HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-03-30, Page 5SEASON'S LAST EUCHRE PARTY AT PT. ALBERT PORT ALBERT, March 27.— The last euchre party of the season a on was held at Port Albert school last Tuesday evening with 11 tables in play. High ,winners were Mrs. Rod McKenzie and Mr. Fred Crawford;- lav, IoraS, ~':,fk,Y°''o,Cantweli and Mr. Elmer Graham. Lucky door prize was won by David Rut- zak, add co -comers of the Ledge. ST.° PETER'S C.W.L. HOLD supper were Mrs. Clyde Everett Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wenzell and S.T. PATRICK'$ SUPPER and Mrs. Con Baechler, with the Mr. and Mrs. George Stuber, of various members of the Logue Buffalo, were week -end guests St. Peter's CWL entertained assistingwith the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. a large crowd at their annual Paeparation and Merv. Hodges. 3t, Patrick's Supper held March serving of the meal lfith in the GI?CI cafeteria. The beautiful floral decoraticin Mrs. T. Ahl and Mrs. (Capt.) Shamrocks, ' amid green and on the the compliments of et table was withe J. Vickers spent a few days with white accents, decorated the din- Flower Shop.. their daughter and sons, Mr. and Ing room and formed a very at - 7? .r ..ALD,p 1441,1 ' er ., and 3Yir,...-..,:.' tractim "letting. �ett'. ia�'- . , ,4 .Mrs. liam Vick Guests 'were received hy`fi 44 , �.x �"73.iassi€iedhd in the tsS, igns=ars and family, of Sarnia., IIea ue President,Mrs.Lep Wal- S 1;.,b'inggnik: � raslec' Ternpting FOOD READY -TO -SERVE, Whole or half HAM Ra T.V. CANNED HAMS STUART HOUSE FOILWRAP STOKELY FANCY CREAM CORN BUY 3, GET ONE FREE ! MIDNIGHT GLOW GLASSES MKS SWEET 2 -ib. can 1.39 1-25 ft, roil 2 9c 2 15 -oz. tins .2 9 Reg. 3/59c NOW "4 for 59c -w f - rr ri G RADE,w�y.� A Fresh - Killed Plump — Tender Young 6 to 10 lb. Average pEk. - LOBBY'S CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 113 GREEN ONIONS FRESH 011 RADISHES 3 8 -oz. pkgs. 25c. GOLDEN FEATURES' SUNSHINE Corn Kernels " OLD COUNTRy Fish &. Chips Ib: .2 -oz. liar. 215-oz.'.tins '20 -oz. tin C Th e Old 'Doctor many 1tveB. Y For the .first time in my life I had an ambition apart from emembered By All (By Harry Boyle) , couldn't move at all. I w I r,;einember him so well, just lying there and a aface especially when we get a sudden ed with grey whiskers st'_on/2"•he.%'o<,,i'he,,enc .,of. wig e looking at m .e Then I saw A weatherbeat f Eyl'tssi,a� vllt aim ire w in en hu o & n n g the 1 small lopsided spectacles a idIles dperched' P angle P yy�y t; a outside the C! brig; br`�1i~"✓�' 119en�Y�i� -'il;f�"=-�' street of the village. It read '"Robert Jamieson, M.D." 'Remembering hue when win- ter` was having a last fling, comes easy because he entered my life rather dramatically, on a mad, March night when I was a small, boy. On the way home from school the shouldering wind kept crowding my foot steps in the sleigh tracks. My head was suddenly hot 'and then I would start to get chilly and at time when the wind blew gusts of skimpy snow the world would go all white. I would have t!1 stop then and blink my eyes and the pinkish scene would wipe out the white•vision and I could stumble on for another few steps. being a farmer like my father. I was going to be a doctor just like the old doctor. I listened to every story that was told, about him. He had os performed operations on kitchen was tables, walked seven to ten miles through snow and once the SW= a .s4; ..iia March flood ion to save a woman .duri' ' '''aq"dif 1 t h ....cul i r . ,f tI h H u. w:.a lai�ll�s~`ehtl''he was br�.i H never married because he --said being a doctor's wife was no life for woman. On the anniversary of his 50th year of graduation they had a celebration at the township hall. Tey gave hila 20 ten - dollar gold pieces and a hand some new bag with his, initials on. it in gold. When we were Ieaving that night I heard some- one say, "You know the old doctor has never been the same sines he went through that flu epidemic. There's a young doc- tor coming to help him." All the way home I couldn't. help but feel guilty. , It "seemed as if my own sickness had con- tributed to his ill health or whatever they said was wrong with him. I vowed then that I would never go to that new doctor. People, like all things in -this life, change however. Two months later we sto'bd and heard the Presbyterian -minister eulo- gize the old doctor. Six months later Doctor Macleod took qut rely tonsils and after the sore throat which preceded the oper- ation I was glad that he was in our village. The small hospital which operates in the old red brick house is called The , Robert Jamieson Memorial Hospital, Somehow I. remember falling and the sound of cutter bells. It 'seemed as if a horse were going to trample me, and when I tried to scream my throat was raspy and no sound would come out. Everything was in circles after that and then after a long time I could hear voices but they would come close and then trail away like echoes, mad- d"ningly far away until they faded out. My mother had her hand on my forehead and it felt cool, The pale, 'yellow glow spread out in a circle from the lamp on the old dresser. -My father's face seemed to he hanging in mid-air with no body attached and my mother kept saying, "There . . . there now. The doctor will soon be here." • From the face that hong in the shadows I,heard my father say; "It's- -driftii-fg barfly- and I'm going to take the. team and meet the old doctor.", My, mother looked up to the face which seemed to be fading. "Be careful'now. It's a dread f it night for poor Doctor Jamie - in to fa w "Pretty sick boy?c;,-, It was infuriating being un- able to say anything, back, I tried and tried and red sheets seeemed to flash in front of my eyes and they turned to orange and it was like fireworks. • "There now, boy. Just lie easy." I could fel the hand that felt as smooth as my mother's touch my . forehead-. Then he picked up my wrist. , There was some- thing that seemed to gleam in the lamplight and I couldn't make it out but I could 'hear the ticks and they seemed as loud as the old clock in the kitchen. Then„ the 'house seemed to shake and I was away again falling into snow and it was hot in place of cold. They said I was babbling for three days. All I know is that the sun was shining in the win• dow and I saw mother beside the tied and the man with the whisk. ers standing beside the bed. ,"Mother . . . mother ..." She was beside me then with a hand on nay forehead. "Mother, I'n hungry." "Yes . yes dear." "Mother, can I have some pan- cakes . . ." I said and it was easy to talk." Then I added, ,"With lots of maple syrup." The whiskers erupted into a great, booming- laugh. ' '"Your boy is getting better." . That was my introduction to Doctor Robert Jamieson, tie had saved zee from -pneumonia and I learned later that Aith a flu epidemic which closed the school for seven days he had worked -around the clock for stretches of 72 hours at a time. After, that- when I met -him, on the street in- the village „he. wouldostop to ask me how I felt. It was like being ad- mitted to a club because his trips down the main street to T}i'en I was 'gone the post office 'were punctuated again wind- with little chats with his, Pat - g down the 'circles that seemed lents, most of the people -in our widen out and tint an(LI.was township. 116 has bought most lling: When I came hack it of ti's into the world, watched as suddenly and, abruptly, and the old folks die and saved GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE. Knox .;Presbyterian ,Assembly • Hall Golden 'Ripe Fruit 3 "bunches 25c oC1774 2 -Ib: poly 39e. 24 -oz. pkg. 59c REM IN G TON '5 FQODL1NER South St. Goderich .__ _ ••M•“••••••••••OH••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••r•rN•••R•••••••••••••••o••NyN••••••i•• • • • • ••• (Enter from Victoria Street) March 31, 7.30 P. M. "THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION" (Religiobs Film) Auspices, Goderich Ministerial Association tep Out This Spring: GERHARD In a New Outfit from AI-LNew This .S.p.r-i.ng. High Fashions for Milady in New Colors and Fabrics SEE the NEW 3/4 Sleeve PRICED 29.95 and up All Weather CAR COATS COATS Belted and box Style In Brand °New Weatherized Fabrics Shortie and % Lengths in Poplins -- Dancords Lamy inafes and featuring the famous "Suedenna" by Posluns PRICED 19.95 anclup Prices Start at 12.95 DRESSES: -.or Spring and ,Surnnner and All Year; 'round .Wear - We Have One Just Right foe You Hundteds;to choose from -T.All Sparkling New omit NEW SPRING IDEAS : -- HAAS BLOUSES 4- SWEA.TERS -- SCARVES -- SLIMS -- LINGERIE -- GLOVES •SKIRTS — ILANDBAGS etc. SPECIAL BONUS OFFERS.: - A FRE Hat of your choice with your purchase of a New Sprung Wool Coat •A f=.EE Feather Band of your choice with your purchase- of a Dress to the value of 10.95 or more HmINNItiimmooka GODERICH -- ONTARIO From Our r MEN'S -81-BOYS' DEPARTMENT SPRING WINDBREAKERS O Famous Lines by UTEX, BEAVER and UNITED • • • More Equitable Rural Taxation Being Sough• '(BY..J. C "lcmingtivay) The Huron County Federation of Agriculture held their regular monthly meeting March 14th with the president, Warren Zur- brigg presiding. The president and secretary; were appointedsto represent the Federation at the Safety Council' for the County. On the recommendation of the Federation Insurance Commit- tee, Mr. Bob McMillan, of Hui - lett Township, was added to I committee. Bill Duzican, of Goderich, Co -Operator's Insurance Super- visor, reported that there are now something over ,.4,300 pol- icies in force in the County. A Tittle over 1,000 new policies were approved during the past year. The success of' this Co - Operative proves that farmers are capable of providing ade- quate protection at a reasonable cost in the insurance field by working together. There is no reason to , believe. • that they would be any less successful in any other project they set their minds to. For some years now, the de- mands being mane on the Fed- eration have been increasing to the point where finances will not permit further services. The meeting felt that the particip- ation in. the TV and radio pro- grams provides a valuable ser- vice. Certainly many.. farmers have benefited through Improv- ed compensation • from hydro, N.. pipeline and highway easements as -a`. result-::-of'-°the• `` -efF ts.:af- yoiir organization. Many, too, have .found the credit available through your township council for tile drainage' quite helpful. Currently the Federation is mak- ing a study of taxation in order that a more equitable method may be achieved for rural pro- perty owners. Strikingly Different and NEW BOYS' 3,99 and up MEN'S —= '.7.95 and up ' .i In SPORT COATS Fan j, all Wool Tweeds Light, Medium, and the new Olive Tones. BOYS' --- 10.00 and up MEN'S -- 19,95 and up SPORT SHIRTS Doi:ens and dozens to select from NEW, CRISP, WASHABLE FABRICS Regular and Button Collars BOYS' 1.98 and up MEN';, — 2.33 and up OTHER SPRING MEAS. : -- SLACKS -- TOPCOATS ---JERSEYS —"TEE SHIRTS — CAR COATS etc. USE YOUR GOOD CREDIT AT ERRARD'S GODERICH ON THE SQUARE — OPEN PRIDAY EVENINGS 'III 9 p. m. In order that these projects may be carried on along with many more it was recommended that either the township units increase their payment to the "County so that it would equal 1/. mill or approachtheirTown- ship councils with a request that the Ievy be increased to the 14, mill. This would increase the Federation levy by 50c on $5,000 assessment. The meeting was turned over briefly to Bob McGregor, zone director of the Ontario Beef Pro= dpcers' Association fbr the pier-, pose of electing seven addition- al voting delegates from the township beef producers' direc- tors to attend the zone meeting. Mrs,. Warren Zurbrigg report- ed on the Ontario Rural Leader- ship-4pm which she attended at Nia a a Falls. She pointed out that there are some 300 - trained rural leaders now active in Ontario. As the years go by, these people and those to follow will " make a real contribution to their communities. 'Bob McKinley, of Zurich, and James Dunbar, of Wroxeter, were chosen as voting delegates to the Ontario Poultry Pro- ducers Annual, with Bob Broad - foot and Geo. Underwood as al- ternates. The meeting appoint ed the Resolutions Committee as a 'committee to bring recom- mendations for revision pro- cedure in conducting future Commodity Group elections of county committee men. • BANK HOURS Bank branches in Goderich will tie closeiiall day Friday and on Easter Monday. They will be open only until' 3 ,p.m. on Thursday. On Saturday of this week they will be ,open from 9 to 11 a.m. A tlastified tut in the Signal. Star brings quick results. !M.er,UrwYra. The Goderich . Sfgnal-Star, Thursday, March 40, 1. BETA SIGMA PHI ALLAN MficDONA ,Members of Beta Sigma Phi , Mr. Allan Mac).. N' Met at the home of Marilyn sociated with Filsinge Wilson. Betty Etue, Emily Cory elry and Gifts' dor and Martha Wench volunteer- years, has purchased F. ed to canvass for the Cancer and Bait business of Mr. Drive. The topic, "Voice and and Huckins on' the Vocabulary Reflect of the At the Inner • Harbor Road, Mr.: ac �,•,gen by ,N xx,.i.ly Cory •- t ui p ssiont. _ ivr "' Qu -the, vee h .. . of the meeting; , mess v n: 'March" ax �n lunch was.scvvnd..by the hostess rs. P. , Mr. .Peter Greenames and Mr. eRobert Duxes spent Sunday in Lexing- ton and Port Huron, Michigan, with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Green and family. ''rs"tlttoR AWAR Mrs. Lorne M. Scrimg Blyth, was the recipient highest award given by t tario Horticultural, Sec. their recent annual ,cony held in Hamilton. EASTER 'YOUTH C U ADE at Free Methodist Church See Ad, on Page 3 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH' April 2, EASTER SUNDAY 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class,' 11 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon. (Junior Congregation and Nursery, 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon- Thurs., 10 a.m. Holy Communion in: .( Chapel. 8 p.m. Midweek Service and Addre, GOOD FRIDAY, 10.30 a.m. Special Service and Addrex Community Service at 7.3Q p.m. at" Knox Presbyteria Church. Film: "The Power of the Resurrection." REV. .KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector. Mr. J. F. Stephens, M.A., B. Ed., Organist and Choirmaste THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA , North °Street United Church 10 a.m.' SUNDAY'"SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Holy Communion. Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. EVENING" WORSHIP. _ .H, Y, '° un on ' • "GOOD. FRIDAY SERVICE at 11 aim. REV. W. J. ,ten HOOPEN, B.A,, B.D., Minister, =MR. GEOtGE ESPERT, Organist and Choir Director. Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister - Mr. H. de Jong, Organist. Miss it J. Woodruff, Deacones EASTER SUNDAY 11 a.m. "THE OPEN SEPULCHRE". Sacrament of Holy Communion: (Nursery and Junior Congregation). 7p'Service m the Chapel, Sacrament of Holy.Comun�n Thursday, 8 p.m.—Preparatory Service. GOOD FRIDAY 11 .a.m. MORNING WORSHIP_"THE CHRIST OF GOLGOTHA." 7.30 p.m. Community Service lin the Assembly Halla A film, "The. Power of the Resurrection", sponsored by the Goderich Ministerial Association. Victoria Street United Church JOYOUS EASTER SERVICES 10 a;m. Easter Lesson in Sunday School. 11Sa.m, "THE POWER OF HIS PRESENCE." Senior and Junior Choirs, 1.30 p.m. Benmiller UNIFIED EASTER SERVICE. _3 UNION :CHllRGR after Sunray; School. "Fellowship -awaits your family." REV, STANLEY MOOTE,, B.A., B.D. Organist -leader, MRS. J. A. SNIDER. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m. Church School. All Ages. 11 a.m. "THE LIVING CHRIST?' Children's Dedication Service. 7 p.m, "BELIEVING IS BLISS." Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle GOOD FRDAY SERVICE 8 pan.—Miss Pastorius, Leamington, ,Speaker. 'EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES I1 a.m. and 7,30 p.m.—Rev. M. F. Cornelius, Radio Pastor of CFCO, Chatham, Speaker. 10 a.m. Sunday School, Classes for all ages. Yoli are welcome. REV. H. C. CRACKNELL, Pastor -,- Phone JA 4-8506. THE SALVATION ARMY GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE--:i1-p,m, Meditative Service "AN HOUR AT THE CROSS" -Sunday, April 2-11 a.m. and 7 p.m. EASTER SERVICE. 3 p.m. Sunday School. +� CAPTAIN AND MRS. R. PETERSEN VISITORS WELCOME Church of the New Jerusalem (Prophesied in REV. 3 V. 12 and CH 21) Through the passion of the Ct'bss, Jesus assumed the Fullness of The Godhead, Bodily; He united His ,Hunan nature to His Infinite Being and thus Glorified Hinima Col, 2 V., 9. "The Spiritual Santa of the Word) is revealed in the ARCANA CEi EStIA and APOCALYPSE . REVEALED by SINI ENBORG, •elao HEAVEN and HELL,' RASE C, TRINES, MY RELIGION, by HELEN KELLER, tib story other faith.. Thosib books ioanEd for r.ading free, or nu), bo bough tor l)Sc« Apply to Leon atd Cole, 23 ,Pecten Si't Godairkti, Obit* »OO.