The Exeter Times, 1891-4-30, Page 4Established 1877.
6" a p'NX�T
Tmune ts es ea erste banking busing FR
Receives the accounts of merchants and
there on favorable terms.
Offers every accomwodation eunsieten twitb
1 s.
encu e
• ive bank n a F
n�er►at b a gp
ti•ndca .
ive er cent t I teresta
Drafterssee4payable et any office of the
Merchants Bank
ti .1 at eatii ' Vi31111.
THURSDAY APRIL neth, 1591.
The Dominion Parliament ent assembled
en Wednesday.
I.�,Iad Stanley of Preston is likely to be
reeealled, His name has been mentioned
probable Suceesst4' t:) ].tire] Lansdowne
:as"icer,I of India.
t i• 'I•
A protest Against the return of Mr.W
H. Hut^Mitts, the Cornservative elect for
North :1litbllestex, who was elected un a
recount by a majority of six, has been
tiles]. "w (to.r,•lec•'•iri.ln hats also been
entered against the (defeated candidate
sir. Taylor. A protest has been enter-
ed a^;alinst the (election of :lir. M. C.
Cameron, of West Huron.
Iion John (.'ailing has been called to
the 'Senate. lie w611 retain his portfolio
a9 :fluff see r ti Agriculture, the gearlia-
tn.:marl* Farr of leas work being carried
on by teras of his colleagues. It is un-
derstood that this is a movement not
bearing the e.iarteter of perluaneney,
and the expectation i3 generally enter-
" t
nter-ln:at iso' will swn be in his ascus-
totned sat its tl,e
There are :y2O idle convicts in the
l .atlmas penitentiary, azul. farmers baro
to put four horses to a wagon to. draw
tela bushels of corn into Leavenworth.
It takes along five bushels of that topay
his (extra taxes to support the prison.
Ther ib•tr..sit Vree Press eS3 thltks that
someone should suggest that the brad
et/nviets and the had roads should be
brought nearer together.
Here is a nut fair our farmers to crack.
According to the Oficial statistics just
issued by the Michigan state depart.
nt ig
1 a crop of .Ilcl 1 an In
ewle t 1
nteiit the c
1SS3 cost $18,200,3?8 to produce, and
its value was $1,t3,728,803, or an actual.
cuss of X1,4711:43The total oust of
the corn crop was *12,`3110,032, and its
value $7,2:14,243. or a lossof$5,014,7t7.
The cost of the (nit crop was also less
than its value. Where is the. profit to
the ;Michigan farmer.
verify their predictions, but disaster
still holds off, much to their sorrow
there is
1 truth
If to
stable riches, more real contentment,
more genuine prosperity and happiness.
in Canada than in, the States or in any
country in the world.
., 4..4.
The boys are in to the toot ball playing.
Arrived 1 at the residence of J. T Wen,
gensall, April 26th, a youug daughter -
Miss M. Norris, of Exeter, was visiting
Mrs �
-1 a
meters, e
tion. e-
Q> r
:lir T. Cook's hon ( is nearing
Mr J. C. Stoneman lass secured the ser-
ervices et a jeweller, a lir :deNanglieon, of
Mr Geo. Ingrain is refiitting hie store
and when c:+mpleted will be occupiei by
Miers Smith as a millinery store.
We now mists the genial collnten'lnce and
manly form of Mr R. A. Buchanan, he hav-
ing secured a position in Lis•owel.
Mr H. Ingram. of Clinton, formerly of
this place. spent a few days of this wee]:
with friends in Reinsall•
Oar new \-t. it; bolus; a geed IDenstness
mad gives nee e>fsstisfaction. Hetnoronghly
nnderstunas hie taemess.
The haropiest man in town- Mr J. C.
Stoneman, jeweller. Wily - He received a
]present in the form of bouncing baby toy.
We have been given to understand tient
A despatch Elam Winnipeg says:
"The Canadian Pacific steamers will this
year handle all through frcigiit at Fort
�Fll li;tnl:'
Thus is the wisdom of Hon Alexander
Mackenzie clearly demonstrated When
Premier, he chose Fort William as the
head of navigation on Lake Superior, and
was assailed by his political opponents for
so doily. They into power and dis
carrled, Fort William, but the shrewd
C P R, managers inio,se the views of the
veteran Liberal leader -London Advertiser.
Yes, but had Mr. Mackenzie held the
reins of power 111 these years there
would have been no C. P. R., and con-
sequently Fort William would still be
an insignificant spot.
There is another sad blow awaiting
the Liberals. The chances are the Gov-
ernment will greatly reduce or entirely
remove the duties on raw sugar. This
will be in line with the action making
tea and coffee free, and will make a
thoroughly free breakfast table at which
all the people will rejoice, but the Lib-
erals will weep because they will be
robbed of a cry against the government.
Sugar has gone away down in the U. S.
since the duty was thrown off a few
weeks ago, and Canada must follow suit.
The Opposition like to tell how the Mc-
Kinley bill has made sugar cheap for the
American people but fail to tell how it
has increased the cost to them of many
other articles of daily consumption.
ship were (1) Mutual confidence in each
other ; (2) Fidelity to the trust reposed in
you; (3) Involves every kind of sympathy..
He then depicted how a mutual eau ti
deuce begets love, good feeling and happi-
ness to each other ; interest in each other's
welfare, and femme In soul'e welfare, 01
the 21ad -How friends were transparent and
that each can eee if there be any wrottg in
the other. Of the 3rd- Row the true friend
will not take an undo advantage, but on
the other hand will saorine° for the good of
°there,to lift and rattle his fellowuteu, He
then spoke of bow the order wan founded on
scripture and that lie was a lover of it,
uot only because of its foundation, but
catse Y the helps it to one's
u enow
e wma •hoewase aro
f 11 u be r u ed bat u
seeing the beauty of the friendship' true to
the care, of the 'love' of one for the other,
and of the truth and honesty of the one ler.
the other of fniendship, love and truth- akin
to those of the Great Ruler of the universe ;
that haviug for it•1 safeguard those eternal
principles. He would advise young men to
join the order and thus as it were have au
almost absolute ruarautee that they wouli
be nniat;ling with good, true associates.
After elosiug tbe address tbe chairman call-
ed upon Mr Caseoo to oiler a prayer
winch he dirt in reseal sincere and hares-
sive manner. The doxology b:dug sung
tate Nobe, Grand cacti upon the Rev Mr
Sermon. the new English church clergyman
cies') niell prayer, and lie did eo he a
most fervent and touebiug manner. The
untsie was exceedingly well rendered by the
uu,, and the oreauist, 't'iss ;Veggie
Morrison. officiated iu Iter usual Satisfactory
intttalier, A large umber of Exeter brethren
Mr situ. hti;,r(• hoe been elected to fifeatteuelee.l sod after servlce were provhdet1
mayor's ellair durin; the: absence of Mr with tea at eleI'ityree"e Mets!, We thaulz
t:olwell. the Exeter brethren for their attendaucta.
Mr dames McTaggart, wha has been
studying.nwtsino daring the past term in
f t a
Detroit. is naw furtltt'r pursuing lis fi it 1 hea
with Dr lleDairulld and has charge of the Frain Various Sources Timms]
fir's situ, stare, out the 1)sstriet,
We wtleomo Mr and .Mira Robert hell to
Henault. Mr Bell is a contractor, a gond
workman and bis stay in Elonsall erectile
Mein}' tl blare of expenditure to the work -
au of the village.
At the hist meeting of 1114 tp council of
Hay, wrbieell wa8 held at ZO,Tleh. that venae
able body saw lit to prise a resolution
dlvitltng onr present Pection into two parte.
tbe northern part to receive 132 lots. the
Poetthern'tiS lots. Evere thing was getting
along nicely and we *hien the active of the
ctintecil most itnjudiciette,
Mr W. A. Waugh, who Las been Rend.
fled with Ow history of Ileosall for the past,
1.1 veers, purposes leaving Oodles for Ilan.
Bae, C. S. Ile will bo very much reined
as be was atwaye one of the ''jolly geed
fellows," ready to assist any cause wortby
elf assistance. -a prornine•nt church worker -
nil when tbe calumet the church demanded
help he could always be relied upon.
Rev J. S. Henderson and wife left Tnos.
day morning by the south train for their
trip to British Columbia, California and
Pacific coast. They purpose remaining two
months and if they have uot gained their
wonted health will remain a month longer.
They are accompanied by Mr and Mrs
Herold who left yesterday hot will meet the
former at Toronto. We wish them a safe
journey and renewed health,
Mr Bich Coad end 1fr John Colvill left
this morning on a trip to Manitoba, British
Columbia and Australia. It is expected
they will visit the Czar of Rnesia as to the
advisability of celebrating the auniversay of
the death of Christopber Slolumbns the
discoverer of the north pole, as they claim,
and it they do not stop too long they may
be home atniu. We wish them health,
wealth and success in their huge undertak-
ing -Free Press, London, plume copy,
Deports come in from many parts of
the country that business is good end
the prospects bright. There are always
some who complain of hard times no
matter how the times may be, but they
cannot be relied upon as authority.
The commercial agencies, which' are in a
position to know, show a stearly.increase
in the volume of trade, and the Govern-
ment returns show that notwithstanding
the adverse traffic and restricti1vp laws
across the line, there has been a masked
increase in exports for the ' Ifast'.i feve t%from ruin and the companionship of evil
The annual meeting of the Meehaniea'
Institute was held in Coxwerth's hall ou
Friday evg, A large number attended ;
the president being in the chair. The re
I este were favorable and new officers were
elected ; Pres, Dr MoDairmid ; Vice -Pres.,
G. el Petty ; Secretary end Librarian, J. C
Stoneman; Trees, R. I) Young; Directors.
Messrs Casson, Sermon,l3uchanan,Reynolds
and Wren.
Everything wee life and bustle Thursday
last and large crowds niigbt be Been wend-
ing their way to the M. E church. On io-
gniry it was leaned that ane of Hennes
best young men iu the persou of Mr Brutus
Rennie, of the firm of Coad, Rennie ie
Young, had become tiredof remaining single
and jogging wearily alone, and consequently
was being wed to one of the fewest of our
country's daughters in the person of 31ies
Jessie Cbapman, daughter of Mr John
Chapman, farmer, near Sexsmitb. The
ceremony being performed and "the twain
being made one," after receiving the con-
gratulations of their many friends the newly
wed couple then proceeded to Air Chapman's
residence, where, it is needless to say, the
table groaned beneath the e eight of delici-
ous eatables, which, Mrs Chapman alone,
can get up. After all had fared sumptuously
we are informed, all the pleasure of games
and music were indulged in, and all being
contented and the new couple happy, the
company broke up with best wishes for Mr
and Mrs Ronnie. We join with the many
in wishing them every prosperity and
The I. 0.0. F. held their .anniversary
eervioe in their lodge room on Tueeday evg
and was a decided success. Their spacious
room was seated with chairs and every chair
was filled, thus showing that the order has
the respect of the citizens of onr village and
surrounding country. The time having
arrived to begin the services the N. G ,
Robt Carlisle, took, the chair and in neat
sr•eeoh referred to tho program of the evg,
and after singing one of the excellent
selections under the title of 'epeoial odea',
he introduced the speaker of the evening,
Rev E A Fear, of the Nile, who led in
pray'tr, then read from the 23rd chapter of
let Samnel, 1st to 16th verse, which related
to the true friendship of Johathan towards
David, who was sought by Saul to be put
to death. After singing another ode the
speaker entered upon his subject, viz :
"Truo i? riendsbip." He first divided it
into three heads, viz : (1) "That a true
and faithful friend is one of God's greatest
gifts to man'; (2) 'Requisites of a true
friend' ; (3) 'Ile is my beat friend who is
indeed a friend to my soul." From the 1st
he drew in a very forcible manner that the
lot of man was not for separation but his
desire was for friendship, associations with
others, be it in prosperity or adversity • If
prosperity, to share its joys with him ; if
adversity, to sympathize 'eitb him, and
thus help him to bear his burdens Isola-
tion tends to selfishness was clearly ehown.
He tben showed how many a young man
was by the influence of I. 0 0. F, saved
factory condition when you may be so much
benefited by Hood's Sareapartlla, It
purifies the blood and makes the weak
Mr Robert. Winter, of 19eaforth, shipped
three car loads, of fat cattle Wednesday.
Three two year olds weighed 4,070 liss, and
the heaviest one weighed 1,500 lbs. One
of them was only a year and ten months
old, and was an Ayrshire and Durham
cross. The steers gained 60 lbs: per head
during the past mouth. Thee. were fed
about 40 lbs of ensilage per day.
the North Middlesex elteese factory
commenced edoperations o
Parkhill is
agitating foF a Poial market
3fr T J Snowden of McGillivray has a
lock ot wool taken off a thoro•bred Lincoln
yearling ewe, which measures 15 inches,
The Parkhill Telephone Company has
been legally ineoeporated by the Provincial
Legislature. and the line will run from Park
hill to Grand Bend, with offices at Moray.
Corbett, Greeutvay and 1 arptey.
EDnroRten EVIIIE:ccu-Gentlemen-Your
H+e<gyarel's Yellow 011 ie worth its weight in
gold for both internal and external u -e
During the late La Grippe ei"idemid we
found it a most excellent preventative, and
for sptaiwed limbs. etc., there is nothing to
egnat it.
Editor Reporter, Delhi. Ont.
On April 19t1 ]Rey Father fiennedy of the
a 'athedrel, l.sa3adon, aeeisted by Rev. Father
hraley, Pastor of alt. Carmel R 4 church,
blessed three beautiful statues there. They
were one of the Stu.: cal Wart of Jesus, one
of the lmniaeulato heart of Mary and one of
St. Joseph. The statues were donated by
Mr fiatry. a resident ;of the mission, who,
it will too remembered, recently gave the
church gl 00) for the purebase of a bell and
The Flt Marys bicycle club was formed
last oveuiug with about 15 members.
IL A. L. White, postmaster, of_ St Marys
i+ seriously indisposed,
On Monday eveniu5 the :rational hotel,
St Marys, caught tire. The,rzplasiou 01
lamp was the cause. No seriooea dentine,
Oa Monday the baro of Mr Ed Fvaue. lot
1, W. 31:It, was destroyed by tire, Cltilei•
ren had taken mangles tit the b trn to play
with is the, explauetion of tho cantleer/diem
Do not suffer from diek headache ,a mem
rut lengsr. Itis not necessary. Carte•r'e.
Little Liver Pille will cure you, Dose. one
little pill. Small pried. Small dose. Small
Thera is a young lade, the daughter of u
weeltbyfanner of Morningtou, who has not
slept without medicine for two years. She
hale not closed her even in eloep for several
mouths. It id a moat remarkable case au.,.l
puzzles the skill at the medical man, who
of Stretford.
JohnIi,ey, of Stratford, dieei on April 23.
tie wan confined to his bead for about two
veeka, though for some tiler previously be
lead been in poor health. I)oeea8e 1 was a
retired farmer and had lived in Strat3u1
fifteen or aixteou years, He was over 75
years old.
Nervous headache. female wenttuess, pale
and sallow eomplezionn, suppressions, ete.,
'mesdly yield to Dr Williams' Piuk Hill,
They eurlch the blood, restore shattered
nerves, piadnce rosy cheeks and the glow of
health. Sold by all dealers, or will be sent
post paid on receipt of price -50e. a box, or
five bates for$2-by addressiugl)rWilliams
Mrd Co, Brockville, Ont.
months and a decrease ie tiinpi.8etie ` associations, have instead of being injured
tradegood end plentyof moneybe was lifted up to a purer and better life -
to a life of future usefulness, saved from
in circulation the people are nob likely the thraldom of these vices, which, enhano-
to pay muck attention to the chronic ing for a time, lead to eternal misery, woe,
or destruction. The speaker then showed
grumblers who hope for disaster to
Gnenr, •--In Exeter, on the 22ad inst., the
wife of John Grant, a Fort.
Chas Steeley, aged about 19 years of ago,
has been lodged in Stratford jail. on a seri-
ons charge. Steeley was sent out to Canada
about two yeara ago by au emigration
society. Was hired by tarn Dow, of the 0111
con of Hibbert. He left Mr Dow's last fall
and went to Hugh Kennedy's for the winter.
For some reason he harbored a doep.rooted
spite against Mr Dow, Between two and
'hreo o'eleak last Wednesday morning he
entered Mr Dow's house, armed with a
heavy club, and walked right into Mr Dow's
bedroom. He first struck Mr Dow on the
face with his heavy club, making an ugly
wound. The next blow fell on Mr Dow'e
hand, which was thrown up in defeu ec
Mrs Dow by this time waked up, and on
rising from her pillow received a heavy blow
on her breast. The fellow thou beeame
alarmed at the noise he bad made and
rushing out of the house to the barn, which
he fired and had ablaze in a few minutes,
On seeing the fire the inmates of the house
rushed out, and had just time to get the
live stook out of the burning building. The
barn was a Targe and splendid building,
and contained a large quantity of hay and
several hundred bushels of wheat, oats and
peas, besides sundry implements. All the
hay and grain contents, with one calf, were
burned, and the loss will be heavy, as there
was but in100 or $500 insurance on the
whole thing. The lost is put by some at
$1,700. Steelywas err i edand brought be-
fore a Magistrate at Mitchell. He admitted
that Mr Dow had never done him much
harm, brit held that be was owing him a
small balance of wages, which he refused
to pay. This Mr Dow, however denied.
He was committed to jail to await his trial.
Mr W. B. Mathews, of Goderiob, the well
known mail clerk. is still in so critical a
condition that his recovery is not expected.
Detroit, Berlin Rangers and Seaforth
Hurons are the competing teams in the
Western Football Association this opting.
Chief Murray, of the Seaforth fire brig-
ade was on Thursday last pre seated with a
beautiful bluah covered, easy chair, in ex-
pression of the beat wishes of the brigade.
You hardly realize that it is medicine
when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills: they
ate very small ; no had effects ; all troubles
from torpid liver are relieved by their nee,
On Wednesday last at the residence of
James Sproat, Esq , of Tuckeramith, the
marriage of his daughter, Miss Sarah A.,
to Mr Robt Bell, jr., son of Mr John Bell,
of the township of Hay, was solemnized, •
Rev S. Becker, pastor of the Baptist
church, Zurich, has received a call from a
congregation in Holland, New York State,
and leaves' for there this week. Mr Becker
has been pastor of the church here for
seven years.
On account of the volunteer Damp being
held the last twelve' days in Juno, it has
been decided to hold the Firemen's Towne
ment in Seaforth on the 1.Gth and 17th of
June instead of oil the 23rd and 24th as
formerly determined.
THE fPaDNG MEnroxNE-The popularity
which Hood's Sarsaparilla has gained as a
spring medicine is wonderful. It poaeeees
just those elements of health -giving, : blood -
purifying and appetite restoring which
every body seems to need at this season.
OW some of the requisites of true friend- Do not continue to a doll, tired, unsatis-
erre.--Srenee-At the ressleuete of the
bride', father, Tuokeranrith, an tlt0 22nd
lust , Ur 11 lbs Bell, of UUeusatl, to Sarah
Ano, e('evutl daughter of James Sproat,
1tGrteeent`-•-Hrecttt::0R-aOn April 15th.
tet tho reeialeuce of the bride's parent*.
lilwelaar.l, by that 1'a>r W. IT. Taylor,
James McCracken, of Ttaronto. to Annie
liutchings, daughter of Depntyrteto W.
�mnnrrttx�Ies Me(iillivfar on Wcbncsdtla
April 2,1rd, 11491, John Charlton. aged 72
years and 4 mos.
When Baby was alaas, we gave her Criteria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
Wheu she beeanne hiss, she c'ung to Castor's/.
tThen shelled Children, elle gave them Castoria,
Itch eured in 30 minutes by Roolford's
Sanitary Lotion. Sold by G. Lr'rz.
English Spavtu Liniment retnores al
The Appetite
ll ray be iuercesed, the Digestive organs
strengthened, and the Bowels regulated,
by taking Ayer's Pills, These Pills are
purely vegetable in rneir composition.
They contain neither calomel nor any ether
dnugerous drug, aied may be taken with
perfect safety, by persons of all ages.
I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia
and Coustipation. 'I bad no appetite,
beanie greatly debilitated, and was -eons •
stantle attlietel with Headache and Dizzi-
Hess. 1 con+toted our family doctor, who
preseribed for me,
at various110us
times, es,
affording, more thantemporary relief.
Iinally commenced taking Aye1 s
In a short time my diegetion and nppetite
my bowels were regulated, and, by the -
time I titertirerwo boxes ref these Piilslnv
tent] ney to Ise d:uhes haul di •appeared,
anti 111,•.:rn i strong and well, -Darius
14. Logan, Wilmington, Del.
i was trot l.l.•d, for over a hear, with
Lose of Appetite., end Gamer:II Whine,
1 commenced taking* Ayl'r'ei l'tlls, and. be-
fore mini.biu bail a bus of ties medicine,
my ,appetite and strength. were reetured.
(. t). Clark, j)aullut y, Coen.
:1c -e'r'r Pae.3 aro the 'net medicine
known to nes fern re +1lating the bowels,
and for all diseases eau -cel by a disordered
Stomach anal liver. 1 sntierctl for over
three yi.Svs is saat Ale a,i h fes'. Indi4estion,
pint C uu.tite,tfh.n, 1 NO' 11ei gapinctite, anti
1w:15 U•e:tti 811111 Ilv+TV ny tttu.,t 4f 1010 time,
three 11'1'1•; of :eyer'v Piile, and, at the
*eine thee dieting myself, 1 w1 .as colt]-
piettiy eureet. )ly digestive organs are
now in good order, and 1 :nt1 to perfect
rfa ct
health. ---vhf :,1 I.u('I;wuuti,Tuuche. Bans.
Ayer's Pills have benefited me Wonder-
fully. nem monde' l eutlercd from lobi-
postbag tutu llradat ht wee restless.; s at
night. and had .t bail t to In nay mouth
ewe -1'y morning. .After lama's; one box of
. er N Pills, alt these troubles disap'
peered. my pad digested wen, and my
sleep was refreshing': --•11('nry L. Veto.
Aisnway, Reeenleurt,
I was cured of the Piles by the use of
Ayer. 1'iine, They not only relieved nue
of that paneled di -older, Int gave ale in-
crewed w i,a'1r, and re,itereai 'Di)! health. -
John Luzaruss St. John, 1+, D.
hard, soft orealloused Lumps andlllemishes
from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints.
lain, Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, Sore
t 'l
and Swollen Throat, C,oug la. oto. Save
$50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure over known.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist.
The Thorough -bred Imported Holstein Bull,
African Prince. formerly stock bull at the
Ontario agricultural college:I will bo kept nn
lot 8, North Thames ]toad, Usborne, during the
season, for the improvement of stock,
Terms SI 50 to insure.
Wet. Moarsxsn,Props
The Primarytll I, class• and Junior Leaving.
and Pass lfatriculation(Il cines) Examinations
at the Collegiate Institutes and Bich Schools
will be held le Guderieh, Clinton and Seaforth
beginning Tuesday.ith of July at 8.40
Senior Leaving and Honor 5f.etrioulation tI 0)
will bo held at Clinton. beginning Tuesday.
14th July,at 1.30 P' ar. Candidates who wish
to write at either Seaforth or Clinton must
notify David Robb. Esq., I. P. Schools. Clinton
P.O., not later than 22nd may. stating at
which of the schools they intend to write ; and
those who desire to write et Goderioh must
notify Jno E. Tom, Esq., I. P. Schools, Gode-
rich P. 0., by the same date. No name will bo
forwarded to the Department unless the fee of
$5.01 accompanies the application. head-
masters of litgh Schools and Collegiate Insti-
tutes will please send the applications and fees
of their candidates to the P. 8, Ins -motor with-
in whose jurisdiction their school is situated.
Forms of application may he obtained from
the Inspector or tho undersigned.
Goderioh.April,1891. County Clerk.
'This Space
Ayer's Pills,
r"rc avis;] he 11r .1•. ('.:tier C Fa,.1.ocre9C. Maas.
keel ] t' - a:tAaa~Rs ao:st
ami ltw flew fa Atcdictne.
s the oldest and moat popular scientific and
mechanical rarer published and has ire largest
C7te011allt.n,..f nay; aper Of tis Ghee In Ike worm,
Fully Illustrate& nest claw of Wood Srcrly-
loge Pnblteleed wMil?. Fend for epDecanea
rumstt. PPM° ena year. Four months, tt+at,11,
MINN ,t; et), PCniannutEltei, i, 1 1lruadway, N.T,
pi Edition of Scientific American.
A great success. Foch Issue contains ei lorcd
lttha,grnptnc puttee se eessetrwand eat, rrerlten-
tes "r imbue buildings. outgeroun Cngravinga
and fall plana nod specifications for the use of
such us contemplate tenttdinlr, Price t4,reita Sear.
w cis. a copy. lilt, l V it, CO., 1'C11Ltt1uomsi.
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h:wt' had over
years' experience and hove made over
ini p tions. ;send for American Handbook, o ns-
+� oetm Patency.
pendeatotn roy cerement Ian.
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ent (]nice, apply 10 airvaf v. en., and procure
Immerse(' protection. Send fur Handbook.
COPYRIGIITS for books, charts, reaps.
etc quleLy procured. Addreaa
MINX ems: ('0„ 1'ateat Solicitors.
• G5Nxeee.L tlya'tex:.:se nnoenwees. H. E
when 1 say Fera .1 do mammas merr5y to atop them fora.
thou:oat igen have thren return ovum. I rnr ens radical
cure I hove wok Cho divaa, of rllat•PIL5.1SY orl"
1\0 t.1t 14Nt», Itfa•loua sru i 1 wvarmu1 my remedy
to cursleo wortseem. aecatea• erste v,• fend to no
•'ea4„n for not now te0415515ea Wore. Mutat once cora
Ir, attar ant a err Bottle tit my 1:11'41114e remedy. Olve
iixfsenasul1', .tne.ce. hews pot nothinr furetrial,
and twin Turn ',au, 4411 eta IA's.. n. 0. now,
Branch Offing,37Tonne St,, Taranto.
Sore Eyes
The eyes are always in sympathy with
the body, and afford an excellent index
of its condition. When the eyes become
weak, and the lids inflamed and sore, itis
an evidence that the system has become
disordered by Scrofula, for which Ayer's
Sarsaparilla is the best known remedy.
Scrofula, which produced a painful in-
nflammation in my eyes, caused me much
suffering for a number of years. By the
advice of a physician I commenced taking
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using this
medicine a short time I was completely
My eyes are now in a splendid condition,
and I am as well and strong as ever. -
Mrs. William Gage, Concord, N. H.
For a number of years I was troubled
with a humor in my eyes, and was unable
to obtain any relief until I commenced
using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This inediicine
has effected a complete cure and I believe
it to be the best of blood purifiers. -
C. E. 'Upton, Nashua, N. H.
From childhood, and untilwithina few
months, I have been afflicted with Weak
and Sore Eyes. I have used for these
complaints, with beneficial results, Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, and consider it a great blood
purifier. -Mrs. C. Philips, Glover, Vt.
I suffered for a year with inflamma-
tion in my left eye. Three ulcers formed
on the ball, depriving me of sight, and
causing great pain. After trying many
other remedies, to no purpose, I was finally
induced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and,
By Taking
throe'bottles.,of this medicine, have been
entirely cure`dr -My-sight has been . re-
stored, and there is no sign of inflamma-
tion, sore, or ulcer in my eye. -Kendal
T. Bowen,•Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio.
My (laughter, ten years old, was afflicted
with Scrofulous Sore Eyes. During . he
hast two years she never saw light of any
kind. Physicians of the highest standing
exerted theirskill, but with no permanent
success.. On the recommendation of a
friend I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Sar-
saparilla, which my daughter commenced
taking. Before she ha used the third
bottle her sight was restored, and she can
now look steadily at a brilliant light with-
out pain. Her cure is complete. -W. E.
Sutherland, Evangelist, Shelby City, Ky.
Ayer'S Sarsapair;illa,
Prepared'by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Cd., Lowell, Maes.
Sold by all Druggista. , Price $1.; six bottles, $6.
Is in stone for all who want
Summar • Cthing
e R R. REI Y • -•
has opened out the largest and best
assorted stock of Cloths that
has been shown in Exeter
at prices that will surprise the old-
est inhabitant.. 1
eau and see our $15.oG Black
Worsted Suits, and all the latest
patterns in Tweeds.
Dine Fantings and Sprit];
Remember we guarantee a good
fit everytin)e or no sale.
Give Ate a, call and sea for
Wholesale and. Retail
MAIN•ST. -- ,e xETER.
NEW PRINTS, beauties at 100 per yd.
Special lines of new Tweets and fine
We Week SUItIta 8 �t will sell you the
goods cheap. u I
Fresh Groceries; extra, value in Teas.
Highest price paid for Eggs and Butter.
We will make it to you aiivantageto
buy front us. COME AND SEE.
DOUPE cc CO., I il'ktolle
Pork Packing House
The undersigned wishes to in-
form the public that after six
mouths' successful operations in
curing, pickling, and salting, they
have now on hand large quantities
Sugar -cured and Smoked Hams,
,r „ ” Rolls
Also a good supply of Fresh
Salted Meats.
Special attention is given to the
rendering of pure lard. V A
large supply on hand at low prices.
— —i - I
New Fall Goods
New Velveteens.
Dress Good.
" Mantle Cloths;,
Table Linens.
- Cottons.
Cashmere Hose. `;
Cashmere Gloves;
Kid Gloves.