck. No - Sag Springs and Foam Cushions. No Down Payment on a - quality suite at 179.00 Adams low price. ONLY 2.00 WEEKLY REGENT 12 -CU. FT: REFRIGERATOR Family size facts and features - 1961 model with 50 -Ib. freezer - 14 -lb. chiller tray - 2 removable egg racks with recessed walls - twin crisper drawers with glass shelf. 58" high by- 30'' wide. YOURS FOR ONLY 2.75 WEEKLY • 269.95 , 22" COMPACT RANGE General Electric elements of the 'latest ° design. 7 -heat Rotary Switches. Oven light, Appliance Out- let. 1 -year warranty. 129.95 Ohly L50 Weekly \ 4 -PIECE CRIB SET Sturdy drop -side crib, in white enamel finish. Adjustable spring, spring mat- tress and bumper pad Reg. 54.95, SAVE 15.07 39.88 NO MONEY DOWN - 40c WEEKLY AIR' FOAM GARDEN LOUNGE Completely weather-proof. 1" aluminum tubing frame, semi -pneumatic tires. Vin- / yl covered 2 -pc. air -foam deluxe cushion Fully adjustable to . 4 positions. • •' 3495 ONLY . . ... • - - • 30" CROSLEY RANGE by MOFFAT Exclusive to Adams and selling at a new low" price. A Family Range with automatic clock control, deluxe oyen window and oven light. Non -drip top and full width storage drawer. No Down Payment. 219.95 ONLY 2.00 WEEKLY DELUXE 20" MOWER The powerful MOTO-BOY with a 4. cycle 234 h.p. Clinton engine, 4-positjon wheel adjustment, • 20" blades, deluxe 69.95 fingertip confrol. 5 -pc. WOODGRAIN DINETTE 'SUITE' rable 36" x 48" extending to 60" ifith aid of a 12" loose panel. Well padded chairs. Choice of chi -bine or bronzetone. NO DOWN PAYMENT, ONLY 90c WEEKLY SARAN CHAISETTE and MATCHING CHAIR Weatherciroof, washable, man -shed 'ehai- sette. 1" tubing, 2 -tone Saran folds for easy storage. Chaisette 12,95 Matching Chair 7.95' 50 STORtS PlitouicalouT intik .•241.•"'- •