HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-5-7, Page 2lihriummOsuirenowipmek
LATE BurisilNEwc1. I etextpLeesstuferositstatitoinanaethaenattleL7:1;bhst:h.vsepdeeer,t1 BUND.A-Y RBADING.
" the brakes evidently not acting. The train,
Fulning a Dreaim
dashed into the stettonary buffers at the Return of the Jews to l'alestme
• end of the station, which were shettered,
and the eugine mounted the mainplatform, Jewish °Phan° oh the auestiou of a vas-.
The statioa WaS busy at the time, aud ,torotion of Palestine to its original owners,
•eneu • a, e 0 with partioular view to a place of refuge for
UP 305 passengers in the train, but the Jews ofRussia. is e matter of much m-
oney be made to secure some suterventien of
e o
the accident is unknown. President Harrisou. asking that an effort
al presented to
Zmore compleinea of houries. The cause of iterest The recent =mood
scape Wouldsee -.,leathug governineuts in this behalf, has- to
eS. or a -ensesda Age of Decay,
i ei- • , seine extent given oceesiou for the expres-
min, ;mottle, maturity, deerty, death—Igoe of such opiniou, Rabbi Solomon
Since 1$7,1 the Congregational churches M ,
/lave increased from 3O9 to i ^30 slosh is tho itormel history of man. The ',Schindler ef Boston does not approve the
' 'd'' ' , lire° periods of life should sustaiu a certain' measure, ' The Bosto'n Jimmie reports iun
A scheme for a Suuday tiaealre ie heir is, t ^ ^
proportion to eaeb. other : twenty Years of : as follows :
Promoted in Lenelon and es expected to sit'e-
ceed, c growths eiety yaws cif maturity, twenty "The promoter of the petition, Rev. Mr.
; ;rears of decay. Thie is what might be . Illackstoue, of Claicago, is governed by the
A youth named Garner died on Saturday i counted upon as the ordivary couree of ' theory that God bestowed particular lauds
in Stockport Infirmary from injuries re- ; human life, bat for the fact that we labor on certain peoples. But on this theory
;missed n a football match
under a load of ancestral transgression of' America shouldbe given back to the Indiaus.
On the railway works near Killyhegs, ; PhYsiaal and moral law, supplemented and To restore Palestine to the Jews it would be
County Donegal, on Saturday, a dynamite intensified by our own persceeal delimporeeies eeessery to cut that part of the lased en -
noosed M. David and injuring several others. How 'pleasant is the picture ! Twenty wtireieelioc.rsattbojertellwesirtici•rkgiso iltheeerettw.elo'ualds VI%
charge suildeztly exploded, killing a lebourer ; and follies -
ant, is in operetion at the Crystal Pala:a years ot inte lectuot progress and. aeliesem are about 5,000,000 Jews in Russia, but
from the frying -pan into thefire. There
The Barre Reilway, or, chimes gni:, iges : years of !Ivy?' childhood and e °title sixter leap
Pae -
ha brims within half an inch of the noee. ' mous ehayt c exec ertze sy ., y been developea ly moiler
eerenit i of' i mid 3 -
; me , 3 • Palestine is capeble of supporting y •
ut with domestic and Foetal oys and
Perimps it ts the railway of the future.
' then turenty yeas of dow elmoet vinous- 00,000, even after ali its resourcee have
Last year the London youth wore their i - d 1,,, t • a' L
Tbia years fashion tilts the hat backward. ninethrele. Pales-
! rations of a gra-rider life beyond the grave.
.A. Leereetoft elnimp boat shipped a. sea ' Sadly different is human existence as we
when creeeing Heim Saila on Tuesility after- . SVC it. We look with woozier upon Glad -
noon and was swamp. Two fishermen, atone, past eighty, stilt vigorous in body mut
brothers, oanted SUlitb. WiTO droweied, mind, still atroust dud wise to lead the great
, mind pieastue memories, and ioyous maid -
tine Is not e ferti e to:entry, nommt is aim-
ing what has been said by Biblical writers.
Those who haves advocated the movement
entertain aiFO the fdea that a Jewish Gover-
ment eould be establishel The tendeucir of
ui time 14 to build up large empires -cone
• The Ituesien ship Vilrlin was wreeliml off lebetal petty tw England. N't e- stecept poeed populetions that are• sympathetts.
the Lineelneitire eoest TueseleY night. threescore anti tones enatural hunt, and
Tile. masta 11 -emcee away, aud the crew were 1 expect (only later and sorrow if this limit is
rescued thep------------needay.
In the the coleus at Camberwell weer- We are deemed, we think, by our inherit -
swami notemni on isoottimee pens Thomson oleo ; and to wale malt this is true. But
was returned at 104 yeare of am, In the we should remember the Itters of reeuperation.
"lel 1
stated to be .911., itt, 97, au.1 Ors years ole.e. "it". 1/.15ea4ds ttIt'ard rem'er'7* Thei add °i`NeW 17"k sad's:
A novel feature of aineeimeerie a exhibithig laliere. The vise phersiefou baees Ms liopee The oreat Peters are place" face to
at the Cryard Loildiee lett huge eage I. upon this law. wi•th. a great modes Of p, *tie, and they are
eoutedeieg a Imppy fetidly of twelve lions, Anil this tendency of natere lQ heti lter- compelled w take some =reams for the re -
three Bengal tigets, arid cheetahs, panthers. • eelf may be greatly essieted by careful and lief of these people,. Tite repeoplirig ot
Pal -
Polar and Tinbee bears, eenies,..goets, and intelligent living, so that it is always pos- oetine with these expetrietedRusmanswould
boar hcrantis, numbering tweeity • silsle that the man of ttufortunate ancestry revive that ancient eouutry aud. atihrd the
An Ettelidi North Caunti-y churele has may eeeore for himself a good old age, and relief Kinglet. This eeltenie could matte am
oille for ciaitrihationa expected -start his posterity upon an ascending plane. eouipilelieli without the (IA the various
um the collection plate. The diarelt will be DO what we will,. botever, life must have Goveteeneins of -Fairope. They woula beem
contr.:it if it reemve two.preme ec•r every • its end. When the age of decay is reached, to guareatee the indepeuileuee of Valet:lint'
81aiing8 Of Meow, or three per cent. . hidden eltangee are gong on, the Quintino- under Ttiraisit stmeramity. Nvr tvonIsi the
men in reeetot eiati a week is espeeted to • t5:011 whi4 11'9 the 115t Peat 4attele. 3:1w ottablishment u; tiovernment under ifewieli
give a cavereept.
neettelest shrink ; the brain ehrieeht nerves atespiees he the molest task. The pertice are
emailtrial at Aerilrie, a weigiurtan bate loee their earmibility and active ower:pnot a unit aa UMW laws tied Ataxia lte up.
Imendismiesed by e committee of snipers 2 the eateries% perhaps:ha:owe ebelltyorfeeties bola at this and there are as plenty of
for are:skein:eta showed that the Judge the heart is Weakened ; the cireutaaion t.n• Zt.,-37,44$ nowadays est there were twenty een-
woula place alesiehnely no reliance en the feeltied ; anti in het the end comes. turies ega% who would have to be kept clown
teetirasmy vf teetotalers, be (Iodated that t•:26 tinal Peri°, then'. 1114%"t IV the strong othi ei the law tomalrea,
they were ea eetreme in their mews that
their evitienee was sure to he colored.
Owiee to witamingmough, James Davis,
eeme usetztatoin several of the Inumees were . •
The znventtone of our time imvo broken
down the barriers that have formed the gem
graphical bounds of hingdome. A Jewish
commonwealth would after a short time.
seek alliance with some great Power, or be
Upon the other band, the Harm, Si
; weary toder rises trout deep strone ter new "The Moline ie not as utopian as it loolie.
dawdles that have solved this conundrum.
But at preseot we are in the dark, So I
leave oiliest about where began—Church
take thange mahnly ; Roost]. excesses or all teed pecrement a pw,siiidity. ITOWe•ter, at
killaS; guard meainst exposures to cold; beep no iliitant day the Jewish problem is imolai
up a ilt,lree or mental activity; eultivote to ionise to thit frintt and bonus *caution be
eleterfulimes, and limit forward with hope. attempted.'
.1 rattan, id Ramie:pa Street, Camden ................. \Vox ;mother vonsideratione out of view
'rows, Lenden, lost three children in one .
dam The were all littk girlo It tran- . licarly touched a Rc,aUtifttl Woman. ther.e lest ill this one, that it may well become
anon niterest with Christian nations
that Palestine be recovered from its present
condition phyeleally, and that Moslem tips
Iliorobes in Agrioultum
Itril.a. .somewhat accent discovery and Sant exhalation 'of .eerboeie iteich whielm cold water to ecivet them. for at loet an
demonstretion that the fertiliey. of the ecni • gradually briny the air up to the _point hour. This wilt geeerally destroy au
' due to the presence in it at. illrlil.g germs where the difference between it gold the peresite life, so that .ehesteett ereaturee wifil .
or creatmees, and that they are ectore elder ' blood—as regards the proportione of ear- fall of their o»roweightto the bottom of the
when there are dee proportioste of certein, beide ,aeld—disappears. The.blood maim water, lattice% enfolded between the Timms;
tiegeteble and mineral. substances, goes far , to, be .arterialised, and the vital ftenetions:therefore cabbage, lettuce,. etas :ahead be .
toiverd the solution of problems m ages- are arrested. In vain does the air still eon- ;oerefully inspected Were •coolitisig, Seft
eulturai practice for svhicit there has been , tithe o quantity of life'giving oxygen ; the:, water in cooking wills° far soften tha toe
laeretofore no euteciene (me. Why old iblood cannot take it up, because it menet, eties of vegeteblea as to • extract . much of •
gardens should be manure-siek after yearsiget firl of its carbonic :itela ; the conditions their juices and valuable salts, Woe mit is
, - • .
of citiervatecin ; why leod Shedd lieceina l of exchaoge are alsent To-Pleeeenenitnel added to it, ; and thiabodiste of ?petal \reps' ' •
eloireridek, dandelion -der, Plaiatainialoks lin air overelterged with carbonic. odd, is.: tables evitledrewarouch of their potedis the
bull -thistle -sick, aud sick of everything too .equivalent to. 3. 'gradual preventive of hie ; veaue of whiels ere shell presently see,
long grown upon it, has never been SO breathing at all. ' Suffocation results from' :Wendt molts, having first thorougb7y clean.,
nearly' dearly understood as Orr. . it ' vitiation of the air in precisely the same' sed therm will sem the water in which they
appears as if the work of preparing mod
ler each eeperate plant was comratteed to
e form of them rnieroecopio ereaturees
and that for success in this work there must
11BALJT• dIseinaid to cleansiog then thoroughly from
li cits.etfurnwda, zudginijnuripoluesnetyymoefuscaonleid insects;r,tea
Poisoned by One's, Owiareith. !water, with a brush or cloth, will suffice/be'
'roots, old careful examboetion of tees lemies
When we breathe ever toed over again the ; of succulent pleads ; the latter samtld be
seine aim we gradually vitiete it by the moo lefe blossom ett4' down. in enough salted -
spired that eine perzons occupied (me room, Thirty or forty years ago a New Orleans
which the eoroner thew:Ott was rather mob upiese hylialf of a ne,,ro slave and
cicse, undertook to averem ;!riiel ceretion ot ;mines awl locelittes Indica matt
At Mtsideitimed Pollee Cent en Ttwoley Net only this. They pur end would a 1,1,,tou re, ,,,w",L be brought to an end,
Moraine:, Willient Sadler, the man who was have ltatieva the owner of the ugertnnate
Choc ivith being the perpetrator of the FiaVe. Tite.t owner wail beAlitifiti wernian,
inurilen wee esettenecti to I istunenseiy weeltity, end the giver ef sumpo
lieMl days' laird labour for liavire, been i rams entertainments. Thell,,ry is 0ke 0 pylotm,%s, NA'S "ion.
manner as from interception of the air. 'hare been boiled for mimes and SOPPa. We
Professor Brown-Sequeml has riseently , would suggest moderate salting, ati4then
been leaking experlmente to determine hava the water used in makingeheNvitite
whether the human breath was capable of • eauce usually served with vegetables, k
be. certain essential nuasneracel certain
vieficerotabbeles, peornoddeuncisiemoilawnayteoroyislo,auvorr oeifletchtes. exFroorepici the --ei----
eeleetnielehntspr;oandudre jus
satrlet fever, whooping he obtained a Poisonous liquid which, when
emelt, and other ,eerne thOeases requtre a. injected wider the shin of rabbits, produced A WORLD'a Fait .goitaiog,
speetel medium, to develop and work in, almost, inunediete demo, lee ascertained sa notreitondona,tolinottieurti.isittetpates encl.
mod after that the mediorn becomes to them that this poison WaS an alkaloid, and no e a
sterilized, AO thesoil Is sterile fora time after microbe. The rabbits thos injected died Last Monday, jast a week ago, !lise Cora
years of clover, pleat -Ain, adandelion, Istdi without convulsions, the heart and large p. Payne, the hay manager from, Ihentucky,
thistle, &e., &a, but subsconeutlY,recovers• blood vessels lisingengorged with blood. M- disappeared from the World's Fir bead,
,M for manure -sick, it is olorMIY the "C04 BrowtoSequerd coneidera it fully roved quarters. She left a note to the other ladio,
of vegotabe vaattdr "it rrilPa. IIIP'034u, thatthe expired air,liotli of manandiumnale, statiug thee. else bed been called lionte On
ith a deRcieney of the proper /magma sub, eonteine it vehtile poisonousprinciplowhieh import -41A bushaese eahl would return In a
stauces that prevents the atemesful efforts is Mad; more deleterieus than the carbonic few days. The ladies paidno particular at,
of the little ereetures to prepare the choice it contain& tention to the matter, its Mies Payne fro -
fond. for delicate vegetable (organization. In the reign of King George IL , the Rajlli quently visited her Southern home mid re -
That is, the inanure•sielt garteus often Plies al Bengal took some Engliell .prisouers ut turned without anything eveAtifal ttansPith
duce the hardier and coareer vegetebles, Crileetta, and put 140 of them. tete a. place ium When Nies Pa,yne put in am appear.
but fail with the inhere. But if lanes may which has been ktiowa duce the Indieu auce this morning, however, the letlice pat
become eterile front au exceea of manure, Neatly as the " Bled; Role." This place aside their upetity, for she was no longer
the essential mineral substances, and for a ventilation was provided for only by two Mies docksonwas not dressed in thogala at-.
they IflaY aswal free/ an eXCe88 01 any 01 was °"4.1, 18 feat 6412larol7 la feet high; and Miss 0. Payne, bile 31re. Alfred JaCiOR/le
gOOli liintratiOn Of the letter, / quote the small grated windowe out of readi of Ali, tire of a bride. Mer Wild, was even quieter
Met that some cotton lands of the South 04e .hundrca and twenty,ehree of 014 pea's. than usual, It was so quiet that itl eXeiteil
have been rendered almost Wholly barren otters died ia the night, and meet of the sem euspitsielo,
ley too liberal and too long -continued ap- vivre were afterwards carried etiby putrid "ave you, lost any rehttivea I!" inquired.
plication of guano and other pritaelt and f:ovmera,ndynheutlonattebfreetaid4t,eneephere caused by Mrs. Bulimic of Missouri, solicitously.
But the _riot and chief signigeence 'oat blushed mid looked down other desk._
Mrs- Jackson did not reply at once. She
phosphate fertdizere.
yard mature and doveriug. aro not eudielent Beilene repeated her googlies in a
these facts Is the demoustratiou that Darn+
to restore or even nteinteut the fertility of camsfoerdathillit astumwmarearthydre::::1; out 4 louder tone of VQ1CO, Stilt MO. tillOkftcla
the soil, ited that for successful agriculture
ranch ou the food and drink filet are taken eeereedatet to hear it, awl acted in a tiro, s
rouslr.preoccupied manner, "1 do believe
on lend eonte time in cultivation, recourse
thet 3 ism Payne Weut Away and got mar -
must be liad to the commercial terti.izers into the system as en the elothing. If amen ried,,i sem :Nue Baena to anether lady
representing the mineral constituents of is careful abeitt his diet, in particular alunit manager.
plant food —phosphoric. asiii, potash and what, be drinks, lie may be reasonably Qom. Then a vocal sparring match took place
lime. When the soil of Central Illinois was fortable in summer. though I le site around between the latliee. Alm Jaelmon denied
debt enough in these esseuthil elements, the all day with a eak hat, a tiglitdittiegeollars emphatically that suck was the case, but
microbes whose duty it w:',.$ to prepare feta and flank Mt. TilO unpleasant sensations her coler wies so high that Ai:betrayed her -
rhe wheat plant, wade it ready with solof a hot day came as well from inside the seif. Finally, driven to bay, aka ditelison
melt etrength and quantity that the spring ,body as outside. The feeling of parching confessed that else wae Mre. Jackson.
wheat attained maturity early iu theseaeou, 'thirst in the throat is more uncomictriabi0 Mist/ Payne came from Nentuelty last fall
end was a success, awl the eatton microbes them the direct rays of the WM, The feeling when the 'is -melee emainitelou moti and
were equally fortuira;;e ; hut au the coillfist. that a man bas eaten something that deo evincing a lively Interest in the WallUlAill
ill the neeesiery dementia thepetters of the not agree with hinn or has had too many branch Of exposition work, she was admit°
microbes were weahened, nnd both crepe geld drinks, causes greater discomfort than remain in Chicago end identify herself with
proved failures here. But they emceed- torrents of perspiration. To he comfortable the Chicago Iteedquiertera. Iler husband
ea, the one further north where the ceel there MInt be an equilibrium between the was at the time a stenographer in Director.
season was longer, and the other email, interior apparatus of the body and the ex, 1eenerel Davis's Ace. He is a smooth -
where the het season was prolonged. Wind conditions and eirettrustauce. No man shaven, round.feeed young ratia, with a
So it seems microbes build up as well as who eats awl drinks carelessly on a hot day 1 peculiar manner of speech, but it was the
tear down. When 'Professor Bonin tells will have this comfortable poite. I besitatIng' manner of epee& Mat won the
us the pear blight is caimil by the activities A mistake many men make in not to hulymanagerfrom the South. Every morn-
ebutetia on the foliege anti toed, 're may drink until they are thirsty and not to ing they walked to the ofilee together, rid
reasonably infer that, the ntimolte At the drink anything at all cool until they are every evening they were men to depart'n
hot. A man may get up in the morning, company.
end feel fairly -comfortable ; he will at Idol They never knew eat& otheritefore tho..
breakfast and drink but little, When helfirat liession, of tile 11701111111'S commiesion.
gets to his work it will be warmer and he iJackson eves tent to take a etenogreplii,. re-
will:be warmer 3 he will then drink beer, I port of the meeting,. Miss Payne bad jest
soda 'water, lemonade, or ice water- In al finished making a speech. The eonfessieoda
little while be will be thiratier and be will; was great at the time and Jackson coda noe
drink some snore of the same. From thisteatelt all that she said. As site seated her -
time on as the thermometer rises be wille self he went quietly over to !ter seat and
become hotter and thirstier. It is not that'll3keaber politely to repeat evle=he said.
Ile ho,Onot taken enough fluid to quench limy Their eyes met and it was thenratat Miss
anima of thins% but that the fluid was not Payne felt berfirst eensatien of love and Mrt
taken until he was thirsty and therefore Jackson lost his heart
does not quench his thirst nt once. Eating Things progressed nicely uutil the time
satisfies hunger almost at once, but the food for themarmage came, and it was then Miss
is not taken into the system for several Payne suggested a deception that was axe -
hours, until the dighstion and assimilation outed admirably. Isastead of going Liana
she went with her husbaud that was tobe to
London, Caneda, where his parents resided,
and there the marriage ceremony was per-
Mr. =a Irrs. Jackson will reside in
Chicago, and Mrs. Jackson will eentinue to
drunk. the toun on Mealy night? the :nest thrilling in the Watery of the eity.
became the I toots whicb feed the tree have tailed to ten-
' 7 • I write ttiti interivettively, veil %ate themsuilielent health mad etrength
the teteen hemp mid young wood to res
eiet hcest beeteria.
In respect to restoring manureisick and
overfed gardens, a suilletene addition to the
ntineral elements of plant food would, uo
&mist, cure the patient; but to incorporate
them with the ezek soil is a homy job, and
therefore it, were more prafiteble to remove
the old surface a foat, or more in depth and
brim; in new, and that couree Prince Kra-
potkine Mlle us is a common practice in the
A band of nasiosdighters attacked the ! it \\di' 'h4deliavei 13 +I- ••• a ,.
house of Mielmel vsletuglinciy, care,acer, illAremed certain of her sl.‘ve, kept theax subjelt is followed ati naturally by an iuterie
D,solie llridee, temotee Clare, aue seta a ilbeined in it donge,m and ,eibleeted them to gatioa as one's form is aceonleamed by its
dot ehronelt the windose. The pollen i . • etarvatiou. She '111W1 however, a, woman •ef shadow. We bear it with aid eliele of Mike -
res -
mg receivea inhermetiott of the intended ' great Nidaitii atul iniluenee, arid managed to times, from the indignant proteeting 61 Au-
attack, were in vitiate,. in the Ileum, and ' to quiet thm ruiners. A fire oc.nirred on other claw& supper :" to the militacquies.
fired buckshot, and dahher."2-4 woundea . her estate, eliether sterteil by UMW. of the emit " So its time for a supper?" Like
one of the assailants. Three others were ' slaves or not is not remillea. Whim chimes. truth which when crushed to earth will rise
arrested. lisitidel to the plue ;mil bean 1 u tear down again it rises monthly, annually, and will
e , ,
the tourning buildine, the nwfal eviilence of not be suppreesel
Much eensation hae been createa in the the maltreated elaxe:3 met their eyes, One Annually a few good deices band together,
s • of the mil +meatus...1 was chained, The fury dareese the subjeet thorougbly, e to the
mininehistriet of Switneei Ise the cisme...smut
at the collieries with the wife of the hied- - Ineetteg oravely intent lug o 1 . . 1 ,. .
of a well-known Flue fighter empleyment of the milli was feetitth They besiegeil the tgardens of Paris.
. palite0 in the besaiiheil womise, who, with Iteach one with her baud in her pocket (if Mar."
lard of a SlVallElea ilatni. The errant pair, -----e-----....
whet are believed to have set Fall for America, un i - II a el b lilt ese el 1 her . 1 she piesseesee the 'luxury of a pocket), ready
p int i t o i a ot ere( emus i. -
had, it is alleged, taken front the hotel 1.:40 w_ta as mut& eters will not be ^MD as a means of raising
A Living Rope,
inan to 4rive to her door, dressed in her to do or dare, or give to any amount, if sup.
most brilliant costume, and, ; 1
At ca,tie Eden, Anthem, Police Court, ei.etenh
comeesure as if she were taking her wand moneet This Ina6 brigade is 'iv
drive, stepped in and directea the it
w_ h arguments, too, and how are til0)1 Mal
ell prepared
and. ties -oral valuable articles.
prison for fourteen days oath in &stoat of The gentle Sister ou the right says that she
on Saturday, six 'miners were committea to coachman to whip up his horses. Tile mob
paying damages and costs adjudged against
them for stopping Thornley Colliery on the
occasion of the Szlksworth evietions.
Seventy more men refused to may. A fund
hes been stated to support the families et
the imprisoneil men.
A London surgeon has just recorded an
extraerilinary case. A patient, a man aged
45 year. who swallowed a pin when seven
years ola, bas just caughed up the pin. He
was in good health for 24 years, but then
developed symptoms like consumption. He
was troubled with huskiness of voice and
constant cough. Since the pin was expelled
the man has recovered. The doctor is satis-
fied the pin was in the man's larynx for ss
A Bolton mill girl named Elizabeth Ellen
Monks committed suicide on Monday night
by drowning herself in a mill reservoir near
her home and the body was fished out yes-
terday morning by the police. In hempocket
was a letter addressed to her parents, ited
touched in a very religious strain. She
said she had been driven to suicide by bad
work, and that she had dreamed she would
lrown herself. She was only 17 years of
A young man named. Jasper Clark, of
Eastheurne Road, Brantford, clerk to the
irm of Messrs Ruston, Clark, &Ruston, sol-
eitors, Brantford, met with a shocking death
ni Monday morning. About nine o'clock he
visited Old Castle Inn, Isleworth, and in-
formed the la,ndlorcl that he had been shoot-
ing birds. He was carrying a double -bar -
:oiled fowling piece. A few. minutes after
taking. refreshments he was found dead in
the urinal with the top of his head blown
off—it is thought, the result of an accident
A youth named Andrews visited athletic
sports at Ramsey, Huntingdonshire. On
returning home in a state of intoxication he
committed a serious assault on a woman. In
avoiding the husband, who pursued him, he
fell into a reservoir, butescaped. He after-
wards threw himself in front of a train on
the Great Eastern Railway, and was cut to
pieces. At the inctuest the jury returned a
verdict that the deceased " eel:omitted sui-
cide at the instiriation of the devil."
followed but diet istancea them. Soho man-
aged to make for one of the ships in the har-
bor, and escaped to Paris,
114. --
Neve: Forgotten Letters.
mat not give m proportion to malty others,
but she eam work and is glad to do so. An-
other says that the social life -would be lack-
ing if the sisters were debarred the privilege
of working together. An energetio sister
thinksthat those who are willimg to work
(melte to be perraitted to do so ; that in that
Quick thought and prompt action in thee t,e0 completed. It 38 SO WIth thirst even
oiltio,litiengeeerithicale;te, attesertised wnemany.gaittnstomtiteledmv.itie
feeling, but it raeans that there is not enough
more than with hunger. Thirst is a local
what mine nearbeing
last winter. A bz4oyscaiaaeorlif 8=1113°31g the throat puts water into the stomach., but
-water in tile system. Pouring water ARAM
a pond, when one of them 'broke through the, not into the tiptoe). for some time afterward,
ice, aaul the next moment was struggling in particularly if the water is gold. Coffee represent her State in the exposition.
the watet.
The accident occurred near the mead e o
cause they are eusimila,ted more quickly.
they are hot them. when they ttre cold, be
The Beaton correspondent of the Bog- the pond ; there was no house neer to ethic&
the boys could ruu, for help e no rope which
ana tea queneb thirst mare rapidly when
Then after the victim of the beat is loaded
way they can show a zeal for the church ,.
up with cold water he begins to perspire
new,- mmtes an amusing letter sent by tuey could throw tellieit unforieinittis-
accomplished ex -president of the American which their mimes could not repreeent A ;
lovable sister sits silently waiting for a Deese's, nor yet a pole or stick of any kind.
more freely. This means that he has put
31r. Aldrich to Professor E. S. Morse, the
Professor 'Morse, it should be saia, a decision. In her heart is a tender thought
Academy for the Advancement of Science.
handwritinimmite intliscribable illegaiaciltIthat the house of God is too vowed for such
u oses "6 Gather them in,' " she replies;
My dear Mr. Morse: It was very pleasant
to me to get a letter from youthe other day.
Perhaps Schacht have found it pleasanter if
"but give them the 'bread of life' instead of
an oyster stew."
So shewaits, patiently, hoping for a deci-
sion in accoraance with her views but will-
that I mastered anything beyond. the datehoesa her 1
ing to work wherever she is needed. Go
I had been able to decipher it. I don't think
(which 1 knew), and the signaturelwhich I Oae of the brave ones suggests
guessed at). There's a singular and perpet- ' that social life ease be derived from fre-
ual charm in a letter of yours. It never;
lquent meetings without the necessity of
grows ola, it never loses its novelty. One cutting cake or washing dishes to promote it.
can say to one's self every mornieg. "There's i Another warm-hearted sister suggests with
that letter of Morse's. I haven't read it yet. kindly intention that, if any feel unable to
I think ru take another shy at it to -day, I take tbeir share others would readily am-
end maybe I shall be able in the course ole lplement it. But the poor - and proud. shake
few years to make out what he means by that
their heads at this decidedly. Others say
those t's that look like w's and those its where they give provisions they would
that haven't any eyebrows" Other dadly double the amount in money to be
letters 'tree from the fatigue and eniciety of a
are read, and thrown away and forgotten; ismenea
but, yours are kept forever—unread. One oil
them will lase a reasonable man a lifetime.' know too well the result: the gallant few
Then the question is put to vote. . You
Ad miringly yours, C. B. ALDRICH. tare worsted, and the reign of suppers eon-
- hic-------•--- itinues. The people flock in by hundreds to
"1 like your cheek 1" exclaimed the gird the " muffin worries" and the "tea fights"
when the young man kissed her, "Sc' do a as the unsympathiiing Inisbamds call them.
was the audacious reply. The eatables disappear as if by magic. The
like yours, but 1 greatly, prefer your lips,
epicure eats so long and so much -that the
" Is she really your rival?" "Yes." pretty girl waiting upon him feels like the
"Crepe Scott ! If I had a rival that looked discontented kitten .
On Tuesday Dr. G. Danford Thomas
held at inquest at the St. Giles'
Coroner's Court, Loudon, respecting the
death of Charles Harcourt, aged 50
years. The deceased, a Prench -svelter,
had been out of employment for some
time, and had been sleeping ha a shed.
On Tuesday morning a police sergeant on
duty in Shaftesbury Avenue found him in a
helpless and dirty condition. The man was
ill and tumble to epeak, therefore the ambu-
lance vas procured, and he was removed to
the Se Giles' Workhouse, where he soon
afterwards died. Dr. Shoara deposed that
death was due to exhanstion when suffering
from congestion of the lungs, accelerated by
the want dame, exposure, and self rieglect.
The jury returned a verdict in accordance
With the evidence.
A startaints incident took place et the
Centeel Station, Liverpool, on Monday. An
like that, do you know what I would do ?"
"No.' "Id give up the girl."
The German Emperor has ordered that a
list of officers who ;took part in the military
races Sunday be presented to him. He is
very indignant over the matter. •
" timpeter, mippety mop !
He never will stop.
The milk and. the bread
Will fly to his head!
Sippety, sippety sop 1"
N th's is an old story isn't it ? 13at
It is in contemplation to manufactur- what axe we to do? Onr suppers have proved
Martini -Henry ammunition at tits Govern- e, great success financially. Our ladies work
ment cartridge factory at Quebec this year, , together well and are seldom at vedette°.
in a report to the Department, says very bills of fare:
; have rung the changes on all scrts of
MajorPrevost, superintendent of thefectory.
little is rammed m the matter of machinery
to enable the factory to manufacture Martini -
Henry ammunition. Most of the component
parts of the cartridge can be made with the
present plant, and a few additions at a trifl-
ing cost are all that is wanted to meet a de-
mand actually existing in tais country, and
which is sufficiently important to make
LI -
Chicken Pie Suppers!
Hot Waffle Suppers!
Clain Chowder Suppers!
New England Suppers!
Easter Egg Suppers! etc.
Suppers served by ladies, suppers served
For a minute they stood aghast, huddled to-
gether, watching the poor boy's struggles in
the may water, and bis furtile efforts to hold
himself up by grasping the treacherous ice.
Suddenly Da,vid. Small thresvhireself, face
down, upon the ice and cried, " Quit& !
Shove me up to the edge. John, you lie
down and get ham of my feet, and Si, you
get hold of his. catch hold of Rob; sod
when I give the signal, the rest of you fel-
by gentlemen, and every possible variation
lows grab Sian hied us oat of this.'
The &are boy took the post of danger
himself, the othere followed Ins &motions,
into himself more water that his system de-
mands that the heat and is overloaded sys-
tem combined are working it off. As the
perspiration trickles down his face he goes
and takes more thinks, and so keeps the un-
comfortable round until night, when he
tosses around damp and uncomfortable.
In the same way that a short run exhausts
a man's breath gel Makes dim sweat more
than a song leisurely walk, so a number of
iced drinks poured in rapidly tire a man
more mud make linn sweat more than a mod.
mind amount of fluids taken at long inter -
and when he had securely ra.spea Bob the
signal was given. All bands pri witha
will, and the drowning bov was saved.
The abstract of busineas done by the in-
surance companies of Cane& last yeitr has
been issued. by the Depertment of Finance.
The five.prennums received totalled $5,841,-
628, an -increase of a quarter of a, million
over 1889. The Royal, as usual, leads with
$-)52, '723 followed 'by the Western 'with
worth while adding to the yearly output of known in attractive dirthes. We have reach -
the establishment, with a view to reducing ed a degree of excellence we Madly expected
as much as possible the general expenses, but we are not satisfied. We wear our
which must of necessity fall heavily on a honors lightly. The church is on:teething
limited production, Major Prevost's sug- higher than a restattrant, and in rare ince
gestions 1sear on a point quite distinct from silents of common sense we look in each
any question of re -armament of the militia other's faces and say, "Does it pay ?''
with Martinallenry rifles, which may or I A. young girl wittily said, "Well., we are
may not be contemplated. His proposal is training our yoeng people to lie useful. We
merely to supply a demand which can be can ell wait on tebles at the summer resorts
met lir manufacturing at Quebec what until when the worst eomes. We have had (re-
new has been imporMd. Ito says thee, ir periente enough..
made in Canada, it can be sold to the rifle But is there not some mom mast 11 lreown
sasodations at a cheaper rate than the int to our sisters that melte es, a. te bring ebotit
ported ammunition now oosts. 't happier state of things? ..1.1apoy are 'she
$335, 190, the Liverpool, London & Globe the man starts for the day. If he wants to
$279,594, Commersial Union $318,697, drink any more he may drink it
North British $313,247. the Queen $262,485 slowly, and should not have it so
the Lancashire $253,229, Of the total of
and make them warmer. A cold
cold that it will itilame the throat and the
$5,841,628 the 33ritish conlay2tr8e8a3ei avneade
berhemebakes the skin glow with warmth.
$4,071,452 the Cenadian
the American $520,292. So a cold bath of Om water in its reaction
The analysis of the registration i
in Chicago warms the throat a_nd_s_tomach
seism voters are required to declare the.
plaoe of their birth when registering, is of
interest at the present time. Out of 172,353 Medioinal Qualities of Foode.
voters who registered last fall, 81,172 were
native Americen whites and 3,141 native The medlar al properties of scene foods
Degrees. Of the 88,061 foreign born voters are as definite as their nutritive, and as re -
32,964 were Germans. Add to these 1,410 liable as those of drugs; indeed, the phar-
Austrians and 622 Swiss, and the total Ger- inaccpeeie includes the following so-ealled
man -speaking element is represented by 34,- foods in its list of official thugs; asparagus,
996 voters oat of 171,353, or about 20 per cabbage, carrots, dandelion, endive, garlic
cent of the whole. The Irish born voters Iudian-corn, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms,
number 19,335; the English, Welsh, and parsnips, sweet -potatoes, sorrel, sea -weeds,
Scotch 7,384, and the Canadians 4,346. The tomatoes, the cereals, spices, sweet herbs,
Scandinavians, Swedes, Norwegians, and sugar, honey molasses, the varions berries,
Danes together were 9,708 strong. There the ollynuts, animal fats, eggs, oysters, many
were 3,444 Bohemians registered, and 2,773 kinds of fish, nearly all fruits and their
Poles. jellies and their juices, the wines, cordials,
• a.nd spirits the conclin lents, and salt especi-
An excitiug incident took place at Bach- usr,
with°, ut which life is insipid indeed.
/need Railway Station the other night. As aIn their order t•he dietetic qualities of the
the up train was entering the station a well- condiments willbeconsidered, andthespecial
dressed man rushed to the edge of the plat-
form, threw his stick on the line, and ex-
action of various foods in connection with
claiming "Here goes !" deliberately jumped the receipts given for prepating them.
Jest as common sale is indespoosibie to
in front of the approaching engine. The
the health of cattle, the salts of potash pres-
train pasted ever 'him. On, however, a ent in vegetables and fruit are iinportant to
search 'being made, it was discovered that „elite Tee oocl health of many vegetarians
man had had a marvellous escape, for '"
vals of time, The best time to drink is in
the morning. The stomach is empty and
the fluids will be carried through the sys-
tem and into the blood more speedily. A
pint of moderately cool water then will do
more to relieve thirst during the day then ten
glasses of beer or soda, water in the after-
noon. A man is somewhat like a locomotive
if the water is not judiciously administered
to the boiler there is an explosion. The
time to lay in the supply of fluids is before
A year ago only the fastest train between
London and Aberdeen, 542 miles, ran in
fourteen hours. Last fall it was reduced to
twelve hours and fifty minutes This year
it will cover the 542 miles in twelve hours
or a, little over forty-five miles an hour.
In the Geostemunde election Prieee Bis-
marek polled 7,557 and Schmafield, Socialist,
3,928 votes. A second ballot will be neces-
sary. The non -election of Prince Bismarck
is attributed to his own policy, as he neither
solicited votes nor issued an address to the
It has been pointed out, in commotion
with the discovery that in England the aver,
age stature of men is decreasing while that
of women is increasing—a fact attributable,
it is claimed, to the stunting effect of the to-
bacco habit upon the masculine portion of
humanity—that if this be true the statement
should give heart to the advocates of women's
rights, since in the natural course of events
the result of the tendency thus established
will be to reduce men more and more to the
unimportance of mere puppets.
Police Constable Thomas Watson, of the
Birmingham City Police force, was on Mon -
clay committedfor trtal by the coroner for the
manslaughter of Wm. John Whittaker, aged
16 years. The officer was assisting .io die;
perse a gang of youths against whom coms ,
plaints had been made of street shouting.
The constables chased the lads, and it is alii
leged Watson struck deceased o the head
with his heavy buckled belt, km; ing him
clown insensible. The lhd ma bse ntly died
of his injuries. The coroner m inteined
that a policeman had no right to use his
belt Portsmouth, on Saturday -evening, a
naval pensioner named Watts shot hie wife
and then attempted suicide. The partieehad
been separated for a month,,the man worki
Mc in London and the wife living with her
parents at Portsmouth. Watts came from
London epparentlir with a view to reconeili;
ation, and saw his wife at her parents' house.
Before the interview hes lasted ten minutes
revolver shots were heard, and it was, fo,und
that the woman had received two wounds be
the head, one in the throat, and one in the
breast. Watts was about to shoot himself
when his brother seized his arm, and th
bullet only penetrated Ms wrist. He wa
taken inth custody.
What TODIMY ThCnghte
Tommy passed the parlor doot just as his
sister and her lover were coecluding a eon-
ference about something, overheernim the
remark "will put our heads together end
see what we cell do." Entering the library
he heard Isis father reinaell of the spooning
pair, "They're a crack -brained eouplei
any Way." '
i Guess they're all mended now, roe,"
first place the most strict attention slsould Sththiedy'Tdoprnunglie"ir chalsdesliolguestLhilZ11 '41"C' 3aYi
dee to Olt substance.
beyond a slight cut on the fa,ce he hed entire.
ly escaped injury. At the pollee station he The cookery of vegetables largely affects
WaS identified as a well-known resident Sidi dietetic value, arid mistresses should
earned Clifford. A note, in which he instruct their cooks as to the proper ways
intimatea hie intention ofoommittingsuicide, of treating these important foods. In the
was fouecl upon him.