HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-03-16, Page 8zr.�3':liY4. e 9(1°401 Si8n41-Star, Thursday, March 16, 1961 Their 56th Moncton, the important codiae River. This bore, or ► Centre. and manufact- wave, is like a solid wall of water Rohm in .New I3runswick, varying in height from three to I , tel`esting -phenomenon oc- six feet and it comes rushing up wise a day. It is the ce- the river from the Bay of i•M-S Med tidal bore on the Petit- Fundy. ' cad t1r-•, " I l.a"damr put, Cry 'LES Property owners desiring to have youngitrees ted on their boulevards in front of their pro- aties -should leave their names at the Municipal oee, not later than March 31st, 1961. Phone 8 344 4142 'fp OFFICE CLERKS � . REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS GODERICH, ONTARIO Salaryi $2100 — $2820. Salary Increases Semi -Annual. For full particulars as to residence, qualification re- axements and application forms, see Posters on dis- ay at the National Employment Service and Post Office. Apply before MARCH 23, 1961, to the Civil Service Commission, 388 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. 'rou'i lou s Prod j m fl -11 • nniversary Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leishman, 188 Palmerston street, recently celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary with a quiet family dinner. � 1 ti Ve =represent ent *ere- -uturu. t° ° Wingham"Mid' Goderich to mark the occasion. Mr—and. Mrs. Leishmart -were married °at- onfrptYi ''ok- ° truf- stire was the former Eliza Chamney. Following their marriage, they went to the Canadian West where they took up residence at Arcola, Sask. After farming there for a year, they came back east and took up farming at Donnybrook. Since that time they have' resided at Marnock, Donnybrook,-- Clinton and Au- burn before retiring to Gode- rich; seven years ago. They are both members of Victoria Street United Church. Mr. Leishman is a member of the L.O.L. since 1902 having been a Past Master and a Past County Officer. -- They have two daughters, Mrs. Percy (Beatrice) Barker, Mrs. Fred (Myrtle) Barker, and one son Jim. They also have nine grandchildren. Both are enjoying fairly good health and are looking forward to celebrat- ing their diamond wedding an. niversary. Signal -Star Want Ads Bring Fast . Results ! t•••O••••••••••••N et FOLKS —0 D SAN �1?.94.AlV Eye GA GEaE ` . \\ ALL H,gNC8p TC SP,►v THAT �� Arm • • WNE IT PAYS Tb SNO y BLACKSTO NE FuRNLT URE WEST STREET — GODERICH — JA 4-7741 AVON CALLING AVON offers an excellent ea x> ,o-pportunity, ar ma=, titre =wo tiVi "`t ear ice 'rural AVON territories. Pleasant, dignified work. No experi- ence necessary.Openings O' enin s in Goderich and Grey -Bruce Counties. WRITE Miss,, Mosher, manager, P.O. Box 86, OWEN SOUND Stating telephone number. 9-13 14111000•41411414114.09•0110111•10411 Edw. Pridmore's NOW TIE GOLDEN\(RISP TELEPHONt' ;. OPEN FISH & CHIP -> ; JA 4-7575 104 Elgin Ave., Goderich. AD1he_Atlodern_ Shop -wi#kvt ie Old Fashioned Recipe • WE USE HALIBUT Frrxers- EXCLUSIVELY. Drop in or Telephone for Orders to Take Oot — SHOP HOURS - Saturday Tuesday to Thursday open all day • 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. : 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. .xn...to_.Z•..p.cn. Friday Only 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. : 4 pr. - 9 p.m. • lotze Serving in o rnaryways The Red :Cross LookSto Vou The humanitarian achievements of the Red Cross depend on your generosity. Your dollars provide • and carry on the essential Red Cross services and programmes in your community. This year—think of the many waystheRed Cross serves you and your neighbour—then plan your donation or pledge to the best of your means. A generous donation will do so much for'so many in 1961. Red Cross reds Your Help Now Ilfilll!!!!!!11111111111014111111111t1111fflU1119111111111101111111111111111I111111111111011 _ - 4 lir. ,. -Y y xv.• v.\. . L uu ���k Srailer B -- "How do you like the teach- ing game?" So many people have asked me this question in the past few months that I thought "I'd try to answer it here. • My : usual reply is what I hope is an eloquent shrug. * * * One reason I left the news- paper business for teaching was that I thought it would give me more time with my family, 1, s a weekly editor, 1 was out night after night, covering meetings, attending banquets and the like. The only time I had with the kids was on week -ends. * :k* As a teach.er_1_..sp.end a 1e more time at home. ,'And I 'see even Tess of my family. I'm' locked away in the smoke-filled little room on the second floor, five nights a week and most of Saturday and Sunday. I see so little of the kids that there are times when. I can't quite re- member their first names. :r• * * Another reason for embark- ing on a teaching career was all those holidays. Two months in the summer. A week at Christ- mas 'and another at Easter. Of course, last summer I had to go to summer school and work like a dog for two months. And thiryenrLhavice•ta:dci:fhe-time; And .af Christmas' i spent exact- ly 473i hours, during my holi- day week, marking papers and it will "be the same at Easter And then, at the end of another year, when I ,am qualified asa teacher, 1 have to go back to summer school, for yet another eight weeks..to get my special= ist's certificate. But just think —in 1963 I'lI have the whole summer .off. That's certainly better than `the one miserable week a year I used to take in the newspaper" business. '* * And then, of course, the money is good. My take-home pay is better than that of many truck 'drivers—almost as good as that of a welder or a brick- layer. Unlike them, I don't draw overtime, but think of the security. All I have to do is teach fo?.k35 years, an ---1 get the full pension. Am I ever go to raise- hell -around --the lawn bowling' club when I get on that pension! Wheelchair or no wheelchair. * * :k But all these things are mere adjuncts to teaching. After all, _we're_._:not just _ interested -in-; money and security, are we? Well, ARE WE? Of course, we're not. Money is, no more important than; say, breathing. No, what We are concerned with in life is the deep, basic things. Like, "uh ' s` 01"gfaetiow lw" -'j•ob- well done, and, uh, the rich re- ward of guiding • young lives, and, uh, stuff like that. :k * * Ybulave°no aa....of tfi ifirill a teacher feels when he realizes that but for the guidance he has given young Joe, the' latter might have wound up in the penitentiary. ,Instead of just reform school. * * And there is nothing to equal the rich satisfaction a teacher derives when he has taught something so difficult that the sweat is running down his back. And he knows he is getting through 'to them when he sees young Mary's face Tight up like a flower. And he .nods to her in kindly fashion when her hand is raised. And she asks, rourteously -- and --- intell igentty, "Sir, may I go to the wash- room?" It • makes everything seem, you know, sort of worth - While: . * :k* There's a completely different atmosphere in the schools these days. When I was in high school, if a kid got out of line, the teacher would clobber him. My old science teacher could clip a- large lout right off his stool, across two desks, -and into a limp heap of rags on ' the floor, without disturbing a test- tube. My old maths teacher favored a two -knuckle smash just above the kidneys, which enabled you to say nothing but "Huh!- Huh! Huh!" for about four minutes. • * * * That old brufiility has all gone by. the board now, and a good thing, I say...Nowadays, if'a kid does something that disqualifies him for a sound belt in the chops, you realize he's not doing it iu;t for hellery, he's emotionally disturbed. ,* * :k And 'the kids appreciate it. Aside from the fact that they'd have a lawyer on you if you gave them a dirty look, theres a wonderful new sympathy be- tween'teacher and student. I'll bet there's not a single kid in' any of my grades who would refuse to sign the class card of condolence to my wife, if I were to be run down by a bulldozer. * * * How do 1 like teaching? Well, say, I haven't really time to discuss it, right now. 1 have four hours' homework to do, an examination to prepare, and an hour's--work-on- the schooLyear book- a Come back and ask me in the summer of '63. 0 Board Chairman The Goderich Graduate Nurses' Association met Marcli 6th at the Hospital Cafeteria. t - acs xt., k8 .nur �sw�Fe call ° "With the president; Mrs. Henry Enzensberger, presiding. i` - "Alexandra ,hospital Iloard of Governors, was guest speaker. troduced by Mrs. H. Hibbert, r. Parsons gave an interesting and comprehensive account of the history of the Goderich Hos- pital Board, and also explained the function of the Ontario Hos- pital Services with regard to the management of the hospital here. A question, and answer period followed the address. Mrs. Wm. Lumby thanked the speaker on behalf of the As- sociation. Included in the business of the evening was the decision to raise the rate of pay for Special duty nurses from $12 to $14 for eight hour duty with an automatic raise for the nursing of communicable, mental and alcoholic path Also deeided n was that April 12th would be the date of the Dessert Card VICTORIA ST. W.M.S. PLANS EASTER MEET ' The Women's Mis idnary So- ciety of Victoria Street United Church held their March meet- ing at the home of the presi- dent, Mrs. Mamie Sutcliffe. Mrs. Len Walters read the Scripture and Mrs. Ernest Pa t teaseic, 1VfzC'rrtniel-%aeikamt ;! the president took the devotion- al session. An invitation was ee �`� .;file NBrthSt.- W,M.S. meeting on April llth. Plans were made for the Easter Thankoffering meeting which will be held at the Sunday morn- ing service on April 9th at Vic- toria Street Church when Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, of Wingham, will be guest speaker. A letter concerning the Huron Presbyterial to be held in Wing - ham ori April 6 was read.,Mrs. George Currell gave- the study book on "Are Missionaries nec- essary?" A letter was ° read from Miss Beulah Sargent, a missionary in Africa. Mrs. Don - Party to be held in the ,Legion Hall. Winner of the draw prize was Mrs. R. Brewer, Nelson street. The meeting concluded with lunch served by the lunch cOm- mittee. aid Hobbs reported on the Workshop on Community Out- reach. -Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs,, Frank Horton and Mrs. Robert Good. COUNTY ROAD Allotments to Huron Coun ty t111t' fe ceu&t c.AA and maintenance roads during 1961.62 by the Ontario Department of 'Highways have been announced as follows: Disbursements in Huron are as follows: Ashfield Township, $57,000; Colborne, $28,000; • Goderich, $44,000; Grey, ,000; Hay, .$48,000; Howick, 71;000; Hallett, $52,000; McKillop, $61.- 000; Morris, $51,000; Stanley, $38,000; Stephen, $53,000; Tuck ersmith, $50,000; '1urnberry, $44,000; Usboine; $45,000; East Wawanosh, $24,000; West Wa- wanosh, $24,000.. Huron towns: Clinton, $28, 07: .00 Exeter $21,000; Goderich, in0 Sao th`,, ;000 Wztrg ham, $29,000. Huron villages: Blyth, $7,000; 50E}1. Zurich, $2,000. Ceres, first asteroid discov- ered, has a dianienter of 480 miles and . stilly is the largest, known asteroid. REGENT TV SERVICE SPECIALIZES 1N SERVICE ON ALL MAKES AND MODELS TV — CAR RADIOS and HI-FI Antennae Installed — Repaired or Moved WILLIAM 0. YOUNG 256 REGENT ST. — GODERICH — JA 4-7718 k • YF .,� _sem• �.; 1N:. GODERICH c. CH' 8 to 15 "rank.. 1 'a .Chairman..__ x, ... ANIMA! HEALTH PPODUCTS f/sla•in lnl ARY ;9 rZ,Q Reck Pharmacy 14 Scour* (Near 'Colborne St.) Dial JA 4-7241 GODERICH 549.11. No cold unpleasant surprises an automatic Natural -,Gas water het€:r; is four tirnefaster than any other method! Any way you look at it, natural gas is by far your best bargain when it comes to heating water for your home. It's clean, quiet and dependable. Your automatic natural gas water heater works four times faster,"than any other method —lets you get by with a smaller storage. tank which means a substantial saving even before you start using it. 1 -lave an automatic natural gas water heater installed in your home now. Whether you choose to buy one or -use the special low-cost rental plan, your local plumber dealer will give you details telling you how to make" payment on the regular monthly gas bill. Choose from a number of leading makes and models— all with the Canadian Gas Association seal of approval —and start enjoying the economy, . the convenience and comfort of automatic 'natural. gas water heating in your home. SEE YOUR PLUMBER DEALER OR UN 1 ON � �- ScOMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED GODERICH D. D. MacMILLAN 7WORSELL BRAS. GODERICH. PLUMBING AND HEATING CLINTON ' • • ' BRECKE'NRIDGE HARDWARE - PLUMBING and HEATING PINDER PLUMBING GDE1tICH ELECTRIC NEAR l' . HOFFMEYER