The Exeter Times, 1891-4-30, Page 8INSURANCE 1 Brevities.. eggs,
A Q. Bs obier ship from Exeter each.
week a ear load of a s,
An immense stock of wall paper at clos-
est prices at the Big Bankrupt Store.
La Grippe still holds away. Stick to
your fiennels.
The best 10c prints la Cana1a at the
Big Bankrupt Store. See theta
The majority of farmers in the night/ors
heed have finished seeding,
The trout fishing season commences on
`1'lie cenaea enumerators are about
through with their work
Only a few of those new shoulder capes
left at the Big Bankrupt Score.
The estate of the late W V. 11 Cooper,
Clinton, paid a dividend of 2 cents on the
Janes Willis has lea -ed the Exeter
tt fair grounds for the season at a rental of
€ $0.
('UQICE Mr L wiles. of Pennsylvania, shipped a
FICTION ear load of 19orses from Exeter on Thurs-
day last.
For boys suits, call on J.
I' Clarke; eleaauey finished and choice
i pane pee.
1 he town watering sort male its $est
f appearance for this season on Male street
�t.ltltiner,,, t Schl Sulplifc I: Quer panunds
of eon' yellow s.agar for $l.
I a 15 p•autria granulated sugar for 4.1 at the
I j nig Bankrupt Store.
1R: rep ping 1 TWINES, Wail l .S la verse% .luh is about to he organized
1.°..1; e r i] S rapers in $ to ter. There ie pleuty of goat muter'
nut in Exeter tor a dist (.lass teem.
.i. tili. Tb:` 6rc'elitors of Wal tem Kievan, of
T-: � sl'uotecem, met on S tturdaj. It was de.
.. sided to dispose of lits effects.
! -- A, i.4 -ewe to the nee leeiae+,rpnr tteeiOntar
• e ; in Express Co.,will he opened in Exeter on
%lav 1st. with Mr A. t Kohler as agent.
s , . , , • . The mayor of Heflin has issued ;t pro -
e tin ePC�l a )1 . t . (11101'. 1 c}amatiou against street Icunging and
threatens offenders with severe peuatties.
For tirst .less eottt'na(les and shirtanes,
New Spring Saltines w ill you please yell and examine those
^ ' 9 at .1 1. Clarke's;get prices and quality.
New Springy `i.'rouseriat;;a, Mr R. H. Collies has moved into the
New Spring t iwerct, dings. residence lately occupied by :Mr John
1lee kenaw. 4r liewkrshaw taking Mr
TI:e beet \Vesal; nsinila anti at, Perfeest Cid-alts' residence.
Fir. Mausrs Roes & Taylor's horse ran away.
- on Df•,relay :'hong its cense it made
+„aA"Menotti'e0 t" -.r things+ytutt lively The waggon was von
a,i 4 E1,4 . e,,�wl" Fi leaal•ta \wectN,I.
,-rt the tresses Itatfing, awl nun growers
E " I t" �`°• f sey that frau present alapearance. the
• eter tit;,,• eerie n r mese will be an enormous
1. rine
;ill ,;-sift• a gat '.41'W4.5 trent of the Exeter
O. v 9:d- :l on "9*esa'av
t l.. •"tl la a 7l a
.� Ptg.•to i' in the Ifeuaall bre'bren in eels=
hinting the -i anniversary
' l.': F�,a^see I r r,"lo:? 0! @Dur l'Nel :r h mipnlatkn will possibly exceed
.' . of nf1e;-e the enuineratrn's commenced
1%091i rewind families have proved to town.
mei 44f whom a tweed has not been taken.
Time are very few persons who do not
r ,! ' a ,1 ¶ require something new at this time of the
Frenit C 9 la ! , n O e S I Near. The adyertising eo.nms should be
carefully read by everybody.
Is fl thllil," ell' i,„.„li ' it11(1 • Exeter we understand wit have no
eelebraatann on the Queen's birthday. This
l.uttt:'r a -t c9:ttn'tart ani lieasut a to is the first time for teeny years that the
til+ a+(;ltt�.'. 21t1t hens not been celebrated here.
The sales of prints, retteens, at J. P.
T IZI S SI -10.44 Mike's continue. They are found itt
many hotnes, and there are more choice
Is equal to any 83.75 sixoe patternhere this week. Come and see
on the market. And now the thrifty man plants his
�R�C, garden with vegetables awl flowers. but
t ere he tansariseu in the morning his neigh-
bop s chiekens have scratched up and eaten
COMFORT, all the seed.
Considerable quantities of potatoes aro
BEAUTY, being purchased hereabouts just now.
Sixty centsperbuahel is being paid. They
Unite to commend them. are being shipped to Chicago and other
Through the efforts of Air Ingram M.
P., 3 A. STEW ART, ., the western military nam will be field
Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter at tit Thomas this treason• Windsor,
illemisacstamiallgar Chatham and London feel sad, but they
MID a t ;j , t MUM.
. j went wrone. politically.
iCr Mr Abel \Yelper has purchased an ad-
ditioua1200 acres of land in Nissouri, ad -
THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1891. joining the Rossier property, making in
all 400 acres of the finest land in the
An elocutionaryin en
eutei to m t by Prof.
Mounteer and members of bis Exeter class
will be given here shortiy in the town hall.
Proceeds for the poor of the town. Look
out for programs.
The creditors of G. A. Hyndman met on
Monday. After some deliberation, Mr
Hyndman made an offer to compromise at
13 cents on the dollar. We have not
learned as to whether it has been accepted
by the creditors.
A meeting of the Exeter cricket club
will be held at the town ball Tuesday evg
May 5th. at 7.30 o'clock for the purpose of
electing officers etc, for the cotning sea-
son. All cricketers please attend, Fred.
Elliot, Secy. pro tete.
The "At Home" in the Presbyterian
church on Friday eve last, given only for
members of the congregation was quite a
successful affair. The attendance was
large and a pleasant evening was spent by
those preseut.
The horse trade this spring must have
been remarkably good as nearly all the
horses that were on sale a short time ago
are now sold, and some of our dealers pur-
pose going esst to purchase a fresh stock.
Brandon (Man) Sun.
There was a musical jubilee held in the
Salvation Army barracks on Saturday and
Sunday last, Several officers from a dis-
tance were present and enlivened the pro-
ceedings by the introduction of band
The choir of the Presbyterian Church
Thames Road, are going to give an enter-
tainment on the ovening of 25th May,
Miss Knox, the Elocutionist, and the
Exeter Male Quartette have been engaged
for the occasion. Faller particulars later.
The Allen Line mail contract bet aeon
Canada and Britain will expire on May 1st,
after which date newspapers mailed from
the office of publication in Canada to the
United Kingdom will be charged at the
rate of one cent for every two ounces in-
stead of the former exceptionally low rate
of one cent per pound.
Solomon Levi, of Detroit, has written to
Inspector Bell asking if anything has been
heard of John Levi, aged 83, a mulatto,
six feet in heighte slightly stooped, who
left Exeter in the spring of 1884. He has
sons in Exeter and Detroit. The inspect•
or has not yet heard anything of the old
Messrs Dyer & Howard have just man, but thinks he may be around the city
completed two altars for the R. C. Church under an assumed name.—London Adver-
at Mount Carmel. They are the finest we tiler.
have seen and reflect much credit on the the Friday last Messrs I. Handford and
workmanship of the firm. They will be Ed Bissett engaged in a shooting match
for the gold medal of the. Exeter gun club,
placed in the church this week.
held by Mr I Handford. Each man shot
at ]5 clay pigeons, at a rise of sixteen
•yards,from three unknown traps. Bissett
breaking seven Handford eight. This was
the first time that the "unknown traps"
had been used here, which no doubt ac-
counts ' for the small score, are from a
known trap Handford at the last match
, broke 13 out of 15 pigeons.
vENsarr 4141410T, AGENT FOR
-1 ,44 wgsTEAN AsS101i.AN ci COM-
PANY. of Toronto; also for the PetenNI
ifIRE (tiettneNICE� COMPANY, of London;.
England. the 1 QrALti&hd.DIA;4. ot Mon-
treat, aed the ONTARIO lui7"MAI, LTh'
ASSa; eteteC1i. CO'Y ot Waterloo established
157x?. Asaurawtcsinforee,$13,127.40Q. ilnnusos
every rear After 3rd year.
Visit the Mart
Birthday I WEDDING I farting
Gifts GIFT$ Gifts
t• , air -HE
Newspai era
S. S.
X err4maais,
Miss May Southcntt, of London is visit-
ing Mr Will Southcott. of Exeter,—The
numerous friends of Mr Francis Case, of
Seaforth, will regret to learn that he is
still iving in a very critis;al condition.—
(Since the above was put in type, we learn
that Mr Case died on Monday, aged 59 ye)
The friends of County Clerk Adamson, of
Go.lerieh. will be glad to know that during
the past week he has made considerable
improvement in his illness, and there are
now good grounds for the hope of his re-
covery .—Mr C. A Wolper. of Berlin, was
in nem during last week, vssiting friends.
—Mr H. C. Brewer, of Clinton, was in
town on Monday in connection with bank
duties.—Mr Alf McTavish spent Sunday
in St Marys. --Miss Jessie Colley spent
Sunday with her patents in St Marys.—
Mr David Rowcliffe, of Kippen, gave
Exeter a flying visit on Wednesday.
lrbe Adjourned Vestry,
The adjourned vestry meeting of the
Trivitt Memorial church, was held in the
church on. Monday evening last, when a
large number of the congregation were
present. The Rector in the chair. Meet-
ing opened with prayer. Mr S. B. Rem-
ington was appointed secy. Minutes of
last meeting were read and on motion
adopted. The rector presented his annual
report of his parochial work showing a
larger amount thereof than in any previ-
ous year in the history of the parish. The
church wardens presented their annual
financial statement showing the finances
of the parish in a most satisfactory and
nourishing condition. A motion that the
right of voting at vestry meetings be ex -
:tendert to all female members of the con-
gregation was negatived by a small major-
ity. The following sidesmen were appoint-
ed : Messrs Earnest Elliott, Robert
Richardson, Philip Rowcliffe and David
Mill. Meeting was closed with prayer,
and adjourned for two weeks.
For window blinds and shades, in all
'colors, plain and ornamentai,the Frontenae
tspring roller with their requirements,
please call at J.P. Clarkes and get prices,
The bell used prior to the introduction
of the chime is the Trivitt Memozial
church was last week sold to the town of
Strathroy for 6260. The bell was one of
the best toned in Canada, and the Exeter
council should not have allowed it to leave
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria
A Narrow Escape.
While out driving on Monday Mr and
We Isaac Carling narrowly escaped seri-
ous injury if not death. They were ap-
proaching Exeter along the Lake Road,
and when near the Saultle bridge at the
cemetery, where the road is but wide
enough for one rig, Mrs Carling who was
driving saw a r.anaway team coming
along at a wild gait. For a moment she
had given up all hope of esotpiug ; but
finally the ides occurred to her, and she at
one turned the horse down the steep em-
mbankment, just in time to hear the runaway
horses dash wildly by. The embankment
is high and very steep and when the rig
reached the bottom thinge were consider.
ally mixed, but the prompt assistance of
some persons rinse at hand prevented any
serious areideut to the aged couple. flail
Mrs Carling not got ow the road they
would doubtless have been killed,
South Heron Licenses.
The license eomtnissioners of South
Huron have granted hotel licenses to the
following partie . viz ; Sn.i.roran,—John
Carroll. Thames Stephens. R. Roche, Wm
Pinkney. George Grant, 'Fred Frey, Il. L.
Kennedy, yliopx.— Bit Dawson.. Trei-
a:i:.uaaaill,—WT'm Mixon, S't'ns Kyle, Joseph
Welber: 1'sunn?:i:,-Martha Ke: land,
Fariptbar and Woodham left over for for.
ther eonsideration. EN:era --Ab Wai-
lner, Mrs foga-. \1 . T. AG hesoa4 '1' W.
lawhealtaw, John Leathern Shons,—
Farmer Bros, F` .1 Knight. Smitten—
atritt .Henry Willett, Joseph Brenner, \\ illien
Cunningham, Wm Holt, Patrick Hall.
Robert tickauls. Walter Clark, August
dill, W J Wolfed. fufl'etin House, Cen-
tralia. lett over. Hen, . Jas Coxworth,
Ralph Melotyre, \S• R Ilodgias, Charles
(=reit, H L Paine Win Nicholson. Sues. TJohn, Brisson, James Pick George
Foch, Wilson Cook. 1.1.YRE1,1a,-••-John E,
Swartz, Ed. I.}laott, Richard Palley.
(loiaanieir Taw; ::air -Mrs J W Robinson,
London 4:on;eerPnco Examinations.The eandi'latea end prnb„lino(+•s for the
etude -try of the I,,r9nduir C"oaefe encs of the
;ittll4edie,t ehLLrcla catnap tp far examinationbefore the appended heard of exatuirers,
in the ,\laiai•Ft chafes°la on S\"na}nos lay andThin-silly of List \\' wk. The fu} owing.caai9lialatra'itrir4} what is caged the prelim -
nary examination, viz:: T. N. (:aadl•ura9e,
W. <a . Stevens and :limon ;+chatield, of
\(laoau Mr Sz}aa titJtl saac(•ceale+} in i,:aian••„ a
'seemed el ams .°(°rtitaaa;r. Tf9P fo};owfatg
tried the tirsC year's Pxaua}aation gnat
succeeded as follows : C A *math longi a
first elate Certifit tate, average pPr Pent wtlat ;
.john Baird took a first class tertffivate,
steerage ;. � : D. 1) Hamhly tank a
second eines (Nannette, as (}lel also Inns
A. and J. C Switzer. J. A Aycarat
took a second .class certificate in the Beyond
yeta'a examination. Some of those whowere awartl(tl a second class average!} so
high in their pPrePniago as to come near
being awarded a first class certificate. Theconference course of study extends over
Tatar years and every caud}dute has after
has entered the course four annual ex<
amivaLionR to pats. This course embraces
theology, bil,lical, exegesis, history, rlaeto
rig, login ethics and metaphysic:*. At theclass of the examination a public mooting
was held in the church presided over by
Rev J. R. Grimly, the president of the
and addressed by the Rev J.
I.earoyd, of Windsor, and Rev Wm. MeDonnie at London, after Mika' the Secy
of the examining board, Rev J. (x. Scott,
of St Thomas, reported the result of theexaminations, find the president presented
the certifi<ates to thoselwho had won them.
This meeting proved to be one of great
No place like the Big Store
for parasole.
The cellar for the new building about
to be erected for Mr John Treble has been
You should see the grand assortment of
carpets and curtains at the Big Bankrupt
Health ealth I t i s setn r Creech will start on
bis rounds next -week and citizens should
have their back premises in order
An enterprising constable could pick up
big money in fees by running in a few hun-
dred of the young scallawags who bombard
song birds with gun an catapults.
Citizens should be on the alert as to the
latest frauds. Mete are now canvassing
the town and vicinity, soliciting orders for
life size pictures. The value of the goods
they deliver can be estimated when they
ask $1S and beat down to $12, or 620 and
take 87 50. or $25 and take $5 for the
picture. Give them the cold shoulder.
Woodstock Times.
Friday will be Arbor day for the Public
Schools throughout the Proviuce. It
should not alone be confined to planting
trees in the achool grounds, but our citi-
zens should also turn out and plant maples
%long the various streets of the village.
There is nothing that will add:more to the
beauty and appearance of the place than
shade trees, and hundreds should be plant•
ed in the village this spring.
There are now thirty-one collegiate in-
stitutes established in Ontario, and eighty
nine high schools. In the collegiate in-
stitutes there are 193 masters employed.
The highest salary paid a headmaster is
$2,500, The average salary of headmas-
ters is $1.438. The highest- salary paid a
high achool headmaster is $1,800, given by
the town of Bowmanville.
Take the visitor to Exeter, who is look-
ing around, by the hand. Give him a
hearty -welcome, point out the town's ad-
vantages, tell him about its healthy loca-
tion, pure water, unsurpassed surround-
ings, numerous churches, etc. ]de may
decide to locate here. Treat him, so he
will always be able to say a good word for
us. It costs nothing and you will feel all
the better for it. Let everyoneput a move
on in common direction—the town's in-
Spring house cleaning has set in with
vigor. Down comes the stove pipes, and
about a ton of soot, which strikes the man
of the house right in the eyes, and makes
him wish he was laid away in peace under
the daisies and daffodils, where the stove
intrudetli not and the weary ares at rest.
Up comes the carpets, down comes the
curtains. The good house wife is seen
through a cloud of dust with a handker-
chief tied around her head, . determination
in her eye, which makes the unfortunate
husband glad that spring comes but once a
'Tut BEST RESULT—Every ingredient em
ployed in producing Hood's Sarsaparilla is
strictly pure, and is the best of its kind it
is possible to buy. All the roots and herbs
are carefully selected, personally examined,
and:only the best retained.' So that from
the time of purchase until Hood's Sarespar
ilia is prepared, everything. is carefully
watched with a view to attaining " the best
result. Why don't you try it?
Novelties in Dress Trimrnings.
Have anet Opened up a LARCZ CO T$XCNMZ TT of
Black and Colored Dress Trimmings
Among which will be found tb.e latest American ideas. These are
scarce and Desirable Goods.
A. Big Turnout.
On Sunday last the I. 0 0. F., Lodge
No. 67, Exeter, celebrated their 72nd
annrveasary, The Lodge assembled tet
their (Inartere and accompanied by several
brethren from Hensall, marched to the
,Tames st church The procession moved
off about itt 30 o'clock. 60 strong. the
members et the order appearing in regalia.
The weather was lovely, and as a result
the church was well filled when the ser•
vice began. Bev, A. L. Russell was the
officiating clergymen, he being a member
of the Order His remarks were based on
Deut xxiii., 7 : "Re is thy brother.” He
pointed ont the app icalulity of his tent to
the principles of the order. maintainhtg
the dependence of all things en others
'Sten were dependent 00 one another; men
were bretlsreu in commercial and soviet
aspects iia jay(tnttsutli•rin;;. Theeppealrer's
remurka were listened t.a attentively -
In 1519, in ten obssure tun in the eity of
Baltimore, the Independent Order of
th1e1fellows startcai ou its career ref useful
nus, of brotherly tows+ and charity, with
tive menders. who yelled their t::oait t
Washington Lodge No. 1 From five
members the Order has grown to nearly
1,500 1 011. The record for this Province
alone this year is 17,693 members, an in•
ereaeo of 753 in twelve months ; for relied,
571,0110. Nearly one hundred million
dollars have leen expended for charity by
this Order on the Continent.
The procession reformed after service
and returning; to their lodge room henty
votes of thanks were tendered to Rev. Mr
Russell, ()Mobile and the choir.
Exeter Municipal Council.
The council met putanant to order of the
reeve at the town hall Exeter, 24th April,
1891. Alt present.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and confirmed. Orders were
granted for the following sums, viz : Jno
Poplestone, 51, labor: Thos Brock, 53.14,
do; J. N. Howard, 52 70, do; Irvine Arm
strong, 50 40, do; S Handford. 53 20, do;
Geo Hodgins, 51 26 do; Al Bissett, $5 95,
do; Thos Horn, 51 86, do; Thos Welsh,
$S 81 do. John Moreshcad, $2 do; Georgy
Ondmore, 53 SS, do; Richard Williams,
85 81, do; John Thompson, $1 80, do;
Waiter Westcott, $.3 45 do; Wes J Bissett
512 75, do, Mrs McIntyre, 51 50 ehatity.
A petition to water a portion of Main -et
from Huron street to the town hail was
read and on motion of W 0 Biss'tt second-
ed by E Christie the petition was received
and a bylaw ordered to be drafted and
tenders for
street watering to be called for.
Mrs McIntyre to be allowed $1 50 per
week until further orders. The reeve and
deputy reeve were appointed to specify
tanks, and tenders to be asked for the
manufacture of four, on motion of Ed.
Christie seconded by D A Ross.
A communication from the seeya of the
Board of Trade. refusing the offer of $30
as recompense for the erecting of market
building, was read rand laid. on the table.
The clerk to notify James Pickard to
open Edward street immediately
Permission was granted MrJohn Taylor
to remove a tree in front of his gateway
on condition of planting others in front of
his premises.
Bissett—Christie-that the tanks be pus
in by tender.
amendment by T B Carling
Moved in a
and D A Ross, that the road inspector
supply a gang and put in the tanks by day
work. Amendment carried.
The council adjourned until Wednesday
the 29th April, at 7.30 p.m.
M. EacRErr Clerk.
Census of Canada in 1881.
Quebec 1,359,027f
Ontario 1,923,228.
Nova Scotia 440,572.
New Brunswick. - 321.233.
Prince Edward Island. .. 108,891.
British Columbia 49,459.
Manitoba - 65,954.
North West Territories 56 446.
Total 4,324,810•
The Census.
When the Census Enumerator calls, it
may be well for you to bear in mind that
you .are not supposed to answer these
questions :--
1. Do you owe for your paper ?
2. How much do you owe ? -
3. Why don't you pay it?
4. Why do you borrow your neighbor's
papers ?
5. Where do your boys spend their
evenings ?
6. Is your back yard c'een ?
7. Do you believe in the whale story?,
8. Are you vaccinated ?
9. Do any of your daughters. chew gum?
10. How do you vote ?
11. Have you bought your new spring
hat yet? -
12. Who owns that dog?
13, Why did you ?
14. Will you ever do it again ?
15. Good afternoon,
If I'were Quell of France
Or what's better, Pope of Rome,
l wonld buy Imperial Cream Tartar
Baking Powder,.
For my cook, and take it home. -
From the very best while you are about it. It won't
dost you any more to have all the advantage of solecti o '
The Leading Stock for Variety.
We are showing by by far the best selected -and Il lost
complete line of new styles acid late novelties for present season.
See It and be Satisfied
��r� For you are bound to find
Another very important thing for you to know is that we give
and show in all departments Goods ot the Highest grade ot value and
and general excellence; and lastly, be it remembered that
In PRICES We Please You
with the best figures it is possible to make on honest goods,
Conte and bee the best and cheapest in
WALL PATER --a large stock—the best we have ever shown in con–
nection with our business.
—We have now a first-class Dress and Mantle-lnaker,--
Grsnd Opening of Dur ltE'N STORE
E. J SPACKMAN & CO. wish to inform the people of Exeter and
surrounding country that they will open their new store,(one door north
of Farmers' Grocery), on
with an entire new stock consisting of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY,
Our Dry Goods stock has been bought within the past two weeks
from the best houses in the Dominion, consisting of the newest and
latest novelties in the trade. -
Having engaged Miss L. Smith (late of Alliston) to manage the
Millinery Department, will take this opportunity of informing the
Ladies that we have visited all the best millinery houses early, thus
enabling us to secure the choicest novelties.
BanTS & SHOES—Remember this is the largest stock of Boots
and Shoes in the county.
CLOTHING—We claim to carry the best lines of Ready-made
Clothing in Western Ontario. -
GROCERIES—We have just received the best brands in Grocj ries.
A full and complete stock will always be found at our store. `21
OUR MOTTO : "Good. Goods and excellent values in all department."
Sanwell's Block, Exeter.
Goldsmith Hall!
edimPereonalattontiongiven to repairing of
watches,oiooks andfewelr9:
OppositePost Offic: PARKHILL
Barber Shop,.
A. Hastings Prop
Shaving and Hair anteing in the iateet
style of the art.
Every attentianpaid to cutting
Ladles' anaChilwrensHatr;-.