HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-03-23, Page 8Signal -Star, 'kiurstiay, Maren 3d, 1961 C*nada'a- new cost -of living in - „+r is based on buying habits Leefamilies With average.annual es from $2,500' to $7,000, pared_. to an income range 1;, to $4,050 used as a ten years previ.Qusly. The. .first federa. experimental farm waa estara lisped at Ottawaain 13s6 b Wil lam Saunders, who la yr worked with his son Sir ('hal- ;2s Saun dere in the de' e;,,u', n= ��' 2•;a quis wheat. GUILD MEMBERS TOLD MEANING OF THE CRASS Mrs. II. Tiehborfe presided tit the March, meeting of St. George's Woman's Auxiliary and led in the opening pra,'ers after the singing of a h. in i. Mrs. F. Hunt read the.::Litany and Mrs. W. Legg the Scripture, and also a selection from the February .Living Messae•" This dealt with parts of the cross su- es. - r•. n • ar ��us f ,>` ... t confession, . , � adoration, is n ad r 1 1 • praise and thanir - ,:..:,, BRITISH �� ISRAEL tll� -Message GS SQ E a � •.�.�. za1:� T e`� W t t.=Shea alto Sa,'tift servant"w are •the descendants of Gods race and nation, Israel: that our ancient Throne is the continuation of the Throng of David; and, in view of present world conditions, that a general recognition of this identity AND its implications is a matter of vital and urgent-unpor�ance. WE WOULD LIKE TO TELL. YOU ABOUT IT • For Your. Copy of Our FREE Booklet "kn Introduction to the British- Israel Evangel'• Write to the Secretary CANADIAN BRITISH -ISRAEL ASaOCIAT!T'i tn Ontario P.O. Box 744,,.Stotion 5, Ott w,, • cession and petition. Mrs. W. linlohon read,' the minutes of the last meeting, aiad Mrs. A. C. Dlay, gave the. fin- ancial. .report,. Cerrespondance consisted of several thank you notes. The W.A. tai sorry to hear of sev- eral rne>liibers being i11. An in- vitation to attend the North Street United ,Church W.M.S. on the evening of April lltl► was accepted. Instead of the W.A. annual being .'Yield in London, as is customary, it will be held in Kitchener, April 25 and 26. Four . finished quilts and dresses were attractively dis- ii;a edriater• Iv be • sent ' tG wkBrantford: bra ord Institute, hawk In giving the GUIS' A. . r lit%rt, Mrs. W. Craven stresse that it would be wise to interest young girls of the church in G.A. work so that later they might become good W.A. work- rs. She asked members for enough woollens to send away to make a blanket. For a Bible study talk to the members, Dr. K. E. Taylor chose a passage from St. 'Matthew's gospel and proceeded to show that the Christian life is one of humble service to others and to God. After the benediction, lunch was served by Mrs. B. H. Mull - day, Mrs. Barr, Mrs. F. Riley and Mrs; lay. 13 Rieck Pharmacy 114 Square (Near Colborne St.) Dial JA 4-7241 GODERICH s -s -1O-12 A ('r6 UGA.. and, •� E PIC wows By Bill' Smiley Ensw irnx.,u.:acs.,tfwrsst:t'7p,•esa.n,r•s..h� ;..,;u+rz eznits'�'Sa .,.. . Do you know ghat we're get- day, T-�rcad•-in . he-paF f , sormn . o be trona .(��t ��1� xe, remar1 s rby A.Professor p y- tinge v Mme_ � a�f ...-_..�:,. vers ,. ni gett�$'g��tu'�he a uatioti of child= oIogy ai; the worshippers. And personally, I'm treal. He ,claimed that a dis- 'bpooming a bit,nauseated by the turbed child becomes delinquent G whole perverted business_ heeause_,h�e is convinced, he is e * * meant, to be. ....___..... InterCIub Meeting is Adclressed Far By PresidentOf The Western About 160 attended the 13th Gavin Green's Old CuiosiQn Canada's first dally • news - annual Inter Club meeting ,at Shoppe, 'Which once operated Hamilton street. Barbourlite Inn Thursday "even- Telling of his visit to the W. frig. Guest speaker was Harold A. Sheaffer Pen Colnpa>y of W. Donahue, of London, presi- Canada Limited at Goderich, Mr. dent of the Western Fair, and Donahue said he thought it was active in numerous public bodiesI"wonderful" when the Sheaffer � ode d e .. a � e d ::. x :� �!',t�sts.rr ray'.✓ 4���`�,�i���� .� .� diiiirmari D`r'ies meeting was Giraerich • because it brought so things to Brent T,elson, 'president et the many newt ng .. i as.lua:, �...:. . �� k n ,t,�►.� Oth :-- Tl3 ss.- lZ Incl de Will Do It,"Mr. Donahue vividly Gorier . groups present were portrayed the power the writing oderitch Lions Club, Kinsmen Club of Goderich and Branch of fetters have in making 109 of the Canadian Legion. frie 's. He gave many interest - Mayor E, C. Fisher brought ing examples 'of how this had civic greetings. Greetings were been accomplished. Stating that two thirds of the. time in the world is spent in correcting mistakes made in the first third of the time, Mr. Dona- hue impressed upon his audi- ence •the importance of getting the meat of a message in the first paragraph of a letter. Mr. and Mrs. William Jahns, Zelma, Sask., who came East to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Alden T. Allen, are renew- ing acquaintances with relatives and friends in the district. When the ancient Hebrews be- gan feeling their oats, they built themselves, a golden calf, and you know what happened then. We're in the process of building ourselves a golden kid, and we'll deserve everything that's com- ing to us, when the Lord grows tired of our silliness. • * * I keep reading things that make my hair stand on end with sheer horror at . the idolatry we're committing. Just the other ,The professor said: "For in- stance, a child is sent on an also extended by the presidents errand with the admonition to Harold bring back the change. -There's an insinuation there that the worst is expected of him. Slow- ly he builds up this image of himself, and accepts himself as the black sheep of the, family,' From there, apparently, it is only a hop, step and a switch blade knife to a criminal gang, papers were the Montreal Ad- vertiser, 1833 and Toronto's Royal Standard, 1836, neither of which survived for long. of the variou, „c,1„11.ig.. as follows: George Ellis, Lions, aro Hibbert, . Kinamen; Frank Reid, Legion. • Grace was said by Trey Orm- andy; toast to, the Quoen by Carlyle Bannister; Jaycees Creed by Larry. Aldham. The sing -song was led by Larry 'Aid - ham, accompanied by Ed: Stiles on the piano. Mr. Howard Ait- ken moved a vote of thanks to * * * Now, isn't that the damnedest poppycock you've ever heard? the guest speaker. Of course a child is warned to The lucky prize was won by bring back the change! It's the Gordon McManus and was , a first thing you do when you give Sheaffer Pen and Pencil set don - him a dollar, and you tell him at d by Ormandy Lloyd Jews h Jewellery. at least three times more, be- Mr. duced the guest speaker, Mr. intro - fore you let • hien out the door. I'd rather have a kid come home Donahue, business consultant, of with the change, and feel like London. • a bint:k sheep, than come home. Mr. Donahue said hey was no with six comic books and new stranger to ,Goderich, having proof that the old man is an eottSatreyrsum- merfrhe Square 7eas as a easy mark. summer resident of Lgerton Beach, just south of Bayfield. He, lauded Goderich's stores, mentioning specifically Culbert's Bakery and Filsinger's Jewelry. He told, too, of his visits to It used to be that when a child was a mean little beast that nobody, including his par- ents, had any use for, every. body steered clear of him, and he grew up to be a business tycoon, or a great artist, or a brilliant politician, or lust a plain ordinary, miserable adult that nobody had any use for. :k * . Nowadays, when you encount- er,. some various little brute you d trr• • eattelY •keep'. �•'our;' hands off, you are quiekly told that' there's really nothing wrong with him, except that he's emo- tionally disturbed. He's_Snever forgiven Morn for slapping him on the bottom to make him go in the potty. Or he 'hates his Dad because the latter has re= jected him—wouldn't join him in a game of kick -the -cat. * ' With the aid of the Reader's Digest and Liberty, we now have more amateur psycholo- gists in Canada than we have unproductive gold mines. And they're all agreed that it isn't the fault of The -Children -Poor - Things, it's the parents who are to `blame. 1r ti'ever seems to occur to these modern swamis that there might be anything wrong with the kids. Not a chance. Children now "occupy the position of mingled respect and awe once reserved for such dignitaries as the Royal Family and the Devil. * * And the kids revel in it, of course. There's nothing a mod- ern kid enjoys more than hav- ing an old man who drinks, or an old lady who runs around a bit. It qualifies him at once for -the-11roke -comes-Club, -- , gives him an Open Sesame to any' kind of conduct he feels like pursuing. No longer is he lazy, bad-mannered, s u x 1 y, greedy' or ill-tempered. He's Disturbed. j * 'k surance k l All I can say is, look around you, chaps. There are certainly some children who have -a -rough "v deal and are upset about things, mearis But it has always been my con- tention that kids are tougher • than a sixty -cent steak. And if they're not, look at all the rich emotionilt experience they're piling up. 40.100040/1101000.011.10010019404 GOING INTO THE COIN-OPERATED ,LAUNDRY STORE BUSINESS?' You're Wise—But Be Sure' of the Distributor's Complete •Pfiiijram ;Before You.. BUYf ' 4§K THESE PIJISY1ONS' ,. Does the' distributor have bal- anced laundry stare equipment ori, is . he selling• you untried, makeshift, home -type, equip- mtnt? Does he inventory. spare parts? Can he plate. your store based on his own ex- perience? What has been the success of stores he has sold? How many? Does he provide store opening and continuing promotion materials, and ad- vertising? •ALD is the national organi- zation that has planned and helped build over 10,000 Licens- ed Westinghouse Laundromat (R)- stores , tCan�^ Canada. andal Yov owe it to yourself to compare our 'complete program . . com- pare the Westinghouse com- mercial Laundromat with the exclusive Wash 'n Wear cycle, f cleaner' and gentler wash. and I trouble-free operation. Write or phone for details. YOU CAN BE SURE IF' %1T'S WESTINGHOUSE...AND WHEN YOU'RE CWORKtLTD.WITH ALD 336 Wellington Road S., ___.London, -,n ._.- Phone GE 3.3171. AVON offers an excellent. sang opportunity for ma- ture women to service rural AVON territories. Pleaaant, dignified , work. No experi- ence necessary. Openings in Grey -Bruce Counties. WRxTH ., ,Miss Moshe, manager, P.O. Box 86, OWEN ND Statirfg telephoneSOUnumber. 9-13 : rneoes�NNo••N >•1/AMt James Richardson & Sons Ltd;. "Serving the Feel. Dealers of Western Ontario" PHONE JA 4-8388, GODEHICS the Feed. Dealers of Western Ontario" *'BONE JA 4-8388, GODERICH Now—wash without waiting :automatic Natural Gas Water. heater an � ' . . is• •� ethod!four times faster. than -any oter .m d 1 your best all-round bargain plan, your local dealer will give you details telling you how you, can All things considered, natural gas is - and - make payment on ' the regular monthly gas bill. Choose from a when it comes to heating water for your home. Clean, quietP Y dependable automatic natural gas water heating gives you hot water fir times faster than other methods—saves you money right from the start because you can get by with a smaller storage tank! Have an automatic natural gas water heater installed now in your home. Whether you choose to buy one or use the special low-cost rental t. » number of leading makes and models—all with the Canadian Gas Association seal of approval. Start enjoying the convenience and eco- nomicalpcomfort of hot water from an automatic natural gas water heater. No waiting, no wishing --you'll ilwalys have the hot water you need for all your household duties. SEE YOUR PLUMBER DEALER OR UNIONCOMPANY OF CANAUA.LIMI'CED GOLita,kitikiiry CLINTON * No, it's the parents I want you to look at. They are the really emotionally disturbed people of our time. The women who' should be enjoying the mar- ital delights of young middle - age, gaunt and haggard as they scramble for new sacrifices to heap around thefeet of the golden. kid. deeper telt' worn-out fathers, chitryldren. It to is s td hem;.tl am o t my child heart goes otit. ., :k* :1: 1 don't know, maybe I'm just jealous;-beaayse 1 was born thirty years too soon. 1 was never able to hate my mother for ,more than twenty minutes, even When she walloped me -with the yardstick. Nor did 1 ever feel ,rejec'te'd by my Dad, because he never paid any at- tention ,to us . except to give us a dime once in a while. And 1 thought he was a dandy father. Perhaps if I'd been a product of t Broken Home, I might have amounted to something. 1 never Dof a chance to ,be Emotionally isturbed until -it was too late to cut. any papers. But just because I didn't, have the op- portunity doesn't mean that, I'm gping to deny my children - the chance of 'being delinquent. You'll have to excuse me now, while I go' downstairs and start a fight with the old lady. D. , D. MacMILLrAN GODFRfCH UNwB1N AND EATING BRECKENRIDGE ,HARDWARE PLUMBING and HEATING PINDER PLUMBING GODERICH ELE TR NEAR FFMEYER HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SIGNAIS S1JBS'ci1TION? YOUNG MAPLES Property owners desiring to have young trees planted on their boulevards in front of their pro- perties should leave their names at tji.e Municipal Offices, not later than March 31st, 1961. 0 FOR GENERAL INSURANCE See KEN .CROFT FIRf AUTO - LIABILITY- CASUALTY—Phone 11144-7253 12 REGENT TV SERVICE • SPECIALIZES 1N 'SERVICE - ON ALL MAKES AND MODELS TV -- CAR RADIOS and HI-FI Antennae Installed — Repaired or Moved WILLIAM 0. YOUNG 56 R E•N'p--SS', = CSrODERICH -- J* 4 18 TF z, • int For the Homeowner. Today, insurance is making it possible for .more Canadian fami- lies than'ever before to enjoy the security of home ownership. - - Without the protection of insurance against fire and other disasters, probably few of to- day's new homes could ever have been `started, Knowledge that a home and its contents are adequately insured against k ! sudden loss replaces worry with Peace of rji Mind.. „.. Last year, die companies writing fire, auto - moble and casualty insurance paid out more than 500 Million Dollars' 1h claimti across Canada— real .evidence that insurance In- deed means Peace°of Mind. ALL CANADA .Egstuutverrsiouttrztord *a -behalf of wore .thnii. 200 cmtp.Ngg c mpd,i1 * writing Piro. Automobile dad Casually issutance. ' 1,