HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-03-30, Page 8'oderich -Signel*tet,, QUICK. CANADIAN. QUIZ . What island,, in Canada is the world's largest freshwater island? .110W Many of Canada's homes are radio -equipped?' How many are television -equipped/ 3. What was the birth date of the Meir Apparent', Prince Charles? a and 4. What is the annual a pay Ho ise of Commons, - of a Cab- int..,M(in;i4 sra r 1 r '?' -.. Minister?' - d 5. To run all of Canada's govern- ments combined — municipal, -Thursday; 30, 1.861• provmcis l and federal daesi it cost $1 million n day, $15 million a day, $30 million a ,day? ANSWERS: 5. Wore than $30 Million ab day. 3. November 14, 1948. 1. Manitoulin, in Lake Huron. 4. Of a Member, $10,000; of a Minister, $2'7,000; of the Prime ' Minister, $37,000. 2. Radio -equipped, 96 per cent; television -equipped, 75 per cent. t� to e cit o (takes its name iron) Y f !n tfi .4 k tuned. Nanking was the capital of China from 1928 to 193`7 and again from 1946 to 1949. FOR» GENERAL. INSURANCE Spee KEN CROFT FIRE - AUTO — LIABILITY— CASUALTY—Phone JA4-7253 Taste it, touch it, test it. That's the rule of thumb Mar- garet Pope uses in her jbb as hostess of the radio pro- gram, For Consumers. The) show,,heard 'Monday to Fri- day on the Trans-Caflada network, afters information on such things as new products, child care, traffic safety and home decoration. Margaret's daily reports are based on personal experience, careful research and the advice of experts. - iSr�Peach rowing 0 � . Godcrich wfshi . �'PayingOff (By L. eLassatine) farm He contacted officials at The i1arrow ridge of Burford grovel ' soil a dieis .tbe sou,t eastern shore of Lake Huron and, runs th a :tensa.. Cfsig to u, erieh. t several points the ridge narrows down to a few rods and evens, at its widest point it is no more than half a mile. All told, the ridge covers about 1,500 acres. Four- teen ourteen years ago it was regarded as good vegetable land, but to- day,, because, of -the gambling instinct of a Goderich farmer, the area is classified as peach - land and a potential source of peaches to supplement the dwindling supplies from the in- dustrialized Niagara Peninsula. Back in 1944, Fred Bell, now one of the few farmers in the Goderich area who can afford an annual vacation, .decided to go into the fruit -growing busi- ness and build it up as one of the major enterprises on his siderahly" `iigh ` rOPs-in and 1959. "To be successful with peaches in the Bayfield-Goderich area,"; said Chard, "careful attention should be given to fertilizing and other cultural w practices. Nitrogen, fertilizer's' should be used sparingly to keep the trees from growing top fast and no cultivation should be attempted after late June so that, the trees will have an opportunity to 41,11,-17 the machinery or the knowledge for this type of farming. Fur- thermore, not all farms have land- meeting' all the require- ments for successful peach growing. Since the ridgeof peachcsoil runs across the width of the farms, many farmers have insufficient land for a profitable enterprise. Other peach plant- ings in the area have all been started by commercial apple growers. the Ontario Department of Agri harden off before winter." Of course, there is no athero culture but they advised him Various members ,of the De- ,i o ;Dario that 1 1;hies =g ow _g' p •;--..,� rTah *p tn; en " v iS,il nt. a , ; phv v t#r the°' 1 gearttiv Sticit to inferred that the quality of the fpr peach growing. But largely ,i=.. o h theySaid. � c es r+anvu �an,�l>~�.��ax�. because �- Bo? . a w ea. � g M1 An interesting creature de- scribed and pictured to the Book of Knowledge is the fid- dler -crab, -so called because of its ' large oddly, -shaped claw, which it waves i such a way as to suggest fiddling. S .,,i?► rt ..� l s.-: 8- s aurL. th •, & -, ` peaches apples, Potai<Ae compare e t h :..�,;� . t.:to gamble and. go into burr -les he was already growing, grown artYwhere to be against the ' well' with t e es Proofis found in the endless queues of cars raising clouds of dust as they converge on the Bell Farm from all directions year after year. There is no rnarketin they advised. Bell had decided to go into peaches because he knew 'that they could be grown success- fully. His mother had always had a few on the old family farm where he. now. lives, and one or two of his neighbors had tried them with favorable re- sults. Bell was willing to gamble. So he ignored the de- partment's advice and ordered 24 trees. Since he knew- practically nothing about peach trees at the time, he chose his varieties by names which struck his fancy. Then with .a characteristic dis- play of energy, he plunged into a study of the peach. Books and pamphlets from the local library as well -as from Guelph gave him information on their culture and spraying, planting, pruning, and fertilizer require- ments. • ti� but {xr�c1 ri4,.: va til; • • k.� ti�r,+ti'�r` i4. aawdaic �:X:. advice of the De- partment of Agriculture, On- tario peach growers have the choice of an added district to plant peach orchards. — The Family Herald. ways The exed d td he he to c supply.. Excellent Peaches "As you know," says ell, him- self, "the customer IS always right. They tell.me year after year that for size, flavor and color, there's no , better peach grown anywhere than right here in Huron County. Ironically, the farmers .in the immedi$te area have shown little interest in starting similar ventures. As yet, not 'much more than 50 acres site "been planted. In an area of mixed farming — dairy cattle, grain, hogs and so on --the change to peaches is probably too drastic for farmers not equipped with Trees Survive His 24 trees survived the winter with no injury whatso- ever. They were all beginning to form buds later in the spring when he planted another 200 trees. These all survived the replanting and grew consider- ably in their first sutnmer. , His first winter taught,, him that some form of protection was necessary against both mice and rabbits. He controlled the damage from mice by wrapping old tin cans around the tree trunks at ground level. Rab- bits, he found, could be kept away by pieces of tin -foil tied to the lower branches . of the trees. Apparently -the light from the moon and stars_ shimmering and flickering on the twirling, twisting tin -foil, scared .the rab- bits. -away. _.. . The following spring Belr ordered another 590 trees and with these safely planted, he had a block of over '700. To whet his appetite, those trees first planted now produced a few first quality peaches. By this time—in the summer of 1945—department of agricul- ture officials at Guelph had heard with considerable interest of Bell's successful 'trial in an enterprise which they had orig- inally brushed aside. -Bell smil- ed - with -satisfaction -as -he -- counted how •car loads of pro- fessors• and students began showing up at all daylight hours during the growing season. "They could be found every- where, taking measurements and making notes. Following a complete check for rate of growth on tree and fruit quality they were quite surprised to find that the trees and fruit compared very favorably with those growing in other districts. "With the results from these tests showing that their original assumptions had been wrong, they immediately ackno*ledged their mistake. Since then we• haye worked together and co- operated in different tests, checks, and experiments. Right now we have treesof different crosses for both Guelph and Vineland, and then we have some which are grafted on plum rootstocks." Sons In It, Toa FOR YOUR Summer Fun CAR RADIOS -with a FREE BAR-B-QU E A special ` purchase allows us to give you ,a- -deluxe $10.95 Bar-B-Que with each new car radio. Get yours while the supply lasts.. "We service what we sell" HUTCHINSON RADIO & TV 308 Huron Rd. Phone 7831 41 i111Oi11100NNiN04,4►iN11 ;VOW' CALLING AVON offers an excellent earning opportunity for ma- ture women to service rural AVON territories. Pleasant, dignified work. No- experi- ence necessary. Openings in Grey -Bruce Counties. No cold unpleasant surprises an automatic Natural Gas.. water heater is -four -times other method ' . Any way you look at,it, natural gas is by far your"Best bargain when it comes to hbating water for your home. It's clean, quiet and dependable. Your automatic natural gas water heater works four times faster than any other method—lets you get by with a smaller storage tank which means a substantial saving even before you start using it. Have an automatic natural gas water heater installed in your home now. Whether you choose to buy one or use the special Nd low-cost rental plan, your local plumber dealer will give you details telling you -how to make payment on the regular monthly gas bill. Choose from a number of leading makes• and models -- all with the Canadian Gas Association seal of approval –and start ,enjoying the economy,- the -convenience and comfort of automatic natural gas water heating in your home. SEE YOUR PLUMBER DEALER OR UNIQNgASCOMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED GODERICH — CLINTON h The land on both sides of Fred'Bell's farm has been taken up by his sons. Both have gone peaches. the-enes ; Arthur, a brieklayer' by trade, has put in 750 trees. Only 250 of these are producing so far. "I've got to work out for a few years until there's enough -gees producing to furnish us with a living," said Arthur. "I bought a new sprayer this 'year and have the house td pay for as well. I want to put in another 1,000 trees but can't do so and pay for all this unless I work outside." On the other, side of Fred's place, Gerald,' another son and a Korean War veteran, who is working in London at present, has put in 500 trees. Last sum- mer he had a well drilled as the. first step towards building a house and taking' up residence. All told, Fred Bell and his sons, Arthur and - Gerald, now have a peach orchard of 3,000 trees IF YOU HAD INVESTED . . $5,000 in Commonwealth Inter' in 1950, you would $16„2.9Z.i,1',.today and could draw 142.:.�%�. .+ tb44r5. CALL--= JOSEPH P. ALT AIRE Phone JA 4-7671 Your King, Merritt & • Co., representative in Huri n County. REGENT TV SERVICE S 1N SERVICE SPECIALI ON ALL TV -- Antennae •I, ICES' AND MODELS AR RADIOS and HI-FI tailed --- Repaired or Moved WILLIAIVI 0. YOUNG 256 REGENT ST. GODERICH — JA 4-7718 TF BRITI SH ISRAEL The" Bible's National.._ IlLessage — We believe that the Celto-Saxon peoples are the descendants of God's servant race and nation. Israel: that our ancient Throne is the continuation of the Throne of David; and, in view of present world conditions,' that a general recognition of this identity AND its implications is a . . matter of vital and urgent importance.. WE 'WOULD LIKE TO TELL- YOU ABOUTT . . For Your -Copy of Our FREE Booklet - "Art) thtroductinrl to the' British -Israel Evangel"" . Wale -A,- k1 `Secrete c.,,s ,, -:. ,:�..._ CANADIAN I3RITISH-ISRAEL ASSOCIATION' In Ontario ' P.O. Box T44, Station B, Ottawa, Ont. 9-13 1 WRITE Miss Mosher, manager, P.O., Box 86, OWEN SOUND Stating telephone number. �_ 9-13 •Ni•N1 mnissnanannnommonommasixonommrsor There's been no winter frost injury of any extent up to this time on any of •the trees. There has been some bud damage from spring frost but never so severe as to kill all buds. . • .. J, R. Chard, an extension specialist' from the Fruit and Vegetable Extension Service Of- fice at Forest who has been fol- lowing Bell's operation closely, pointed out that ".-in- 1956 and 1959 when the peach crop ,in Ontario ` was generally fairly light, Mr. Bell had a heavy enough crop, patricularly on Red Haven, his principal variety, to require thinning. The winter of 19581959. caused some bud damage and else some. wood injury but no tree killing. The amount of damage 'was quite comparable to that in the Forest area. There was considerable peach canker present. particul- arly in the older plantings." The Moderating Lake A glance at a map shows Goderich to ' be considerably further north than the other peach growing districts: Lake Huron's moderating effect on. winter temperatures seems to be responsible. It wouldalso seem that the slope of the site is important for sufficient air' . drainage, One peach orchard - located on suitable soil and at, about the same distance from the lake as the Bell orchard but ars more, level site had con - D. D. MacMILLA,N wORsE4w BROS. PLUMBING AND HEAtING BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE . PLUMBING and HEATING PINDER PLUMBING GODEIC114,�- ELCT1 NEAR ° HOPFMEYElf uhik ._.�._,-... Y IT! -WITH S INDIVIDUAL WISHES toPURCHASE GASOLINE and FUEL OIL BUSINESS a WRITE- - BOX 30; SIGNAL -STAR 12 14 LOAN An HFC Householder's Loan is the better way of providing the furnishings,uhome improve- ments or remodeling joiyou want and need. You arrange for cash' from HFC. And you decide how long you'll take to repay ... and how much- a month. Drop in or phone : borrow'up to $2500 with up to 36 months to repay. Low cost fife insurance available on all loans HOUSEHOLD FINANCE , .-iV4i R 4enk ssr-MartegermJ _- . . _ 35A West Street _ Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERICH PRECISION GRANULATED FERTILIZER r U 1/ COMPLETELY GRANULAR 1j DUST -FREE V✓ ALWAYS ,F".OWS FREELY ONLY SUPER FLOW IS `PRECISION GRANULATED' TO GIVE PTH ESE BENEFITS No clogging or skipping ---The controlled range of granule size gives *smooth, constant ifoW, acre after acre. Gives more even distribution of plant food ... more unitbrm drops. Same time and work—You waste no time clearing and resetting equipment. You save time in the field: Dust -Free --More pleasant to handle and no loss on windy daye`. Equipment is easier to clean. - Highly soluble—More phosphorous made available, too Remember, only SUER FLOW is "precision granu- lated". It's the top-rated granular fertilizer on the market today. Ask your neighbour who uses it! Corder from your. SUPER FLOW fertilizer -dealer. A product of Canadian Industries Limited