HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-03-30, Page 9Help Red Cross • At Kingsbridge KINGS3RIDGE, March 27. — Several ladies met at the home of Mrs. ,Martha O: e - ‘,7-414;i4c. ,:qts`i: =nu nesday evening to •quilt two quilts for the Lucknow branch of the Red Cross. The last eard party Of the season was held Monday even-, ing. There were 14 tables in play. Prizes went to Mrs. Joseph Courtney and Mrs. Martha O'Neil for the I -dies, and to Michael O'Neil and Don- ald Frayne for the gents. John Paul, son of Mr. , and Mrs. Wilfred Austin, was bap- tized on Sunday, March 12. Spon- sors were Mg.( and Mrs. Joseph Courtney. Eric Joseph Gerard, son of r. and Mrs. Joseph Courtney was baptized on March -4, , 19th. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Con. Hogan. Wilfred Hogan and son Billy, of Toronto, visited relatives here on Sunday afternoon. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan on the ar- rival of a baby girl in Wingham hospital last week. BRIDGE $CORE$ Four tables were in 'Play at the Duplicate Bridge Club on Monday night. Winners, were as folldws: Mrs. F. ,J. Curry and Mr. P. Z. Carey, 40 points; Mr. and Mrs. K. Hunter, 351,:, points; Mrs. J. Thomas and Mrs. R. Wheeler, 35 points; Mrs. P. k'..1 , Carey and Mrs..0. Jenner, 34% points. Mrs, Alice Welsh and her daughter, Miss Catherine Welsh, 85 Elgin avenue E., visited last week with the former's da ter, Mrs. Carl Govier, Mr. Govier and family at Auburn. . • ENJOY MORE EATING -NPR FOR EvpiiiiiiNfROIVI.TRIMMINWTO''.:7:rtt GRADE "A" OVEN-READY, HROILEI? TYPE, S to 8 -Ib AVER.- Great With Poultry - Grand With Ham 'Ocean Spray, Whole or Jelile CRAMBER SAUCE 15 -oz tin 41,„, PORTION • Jare Parker Quality .39 cpkenr Special's Baked In ,A&r5's Cv.n Bakery By Master Bakers Jane -Prker Reg.- 59: -SAVE 10c TT PORTIOH BUTT HALF • _ _SHANK HALF - - -CEN-TRE-CUTS - ,- • I OR STEAKS Ib eachij Stock Up Your Freez,er At.Thrs Low'Price c PazkerOrare .Rag.....5.9.0.S.AV E. 10• b CHERMA CARC„E• each Jane Parker 600/0, Villeat Sanewich NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED 1/4 WH -OLE - - HAMS -Ib • 241 , (*.M.**,14 s+4.' IP le FBvit Am. .,,A3A lbw egetabie Features Cuban Red Spanish, Large Size 12's No. 1/Grade Fieg. Icaf 21c -SAVE 7c Golden Ripe, No. 1 Grade - . AANAS . r 24 -oz loaves Jane Parker Homestyle .Reg. pkg 35c --SAVE 6c Plain or Sus'ared DONU1S '" Jane Parker, Brown 'n Serve Reg. pkg 19t -SAVE 9c DINNER ROLLS 2 pkgs 29c Jane Parke -r BREAD for STUFFING 24 -oz loaf 19c g Mellow Custpm.. Ground - EIGHT • O'CLOCK o COFFEE . 1 -LB BAG • -LB BAG 5.9c • 1• .71 -12.'ibs 29c Atmosphere Controlled Storage, Crisp, Tasty, Fancy Grade • APPLES McINTOSH 3 -Ib celloZ49C WashingtOn, Best for Salads & Eating, No. 1 Grade, 120's ANJOU PEARS 6 f6r 39c Jersey, Kiln -Dred, Brushed and Waxed, No. 1 Grade SWEET POTATOES '21625c California, Long, Green, Tender, No. 1 Grade ASPARAGUS lb 29c California, Snow White, No. 1 Grade, Cello Wrapped CAULIFLOWER each 35c Green rascal. No. 1 Grade. CELERY HEARTS Jut -606619c California, Navel, Fancy Grade ORANGES— -}-47411-c— FLOWERS for EASTER EASTER LILLIES 4 Blooms 5" pot -1.99 HYDRANGEAS 4 Blooms 6" pot 199 HELP YOUR C-HILD IN SCHOOL WITH A NEW GOLDEN 1300K . 'Illustrated Dictionary Designed Specifibally -For Young People in . Grade School - only C each 8 VOLUMES - BUY A BOOK A WEEK • FREV MAP of CANADA 38" X 50" With Purchase of GIANT SIZE TIDE simemmommommr......**rmoolorr A AotP TIDE GIANT SIZE Regular .Price 87c SAVE 6c BIG 99c CI tONONDESD SALE Fancy Quality Regi. tin 29c -SAVE 17c TOMATO JUICE 4 48 -oz tins 99 Choice Red Pitted A&P CHERRIES 1A&P 046; *Quality ASPARAGUS TIPS Mithc::'s Choke Quality APPLE JUICE c Reg. tin 23c -'-SAVE 16c 5 15 -oz tins 99c Reg. tin 37c -SAVE 12c 3 12-oz.tins 99c Reg. tin 35c -SAVE 6c 48 -az tins Frozen Food Features AP Fancy Sliced Reg. each 39c -SAVE 17c STRAWBERRIES 3 15 -oz pkgs 1.00 Fancy Reg. 2 pkgs 39c -SAVE 90 A&P PEAS 4 12 -oz pkgs 69c, MARVEL ICE C BRAND E Featuring "LEMON CHP" (Mild Lemon Ice Cream with Cemon,Gps) PINT BRICK 25c HALF GALLON 89c Jane Parker HT CROSS BUNS solo fteaular MARGARINE Ralston -Purina RICE CHEX White Swan TOILET TISSUE York (In Tomato &Weft). PORK 8 BEANS • pkg of 6 33c 2 1 -lb pkgs 53c, ° 6-02 pkg 21c 4 roils 49c 2 20 -oz tins 33c M'Ore Super-Rigiit NEAT.- FEATURES GENUINE NEW SP ING LAMB legs. 7 - Short,.. Ib C Shank Fronts • Whole lb _CHOPS RIB LOIN 11389c CENTRE LOIN Ib 99c Lamb in Basket ROAST - CHOPS - STEW CUTS 6-53c CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND Porterhouse or S:rloin. STEAKS - 1689c Cooked, Ready Picnic Style, Smoked PORK SHOYLDERS Allgood Smcked, Sliced, Fahrdle'ss SIDE BACON 1-iipkg 59c Cooked ard Breaded HADDOCK PORTIONS lb 45c Cookedad B-saded" WHITE. BASS FILLETS lb 5 S-ra Id, tiardc:er FISH & CHIP DINNER 16-..pkg43c Tasty CI;P BEEF:" BURGERS 6 -oz pkg 27c We also have a fine selection of . . . Tender, Pl-ump, Grade "A", Oven Ready Hen Turkeys, Roasting Chickens, Buffet Style Fruited Butts and Boneless, Smoked, Cooked Hams ... All attractivel-y priced., s • L EXTRA E -SPECIALS! A&P Sweetened GRAPEFRUIT MICE :" 114_, Reg. (in 31c, -SAVE 7c 2 48 -oz tir 5 5 Nectar • Reg. pkg 89c -SAVE 10c A&P TEA BAGS pkg of 90 79c McLaren's Manzani:lt, Loc:o 15a:14 SPECIAL STUFF4,* 01,1yS 8 -oz lar 29c Kellogg's - • Reg. pkg. 35c ---,SAVE 2c • C it FLAKES 16 -oz pkg 3 3c McLaren's Golden Roait Reg, jar 390 -SAVE 4c PE FAT 2iSITTE2 16 -:oz 'al 35C •plifIrg\70Es IICISINT 7 -oz pkg 31c Fren:h's Reg. pkg 35c—SAVE 4: Solid Frn.y Wi1 air -tat Reg. tin .,27c—SAVE 5c TUNA GEOSHA 2 7 -oz tins 41 9c RICE Kivft Deluxe CHEESE SLICES Reg. pkg 45c—SAVE 6c 14 -oz pkg 39c Reg. pkg 61c—SAVE 2c 1 -Ib pg 59c STQCK UP 'FOR THE LONG WEEK -END Jane Parker, Daily Dated 2 16 -oz loaves 29c BREAD WHITE SLICED 24 -oz loaf19c ORIAt AttASITIC PACIFIC teA COMPANY LTD A&P MEANS D.EPENbACILITY All Prices In This Ad Oluitrantred Throubh 1st., April 1, 1961 TIGER DUNLOP WI ELECTS NEW OFFICERS ., The Godvrieh Signal -§tar, TharsdaY, Mara 00, b 41 ,41 40, 10 0 .0 The annual meeting ragrs held 22nd at the Township Hall, Carlow. Hunfer "pre&ideiloScwitur .• ' ees,; part. All the conveners ot standing committees. were present. witti.their reports, which showed considetable activity40 during the past year. Mrs. Lloyd Young gave a re- • 4, port Of the millinery claqs. 'The i'1ttee ixi chargo were mo,,L grateful to those taking part. It all balanced out with •no money owing and none left o‘er. r.11 Mrs. Wilmer Hardy gave a brio Outline of some of the last minute details for the buf- fet luncheon to be held this week. April 19th is the day the Salt - ford Community Club will join with the Institute members in program, gifts, and lunch for the birthday party visit to Huron County Home. Mrs. Otto Popp, of Dungan- non, District President,, gave a cheerful address on "The Beau- ties and Wonders of the Outside World, As Seen From a Kitchen Window." She was thanked by Mrs. J. Horton. Mrs. Popp, was asked to take the chair fot election of officers with Mrs. Horton acting secre- tary. The nominating commit- tee, Mrs. T. Lamb, Mrs. Elwyn Pfrimmer and Mrs. W. Hardy brought in the following slate for 1961-62: President, Mrs. Terence Hunt- er: past president, Mrs.' Toyn- bee Lamb; 1st vice, Mrs. Rich- ard Buchanan; 2nd vice, Mrs. Ralph Jewell; secretary -treasur- er, Mrs. Lloyd Young; assistant secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Wilmer Hardy3,distrjet director, Mrs. T. Lainbi alternate district _direc.- tor, Mrs. Elmer Hunter; branch directors, Mrs. Doug McNeil, iss Jean_Glenn, Mrs. Ernest CravgoF'di...Agriculture„and_Can, stri'ett-'9Vtrs:%. •G Ws,/ in Young, Mrs. Oliver Pocock; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Osborne Faikiner, Mrs. Robt. Bean; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. Ernest Bogie, Mrs. Tait Clark, Miss Jean- Glenn; Public Relations, Mrs. Richard Buchanan, Mrs. James Horton; Citizenship and F.ducation, Mrs. Gordon Kaittim.i., Mrs. Wm. Meyers; Resolutions, Mrs. Elvin' Adkin, Mrs. Harold Bogie; card ,seeretary,-Mrs. Clive Allin; representative to Cancer Society, Mrs. Elwyn Pfrimmer; press secretary, Mrs. Elmer Hunter; auditors, Mrs. Ernest Crawford, Mrs. Rod Bogie. Hostesses for the meeting Nvere-: Mrs. T. Clark, Mrs. R. Buchanan, Mrs. E. Bogie, Mrs. G. Kaitting. Mr.. and Mrs. • Robert Ginn and family, of Kitchener, had as their guests, their mother, Mrs. (Capt.) J. Vickers, of Gode- rich, and their brother, Mr. J. Donald Vickers, of Sarnia. Sgt. and Mrs. George Shep- pard and family, of Hamilton, had as 'their guest, their mother, Mrs. (.Capt.) J. Vickers, of Gode rich; and their brother, J. Don- ald Vickers, of Sarnia. ••••••••*,--, • Service to farms is our specialty.,. •• WITH TEXACO • • PRODUCTS • • We'd like to include you in our list of farmers who aie satisfied users of Texaco products. _They're satisfied for two reasons: 1. They like out dependable, neighborly deliveries. • We deliver when you want it. 4111 • 2. They've found it pays to .fdprt with Tewada-----: -• products. That' gees, for farmers in all of Canada • , too -not just this area. Highest quality Texaco , . • products protect your farm equipment, against_ - costly repair shills dtle ko...„14a0orQuhricants:..and. Also; -pioskiiig--the life *or your truck, tractor and, ° other field machinery. • • 1 • • • • • • • Why not sample our service and Texaco produas - you've nothing tolose and lots to gain. Drgp in 4. w for details, or phone us -we'll be happy to serve unu. • Ask Us About „DIESEL • CHIEF, The Power Fuel for youi• Diesel • Tractor .1 AmAmmimiimmim VIC WALDEN TEXACO DISTRIBUTOR for Farm Petroleum Products 'and Burning Fuels , -24 HOUR SERVICE GliDERICIH, ONT. — PHONE JA 4-8812 YOUR YES VOTE APRIL 19 WILL—GIVE GODERICH THESE SERVICES Many of us enjoy a drink or a, bottle of beer , in the company of our friends in the pleas- ant atmosphere of a cocktail lounge. Others may prefer a cocktail or other bever- age with their meals when. they dine out. - Tourists and travellers expect to find • these facilities' in towns where. they vis- it on business or spend tileir vacation. Local clubs and other civic organizations re- quire the legal privilege of serving liquor or beer at social gatherings under a banquet permit. • THESE qRVICES ARE NOW AVAILABLE • IN NEARBY COMMUNITIES - - - IS' GODERICH LESS 'PROGRESSIVE? IS YOUR NAME THE VOTERS' LIST ? Be sure to check the voters', list now posted in,.,your polling. sub -division. If 3rou don't find your name call the Town iOilice or any member' of our committee, GODERICH CIVIC PROGRESS COMMITTEE John E. Huokina, phairmart Howard Aitken, •Cainpe,ign 'Manager Gordon Kerr, ifkoretary • Valiant twat littiattre